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(Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, Prayagraj) : Notification Details

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10/16/2019 Detail Application Form


उ र दे श लोक सेवा आयोग, यागराज
Detailed Application Form ( िव ृत आवेदन प )

I declare that I have Read the detailed User Manual and Notification.

Notification Details ( Examination )

Advertisement Number : A-2/E-1/2019

Examination Name : PCS/ACF-RFO Prelim. Examination-2019,

Apply for Examination : PCS Prelim. Examination-2018

Type of Recruitment : GENERAL RECTT.

Candidate's Personal Details

Registration No. : 10700009487 Application ID : 200007107000008
Candidate's Name : UJJAWAL MITTAL Father's/Husband's Name : NEERAJ MITTAL
Gender : Male Date of Birth : 07/08/1995
Domicile of UP : Yes Category : General
Are you Married? No
Mobile Number : XXX-XXX-2307 Email-ID : ****almittal120@gmail.com

Bank Transaction Details

Payment Gateway : State Bank Of India Payment Mode :
Fee Amount : Rs. 125.00 Transaction ID - Date: CPV5470099 - 16/10/2019

Candidate's Other Details :

Are you Dependent of UP Freedom Fighter? No Are You Skilled Player Of UP? : No
Are you UP Ex. Army? No Service Duration (Day-Month-Year) : 0 - 0 - 0
Retirement Date(Date/Month/Year) : _ _ _
Are you ECO/SSCO/CO of Army ? No Have you complete 5 year service ? No
Have your services been extended for rehabilitation and no disciplinary action is pending against you ? No
Are You Handicap of UP? No a. Are you Blind Or Have Vision problem? : No
b. Are you Deaf or Have hearing problem? : No c. Have you any physical Problem? : No

Are You State Govt. Employee of Uttar Pradesh ? : No

Have you ever been Debarred from UPPSC ?: No

Are you an employee of Mandi Parishad / Mandi Samiti who has been
separated from service and who is covered by the order of Hon'ble Supreme No
Court dated 16.12.2005 in Civil Appeal No 4092/2001 State of U.P. Petitioner Service Duration (Year-Month-Day) : 0 - 0 - 0
vs. Neeraj Awasthi and Others ?
Have you already rendered one year's service or more in any of the Centralised No
Services or in the Palika. ? : Duration of Service (Year-Month-Day) : 0 - 0 - 0

High School & Intermediate Board,Year of passing & Roll Number Details :
Sr.No Examination Passed Board Name Year of Passing Roll Number

Essential Qualification Details

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Sr No. Qualification Affirmation
1 Bachelors degree from any recognized University or equivalent qualification up to the last date for receipt of Application. Yes

A. Are You Graduate? : Yes B. Are You Post Graduate? : Yes

You have opted these Subjects in Graduation You have opted these Subjects in Post Graduation
Sr.No. Graduation Subject Name Acquired Sr.No. Post-Graduation Subject Name Acquired
1. Economics Yes 1. Economics Yes

Other Essential Qualification for Specific Post :

Note:- "In case of special educational Qualification posts, the candidates must mention their options clearly, ‘yes’, in that conditions only they
shall be considered for the posts bearing special education qualification."
( नोटः- ‘‘अ िथयों ारा िविश अहता वाले पदों हे तु प से िवक ‘‘हॉं’’ िदये जाने की थित म ही उ िविश अहता वाले पदों हे तु िवचार िकया
Specific Post Details With Other Essential Qualification :
Sr.No. Name of Post Specific Essential Qualification Acquired (Yes/No)
Specific Post Type
.सं. पद का नाम िविश अिनवाय यो ता चयन (हां / नही ं)
Sub Registrar, Assistant
Specific qualifying posts through 1. Prosecuting Officer (Transport) Law Graduate
written examination and interview उपिनब क, सहायक अिभयोजन िविध ातक
अिधकारी (प रवहन)
Science Graduate in Horticulture (Ag.) Equivalent Degree in B.Sc.
Distt. Horticulture officer Group- Ag. or Horticulture.
2. 2 Grade-1
उ ान म िव ान ातक (कृिष), बी0एस.सी. कृिष या उ ान िवषय म No
िजला उ ान अिधकारी ेणी-2 ेड-।
समक उपािध।
District Basik Shiksha Adhikari /
Associate DIOS and Other
equivalent administrative posts,
District Administrative Officer Post Graduate Degree
3. िजला बेिसक िश ा अिधकारी/सह ातको र उपािध Yes
िजला िव ालय िनरी क एवं अ
समक ीय शासिनक पद, िजला
शासिनक अिधकारी
District Cane Officer, U.P.
Agriculture Service Group “B”
(Development Branch) Agriculture Graduate
कृिष ातक
िजला ग ा अिधकारी, उ. . कृिष
सेवा समूह ‘ख’ (िवकास शाखा)
District Audit Officer (Revenue
Audit) Commerce Graduate
5. िजला लेखा परी ा अिधकारी (िव वािण ातक No
लेखा परी ा अनुभाग)
Assistant Controller Legal
Measurement (Grade-I) /
Assistant Controller Legal Degree in Science with Physics or Mechanical Engg. as one subject.
6. Measurement (Grade-II) एक िवषय के प म भौितकी या यां ि की अिभयं ण सिहत िव ान म No
सहायक िनयं क िविधक माप िव ान उपािध।
( ेणी-1)/सहायक िनयं क िविधक
माप िव ान ( ेणी-2)
Degree in Arts with Sociology or Economics as a subject or
Assistant Labour Commissioner Commerce/Law.
सहायक मायु वािण /िविध या एक िवषय के प म अथशा ़ या समाजशा के साथ Yes
कला म ातक।
Degree in Sociology or Social Science or Home Science or Social
District Programme Officer Work.
िजला काय म अिधकारी समाज शा ़ या समाज िव ान या गृह िव ान या समाज काय म ातक No
Senior Lecturer, DIET
Post Graduate Degree with B.Ed.
9. व र व ा, िजला िश ा एवं
ातको र उपािध के साथ िश ा ातक।
िश ण सं थान
Post Graduate Degree in Psychology or Sociology or Social Work or
any qualification equivalent thereto or Post Graduate diploma in any
branch of Social Work from any recognized Institute of Social
District Probation Officer Work.
िजला ोबेशन अिधकारी No
मनोिव ान या समाज शा या सामािजक काय म ातको र उपािध या
उसके समक को◌इ अहता या सामािजक काय की िकसी मा ता ा
सं था से सामािजक काय की िकसी शाखा म ातको र िड ोमा।
11. Designated Officer / Food Safety (1)Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry as one of the subjects from a No
Officer University established by law in India or a qualification recognised
अिभिहत अिधकारी/खा सुर ा by the Government as equivalent thereto, or (2)At least one of
अिधकारी qualification prescribed for direct recruitment to the Post of Food
Safety Officer given as below (i) A Bachelors Degree in Food
Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil

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Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Bio-
Chemistry or Microbiology or Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry
or Degree in Medicine from a recognised University, or any other
equivalent/recognised qualification notified by the Central
Government, and (ii) ............... Has successfully completed training
as specified by the Food Authority in a recognized institute or
institution approved for the purpose Provided that no person who
has any financial interest in the manufacture, import or sale of any
article of food shall be appointed to be a Food Safety Officer.
(एक) भारत म िविध ारा थािपत िकसी िव िव ालय से रसायन िव ान म
ातको र की उपािध या सरकार ारा मा ता ा उसके समक को◌इ
अहता हों, या (दो) खा सुर ा अिधकारी के पद पर सीधी भत के िलए
िविहत अहता म से कम से कम एक अहता, जो िन वत् ह - (एक) मा ता
ा िकसी िव िव ालय से खा ौ ोिगकी या जैव ौ ोिगकी या तेल
ौ ोिगकी या कृिष िव ान या पशु िचिक ा िव ान या जैव रसायन िव ान
या सू जीव िव ान म ातक की उपािध या रसायन िव ान म ातको र
की उपािध या औषिध म उपािध या के सरकार ारा अिधसूिचत को◌इ
अ समक /मा ता ा अहता, और (दो) .............. इस योजनाथ
अनुमोिदत िकसी मा ता ा सं थान या सं था से खा ािधकारी ारा
यथा िविनिद िश ण सफलतापूवक पूण िकया हो, पर ु िकसी
को, िजसका िविनमाण आयात या िकसी खा पदाथ के िव य म को◌इ
िव ीय िहत हो, खा सुर ा अिधकारी के प म िनयु नहीं िकया
Post Graduate degree in mathematics or Mathematical Statistics or
Statistics or Agricultural Statistics from an university recignized by
Law in India or equivalent qualification recognised by the
Statistical Officer Government.
सां कीय अिधकारी No
भारत म िविध ारा थािपत िकसी िव िव ालय से गिणत या गिणतीय
सां की या सां की या कृिष सां की म ातको र उपािध या
सरकार ारा उसके समक मा ता ा कोई अहता।
Bachelor’s degree with Economics or Sociology or commerce and
Post Graduate Diploma or Post graduate Degree in Law / Labour
relation / Labour welfare / Labour Law / Commerce / Sociology /
Social work / Social welfare / Trade Management / Personnel
Labour Enforcement Officer Management.
म वतन अिधकारी अथशा या समाजशा या वािण और ातको र िड ोमा या Yes
ातको र िड ी / म संबंध / म क ाण / म कानून / वािण /
समाजशा / सामािजक काय / सामािजक क ाण / ापार बंधन /
कािमक बंधन म ातको र िड ी के साथ ातक की िड ी।
B.Sc or B.Sc. (Ag.) followed by 15 month Post-graduate Diploma
Course from Govt. Fruit Preservation and Canning Institute,
Lucknow or any other recognised Institute, or 3 years diploma in
Hotel Management and Catering from a recognised Institute, or
M.Sc. in Food Technology. Or M.Sc. Degree in Horticulture, with
special paper in Food Processing.
Extension Service officer Group- िव ान ातक (बी.एस.सी.) या िव ान ातक (कृिष) की उपािध के बाद
14. 2
राजकीय फल प रर ण एवं िड ाब सं थान लखनऊ से या िकसी अ No
िव ार सेवा अिधकारी ेणी-2
सं थान से 15 मास का ातको र िड ोमा पा म िकया हो या िकसी
मा ता ा सं थान से होटल ब न और खान-पान व था म तीन
वष य िड ोमा िकया हो, या खा ौ ोिगकी म िव ान ातको र उपािध
(एम.एस.सी.) ा िकया हो या खा सं रण म िवशेष प (िवषय)
के साथ उ ान म िव ान ातको र (एम.एस.सी.) उपािध।
Specific qualifying posts only Tax Assessment Officer Bachelor’s degree in Commerce or Economics with 55% marks
through written examination 15.
कर िनधारण अिधकारी 55 ितशत अंको सिहत कामस अथवा अथशा म ातक उपािध। Yes
(i) Bachelor’s degree in law from a university established by law in
India. (ii) Registration in the concerned Bar council or the affiliated
Bar Association. Recognized by the Bar Council of India and two
Law officer (Public Works years practice experience certificate issued/certified by Bar
Department, Geology and Mining Council/Bar Association.
16. Department) (एक) भारत म िविध ारा थािपत िकसी िव िव ालय से िविध म ातक No
िविध अिधकारी (लोक िनमाण उपािध। (दो) स त िविध प रषद या भारतीय िविध प रषद ारा
िवभाग, भूत एवं खिनकम िवभाग) मा ता ा स िविध संघ (बार एसोिसएशन) म पंजीकरण और
िविध प रषद/िविध संघ ारा िनगत मािणत/दो वष य अनुभव माण-
प ।
Graduate in Law with Registered in Bar Counsel Recognized by Bar
Counsel of India and Certificate of 5 year Practice given by Bar
Law Officer (Mandi Parisad) Counsel /Bar Association.
िविध अिधकारी (म ी प रषद) िविध ातक के साथ बार काउ ल ऑफ़ इ या से मा ता ा बार No
काउ ल म रिज ड हो एवं बार काउ ल/बार एसोिसयेशन ारा द
पां च वष की ै स का माण-प हो।
Graduate in Agriculture, Agriculture Marketing, Science,
Marketing officer/Secretary
Commerce, Economics or Agriculture Economics from a recognized
Group-II (Mandi Parisad)
18. university. No
िवपणन अिधकारी/सिचव ेणी-।।
िकसी मा ता ा िव िव ालय से कृिष, कृिष िवपणन, िव ान, वािण ,
(म ी प रषद)
अथशा या कृिष अथशा म ातक उपािध।
19. Account and Audit Officer Graduate in Commerce with Accountancy as one of the subjects and
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(Mandi Parisad) having at least five years experience in Accounts work in a No
लेखा एवं स े ािधकारी (म ी responsible capacity.
प रषद) एक िवषय के प म लेखा शा के साथ वािण म ातक और िकसी
उ रदािय -पूण है िसयत म लेखा काय का कम से कम पां च वष का
Post Graduate degree in Agriculture Science and “CCC” Certificate
Senior Sugarcane Development in Computer Operation
20. Inspector
कृिष िव ान म ातको र तथा क ूटर संचालन म ‘सी.सी.सी.’ माण- No
े ग ा िवकास िनरी क
प ।
Graduate in Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc. and A.H.) or equivalent
Veterinary and Welfare Officer degree recognised by the Government.
पशु िचिक ा एवं क ाण अिधकारी पशुिचिक ा िव ान म ातक (बी.वी.एस.सी. ए ए.एच.) अथवा सरकार No
ारा मा ता ा समक उपािध

Do You Know Hindi in Devnagari Lipi? : Yes

Candidate's Address Details :

C/O- Name : NEERAJ MITTAL House No. : H.NO 496 ASARA
Street No./PO : RAMALA City Name : BAGHPAT
State : UTTAR PRADESH District Name : BAGHPAT
PIN : 250623

I accept the following declaration : : Yes

1. I hereby declare that I have read all terms & conditions according to the advertisement and I accept it.
2. I hereby declare that all the entries/statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
3. I under take that if any information furnished or documents submitted by me are found to be false or have been concealed, then my application/candidature is
liable to be rejected/cancelled by UPPSC.
Current status of Application Form :
Your application is under processing.
Application Form Submission Date : 16/10/2019 , Time : 22:06:21 Application Form printing Date & Time : [ 16/10/2019 ,22:38:57 ]

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