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Copper and The Copper-Base Alloys

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Copper and the

Copper-Base Alloys

16.10 Copper was undoubtedly the first useful metal to be employed by

Man. In many countries it is found in small quantities in the metallic
state and, being soft, it was readily shaped into ornaments and utensils.
Moreover, many of the ores of copper can easily be reduced to the metal,
and since these ores often contain other minerals, it is very probable that
copper alloys were produced as the direct result of smelting. It is thought
that bronze was produced in Cornwall by acc;dentally smelting ores
containing both tin- and copper-bearing minerals in the camp fires of
ancient Britons.
As a schoolboy the author was taught that the very protracted period of
Man's history when progress was extremely slow, namely the 'Stone Age',
was followed by a 'Bronze Age' when primitive technology developed
relatively quickly. It is now fairly certain that the Bronze Age was preceded
by a comparatively short Copper Age but, because copper corrodes more
quickly than bronze, few artefacts of that period have been recovered by
archaeologists. It is fairly certain that the Egyptians used copper com-
pounds for colouring glazes some 15 000 years ago and they may have been
the first to extract the metal. In Europe copper production seems to have
begun in the Balkans some 6000 years ago, and very soon metal workers
were hardening copper by the addition of small amounts of arsenic for the
manufacture of knives and spear heads. This may well have been the first
instance, in Europe at least, of the deliberate manufacture of an alloy.
16.11 At the end of the eighteenth century practically all the world's
requirement of copper was smelted in Swansea, the bulk of the ore coming
from Cornwall, Wales or Spain. Deposits of copper ore were then dis-
covered in the Americas and Australia, and subsequently imported for
smelting in Swansea. Later it was found more economical to set up smelting
plants near to the mines, and Britain ceased to be the centre of the copper
Climbers and ramblers who ascend Snowdon by the popular Pyg track
will pass the ruins of an old copper-mine, perched on the mountain side
below the Crib Goch ridge. This small mine was one of many located in
the mountainous areas of Britain, but all have long since ceased pro-
duction. Their output was insignificant compared with that of a modern
mine like that at Chuquicamata, in Chile. Nevertheless supplies of the
higher grades of copper ore are diminishing and the demand for yet higher
outputs has meant that low-grade, less economical sources have to be
worked. Until a couple of decades ago the world tonnage of copper pro-
duced annually was second only to that of iron but now copper ranks third,
having been overtaken by aluminium.
Although the USA is still the largest producer of copper, as of many
other metals, her output is being closely approached by those of the CIS
and Chile. Canada, Zambia, Zaire and Peru are also leading producers,
whilst in Europe the outputs of Poland and Yugoslavia are significant. The
bulk of Britain's supply of copper comes from Zambia and Canada.

Properties and Uses of Copper

16.20 A very large part of the world's production of metallic copper is
used in the unalloyed form, mainly in the electrical industries. Copper has
a very high specific conductivity, and is, in this respect, second only to
silver, to which it is but little inferior. When relative costs are considered,
copper is naturally the metal used for industrial purposes demanding high
electrical conductivity.
16.21 The Electrical Conductivity of Copper The International
Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) was adopted by the International Elec-
trochemical Commission as long ago as 1913, and specified that an
annealed copper wire 1 m long and of cross-section 1 mm2 should have a
resistance of no more than 0.017241 ohms at 200C. Such a wire would be
said to have a conductivity of 100%. Since the standard was adopted in
1913 higher purity copper is now commonly produced and this explains
the anomalous situation where electrical conductivities of up to 101.5%
are frequently quoted.
As indicated in Fig. 16.1, the presence of impurities reduces electrical
conductivity. To a lesser degree, cold-work has the same effect. Reduction
in conductivity caused by the presence of some elements in small amounts
is not great, so that up to 1% cadmium, for example, is added to telephone
wires in order to strengthen them. Such an alloy, when hard-drawn, has a
tensile strength of some 460 N/mm2 as compared with 340 N/mm2 for
hard-drawn, pure copper, whilst the electrical conductivity is still over 90%
of that for soft pure copper. Other elements have pronounced effects
on conductivity; as little as 0.04% phosphorus will reduce the electrical
conductivity to about 75% of that for pure copper.
16.22 The Commercial Grades of Copper include both furnace-
refined and electrolytically refined metal. High-conductivity copper (usu-
ally referred to as OFHC or oxygen-free high conductivity) is of the highest
purity, and contains at least 99.9% copper. It is used where the highest
electrical and thermal conductivities are required, and is copper which has
been refined electrolytically.
Fire-refined grades of copper can be either tough pitch or deoxidised
according to their subsequent application. The former contains small
amounts of oxygen (present as copper (I) oxide, O12O) absorbed during
the manufacturing process. It is usually present in amounts of the order
of 0.04-0.05% oxygen (equivalent to 0.45-0.55% copper(I)oxide). This
copper(I) oxide is present as tiny sky-blue globules which were originally
part of a CU/O12O eutectic. Hot-working of the copper ingots breaks down
the Cu2O layers of this eutectic into globules. These globules have a neglig-
ible effect as far as electrical conductivity, and most other properties, are
concerned. The presence of copper(I) oxide is, in fact often advantageous,
since harmful impurities, like bismuth, appear to collect as oxides associ-
ated with the copper (I) oxide globules, instead of occurring as brittle inter-
crystalline films, as they would otherwise do.
For processes such as welding and tube-making, however, the existence
of these globules is extremely deleterious, since reducing atmospheres con-
taining hydrogen cause gassing of the metal. Hydrogen is interstitially
soluble in solid copper so that it comes into contact with subcutaneous
globules of copper(I) oxide, reducing them thus:

CU2O H- H2 ^ 2Cu + H2O

Equilibrium proceeds to the right according to the Law of Mass Action
because the concentration of dissolved hydrogen is high relative to that of
copper (I) oxide. The water formed is present as steam at the temperature
of the reaction. Since steam is virtually insoluble in solid copper it is
precipitated at the crystal boundaries, thus, in effect, pushing the crystals
apart and reducing the ductility by as much as 85% and the tensile strength
by 30-40%. Under the microscope gassed tough-pitch copper is recognised
by the thick grain boundaries, which are really minute fissures, and by the
absence of copper(I) oxide globules.
For such purposes as welding, therefore, copper is deoxidised before
being cast by the addition of phosphorus, which acts in the same way as
the manganese used in deoxidising steels. A small excess of phosphorus,
of the order of 0.04%, dissolves in the copper after deoxidation, and this
small amount is sufficient to reduce the electrical conductivity by as much
as 25%. So, whilst copper which is destined for welding or thermal treat-
ment in hydrogen-rich atmospheres should be of this type, copper deoxi-
dised by phosphorus would be unsuitable for electrical purposes, where
either electrolytic copper or good-quality tough-pitch copper must be used.
16.23 Mention was made (16.10) of the use of arsenic in hardening
copper by Balkans metal workers some 6000 years ago. In more recent
times up to 0.5% arsenic was added to much of the copper used in the
construction of locomotives. This addition considerably increased the
strength at elevated temperatures by raising the softening temperature
from about 1900C for the pure metal to 5500C for arsenical copper. This
made arsenical copper useful in the manufacture of steam locomotive fire-
boxes, boiler tubes and rivets, since the alloy, whilst being stronger at high
temperatures still had a high thermal conductivity.
The addition of 0.5% lead or tellurium imparts free-cutting properties
to copper (6.64) and provides a material which can be machined to close
tolerances whilst still retaining 95% of the conductivity of pure copper.
16.24 Although copper has only a moderate tensile strength (16.21) it
is a metal with very high malleability and ductility. It is very suitable for
both hot- and cold-working by the main processes. Mention has been made
of 'deformation twins' (4.18) but another type of twinning occurs when
certain of the FCC metals—particularly copper and its alloys and austenitic
steels—are annealed following cold-work. The presence of these annealing
twins is indicated by what appear to be pairs of parallel straight lines
crossing individual crystals (Plates 16.1c and 16.3c). Like deformation
twins, these regions represent a part of the crystal in which a change in
direction of the crystal lattice occurs and in this instance are formed during
re-crystallisation. The growth of annealing twins is related to the amount
of internal energy associated with the formation of dislocation faults within
the crystals during previous Cold-work. In aluminium and its alloys this
form of internal energy is high so that new crystal boundaries tend to form
whereas in copper alloys this energy is low and twinning occurs instead.
Thus copper and its alloys show twinned crystals in the cold-worked/
annealed state whilst aluminium alloys do not.
16.25 The Effects of Impurities on the electrical properties of copper






Fig. 16.1 The effect of impurities on the electrical conductivity of copper.

have already been mentioned. Quite small amounts of some impurities will
also cause serious reductions in the mechanical properties.
Bismuth is possibly the worst offender, and even as little as 0.002% will
sometimes cause trouble, since bismuth is insoluble in amounts in excess
of this figure, and, like iron(II) sulphide in steel, collects as brittle films at
the crystal boundaries, Antimony produces similar effects and, in particu-
lar, impairs the cold-working properties.
Selenium and tellurium make welding difficult, in addition to reducing
the conductivity and cold-working properties; whilst lead causes hot-
shortness, since it is insoluble in copper and is actually molten at the
hot-working temperatures.

The Copper-base Alloys

The ever-present demand by the electrical industries for the World's dimin-
ishing resources of copper has led industry to look for cheaper materials
to replace the now expensive copper alloys. Whilst the metallurgist has
been perfecting a more ductile mild steel, the engineer has been developing
more efficient methods of forming metals so that copper alloys are now
only used where high electrical conductivity or suitable formability coupled
with good corrosion resistance are required. The copper-base alloys
include brasses and bronzes, the latter being copper-rich alloys containing
either tin, aluminium, silicon or beryllium; though the tin bronzes are
possibly the best known.

The Brasses
16.30 The brasses comprise the useful alloys of copper and zinc contain-
ing up to 45% zinc, and constitute one of the most important groups of
non-ferrous engineering alloys.
As shown by the constitutional diagram (Fig. 16.2), copper will dissolve
up to 32.5% zinc at the solidus temperature of 9020C, the proportion
increasing to 39.0% at 454°C. With extremely slow rates of cooling, which
allow the alloy to reach structural equilibrium, the solubility of zinc in
copper will again decrease to 35.2% at 2500C. Diffusion is very sluggish,
however, at temperatures below 4500C, and with ordinary industrial rates
of cooling the amount of zinc which can remain in solid solution in copper
at room temperature is about 39%. The solid solution so formed is rep-
resented by the symbol a. Since this solid solution is of the disordered
type, it is prone to the phenomenon of coring, though this is not extensive,
indicated by the narrow range between liquidus and solidus.
If the amount of zinc is increased beyond 39% an intermediate phase,
P', equivalent to CuZn, will appear in the microstructure of the slowly-
cooled brass. This phase is hard, but quite tough at room temperature and
plastic when it changes to the modification (3 above 454°C. Unlike copper,
which is FCC and zinc, which is CPH, (3' has a structure which is often








Fig. 16.2 The copper-zinc constitutional diagram. The lower diagram indicates the
relationship between composition and mechanical properties.

loosely described as BCC. However this is not strictly correct since the
term 'body-centred cubic' implies a structure in which all atoms are similar.
The structure of |3' is in fact of the 'caesium chloride' type in which two
interlacing simple cubic lattices are involved (Fig. 16.3). Each atom occu-
pying a 'body-centred position' is surrounded by four atoms of the other
metal. Since the copper and zinc atoms occupy fixed positions in the lattice,
Zinc ions
Copper ions


Fig. 16.3 The crystal structure of P'-brass.

Atom 'Y' occupies a body-centred position in cube 'A', whilst atom 1Z occupies a body-
centred position in cube 'B'. This is in fact the 'caesium chloride' type of structure and not
really BCC as it first appears.

P' crystals are not cored. Recent research suggests that if the P' phase is
allowed to cool extremely slowly it undergoes a eutectoid transformation
at about 2400C to produce an a + y structure. However when a brass
containing P' is cooled at ordinary industrial rates this transformation never
occurs and P', which can contain between 48 and 50% copper, persists at
ambient temperatures. For this reason we have omitted the (3' —» a + y
transformation from the constitutional diagram (Fig. 16.2). Further in-
creases in the zinc content beyond 50% cause the appearance of the phase
Y in the structure. This is very brittle, rendering alloys which contain it
unfit for engineering purposes.
Due to coring effects, an alloy which is nominally a-phase in structure
may contain some (3' particles at the boundaries of the cored a-crystals
when in the as-cast condition. This coring will depend upon the rate of
cooling and the nearness of the composition of the alloy to the a/a + (3'
phase boundary. Such P'-phase will usually be absorbed fairly quickly
during hot working. A Widmanstatten structure (11.53) is formed in cast
a + p' alloys as the temperature falls, due to the manner in which the
needle-like crystals of a precipitate within the P crystals as the alloy cools
from out of the P-phase area.
16.31 As mentioned above, the a-phase is quite soft and ductile at
room temperatures, and for this reason the completely a-phase brasses
are excellent cold-working alloys. The presence of the P'-phase, however,
makes them rather hard and with a low capacity for cold-work; but since
the p-phase is plastic at red heat, the a 4- P' brasses are best shaped by
hot-working processes, such as forging or extrusion. The a-phase tends
to be rather hot-short within the region of 30% zinc and between the
temperatures of 300 and 7500C, and is therefore much less suitable as a
hot-working alloy unless temperatures and working conditions are strictly
controlled. The a-phase would also introduce difficulties during the
extrusion of the a + P' alloys were it not for the fact that it is absorbed
into the (3-phase when the 60-40 composition (one of the most popular
alloys of this group) is heated to a point above the a + (3/(3 phase boundary
in the region of 7500C, thus producing a uniform plastic structure of
(3-phase only. The a-phase is usually in process of being precipitated whilst
hot-working is taking place, so that, instead of the Widmanstatten structure
being formed again as the temperature falls, it is replaced by a refined
granular a + |3' structure which possesses superior mechanical properties
to those of the directional Widmanstatten structure. The needle-shaped
crystals of the a-phase are prevented from forming by the mechanical
disturbances which accompany the working process.
Thus the brasses can conveniently be classified according to whether
they are hot-working or cold-working alloys.
16.32 The Cold-working (/-brasses These are generally completely
a-phase in structure, though a limited amount of cold-work may also be
applied to those a + |3' alloys which contain only small amounts of the
P'-phase. The a + (3' alloys proper are, however, shaped by hot-working
processes in the initial stages, and such cold-work as is applied is merely
for finishing to size or to produce the correct degree of work-hardening
for subsequent use.
The a-brasses are useful mainly because of their high ductility, which
reaches a maximum at 30% zinc, as shown in Fig. 16.2. Such alloys need
to be of very high purity, since the inclusion of even small amounts of
impurity will lead to a big loss in ductility. The need to use high-purity
copper and zinc in the manufacture of 70-30 brass makes it a very ex-
pensive alloy. For this reason it has been replaced in many instances in
engineering design by BOP mild steel which has a high ductility because
of its low nitrogen content. The a-brasses are also rather sensitive to
annealing temperatures and, since grain growth is rapid at elevated tem-
peratures, it is easy to burn the alloy. (This trade term should not be
confused with oxidation of the metal. It is widely used industrially to signify
overheating.) a-Brasses should be annealed at about 6000C. If overheated
to 7500C, grain growth is so rapid that on subsequent pressing an orange
peel effect is apparent on the surface. This is due to coarse grain being
large enough to be visible on the surface.
16.33 Cold-worked a-brasses are subject to 'season cracking'. Dislo-
cations become piled-up at crystal boundaries as a result of cold-work,
making these regions zones of high energy. Therefore, any corrosion which
takes place tends to be intercrystalline since the high-energy zones are
'anodic' (21.40) to their surroundings. As a result of corrosion the grain
boundaries become weakened and fracture occurs there because of the
locked-up stresses which are present. The term 'season-cracking' was origi-
nally used to describe the spontaneous cracking found in stored cartridge
cases in India during the monsoon season. It was particularly prevalent
when the damp atmosphere contained ammonia emanating from nearby
cavalry stables. Season cracking can be avoided by giving the components
a low-temperature, stress relief anneal at about 2500C after fabrication.
16.34 Other elements may be added in small amounts to the a-brasses
in order to improve either corrosion-resistance or mechanical properties.



Plate 16.1 16.1A 70/30 Brass, as-cast.

Cored crystals of a solid solution throughout. These crystals reflect light at different intensities
depending upon the angles their crystallographic planes make with the surface, x 60. Etched
in ammonia/hydrogen peroxide.
16.1 B 70/30 Brass, extruded and cold-worked.
Distorted a crystals showing strain bands. Coring has been removed by the hot-working
process, x 60. Etched in ammonia/hydrogen peroxide.
16.1 C 70/30 Brass, extruded, cold-drawn and then annealed.
Twinning a crystals, x 60. Etched in ammonia/hydrogen peroxide.



Plate 16.2 16.2A 60/40 Brass, as-cast.

Widmanstatten structure of a (light) and P' (dark), x 150. Etched in acid iron(lll) chloride.
16.2B 60/40 Brass, extruded.
Extrusion has stimulated recrystailisation of the coarse as-cast structure and produced a
fine granular structure of a (light) in a matrix of P' (dark), x 150. Etched in acid iron(lll)
16.2C 50/50 Brass, as-cast.
Crystals of P' only. These are not cored since p' is an intermediate phase of fixed composition
(CuZn). The individual crystals reflect light at different intensities because their crystallo-
graphic planes cut the surface at different angles, x 15. Etched in acid iron(lll) chloride.
Table 16.1 Typical Commercial Brasses

Typical mechanical properties

Composition (%)
BS 2870/5 0.1% Proof Tensile Elong- Hard-
desig- Other stress strength ation ness
nation Cu Zn Pb Sn elements Condition N/mm2 N/mm2 (%) (VPN) Characteristics and uses

90 10 Annealed 77.2 278 55 60 Gilding Metal. Used for architectural metal-work, imitation
CZ101 Hard 463 510 4 150 jewellery, etc., on account of its gold-like colour and its ability
to be brazed and enamelled.

70 30 Annealed 77.2 324 70 65 Cartridge Brass. Deep-drawing brass having the maximum
CZ106 Hard 510 695 5 185 ductility of the copper-zinc alloys. Used particularly for the
manufacture of cartridge and shell cases.

65 35 Annealed 92.7 324 65 65 Standard Brass. A good general-purpose cold-working

CZ107 Hard 510 694 4 185 alloy useful where the high ductility of the 70-30 quality is
not necessary. Used for press-work and limited

CZ108 63 37 Annealed 92.7 340 55 65 Common Brass. A general-purpose alloy suitable for simple
541 726 4 185 forming operations by cold-work
CZ123 60 40 Hot-rolled 108 371 40 75 Yellow or Muntz Metal. Hot-rolled plate used for tube plates
of condensers and similar purposes. Can be cold-worked to
a limited extent. Also as extruded rods and tubes.
CZ120 59 39 2.0 Annealed 92.7 371 45 75 Clock Brass. Used for the plates and wheels in clock and
Hard 463 618 190 instrument manufacture. Lead imparts free-cutting

CZ121 58 39 3.0 Extruded 139 448 30 100 Free-cutting Brass. Most suitable material for high-speed
rod machining, but can be only slightly deformed by bending,
etc. A 61 % Cu alloy has greater impact strength.

CZ111 70 29 1.0 0.02-0.06 Annealed 77.2 340 70 65 Admiralty Brass. A standard composition for condenser
As Hard 432 587 10 175 tubes. Tin gives improved corrosion resistance over plain
70-30 brass. Arsenic inhibits dezincification.

CZ112 62 37 1.0 Extruded 154 417 35 100 Naval Brass. For structural applications and forgings. Tin
reduces corrosion, especially in sea-water.

CZ110 76 22 0.02-0.06 Annealed 108 371 70 65 Aluminium Brass. Possesses excellent

As 2.0 Al Hard 463 618 8 175 corrosion-resistance, and is a popular alloy for condenser

CZ114 58 Rem . 1.0 0.75 1.5Mn Extruded 280 500 15 150 High-tensile Brass. Stronger than plain brasses of similar
1.0 Al copper content.

CZ132 61.5 Rem . 2.5 0.1 As Hot 210 380 25 120 Dezincification-resistant Brass. Water fittings for use where
stamping the water supply dezincifies plain a + p brasses. After hot
stamping the alloy is annealed at 525°C and water
quenched to achieve dezincification resistance.
Tin is added in amounts up to 1.0% in order to improve corrosion-
resistance, particularly in naval brass and Admiralty brass for condenser
tubes. Such small quantities of tin are retained in solid solution. Alterna-
tively, small amounts of arsenic (0.01-0.05%) may be added to 70-30
brass destined for the manufacture of condenser tubes, as it is said to
improve corrosion-resistance and inhibit dezincification. Lead, in amounts
of the order of 2.0%, is added to improve machinability. It is insoluble
in brass, and exists as small globules, which cause local fractures during
machining (6.66). Aluminium is sometimes added, in amounts up to 2.0%,
to brass for the manufacture of naval condenser tubes, since it imparts
excellent corrosion-resistance, particularly to impingement' attack. Nickel
is retained in solid solution, and small amounts may be added to brass to
improve corrosion-resistance. The now obsolete twelve-sided threepenny
pieces were made from a brass containing 20% zinc, 1% nickel and the
balance copper.
16.35 The Hot-working a + |3' brasses Whilst the a-brasses are
specifically cold-working alloys they are generally hot-worked in the
'breaking-down' stages; but a + (3' alloys, containing not more than 60%
copper are shaped almost entirely by hot work.
The only important 'straight' brass in this group is 60-40 brass, formerly
known as 'Muntz metal'. As already mentioned, the a-phase is entirely
absorbed into the (3-phase when the alloy is heated to about 7500C, so that
the best hot-working temperature range is while cooling between 750 and
6500C, during which range the a-phase is being deposited. The mechanical-
working process breaks down the a-phase into small particles as it is
deposited, and prevents the reintroduction of the coarse Widmanstatten
16.36 Free-cutting Brasses of the 60-40 type contain about 2.0%
lead, whilst a similar alloy of higher purity is used extensively for hot-
forging where a machining operation is to follow. Up to 0.15% arsenic
may be added to those brasses destined for the manufacture of water
fittings as it is known to improve corrosion-resistance and inhibit dezincifi-
16.37 High-tensile Brasses are misleadingly called Manganese
Bronze, possibly because the manganese they often contain produces an
oxidised-bronze effect on the surface of extruded rod. These brasses con-
tain 54-62% copper, up to 7.0% other elements and the balance zinc. In
addition to being hot-working alloys, they are also used in the cast form
for such applications as marine propellers, water-turbine runners, rudders,
gun mountings and sights, and locomotive axle boxes. The wrought sec-
tions are used for pump rods, and for stampings and pressings for auto-
mobile fittings and switch gear. The tensile strength is increased, by the
addition of these other elements, to as much as 700 N/mm2 in the chill-cast
or forged condition. The additions usually in amounts up to 2.0% each,
include manganese, iron and aluminium; whilst up to 1.0% tin may also
be included to improve corrosion-resistance.
Details of some of the more important wrought brasses are given in
Table 16.1.
The Tin Bronzes
16.40 Bronzes containing approximately 10% tin were probably the first
alloys to be used by Man. In Britain bronze articles almost four thousand
years old have been found, and during the Roman occupation of Britain
the copper-mines of Cumberland and Wales were in a state of rapidly
increasing production. Centuries before the Roman invasion, however,
Phoenician traders from Tyre and Sidon brought their ships to Cornwall
in search of tin.
One of the significant factors in the early Roman conquests was
undoubtedly the bronze sword, and it is thought that in even earlier times
metal-workers realised that a high tin content, in the region of 10%, pro-
duced a hard bronze whilst less tin gave a softer alloy. The relatively high
cost of copper—and particularly tin—coupled with competition from other
new and improved materials has led to a decline in the wide use of bronzes
in the modern world.
16.41 The relationship between the equilibrium diagram and the actual
microstructure produced for a given alloy is rather more complex in the
case of tin bronzes than with the brasses. The rate of diffusion of copper
and tin into each other is much lower than it is with copper and zinc. This
is indicated by the wide range of composition at any temperature, between
the liquidus AL and the solidus AS (Fig. 16.4), and leading to a high






Fig. 16.4 The copper-tin equilibrium diagram.

degree of coring during the actual solidification process. Moreover, struc-
tural changes below approximately 4000C take place in copper-tin alloys
with extreme sluggishness. Both of these factors mean that a cast bronze,
cooled to ambient temperature under normal industrial conditions, will
rarely exhibit the structure indicated by the equilibrium diagram.
In short, whilst the peritectic reaction (a —»(3) at 789°C and the eutectoid
transformations (|3 -» a + y) at 586°C and (y -> a + 6) at 5200C will take
place as indicated by the diagram during ordinary rates of cooling, the
eutectoid transformation (6 —> a + e) at 3500C would occur only under
conditions of extremely slow cooling, such as would never be encountered
industrially. Hence the phase 8 (Cu3Sn) is never seen in the structure of a
cast bronze containing more than 11.0% tin. Further, due to the slow rate
of diffusion of copper and tin atoms below 3500C, the precipitation of 8
from a in alloys containing less than 11.0% tin, in accordance with the
phase boundary XY, will not occur. For practical purposes the reader can
therefore ignore that part of the equilibrium diagram below 4000C and
assume that whatever structure has been attained at 4000C will persist to
room temperature under normal industrial rates of cooling.
16.42 As with brasses, the a-phase, being a solid solution, is tough and
ductile, so that a-phase alloys can be cold-worked successfully. The
6-phase, however, is an intermetallic compound of composition equivalent
to Cu3iSn8, and is a hard, brittle, blue substance, whose presence renders
the a + 5 bronzes rather brittle. The 6-phase must, therefore, be absent
from alloys destined for any degree of cold-work.
Due to heavy coring arising from slow rates of diffusion, cast alloys with
as little as 6.0% tin will show particles of 6 at the boundaries of the cored
a crystals. The skeletons of the a-phase crystals will be much richer in
copper than the nominal 94%, thus making the outer fringes correspond-
ingly richer in tin to such an extent that the 6-phase is formed. In order to
make such an alloy amenable for cold-work, the 6-phase can be absorbed
by prolonged annealing (say six hours at 7000C), which will promote dif-
fusion so that equilibrium is attained in accordance with the equilibrium
diagram and a uniform a-phase structure produced. Subsequent air-cooling
—or even furnace-cooling at the usual industrial rates—will be too rapid
to permit precipitation of any of the s-phase when the phase boundary
XY is reached; and so the uniform a structure will be retained at room
temperature. By using such initial heat-treatment to produce a uniform a
structure it is possible to cold-work bronzes containing as much as 14%
tin, though in general industrial practice only alloys with up to 7% tin are
produced in wrought form.
The tin bronzes can be classified as follows:
16.43 Plain Tin Bronzes These comprise both wrought and cast
alloys, the former usually containing up to 7% tin and the latter as much
as 18% tin. The wrought alloys contain none of the 6-phase, the absence
of which makes them amenable to shaping by cold-working operations.
These alloys are usually supplied as rolled sheet, drawn rod or drawn
turbine blading.
The cast alloys are used mainly for bearings, since the structure fulfils
the requirements for that duty, namely, hard particles of the S-phase,
which will resist wear, embedded in a matrix of the a-phase, which will
resist shock.
16.44 Phosphor-bronzes Most of the tin bronzes mentioned above
contain small amounts of phosphorus (up to 0.05%) residual from deoxi-
dation which is carried out before casting. They are often incorrectly called
phosphor-bronzes. True phosphor-bronze contains phosphorus as a delib-
erate alloying addition, generally present in amounts between 0.1 and
Wrought phosphor-bronzes contain up to 8.0% tin and up to 0.3% phos-
phorus, and, like the plain tin bronzes, are supplied in the form of rod,
wire and turbine blading. The phosphorus not only increases the tensile
strength but also, it is claimed, improves the corrosion-resistance.
Cast phosphor-bronzes contain up to 13.0% tin and up to 1.0% phos-
phorus, and are used mainly for bearings and other components where a
low friction coefficient is desirable, coupled with high strength and tough-
ness. The phosphorus is usually present in these alloys as copper phos-
phide, C113P, a hard compound which forms a ternary eutectoid with the
a- and 6-phases.
16.45 Bronzes Containing Zinc These, again, comprise both wrought
and cast alloys. The wrought alloys are used chiefly for the manufacture
of coinage and contain up to 3.0% tin and up to 2.5% zinc. In recent years
the tin content of British 'copper' coinage has been reduced from the
pre-war figure of 3.0% to as low as 0.5%. This began as a war-time measure
when the Japanese occupation of Malaya cut off our main supplies of tin;
and has continued since because of the high prices which have prevailed
for the metal. The replacement of tin by some zinc cheapens the alloy,
zinc being only about a tenth the price of tin. A subsidiary function of zinc
is that, like phosphorus, it acts as a deoxidiser and forms zinc oxide, ZnO,
which floats to the top of the melt. The wrought bronzes containing zinc
are all a-phase alloys with similar structures to those of straight tin bronzes
of like compositions.
The best known of the cast alloys is 'Admiralty gunmetal', or 88-10-2
gunmetal, containing 10% tin and 2% zinc. It is no longer used in naval
ordnance, but is still widely employed where a strong, corrosion-resistant
casting is required. Its structure is similar to that of a straight tin bronze
containing 11% tin, so that, due to considerable coring, a lot of a + 5
eutectoid will be present. The zinc not only cheapens the alloy and acts as
a deoxidiser but also improves casting fluidity.
16.46 Bronzes Containing Lead Up to 2.0% lead is sometimes added
to bronzes as well as to brasses in order to improve machinability. Larger
amounts are added for some special bearings; and such bronzes permit 20%
higher loading than do lead-base or tin-base white metals. The thermal
conductivity of these bronzes is also higher, so that they can be used at
higher speeds, since heat is dissipated more quickly. With normal lubrica-
tion they have excellent wear resistance but, equally important, the seizure
resistance is high since lead will function temporarily as a lubricant should
normal lubrication fail. Leaded bearing bronzes contain up to 20% lead



Plate 16.3 16.3A 5% Tin bronze, as-cast.

Large crystals of cored a solid solution, x 100. Etched in ammonia/hydrogen peroxide.
16.3B 5% Tin bronze, cold-worked, annealed and cold-worked again.
Uniform a crystals showing large numbers of strain bands, x 250. Etched in ammonia/
hydrogen peroxide.
16.3C 5% Tin bronze, cold-worked and annealed.
Twinned a crystals with the effects of strain removed by annealing, x 250. Etched in
ammonia/hydrogen peroxide.
Table 16.2 Tin Bronzes, Phosphor-bronzes and Gunmetal

Typical mechanical properties

Composition (%)

Relevant 0.2% Proof Tensile Hard-

specifica- Other stress strength Elonga- ness
tions Cu Sn P Zn elements Condition N/mm2 N/mm2 tion (%) (VPN) Characteristics and uses

95.5 3 1.5 Annealed 120 324 65 60 Coinage Bronze. Used for British 'copper' coinage.
Hard 600 726 5 200

BS 2870: 0.1 Annealed 150 340 65 60 Low-tin Bronze. Used where good elastic properties
PB101 96 3.75 Hard 620 741 5 210 combined with resistance to corrosion and corrosion
fatigue are necessary. Widely used as springs and
instrument parts.

BS 2870/4: 0.1 Annealed 150 355 65 65 Drawn Phosphor-bronze. Generally used in the
PB102 94 5.5 Hard 620 695 15 180 work-hardened condition. Useful for engineering
components subjected to friction. Also for steam-turbine
blading and other corrosion-resisting applications.

BS 1400: 0.1 Sand-cast 140 278 15 90 Cast Phosphor-bronze. A suitable alloy for general
CT1/B Rem. 10 sand-castings. With phosphorus raised to 0.5% (BSS
1400/PB1/C) the alloy is a standard phosphor-bronze
for bearings. It is often supplied as cast sticks for turning
small bearings, etc.

Rem. 18 Up to Sand-cast 154 170 2 High-tin Bronze. Used for bearings subjected to heavy
1.0 compression loads—bridge and turntable bearings, etc.

BS 1400: 88 10 2 Sand-cast 140 293 16 85 Admiralty Gunmetal. Widely used for pumps, valves
Gl/C and miscellaneous castings, particularly for marine
purposes because of its corrosion-resistance. Also used
for statuary because of good casting properties.

BS 1400: 85 5 5 Pb 5 Sand-cast 110 216 13 65 85-5-5-5 Leaded Gunmetal or Red Brass. Often used
LG2/A as a substitute for Admiralty gunmetal and also where
pressure tightness is required.

BS 1400: Rem. 5 0.5 Pb 20 Sand-cast 80 175 8 65 Useful where lubrication is likely to fail. Also in aero and
LB5/B Chill-cast 95 200 9 70 automobile construction. For carrying heavy loads a steel
backing is necessary.


Plate 16.4 16.4A Phosphor bronze containing 10% tin and 0.5% phosphorus, as-cast.
Cored a (dark) with an infilling of a, 6 and Cu3P eutectoid. The irregular dark regions are
shrinkage cavities, x 150. Etched in ammonia/hydrogen peroxide.
16.4B The same bronze at higher magnification showing the nature of the eutectoid.
At this higher magnification the primary a appears light, x 1100. Etched in ammonia/hydro-
gen peroxide.

(LB5) and are used for aero and automobile crankshaft bearings. 'Red
brass' (LG2) is also used occasionally as a bearing metal but more often
for pressure-tight castings (Table 16.2.)

Aluminium Bronze
16.50 Part of the copper-aluminium constitutional diagram is shown in
Fig. 16.5. As in the case of the copper-zinc alloys, further structural
changes occur in some of these alloys if they are cooled very slowly indeed

QC + liquid

from P


at 5OO°C

f ineOC +• Y^ OC+ eutectoid

Fig. 16.5 The copper-aluminium constitutional diagram.
The microstructural sketches indicate the types of structure normally found in alloys produced
commercially. (See also Plate 16.5).
under laboratory conditions below 4000C. However, such very slow cooling
rates are never encountered in industrial production methods and we can
assume that the a + 72 structure persists in alloys containing between 9.4
and 16.2% aluminium which are cooled reasonably slowly ('furnace
cooled') to ambient temperatures. Consequently that part of the consti-
tutional diagram below 5000C can be ignored for our purposes and is not
shown here.
Like the brasses the aluminium bronzes can be divided into two main
groups; the cold-working and the hot-working or casting alloys respect-
ively. The constitutional diagram indicates that a solid solution (a) contain-
ing up to 9.4% aluminium at room temperature, is formed. Like the other
a solid solutions based on copper, it is quite ductile. With more than 9.4%
aluminium the phase y2 is formed. This is an intermetallic compound of
the formula Cu9Al4 and, in common with compounds of this type, is very
hard and brittle, resulting in an overall brittleness of alloys containing the
16.51 Further inspection of the constitutional diagram reveals simi-
larities between it and the iron-carbon diagram. The two a-phases are
analogous; the (3-phase solid solution of the copper-aluminium diagram
corresponds to the y (austenite) phase of the iron-carbon diagram; and
the a + Y2 eutectoid is similar to the ferrite + cementite eutectoid (pearlite)
of the steels. As a result of these similarities in the positions of the phase
fields in the respective diagrams, a 10% aluminium bronze can be heat
treated in a manner parallel to that of steel so that a martensite-type
transformation occurs. Nevertheless it should be realised that the crystal-
lography of the aluminium bronzes is different from that of the correspond-
ing steels.
Consider a 10% aluminium bronze; this will consist entirely of the phases
a and y2 if it is allowed to cool slowly in a furnace to ambient temperature.
If it is reheated the a + y2 eutectoid is transformed to the solid solution (3
when the eutectoid temperature (565°C) is reached, and as the temperature
rises further, the a-phase is absorbed until at about 9000C the structure
consists entirely of the solid solution (3. Water-quenching from this tem-
perature produces a structure consisting of the phase p'. This is not shown
in the equilibrium diagram, since, like martensite in steels, it is not an
equilibrium phase. The P'-phase is hard and brittle like martensite, and is
in fact very similar in microstructural appearance. Tempering this P'-phase
at 5000C causes the precipitation of a fine agglomerate of the phases a and
y2, closely resembling the tempered martensite of a steel treated in a paral-
lel manner.
In fact the thermal equilibrium characteristics of 10% aluminium bronze
resemble more closely those of an air-hardening alloy steel than those of
a plain carbon steel. For example, if the 10% aluminium bronze is air
cooled from the P-phase field ('normalised') then the resultant structure is
likely to be either P' ('martensitic') or a bainitic type of structure containing
finely precipitated y2. The a + Y2 ('pearlitic') structure will only be obtained
by annealing, followed by furnace cooling to ambient temperature. Ex-
tremely slow cooling under controlled laboratory conditions may cause a
Table 16.3 Aluminium Bronzes

Typical mechanical properties

Composition (%)

0.2% Proof Tensile Hard-

Relevant Other stress strength Elonga- ness
specifications Cu Al Fe elements Condition N/mm2 N/mm2 tion (%) (VPN) Characteristics and uses

BS 2870/5: Rem. 5 Mn and/or Ni Annealed 123 386 70 80 Cold-worked for decorative purposes,
CA101 up to 4.0 Hard 587 772 4 220 imitation jewellery, etc. Also useful in various
engineering applications, especially in tube
form. Excellent resistance to corrosion and to
oxidation on heating. Tubes for heat exchrs.

BS 2870/5: Rem. 7 Fe, Mn and Hot-worked 154 432 45 100 Suitable for chemical-engineering
CA102 Ni up to 2.0 applications, especially at moderately elevated

BS 2872: These alloys are cold-worked to a limited

CA103 Rem. 9.5 Fe + Ni = 4.0 Forged 247 556 30 180 extent only and are shaped by hot-working
BS 2872: Rem. 10 5 Ni 5 Forged 463 726 20 215 processes, including forging. The properties
CA104 quoted are for the hot-worked condition. The
materials can be heat-treated by quenching
and tempering (16.51).

BS 2872: Rem. 6.2 0.6 Mn up to 0.5 Forged 400 600 30 200 Low magnetic permeability imparted by Si—
CA107 Si-2.2 developed for components for Navy mine
counter-measure vessels. Also for
commercial uses.

BS 1400: Rem. 9.5 2.5 Ni & Mn up Cast 200 575 20 115 Popular die-casting alloy.
AB1 to 1.0 each.

BS 1400: Rem. 9.5 4.5 Ni-5.5 Mn Cast 300 690 16 160 Most common alloy for aluminium-bronze
AB2 up to 1.5 castings.

BS 1400: Rem. 6.2 0.6 Si-2.2 Cast 185 480 25 The casting version of CA107.
further structural change to take place at 385°C with the formation of
another intermediate phase (x) but as mentioned earlier that need not
concern us here.
16.52. In spite of these heat-treatment phenomena, the main industrial
uses of aluminium bronzes depend upon other features such as:
(a) the ability to retain strength at elevated temperatures, particularly
when certain other elements are present;
(b) the high resistance to oxidation at elevated temperatures;
(c) good corrosion-resistance at ordinary temperatures;
(d) good wearing properties;
(e) the pleasing colour which makes some of these alloys useful for
decorative purposes, particularly as a substitute for gold in imitation

A serious drawback to the wider use of aluminium bronze has always

been present in the difficulties arising during casting. Since aluminium
oxidises so readily at the high casting temperature necessary (above
11000C), oxide skin and dross is persistently formed and will be drawn into
the mould during casting unless special non-turbulent methods of casting
are employed (2.33-Pt2). Such skilled casting techniques inevitably cost
more money.
16.53 The ('-phase Cold-working Alloys contain between 4.0 and
7.0% aluminium and occasionally up to 4.0% nickel, which improves cor-
rosion-resistance still further. This latter type of alloy is particularly useful
in the manufacture of condenser tubes and heat-exchangers, where high
strength and corrosion resistance are required up to temperatures of about
3000C. Since the composition of these a-phase alloys can be adjusted to
give a colour similar to that of 18-carat gold, rolled sheet is used in the
manufacture of imitation-gold cigarette-cases and for other decorative
articles of this type. In less permissive times large quantities of the alloy were
used for cheap 'wedding rings'. Many products originally made from alu-
minium bronze are now produced in anodised aluminium the surface of
which is further treated to give a gold-like finish at lower cost.
16.54 The a + y2 Hot-working and Casting Alloys with between
7.0 and 12.0% aluminium, may also contain other elements, such as iron,
nickel or manganese. The hot-working alloys contain from 7.0 to 10.0%
aluminium and are shaped by forging or by hot-rolling according to their
subsequent application. These alloys may also contain up to 5.0% each of
iron and nickel, the iron acting as a grain-refiner. Such alloys are used for
chemical-engineering purposes (especially for components exposed to high
temperatures); also for a variety of purposes where a corrosion-resistant
forging is required.
The alloys used for sand- and die-casting contain between 9.5 and 12.0%
aluminium with varying amounts of iron and nickel up to 5.0% each, and
manganese up to 1.5%. These alloys are used widely in marine engineer-
ing, eg for pump rods, valve fittings, propellers, propeller shafts and bolts.
They are also used for valve seats and sparking-plug bodies in internal-
combustion engines and for brush-holders in generators; for bearings to
work at heavy duty; for gear wheels; for pinions and worm wheels; and in
the manufacture of non-sparking tools such as spanners, wrenches, shovels
and hammers in the potentially 'dangerous' gas, paint, oil and explosives
industries, though they are softer and hence inferior to beryllium bronze
in this direction.

Copper-Nickel Alloys
16.60 As the thermal-equilibrium diagram (Fig. 9.9) shows, the metals
copper and nickel are soluble in each other in all proportions, forming a
continuous series of solid solutions. In the cast condition cored crystals will
be present, but, though coring may be extensive, it can never lead to the
precipitation of a brittle secondary phase, as may happen with the other
copper alloys dealt with. On annealing, all copper-nickel alloys consist of
uniform solid solutions.
16.61 Being completely solid solution in structure, the copper-nickel
alloys are all ductile. They are also very accommodating with regard to the
methods of manufacture, and can be hot or cold-worked by rolling, forging,
stamping, pressing, drawing and spinning. The absence of any second
phase in the microstructure eliminates the possibility of electrolytic cor-
rosion (21.70) in the presence of an electrolyte, and this contributes to the
high corrosion-resistance of copper-nickel alloys. This corrosion-resistance
reaches a maximum with Monel Metal. Cladding of ships' hulls and parts
in off-shore structures with 90-10 cupro-nickel is now widely used as a
protection against marine corrosion. Details of the more important cop-
per-nickel alloys are included in Table 16.4.
16.62 Nickel Silvers are alloys containing from 10 to 30% nickel, 55
to 63% copper and the balance zinc. They are all completely solid solution
in structure, and comparable with similar brasses as far as mechanical
properties are concerned. They are, however, white in colour, which makes
them admirably suitable for the manufacture of spoons, forks and other
table-ware. Being ductile, the alloys can be cold-formed for these applica-
tions and are usually silver-plated (the stamp EPNS means 'electroplated
nickel silver'). The current fashion for stainless steel table-ware has meant
a decline in the popularity of the more expensive EPNS. A lot of brassware
carrying a very thin 'flashing' of silver also now masquerades as EPNS.
The addition of 2.0% lead makes nickel silvers easy to engrave and such
alloys are used in the manufacture of Yale-type keys where the presence
of lead increases the ease with which the blank can be cut.



Plate 16.5 16.5A 90/10 Aluminium bronze, cast and annealed.

Crystals of primary a (light) in a matrix of a + y2 eutectoid. x 1100. Etched in acid iron(lll)
16.5B 90/10 Aluminium bronze, water quenched from 9000C.
Martensitic type of structure (p'). x 100. Etched in acid iron(lll) chloride.
16.5C 90/10 Aluminium bronze, water quenched from 9000C and tempered at 5000C.
Martensitic |3' transforming to a fine a + y2 structure, x 100. Etched in acid iron(lll) chloride.
Copper Alloys which can be Precipitation
16.70 It is often assumed that 'age hardening' or, more properly, 'precipi-
tation hardening' (9.92), is a phenomenon confined to the light alloys.
Some of the copper-base alloys can nevertheless be so treated, though
these alloys have on the whole rather specialised uses.
16.71 Beryllium Bronze is one of the most outstanding of these alloys.
It contains 1.75-2.5% beryllium and up to 0.5% cobalt, the balance being
copper. It is solution-treated at 8000C (Fig. 16.6(i)), quenched, cold-
worked (if necessary) and then precipitation-hardened at 275°C for one
hour. After such treatment the alloy attains the remarkable tensile strength
of 1300-1400 N/mm2 due to the formation of the coherent precipitate |3'.
It is particularly suitable for the manufacture of tools where non-sparking
properties are required (hammers, chisels and hacksaw blades in gas, oil,
paint and explosives industries and in 'dangerous' mines), since it is both
hard and tough. It also has a high fatigue strength and is therefore used
for the manufacture of springs and for diaphragms and tubes of pressure-
recording instruments.
16.72 Chromium Copper containing 0.4-0.5% chromium (Fig.
16.6(ii) is another heat-treatable alloy which finds use in electrical switch-
gear and as pressure (spot and seam) welding electrodes (20.61), since it
combines a reasonable strength of 540 N/mm2 with an electrical conduc-
tivity of 80% in the hardened state. It is quenched from 10200C (P in Fig.
16.6(ii)) and precipitation hardened at 4500C.
16.73 Zirconium Copper The solid solubility of zirconium in copper
increases from about 0.01% at 00C to 0.15% at the eutectic temperature
of 965°C. Consequently copper-base alloys containing approximately

oc 0
C liquid 0

BeFYo) Cr(°/o) TiW

Fig. 16.6 Equilibrium diagrams for some copper-base alloys which can be precipitation
hardened. In each case the commercial alloy is of approximate composition 'X' and is solution
treated at 'P' at which temperature the microstructure is completely of unsaturated solid
solution oc.
Table 16.4 Copper-Nickel Alloys

Typical mechanical properties

Composition (%)

0.1% Proof Tensile

Relevant Other stress strength Elonga- Hardness
specifications Cu Ni elements Condition N/mm2 N/mm2 tion (%) (VPN) Characteristics and uses

BS 2870/5: 95 5 Fe 1.2 Annealed 263 50 65 Has slightly better mechanical properties and
CN101 Mn 0.5 Hard 463 5 130 corrosion-resistance than pure copper. Can be
regarded as toughened copper.

BS 2870/5: 85 15 Mn 0.25 Annealed 324 45 70 The alloy of lowest nickel content which has a
CN103 Hard 494 5 145 more or less white colour

BS 2870/5: 80 20 Mn 0.25 Annealed 108 340 45 75 Used for manufacture of bullet envelopes
CN104 Hard 463 541 5 165 because of its high ductility and
corrosion-resistance. Will withstand severe

BS 2870/5: 75 25 Mn 0.25 Annealed 355 45 80 Used mainly for coinage, eg the present
CN105 Hard 602 5 170 British silver coinage.

BS 2870/5: 70 30 Mn 0.4 Annealed 108 355 45 80 Used for condenser and cooler tubes where
CN106 Hard 541 649 5 175 good resistance to corrosion is required.
60 40 Annealed 386 45 90 Constantan, Largely used as a resistance
Hard 649 5 190 material and for thermocouples. Has a high
specific resistance and a very low temperature
coefficient. Eureka is a similar alloy.

BS 3072/6: 29 68 Fe 1.25 Annealed 216 541 45 120 Monel Metal. Combines good mechanical
NA13 Mn 1.25 Hard 571 726 20 220 properties with excellent corrosion-
resistance. Used in chemical-engineering
plant, etc.

BS 3072/6: 29 66 Al 2.75 Annealed 340 680 40 175 K Monel. A heat-treatable modification of

NA18 Fe 0.9 Hard 571 757 25 225 monel metal. Used for motor-boat propeller
Mn 0.4 Heat-treated 788 1070 22 310 shafts.
Ti 0.6

0.2% Proof

NES* 824 Rem . 30 Cr-1.8 Sand cast 310 510 22 190 Submarine sea-water systems—valves,
Fe-0.75 pump casings, pipe fittings.

* Naval Engineering Standard

0.12% Zr can be solution treated at 9500C followed by quenching to give
a super-saturated solid solution which is then precipitation treated at 4500C
to form a coherent precipitate (probably Cu3Zr). Mechanical properties
are similar to those of chromium copper.
Copper containing small amounts of both zirconium and chromium (0.7
Cr; 0.1 Zr) have slightly better strength after heat-treatment. These
materials are used in commutators because of their good thermal and
electrical conductivities; rocket nozzles and resistance-welding electrodes.
16.74 Titanium Copper alloys containing 2.5 and 4.0% titanium are
in production. The 4% alloy is solution treated at 850-9000C (Fig. 16.6(iii))
for one hour, quenched and then cold-worked up to 40% reduction. It is
then precipitation hardened in the range 400-5250C to give a tensile
strength of 1076 N/mm2. It has similar applications to beryllium bronze,
ie bellows and diaphragms; springs; electrical contacts and non-sparking
16.75 K Monel The mechanical properties of ordinary monel metal
(16.61) can be further improved by the addition of 2.0-4.0% aluminium
to give an alloy designated K Monel. This alloy can be solution treated,
cold-worked and then precipitation-hardened to give a tensile strength as
high as 1160 N/mm2.
Some brasses and bronzes which contain small quantities of nickel and
aluminium can be precipitation hardened. Thus an alloy containing 20 Zn;
6 Ni; 1.5 Al; bal.Cu is quenched from 8500C and then precipitation hard-
ened at 5000C. These alloys are used for machine parts such as gear wheels;
instrument pinions and pressings where strength, hardness and corrosion
resistance are important.
16.76 'Narcoloy' an aluminium bronze, contains 7 Al; 0.5 Co and
0.25 Sn. It is an a-type alloy and its heat-treatment does not depend upon
the formation of martensite as with the a + y2 aluminium bronzes (16.50),
but upon precipitation hardening. It is solution treated at 8000C, cold-
worked up to 25% and then precipitation hardened at 4500C to give a
tensile strength of 580 N/mm2 and a hardness of 250 Hv. Its high impact
value coupled with excellent resistance to stress corrosion make it particu-
larly useful in marine atmospheres for cold-forged bolts and thread-rolled
Since it has an attractive gold-like appearance, takes a high polish and
resists corrosion by all household detergents and vinegar, it is suggested
that it could be used for tableware such as forks and spoons.

'Shape Memory' Alloys

16.80 'Shape memory' is a phenomenon associated with a limited number
of alloy systems and was first investigated in 1951 in some gold-cadmium
alloys. The fundamental characteristics of these alloys is the ability to
exist in two distinct shapes or crystal structures above and below a critical
transformation temperature. Below the critical temperature a martensitic
type of structure forms and develops as the temperature falls further. This
martensitic change is unlike that observed in steels in that it is reversible,
and as the temperature is raised again the martensite is absorbed and
ultimately disappears. This reversible change in structure is linked to a
change in dimensions and the alloy exhibits a 'memory' of the high and
low temperature shapes.
16.81 The best know commercial 'memory metals' are in the copper-
zinc-aluminium system—the SME ('shape-memory-effect') brasses—the
compositions of which vary in the range 55-80% copper with 2-8% alu-
minium, the balance being zinc. By choosing a suitable composition, tran-
sition temperatures between —70 and +1300C can be achieved. The usable
force associated with the change in shape can be employed to operate a
range of temperature-sensitive devices; snap on/off positions often being
obtained by the use of a compensating bias spring. Following progress with
the SME brasses other alloys are being developed in this field, eg a Cu-
Al-Ni alloy which operates in the region of 2500C. SM alloys also exhibit
other interesting characteristics, including superelasticity where large
recoverable strains can be introduced into the material. These strains dis-
appear as the alloy is heated past its transition point. Among such alloys
is a nickel-titanium series of which Nitinol (55Ni-45Ti) is possibly the
best known. It has a transition temperature of 115°C.
16.82 The SM alloy element is generally in the form of a heavy-gauge
coiled-spiral spring and such units are used in automatic greenhouse venti-
lators, thermostatic radiator valves, liquid-gas safety switches, de-icing
switches on air-conditioning plant, valves in solar heating systems, electric
kettle switches, boiler damper safety switches and warning devices to indi-
cate the presence of ice on roads.
Many other more sophisticated uses are currently being developed for
these alloys. Thus Nitinol is used in a number of aerospace projects, for
example in the form of a coupling ring for joining stainless steel and
titanium tubes. The ring contracts on reaching its transition temperature
and four knife-like protrusions lock mechanically on to the tube surfaces
to form a hermetic seal. Another SM nickel-titanium alloy is used for the
manufacture of spectacle frames. The martensitic alloy used results in the
frame being soft and comfortable to wear, and if it is accidentally bent
the frame can be restored to its original shape by immersion in warm
water. A more unexpected use is in the engineering of underwired 'bras'.
The low 'yield' strength and superelastic straining at relatively constant
stress apparently makes these garments very comfortable to wear and virtu-
ally impossible to bend out of shape. This contrasts with conventional
underwires which are either comfortable or durable but not both.
1. By reference to Fig. 16.2 estimate as accurately as you can, the temperature
at which the Widmanstatten structure begins to develop as a cast 60-40 brass
cools slowly.
Assuming that the brass continues to cool slowly what will be the approxi-
mate composition of the phases present at 3000C and in what proportions will
they exist?
2. By reference to Fig. 16.4 describe, step by step, the phase changes which will
take place in a bronze containing 22% tin as it cools extremely slowly from
9000C to 3500C.
In what proportions will the phases a and 6 be present at 3500C?
3. Describe the microstructures which would be produced when an alloy contain-
ing 89.5 Cu-10.5 Al is water quenched from (i) 9500C; (ii) 7000C, after being
slowly heated to the quenching temperature. Account for the structures you
describe. (16.51)
4. By reference to Fig. 9.9 estimate as accurately as possible the freezing range
of the British copper-nickel coinage alloy.
5. Describe the effects of alloying on the following properties of copper: (a)
electrical conductivity; (b) machinability; (c) formability; (d) corrosion resist-
ance; (e) mechanical strength. (16.21; 16.23; 16.31; 16.34; 16.37; 16.44; 16.46;
6. Give an account of the effects of small amounts of oxygen and other elements
on the properties and uses of copper. (16.20)
7. Pure copper is weak. How has it been found possible to increase the strength
of the metal and still retain a relatively high conductivity? (16.21)
8. By reference to the appropriate thermal equilibrium diagram, show how the
composition and structure of a commercial brass dictates the method by which
it will be shaped and the subsequent uses to which it will be put. (16.30)
9. With reference to the equilibrium diagram for copper-tin alloys, give an
account of the structure, properties and uses of tin bronzes. Discuss the reasons
for adding: (a) phosphorus; (b) zinc; (c) lead to these alloys. (16.41; 16.42;
16.44; 16.45; 16.46)
10. Discuss the constitution, structure, properties, heat-treatment and uses of the
industrially important aluminium bronzes. (16.50 to 16.54)
11. The basic requirements of a precipitation-hardening alloy system is that the
solid solubility limit should decrease with decreasing temperature.
Discuss this statement with reference to copper alloys containing beryllium,
chromium and titanium in small quantities.
How can further strengthening be obtained with Cu-Be alloys? At what
stage should this further treatment be applied? (16.70)

American Society for Metals, Source Book on Copper and Copper Alloys, 1980
Higgins, R. A., Engineering Metallurgy (Part II), Edward Arnold, 1986.
West, E. G., Copper and its Alloys, Ellis Horwood, 1982.
A large number of books and leaflets dealing with the properties and uses of copper
and its alloys are available from Copper Development Association.
BS 1400: 1985 Copper Alloy Ingots and Copper and Copper Alloy Castings.
BS 2870: 1980 Specifications for Rolled Copper and Copper Alloys: Sheet, Strip and
BS 2871: 1971 and 1972 Copper and Copper Alloys: Tubes.
BS 2872: 1969 Copper and Copper Alloys: Forging Stock and Forgings.
BS 2873: 1969 Copper and Copper Alloys: Wire.
BS 2874: 1986 Copper and Copper Alloys: Rods and Sections.
BS 2875: 1969 Copper and Copper Alloys: Plate.

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