Alchemy 50 Essential Personal Tips
Alchemy 50 Essential Personal Tips
Alchemy 50 Essential Personal Tips
Essential Tips
for You at Work
Personal effectiveness guide
to make your job easier
Paul Matthews
50 Essential Tips
for You at Work
Paul Matthews
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
Most people want to do a good job at work. They want to
enjoy their work and get good results for themselves and their
colleagues, their customers and their organisation.
This is so much easier to do if you know some simple tips and
tools. Some people just seem to be able to do things more easily,
and quicker, and have better working relationships.
They know things that perhaps you don’t.
Every Monday morning, tens of thousands of people receive
an email from me that contains a Monday Tip which provides
them with an idea to focus on during the week to improve their
efficiency at work.
This little booklet contains tips selected from my weekly tip collection.
Inside this booklet, you’ll discover:
• How to be a rock with ears
• How to win an argument
• Seven catchy email subject lines that work
• Use ‘why’ power, not ‘will’ power
• Preparing a good meeting
• How to do more in less time
• The secret to changing your life
• And lots more!
Paul Matthews,
Founder and MD of People Alchemy
[email protected]
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
We all have our own views on what is right or wrong given our
knowledge, our upbringing, and our own personal experiences
in life. And therein lies the problem.
Other people have a different upbringing and a different set of
experiences from which they conclude what is right or wrong.
Why is your conclusion from your perspective any more or less
valid than theirs, or somebody else’s?
Arguments get resolved when both parties realise it’s more
important to find a solution than it is to be right, especially
because ‘right’ is subjective.
Think of an argument you have had, and notice how the outcome
could be different without the need to be ‘right’.
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
Here’s a simple trick to help make your email stand out in the
recipients inbox.
Read Cosmopolitan!
Or any magazine or popular newspaper where the article
headlines help sell copies.
You will find article headlines like...
“What I wish I knew before I...”
“5 simple ideas to ...”
“The top mistakes people make in...”
“The one thing we all forgot to do...”
“Finally, a solution that works...”
“Take advantage of...”
“3 things you never knew about...”
Now think about how you can make your email subject lines
more catchy.
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
14 Life balance
We are all increasingly aware of the need to gain balance in our
lives, especially a balance between work and other aspects of
our lives. This is important as the demands at work increase
and we get drawn into spending more and more time at work.
Take stock of your own sense of life balance. Is it OK, or does
it need some changes?
Clearly you need to start with doing some kind of life audit,
in the sense of reviewing the current state of your life balance.
This does not need to be a big thing, and can simply be thinking
through these questions when you have some time on a train
or a bus.
1. What is the current state of affairs?
2. How do you feel about your work life and personal life?
3. Where do you spend your time now - typically?
4. How do you feel about that?
a posture that accords with the image you wish to project. Sit
up straight; or even better stand up with an air of authority, and
this will manifest in your voice. Your posture will also affect the
way you feel and thus the unconscious choice of words you use.
18 Questioning skills
We all want to be understood. Paradoxically, this will happen
much more readily if we seek first to understand.
And the way we can understand is to ask good and respectful
Observe yourself next time you are in a conversation. If you
find that you want to jump in with a statement, try asking a
question instead to enable you to understand more - and really
listen to the answer rather than continuing to rehearse your
statement in your head.
The result of doing this regularly is that people will warm to
you as they feel acknowledged by you. This will make all your
working relationships much easier and more productive. You
may also find that they start seeking your opinion!
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
21 Thoughts on stress
Strictly speaking, stress is self-inflicted.
You might not want to hear that, particularly if you feel stressed
right now, but think about it for a moment.
Something happens ‘out there’, and then we react ‘inside’. The
way we react determines if we feel stress or not.
Since the same event can result in stress in some people, but
not in others, it is clear that we react differently to each other.
So how do you react to events?
Since it is you doing the reacting, could you react differently?
Notice also that sometimes an event will result in you feeling
stressed, and at other times it won’t. What is the difference?
The difference will depend on your state of mind at the time,
and that running commentary of thoughts we all have.
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
Perhaps next time you are presented with a new idea from a
colleague, or someone in your team, or from something you read,
you give the idea some wiggle room rather than immediately
condemning or approving it. Maybe it is valid, maybe it isn’t,
but be curious, especially if it is something they have thought
through and you think it is wrong. How did they get to a
different conclusion?
In the words of Chester Barnard, “It is what we think we know
that keeps us from learning.”
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is our
illusion of knowledge and our desire for certainty. So develop
a mindset that includes things like curiosity, respect, courage
and empathy.
29 Committing to goals
One of the key factors to getting a goal is commitment.
If you want your goal, you first have to decide to go for it. This
decision is crucial. People, and the world at large, will sense
if you have not made the decision, have not truly committed.
If you are not committed to your goal, why would anyone want
to help? Who wants to waste their time on somebody who is
not committed?
On the other hand, if people sense total certainty within you,
they are more likely to pitch in and lend a hand.
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole
staircase just to take the first step.” Dr Martin Luther King Jnr
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
You see, people don’t interact with you. They interact with
their perception of you. They interact with what they see as
your personal brand, even when you are right in front of them.
Think about what that means to you, and to them, and to your
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole
staircase, just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
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T: 01908 325 167 (UK)
E: [email protected]
50 Essential Tips for You at Work
50 Essential Tips for You at Work