Ilaria Peretti 200510
Ilaria Peretti 200510
Ilaria Peretti 200510
Turboden, a Pratt & Whitney Power Systems company, is a European leader in ORC technology for
the generation and cogeneration of heat and power from renewable energy and heat recovery.
Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies Corporation (UTC), is a world leader in the design,
manufacture and service of aircraft engines, industrial gas turbines and space propulsion systems.
PWPS also manufactures and markets the PureCycle® system that can harness heat in the form of
hot water from many different sources such as geothermal or oil & gas co-produced fluids,
reciprocating engines, and industrial waste heat to generate clean and reliable electricity.
What we do
ORC is an
technology for
distributed production
of combined heat and
power (CHP) from
various renewable
energy sources
standard size turbogenerators for biomass and waste heat recovery: from 400 kWe to 3 MWe
customized ORC units for low temperature heat sources: up to 10 MWe
Modular ORC Units
How it works
Electric cubicles ORC turbine
Feed Pump Evaporator
Scheme of a CHP plant
Advantages of ORC technology
Technical advantages Operational advantages / results
Very high turbine efficiency (up to 85%) Automatic and continuous operation
Low RPM of the turbine allowing the direct High efficiency at partial load and operation
drive of the electric generator without down to 10% of nominal power
reduction gear Very safe and quiet operation
No erosion of blades, no water treatment Low maintenance requirements: planned
system due to absence of water maintenance once per year, no major
Low mechanical stress of the cycle due to
much lower pressure than steam cycle Very High Availability (e.g. Admont, AUT:
operation since 1998, availability > 98%)
Long life – designed for 20+ years
London (Head Office)
Helmsley, N. Yorks (Design & engineering centre)
Pellet Production
Bridgend, S. Wales - (Pellet production, operational)
Presteigne, Wales (CHP & Pellet production, pending)
Girvan, Scotland (CHP & Pellet production, pending)
ESCO sites
Kirkdale Energy Centre (biomass fired district heating)
Helmsley swimming pool (Pellet fired pool heating)
Our requirements I
Girvan, Ayrshire
Wood pellet production
60,000t per annum
Continuous process
On Site Heat & Power generation
Economics of Grid v. On site
Biomass CHP
Our requirements II
High availability
>8,000 hrs pa
Out of the box guarantees
Output guarantee 2.322MWe (On Turboden 22 CHP Split model)
Liquidated Damages for under performance
Capex similar to steam
2.5MWe scale is right for LE
But >3MWe steam is more cost effective
Investor confidence
Why ORC?
Low Opex
Low noise (relative to steam)
Little operator input
Low regulatory hurdles
No high pressure steam circuits
Long life
Admont, Austria : 12 years near non stop running
Outsourced maintenance/monitoring package
Project Specification
*assuming a boiler efficiency of 88% and a low heat value of the fuel equal to 2,6 kWh/kg
Thanks for your attention!
Turboden srl LandEnergy Ltd.
[email protected] [email protected]