Pediatric Clinical History
Pediatric Clinical History
Pediatric Clinical History
Approaching the Child
Adequate time should be spent in becoming
acquainted with the child and allowing
him/her to become acquainted with the
The child should be treated as an individual
whose feelings and sensibilities are well
developed 1min Apgar Score
The examiner's conduct should be 8-10 -Normal
appropriate to the age of the child. A 5-7 -Some Nervous System depression
0-4- severe depression, requiring
friendly manner, quiet voice, and a slow and
immediate resuscitation
easy approach will help to facilitate the
5min Apgar Score
examination. 8-10- normal
The total evaluation of the child should 0-7 - high risk for subsequent CNS
include and other organ system
Impressions obtained from the time the dysfunction
child first enters until s/he leaves; it should
2. Birth weight and GA
not be based solely on the period during
which the patient is on the examining table.
Sequence of Examination
NO routine one can use and each
examination should be individualized
Get down to the child's level and try to gain
his trust
For example,
o infants under 6 months -examining
o 8 months to 3 years -mother's lap.
o After 4 years, exam on the table 3. Ballard Scoring System
Wash your hands with warm water before
the examination begins.
With the younger child, get to the heart,
lungs and abdomen before crying starts. (H-
L-A first)
Save looking at the throat and ears for last.
(T-E last)
Looking for animals in their ears or
listening to birdies in their chests is often
another useful approach to the younger
3. Jaundice: Jaundice is common after the
second day of life. The presence of jaundice
within the first 24 hours of life suggests a
hemolytic process.
Blood Pressure
● Examine supine.
● Labia majora and minora dull pink (light
skinned infants), hyperpigmented (dark-
skinned infants).
● First few weeks normal milky white
● Examine:
○ Size of clitoris
○ Color and size of labia majora
○ Rashes, bruises, external lesions
● Separate majora with thumbs examine:
○ Urethral orifice
○ Labia minora
○ Asses hymen (normally thick w/
The Barlow maneuver is a physical examination
central orifice)
performed on infants to screen for developmental
○ Note discharge
dysplasia of the hip.
Rectal Examination
VI Thought Processes
• Listen!
• Flow and production – Paucity – Overproductive –
Rapid – Coherent/Incoherent – Understandable?
*primitive reflexes :
Palmar grasp
Plantar grasp
Rooting reflex
tonic neck reflex
Trunk incurvation/Galant's reflex XII. FUNDOSCOPY
Landau reflex ● Examine the red retinal reflex
Parachute reflex ○ Scope at 0 diopters.
Positive support reflex ○ View pupil from 10 inches.
Placing and stepping reflex ● Focal lengths:
○ Cornea: +20 diopters
V. CEREBELLARS ○ Lens: +15 diopters
Finger to nose, finger to examiner's
○ Fundus: 0 diopters
● Examine optic disc (same as adult)
rapidly alternating pronation and
supination of hands; ability to run heel ○ Optic disc lighter, less macular
down other shin and to make a pigmentation.
requested motion with foot; ability to ○ Foveal light reflection may not be
stand with eyes closed; walk; heel to visible.
toe walk; tremor; ataxia; posture; arm ● Check for:
swing when walking; nystagmus; ○ Retinal hemorrhage
papilledema (rare)