Parental Decision Making On Childhood Vaccine - Final Paper
Parental Decision Making On Childhood Vaccine - Final Paper
Parental Decision Making On Childhood Vaccine - Final Paper
changes during the past few years. An additional 1.5 million deaths could be
(UNICEF, 2018). Of the 5,450 measles cases recorded nationwide, for example,
between January to April of 2018, 905 cases were confirmed as measles and 15
(Castillo, J., 2018). The cases of measles in 2018 increased 52 times compared
to the same period in 2017. Davao City is first among the top 5 municipalities
Davao city had 238 cases with 7 deaths. Around 32% of these cases were
This should not be a concern if only the Republic Act 10152 or “The
Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act of 2011” – which says
given for free at any government hospital or health center to infant and children
up to five years of age - has been strongly implemented throughout the country
(Philstar, 2019).
The gap lies between the reoccurring outbreaks and the solutions and
of Health, outbreaks are still arising in the community. Some of the interventions
made are the National Ligtas Tigdas Supplemental Immunization Activity (SIA)
targeting infants and children 6-59 months of age with measles containing
Immunization (EPI) which started way back in 1976 up to this day. The ever
consistent goal of the EPI is to ensure that infants/children and mothers have
vaccines are free at public healthcare centers throughout the country; yet
September 2018.In the data from CESU, there are 602 suspected cases of
measles in the city from January to September of this year and 45 of those are
confirmed cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported over 17,200
year 2017. In the same year, Chief Technical Division of the CHO, Dr. Julinda
have a low turnout and this has become a problem (SunStar, 2018).
Measles vaccination in Davao city is 64% short (City Health Office, 2018).
children remain unvaccinated. The Davao City Health Office (CHO) has
in the year 2018. But this is only less than 50 percent or 36 percent of the
lowering the rates of certain diseases, it will not be successful without the
cooperation of parents.
under each category are yet to be identified. These themes serve as the exact
childhood vaccination in Davao City. The researchers would like to explore and
parent and also to help the government develop a more effective and efficient
keep other children who are not vaccinated can be attributed to the determinants
government can identify how they can accurately improve their health services by
how people might acquire knowledge and learn. It therefore has direct application
meaning from their experiences. The learner has prior knowledge and
emphasis that there are existing problems in relation to real-world situations. The
data garnered from the survey in relation to the real-life experiences of parents
towards vaccination were in the form of themes and constructs will be analyzed.
Hence, it will recognize that their own backgrounds shape their interpretation,
future interventions that the health organizations will provide in order to solve
modifying or improving the study and help employ the knowledge about the
importance of vaccination and encourage the parents on how they can contribute
to the community.
The purpose of this study was to determine the underlying factors that
affect the parents’ decision-making towards vaccination for their children. In this
Research Questionnaires
1. What are the reasons why parents do not allow their children to be
2. What questions can be derived from the reasons why parents do not allow
3. What is the mean score of each item derived from the reasons of the parents’
their children?
5. What is the level of internal reliability of each factor determined after factor
6. What is the mean level of each determined factor that affects parents’ decision
Null Hypothesis:
Theoretical Framework
This study was anchored on the theory of Vaccine Hesitancy (Dubé E.,
Laberge C., Guay M., et. al., 2013). According to this theory, there is still no
exact model that can explain the hesitance towards vaccination. The underlying
ranged and the possible attitudes and behaviors about vaccination are difficult to
clear out. However, these can be categorized under social, cultural, political,
these, it will create a stigma that could influence the parent’s decision-making.
According to the journalist Seth Mnookin (2013), the media played a role
in keeping vaccination scares alive, it even holds and hides an evidence on how
"natural" over "artificial" medicine. Refusal of vaccine has also been associated
trust can also lead to vaccine risk perception. Policies that mandate vaccination
due to the economic status of the government that results to limited access on
Many studies have demonstrated that parents who vaccinate their child
has many factors that have been identified: fear of side effects, lack of a provider
vaccination refusal.
Conceptual Framework
on how to explain a phenomenon. It maps out the actions required in the course
of the study given his previous knowledge of other researchers' point of view and
vaccination will determine the possible factors that may affect the outcome of
The general aim of this study was to evaluate and present the foundation
decision whether or not to provide vaccination to their children. Also, this study
desired to identify on how the researchers can develop and assist parents in
the health of their children and impart it to people with lack of knowledge towards
Definition of Terms
children have with their parents and with those adults who have a
Related Literature
history of medicine, but in recent years, vaccination has declined in many regions
of the world, especially in cases such as the combined Measles, Mumps and
activists, can also provide a platform for understanding the motivations behind
vaccine hesitancy and refusal. The casual nature of social media has altered the
vaccination information gap. The public's reliance on social media for vital
information has and will continue to increase, and its influence on personal
influencing the public. In an era when more than 2.3 billion people in 232
countries are active on social media, the public health community can correct
established channels to provide facts about the safety and value of vaccines
provide a platform for lobbies and key opinion leaders to influence others; social
media allows users to freely voice opinions and experiences and it can facilitate
the organization of social networks for or against vaccines (The SAGE Vaccine
in our time or even in the past, is in risk perception thus necessitates different
to be the attitude of most scientists toward risk assessment, when in reality there
A group of researchers measured the loss in public trust through their ongoing
strongly agreed that vaccines were important. This year, that figure has fallen to
just 32 percent, while only 1 in 5 people now believes vaccines are safe.
Confidence Project, the dramatic drop in confidence is a real concern about risks
such as measles, polio, tetanus and diphtheria has plummeted to 60% this
February 2018. This figure is a drastic February 2017’s 85-90% vaccination rate.
come to the health centers for their scheduled vaccines unlike now wherein
parents are first needed to be convinced. DOH’s current state of infamy brought
by the controversy has cast a wide shadow of doubt among the Filipino people.
to a health agency that seemingly takes the youth’s health for granted. This
recent uproar and rejection of vital vaccines could reverse our significant strides
manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur released an advisory warning that its vaccine could
cause a person to later develop severe dengue if he or she had not been
Department of Health (DOH) said people are still scared of the government's free
vaccines and the primary targets are the Filipino children. Thus, parents are still
not yet been adopted by a major political party or ideological camp, there is no
there has been a suspected ideological opinion about vaccines in the United
opinions have also been publicly discussed among conservative leaders such as
the Republican candidates during the 2016 presidential race who expressed a
vaccines. This could have motivated an ideological gap in public attitudes about
Decision Making and Childhood Vaccination” discovered that these factors are
key contributors for the majority of children who are not up-to-date for a complete
status in several studies, the result has not been conclusive. However, the
National Inpatient Sample (NIS) survey in 2011 showed that children living below
vaccines and vaccines that require higher dosage to complete the series (CDC,
2012). Other studies have found that having a large number of children in the
household (Trauth, et. al., 2002) and having 2 or more healthcare providers
(Schaffer, et. al., 2001) were significantly and independently associated with
shown that feeling pressured by physicians to vaccinate one’s child was one of
(Busse J.W., Walji R., Wilson K., 2011). Fear of needles and pain felt after
vaccination are also personal barrier to vaccination. A study showed that about
(Taddio, et al., 2012) and a child’s pain from vaccine shots was listed one of the
most common concerns of the parents (Kennedy A., Basket M., Sheedy K.,
child’s health status also contribute to vaccine hesitation. Two studies showing
that parents refuse or hesitate vaccination lead to a theory in which the immune
child (Poltorak M. et al., 2005 & Cassell J.A. et al., 2006), a point of view wherein
vaccines are seen as something that would disturb rather than boost the immune
The Fully-Immunized Child (FIC) 2017 data shows there is a decline in the
immunization coverage consecutively for the last three years (74% in 2014; 71%
in 2015; partial 69% in 2016), which is below the 95% coverage target. This also
diseases. Strategies under the Philippine Health Agenda (ACHIEVE) are likely to
Health (DOH) joined the observation of the annual World Immunization Week by
improve the demand for routine immunization. This campaign includes a new TV
and Radio public service announcement (PSA) and audio visual production
organization - has been implementing maternal and child health and nutrition
programs among poor families in some cities like Navotas, Malabon and
First 1,000 Days Law, a measure that seeks to provide health and nutrition
services to children during their early days of development to improve their health
only 6 out of 10 children were getting their scheduled vaccinations. The rate of
infants who received one dose of Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), three doses
each of Oral Polio Vaccine, DPT (Diphtheria, pertussis or whooping cough and
tetanus), and Hepatitis B vaccines, and one dose of measles vaccine before
This should not be a concern if only the Republic Act 10152 or “The
Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act of 2011” – which says
given for free at any government hospital or health center to infant and children
up to five years of age - has been strongly implemented throughout the country
(Philstar, 2019).
Yellow Fever vaccines (WHO, 2018). In the Philippines, the routine immunization
Related Studies
delaying or deciding not to vaccinate their children across Europe and Asia. This
herd immunity, and also impairs the trust in the capacities of health care systems
to protect people. They identified themes like trust toward authorities, perceived
In Britain, three groups comprised of parents who had accepted MMR and
three groups of parents who had refused MMR were interviewed in focus group
discussion. The first group had accepted MMR unwillingly. As to the group of
parents who refused MMR, it resulted to underlying reasons such as parents felt
pressure from health professionals, parents who were not convinced by the
Department of Health that MMR is the safest and best option for their children.
These were categorized into (a) beliefs about the risks and benefits of MMR, (b)
information from the media about the safety of MMR, (c) confidence and trust in
the advice of health professionals and attitudes towards compliance with this
advice, and (d) views on the importance of individual choice within government
a high prevalence rate of dengue cases in the recent years. A qualitative study
parents of eligible children to the dengue vaccination who consented and those
who refused, were purposely selected as participants. The researchers were able
to identify three key themes: (1) Parental experience in dealing with vaccination
and dengue. Parents’ understanding of the dengue vaccine was limited because
it was new, and they believed the dengue vaccine was like other government
accepted the vaccine. Some parents refused the vaccination because their
children had an adverse reaction or are afraid of the injection. Likewise, parents
who refused the vaccination demanded more information on vaccine safety and
benefits especially if they have previous reactions from other vaccines. Those
who refuse tend to know more about vaccines and refuse the dengue vaccine
only among other vaccines. They believe the vaccine has not been proven
effective because it was new. Moreover, the vaccine was provided free by
and private vaccinations is expensive. (2) Parental trust on the public health
institutions. Parents express that they have limited knowledge on what the
dengue vaccine is and what it does, but they trust the vaccinators, the
vaccination program and the health institutions that led them to accepting the
workers in the dengue vaccinations. During the vaccine controversy, the trust in
public health institutions has been eroded especially that the vaccination program
was linked with corruption practices by health leaders. Trust in information being
received from these institutions has been low. Parents find it difficult to find
and medical doctors, are the most cited trustworthy information sources but the
has led to loss of trust in the dengue vaccination but also to other school
vaccine specific details such as number of doses, intervals, risks and vaccination
their local health workers in multiple forms even if vaccination sites are in
schools. They needed more information on dengue vaccine benefits, risks and
safety. With the vaccine controversy, the communication received was perceived
to be inadequate. Most of the parents received information from the news and
not from their local health workers. Dengue vaccine coherence and perceived
effectiveness were low. Some parents associate having the dengue vaccine as a
to death. Some parents think the dengue vaccine is a poison and they need an
antidote. Others think that the vaccine increases the risks of their children to
ask questions with the local medical doctors in their communities are expected to
This study is important because there are still intermittent death cases of
explanation as to why some children who are not vaccinated is yet clear and
subjects, the instruments for data collection, and validation of the questionnaire
Research Design
research. In this study, qualitative method was used to determine the emerging
Sequential exploratory research is two phase design. The qualitative data was
in Research and Teaching, n.d.). This method was followed to explore the
Research Locale
the site for conducting the study. This was chosen due to the latest report that
this area was the first of the measles outbreak in the city. It has a population of
health center with 4 health workers and 3 nutrition scholars (CPDO, 2016).
The area is situated near Uyanguren and beside Ramon Magsaysay Park
Research Subjects
Qualitative Study
At least 5 parents aged 18 years and above with child or children aged 5
years and below will be the subjected to the qualitative study. However, the
number of subjects will vary on the saturation level that will be reached. The
qualitative study is fully saturated once repetition of data from the subjects will be
Quantitative Study
30 and another 150 parents aged 18 years and above with child or
children aged 5 years and below will be subjected in the first and second phase
Data Sources
questions to set the flow of the interview. The key informants of this interview
Sampling Procedure
Purposive sampling was utilized since the parents were selected on the
participants in total will be selected. One hundred twenty-six parents who had
Research Procedure
Qualitative Study
Qualitative research was done first using Key Informant Interview. Key
Org., 2014). The researchers conducted the interview with the use of guide
audio recording, another did written recording and the rest of the members were
the alternating interviewers. The In-depth Interview (IDI) approximately lasted for
participants for the IDI and 7 for the FGD. The interview was conducted at
Barangay 23-C, Poblacion District, specifically at the house of the participant for
their convenience. On the other hand, the FGD was conducted at the same
barangay but different focal area such as basketball court or any open area
wherein the participants found the most convenient. To set the rapport of the
followed by the main questions along with probing questions to further enhance
the information taken from the interview and also to balance the setting of the
interview by not being too direct with the main questions. Lastly, the transition of
the interview ended with closing questions such as their views and opinions
Quantitative Study
Planning Manual, n.d.). The questionnaire will be validated by 3 experts from the
Department of Health (DOH). The researchers will then perform Pilot Testing
wherein 30 random parents will be given questionnaires for them to input. Data
questionnaire will be revised and edited based on the result of the reliability
Data Analysis
a. Qualitative Study
data. This method emphasizes organization and rich description of the data set.
identifying implicit and explicit ideas within the data. Coding is the primary
process for developing themes within the raw data by recognizing important
these codes can include comparing theme frequencies, identifying theme co-
b. Quantitative Study
Data gathered from the Pilot Testing will be analyzed using Cronbach’s
consistency, of a set of scale or test items. In other words, the reliability of any
concept, and Cronbach’s alpha is one way of measuring the strength of that
that is used to reduce data to a smaller set of summary variables and to explore
structure of the relationship between the variable and the respondent (Statistics
underlying factors.
Ethical Consideration
Committee and will only proceed to the actual conduction upon its approval.
Social Value
Informed Consent
conduction of the study. This form served as the legal term to their voluntary
participation and we only conducted the interview and surveyed upon their
approval by signing the form. The content of this form also included the
Privacy Act of 2012. Also, the participants were given the option to withdraw from
Vulnerability Issues
The participants were not vulnerable in the study. However, possible risks
Risks-benefit ratio
the interview and survey, psychological risk such as the privacy invasiveness that
the participants might possibly feel when questioned, and legal security of their
personal identities that they thought were not provided. We ensured that these
risks were as minimal as possible and that the magnitude of the probable harm or
discomfort anticipated in the process of the study was not any greater of the
and had time to spare in order for us to reach our true objective. To avoid the
psychological and legal risk that we have anticipated, we asked consent from the
participants by first providing them the Informed Consent which also contained
the compliance of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 to ensure the security and
For the benefit of the participants, results from this study were given to
them firsthand for them to have a better idea of the positive impact of their
The researchers were to provide full compliance of the Data Privacy Act of
2012, which states to protect the fundamental rights of human privacy to the
information given to promote the growth of our study. In addition, their personal
information and identity will be kept private and confidential and making it
putting these to proper and legal use in the study and that the data or results
in the process of the study were assured and in return, the results were
disseminated to them first or giving them access to the findings or results of the
We, the researchers, were qualified to conduct the study as we had the
abilities needed and motivation to aim for the betterment or improvement of the
are also members of the community we delved in and with the full support of our
institution; we were able to reach our goal. We ensured that our target
participants were appropriate for the study as they were fit to the inclusion criteria
contributors to the growth of the study and that if given the opportunity that the
problem in the community along with the help of the institution by supporting the
This chapter presents the overall data results, analysis and interpretation
of data from the experiments performed. For easy comprehension of the results,
the data are presented in tabular forms. Interpretation of results was done after
statistical evaluation.
As shown in the table above, information such as the civil status and the
participant accordingly.
This table presents the themes classified from the codes taken out from
Transportation. The participants either live far from the nearest local
health center or re-located in the area wherein both give emphasis on the
“Kuan, nabalhin naman gud mi diri sa laing lugar. Mao nang wala pud mi
kabalo kung asa diria. O kung pwede ba ipadayon pa.” – FGDP1
Knowledge, which implies that some participants were not aware of the free
vaccination thereby assuming that they cannot access vaccines for their child
due to lack of financial support. The discussion for both themes are supported by
the quote:
participants reasoned that they are often busy, thus, not being able to spend time
and have their child/children immunized at the local health center. And some said
that they just feel lazy. These discussions are supported by the quotes:
“…usahay hasulan ko padulong didto tapos balik nasad. Kay kung bakuna
lang ang tuyo kay bakuna rapud akong adtoon dayon balik na sa balay namo.” –
were strongly vocal about how the media greatly affected their decision-making
the culture or norm as barrier towards vaccination and supported by the quote:
“wala kay tanan man gud mi dili nagapabakunana…. kay kuan lang ang
inahan man gud namo kay kuan bisag wala daw sakit ang bata kay
magkasakit… mutuo mi sa mga bakuna kanang mga anti-kuan pero ang kuan
namo dili namo pabakunahan among mga anak kay katong bata pa pud mi wala
sad” – KII6
Fear. Several participants implied that they fear the needle which is a tool
making on vaccination.
“Mahadlok man gud ko magpa injection gani kay tungod anang pag inject
pa lang sa bata kay kalinturahon dayon unya maalarma pud ko ba kay basi
nagkinaunsa na akong anak. Unya ra bakoy kalibutan pa kaayo sa kung unsa
nang bakuna jud. Talawan man gud jud ko ug dagum ba. So murag ako ang
masakitan sa akong anak.” – KII16
“kanang mahadlok man gud ko ug dagum. Kuan man gud, tung dati ba.
Hasta akong mama mahadlok ug akong papa pud. Murag sa among pamilya gud
siya nga murag nitatak sa among utok. Nga grabe kasakit matusukan.” – KII4
flu-like symptoms (e.g. cold, cough) during the time or schedule of vaccination
“Nagka ubo ug sipon man gud to akong anak. Tapos sukad ato wala na
nako siya nasundan ug bakuna.” – KII3
Table 3. Domains and quotations from the qualitative analysis and its
corresponding Survey Item
“Ang kamagulangan pud nako bantog I have no budget for vaccines. (survey
wala napabakunahan kay tungod sa item 2)
wala pud mi kwarta kadto nga
panahona. Mao tong nagdako nalang
siya na walay bakuna.” – KII1
Personal barriers. The participants
are either lazy to go to the health
center or forgot to have their children
“Ay nalimtan oy. Kapoy man gud adto I find it tiresome to spend some time to
sa center.” – FGDP3 take part in vaccination. (survey item
Media. The participants are influenced
by what they hear from the news.
This table presents the domains and quotations taken from the Key
Informant Interview and Focused Group Discussion in the Qualitative phase with
the corresponding survey items made out of the qualitative data. These items
were the content of the Survey Questionnaire used in the conduction of the
Formal Survey.
The table above presents the survey items derived from the Domains and
Quotations of the qualitative data. These items were assigned with a scale of 1 to
4 where 1 is the strong disagreement and 4 is the strong agreement for the
As shown in the table above, the mean scores per item from 1 to 17 which
fall between moderate to high interpretation. Items with mean scores between 1
than vaccine
8 I am not updated of the latest
news or issues regarding .641
16 I am always skeptical about
getting vaccination
6 I do not believe in the vaccine
.621 2.649 18.92
because of its harmful effects
12 I come from a family who does
not take part in .870
15 My family/partner prohibits
13 I have my own beliefs about
.805 2.270 16.22
9 I have a fear of needle and/or
blood due to the things I have
witnessed from my family/other
10 I am afraid of the pain being
inflicted during or after .875 1.941 13.86
3 I recently relocated so I do not
know the location of the health .830
1 I live far from the nearest health
2 I have no budget for vaccines .678 1.877 13.41
7 I am not easily influenced by the
news I see or hear from the .912 1.168 8.34
media about vaccination
Total Cumulative Variance 70.75
>.60; recommended value), and Bartlett’s test of sphericity was significant (χ2
(91) = 675.296, p < .001) and the communalities were all above .40, this confirms
that each item shared some common variance with other items. Given these
indicators, factor analysis was deemed to be suitable with all 17 items (N=126).
composite scores for the factors underlying the parental decisions to vaccination.
The eigen values indicated that the factors explained 18.92%, 16.2%, 13.86%,
set, there were cross-loadings identified and were omitted when the loading
value difference is 0.2 or higher. Using orthogonal (varimax) rotations with Kaizer
Normalization, the five namely Belief, Family, Anxiety, Accessibility and Media as
the components were identified. The components explained 70.75% of the total
the components tested. The results showed that the items under each dimension
were internally consistent and hence, reliable. This means that the tool
12 I come from a family who does not
take part in immunization/vaccination 1.79 0.84 Moderate
15 My family/partner prohibits
vaccination 1.86 0.94 Moderate
13 I have my own beliefs about
vaccination 2.18 0.82 High
Category Mean 1.94 0.87 Moderate
9 I have a fear of needle and/or blood
due to the things I have witnessed 2.59 1.08
from my family/other people High
10 I am afraid of the pain being inflicted
2.83 1.07
during or after vaccination High
Category Mean 2.71 1.07 High
3 I recently relocated so I do not know
1.47 0.86
the location of the health center Moderate
1 I live far from the nearest health
1.65 0.77
center Moderate
2 I have no budget for vaccines 1.45 0.72 Moderate
Category Mean 1.52 0.79 Moderate
7 I am not easily influenced by the
news I see or hear from the media 2.67 0.73
about vaccination High
Category Mean 2.67 0.73 High
Scale Interpretation
0 to 0.99 low
1 to 1.99 moderate
2 to 2.99 high
3 to 4.00 very high
The table above presents the category means based from the identified
components Belief, Family, Anxiety, Accessibility, and Media. These imply the
Sagor and Mohammed A. AlAteeq, reported barrier was the Belief that the
believed the seasonal influenza vaccine for example to be unsafe, and reported a
fear of possible side effects while in Lebanon, thinking that the vaccine was not
abstinence from regular vaccination. In the study of Irene A. Harmsen et al., the
parents discussed the different experiences they had with their social
According to the study of Taddio A. et al., needle fears are a documented barrier
believed that adding the concept of ‘convenience’ (and its related notion of
can cause individuals to feel hesitant toward, or even refuse, vaccines. Based on
the study of Bach Xuan Tran et al., results revealed a significantly high rate of
This chapter presented the complete aspects of the research study. The
summary provides a general idea of the study in relation to the Factors Affecting
answers to the problem presented in the study and which, the researchers
pointed out some recommendations that might aid in the further betterment of the
research study.
The primary objective of this study to assess the reasons why parents
Research. Upon the conduction of the study, particularly in the qualitative phase,
reliability tests were done which resulted to the trimming down of identified
themes. After which, final constructs were classified according to the item where
they belong. The items include Belief, Anxiety, Family, and Accessibility.
vaccinated are:
a. Transportation
b. Financial problems
d. Fear
e. Lack of knowledge
f. Time management
g. Norms
h. Unexpected occurrences
3. The mean score of each item derived from the reasons are:
a. Beliefs
b. Family
c. Anxiety and;
d. Accessibility
Belief 0.765
Family 0.794
Anxiety 0.912
Accessibility 0.677
Media Not tested
- Factor with an internal reliability of 0.7 and above are interpreted as
6. The mean level of each determined factor that affects parents’ decision
government and other sectors utilize the study to develop a theory for the
existing tool designed through Structural Equation Modeling. Another focal area,
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Instruction: Place a check mark on each item according to the following ratings:
Validation Tools
Joy: Maayong buntag te, ako diay si Joy. Taga UIC, kauban nako akong kagrupo
sa thesis, si Nelle. So, naa mi diri ron te para mag interview tapos para manguha
ug rason gud sa parents na kung nganong dili sila musugot na bakunahan ilang
anak. Unya te, so, okay lang ba na mag interview ko sa imoha te?
Respondent 1: 29.
Respondent 1: 27.
Respondent 1: 7 ug 6 ug 4.
Joy: So sa tulog nimo ka’anak te, pila ang nakakumpleto ug bakuna te?
Respondent 1: Kung sa center, kumpleto sila. Pero sa, naa man gd inject-inject
sa eskwelahan about sa mga bakuna. Nag-no man ko. Gipangutana ko unsay
gusto nako ngano nag-no ko kay syempre sa Maynila baya, sa eskwelahan baya
to gipang inject ang dengvaxia. Sa eskwelahan baya to, wala baya to sila
nagsuroy suroy. Unya natingala ko nga naay inject sa eskwelahan, unya nag no
lang ko.
Respondent 1: Dili, lahi na to sa kinder, bale sa immune lang gihapon pero dili
siya parehas ug panagalan. Pero wala jud siya nainjekan jud kay ni-no ko unya
naa pd siyay allergy. So gi-no siya.
Joy: So nag no lang jud ka te kay wala pud ka kabalo kung unsa jud to na
Respondent 1: Nagpasa jud ko ug papel na nag no ko kay ang reason nako kay
mahadlok ko, kay basig magsugod baya ang inject sa Maynila kay sa
eskwelahan baya to nagsugod tung Dengvaxia.
Joy: Pero kunyari te, if wala tong dengvaxia tapos naa nang sa eskwelahan na
injection injection? Na libre sa DOH. Musugot ka te?
Joy: Kung wala tong dengvaxia te no? Kay murag nadaot na. Sabagay man gud
te kay daghan man nangamatay pud gud dati. Ang dengvaxia man gd te kuan
lang man gud to, kulang man pud gud to kay kulang ug information na murag
gipagawas. Kay ngano to naing ato, naa mn jud toy mga rason. Pero diba naa
man pu’y uban na wala namatay? Kay naa pud toy rason. Ano lang, kailangan
lang to ug study pa. So kuan te, sayang pud kay usually, ang kanang naa man
gd mga bakuna na libre gud sa public school ang uban kay mga boosters,
kasagaran kay kanang heap na booster. Naa man pud booster sa measles. Naa
pu’y mga 9-11 years old, na mga babae, akong nabal-an kay katong HPV gd te,
kana. Kana te kay mahal jud na sa hospital jud.
Respondent 1: wala man pud gud kabalo ang mga mama ana ba,
Respondent 1: Kung wala sila explainan, tapos muingon sila na, nganong naa
may ing ana, nga wala may concern akong anak.
Joy: kuan te, okay lang man kaya te? Dili ka matingala te na kalit kalinturahon
imong anak? Pag after bakuna, ana gud te?
Joy: Naa man gd uban te na mahadlok gud. Tapos matingala lang sila na
kalinturahon tungod sa bakuna. Pero imong bana ate, musugot siya ato te?
Respondent 1: dili pd, siya jud ang number one dili musugot. Tungod lage atong
dengvaxia. Tung sa eskwelahan lage.
Respondent 1: Ay katong july. Like from grade 2 to 6. Kay maghatag man sila
daan ug consent kung musugot bajud o dili.
Joy: Ano te, siguro kailangan lang jud pd ipahibalo ug tarong sa uban para klaro
sa mga parents kung unsa tong ginainject
Respondent 1: Kanang bago sa mga mata sa uban ba, nga naa diay ani nga
bakuna. Kung unsa ba ni.
Joy: Pero kasagaran baya ana te no kay kanang libre sa public schools. So mao
lang to te salamat kaayo.
Joy: Maayonh buntag te, ako diay si Joy. Taga UIC na medtech, kauban nako
diri akong kauban sa thesis. Tapos mag interview unta mi te about sa mga rason
sa parents bitaw na ngano dili sila musugot bitaw na bakunahan ilang anak.
Okay lang ba te na mainterview ka te? Pila na imong edad ate?
Respondent 2: 4 na tawon
Respondent 2: pero kuan, 5 years old tung ikatulo. Ang magulang kay 11 years
J: Okay lang te, na mag ask kung nganong namatay imong kamanghuran te?
Respondent 2: pulmonia.
J: sorry te, ano te, sa tulo nila nimo kaanak te, kay kinsa sa ilaha te ang
kumpleto ug bakuna?
Respondent 2: oo.
J: ah dengvaxia..
J: aah ikaw te. Pero imong anak te, dili pud mahadlok ug dagom?
Respondent 2: Oo musugot siya oy ako lang ang dili. Kay hadlok man gud kaayo
to ba.
J: diba nagamonitor mana sila te no? Kulang man gud tong impormasyon te
bahin sa dengvaxia bale wala natarong ug pahitwatig te ba. Pero kabalo ka te
kung unsay pulos jud sa bakuna?
J: kana te, unsaon mana nimo te, di ba naay kulang imong anak ug bakuna te?
Respondent 2: Dili na nako ipakuan, kay grabe mahadlok lage ko kaayo. Ako
nalang atimanon akong anak.
Respondent 2: dili man. Naagihan man pud gud nako to sa akong 2 kaaanak.
J: Normal lang mana kay nagapaepektibo ang bakuna te. Salamat kaayo te.
Nelle: good morning te, ako diay si nelle. Naa ko diri te bahin sa among
research. Mag interview mi te bahin sa parental decisions te nga nganong dili
pabakunahan ang ilang anak te. Okay ra ba ate na mag interview ko sa imo te?
So karon te, mag ask ko kung pila na imong edad po?
Nelle: kanang imong anak te, kay nabakunahan na siya or nabakunahan pero dili
kumpleto or wala jud nabakunahan?
Respondent 3: dili siya maam. Kay mahadlok man gud mi uy kay katong naissue
sauna na dengvaxia gud. Basi mahitabo to siya sakong anak. Unya isa ra baya
akong anak. Simbako tawon. Ug usa pud dili musugot akong bana.
Nelle: Pero before an ate, tung wala pay dengvaxia, wala pay nahitabo, kaya
nagapavaccine jud mo?
Nelle: pero tungod atong issue te kay nawalaan mo ug pagsalig sa vaccine te?
Respondent 3: Oo, nawalaan. Unya isa pa kay nagduha duha pud kay basi
magsakit among anak unya mawala siya sa amoa. Simbako lang jd. Huy jusko.
Mao to giundang nako siya ug pabakuna.
Respondent 3: oo dili pd siya musugot kay tungod atong balita gud na daghan
kaayo nangamatay ana. Lisod kaayo na matimingan na magpadayon ko sa
bakuna sa akong anak, matingala nalng ko sa unsay musunoday. So mao to,
giundang nalang namo mag asawa.
Respondent 3: Siguro kung wala nay issue bahin sa bakuna. Kay lisod jud
magsalig karon. Kay basig maunsa lage akong anak.
Nelle: mao pd. Pero kaning sa inyong brgy te, diba naa man moy health center
diri? Ginabalibaran pud nimo te?
Respondent 3: oo kay basi pa lang lahi ang i-inject. Unya gasuroy suroy baya
Nelle: aah dili pud diay ka magpasalig anang mga tao na mag adto lang diri ug
pinakalit te?
Respondent 3: oo, din a jud. Maskin pang naa silay ID. Dili jud ko.
Nelle: sige te. Pero nakabantayan mo ana te kana sa imong anak sa una kay
after bakunahan kay kalinturahon?
Nelle: normal na siya te. Pasabot te kay nigana ang bakuna sa iyang lawas te.
Isa man pud gud na sa isa ka rason na ginahadlokan sa ginikanan kay
kalinturahon daw ang anak nila tungod sa bakuna. Mao tong ang uban kay dili na
sila magpasalig te.
Nelle: good morning te, ako diay si nelle. Naa ko diri te bahin sa among
research. Mag interview mi te bahin sa parental decisions te nga nganong dili
pabakunahan ang ilang anak te. Okay ra ba ate na mag interview ko sa imo te?
So karon te, mag ask ko kung pila na imong edad po?
Nelle: nganong nakulang te? Gihunong nimo siya te or sadyang naputol lang?
Nelle: aah naputol kay tungod issue? Unya katong kalive-in te?
Respondent 4: Dili pud to siya kumpleto. Kay wala man gd nagatuo ang mama
sa akong kalive-in bahin sa bakuna. Keso ano daw, dali ra daw magkasakit.
Nelle: dili pud musugot ang kalive-in nimo te? Na bakunahan imong anak te?
Nelle: aah tungod jud lage atong issue te? Pero kabalo mo te kung unsay
importansya sa bakuna te?
Nelle: dili lng jud ka musugot te. Di na mausab ang huna huna nimo te bahin
Nelle: pero ang kauban nimo diri te sa inyong brgy? Kay dili pud sila gapabakuna
sa ilang anak?
Respondent 4: naa pu’y uban na nagapabakuna, uban kay wala kay utro pud
walay nay salig ug mahadlok najud sila sa bakuna.
Nelle: pero tung gibakunahan imong anak te, kay gikalintura siya te no?
Respondent 4: oo.
Nelle: Normal na siya te, kay pasabot ato kay nagawork ang bakuna te sa iyaha.
Kay usually, ang uban parents ginabasol ang bakuna na magkasakit ilang anak.
Mao tong ginawaisan.. pero karon te, less naman ang issue about sa dengvaxia,
dili nimo ipapadayon ang bakuna sa imong anak te?
Nelle: good morning te, ako diay si nelle. Naa ko diri te bahin sa among
research. Mag interview mi te bahin sa parental decisions te nga nganong dili
pabakunahan ang ilang anak te. Okay ra ba ate na mag interview ko sa imo te?
So karon te, mag ask ko kung pila na imong edad po?
Respondent 5: alanganin ba, kay dili man sa kuan kaayo pero ang dagum man
kay ipatindog man gud siya. Ug katong dengvaxia,tung sa tv na daghan daw
nadaot. Basi mahitabo diri sa among mga anak. Ang kapakanan samong anak
ang maargabyado pud.
Nelle: pero naa pud nagaadto diha na health workers diri te no? Tung sa brgy.
Respondent 5: oo naa man. Naa man nagamonitor sila tung mga bata na walay
bakuna. Ginaadto nila sa balay balay pero gahi man jud ug ulo.
Nelle: pero pareha ganina te, na mahadlok ka ug dagum, dili pud nimo iconvince
te na bakunahan?
Respondent 5: utro man gud tung kalive-in nako, talawan ug dagum haha.
Nelle: so, aah naa pu’y posibilidad te, magchange imong huna huna about sa
bakuna te? For example, kung madungagan ang imong pagsabot sa bakuna te?
Nelle: pero karon mahadlok lang jud ka tungod sa issues. Imong bana ate,
musugot te?
Nelle: pero naa pud kay kaila ten a ginikanan, na dili musugot na bakunahan ang
Nelle: so murag maskin pag bakunahan o dili, magsakit gihapon? Mao na inyoha
Joy: bahin atong giingon nimo sa pagtusok te ba, kay ing ato jud siya pagtusok
te. Like straight siya padulong sa muscle.
Respondent 5: pero ako man gud, tung pagkakita nako kay grabe nako kahadlok
jud kay basi maabot sa bukog o maskin asa ba na. Basta grabe nanindog akong
balahibo ato..
Nelle: Pero normal mana siya te hehe.. unta unta sunod te no? Salamat kaayo te
J:Maayong hapon te, ako diay si joy, sa uic na medtech. So naa mi diri sa akong
grupo karon sa thesis po para mangua mi ug rason sa kung ngano dili sila
J: Pilay mga edad sa inyong anak te? Ug sa inyong tulo kaanak te kay pila
kabuok ang wala nabakunahan?
Respondent 7: wala pud siya nisugot kay utro pd to. Ang iya kay wala daw nindot
na dulot ang bakuna sa bata kay mao ra daw gihapon kay pagkahuman kay
kalinturahon ang bata, magsakit o di kaya musamot kung unsay gibati. Ug ang
isa kay talawan man gud to ug dagum so mao tong wala pud siya nakapabakuna
kay murag halos tanan sa ilang pamilya kay talawan ug dagum.
J: ngano man te na nabakunahan ang inyong anak te, na dili man kaha musugot
imong bana?
Respondent 7: Kuan, kay ako man ang masunod ato. Kay ako man pud gud to
siyang gitarong ug storya bahin ani, so mao to, nisugot nalang siya pero katong
sa eskwelahan lage kay wala na.
J: pero kuan te, kung katong naa sa eskwelahan te na bakuna gud te, kay ihatag
nila sa center? Musugot pud ka te?
Respondent 7:Ay ano man gud ko na tao ba, kuti ba. So murag ginapangutana
nako ang na inject kung okay ba siya. Tapos kuan lage diri sa brgy kay naa pud
nagalibot na gikan center na naga inject. Wala nalng pud ko.
J: maayong hapon te, ako diay si joy, taga uic na medtech. So naa mi diri para
sa among thesis te. Kay manugtana mi sa mga rason sa kung ngano dili
nagapabakuna ang mga ginikanan sa ilang anak. So, okay ra ba ate na mag
interview ko sa inyoha te?
Respodent 8: kuan 30 years old. Kami ra edara atong bababe ganina hehe
Respodent 8: bale mag 7 ang isa, tapos 4 years old tng isa ang katong
kamanghuran nako kay mag 2 years old pa lang.
Respondent 8: kuan, dili kay tungod pud atong sa dengvaxia. pero wala raman
pud to sa akoa.
Respondent 8: Ay akong bana dili musugot oy. Kay katong time nga naay giinject
sa bata daw dati sa ila na nagsakit daw kay tungod sa bakuna na pag inject kay
kalinturahon human kay magsakit. Unya sukad ato dili na siya musugot. Mao ni
akong anak diri, kato nagdagan dagan sa gawas.
Respondent 8: oo, ang uban kumpleto. Kay layo ra man gd sila ug gap. So bale
wala pa tong issue issue sauna bahin sa bakuna. Ay dili diay ang katong
kamagulangan diay nako ang kumpleto ug bakuna. Kay katong ikaduha kuay
wala nako napapadayon.
Respondent 8: Kuan katong time niato kay sige mi ug balhin balhin ba human
makalimot kos panahon na karon na diay to ang schedule sa iyang bakuna.
Human mao to.
Respondent 8: kuan lage tong iyang pagkabalo sa bakuna ug kung unsay dulot
sa bakuna sa bata.
J: ngano te? Sa kuan na niya kanang tinuohan o di lang pud siya ganahan?
Respondent 8:di lang pud siya ganahan. Mao lang, di lang pud siya ganahan.
Kuan daw, kung sa brgy namo, kay total kumpleto daw, kay muconsider pa siya
pero kanang gawas na jud daw kay dili na daw siya.
J:So kaning mag 7 kay kumpleto ug bakuna pero wala atong sa eskwelahan na
bakuna te?
J: maayong hapon te, ako diay si joy, taga uic na medtech. So naa mi diri para
sa among thesis te. Kay manugtana mi sa mga rason sa kung ngano dili
nagapabakuna ang mga ginikanan sa ilang anak. So, okay ra ba ate na mag
interview ko sa inyoha te?
J: Ngano ate?
Respondent 9: mahadlok man gud ko magpa injection gani kay tungod anang
pag inject pa lang sa bata kay kalinturahon dayon unya maalarma pd ko ba kay
basi nagkinaunsa na akong anak. Unya ra ba koy kaibutan pa kaayo sa kung
unsa nang bakuna jd. Talawan mn gud jud ko ug dagum ba. So murag ako ang
masakitan sa akong anak. Unya tong ginaingon nila na, okay lage magpa
injection unya ngano man lage tong sa manila kay daghan nangamatay na bata?
Tungod atong dengvaxia, isa nalang gani atong anak unya madisgrasya pa.
Unsaon nalang jud.
Joycylyn: Maayong buntag sa inyong tanan. Ako diay si Joy, naa mi research
about sa bakuna. Pero dili ni siya bahin sa kung unsa jud na bakuna, kung di
bahin sa mga rason ngano dili gapabakuna ang mga parents sama ninyo po, sa
inyong mga anak. So, magsugod ko sa kung pila inyong mga edad po?
Joy: Pila namo katuig diri te? Dugay namo diri te?
J: So 3 imong anak te? Sa tulo nimo kaanak te, pilay edad sa imong
Participant 1: Kuan, nabalhin naman gud mi diri sa laing lugar. Mao nang wala
pud mi kabalo kung asa diria. O kung pwede ba ipadayon pa.
Participant 1: Wala kay naa man gud time diri na sirado sila tapos naa pd koy
ginabuhat kung pwede na ba diay rong adlawa.
J: sige te, pero karon every Wednesday, naa may bakuna sa inyong center te.
Pwede ka mag adto te, kada Wednesday. Ikaw te, pila kabuok imong anak te?
Participant 2: 1 year old, mag 2 na siya. Ang akong kamagulangan kay 13 years
Participant 2: Ang kinamanghuran lang ang kumpleto ang kamagulangan ang dili
Participant 2: Ay nalimtan oy. Kapoy man gdu adto sa center. Layo kaayo sa
amoa ang center. Maskin naa pa nay schedule.
Participant 2: Ah wala na. Nakalimtan na. Kay naningkamot tawon ko diri para
nay mapakaon sa pamilya nako.
J: Pero libre lang baya sa center nay, kada Wednesday. Di man kaya ka
mahadlok ug injection nay?
Participant 2: Mahadlok oy. Labaw na akong mga anak. Mutyabaw man gani
makakita lang ug dagom.
J: Dalaa sila sa Center nay. Libre didtoa nay. Pwede pd mo mangutana kung
unsay dagan nay. Kung ipapadayon ba ninyo o dili ang bakuna sa inyong anak
nay. Ikaw nay(2)?
J: Ngano nay?
Participant 2: Kuan, sige man gud kalintura akong anak human, makalimtan na.
Unya ana man gud sila na bawal daw magpabakuna kung naay kalintura ang
Participant 3: 10 years.
J: Ay ano man ate, ang Dengvaxia, dili man dapat na kahadlokan. Pero kanang
sa hepa, kanang sa center, lahi man pud na siya, mas okay na pabakunahan
nimo imong anak. Ngano mahadlok ka te?
Participant 3: kay kuan man gud to, nakakita ko sa balita ba na grabe daghan
kaayo nagsakit na mga bata gd tapos basi maabot pud sa akong anak. Kay
murag nagahatag sila ug dengue sa bata. Pero libre na sa center no?
J: oo te. Libre siya. Ahh so murag mahadlok ka te? Kay utro na ano sa chismis
ang dengvaxia te no? Okay te.
Participant 3: Pero try nako. Sabutan sa nako sa kong ka-live-in. Kay hasta man
pud gud siya nahadlok atong sa Dengvaxia ba. Basi naay mahitabo sa among
Aurora Ext., Digos City Cell: +639952237963
Davao del Sur Email: [email protected]
Personal Data:
Sex : Male
Age : 22
Date of Birth : October 15, 1997
Citizenship : Filipino
Status : Single
Father’s Name : Filemar R. Ocon
Occupation : OFW
Mother’s Name : Emelda R. Ocon
Occupation : Housewife
University of the Immaculate Conception – Bachelor of Medical Laboratory
2016 to Present, Father Selga St., Bankerohan, Davao City
Nazareth High School
2011 to 2015, Nazareno St., Poblacion Uno, Bansalan
Bansalan Central Elementary School
2005 to 2011, Poblacion Uno, Bansalan
Personal Data:
Sex : Female
Age : 21
Date of Birth : June 23, 1998
Citizenship : Filipino
Status : Single
Father’s Name : Shekar B. Tahil
Occupation : Deceased
Mother’s Name : Jernalyn A. Tahil
Occupation : Pharmacist
University of the Immaculate Conception – Bachelor of Medical Laboratory
2016 to Present, Father Selga St., Bankerohan, Davao City
Davao Chong Hua High School
2005 to 2015, Sta. Ana corner, J.P. Laurel Ave., Davao City
Blk 8 Lot 14 Garden Villas Elenita Heights, Cat. Grande Cell: +639277283819
Davao del Sur Email: [email protected]
Personal Data:
Sex : Female
Age : 20
Date of Birth : April 26, 1999
Citizenship : Filipino
Status : Single
Father’s Name : Ronelio L. Fabella
Occupation : Government employee
Mother’s Name : Maria Teresa L. Fabella
Occupation : Government employee
University of the Immaculate Conception – Bachelor of Medical Laboratory
2015 to Present, Father Selga St., Bankerohan, Davao City
Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School
2011 to 2015, Aplaya Road, Matina Crossing, Talomo, Davao City
Davao Macarius Child Academy
2009 to 2011, Garden Villas Elenita Heights, Catalunan Grande, Davao City
Personal Data:
Sex : Female
Age : 21
Date of Birth : November 6, 1998
Citizenship : Filipino
Status : Single
Father’s Name : Julius Lopez
Occupation : Deceased
Mother’s Name : Roselyn M. Latorilla
Occupation : Teacher
University of the Immaculate Conception – Bachelor of Medical Laboratory
2016 to Present, Father Selga St., Bankerohan, Davao City
La Filipina National Highschool
2011 to 2015, La Filipina, Tagum City
Union Elementary School
2009 to 2011, Tagum City