Final Report Rip Rap Alternatives

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Riprap Alternatives: Application and

Date: March 2016

By: Alex Forrester, P.Eng, RPF
FPInnovations is a not-for-profit world- 301010663: Riprap Alternatives
leading R&D institute that specializes in
the creation of scientific solutions in
support of the Canadian forest sector’s This project was financially supported by the
B.C Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural
global competitiveness and responds to Resource Operations, Engineering Branch,
the priority needs of its industry members under the B.C. Agreement between FLNRO
and FPInnovations.
and government partners. It is ideally
positioned to perform research, innovate, The author would also like to thank Joseph
Kenney and Jason Olmsted with FLNRO
and deliver state-of-the-art solutions for Northern Engineering Group in Prince George
every area of the sector’s value chain, B.C.; Maureen Kestler, Mark Russel and
Stephen Romero with the USDA Forest
from forest operations to consumer and Service; Ian Corne and Stephen Amos with
industrial products. FPInnovations’ staff Nilex Civil Environmental Group in Burnaby
B.C.; and Jarod Penny with Layfield Group in
numbers more than 525. Its R&D
Richmond B.C..
laboratories are located in Québec City,
Montréal and Vancouver, and it has REVIEWERS
technology transfer offices across Ian Corne, Application Specialist – Erosion and
Sediment Control, Nilex Civil Environmental
Canada. For more information
about FPInnovations, visit:
Jason Olmsted, RPF., P.Eng., Bridge Engineer, FLNRO Engineering Branch
Joseph Kenny, RPF., P.Eng., Engineering
Group Leader, FLNRO Engineering Branch
Follow us on:
Brian Chow, M.Eng., P.Eng., Chief Engineer,
FLNRO Engineering Branch

Clayton Gillies, RPF, RPBio
Senior Researcher
Roads and Infrastructure
(604) 222-5674
[email protected]

Cover photo shows the use of interlocking
concrete tri-lock blocks as an alternative to
riprap bridge abutment armoring.

© 2016 FPInnovations. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or redistribution prohibited.

Disclosure for Commercial Application: If you require assistance to implement these research findings, please
contact FPInnovations at [email protected].
Table of contents
1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 5
2. Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 6
5. Background .................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Riprap (Hard Armor) ....................................................................................................................... 8
Purpose.............................................................................................................................................. 8
Design Considerations ....................................................................................................................... 8
Failure Methods ................................................................................................................................. 9
Issues with Sourcing Riprap in British Columbia............................................................................... 10
7. Riprap Alternatives ....................................................................................................................... 11
Rolled Erosion Control Products ...................................................................................................... 12
Engineering Properties and Standardized Testing ........................................................................ 14
Design Considerations .................................................................................................................. 15
Geosynthetic Cellular Confinement Systems .................................................................................... 17
Engineering Properties and Standardized Testing ........................................................................ 17
Design Considerations .................................................................................................................. 19
Pre-cast Concrete Products ............................................................................................................. 20
Engineering Properties and Standardized Testing ........................................................................ 24
Design Considerations .................................................................................................................. 25
8. Theoretical Design Using Turf Reinforcment Mats ........................................................................ 28
Scenario 1: Nilex ArmorMax® compared to 35 kg-class riprap ..................................................... 29
Scenario 2: P550 Vmax compared to 35 kg-class riprap ............................................................... 30
Scenario 3: Class 75 ArmorFlex® ACBM compared to 700 kg-class riprap hauled 100 km .......... 31
Scenario 4: Class 75 ArmorFlex® ACBM compared to 700 kg-class riprap hauled 500 km .......... 32
9. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 33
References .......................................................................................................................................... 34
10. Appendix A – Lower Goat Road Crossing at 4.4 km Issued For Construction Drawings ............ 37
11. Appendix B – Armormax® VS. 35 kg-Class Riprap ................................................................... 47
12. Appendix C – P550 TRM VS. 35 kg-Class Riprap ..................................................................... 52
13. Appendix D – Class 75 ArmorFlex® vs. 700 kg-Class Riprap Hauled 100 km to site ................ 57
14. Appendix E – Class 75 ArmorFlex® vs. 700 kg-Class Riprap Hauled 500 km to site................. 62

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List of Figures
Figure 1. Example of a HPTRM and cable anchor system. .................................................................. 14
Figure 2. Example TRM staple pattern. ................................................................................................ 16
Figure 3. Standard GeoWeb section .................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4. ACBM being stacked for transport. ....................................................................................... 21
Figure 5. A-jacks® being installed on a stream bank ........................................................................... 21
Figure 6. Standard drawing of an ArmorFlex® ACBM revetment mat. ................................................. 22
Figure 7. Typical ACBM revetment installation along stream bank. ...................................................... 23
Figure 8. A-jacks® standard specifications .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 9. ACBM layout diagram for pier scour countermeasures. ........................................................ 26
Figure 10. Plan view of A-jacks® modules used for pier scour protection. ........................................... 27
Figure 11. Detail of A-jacks® installed at a pier on a bedding layer of blast stone with geotextile. ....... 27
Figure 12. Carbon emission and cost comparison of Nilex’s Armormax® vs. 35 kg-class riprap .......... 29
Figure 13. Carbon emission and cost comparison of Nilex’s P550 Vmax TRM vs. 35 kg-class riprap .. 30
Figure 14. Carbon emission and cost comparison of Nilex’s Class 75 ArmorFlex® vs. 700 kg-class
riprap ................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 15. Carbon emission and cost comparison of Nilex’s Class 75 ArmorFlex® vs. 700 kg-class
riprap ................................................................................................................................................... 32

List of Tables
Table 1. Riprap size and mass classes recommended for various stormflow velocities ......................... 9
Table 2. Typical ECB flow and shear stress resistance values (vegetated state) derived from averages
of several similar products available on the market .............................................................................. 12
Table 3. Typical TRM flow and shear stress resistance values derived from averages of several similar
products available on the market ......................................................................................................... 13
Table 4. HEC-15 Design Considerations for using RECP's for conveyance systems ........................... 15
Table 5. EnviroGrid® flume test results for limiting flow and shear values at 13 mm, 25 mm, and 38 mm
soil loss ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Table 6. Budgetary pricing of GeoWeb® .............................................................................................. 19
Table 7. Properties of Tri-lock Concrete Blocks ................................................................................... 20

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Sourcing rock riprap in northern British Columbia has become an increasing challenge in recent years
and even when suitable rock is located near a project it is often cost prohibitive to develop it.
Discussions with B.C. Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO) have
indicated that over the last few years the cost to supply and install riprap has increased from
approximately $30/m3 to $75/m3 (not including blasting). As a result, FLNRO has requested
FPInnovations to review potential riprap alternatives that could be used for forestry applications.

FPInnovations conducted a literature review, held multiple meetings and conference calls with suppliers
of riprap alternatives, and worked with one supplier to conduct a theoretical design using riprap
alternatives. Through this work it was found that there are several viable rock riprap alternatives that
can be used in the forest industry and are currently available on the market. The most significant cost
savings were found for products that would replace smaller class riprap (i.e., 35 kg-class). However,
marginal savings were found for larger class riprap in situations where the closest riprap source was a
substantial distance from the project (e.g., more than 100 km).

Riprap alternatives that were found to be most applicable for the forest industry include rolled erosion
control products (RECP), geocells, and precast concrete products (PCCP). RECP considered in this
report include turf reinforcement mats (TRM) and high-performance TRM. Erosion control blankets
(ECB) are also included as another type of RECP; however, they are a temporary measure used to
establish vegetation on site, with long-term flow resistance being derived from vegetation type and
coverage. Geocells also can be used as a riprap alternative in some circumstances; however, careful
consideration must be given to the site and hydraulic conditions before selecting this type of product.
PCCP discussed in the report include tri-lock concrete blocks, articulating concrete block mattresses
(ACBM), and three-dimensional concrete units. PCCP appear to have the most promise for replacing
large class riprap because they are more durable than RECP or geocells. For example, PCCP are able
to withstand impacts from floating large woody debris, vehicles or ice.

When considering use of a riprap alternative it is important to involve qualified professionals who are
experienced with these types of revetment systems. Standardized testing for riprap alternatives does
not reflect real-world environmental conditions or installation techniques. Testing for these products
typically consists of a flume where flows are uniform and the discharge rates are monitored and
controlled. Ensuring products are used in a manner intended by the manufacturer and installed
according to manufacture specifications is critical to the success of the revetment. Furthermore, some
standardized testing facilities are limited in the amount of discharge they can subject riprap alternatives
too. It was found that, in some instances, the products did not reach a failure criteria and that design
values for shear stress and water velocity were extrapolated from test data.

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This report is intended to provide a general overview of products currently on the market that can be
used as alternatives to riprap in a forest industry setting. This report does not recommend specific
products, manufacturers or suppliers; however, presents information obtained from various literature
sources and meetings. FPInnovations did not conduct field evaluations of any products described in
this report. This report cannot replace professional judgement, and aspects of this report do not apply in
all circumstances. When considering use of riprap alternatives it is important to consult professionals
with experience and training in their design and installation. In addition, given that products and
techniques outlined in this report will be new, even for experienced contractors, owners and field staff; a
robust quality management program (QMP) must be implemented to ensure successful installation and
long-term performance. As such, a QMP must allow for an adequate number of professional field
inspections to ensure installation meets the standards set by design documents.

All budgetary pricing contained in this report, including product and installation costs, vary greatly by
supplier, product, region, installation and design assumptions. Further, unforeseen site conditions can
increase costs. All budget pricing contained herein was considered during the first quarter of 2016.

In northern B.C., rock riprap has become increasingly difficult to source and develop for resource road
projects. Reasons for this include a scarcity of suitable rock and a lack of local qualified blasters. Even
when blasters are available, and rock is located with in close proximity to a construction site, the cost of
mobilization to the northern part of the province is prohibitive. Within recent years this has led to
increased resource road and bridge project costs, with some projects being modified or cancelled. As a
result, the B.C. Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO) requested
FPInnovations to provide a review of alternatives to riprap that are currently available , and assess their
suitability for resource road and bridge applications (i.e., revetments, bridge piers, bridge abutments
and bank stabilization). Additionally, FLNRO requested FPInnovations to review the testing
methodology these alternatives undergo, and whether the testing criteria are applicable to typical forest
industry conditions.

This report investigates current products available on the market that can be used as alternatives to
traditional rock riprap, and discuss their suitability in the resource industry. Additionally, the report
reviews testing methodologies used by manufacturers to better understand how manufacturer
specifications relate to real-world conditions. This report does not provide detailed design
methodologies for riprap or riprap alternatives; however, it does provide reference to design manuals
and technical reports where further information can be found. Finally, a conceptual review of using
riprap alternatives for a bridge replacement project in northern B.C. provides cost implications and
benefits of using these products.

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Riprap is the term used to define large, angular blocks of rock typically used on a streambank,
shoreline or slope to armor against erosion and scour of underlying soils. Largely due to B.C. geology,
riprap has been the most commonly used material for bank protection. It is durable, there is substantial
industry experience installing it and, historically, it has been readily available. Additionally riprap
structures, as a whole, are flexible and rarely fail even when minor structural shifting occurs or
individual rocks are eroded. Furthermore, they are easily constructed and repaired in the event of
damage (MOE, 2000). Riprap also provides protection against water action, and when used at a pier
location provides armoring against scour which can undermine pier bents, leading to costly repairs or
bridge failure. In some instances riprap can provide a buffer against large debris striking bridge piers
and abutments; however, this is a secondary function.

Historically, in British Columbia, riprap sources were abundant and developing quarries in close
proximity to resource road and bridge projects was common practice. Further, there was an abundance
of skilled and experienced blasters in the province available to blast quarries in remote locations.
However, in recent years FLNRO has identified that in the northern part of B.C. sources of riprap are
becoming less abundant, and even when a quarry site is identified mobilizing blasters to site is cost
prohibitive, as they often have to travel from the southern portion of the province.

While riprap has been the most common armoring method in the past, technological advances in
geosynthetics, concrete, and biological alternatives are reducing the need for rock to protect against
stream, shore and slope erosion. Riprap alternatives include three main types:

1) stand-alone biological solutions (e.g., hydroseeding, live stakes, live fascines, brush matting, live
siltation, branch packing, reed clumps, and fibre rolls).

2) combinations of biological armoring and geosynthetics (e.g., turf reinforcing mats, synthetic wattles,
and vegetated geogrids).

3) manufactured concrete, steel, and petroleum systems (e.g., rock-filled geocells, rock-filled gabions,
concrete lock blocks or interlocking blocks, articulating concrete block mattresses, and A-jacks®1).

Alternatives to riprap come with various specifications and guidelines; however, determining how these
specifications relate to resource road and stream crossing applications has been a challenge. The
testing methodology for many of the riprap alternatives (i.e., geosynthetics and articulating concrete
block mattresses) are conducted under uniform flow conditions. When considering bridge abutments or
stream channel reinforcement, flow conditions are often non-uniform. The lack of manufacturers’
specification regarding the use of these riprap alternatives under lab conditions has resulted in design
engineers being hesitant to use them. Understanding how standardized testing relates to real-world
conditions, and finding examples where alternatives have been used will provide insight into how they
can be incorporated by design engineers. Another challenge is that design specifications for living
systems are missing or only now under development because these riprap alternatives are naturally

A-jacks® are precast concrete armor units made of two symmetrical interlocking halves. Each half
consists of a central core with three identical legs that radiate outward at 90-degree spacing (Nilex, 2016).

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variable. Shallow soil mantle reinforcement is achievable with living systems; however, reinforcement of
deeper layers is not well understood.


Conventionally, riprap or hard armor is a layer of large angular rock blocks placed at bridge abutments,
bridge piers, stream banks, steep slopes, culvert inlets and outlets and as lining in conveyance
channels (ditches) to prevent damage caused by scour, erosion and sloughing (Brown and Clyde,
1989). Riprap revetments protect against this damage through a combination of rock weight, size
gradation, durability and thickness (MOE, 2000). Furthermore, riprap must be used at bridge abutments
and piers to prevent the scour and erosive action of shifting or constricted stream channels caused by
disturbance to the natural banks following bridge and road construction (FLNRO, 1999). Decisions
regarding riprap use are dependent on the stream channel characteristics and design flood event; or in
the case of steep slopes, the slope gradient, length and soil type. For streams, riprap dissipates energy
of the flowing water thereby reducing its ability to erode the soils beneath. On steep slopes, riprap is
often placed on the bottom third of the slope to prevent rotational type slope failures. Typically, riprap is
placed on a geosynthetic or granular filter layer which distributes the weight of the riprap evenly over
the area, while allowing for separation of fine soil particles, relief of hydrostatic pressures and uniform
settlement of the riprap blanket.

Riprap also serves the purpose of protecting against impacts and mechanical forces. This is particularly
true in B.C. where heavy rains and spring runoff regularly occur. Another consideration in B.C. is ice
and the potential for large ice flows to damage elements of infrastructure and redirect streamflow. In
cold northern climates the freeze and thaw action in-between riprap may dislodge individual rocks and
compromise revetment integrity. Additionally, freeze and thaw can break down rock size over time.
Ensuring riprap is sized appropriately can mitigate potential damage caused by large debris and ice.

Design Considerations
When designing with riprap several factors must be considered, such as, ‘is the structure to be
armored?’, the stream characteristics, and source of riprap material. Designing a riprap revetment for a
permanent structure bridge abutment on a high-flow stream with significant flood events is different
than designing for a temporary bridge on an ephemeral creek that may see flows only half of the year.
Just as important, knowing what rock sources are available can influence the design process.

Rock size selection is one of the most important considerations when designing a riprap revetment or
armor blanket. Determining the rock size requires designers to have a thorough understanding of the
stream characteristics, as well as what is being protected. First designers must consider the design
discharge, flow type, section geometry, capacity of the stream to carry debris and extent of required
protection (Brown and Clyde, 1989). When this is understood decisions can be made regarding rock
size and gradation, riprap revetment thickness, filter layer design, end and top treatment of the
revetment, bank slope and vertical extents of the revetment, toe treatment and scour protection and
which construction methods best suit the site (MOE Water Management Branch, 2000). FLNRO’s
Bridge Design and Construction Manual (1999) provides further information regarding riprap design

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considerations and concepts, as well as allowable riprap size and mass classes based on the
estimated maximum stream velocities (Table 1). In the case of FLNRO bridge projects, the minimum
required thickness for riprap armoring is 1.75 times the nominal D 50 size. The nominal D50 size is based
on a rock particle mixture where no more than 50 percent by mass is smaller than the median size2.

Table 1. Riprap size and mass classes recommended for various stormflow velocities (FLNRO, 1999)

Nominal (D50) riprap size class Riprap mass class Maximum stormflow velocity
(mm) (kg) (m/s)
200 10 2.5

300 35 3.0

450 125 3.6

600 280 4.2

800 700 4.8

1000 1300 5.3

1300 2800 6.0

Failure Methods
Several common failure modes have been identified for riprap which includes particle erosion,
translational slides, modified slumps and slumps (Brown and Clyde, 1989). To combat these failure
modes adequate rock sizing, weight, gradation, durability and revetment blanket thickness is required
(MOE, 2000). As discussed, one benefit of riprap is that minor failures in the revetment blanket are
easily repaired and often times do not compromise the structural integrity of the revetment. However, if
design considerations for the site are inadequate, for example inadequate rock size based on the
estimated design discharge, than failure of the revetment is likely.

Particle erosion is a common riprap revetment failure mode. Typically, this is caused when the resistive
forces of the revetment are exceeded by the hydrologic forces. Rocks are dislodged from the revetment
and often deposited in the channel bed adjacent to the revetment. If rocks are allowed to deposit
adjacent to the revetment and build up, this can cause additional particle displacement as the flows are
deflected and turbulent. While there are many causes of particle erosion, several common causes are;
inadequate stone size; individual stones removed by impact or abrasion; bank slope exceeds angle of
repose and gradation is too uniform (Brown and Clyde, 1989).

Translational slides are another common failure mode of riprap revetments and are commonly initiated
when the toe of the revetment is undermined. Undermining can be caused by particle erosion, channel
thalwag migration or impacts from debris and ice. Translational slides are characterized by a separation

D50 of 200 mm means that no more than 50 percent of the rock particles, by mass, are smaller than 200 mm as
measured along the rocks intermediate axis (FLNRO, 1999).

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in the revetment blanket that forms a fault line running parallel to the channel direction. The separated
riprap on the lower portion of the slope will migrate down the slope and may result in bulging at the
bottom of the slope. Some identified causes of translational failures are; overly steep bank side slope;
excess hydrostatic pressures under the revetment; undermining of revetment toe caused by erosion or
some other method (Brown and Clyde, 1989).

Modified slump failures are characterized as a mass movement of material along an internal failure
surface. This type of failure is similar to a translational failure, however, the geometry of the damaged
riprap resembles early stages of failure caused by particle erosion. Additionally, the causes of modified
slump type failures are more subtle and may include the riprap resting very near it’s angle of repose; as
a result any imbalance or movement of individual rocks creates instability in adjacent rocks or the
revetment. Another potential cause is when material that is critical to the support of the upslope riprap
becomes dislodged by settlement of the submerged riprap, impact, abrasion or particle erosion (Brown
and Clyde, 1989).

Slump failures are a rotational-gravitational movement of the riprap along a concave upward curved
failure plane. These failures are related to underlying base material that supports the revetment.
Excess pore pressures are the typical cause, and result in the shearing and displacement of materials
along a slip surface. Known causes of slump failures are; heterogeneous base material with layers of
impermeable material that act as a fault line when subject to pore pressure; and, overly steep side
slopes where the force of gravity exceeds the inertial force of the riprap and base material along the
friction plane (Brown and Clyde, 1989).

Another failure mode often overlooked for riprap revetments is nuisance or persistent flows beneath
geosynthetic layers. Riprap revetments are often designed for a specific design discharge event such
as the 100-year storm event, or Q100. When these storm events occur and there is a “catastrophic
failure” of the revetment it is often attributed solely to the storm event. Ian Corne with Nilex Civil
Environmental Group based out of Burnaby B.C. has been working with various revetment systems for
over 13 years, and believes nuisance or persistent sub-surface flows beneath revetment geosynthetic
mats is the underlying cause of many catastrophic failures. Sub-surface flows erode soils beneath the
geosynthetic and eventually lead to erosion gullies or large voids beneath the revetment. High tensile
strength geosynthetic is able to span these voids under static conditions, maintaining the appearance
that the revetment is in good condition. However, under storm conditions the added weight and
violence of high water velocity causes the geosynthetic to burst. This can result in riprap being
dislodged from the revetment similar to particle erosion failures described above. While additional
research is needed to confirm whether nuisance or persistent subsurface flow is a major contributor to
riprap revetment failures, taking this into consideration when designing with riprap will increase the
durability of the structure (Corne, 2016).

Issues with Sourcing Riprap in British Columbia

The two major challenges to developing riprap in northern British Columbia come from regional scarcity
of suitable rock and a lack of certified blasters. These challenges also provide significant motivation for
finding suitable applications for riprap alternatives. British Columbia is a vast province, covering almost
one million square kilometers. As such, the geology of B.C. is highly variable, with some areas having
abundant riprap sources while others have virtually none. There are five distinct physiographic regions

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in B.C.: The Coast mountains and islands, the Interior plateau, the Columbia mountains and southern
Rockies, the northern and central plateaus and mountains, and the Great Plains (Valentine et al, 1978).
The geology of each region is unique, and the effects of glaciation and erosion have played a critical
role in the abundance of riprap sources. Regions west of the Rocky Mountains tend to have abundant
exposed bedrock which can be developed into riprap, while areas east of the Rocky Mountains tend to
have deep deposits of glacial drift overlying bedrock. Additionally, exposed bedrock east of the Rocky
Mountains tends to be sandstone and shale which is not ideal for riprap due to its lack of durability
(Catto, 1991).

In the southern portion of B.C. there are many drilling and blasting companies capable of developing
riprap quarries. The majority of companies are based in Kamloops with some in the Columbia/Kootenay
and Vancouver Island regions. These blasting companies are often busy working for other industries
such as oil and gas or mining, and when they are able to schedule work in the north the cost of
mobilization is often high. Further, according to sources within FLNRO, the cost of supply and install of
riprap (not including blasting) has more than doubled in recent years. The high cost of mobilization,
coupled with the increased cost of supply and install has led to some FLNRO projects being delayed or

There is an identified need within the forest industry to find appropriate riprap alternatives that are able
to withstand the challenges of remote construction sites, limited monitoring, and unpredictable
environmental conditions. Riprap alternatives are not widely used in the forest industry, however, some
products are being used for civil applications.

Typical civil construction applications for riprap alternatives include conveyance structures where rock
riprap would be used such as ditch lines, storm water collection ponds, ephemeral or intermittent
stream banks and parking lot or construction run-off. In general, these types of conveyance structures
are adjacent to residential, commercial or industrial areas where resources and expertise are abundant
during installation. Additionally, structures located near these areas can be easily monitored following
construction, and have any identified issues quickly remedied. Forestry applications for riprap
alternatives face different challenges than their civil counterparts, as construction is often in remote
locations where stream flows may be perennial with periods of extreme flows, ice build-up, and
transportation of large woody debris. Further, unpredictable environmental conditions can exceed
design assumptions, and remote locations make regular monitoring of structures a challenge.

There are several manufactured concrete, steel, and petroleum system options available on the market
which include Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP), geosynthetic cellular confinement systems
(geocells), and Pre-cast Concrete Products (PCCP). RECP are typically made of either geosynthetic or
natural fibre materials to create an erosion-resistant barrier that can promote natural vegetation and be
used in a number of conveyance or slope stabilizing applications. PCCP, such as articulating concrete
block (ACBM) mattress systems and A-jacks®, can be used in a similar manner as traditional riprap. All
riprap alternatives have benefits and drawbacks, and it should be noted that although manufacturer
specifications may be available, a professional with experience designing these types of revetment
systems should be consulted.

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Rolled Erosion Control Products
RECP encompass a range of products that can be used for short and long term armoring applications.
The American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM describes RECP as “a temporary degradable or
long-term non-degradable material manufactured or fabricated into rolls designed to reduce soil erosion
and assist in the growth, establishment and protection of vegetation”. A discussion with various
suppliers of RECP and a review of various manufacturer specifications indicates the potential to use
RECP as a riprap alternative in a variety of forestry applications. However, RECP may not be a suitable
replacement for riprap in large streams where significant flows carry large debris or ice which can
damage the RECP revetment. In fact, conversations with colleagues in the U.S.D.A. Forest Service
have indicated the RECP should only be used as a riprap alternative for low gradient / low turbulence

The two types of RECP’s applicable for use in the Forest Industry are Erosion Control Blankets (ECB)
and Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRM). ECB and TRM are similar in that they are both a rolled blanket
system that provides immediate protection against shear stress and erosion, while promoting the
growth of vegetation through the blanket. The establishment of vegetation results in a stable root mat
which increases the shear strength capacity of the system, reduces water turbidity and stabilizes
slopes. The main differences are that ECB are a temporary measure used to promote establishment of
vegetation, and typically incorporate natural fibres such as straw and coconut matting into the matrix.
ECB are typically well suited for conveyances with shallow slopes and intermittent flow conditions such
as ditch lines, ephemeral stream channels, or unstable slopes. They can also be placed over top of a
seeded surface. ECB’s are not meant for use in turbulent flow conditions or where high design
discharges are expected. ECB typically exhibit flow and shear stress resistance strengths similar to fully
vegetated structures (Table 2). It should be noted that ECB typically address surficial slope erosion
issues, and that ECB final design values for flow and shear stress resistance in a vegetated state are
ultimately dependant on the vegetation type and coverage that develops on the site.

Table 2. Typical ECB flow and shear stress resistance values (vegetated state) derived from averages of
several similar products available on the market

Flow Shear stress

ECB type based on service life (m/s) resistance (Pa)

Short Term (<6 Months) 1.8 80

Medium Term (< 2 Years) 2.5 105

Long Term (< 3 Years) 3.4 130

TRM utilize a three-dimensional structure and are intended for long-term bank protection against scour
and erosion, while promoting vegetation establishment through the geosynthetic mat. The three-
dimensional structure of TRM’s promotes vegetation growth by allowing germination beneath the
blanket while protecting the seeds from erosion or becoming food for birds and small mammals. Once
in place, TRM’s have an immediate benefit in protecting the bank from scour and erosion and are able
to resist modest flows and shear stress prior to vegetation establishment. As vegetation grows up
through the three-dimensional matrix it bonds the mat to the ground surface, further increasing the

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TRM’s ability to resist intense storm flows and shear stress (Table 3). In situations where a TRM might
be unable to properly protect against design flood events, the stream bank is extremely steep or bank
soils are prone to instability a high-performance TRM can be used. High performance TRM’s are made
of durable geosynthetics and incorporate specialized anchor systems to further increase their ability to
reduce erosion and scour (Figure 1).

Table 3. Typical TRM flow and shear stress resistance values derived from averages of several similar
products available on the market
TRM category based on installed bank
Maximum Flows (m/s) Maximum Shear (Pa)
gradient and anticipated water flow t

Table text Unvegetated Vegetated Unvegetated Vegetated

≤ 1:1 Slope Moderate to High Overland Flows 2.7 4.9 96 383

≥ 1:1 Slope Moderate to High flows 2.9 4.6 120 383

≥ 1:1 Slope High Flows 3.2 6 144 478

≥ 1:1 Slope Extreme High Flows 3.8 7.6 156 576

High-Performance TRMs 4.6 7.6 285 742

The ability of RECP’s to resist erosion and scour while promoting vegetation growth make them
suitable for forestry applications. Promotion of vegetation enhances the environmental value of the site
and can potentially create habitat for fish and small animals. In addition vegetation will capture and
retain sediments, acting as a filter for reducing water turbidity and promoting deposition of any eroded
materials. Field studies have shown that utilizing TRM’s doubles the flow velocities vegetated banks
can withstand (Theisen and Carroll, 1990). Considering RECP’s ability to resist erosion and scour,
while promoting vegetation growth, potential forest industry applications may include stream bank
stabilization or remediation, bridge abutments on low-gradient / low-flow streams, culvert inlets and
outlets, road decommissioning, slope stabilization and ditch lines. For applications in streams, it should
be noted that RECP’s are not able to resist mechanical impacts such as logs or large branches floating
down stream. Once damaged, erosion and scour may occur beneath the RECP further propagating the
damage and causing the RECP to separate from the subgrade altogether. With this in mind a
professional assessment of the use of RECP’s should include the potential for damage by impact or

FPInnovations Page 13
Figure 1. Example of a HPTRM and cable anchor system (Propex, 2013).

Engineering Properties and Standardized Testing

RECP manufactures submit their products to a range of standard and proprietary test methods in order
to provide quantifiable measure of their physical properties and engineering capabilities. The property
that directly relates to use as a riprap alternative is the RECP’s ability to resist flow and shear stresses.
Tables 2 and 3 provide an overview of capabilities for several categories of ECB’s and TRM’s available
on the market, however, these values are averages of several similar products and not appropriate for
design purposes.

The standard test method used for characterizing RECP performance is ASTM Internationals’ D6460
standard test for determination of rolled erosion control products performance in protecting earthen
channels from stormwater-induced erosion. The objective of this test is to determine the relationship
between shear stress and soil loss, determine the relationship between velocity and soil loss and
determine hydraulic conditions of failure in the test channel. To accomplish this, a test channel is
prepared with a rectangular cross-section that has the RECP installed in it. Water is delivered to the
channel through a regulated water delivery system that can be monitored to ensure consistent flow
rates. Water flow from the delivery system is parallel to the flume slope through the test channel which
allows evaluation of soil loss based on a known flow rate. A minimum of three tests are performed for
the RECP, with failure criteria for unvegetated tests being 12.7mm of soil loss or catastrophic failure
and vegetated tests being 12.7mm soil loss, catastrophic failure or enough erosion to allow continuous
flow of water beneath the RECP (ASTM 6460, 2012).

Another consideration for using RECPs on stream banks or hillslopes is their ability to protect against
rainfall induced erosion. ASTM Internationals’ D6459 Standard Test Method for Determination of Rolled
Erosion Control Products Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-Induced Erosion evaluates

FPInnovations Page 14
this. However, as with installation of any RECP, installation techniques, and site conditions vary greatly
from laboratory test environments. This test method utilizes a full-scale test procedure to simulate
conditions typically found on construction sites prior to vegetation establishment and provides for a
comparative evaluation between bare soil and those covered by an RECP. This is an important
consideration in forest operations as introducing sediments to ditches or streams can have negative
impacts on the aquatic environment. The test evaluates RECP ability to reduce soil loss and sediment
concentrations during simulated storm events and the ability to protect water quality. Bare soil plots are
compared to those with RECP installed over top by collecting runoff water and quantifying the amount
of sediment in the samples. The test can also be applied to RECP’s with vegetation established on
them which can then be used to determine effective vegetation coverage for various rainfall intensities
(ASTM 6459, 2015).

Design Considerations
Due-diligence should be exercised when considering the use of RECP’s. Standard testing methods,
such as the ASTM 6460, do not reflect typical field installation techniques, site conditions or turbulent
flows (AASHTO-NTPEP, 2011). Furthermore, these testing methods evaluate sheet flow parallel to a
slope, while typical installation on a stream channel or adjacent to a bridge abutment would have flows
perpendicular to the slope. Therefore engaging a design engineer with experience using RECP’s is
required. Additionally, a site evaluation is required to determine the appropriateness of using certain
types of RECP’s. As a general rule, RECP’s should only be used as a stand-alone alternative to riprap
on streams with low gradients, minimal turbulent flows and low potential for transporting large woody
debris, branches or ice. Furthermore, the ability to monitor the RECP revetment should also be

A thorough discussion of using RECP’s for conveyance systems can be found in the National Highway
Associations Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 15 (HEC-15) The HEC-15 provides a comprehensive
overview of design considerations for the use of RECP’s in roadside channels (Table 4).

Table 4. HEC-15 Design Considerations for using RECP's for conveyance systems (Kilgore and Cotton,
Open channel flow Shear stress Design parameters

 Type of flow  Equilibrium concepts  Design discharge frequency

 Normal flow depth  Applied shear stress  Channel cross section geometry
 Resistance to flow  Permissible shear stress  Channel slope
 Freeboard

Additional consideration should be given to using RECP’s as part of a larger system. For example,
RECP’s can be used to protect portions of an embankment or stream channel that only experiences
flows during extreme discharge events. On the lower portions of the slope riprap or concrete riprap
alternatives could be used. In this way, the embankment can be completely protected, while saving the
cost of placing riprap over the entire slope. Additionally, the RECP will allow vegetation to establish
which adds to the aesthetics of the revetment, increases capacity for shear stress and flow resistance
and can act as a filter to keep road sediments out of the stream.

FPInnovations Page 15
As discussed above, manufacturer specifications and standardized testing for maximum permissible
flow rates and shear are typically derived from flow conditions parallel to the test slope. As a result,
specialized edge treatment, anchor pattern layout or seam fastening may be critical to the long-term
durability of the system to ensure that stream flows cannot lift up the edges. Layout and density of
anchor rods and staples is a significant consideration (for example Figure 2). Field staff experienced
with the installation of RECP believe that when RECP systems fail it is often a result of contractors not
adhering to anchor rod or staple layout and density. Supervision during the installation of an RECP
system, therefore, should be performed by personnel experienced with their use, and periodic field
inspections by the designer should be carried out as part of a quality management program to ensure a
successful installation and long-term system performance. The extra time spent at the front end of the
project will reduce the potential for costly re-work, maintenance or repairs to improperly installed RECP

Figure 2. Example TRM staple pattern (Nilex, 2014).

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Geosynthetic Cellular Confinement Systems
Geosynthetic cellular confinement systems (geocells) were originally developed in the late 1970’s by
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for building stabilized roads expediently out of sand. Since then a
host of applications has been found for this technology such as stabilizing steep embankments,
streambank protection and armoring ditch lines. Geocells are comprised of a matrix of three-
dimensional cells arranged into an expandable mattress that is anchored to a surface and infilled with
material (Figure 3). Discussions with Jarrod Penny, from Layfield Group Construction, indicates that a
geocell product they supply, GeoWeb®3, can be used to protect stream banks, channels, and ditch
lines from erosion caused by extreme storm discharge events. For forestry applications, GeoWeb®
would be used as part of a system, overlaid with a TRM to ensure materials remained confined within
the cells. This would provide additional protection from erosion and scour while allowing vegetation to
grow on the slope. Site preparation would include installation of a separation layer beneath the geocell,
such as a non-woven geotextile.

Figure 3. Standard GeoWeb section (Presto, 2013).

Engineering Properties and Standardized Testing

Between April 2005 and August 2006, Presto Geosystems tested GeoWeb® as part of a composite
system with a TRM overlay in a flume system at Colorado State University Steep-gradient Overtopping
Facility (CSU SGOF) at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Engineering Research Center (ERCD). The
objective of the test was to determine thresholds for shear stresses and flow rates in order to quantify

GeoWeb® is a three dimensional cellular confinement system that can be infilled with a variety of coarse
granular material, topsoil, or concrete. The three-dimensional structure holds the upper soil layer in place on
slopes and prevents erosion and scour. Additional information can be found at:

FPInnovations Page 17
the hydraulic forces the system could handle. The test used GW30V, 150 mm deep, GeoWeb® and
North American Green C350 composite turf reinforcement matting. This integrated system was
established in a planter test box with the GeoWeb® installed to manufacturers specifications then
infilled with soil, the TRM was installed overtop and seeded with Kentucky bluegrass. Vegetation was
allowed to establish over a 14 day period allowing root integration throughout the system. For the test,
the planter box was put in a flume at a slope of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). Water was pumped into the
flume at a uniform flow rate parallel to the slope. Six tests were performed on the composite geocell /
TRM system; however, due to facility constraints system failure of 13 mm soil loss was not achieved.
The maximum discharge flows achieved during testing ranged from 0.4 m3/s to 3.1 m3/s. Maximum
shear stresses achieved during testing ranged from 550 Pa to 760 Pa (Presto, 2007).

Another cellular confinement system available on the market is Geo Products’ EnviroGrid®
geosynthetic cellular confinement system. Similar to other geosynthetic cellular confinement systems it
has a three-dimensional structure and can be used to protect and stabilize steep slopes and stream
channel banks. In July of 2014, EnviroGrid® was tested at the TRI Environmental Research
Laboratories in Texas as per the ASTM 6460 methodology. For the ASTM 6460 standard test an RECP
system is considered to have failed once 13 mm depth of soil loss has occurred. However, for geocells
it is believed this would provide overly conservative permissible flow and shear values because
geocells provide containment throughout the topsoil layer, with common cell depths ranging from 75
mm to 150 mm. As such, the testing methodology was amended to consider 25 mm and 38 mm of soil
loss from the system. EnviroGrid® was tested for maximum permissible flow and shear for five
conditions; infilled with 50 mm-size rock, infilled with 100 mm-size rock, infilled with soil and seeded
with Bermuda grass allowing six weeks to establish cover, infilled with soil and covered with Bermuda
grass sod, and infilled with soil and seeded with Bermuda grass allowing six weeks to establish cover
plus a TRM overlay. Results of the testing can be found below (Table 5).

Table 5. EnviroGrid® flume test results for limiting flow and shear values at 13 mm, 25 mm, and 38 mm
soil loss (Geo Products, 2014)
Infill Material Limit Velocity (m/s) Limit Shear (Pa)

Soil loss 13 mm 25 mm 38 mm 13 mm 25 mm 38 mm
EnviroGrid® with 2" [50mm] Rock 2.1 11.2 14.6 158 254 345

EnviroGrid® with 4" [100mm] Rock 8.8 11.2 13 225 292 345

EnviroGrid® with 6-Week Bermuda Grass 12.6 16.9 20.2 316 412 488

EnviroGrid® with Bermuda Sod 16.5 25.4 27.6 383 517 622

EnviroGrid® with 6 Week Bermuda plus

TRM 22 27.2 30.4 469 575 646

FPInnovations Page 18
Design Considerations
When considering a geocell revetment as an alternative to riprap armoring it is important that they are
used in appropriate locations. Furthermore, professionals with experience and training in the design
and installation of geocells should be consulted. Geocells can be used as a method for making smaller
rock sizes perform similar to large rock sizes as seem by the testing done with EnviroGrid®. They can
also be used as part of a system with TRM’s, as shown by the Colorado State University testing of
GeoWeb®, to create a revetment that promotes vegetation growth. The advantage of using a geocell is
that it can be infilled with materials that would typically be considered unsuitable as backfill. This is due
to the geocells ability to confine material within the three-dimensional matrix. Examples of material that
can be used for infilling geocells are sand, local pit run, poorly graded gravel aggregate; poorly graded
crushed rock and concrete. As with any revetment system that is an alternative to traditional riprap, a
qualified professional should be part of the design team to ensure the system is appropriate for the

Testing at the CSU SGOF showed that geocells can be successfully used as part of an integrated
system with a TRM. Due to facility constraints at CSU SGOF, the maximum discharge rate that the
GW30V GeoWeb® in an integrated system could be tested at was only 3.1m3/s. As such, any
subsequent design discharge claims would be extrapolations of this data. Design discharge flows for a
Q100 event can be significantly higher than 3.1 m3/s. In forestry applications it may be necessary to
utilize a geocell with smaller cell dimensions to increase the stability of the system such as the
GeoWeb® GW20V. Using a smaller cell size ensures adequate confinement of infill materials,
especially on steep slopes. Cost of the GeoWeb® is based on product type and amount needed.
Additionally, when using GeoWeb®, it is recommended that a non-woven geotextile is placed as a
separator between the geocells and the subsoils. The typical cost for Layfield’s LP6 non-woven
geotextile is $1.00/m2. Budgetary pricing for GeoWeb® can be found in Table 6.

Table 6. Budgetary pricing of GeoWeb®

Unit Cost ($/m2)

Product GW20V4 GW20V6 GW30V4 GW30V6

(100 mm cell depth) (150 mm cell depth) (100 mm cell depth) (150 mm cell depth)
2 2 2 2
$14.50/m $20.50/m $12.00/m $18.00/m

As with most riprap alternatives, impacts by large woody debris or ice can compromise the integrity of
the system. In the event a section of the geocell revetment is damaged, the underlying separation layer
of non-woven geotextile will be exposed but would continue to provide erosion protection under
moderate flow conditions, however, during extreme flows complete failure of the revetment may occur.
Washing away of infill material beneath the TRM under normal environmental conditions is also a
concern with these systems, especially where highly erosive subsoils exist. In some instances, the
TRM placed over the geocell may hide erosion of geocell infill; over time the loss of material may form
an erosion gully that is spanned by the TRM but not visible. This can lead to a catastrophic failure of the
system during a storm event, similar to that discussed for riprap. As such monitoring and periodic
inspections should be taken into consideration when deciding whether to use these systems.

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Pre-cast Concrete Products
Several pre-cast concrete products (PCCP) are available in western Canada that can be used in a
similar manner as rock riprap, providing a more durable and damage resistant revetment than the
RECP’s discussed above. Tri-lock concrete blocks, articulating concrete block mats (ACBM) (Figure 4),
and A-jacks® (Figure 5) can be readily transported to remote locations, and can be used as an
alternative to large classes of riprap.

A tri-lock revetment is a system of triangular interlocking concrete blocks made of two components, a
‘lock block’ and a ‘key block’ (report cover photo). Each component is keyed into the other allowing the
blocks to articulate and conform to curves in the subgrade. When interlocked the blocks are still able to
slide vertically past each other which allows for partial settlement of the underlying formation without
loss of system integrity. Table 7 presents physical data for the two sizes of tri-lock concrete blocks. The
100 mm (4”) thick blocks can accommodate stormflows that, according to FLNRO (1999), would require
35 to 700 kg-class riprap. The 150 mm (6”) thick blocks can accommodate stormflows that, according
to FLNRO (1999), would require 700 to 2800 kg-class riprap. Typically underlain with a woven
geotextile, tri-lock blocks are manually placed to create a revetment. The edges of the revetment
should be buried below scour depth to prevent undercutting. The revetment can be further stabilized by
promoting vegetation of the site (e.g., adding grass sod into the voids between the blocks and by
adding wattles or willow whips along the upper edges of the revetment). A combination of block
thicknesses could be used to increase roughness to slow stream flow for fish (e.g., when creating the
streambed portion of an armored ford)(Sambo, 2000). Tri-lock blocks cost between $38 and $45 per
square metre and, to this, the underlying woven geotextile costs would add about $1 per square metre
(transportation and installation costs are in addition to this).

Table 7. Properties of Tri-lock Concrete Blocks

Block Coverage per pair of Mass of pair of tri-lock Maximum stormflow
thickness blocks (1 key and 1 lock blocks (1 key and 1 lock velocity (m/s)
(mm) block) (m2) block) (kg)

100 0.19 31 3 – 4.9

150 0.19 44 4.9 - 6

ACBM are a matrix of interconnected concrete blocks that can articulate independently of each other.
Blocks can be either closed or open celled depending on the application, and are connected by
geometric interlocking, cables, ropes or geotextiles (Figure 6). ACBM are commonly manufactured into
2.7 m by 6.2 m (8 feet by 20 feet) mattresses that require, at minimum, a 30 ton-class excavator to lift
into place. A-jacks® are a six-legged pre-cast concrete structure with the legs radiating outwards. They
can be arranged in various configurations, and are light weight enough that they can be placed by hand
in difficult to access sites.

FPInnovations Page 20
Figure 4. ACBM being stacked for transport Figure 5. A-jacks® being installed on a stream
a b
(Nilex , 2016). bank (Nilex , 2016).

There are several articulated concrete block revetment systems available on the markets that can be
used as an alternative to riprap armor revetments. ACBM differ in several ways, and selection of an
ACBM will depend on site specific design criteria. ACBM come with either open or closed cells. Open
cell ACBM’s are lighter than closed cells, with approximately 20% open space in the mat. The open cell
ACBM can be infilled with vegetation. Closed celled ACBM’s are heavier, and therefore, provide a more
durable revetment than open celled ACBM’s. Additionally, closed celled ACBM’s are less likely to be
damaged during high flows by large woody debris as there are no openings for debris to get caught.
The second differentiating point for ACBM’s is how they are connected. Connection type can be
geometric interlocking, cables, ropes, geotextile, geogrids or a combination of these (ASTM-7277,
2008). In general, ACBM mats cost between $40 and $50 per square metre, however, with
transportation and installation costs can be expected closer to $225 per square metre.

FPInnovations Page 21
Figure 6. Standard drawing of an ArmorFlex® ACBM revetment mat (Contech, 2012).

Installation of ACBM’s requires proper site preparation and attention given to anchoring. Installation
begins with subgrade preparation and installation of a free draining layer to a depth equal to the depth
of the ACBM. Inclusion of the drainage layer is site and product specific, and the design for inclusion of
a well graded filter layer and/or nonwoven geotextile is to be assessed on a project-by-project basis.
For the free draining layer, a local pit run aggregate can be used; however, it will require an evaluation
to ensure the gradation will act as an adequate filter layer. Excavation of a toe trench is then required
that will allow a minimum of two blocks to be buried below the predicted scour depth of the channel. An
anchoring trench at the top of the embankment may also be necessary depending on site conditions,
and should allow a minimum of two blocks to be buried. A geotextile should then be placed over the
slope, including in the trenches. Once this has been completed the ACBM mat can be laid on the slope
and secured using helix, duckbill or platypus type anchors (Figure 7).

FPInnovations Page 22
Figure 7. Typical ACBM revetment installation along stream bank.

A-jacks® are a three-dimensional concrete armoring system that can be placed individually or as a unit
(Figure 8). A-jacks® are six-legged units which are durable under a range of environmental conditions,
and have been used to successfully armor bridge piers and abutments, river banks and culvert outlets.
The interlocking design allows for a flexible revetment system with approximately 40% void space.
Laboratory tests have shown A-jacks® to dissipate the energy of high-flow water and prevent scour and
erosion at bridge abutments and piers (Ayres, 1999). Furthermore, the A-jacks® allow fine particles
suspended in the water column to settle out and infill the voids which strengthens the cohesion of the
unit matrix and provides additional scour protection (Nilexc, 2016).

When assembled A-jacks® weigh approximately 35 kg, have a total length of 0.6 m, height of 0.4 m
and fit together at approximately three units per lineal metre (Figure 8). They can be installed
individually or as a preassembled unit. Similar to other bank protection measures, subgrade preparation
is important. First, the stream bank should be contoured and prepared by excavating a toe trench below
the stream channel bottom, with a depth equal to the height of one A-jack®. A geosynthetic should then
be placed in the toe trench and draped over the bank to be protected. Typically, the non-woven
geotextile specified for use will depend on the filtration characteristics of the site and the amount of
required resilience to anticipated construction damage. Once the toe trench is prepared and the
geosynthetic is in place, A-jacks® can start being installed either individually or as pre-assembled
modules. Pre-assembly is recommended as the required modules can be assembled in a staging area
free of hazards or challenges and then cable tied and lifted into place with an excavator. A-jacks® are
stacked as required until the design elevation is achieved. Excavated material from the toe trench can
be dumped back through the A-jacks® to infill any voids. Installation around bridge abutments and piers
will require additional design consideration, and may require individual placement of A-jacks® (Nilexc,
2016). Typical cost of an A-jacks® piece is $25, with a cost of $250/m when stacked two courses high;
two on the base with one on top.

FPInnovations Page 23
Figure 8. A-jacks® standard specifications (Contech, 2012).

Engineering Properties and Standardized Testing

ACBM mats and concrete armoring units undergo stringent quality control during the manufacturing
process to ensure the final product meets ASTM and CSA standards for precast concrete products.
Testing allows for real-time evaluation of the concrete mix design and ensures quality control of raw
materials used. Standard tests include temperature, air content, density and yield and compressive
strength. Additional tests can be performed on the finished product as required or requested by the
design engineer (NPCA, 2013).

Testing for ACBM mat resistance to flow and shear stress forces is similar to testing for RECP’s, and
uses a flume system with a controlled discharge and water monitoring system. The ASTM standard for
ACBM mats is the ASTM D7277-08 Standard Test Method for Performance Testing of Articulating
Concrete Block Revetment Systems for Hydraulic Stability in Open Channel Flow. In addition, there are
two companion standard test documents that establish how test results should be interpreted (ASTM
D7276-08) and how the ACBM revetment system should be installed (ASTM D6884-03). The ASTM
D7277-08 test consists of a continuous four hour flow over the ACBM at a uniform discharge. The test
is repeated at higher flow rates until the ACBM revetment shows deformation, soil loss or a loss of
contact with the soil subgrade. Determination of a failure can be somewhat subjective, as it may be
difficult to observe minor deformations or soil loss during the four hour continuous flow period.
However, if upon completion of the test any of the following conditions are present than it can be
assumed that the threshold has been reached.

 Vertical displacement or loss of a block (or group of blocks)

 Loss of soil beneath the geotextile, resulting in voids
 Liquefaction and mass slumping/sliding of the subsoil

At this time there is no standard testing method for A-jacks® concrete armoring units. However, model
and full scale laboratory tests conducted by the manufacturer Armortec Inc. at the Colorado State

FPInnovations Page 24
University’s (CSU) Engineering Research Center have documented their hydraulic characteristics and
performance capabilities under a variety of conditions. Model and full scale tests were conducted to
show A-jacks® ability to protect stream bank channels from toe erosion, stabilize slopes and protect
bridge abutments and piers from scour. The study evaluated 150 mm scale models, and the full-size
0.4 m high A-jacks® under flume conditions. A-jacks® were evaluated individually, and in a variety of
high-density interlocked configurations. It was found that the high-density interlocking configurations
provided the most consistent stability performance. Results of these tests are the foundation of a
design manual for A-jacks® created by Ayres Associates (1999) for Armortec Inc. Additionally; A-
jacks® are an accepted pier scour countermeasure under the U.S Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) Guidelines.

Design Considerations
As with RECP’s standard testing methods for ACBM revetment systems does not reflect real world
conditions or field installation techniques. Therefore, it is important to understand the limitation of
ACBM revetment systems when considering their use as a riprap alternative. The FHWA Hydraulic
Engineering Circular No. 23 (HEC-23) provides hydraulic design procedures for both ACBM bank
revetment and bed armor systems along with ACBM systems to prevent scour at bridge piers. For
these design procedures, the first step is determining a Factor of Safety (FS) which requires
professional experience and judgement. Additional considerations include the effect protruding blocks
will have on the system, longitudinal and vertical extents of the revetment and the filter requirements
required beneath the revetment, either geotextile or coarse granular material filters are common. For
design of pier scour protection measures, hydraulic uncertainties surrounding bridge piers warrant
increasing the FS, and taking into consideration the layout details of the ACBM system so that it slopes
away from the pier in all directions (Figure 9); filter requirements; how the ACBM will be sealed where it
meets the bridge pier; and how the ACBM will be anchored in place (Lagasse et al, 2009 Vol. 2).
Furthermore, for forest industry applications, the cost of transportation for the ACBM and equipment will
need to be considered, as well as performance monitoring.

FPInnovations Page 25
Figure 9. ACBM layout diagram for pier scour countermeasures (Lagasse et al, 2009 Vol. 2).

Concrete armor units, like A-jacks®, have been successfully used as a replacement for riprap in
situations that require large rock sizes to resist extreme hydraulic forces. This includes shorelines,
channels, streambanks and scour protection at bridges. Their consideration for use over the last
century has grown considerably, and they have even been used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
for channel protection (Ayres Associates, 1999). Their primary advantage is that they typically have
greater stability than riprap and can be interlocked to create complex shapes. This increased stability
and interlocking capability allows them to be placed on steep slopes, in locations with challenging
access and at bridge abutments and piers (Figure 10 and Figure 11). Furthermore, they are lighter than
the riprap used for equivalent flow conditions (Lagasse et al, 2009 Vol. 1).

FPInnovations Page 26
Figure 10. Plan view of A-jacks® modules used for pier scour protection (Lagasse et al, 2009 Vol. 2).

Figure 11. Detail of A-jacks® installed at a pier on a bedding layer of blast stone with geotextile (Lagasse
et al, 2009 Vol. 2).

FPInnovations Page 27
A design manual for A-jacks® was prepared by Ayres Associates from Fort Collins, Colorado, for the
manufacturer Armortec, Inc. in August 1999. The design manual provides technical information and
guidelines for the hydraulic design of stable open-channel conveyance structures and scour protection
for piers using A-jacks®. Data for the manual was provided to Ayres Associates by Armortec and the
Colorado State University’s (CSU) Engineering Research Center. Technical information presented in
this manual is based on laboratory tests conducted at CSU, and are extrapolations of scale models.
Therefore, designers must use professional experience and judgement when considering the use of A-
jacks® for armoring stream banks, bridge abutments and piers. Provided in the manual are scaled
design shear stress and design velocities for the 0.6 m A-jacks®. These are given as 1820 Pa and 6.7
m/s, respectively, when installed on a 13% slope and A-jacks® are arranged in a high density
interlocking pattern. It should be noted that these values represent a specific arrangement of A-jacks®
under specific flow conditions; however, it does provide a good benchmark for designers. Similar to
ACBM’s, consideration must be given to the transportation and installation costs of A-jacks®, and it
may be necessary to create a staging area where A-jacks® can be assembled and lashed together
prior to lifting into place.


A theoretical case study using TRM was performed for a recently completed FLNRO bridge
replacement project located at approximately 4.4 km on the Lower Goat Road near McBride, B.C. This
project was completed between April and June 2015, with the installation of a 100 foot-long span bridge
over the Goat River. The bridge was designed for the Q100 storm event, with design discharge
estimated at 189 m3/s, and an estimated velocity of 4.8 m/s. The design called for approximately 55 m3
of 35 kg-class riprap, and 360 m3 of 700 kg-class rip rap to armor the upstream bridge approach
(Appendix A). At the time of construction, riprap was not locally available and had to be transported by
rail to a staging area 3 km from the bridge. Fortunately, CN Rail provided the transportation at no cost
to FLNRO, as the bridge was of critical importance to CN Rail’s operations in the area.

The purpose of the theoretical case study using TRM as riprap alternatives was to gain an
understanding of how these technologies could be applied in a forestry setting, their cost, and the
benefits (constraints) of using them. Working with Nilex Civil Environmental Group based out of
Burnaby B.C., three TRM were considered for the Lower Goat Road project:

1. ArmorMax®4 as an alternative to the 35 kg-class riprap

2. P550 Vmax5 TRM as an alternative to the 35 kg-class riprap
3. ArmorFlex® as an alternative to 700 kg-class riprap

Four scenarios were evaluated using the three TRM: one scenario using ArmorMax®, one using P550
Vmax as an alternative to 35 kg-class riprap, and two scenarios using ArmorFlex® as an alternative to
700 kg-class riprap. Scenarios were based on an assumed haul distance for rock riprap and costs to

ArmorMax® is a flexible anchor reinforced vegetation system consisting of three-dimensional high performance
turf reinforcement mats and earth percussion anchors.
P550 Vmax is a turf reinforcement mat that can be used on slopes ≥ 1:1 in extremely high flow channels. It
consists of three UV stable extra heavy weight polypropylene nets with a 100% polypropylene fiber matrix in

FPInnovations Page 28
quarry and process, and transport. For the scenarios comparing 35 kg-class riprap to TRM alternatives,
it was assumed that a suitable riprap source was located within 20 km of the project site considering
most projects have access to smaller class riprap within this distance. For the larger 700 kg-class riprap
two haul distances were used, 100 km and 500 km. These distances were selected as it was unknown
where the closest riprap source was located in proximity to the project, and it can be assumed that if
CN Rail had not provided transport, the riprap would have been brought in by truck from significant
distances. Additionally, having to transport larger class riprap 100 km or more in northern B.C. is a
reasonable expectation, while transporting riprap 500 km would represent a worst-case scenario.

Scenario 1: Nilex ArmorMax® compared to 35 kg-class riprap

Assumptions for this scenario were as follows:

 35 kg-class riprap hauled from a pit 20 km from project site

 35 kg-class riprap placed in a 450 mm-thick blanket
 $70/m3 – quarry and process, and install 35 kg-class riprap
 $30/m2 – ArmorMax® system cost (includes anchors and delivery to site)
 $10/m2 – Armormax® installation cost
 Costs of site prep and sub-excavation not considered

For this scenario, using the ArmorMax® System a total cost savings of $1,157 was found compared to
35 kg-class riprap produced and hauled from a pit 20 km from the project site (Figure 12). There is also
an estimated 3.8 hours in time saved by using ArmorMax® compared to riprap. Additional benefits of
using the HPTRM include reduced carbon emissions; vegetation growth on the slope, installation can
be done by general labor saving on machinery wear and tear, and increased job site safety (Appendix

Figure 12. Carbon emission and cost comparison of Nilex’s Armormax® vs. 35 kg-class riprap (Appendix

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Scenario 2: P550 Vmax compared to 35 kg-class riprap
Assumptions for this scenario were as follows:

 35 kg-class riprap hauled from a pit 20 km from project site

 35 kg-class riprap placed in a 450 mm-thick blanket
 $70/m3 – quarry and process, and install 35 kg-class riprap
 $10.50/m2 –Vmax® system cost (includes anchors and delivery to site)
 $10/m2 –Vmax® installation cost
 Costs of site prep and sub-excavation not considered

Results of this scenario were similar to Scenario 1, however, additional costs savings were found for
using the P550 TRM of $2,000 when compared to 35 kg-class riprap hauled from 20 km (Figure 13).
The majority of cost savings come from the lower unit price of the P550 Vmax, because this product is
not as robust as the Vmax® system evaluated in Scenario 1. Additional benefits of using the P550 TRM
include reduced carbon emissions, vegetation growth through the TRM (carbon sink), installation
requires only general labor, no truck or machinery damage from the riprap and jobsite safety is
increased (Appendix C).

Figure 13. Carbon emission and cost comparison of Nilex’s P550 Vmax TRM vs. 35 kg-class riprap
(Appendix C).

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Scenario 3: Class 75 ArmorFlex® ACBM compared to 700 kg-class riprap hauled 100 km
Assumptions for this scenario were as follows:

 700 kg-class riprap hauled from a pit 100 km from project site
 700 kg-class riprap placed in a 1400 mm-thick blanket
 $130/m3 – quarry and process, and install 700 kg-class riprap
 $90/hour – transportation cost for 700 kg-class riprap (2 hour round trip)
 $225/m2 – Class 75 ArmorFlex® ACBM revetment (includes delivery and install)
 Costs of site prep and sub-excavation not considered

For this scenario Nilex proposed the use of the Class 75 ArmorFlex® ACBM revetment system as an
alternative to 700 kg-class riprap. When compared to riprap being hauled 100 km to site it was found
that using ArmorFlex® would cost approximately $8,000 more than the riprap (Figure 14). While more
costly than riprap for this scenario, there is value in the knowledge that ArmorFlex® can be used as an
alternative to large class riprap for extremely high flow design discharge and velocity. Additionally,
ArmorFlex® is more environmentally friendly than riprap, and shows significant reduction in carbon
emissions for this scenario (Appendix D).

Figure 14. Carbon emission and cost comparison of Nilex’s Class 75 ArmorFlex® vs. 700 kg-class riprap
(Appendix D).

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Scenario 4: Class 75 ArmorFlex® ACBM compared to 700 kg-class riprap hauled 500 km
Assumptions for this scenario were as follows:

 700 kg-class riprap hauled from a pit 500 km from project site
 700 kg-class riprap placed in a 1400 mm-thick blanket
 $130/m3 – quarry and process, and install 700 kg-class riprap
 $90/hour – transportation cost for 700 kg-class riprap (10 hour round trip)
 $225/m2 – Class 75 ArmorFlex® ACBM revetment (includes delivery and install)
 Costs of site prep and sub-excavation not considered

For this scenario Nilex proposed use of Class 75 ArmorFlex® ACBM revetment system as an
alternative to 700 kg-class riprap. When compared to riprap being hauled 500 km to site it was found
that using ArmorFlex® would save approximately $9,000 (Figure 15). Typically, riprap could be sourced
closer to a project than this, however, in remote locations this type of distance could be a reality. While
the scenario only shows marginal cost savings, it provides further support that an ACBM revetment
system can be used in forest industry applications, even for significant design discharge and velocities.
(Appendix E).

Figure 15. Carbon emission and cost comparison of Nilex’s Class 75 ArmorFlex® vs. 700 kg-class riprap
(Appendix E).

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Finding economical alternatives to traditional rock riprap revetments is becoming increasingly
necessary for the forest industry in northern B.C. Due to regional geology there is a lack of suitable rock
to develop for riprap, and even when rock is available the cost of blasting, supply and installation can
be significant. Fortunately, advances in geosynthetics and precast concrete armoring units have
created riprap alternatives. Furthermore, these alternatives often provide added benefits such as
promotion of vegetation growth through the revetment system, reduced carbon emissions and safer
installation conditions for workers.

Products available that can be used as alternatives to riprap include rolled erosion control products
(RECP), geocells, and precast concrete products (PCCP). RECP’s and geocells should typically only
be used for low-gradient/ low-turbulence systems. However when used as part of an integrated system,
or when vegetation has been able to establish, they can be used for more significant revetment
systems. Precast concrete products such as articulating concrete block (ACBM) mattresses and A-
jacks® can be used as a replacement for rock riprap in most instances. Used as part of an integrated
system with RECP’s or as a stand-alone revetment PCCP’s can replace large riprap classes.
Additionally, they are easy to install, require less equipment time than riprap and produce less carbon
emissions than typical riprap revetments. Costs for ACBM’s and A-Jacks® are comparable to the cost
of rock riprap, with the potential for further savings with reduced equipment time and no need for
expensive blasting.

A theoretical design using riprap alternatives on a bridge crossing near McBride, B.C. showed that
high-performance turf reinforcement mats (HPTRM) can be used as an economical solution when
compared to small class riprap. For large class riprap, using an ACBM showed marginal cost savings
when compared with transporting 700 kg-class riprap a significant distance (500 km), and a marginal
increase in costs when transporting the riprap shorter distances (100 km). Regional evaluations of cost
effectiveness can be made based on typical haul distance to suitable rock. This theoretical design also
showed that riprap alternatives are a viable option for significant stream crossings with large Q 100
estimated discharge flows (in this case, 189 m3/s).

Based on a literature reviews, discussions with various riprap alternative suppliers and the theoretical
design it appears there are many options for riprap alternative use in the forest industry. As with any
revetment design, experienced qualified professionals are required to ensure that the system is
designed and installed appropriately. Additionally, with alternatives to riprap professionals must be
aware of the standardized testing methods used to develop engineering properties (design shear
stresses and velocity resistance) for the product as often standardized testing methods are not
representative of real-world installation techniques or conditions.

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