Himalayan Soap: Submitted By: Khen M. Castillo
Himalayan Soap: Submitted By: Khen M. Castillo
Himalayan Soap: Submitted By: Khen M. Castillo
The product would be called “HIMALAYAN SOAP” this soap is not like those
usual soap that we are using when we are taking a bath. The thing which make this
soap unique and different from others was because this soap would be mixed with
some pink Himalayan rock salt. I come up with this kind of idea because as a body
conscious person I wanted to have and to use a nice product that could make my skin
look healthier. Aside from that I tried different kinds of soap for my skin but suddenly
none of those soaps that I tried helped my skin to achieve what I want. Fortunately,
there was a time while I am watching Do It Yourself “DIY” stuffs on you tube there is
something that caught my attention. I have watched how to make a “DIY” soap and by
Right after watching the video I started to think what substance I could mix with
the soap base and the first thing that pop up to my mind was salt. I have no idea at first,
but I do some research about salt and according to www.onlymyhealth.com salt water-
baths possess many minerals and nutrients that help rejuvenate skin. From what I have
researched I created a new idea, and that idea was about mixing a soap base with
some salt. I continued researching about salts and I found out that one of the best salt
to use was the pink Himalayan rock salt and that salt is not a typical kind of salt that we
can see. In accordance with www.drstevenlin.com pink Himalayan rock salt is rich in
minerals, containing all 84 essential trace elements required by our body. Pinks salt can
assist in many bodily functions, such as reducing muscle cramps, promoting blood
sugar health and promoting healthy Ph in your cells. That was the main reason why
“To create an effective, safe and helpful product for my beloved countrymen”.
“To become a well-known and trusted soap maker with a high quality”.
The product was made for the body conscious people but everyone is
was just like some of the existing soap products but it has different benefits. This
product could be one of the best new brand to be well-known as time goes by. The
said soap product was different from the other products because of the natural
substance that has been mixed with it which is the pink Himalayan rock salt. The
It is somehow challenging to take the risk of pursuing to make this product but
it was a great thing to do. Making something new for the first time was really a big
challenge to face. But when you know that what you are doing was worth it and
could take place as one of the best thing you have done then it was priceless. The
said product could make a big hit in the market even if it has many competitors.