3phase TSD

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Troubleshooting guidelines for CLIs and TLCs in 3 ph

Locomotives (includes IGBT Locos).


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Slno Description Page Slno Description Page
1. P1- P2 Fault & Acknowledgement 02 21 SS18 –FLG2 70
2. SS 01-Main Power 03 22 SS19 –Train Bus 72
3. Fatal Error T/S 11 23 Troubles without fault messages 73
4. SS 02-Traction Bogie-1 18 24 B.P not charging on Loco alone 74
5. SS 03-Traction Bogie-2 26 25 Loco Brakes not releasing 76
6. SS 04-Harmonic Filter 34 26 152, 154,160 & 237.1 operation 76
7. SS 05-Hotel Load 37 27 Resetting OF MCB 77
8. SS 06-Aux Converter -1 38 28 Important Points to remember 77
9. SS 07-Aux Converter -2 40 Addl. fault Messages in SR 1/2 of
10. SS 08-Aux Converter -3 43 29 MICAS with ABB or BHEL or 79
11. MCB tripping - BUR problem 45 Medha & BT -IGBT fitted Locos
12. SS09 -Battery system 46 Fault Messages in TCN & IGBT 81
13. S10 –Brake system 50 SR fitted BHEL Locos
14. SS11 –Auxiliaries -HB1 57 Addl./ Change in fault Messages of 85
31 IGBT fitted Medha Locos
15. SS12 –Auxiliaries-HB2 59
16. SS13 –CAB-1 61 EBV Crew Message Fault codes in 93
32 CCB2 Knorr Brake system
17. SS14 –CAB-2 63
18. SS15 –Fire Detection Unit 65 33 Simplified Circuits 95
19. SS16 –Speedometer 67 34 Notes 112
20. SS17 –FLG1 68
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P1 & P2 Faults & Acknowledgement

P1 fault Indications: LSFI Flickers and BPFA glows. P1 Fault message will appear on display screen
Protective actions:
1. Protective turn off -VCB open, Converters DC link drop down and contactors open, some cases
Pantograph will lower : Reasons: Problem in (SR) converter processors or converter, Gate units, DC link
over voltage or current, ‘MUB’ over temperature
2. Tripping of VCB- Only VCB open & Converter contactors remains closed.: Reasons: Limit monitoring of
SR, BUR & other reasons.
3. Total Loss of Tractive Effort: Action of Traction Inter lock &, Start/ Run inter Lock. Reasons for Traction
Inter lock –VCD action, initiation of Emergency Brakes, Fault angle transmitter and battery voltage on 86
volts. Reasons for Start / Run inter Lock: Parking brake applied, Direct brake applied, A9 applied, Low MR
5.6 kg/cm2, 70 cock or 74 cock closed, Fire alarm.
4. Isolation counter activated ( resets after MCE OFF & ON). If P1 fault occurs twice or thrice in 30 minutes
without resetting counter causes to isolate the concerned sub system. The action to be taken must be
initiated immediately& follow TSD.

1. P2 fault Indications: BPFA only glows. P2 Fault message will appear on display screen. No protective
actions. But it may leads to P1 fault. The faults can be remedied manually by Loco Pilot. & follow TSD.

Acknowledgement: Acknowledge the fault messages By BPFA on run/ while initially energising (BL OFF to
‘D’ mode) till fault screen clears or BPFA Extinguishes (may be 2 or more faults at a time). If Display is
hanged (Fault screen not cleared) may be due to DDA 1/2. Life sign missing. If Unsuccessful, activate rear
cab to acknowledge the fault.

Acknowledge the Isolation Messages by Pressing “Enter “Button.

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Fault No. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0101P1 Loco XXXXXX SS01: HBB1:0002-VCB will not 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ Acknowledge the fault by
Main Power open BPFA.
VCB STUCK IN ON STB1:0004- VCB will not 2. Try to clear the block section by Coasting &
POSITION Loco will open bring the loco / train to dead stop
be shut down 3. Switch OFF & ON the MCE and try.
Loco XXXXXX SS01 4. If unsuccessful Switch OFF & ON the MCE
: Main Power once again.
MAIN POWER 5. Try to raise Panto & close VCB and resume
ISOLATED traction, If not successful, try from rear cab
VCB Inhibited Loco is 6. If unsuccessful, ask relief Loco and Record in
dead Log book.
F0102P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : HBB1:0003 VCB will not 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ Acknowledge the fault by
Main Power close BPFA
VCB STUCK IN OFF STB1:0003- VCB will not 2. Close VCB & if VCB closes resume traction
POSITION close 3. If VCB does not close, try to clear the block
Try to close VCB section by coasting & bring the loco / train to
again dead stop.
4. Ensure VCB cut out cock is open, VCB
F0102P1 control block coupler intact and no air
leakage near VCB, if any leakages try to
attend the same. Ensure VCB coupler fixed
properly. & try
Loco XXXXX SS01 : 5. Close VCB in cooling Mode , if VCB closes
Main Power 6. Try to close VCB in D mode by 154 on ’I’ &
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ISOLATED 7. If unsuccessful, Place 154 on II position and
VCB Inhibited Loco is Switch OFF & ON the MCE & try.
dead 8. Once again switch off & on MCE and try.
9. If not successful, try from rear cab
10. If unsuccessful ask relief Loco and Record in
F0103P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : HBB2:0002 No pressure in 1. Acknowledge fault by pressing BPFA.
Main Power pan 1 2. Press “ZPT” to ‘DN’ Command and ensure
LOW PRESSURE STB2:0002-No pressure in FLG-504
PANTO/FAULTY pan 2 3. Operate two times IG-38 key (Horizontal in
PANTO E70 and vertical in CCB2) and Pan 1 &2
Check Isolating coc’s are in horizontal position .
Cock, Check Aux. 4. Check the Panto reservoir pressure (more
Reservoir Pressure than 5.2 Kg/cm2) in the gauge provided on
pneumatic panel.
F0103P1 5. If pressure is low, ensure that MCPA is
working & its Drain Cock (Parallel to pipe) is
closed. In case of CCB-2 Locos - Press
"PANS-TP"(test Point)/ D/C in CCB2 to drain
out the moisture & try. Close ULV / CP1&2
ULV cocs and try. Open after energising.
6. If Auxiliary compressor not working, Check
the MCB 48.1 “ON” (in SB2).If tripped reset
the same.
7. Check the contactor 48.2, if it is not closed,
tap the pressure switch 26 , (5th from left on
Pn.panel in E70 & "PANS-PS" in CCB2)
8. If pressure is available, change the position
of panto selector Switch (85) on pneumatic
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panel and try to raise other pantograph
9. If Panto is raising and message appears ,
Gently tap the pressure switch no.7th & 8th
from left (130.4/1 & 130.4/2 available in E70
panel & "PAN1 PS & PAN2 PS" in CCB2
10. If the above pressure switch is not picking up
within 35 Sec causes to disable VCB or if
VCB closes it will open after 2 seconds
11. If both Pantos are not raising from one cab,
Switch OFF& ON MCE and try and Try by
changing the cab
12. If VCB closes and then trips with the above
message, may be due to Pressure dropping
through VCB after closing VCB. Inform to
TLC & Record in Log book,
F0104P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : FLG1:0041-Primary 1. Bring throttle to ‘0’ position.
Main Power voltage below min 2. If sudden BP pressure drops switch on flasher
CATENARY FLG2:0041-Primary light and act as G&SR .
VOLTAGE OUT OF voltage below min. 3. Acknowledge the fault by BPFA
LIMIT FLG1:0042-Primary 4. If ‘U’ meter is not deviating then either no
Watch Catenary voltage above max. tension or PT fuse blown off .Lower Panto
Voltmeter FLG2:0042-Primary once and raise the panto.
Close VCB When voltage above max. 5. When panto touches OHE, a minor spark with
Voltage is OK SLG1:0020-Primary ‘choo’ sound indicates Tension is available.
voltage < min. Stop the train and conform with TLC/TPC .
F0104P1 SLG2:0020-Primary 6. If there no OHE Wait for catenary voltage to
voltage < min. raise above17.5 KV but less than 29 Kv.
SLG1:0021-Primary 7. Ensure OHE voltage in Simulation Screen, If it
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voltage > max. is above 29 inform to TPC/TLC to reduce.
SLG2:0021-Primary After OHE voltage gets restored, reclose the
voltage > max. VCB and resume traction.
SLG2:0079-Ventilation 8. If OHE is available and ‘U’ meter not
bogie BUR-2 disturb deviating, Lower Panto and check PT
2Amps fuse in SB1 panel, renew with good
one after taking safety precautions.
9. If U meter deviates, check DDS messages . If
DDS message is SLG1-0020 isolate SR-1 by
opening MCB 127.1/1 & Switch 154-1 in SB1
or if the message is SLG2-0020 isolate SR-2
by opening MCE 127.1/2 in SB2 and switch
154-II position and try.
10. If the message from both SLG1 0020 &
SLG2 0020 it may be OHE problem, if OHE
supply is normal. Switch OFF & ON MCE
and try.
11.Try by changing panto.& Cab. If unsuccessful,
Contact TLC & Record in Log book.
F0104P1 Loco XXXXXSS01 In case of WAP-5 MU Operation with single
:Main Power operation.
“CATENARY 11. Bring throttle to ‘0’ position.
VOLTAGE OUT OF 12. Check the HV connecting cable between two
LIMIT” locos.
(From Slave loco 13. If HV cable damaged isolate slave loco
only and not from electrically by opening both isolators (by
master loco during pressing BPIso) and operate the loco as
WAP-5 MU single.
Operation With 14. Warning: Mechanical coupling of multi not to
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Single Panto) be opened as it will cause damage to the HV
15. If HV cable is OK, Follow above point no.2
to 10.
(From Slave loco only and not from master loco
during WAP-5 MU Operation With Single Panto)
F0105P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : FLG1:0086-Dist.both trafo 1. VCB does not trips, Try to clear the block
Main Power oil circuits section if TE available or by coasting.
FLG2:0086-Dist.both trafo 2. If VCB trips, Bring throttle to ‘0’ position.
TRANSFORMER OIL oil circuits Acknowledge the fault by BPFA & close
TEMPERATURE OR SLG1:0019-Transformer VCB.
PRESSURE NOT temperature>limit 2(84 3. Check the oil level in both the expansion
OK Deg C) tanks of transformer and converters in
SLG2:0019-Transformer Machine rooms located near Oil Cooling
TE/BE reduction or temperature>limit 2(84 Deg Unit. It should be above Min Mark.
VCB trips C) 4. Check both Transformer oil pumps & OCBs
Try to close VCB if SLG1:0063-Transformer MCBs (62.1/1&, 59.1/1 in HB-1 & 62.1/2 &
open F0105P1 temperature>limit 1(80 Deg 59.1/2) in HB-2 Cubicle.
C) 5. Reset once if tripped after opening VCB &
SLG2:0063-Transformer try.
temperature>limit 1(80 Deg 6. If any MCB of above is repeatedly tripping or
C) Oil pumps/OCBs are not working, keep
concern MCB in open condition and isolate
concerned SR by changing 154 to I & open
MCB 127.1/1 (SB1), or 154 – II & open MCB
127.1/2 after opening VCB.
7. If MCBs are normal, ensure the working of
Transformer oil pumps & OCBs. Keep Loco
in idle mode for 10 minutes.
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Isolation Loco XXXXX SS01 : 8. If Main power isolated, Check DDS
Message Main Power messages, if SLG1:0019 Isolate SR1 &
MAIN POWER SLG2:0019 Isolate SR2.
ISOLATED. VCB 9. Switch OFF& ON MCE and try.
Inhibited Loco is 10. If unsuccessful, Ask relief Loco and Record
dead in Log book
F0106P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : 1. Bring throttle to ‘0’ Acknowledge the fault by
Main Power BPFA
FILTER ON/OFF 2. Try to clear the block section by Coasting &
SLG1:0059-Contactor 8.1
CONTACTOR bring the loco / train to dead stop.
stuck on fatal SLG2:0059-
STUCK ON 3. Switch OFF & ON MCE and try.
Contactor 8.1 stuck on fatal
VCB will not close 4. If DDS message is SLG1-0059 isolate SR1
again F0106P1 by opening MCB 127.1/1 & 154-1 in SB1 &
Isolation SS01 : Main Power 5. If unsuccessful, normalize the above if no
Message MAIN POWER abnormality in HF Ckt, Close FB coc, Trip
ISOLATED MCB 127.2/1 in SB-1 panel & switch OFF &
ON MCE and try. Ack. fault messages.
6. If successful clear section or work with
7. After clearing section normalize FB coc and
MCB 127.2/1 & switch OFF & ON MCE and
8. If unsuccessful ask relief Loco & record in
Log book
F0107P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : SLG1:0037- Pre charge 1. Bring throttle to ‘0’ Acknowledge the fault by
Main Power cont. stuck on fatal BPFA
PRECHARGE OR SLG2:0037- Pre charge 2. Try to clear the block section by Coasting &
MAIN cont. stuck on fatal bring the loco / train to dead stop.
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CONTACTOR 3. Switch OFF& ON MCE and try.
STUCK ON 4. If unsuccessful, check the back ground
Main converters message, SLG1 0037 or 0039 isolate SR1
blocked F0107P1 SLG1:0039- Converter by opening MCB 127.1/1 & 154-1 in SB1
contactor stuck on and close SR1 coc or if the message is
SLG2:0039- Converter SLG2-0037 or 39 isolate SR-2 by opening
contactor stuck on MCB 127.1/2 in SB2 and 154-II position
and close SR2 coc.
5. Switch OFF& ON MCE and try once again
Loco XXXXX SS01 : 6. Work the train with single Bogie if Load and
Main Power road permits then talk to TLC and act
MAIN POWER accordingly.
ISOLATED. VCB 7. If unsuccessful, Ask relief Loco and Record
inhibited Loco is in Log book.
F0108P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : SLG1:0025 – Primary 1. Bring throttle to ‘0’ position and press BPFA
Main Power current > max. 2. Don’t close VCB until you check OCR 78 &
PRIMARY OVER SLG2:0025 – Primary oil points in the Machine Room
CURRENT current > max. 3. Try to clear the block section by Coasting &
Check over current bring the loco / train to stop.
relay flag 4. Check the OCR 78 & Check the oil levels in
Close VCB after oil expansion tanks of Transformer and SRs
unlocking relay for sign of overheating/ sparking of
F0108P1 STB1:0002 – Primary connection, any abnormal raise / colour
current above max. change (black) / oil splash through vent pipe
of transformer and Machine room.
Loco XXXXX SS01 : 5. If any abnormality is noticed shut down the
Main Power Loco, use fire extinguishers if required and
MAIN POWER ask relief Loco.
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ISOLATED VCB 6. If no abnormality is noticed reset OCR 78 (
inhibited Loco is Mechanical Locking if provided) by moving
dead the screw clock wise provided on the front
side of the relay .The relay flag shall
disappear• and close VCB and work
7. If not successful after making one attempt
then VCB will be inhibited
.9. Ask for relief Loco without losing time and
Record in Log book.
F0109P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : SLG1:0024-BUR current > 1. Bring throttle to ‘0’ position. Acknowledge the
Main Power max. fault by BPFA
AUX. WINDING SLG2:0024-BUR current > 2. Close VCB and resume traction.
OVER CURRENT max. 3. If problem persists isolation message will
Try to close VCB appear, acknowledge by pressing enter
again button.
Loco XXXXX SS01 : 4. Switch OFF & ON the Control Electronics and
Main Power Try.
MAIN POWER 5. Check the back ground message & Isolate
ISOLATED BUR1 or 2 or 3 one by one by opening MCB
VCB inhibited Loco is 127.22/1 or 127.22/2 or 127.22/3 and try.
dead Before normalizing MCB switch off MCE.
6. If unsuccessful open MCB 127.1/1 & 154-I for
SR1, open MCB 127.1/2 & 154-II for SR2 and
7. If unsuccessful ask relief Loco &record in Log
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F0110P1 Loco XXXXX SS01 : FLG1: 0026 –Subsystem 1. Bring throttle to ‘0’ position. Ack. the fault by
Main Power 02 & 03 off BPFA
FATAL ERROR IN FLG2: 0026 –Subsystem 2. Try to clear the block section by Coasting &
MAIN 02 & 03 off bring the loco / train to dead stop.
CIRCUIT FLG1: 0027 –Subsystem 3. Check the back ground Message. and 154 in
Turn OFF the loco. 13 & 14 off normal
FLG2: 0027 –Subsystem 4. If MR / FP/ BP pressure drops with DDS
13 & 14 off messages SLG1/2: 0040 keep MPJ on ‘0’,
FLG1: 0028 –Processor switch off / ON MCE. Energize the Loco and
STB1 & STB2 off attend the leakages.
FLG2: 0028 – Processor5. Check MCBs in SB1/2 panels if found tripped;
STB1 & STB2 off reset the same or if MCB 127.24 tripped in
FLG1: 0029 – Processor SB2 isolate BUR-2& reset after switching off
HBB1 & HBB2 off MCE and try
FLG2: 0029 – Processor6. Check any MCBs tripped in HB1/2 panels,
HBB1& HBB2 off check concern auxiliary if any abnormalities
FLG1: 0030 – Processor do not reset the MCB and isolate its related
STB1 & HBB1 off Bogie. Switch off /ON MCE & try.
FLG2: 0030– Processor 7. If MCBs in HB1/2 panels are normal with
STB1 & HBB1 off “Con. oil temperature too high” from both SRs
FLG1: 0031 – Processor or both MCB s 59.1/1 & 59.1/2 alternatively
STB2 & HBB2 off tripping - isolate BUR1 or If MCBs in HB1/2
panels are normal with “Con. oil pressure not
ok” from both SRs / both MCBs 63.1/1 &
63.1/2 alternatively tripping - isolate BUR2
(in this cases, SR1 and then SR2 will be
isolated) - switch off /ON MCE & try
Loco XXXXX SS01 : FLG1: 0032 –Subsystem 8. In case of IGBT based BURs tripping with
Main Power 06 & 07 off
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MAIN POWER FLG2: 0032 –Subsystem Inverter fault and MCB 54.1/2 repeatedly
ISOLATED 06 & 07 off tripping or MRB2 found any abnormality,
VCB inhibited Loco is FLG1: 0033 –Subsystem switch OFF/ON MCE & clear section and
dead 06 & 08 off contact TLC
FLG2: 0033 –Subsystem 9. Messages from ASC1/2 or NSC1/2 like- Error
06 & 08 off MVB, Error BS/MUB Overload. Isolate
FLG1: 0034–Subsystem concern SR (trip MCB 127.1/1 & 154-I for
07 & 08 off SR1 and MCB 127.1/2 & 154-II for SR2) –
FLG2: 0034 –Subsystem MCE OFF/ON and try.
07 & 08 off 10. Messages related to Life sign missing from
any two of FLG1/2 or STB1/2 or HBB 1/2 or if
no abnormality - switch off /ON MCE and try.
11. If the back ground message reads inverter
over current or DC link over current, find out
the sequence of BURs isolation and act as
per procedure given at the end of ss01.
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12. (Additional Instructions for SS01) Procedure to be followed when ever two BURs are isolated in
following sequence when the back ground messages reads
BUR inverter over current or DC link Trip MCB 59.1/1, place 154 to ‘I’ and Switch OFF/ ON MCE. Close VCB.
over current - BUR1 first then BUR 2 If normal work with Bogie II .If trips again, Normalize MCB 59.1/1 & trip
are isolated Problem may be with MCB 59.1/2, place 154 to ‘II’ and Switch OFF & ON MCE. Close VCB.
OCB1 or OCB2 Work with Bogie ‘I’
BUR inverter over current or DC link Trip MCB 53.1/1, place 154 to ‘I’ and Switch OFF/ON MCE. Close VCB.
over current- BUR2 first then BUR1 If normal work with Bogie II.
are isolated Problem may be with Trip MCB 53.1/2 , place 154 to ‘II’ and Switch OFF/ ON MCE. Close
TMB1/TMB2 VCB. If normal work with Bogie I.
BUR inverter over current or DC link Trip MCBs 62.1/1, 63.1/1, place 154 to ‘I’ and Switch OFF/ON MCE.
over current- BUR2 first then BUR3 Close VCB. If normal work with Bogie II. Trip MCBs 62.1/2, 63.1/2, place
are isolated Problem may be with 154 to ‘II’ and Switch OFF & ON MCE. Close VCB. If normal work with
TR oil Pump 1 / 2 or TR Converter 1 / Bogie I.
BUR inverter over current or DC link Trip MCBs 47.1/1, 47.1/2 and Switch OFF & ON MCE. Close VCB. If
over current- BUR3 first then BUR2 VCB trips, Problem CHBA. Then trip VCB & MCB 100 (HB-2 Panel) and
are isolated Problem may be with normalize MCBs 47.1/1, 47.1/2. inform TLC & work without CHBA .If
MCP 1/ 2 or CHBA VCB does not trips after opening MCBs 47.1/1, 47.1/2.Find out defective
MCP and isolate the same.
BUR inverter over current or DC link Trip MCBs55.1/1, 55.1/2 and Switch OFF & ON MCE. Close VCB. If and
over current- BUR3 first then BUR1 work normally & inform to TLC When ever time permits ,Trip VCB ,find
are isolated Problem may be with out defective SCB and isolate the same.
Scavenger blowers 1 or 2
Note: 1. If the back ground messages are related to SR1/2, isolate related SR by opening MCB 127.1/1 for SR1
and MCB 127.1/2 for SR2 after switching off MCE & try. If unsuccessful, ask relief Loco and Record in Log book.
2. In case of MU Locos, if Leading Loco fails, place 154 on I &II position and clear section with leading Loco till the
battery voltage reaches 86v.
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F0101P2 Loco XXXXX SS01 : STB1:0007-MCE 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.

Main Power temperature above 700 C 2. Try to clear section, bring Throttle to ‘0’
OVER position and secure the train (A9 to
TEMPERATURE emergency position).
CONTROL 3. Check ‘MRB’ MCB’s( 54.1/1 & 54.1/2) in both
ELECTRONICS HB and MCBs 127.91/1 & 127.91/2 in SB
Turn off the loco. panels. If anyone tripped, reset once after
Setup cooling opening VCB and try.
modeF0101P2 4. If unsuccessful, energise the loco in cooling
mode and inform to TLC regarding inability for
10-15 minutes.
5. Both Machine Room Blowers and their
Scavenge blowers will start working.
6. If VCB trips during cooling mode before
closing VCB, check OCR (relay 78) and all oil
points in machine room and act accordingly.
7. After extinguishing LSCE, open VCB, lower
8. If LSCE not extinguishing after 15 minutes, to
energise Loco in D mode, manually press 218
contactor in SB-1 till node comes to FLG 504.
9. Energise Loco in ‘D’ mode and resume
traction. Inform TLC and Record in Log book
F0102P2 Loco XXXXX SS01 : FLG1:0087-Dist. One trafo 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Main Power oil circuit 2. TE/BE reduced to 70% per Bogie and clear
TRANSFORMER OIL FLG2:0087-Dist. One trafo block section.
PRESSURE oil circuit 3. Ensure that transformer oil Pump 1 & 2
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NOT OK working , no leakages and its MCBs are
Any oil pump circuit normal .If normal work on wards
not working 4. If MCB 62.1/1 in HB1 or MCB 62.1/2 in HB2
TE/BE will be panels tripped, trip VCB and reset once & try.
reducedF0102P2 5. If again tripped do not reset & if Load and
Road permits, work with 70% of Max. TE/BE.
6. Inform TLC and record in the loco log book.
F0103P2 Loco XXXXX SS01 : STB2:0004- Earth fault in 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Main Power Aux. Circuit. 2. Check visually Machine room for burning
EARTH FAULT AUX. /burning smell of auxiliaries.
WINDING CIRCUIT 3. If any abnormality found, trip MCB of that
Normal operation can auxiliary & act accordingly.
continue. To be Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook
checked during
F0104P2 Loco XXXXX SS01 : SLG1:0066-Low frequency 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Main Power Catenary voltage 2. Keep trying for traction and resume normal
LOW FREQUENCY SLG2:0066-Low frequency operation, when frequency comes within
CATENARY Catenary voltage limit.
VOLTAGE Wait for 1 3. Inform TLC at scheduled stop and record in
minute and set the logbook
TE/BE again.
F0105P2 Loco XXXXX SS01 : SLG1:0069-High frequency 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Main Power Catenary voltage 2. Keep trying for traction and resume normal
CATENARY SLG2:0069-High frequency operation, when frequency comes within
FREQUENCY IS Catenary voltage limit.
HIGH .Bring throttle 3. Inform TLC at scheduled stop and record in
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to zero F0105P2 the logbook
F0106P2 Loco XXXXX SS01 : HBB1:0018-Capacitor MR 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Main Power blower not OFF 2. If machine room blower 1 and 2 working,
AUXILIARY continue normal working.
CAPACITOR 3. Inform TLC at scheduled stop and make a
MACHINE ROOM remark in the logbook.
Continue normal
traction F0106P2
F0107P2 Loco XXXXX SS01 : SLG1:0081- Warning Loco 1. Check the back ground messages-If it is
Main Power creeping Warning Loco creeping
DEMANDED SPEED SLG2:0081- Warning Loco 2. Apply sanders and try to overcome the
CAN NOT creeping creeping problem.
BE ACHIEVED 3. Operate Throttle gradually and pick up speed
more than 11 KMPH. The logic will reset
after 11kmph.
4. If train stalls or unable to start in up gradient,
secure the train & bring throttle ‘0’ wait for 2
5. Ensure there is no brake binding on
formation, oil/ grease or wet rails & both
converters are in service.
6. Operate Throttle gradually duly pressing PSA
& try
F0208P2 Doppler Radar BPFA Will glow 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Failed 2. Back ground message recorded as SLG1
0083/SLG20083 Radar control disabled /
3. Isolate Doppler radar by opening its MCB in
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SB1 panel &try. Resume normal operation
LSP glows Operate PSA, reduce TE slightly by Throttle and gradually increase the TE to
maintain actual/Demanded TE ratio by more than 0.5.
If unsuccessful, isolate Doppler radar (if provided) by opening its MCB in SB1
panel &try.
While starting if you ASC1:0052 Error Tacho Generator 1. Switch over to the stand by speed sensor
experience speed not 1 - TM-1, ASC1:0053 Error Tacho indicated by the message with the help of
increasing more than 1 Generator 2 - TM-2, ASC1:0054 toggle switch,( if provided) on changeover
kmph” and “ experience Error Tacho Generator 3 - TM-3 switch box at the top of traction converter to
heavy jerk above 50% of ASC2:0052 Error Tacho Generator normalize the loco operation. This is
TE 1 - TM-4, ASC2:0053 Error Tacho applicable for WAG9, WAP7 and WAG9H
Generator 2 - TM-5, ASC2:0054 locos.
( At time of jerk LSP will Error Tacho Generator 3 - TM-6 2. Isolate Bg1 or Bg2 by 154-I for ASC1
glow for short time with SLG1:0082 Warning Motor 0052/0053/0054 or 154-II for ASC 2
“ ASC-1 / 2- ERROR damage possible. 0052/0053/0054 as the case may be. Work
TACHO GENERATOR”) SLG2:0082 Warning Motor with one Bogie in service if load permits.
damage possible. 3. If unsuccessful, ask for relief / banker Loco &
Check DDS message and identify Record in Log book
defective Bogie/TM. Note: If ASC1/2 :0052/0053/0054 Error Tacho
ASC2:0052-Error tacho generator generator 1/2/3 permanent fault is available in
1 .This can be attended at Major any one Bogie and switched off /on MCE for
station halts by providing the spare other reasons may cause to develop “ speed not
healthy speed sensor sub ‘D’ of increasing more than 1 kmph with heavy jerk
other TM in place of defective above 50% of TE”.
speed sensor Sub ‘D’ of concerned
TM. Loco can be worked with both
Page 019 of 114
SS 02- Traction Bogie-1
Fault No. Fault Message DDS messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0201P1 LocoSS02: Traction Total 119 DDS 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’. Acknowledge through
Bogie 1 messages are available BPFA
DISTURBANCE IN Except the ASC1: Error 2. Press BLDJ to close VCB.
CONVERTER1 PS hardware followed 3. If the message repeats bogie-1 may or may
Try to close VCB by either ASC1: Error not get isolated automatically. Check DDS
again F0201P1 PS Fault storage CGP messages.
or ASC1: Error PS Fault 4. In case of ASC1: Error PS hardware followed
storage GBC .NSC1: by either ASC1: Error PS Fault storage CGP or
Error PS hardware ASC1: Error PS Fault storage GBC .NSC1:
followed NSC1: Error Error PS hardware followed NSC1: Error PS
PS Fault storage GBC. Fault storage GBC
For all other faults 5. For the above messages or if Bogie is isolated,
Switch off/on MCE and place 154 on ‘I’ position (SB-1 cubicle) on VCB
try. open condition. Close VCB and try to Work on
words with one bogie or clear section if
6. Check MCB 127.1/1 in SB-1. If tripped, reset it
once after switching OFF MCE and try
LocoSS02: Traction 7. If Load /Road permits, normal operation with
Bogie 1 half TE/BE.
BOGIE 1 ISOLATED : 8. At convenient station or if both bogies are
Only half required , normalise 154 and Switch ‘OFF
traction and electrical MCE for 5 minutes and switch ‘ON’ & try.
braking power 9. Avoid switching OFF/ON MCE for the above
available messages and ASC2:0052/0053/0054 (Bogie2
Press <Enter> Error Tacho generator)
10. If unsuccessful, inform DDS messages to TLC
Page 020 of 114
and act as per instructions. Record in the loco
log book.
F0202P1 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0038- Precharge 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’.keep MPJ-0, Press
Bogie 1 contactor stuck off BPFA.
CONVERTER 2. MR or BP or FP pressure drops attend the
CONTACTOR SLG1:0040- converter same.
STUCK OFF contactor stuck off 3. Check for air leakage from (SR-1). If air is
Try to close VCB leaking, then isolate air supply to SR-1 by
again F0202P1 closing SR-1 cock on pneumatic panel and
place 154 on -I. Close VCB & work with one
4. If there is no air leakage, Close VCB. If same
message repeats, then this will lead to
isolation of Bogie-1.
LocoSS02: Traction 5. If Load /Road permits, Place 154 on ‘1’ on
Bogie 1 VCB open condition & close VCB. press
Only half 6. Resume normal operation with half TE/BE
traction and electrical 7. If Load/Road does not permit / at convenient
braking power station, ensure 154-Normal and Switch OFF &
available ON MCE & try.
Press <Enter> 8. If DDS reads SLG1:0038 switch off/on MCE &
9. If unsuccessful Inform TLC and record in the
F0203P1 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0035-Disturbance 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ .Acknowledge through
Bogie 1 GUSP stuck off BPFA.
GATE UNIT SUPPLY 2. Press BLDJ to close VCB.
STUCK OFF 3. If the message repeats and bogie-1 is getting
Page 021 of 114
Try to close VCB isolated automatically, clear section with one
again F0203P1 bogie if possible.
4. Check MCB 127.11/1 in SB-1. If tripped, reset
it once after switching OFF MCE and try.
LocoSS02: Traction 5. If the same message repeats, Bogie-I get
Bogie 1 isolated. Place 154 on ‘1’ after bringing
BOGIE 1 ISOLATED : throttle to ‘0’
Only half 6. If Load /Road permits, normal operation
traction and electrical possible with half TE/BE.
braking power 7. If MCB127.11/1 doesn’t tripped and
available Load/Road does not permit / at convenient
Press <Enter> station ensure 154–Normal switch OFF & ON
MCE and try
8. Inform to TLC and Record in Log book
F0205P1 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0062- Converter 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through
Bogie 1 tem. > limit 1 BPFA.
CONVERTER -1 OIL (Above 66 DegC)- TR 2. After Ack. Bogie-1 may get isolated
TEMPERATURE TOO (TLTE) automatically.
HIGH 3. Check oil level in SR oil Expansion tank, if any
Try to close VCB SLG1:0017- Converter abnormality in SR oil pump1 or OCB-1,
again F0205P1 temperature > limit 2 isolates the same & place 154-1 .
(80 DegC) VCB OFF 4. Close VCB & Try to clear section with one
bogie if possible or work with single bogie.
5. Check MCB 59.1/1 in HB-1. If tripped, reset it
once on VCB open condition and close VCB
and work onwards.
6. If any abnormality in OCB1 or MCB 59.1/1 in
HB-1 again tripped. Keep same in open
condition and Place 154 on ‘I’ position (SB-1)
Page 022 of 114
only after tripping VCB
LocoSS02: Traction 7. If MCB is normal, ensure the working of OCB1
Bogie 1 &2 . If OCB1&2 not working –isolate BUR1.
BOGIE 1 ISOLATED : 8. If MCB 59.1/1 & OCB is normal and Road /
Only half traction and Load does not permit or at convenient place,
electrical braking ensure 154-Normal and switch OFF& ON MCE
power available and try.
Press <Enter> 9. Inform to TLC and record in Log book.
F0206P1 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0015- Converter 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ & Acknowledge through
Bogie 1 oil pressure < limit ( BPFA.
CONVERTER -1 OIL VCB off) 2. Check MCB 63.1/1 in HB-1. If tripped, reset it
PRESSURE NOT OK once & try.
Try to close VCB 3. Check oil level in SR1 expansion tank, oil pipe
again F0206P1 line for leak. If all are normal, close VCB.
4. Check the pump working by touching oil pipe
lines of pump, if normal work on wards
5. If any abnormality in oil pump or oil leakage or
MCB 63.1/1 in HB-1 again tripped. Keep
same in Open / tripped condition and Place
154 on ‘I’ position (SB-1 cubicle) after opening
VCB and work onwards.
6. If the same message repeats, Bogie-I get
isolated. Place 154 on ‘1’ and close VCB &
work with Bogie-II.
7. MCB 63.1/1 is normal and followed by Main
Power isolated, Isolate BUR-2 (open MCB
127.22/2 and reset 127.24 if trips in SB 2 )
Switch ‘OFF / ON’ MCE & try
Page 023 of 114
LocoSS02: Traction 8. If Road and Load does not permit or at
Bogie 1 convenient place, Normalise 154 and switch
BOGIE 1 ISOLATED : OFF& ON MCE to bring back the isolated
Only half traction and Bogie in to service and try
electrical braking 9. Inform to TLC and record in Log book
power available
Press <Enter>
F0207P1 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0022- Motor 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ & Acknowledge through
Bogie 1 temperature > limit BPFA.
TRACTION MOTOR (above 230 DegC) 2. Check TMB1, MCB 53.1/1 in HB-1. If tripped,
TEMPERATURE TOO reset it once and close VCB.
HIGH 3. If any abnormality in TMB1 or MCB 53.1/1 in
Converter 1 blocked HB-1 again tripped. Keep same in tripped
Bogie 1 may get condition and Place 154 on ‘I’ position (SB-1
isolatedF0207P1 cubicle) only after throttle on ‘0’ & tripping
VCB. Work with one bogie.
4. If there no abnormality and the message
repeats, bogie-1 is getting isolated
automatically, work with one bogie isolation
LocoSS02: Traction 5. If Road and Load does not permit or at
Bogie 1 convenient place, Normalise 154 and switch
Only half traction and 6. MCBs 53.1/1 & 53.1/2 alternatively tripping ,
electrical braking isolate BUR-2 (open MCB 127.22/2 in SB 2
power Available panel ) Switch ‘OFF & ON’ MCE and try
Press <Enter> 7. Inform to TLC and record in the log book.
F0201P2 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0027 Earth fault 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Bogie 1 in DC link positive 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
EARTH FAULT IN SLG1:0030 Earth fault (To be checked during maintenance)
Page 024 of 114
CONVERTER1 in DC link Negative
Normal operation can
continue . To be
checked during

F0202P2 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0029- Speed > 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.

Bogie 1 max. 2. Reduce speed. Resume normal operation.
TRACTION MOTOR 3. If TE is reduced to’0’ even speeds within limits
OVERSPEED isolate Bogie 1 by placing 154 on I after
TE is being opening VCB.
reducedF0202P2 4. Inform to TLC and work with single Bogie
5. If Road / Load does not permit or at
convenient place, Normalise 154 and switch
OFF& ON MCE & try.
F0203P2 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0041- MUB 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Bogie 1 temperature too hot 2. Wait for 30 seconds to cool MUB resistance
MUB RESISTANCE located in SR1 cubicle.
TOO HOT IN 3. Close VCB and resume traction.
CONVERTER 1 4. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
Wait for 30 seconds
F0204P2 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0044-Dist. Temp. 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Bogie 1 sensor motor-1 2. Resume normal operation.
FAULTY MOTOR SLG1:0045-Dist. Temp. 3. Inform TLC and make a remark in the Log
TEMERATURE sensor motor-2 book.
SENSOR, Normal SLG1:0080-Dist. Temp. (To be checked during maintenance)
operation can sensor motor-3
Page 025 of 114
continue To be
checked during
F0205P2 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0050 TE/BE 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Bogie 1 reduction 2. Clear block section. Bring throttle to‘0’ position.
EQUIPMENT 3. Wait for 10 minutes or some time till
TEMPERATURE transformer / converter oil temperature
HIGH normalizes.
TE/BE is being 4. Check MCB 59.1/1 in HB-1, if tripped, reset it
reduced F0205P2 once.
5. If MCB 59.1/1 is normal, check the working of
OCB1 and for any abnormality ,
SLG1:0071 –Power 6. If any abnormality is noticed ,Open MCB
reduction trafo. Temp 59.1/1 and isolate Bogie 1 by placing 154 on
‘1’ after opening VCB
SLG1:0072 – Power 7. Close VCB and work with single Bogie.
reduction conv. Temp 8. If no abnormality, ensure the working of OCB1
&2. If OCB1&2 not working –isolate BUR1
9. If everything is normal, resume normal traction.
Note: If working with only one SR and followed by
power reduction, clear section. Contact TLC &
record in Log book
F0206P2 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0054- 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Bogie 1 DC LINK Disturbance DC link 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
CAPACITORS capacitor
PRESSURE NOT OK (To be checked during maintenance)
Normal operation can
continue. To be
Page 026 of 114
checked during
F0207P2 LocoSS02: Traction SLG1:0064: Bogie1 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Bogie 1 Wheel skidding 2. Observe any skidding sound from Bogie 1 / 2.
WHEEL SKIDING IN 3. Clear block section. Bring throttle to‘0’ position.
BOGIE 1 4. Ensure free running of wheels & no brake
Reduce BEF0207P2 binding in loco.
5. Ensure that all parking brakes are released
6. If everything is normal and wheel skidding
message repeats with jerk isolate SR1 by
placing 154-I & try.
Page 027 of 114
SS 03 – Traction Bogie 2
Fault Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0301P1 LocoSS03: Total 119 DDS messages 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’. Acknowledge through
Traction Bogie 2 are available BPFA
DISTURBANCE 2. Press BLDJ to close VCB.
IN Except the ASC2: Error PS 3. If the message repeats bogie-2 may or may
CONVERTER2 hardware followed by not get isolated automatically. Check DDS
Try to close VCB either ASC1: Error PS messages.
again F0301P1 Fault storage CGP or 4. In case of ASC2: Error PS hardware followed
ASC1: Error PS Fault by either ASC2: Error PS Fault storage CGP or
storage GBC .NSC1: Error ASC2: Error PS Fault storage GBC .NSC2:
PS hardware followed Error PS hardware followed NSC2: Error PS
NSC1: Error PS Fault Fault storage GBC.
storage GBC. 5. For the above messages or if Bogie is isolated,
For all other faults Switch place 154 on ‘II’ position (SB-1 cubicle) on VCB
off/on MCE and try. open condition. Close VCB and try to Work on
words with one bogie or clear section if
6. Check MCB 127.1/2 in SB-2. If tripped, reset it
once after switching OFF MCE & try
LocoSS02: 7. If Load /Road permits, normal operation with
Traction Bogie 2 half TE/BE.
BOGIE2 8. At convenient station or if both bogies are
ISOLATED : Only required, normalise 154 and Switch ‘OFF MCE
half for 5 minutes and switch ‘ON’ & try.
traction and 9. Avoid switching OFF/ON MCE for the above
electrical braking messages and ASC1:0052/0053/0054 (Bogie1
power Error Tacho generator)
available 10. If unsuccessful, inform Background messages
Page 028 of 114
Press <Enter> to TLC and act as per instructions. record in the
loco log book.
F0302P1 LocoSS02: SLG2:0038- Precharge 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’.keep MPJ-0, Press BPFA.
Traction Bogie 2 contactor stuck off 2. MR or BP or FP pressure drops attend the
CONTACTOR SLG2:0040- converter 3. Check for air leakage from (SR-2). If air is
STUCK OFF contactor stuck off leaking, then isolate air supply to SR-2 by
Try to close VCB closing SR-2 cock on pneumatic panel and
again F0302P1 place 154 on II. Close VCB & work with one
4. If there is no air leakage, Close VCB. If same
message repeats, then t h i s will lead to
isolation o f Bogie-2.
LocoSS03: 5. If Load /Road permits, Place 154 on ‘II’ on VCB
Traction Bogie 2 open condition & close VCB. press ‘Enter’
BOGIE 2 6. Resume normal operation with half TE/BE
ISOLATED : Only 7. If Load/Road does not permit / at convenient
half traction and station, ensure 154-Normal and Switch OFF &
electrical braking ON MCE & try.
power available 8. If DDS reads SLG2:0038 switch off/on MCE &
Press <Enter> try.
9. If unsuccessful Inform TLC and record in the
F0303P1 LocoSS03: SLG2:0035-Disturbance 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’. Acknowledge through
Traction Bogie 2 GUSP stuck off BPFA.
GATE UNIT 2. Press BLDJ to close VCB.
SUPPLY STUCK 3. If the message repeats and bogie-2 is getting
OFF isolated automatically, clear section with one
Try to close VCB bogie if possible.
Page 029 of 114
again F0303P1 4. Check MCB 127.11/2 in SB-2. If tripped, reset it
once after switching OFF MCE and try
LocoSS03: 5. If the same message repeats, Bogie-II get
Traction Bogie 2 isolated. Place 154 on ‘II’ after bringing throttle
BOGIE 2 to ‘0’
ISOLATED : Only 6. If Load /Road permits, normal operation
half possible with half TE/BE.
traction and 7. If MCB doesn’t tripped and Load/Road does
electrical braking not permit / at convenient station ensure 154–
power Normal switch OFF & ON MCE and try
available 8. Inform to TLC and Record in Log book.
Press <Enter>
F0305P1 LocoSS03: SLG2:0017- Converter 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through
Traction Bogie 2 temperature > limit 2 (80 BPFA.
CONVERTER -2 DegC) 2. After Ack. Bogie-2 may get isolated
OIL automatically
TEMPERATURE 3. Check oil level in SR oil Expansion tank, if any
TOO HIGH abnormality in SR oil pump 2 or OCB-2 isolates
Try to close VCB the same & place 154-II
again F0305P1 4. Close VCB & Try to clear section with one
bogie if possible or work with single bogie.
5. Check MCB 59.1/2 in HB-2. If tripped, reset it
once on VCB open condition. Close VCB and
work onwards.
6. If any abnormality in OCB2 or MCB 59.1/2 in
HB-2 again tripped. Keep same in open
condition and Place 154 on ‘II’ position (SB-1
cubicle) only after tripping VCB
7. If MCB is normal, ensure the working of OCB1
Page 030 of 114
&2 . If OCB1&2 not working –isolate BUR1.

LocoSS03: 8. If MCB 59.1/2 & OCB2 is normal and Road /

Traction Bogie 2 Load does not permit or at convenient place,
BOGIE 2 ensure 154-Normal and switch OFF& ON MCE
ISOLATED : Only and try.
half traction and 9. Inform to TLC and record in Log book.
electrical braking
power available
Press <Enter>
F0306P1 LocoSS03: SLG2:0015- Converter oil 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ & Acknowledge through
Traction Bogie 2 pressure < limit BPFA.
CONVERTER -2 2. Check MCB 63.1/2 in HB-2. If tripped, reset it
OIL once & try.
PRESSURES 3. Check oil level in SR2 expansion tank, oil pipe
NOT OK line for leak. If all are normal, close VCB and
Try to close VCB work onwards.
again F0305P1 4. Check the pump working by touching oil pipe
lines of pump, if normal work on wards
5. If any abnormality in oil pump or oil leakage or
MCB 63.1/2 in HB-2 again tripped. Keep same
in Open/ tripped condition and Place 154 on ‘II’
position (SB-1 cubicle) after opening VCB.
Close VCB and work onwards.
6. If the same message repeats, Bogie-II gets
isolated. Place 154 on ‘II’ and close VCB &
work with Bogie-I.
LocoSS03: 7. MCB 63.1/2 is normal and, followed by Main
Traction Bogie 2 Power isolated, Isolate BUR-2 (open MCB
Page 031 of 114
BOGIE 2 127.22/2 & reset 127.24 if trips in SB 2) Switch
ISOLATED : Only ‘OFF & ON’ MCE and try.
half traction and 8. If Road and Load does not permit or at
electrical braking convenient place, Normalise 154 and switch
power available OFF& ON MCE to bring back the isolated Bogie
Press <Enter> in to service and try
9. Inform to TLC and record in Log book
F0307P1 LocoSS03: SLG2:0022- Motor 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ & Acknowledge through
Traction Bogie 2 temperature > limit BPFA.
TRACTION (above 230 DegC) 2. Check TMB2, MCB 53.1/2 in HB-2. If tripped,
MOTOR reset it once and close VCB.
TEMPERATURE 3. If any abnormality in TMB2 or MCB 53.1/2 in
TOO HIGH HB-2 again tripped. Keep same in tripped
Converter 2 condition and Place 154 on ‘II’ position (SB-1
blocked Bogie 2 cubicle) after opening VCB.
may get 4. If there no abnormality and the message
Isolated F0307P1 repeats, SR2 is getting isolated automatically,
work with SR1.
LocoSS03: 5. If Road and Load does not permit or at
Traction Bogie 2 convenient place, Normalise 154. Switch OFF&
BOGIE 2 ON MCE and try.
ISOLATED : Only 6. MCBs 53.1/1 & 53.1/2 alternatively tripping ,
half traction and isolate BUR-2 (open MCB 127.22/2 in SB 2 )
electrical braking Switch ‘OFF & ON’ MCE and try
power Available 7. Inform to TLC and record in the log book.
Press <Enter>
F0301P2 LocoSS03: SLG2:0027 Earth fault in 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Traction Bogie 2 DC link positive 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
EARTH FAULT SLG2:0030 Earth fault in (To be checked during maintenance)
Page 032 of 114
IN DC link Negative
Normal operation
can continue, To
be checked
F0302P2 LocoSS03: SLG2:0029- Speed > max. 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Traction Bogie 2 2. Reduce speed. & Resume normal operation.
TRACTION 3. If TE is reduced to’0’ even speed within limits
MOTOR isolate Bogie 2 by placing 154 on II after
TE is being 4. Inform to TLC and work with single Bogie
reduced F0302P2 5. If Road and Load does not permit or at
convenient place, Normalise 154 and switch
OFF& ON MCE & try.
F0303P2 LocoSS03: SLG2:0041- MUB 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Traction Bogie 2 temperature too hot 2. Wait for 30 seconds to cool MUB resistance
MUB located in SR 2 cubicle.
RESISTANCE 3. Close VCB and resume traction.
TOO HOT IN 4. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
Wait for 30
F0304P2 LocoSS03: SLG2:0044-Dist. Temp. 1. Acknowledge through BPFA. Resume normal
Traction Bogie 2 sensor motor1 operation.
FAULTY MOTOR 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in the Log
Page 033 of 114
TEMERATURE SLG2:0045-Dist. Temp. book.
SENSOR, Normal sensor motor2 (To be checked during next maintenance)
operation can
continue To be SLG2:0080-Dist. Temp.
checked during sensor motor3
F0305P2 LocoSS03: SLG2:0050 TE/BE 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Traction Bogie 2 reduction 2. Clear block section. Bring throttle to‘0’ position.
EQUIPMENT 3. Wait for 10 minutes or some time till
TEMPERATURE transformer / converter oil temperature
HIGH normalizes.
TE/BE is being 4. Check 59.1/2 MCBs in HB-2, if tripped, reset it
reduced F0305P2 once.
SLG2:0071 –Power 5. If MCB 59.1/2 is normal, check the working of
reduction trafo. Temp OCB2 and for any abnormality ,
6. If any abnormality is noticed Open MCB 59.1/2
and isolate Bogie 2 by placing 154 on ‘II’ after
SLG2:0072 – Power opening VCB.
reduction conv. Temp 7. Close VCB and work with single Bogie.
8. If no abnormality, ensure the working of OCB1
&2. If OCB1&2 not working –isolate BUR1
9. If everything is normal, resume normal traction.
Note: If working with only one SR and followed by
power reduction, clear section, Contact TLC &
Record in Log book.
F0306P2 LocoSS03: SLG2:0054- Disturbance 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Traction Bogie 2 DC link capacitor 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
DC LINK (To be checked during maintenance)
Page 034 of 114
OK. Normal
operation can
continue, To be
checked during
F0307P2 LocoSS03: SLG2:0064: Bogie2 Wheel 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Traction Bogie 2 skidding 2. Observe any skidding sound from Bogie 2.
WHEEL SKIDING 3. Clear block section. Bring throttle to‘0’ position.
IN BOGIE 2 4. Ensure free running of wheels & no brake
Reduce BE binding in loco.
F0307P2 5. Ensure that all parking brakes are released
6. If everything is normal and wheel skidding
message repeats with jerk isolate SR2 by
placing 154-II & try.
Page 035 of 114
SS 04 – Harmonic Filter
Fault No. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0401P1 Loco XXXSS01: FLG1:0085 – Disturbance in 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’
Harmonic filter filter 2. Acknowledge through BPFA.
HARMONIC FLG2:0085 – Disturbance in 3. Press BLDJ to close VCB. Work on wards.
FILTER filter 4. If the message comes 3rd time with in 30 min,
CURRENT TOO Harmonic Filter getting isolated automatically
HIGH .Try to
close VCB again
Loco XXXSS01: SLG1:0023 – Filter current 5. Clear section with 40 KMPH if load is max..
Harmonic filter > max. 6. For Light Loads, Place 154 on ‘I’ position (SB-
HARMONIC SLG2:0023 – Filter current 1 cubicle) . Switch OFF/ON MCE. Energise
FILTER > max. Loco and work the train with normal speed.
ISOLATED 7. For fully loaded trains Inform TLC and work
Speak to TLC with 40 kmph. After passing 1 or 2 sections
Max. permitted switching OFF MCE & try.
speed is 40 Kmph 8. If Harmonic filter comes into service, resume
Press <Enter> traction with normal speed
9. Record in Log book and inform to TLC.
F0402P1 Loco XXXSS01: SLG1:0056 – Contactor 8.2 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’
Harmonic filter stuck off fatal 2. Acknowledge through BPFA.
HARM. FILTER SLG1:0057 – Contactor 8.2 3. Harmonic Filter gets isolated automatically.
CONTACTOR (S) stuck on fatal 4. Press BLDJ to close VCB.
Harmonic filter will
be isolated.Speak
to TLC
Page 036 of 114
Loco XXXSS01: SLG1:0058 – Contactor 8.1 1. Clear section with 40 KMPH if load is
Harmonic filter stuck off fatal maximum.
HARMONIC SLG1:0060 – Contactor 2. After passing 1 or 2 sections switch OFF MCE
FILTER 8.41 stuck off fatal & ON and try.
ISOLATED SLG1:0061 – Contactor 3. If Harmonic filter comes into service, resume
Speak to TLC 8.41 stuck on fatal traction with normal speed.
Max. permitted SLG2:0056 – Contactor 8.2 4. If unsuccessful, inform TLC and work with 40
speed is 40 Km/h stuck off fatal kmph.
Press <Enter> SLG2:0057 – Contactor 8.2 5. For Light Loads& DDS message other than
stuck on fatal SLG1: 0057, Place 154 on ‘I’ position (SB-1
SLG2:0058 – Contactor 8.1 cubicle) switch OFF & ON MCE. Energise
stuck off fatal Loco and work the train with normal speed.
SLG2:0060 – Contactor 6. Record in Log book.
8.41 stuck off fatal
SLG2:0061 – Contactor
8.41 stuck on fatal
F0404P1 Loco XXXSS01: SLG1:0067 – Temp filt disch 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’
Harmonic filter resistor high 2. Acknowledge through BPFA.
RESISTOR TOO SLG2:0067 – Temp filt disch 3. Clearing the block section with coasting or
HOT resistor high stop the train at convenient place
No. of filter 4. Wait for 15 minutes and close VCB again &
discharges resume traction.
exceeded 5. If unsuccessful, Switch OFF & ON MCE & try.
VCB will remain 6. Inform TLC and make a remark in log book.
inhibited 15 min.

Page 037 of 114
F0401P2 Loco XXXSS01: SLG1:0073 contactor 8.1 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Harmonic filter stuck on 2. Avoid brining Throttle to ‘0’. Do not open
FILTER SLG2:0073 contactor 8.1 VCB and Clear section and stop the train.
CONTACTOR 8.1 stuck on 3. Open & close VCB. If it is not possible to
STUCKON close VCB again. Switch OFF/ON MCE & try.
If VCB opens it 4. If unsuccessful, contact TLC and make a
will not close remark in log book.


F0402P2 Loco HBB1:0014 – Earth fault 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.

XXSS01:Harmoni filter circuit 2. Resume normal traction.
c filter 3. Inform TLC and make a remark in log book
Normal operation
can continue
To be checked
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SS 05 – Hotel Load
Fault No. Fault Message Lamps Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0503P1 Earth Fault In LSDJ, & BPFA 1. Lift switch BLHO to OFF position to open Hotel
Hotel Load will glow, LSFI will load contactor. Acknowledge fault by pressing
Circuit. Hotel load start blinking BPFA.
will be isolated 2. Inform maintenance staff.

F0504P1 Over Current In LSDJ, & BPFA 1. Acknowledge fault by pressing BPFA.
Hotel Load Circuit. will glow, LSFI will 2. Press BLDJ to close VCB.
Try to close the start blinking
VCB again

Hotel Load isolated Inform maintenance staff.

F0501P2 Hotel Load BPFA will 1. Acknowledge fault by pressing BPFA.

Contactor Stuck glow 2. Inform maintenance staff.
Hotel load not
F0502P2 Hotel Load BPFA will 1. Acknowledge fault by pressing BPFA.
Contactor Stuck glow 2. Inform TLC and proceed as per
ON instruction of TLC as VCB will not
For un/coupling close if open.
hotel load trip VCB
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SS 06-Auxiliary Converter -1
Fault No. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0601P1 Loco XXXSS06: BUR1:0001 – Life sign 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ position. Acknowledge
Aux-converter1 from FLG missing through BPFA
DISTURBANCE 2. BUR1 will get isolated automatically. Press
IN PROCESSOR Enter and close VCB.
BUR 1 Try to 3. Work the train with BUR-2 & 3.
close VCB again
Loco XXXSS06: FLG1:0010 – Life sign 4. After clearing the block section or time permits,
Aux-converter1 from BUR1 missing Check MCB 127.22/1 in SB-1. If found tripped,
AUX FLG2:0010 – Life sign reset it once after switch OFF MCE & try.
CONVERTER1 from BUR1 missing 5. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR1 (Trip MCB
ISOLATED 127.22/1 in SB1 panel after opening VCB) and
Driving still work with BUR1 isolated condition. LSFI will
Possible Max. glow permanently.
ventilation level 6. Inform TLC and Record in Log book
will be Reduced
F0602P1 Loco XXXSS06: BUR1:0002 – Inverter 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ position. Acknowledge
Aux-converter1 fault through BPFA.
FAULT IN BUR1:0003 – Inverter 2. Press BLDJ to close VCB. work on wards
AUXILIARY over current 3. If the message repeats, BUR1 will be isolated
CONVERTER 1 BUR1:0004 – DC – link automatically. Work with BUR-2 & 3
Try to close VCB voltage too low
again F0602P1
Loco XXXSS06: BUR1:0005 – DC – link 4. If IGBT based BUR1 is isolated with Inverter
Aux-converter1 over current Fault may be due to MCB 54.1/1 repeatedly
AUX BUR1:0006 – DC – link tripping or MRB1 isolated, don’t try with switch
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CONVERTER1 over voltage off/on MCE
ISOLATED BUR1:0007 – Frequency 5. After clearing the block section or time permits,
Driving still disturbance switching OFF/ON MCE & try.
possible Max. BUR1:0012 – Self – test 6. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR1, Trip MCB
ventilation level periph . I/O failed 127.22/1 in SB1 panel after opening VCB) and
will be reduced BUR1:0013 – Input work with BUR1 isolated condition. LSFI will
Press<Enter> voltage not ok glow permanently.
7. Inform TLC and Record in Log book.
8. If BUR1 followed by BUR2 isolated, trouble
shoot for F0110P1
F0603P1 Loco XXXSS06: BUR1:0009 – Contactor 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ position. Acknowledge
Aux-converter1 52/4 will not close through BPFA.
CONTACTOR BUR1:0011 – Contactor 2. BUR1 will get isolated automatically. Press
FAULT IN AUX- 52/5 will not close Enter and Close VCB.Work with BUR-2 & 3
Contactor 52/4 or
52/5 stuck
ISOLATION AUX 3. After clearing the block section or time permits,
MESSAGE CONVERTER-1 switching OFF MCE & try.
ISOLATED 4. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR1 (Trip MCB
Driving still 127.22/1 in SB1 panel after opening VCB) and
possible work with BUR1 isolated condition. LSFI will
glow permanently.
5. Inform TLC and Record in Log book.
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F0604P1 Loco XXXSS06: SLG1:0075 ventilation 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through
BOGIE1 Bogie BUR1 disturb BPFA.
VENTILATION SLG2:0075 ventilation 2. Close VCB. If BUR1 is isolated. Work with
BUR1 Bogie BUR1 disturb BUR-2 & 3.
DISTURBED 3. After clearing the block section or time permits
Press normalise BURs and switching OFF MCE & try.
acknowledge to 4. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR1 (Trip MCB
to reconfigure 127.22/1 in SB1 panel after opening VCB) and
to BUR2 work with BUR1 isolated condition. LSFI will
glow permanently.
5. Resume normal operation with BUR-1 isolated.
6. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
SS 07-Auxiliary Converter -2
Fault No. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0701P1 Loco XXXSS07: BUR2:0001 – Life sign 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ position. Acknowledge
Aux-converter1 from FLG missing through BPFA
DISTURBANCE FLG1:0011 – Life sign 2. BUR-II will get isolated automatically. Press
IN PROCESSOR from BUR2 missing Enter and Close VCB. Work the train with
BUR 2 FLG2:0011 – Life sign BUR1 & 3.
Try to close VCB from BUR2 missing 3. After clearing the block section or time permits,
again F0701P1 Check MCB 127.22/2 in SB-2. If found tripped,
reset it once after switching OFF MCE & try.
ISOLATION Loco XXXSS07: 4. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR-II (Trip MCB
MESSAGE Aux-converter2 127.22/2 in SB2 panel after opening VCB) and
AUX work with BUR-II isolated condition. LSFI will
CONVERTER 2 glow permanently.
ISOLATED 5. Inform TLC and Record in Log book.
Driving still
Possible Max.
Page 042 of 114
ventilation level
will be Reduced
F0702P1 Loco XXXSS07: BUR2:0002 – Inverter 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ position. Acknowledge
Aux-converter2 fault through BPFA.
FAULT IN BUR2:0003 – Inverter 2. Press BLDJ to close VCB. Work on wards.
AUXILIARY over current 3. If the message repeats BUR2 will be isolated
CONVERTER 2 BUR2:0004 – DC- link automatically.
Try to close VCB voltage too low
again F0702P1 BUR2:0005 – DC- link
over current
ISOLATION Loco XXXSS07: BUR2:0006 – DC- link 4. After clearing the block section or time permits,
MESSAGE Aux-converter2 over voltage switching OFF MCE &ON and try.
AUX BUR2:0007 – Frequency 5. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR-II (Trip MCB
CONVERTER2 disturbance 127.22/2 in SB2 panel after opening VCB) and
ISOLATED BUR2:0021 – Self-test work with BUR-II isolated condition . LSFI will
Driving still periph. I/O failed glow permanently.
possible Max. BUR2:0022 – Input 6. Inform TLC and Record in Log book
ventilation level voltage not ok 7. If BUR2 followed by BUR3 isolated, trouble
will be reduced shoot for F0110P1
F0703P1 Loco XXXSS07: BUR2:0008- Contactor 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ position. Acknowledge
Aux-converter2 52/1 will not open through BPFA.
CONTACTOR BUR2:0009- Contactor 2. BUR-II will get isolated automatically.
FAULT IN AUX- 52/1 will not close 3. Press Enter and close VCB. Work the train
CONV 2/HB2 BUR2:0010- Contactor with BUR1 & 3
Contactor 52/2 will not open
52/1/2/4 stuck off BUR2:0011- Contactor
or on 52/2 will not close
Page 043 of 114
BUR2:0012- Contactor
F0703P1 52/4 will not open
BUR2:0013- Contactor
52/4 will not close
ISOLATION AUX 4. After clearing the block section or time permits,
MESSAGE CONVERTER-2 Check MCB 127.22/2 in SB-2.
ISOLATED 5. If found tripped, reset it once after switching
Driving still OFF MCE & try.
possible 6. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR-II (Trip
MCB127.22/2 in SB2 panel after opening VCB)
and work with BUR-II isolated condition .LSFI
will glow permanently.
7. Inform TLC and Record in Log book
F0704P1 Loco XXXSS07: SLG1:0079 ventilation 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ position. Acknowledge
BOGIE2 Bogie BUR2 disturb through BPFA.
VENTILATION SLG2:0079 ventilation 2. Close VCB. If BUR2 is isolated. Work with
BUR2 Bogie BUR2 disturb BUR-1 & 3
DISTURBED 3. After clearing the block section or time permits
Press normalise BURs and switching OFF MCE & try.
acknowledge to 4. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR2 (Trip MCB
to reconfigure 127.22/2 in SB2 panel after opening VCB) and
to BUR1 work with BUR2 isolated condition
5. Resume normal operation with BUR-2 isolated.
6. Inform TLC and record in the logbook
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SS 08-Auxiliary Converter -3
Fault No. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0801P1 Loco XXXSS08: BUR3:0001- Life sign 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’psition. Acknowledge
Aux-converter3 from FLG missing through BPFA .
DISTURBANCE FLG1:0012- Life sign 2. BUR-III will get isolated automatically.
IN PROCESSOR from BUR3 missing 3. Press Enter and close VCB. Work the train with
BUR 3 Try to FLG2:0012- Life sign BUR 1& 2
close VCB again from BUR3 missing
ISOLATION Loco XXXSS08: 4. After clearing the block section or time permits,
MESSAGE Aux-converter3 Check MCB 127.22/3 in SB-2. If found tripped,
AUX reset it once after switching OFF MCE & try.
CONVERTER2 5. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR-III (Trip MCB
ISOLATED 127.22/3 in SB2 panel after opening VCB) and
Driving still work with BUR-III isolated condition. LSFI will
Possible Max. glow permanently.
ventilation level 6. Inform TLC and Record in Log book
will be reduced
F0802P1 Loco XXXSS08: BUR3:0002- Inverter fault 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’position. Acknowledge
Aux-converter3 BUR3:0003- Inverter over through BPFA.
FAULT IN current 2. Press BLDJ to close VCB. work on wards
AUXILIARY BUR3:0004- DC- link 3. If the message repeats BUR-III will be isolated
CONVERTER 3 voltage too low automatically. Work the train with BUR 1& 2
Try to close VCB
again F0802P1
ISOLATION Loco XXXSS08: BUR3:0005- DC- link 4. After clearing the block section or time permits,
MESSAGE Aux-converter3 over current Check MCB 127.22/3 in SB-2. If found tripped,
AUX BUR3:0006- DC- link reset it once after switching OFF MCE & try.
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CONVERTER3 over voltage 5. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR-III (Trip MCB
ISOLATED BUR3:0007- Frequency 127.22/3 in SB2 panel after opening VCB) and
Driving still disturbance work with BUR-III isolated condition .LSFI will
possible Max. BUR3:0017- Self-test glow permanently.
ventilation level periph. I/O failed 6. Inform TLC and Record in Log book.
will be reduced BUR3:0018- Input 7. If BUR3 followed by BUR2 isolated, trouble
Press<Enter> voltage not ok shoot for F0110P1
F0803P1 Loco XXXSS08: BUR3:0009- Contactor 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’position. Acknowledge
Aux-converter3 52/3 will not close through BPFA.
CONTACTOR 2. BUR 3 will isolate automatically.
FAULT IN AUX- 3. Press Enter and close VCB. Work the train
CONV 3 with BUR 1& 2
Contactor 52/3
stuck off or on
ISOLATION Loco XXXSS08: 4. After clearing the block section or time permits,
MESSAGE Aux-converter3 switching OFF / ON MCE & try.
AUX 5. If unsuccessful, isolate BUR-III (Trip MCB
CONVERTER3 127.22/3 in SB2 panel after opening VCB) and
ISOLATED work with BUR-III isolated condition .LSFI will
Driving still glow permanently.
possible Max. 6. Inform TLC and Record in Log book
ventilation level
will be reduced
Page 046 of 114
General Instructions –MCB tripping due to BURs Problem
S.S. No. Fault Message Lamp Effect Action to be taken by CLIs & TLCs
SS-06, 1) If LP experiences 1. Reset MCB.,2. Switch OFF electronics.
Alternatively tripping of MCB 3. BUR- I to be isolated by tripping MCB 127.22/1 located in SB-1.
SS-07, 59.1/1 of OCB-1 and 59.1/2 of 4. Try to work with BUR-I isolated and OCB 1/2 will work on BUR-
OCB-2 II. Note: This problem may arise due to unbalance out put voltage
SS-08 2) If LP experiences 1. Reset MCB,2. Switch OFF electronics.
Alternatively tripping of MCB 3. BUR- II to be isolated by tripping MCB 127.22/2 located in SB-
63.1/1 and 63.1/2 of converter 2.
Oil Pump 1/2 or MCB 62.1/1 4. Try to work with BUR-II isolated and MPH-C 1/2 will work on
and 62.1/2 (of transformer Oil BUR-III.
Pump1 &2). Note: This problem may arise due to unbalance out put voltage
3) If LP experiences 1. Reset MCB.2. Switch OFF electronics.
Alternatively tripping of MCB 3. BUR- II to be isolated by tripping MCB 127.22/2 located in SB-
53.1/1 or/ and 53.1/2 of TMB-1 2.,4. Try to work with BUR-II isolated and TMB 1/2 will work on
or TMB-2. BUR-I.
Note: This problem may arise due to unbalance out put voltage
4) If LP experiences 1.Reset MCB. , 2. Switch OFF electronics.
Alternatively tripping of MCB 3. BUR- III to be isolated by tripping MCB 127.22/3 located in SB-
47.1/1 of MCP-1 and 47.1/2 of 2.
MCP-2. Ensure CP1/2 ULV 4. Try to work with BUR-III isolated and MCP 1/2 will work on
cock above BA box2 is open . BUR-II.
or Note: This problem may arise due to unbalance output voltage of
MCB 55.1/1 and 55.1/2 (of BUR-III.
SCTM-1 or/and SCTM-2) Note: In case of MCB 55.1/1 or/and 55.1/2 (of SCTM-1 or / and
SCTM-2) tripping, do not rest the same and work on wards.
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SS09 -Battery system
Fault No. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F0901P1 Loco XXXSS09: BUR2:0019–Battery voltage 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ Acknowledge through
Battery system below 82 volts. BPFA.
BATTERY BUR3:0015 – Battery 2. Clear section by coasting if possible or stop the
VOLTAGE TOO voltage below 82 volts train at convenient place.
LOW 3. Check MCB 110 in SB-2 , if tripped reset only
Electronics will after switching OFF MCE
switch off 4. Check MCB 100 in HB-2, if tripped reset the
F0901P1 same after opening VCB.
5. If BA voltage is above 82 volts, Check the back
ground message, if message is generated by
BUR-II and then try by isolating BUR-II.
Loco XXXSS09: 1. If message is generated by BUR-III .Actual
Battery system voltage in UBA is above 82 volts, then try by
ISOLATED 2. If battery voltage is less than 82 volts, then
VCB can not be contact TLC for relief loco.
closed: VCB 3. Make a remark in the logbook
Inhibited Loco is
F0902P1 Loco XXXSS09: BUR2:0018 – Battery 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ position and acknowledge
Battery system voltage below 86 volts through BPFA.
BATTERY BUR3:0014 – Battery 2. Clear section by coasting if possible or stop the
VOLTAGE LOW voltage below 86 volts train at convenient place.
Converters being 3. Check MCB 100 in HB-2, if tripped reset the
switched off MCB and try.
Open VCB, lower 4. If MCB110 tripped Switch OFF MCE and reset
Panto F0902P1 MCB 110 and try.
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5. If BA voltage is above 82 volts, Loco to be kept
energized for battery charging.
Loco XXXSS09: 6. If MCB 100 (HB2panel) repeatedly tripping/
Battery system Battery is not charging , isolate BUR-III by
MAIN POWER opening MCB 127.22/3 in SB2 after opening
VCB can not be 7. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook
closed: VCB 8. If the battery can’t be switched ON or below 82
Inhibited Loco is volts ask for relief loco.
F0903P1 Loco XXXSS09: FLG1:0024-MCE off – pan 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Battery system was down 10 min 2. If BL key is at D and panto is lowered or
PAN LOWERED FLG2:0024-MCE off – pan Panto not raising or OHE out of range longer
LONGER THAN was down 10 min than 10 minutes, then this message is
10 MINUTES expected.
Control 3. Switch ON the control electronics once again
electronics will by BL Key if required.
switch off 4. Raise pantograph within 10 minutes after
activating the cab.
F0901P2 Loco XXXSS09: BUR2:0017- Battery voltage 1. Acknowledge through BPFA
Battery system below 92 volts 2. Check MCB 100 (HB2 panel) &; reset same if
WARNING: LOW BUR3:0013- Battery voltage tripped after opening VCB & try
BATTERY below 92 volts 3. If battery charger output MCB 110 in SB-2, if
VOLTAGE tripped, reset MCB after switching OFF MCE.
Driving available Energise Loco and work on wards.
for less than30 4. If unsuccessful and CHBA not working, clear
min Check battery section before reaching to 86V and contact
charger MCB TLC for advise
F0901P2 5. Make a remark in the Log book.
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F0902P2 Loco XXXSS09: BUR2:0016 – MCB battery 1. Acknowledge through BPFA
Battery system charger is open 2. Check battery charger MCB 100 (HB2 panel) &;
BATTERY BUR3:0012 – MCB battery reset the same if tripped after opening VCB and
CHARGER MCB charger is open work on wards.
OFF 3. If MCB-100 tripping repeatedly then isolate
Try to close the Auxiliary Converter-3 through MCB 127.22/3 in
MCBF0902P2 SB-2 and try to work with CHBA on Auxiliary
4. If unsuccessful, Loco can work till battery
voltage drops to 86 V. Contact TLC and act as
per his instructions.
5. Inform TLC & Enter in the Log book.
F0903P2 Loco XXXSS09: BUR2:0020-Bat.charge 1. Acknowledge through BPFA
Battery system current below 10A 2. Check battery charger output MCB 110 in SB-
LOW BATTERY BUR3:0016-Bat.charge 2, if tripped reset only after switching OFF
CHARGER current below 10A MCE.
CURRENT 3. Check MCB100 in HB2, if tripped reset the
Battery charger same.
MCB may have 4. Check battery and connection of battery cables
Tripped Battery 5. If MCBs are normal and UBA reads more
not being charged Voltage on VCB closed condition than the VCB
F0903P2 open.
6. It indicates BA is charging, ignore the message
and resume normal operation.
7. If CHBA not working, Loco can work till battery
voltage drops to 86 V. Contact TLC and act as
per his instructions.
8. Inform TLC & make a remark in the Log book.
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F0904P2 Loco XXXSS09: FLG1:0080-DIA1 battery not 1. Acknowledge through BPFA
Battery system ok 2. Continue normal traction.
DIAGNOSIS FLG2:0080-DIA1 battery not 3. Make a remark in the logbook.
MEMORY ok 4. Inform TLC during next stop.
Inform TLC during
next stop
F0905P2 Loco XXXSS09: STB2:0004-Earth fault Aux. 1. Acknowledge through BPFA
Battery system circuit 2. Continue normal traction.
EARTH FAULT 3. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
operation can
continue To be
checked during
Note: If MCB 112, located besides battery Box No. 2 or MCB 112.1 is tripped then all cab and machine room lights
are switched off. Display screen also becomes blank. Emergency shutdown and brakes will apply automatically. In
such case, LP should check MCB 112 & 112.1, if tripped, then reset the MCB, energise the loco and resume normal
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SS 10 – Brake System
Fault no. Fault Message DDS Message Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1001P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0022-Brake 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’
Brake System electronics failed 2. Acknowledge through BPFA.
FUALT IN BRAKE FLG2:0022-Brake 3. Check MCBs 127.7 & 128.1 is located in SB2.
ELECTRONICS electronics failed 4. If tripped, reset MCB 127.7 once and do not
Full service brake reset MCB 128.1 duly switching OFF MCE &
applied try.
No traction 5. Release parking Brake through SV30 release
allowedF1001P1 plunger, avoid the operation of sanders and
work on wards. If unsuccessful try from rear
6. If MCBs not tripped switch off & on MCE & try.
7. If the same message repeats, ask for relief
loco and Record in Log book.
8. ‘Knorr’s Bresme Brake system Locos’, if rear
cab A9 in Emergency bring it to FS & lock it
and mode switch in trail position.If message
comes during initial energise, Ack the same
and try.
9. If unsuccessful clear section with PTDC mode
as per the instructions t o make PTDC mode
F1002P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0040-S/R interlock – 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’ & MPJ to ‘0’. Press BPFA
Brake System main res.low 2. Check the working of MCPs, if not working,
LOW PRESSURE FLG2:0040-S/R interlock – 3. Press BLCP to MAN position & try.
MAIN main res.low 1. Check the MCBs 47.1/1 in HB1 & MCB 47.1/2
RESERVOIR in HB2 panels. If found tripped reset the MCB
No traction after opening VCB and try. Ensure CP1/2
allowed till ULV cock above BA box2 is open .
Page 052 of 114
pressure 4. If MCBs are normal, isolate BUR3 (open MCB
reaches 6.4 127.22/3 in SB2 panel) and try.
kg/cm2F1002P1 5. If unsuccessful, stop the train at convenient
place. Switch OFF & On MCE & try.
6. If compressors are working and pressure is
not building up.
7. If BP pressure drops causes drop MR
pressure , isolate VCD/SPM / TPWS (close
cocs provided in both cabs below A9 If
provided) .Ensure /ALP Emergency closed on
both cabs/rear cab A9 in neutral
8. FP pressure drops, close 136 coc and try
9. Any Air Leakage in the front side, close
corresponding Addl. Angle Cocs in under
frame & work on wards .For any other Air
leakage & attend the same
10. If Air leaks through Un-loader valve, close the
isolating COCs for un-loaders near BAbox2/
above MCP1 and try. If there no leakage from
Air dryers & un- loader valves,
11. Bypass Air dryer through ‘D IN’, ‘D OUT’ & ‘D
OFF’ cut out cocks. If MR charges, Normalize
Air dryers & try
12. Check physically the MR and BP gauges
showing availability of MR and BP and MR
more than 6.4 kg.
13. To enable the traction both wires are to be
short circuited in RGLP(269.4)
14. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook
Page 053 of 114
F1003P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0020-Emergency 1. Bring TE/BE Throttle to ‘0’ position.
Brake System brake vigilance 2. Keep DBC (A9) handle in emergency position,
VIGILANCE FLG2:0020-Emergency apply SA-9 and Keep MPJ-‘0’.
EMERGENCY brake vigilance 3. Wait for 120 seconds (WAP5/7 , WAG9)
BRAKE 4. Press ‘BPVR’ to reset VCD, LSVW will
APPLICATION extinguish and buzzer will stop.
Bring TE/BE 5. In case of Knorr brake (CCB1.5) system
Throttle to 0 Locos Press BPVR only after keeping A-9 in
Press vigilance F/S.
reset push button Note: If case of CCB2 of Knorr Bremse,
Press BPVR after 32 seconds on A9
F1003P1 emergency..
6. Press ‘BPFA’ for acknowledging fault
7. Keep DBC (A9) handle on run position and
wait for recharging of BP pressure.
8. Restart the train as per procedure.
9. If penalty braking is taking place even though
VCD is acknowledged,
10. Isolate VCD by keeping 237.1 (In SB-1 panel)
in ‘0’ position.
11. Work without VCD and resume Normal
traction & be vigilant.
12. Inform to TLC and make a remark in logbook.
F1004P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0037-S/R inter lock – 1. Bring TE/BE throttle to ‘0’ position.
Brake System brake cock 2. Check isolating cock No. 70 (E70 Brake Pipe
WORKING FLG2:0037-S/R inter lock – isolating cock) on pneumatic panel & ZBAN
WRONG brake cock OFF condition (A Panel).
CONFIGURATION 3. Open 70 coc, if it is closed after opening VCB.
Page 054 of 114
BRAKE Press ‘BPFA’ for acknowledging fault message
SYSTEM & Resume Normal Traction.
Check isolating 4. Inform to TLC and make a remark in logbook.
coc brake control 5. To enable the traction one of the wires of 70
Wrong coc COC limit switch to be disconnected. Output
position, to reset to be open circuited.
open VCB
F1005P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0036-S/R inter lock – 1. Bring TE/BE handle to ‘0’ position
Brake System auto brake 2. Keep auto brake handle in run position and
TRACTION WITH FLG2:0036-S/R inter lock – B.P 5Kg/cm2.
AUTO BRAKE auto brake 3. Press ‘BPFA’ for acknowledging fault message
NOT ALLOWED & Resume normal traction.
Release auto 4. If Unsuccessful, try from rear Cab
brakes 5. Check the couplers (ABCD) provided in the
Bring TE/BE Pn.Panel.
Throttle to 0 6. Check coupler of Pressure sensor properly
F1005P1 fixed in E70 Valve.
7. Inform to TLC and make a remark in logbook.
F1006P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0038-S/R interlock – 1. Bring TE/BE handle to ‘0’ position.
Brake System park brake 2. Release parking brake with BPPB and parking
TRACTION WITH FLG2:0038-S/R interlock – brake gauge shows pressure of 6 Kg/cm2.
PARKING park brake 3. If parking brake is not getting released then
BRAKES NOT check the latch solenoid valve (30) on
ALLOWED pneumatic panel.
Release parking 4. If it is found permanently latched in applied
brakes Bring condition then release & lock it if necessary.
TE/BE Throttle to 5. If still parking brake not release, check for any
0 F1006P1 sign of air leakage from parking brake cylinder
Page 055 of 114
6. If there is leakage, try to arrest the leakage.
7. After releasing parking brake, Press ‘BPFA’
for acknowledging fault message and resume
normal traction.
8. To enable the traction, wires in the Parking
brake pressure switch to be looped.
9. Inform to TLC and make a remark in logbook.
F1007P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0023 – Regenerative 1. Bring TE/BE handle to ‘0’ position,
Brake System brake failed 2. Loco brakes will be released and control the
REGENERATIVE FLG2:0023 – Regenerative train through automatic train brake (A-9) by
BRAKE brake failed pressing PVEF.
FAILURE 3. No Regenerative brake power available.
Pneumatic loco Braking can be done with auto train brake (A-
brake applied 9) / direct brake (SA9).
4. Resume normal traction. Inform to TLC and
F1007P1 make a remark in logbook.
F1008P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0018- Emergency 1. Bring TE/BE handle to ‘0’ position.
Brake System stop – shutdown 2. Reset Emergency stop push button by rotating
EMERGENCY FLG2:0018- Emergency it in the direction of arrow marked on it. It will
STOP, stop – shutdown project out.
SHUTDOWN ON 3. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA.
THE LOCO 4. Raise pantograph. Close VCB.
To release, reset 5. Resume normal traction after charging BP and
emergency stop MR pressures.
push button Note: If Emergency stop button is pressed before
Bring TE/BE Energising, and on moving BL to ‘D’ mode “FLG71
Throttle to 0 Protection activated” message will appear.
Page 056 of 114
F1009P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0035-S/R interlock- 1. Bring TE/BE handle to ‘0’ position.
Brake System loco brake 2. This fault messages is generated when BC
TRACTION NOT FLG2:0035-S/R interlock- pressure is more than 0.65 Kg/cm2, throttle is
ALLOWED loco brake not at zero position and speed is over 10
BRAKE 3. Ensure Throttle is at ‘0’.during brake
Release loco application.
brake 4. Gently tap pressure switches No. 269.6/1 &
Bring TE/BE 269.6/2 located on the side wall near auxiliary
Throttle to 0 reservoir.
F1009P1 5. Ensure rear Cab SA9 in release.
6. Release loco brakes with direct brake (SA9) &
C3WDV/ Lift Bail ring & try. Press 20TP and
16 TP nipples in pneumatic panel in knorr
brake locos.
7. Ensure B.P pressure is at 5 Kg/cm2.
8. Press ‘BPFA’ for acknowledging fault message
and resume traction
9. Still un successful switch OFF and ON MCE
10. To enable the traction one of the wires of BC
pressure switches to be disconnected one
by one i.e. output to be open circuited.
11. Inform TLC and Record in Log book.
F1010P1 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0039-S/R interlock – 1. Bring TE/BE handle to ‘0’ position.
Brake System emg brk out 2. Open the emergency exhaust coc No. 74 in
EMG. EXHAUST FLG2:0039-S/R interlock – the pneumatic panel.
COCK CLOSED, emg brk out 3. If coc No.74 is already in open and even
NO TRACTION though message appears, then problem may
Page 057 of 114
For traction open be with micro switch of 74 coc.
the cock 4. Operate 74 coc manually 2 or 3 times. If
Bring TE/BE successful, proceed further.
Throttle to 0 5. If unsuccessful, switch OFF & ON MCE and
F1010P1 try.
6. To enable the traction one of the wires of 74
COC limit switch to be disconnected. Output
to be open circuited
7. Inform to TLC and make a remark in logbook.
F1001P2 Loco XXXSS10: HBB1:0016- loco in banking 1. This message will appear during Loco set up
Brake System operation to Banker Mode.
LOCO IS IN HBB2:0003- loco in banking 2. If Loco in normal mode, Bring TE/BE handle to
BANKING MODE operation ‘0’
Loco brake 3. Check position of ZBAN switch. If it is at ON,
controller isolated switch it OFF.
Emergency brakes 4. Check isolating cock no. 70 in pneumatic
can be applied panel. If close open it after opening VCB &
operate 2 or 3 times and try.
F1001P2 5. If unsuccessful, try to work from rear cab after
switching OFF /ON MCE.
6. Inform TLC and Record in Log book.
Note: This Message will appear when loco is set
up in banking mode operation- (70 coc closed and
ZBAN in “on” position) Ack. the same.
F1002P2 Loco XXXSS10: FLG1:0092 – Alarm chain 1. If AFI over shoots/ BP pressure drops, switch
Brake System pulling on Flasher immediately.
ALARM CHAIN FLG2:0092 – Alarm chain 2. Stop the train at convenient place immediately.
PULLING pulling 3. Check the affected Coach/BP leakage in
Page 058 of 114
Check wagon, find out the reason of ACP, reset the
trainF1002P2 ACP and work as per G&SR.
4. After recreating BP pressure and air flow
indicator needle comes to normal position,
restart the train as per procedure.
5. Inform TLC and Record in Log book.
Check MCB 128.1(SB-2), if found tripped, reset the MCB once. If the MCB trips again, resume normal
operation with air drier in isolated condition. Also record in the log book.
SS11 –Auxiliaries -HB1
Fault no. Fault Message DDS Message Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1101P2 MCB(S) TRIPPED HBB1:0005- Oil cooler 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
IN AUX. blower MCB open 2. Check the back ground Message, if MCB for
CUBICLE 1 HBB1:0006- MR blower oil pumps/OCBs tripped
Traction power MCB open 3. Check MCB127.2/1 in SB1 and MCBs 54.1/1,
may get reduced, HBB1:0007-TM 1 blower 62.1/1,63.1/1,53.1/1 &59.1/1 in HB1 ,if tripped
if MCB open 4. Trip VCB & reset once, close VCB and
temperature HBB1:0008- MR scav. resume normal traction,
exceed.F1101P2 blower MCB open 5. If again same MCB trips, try to clear the block
HBB1:0009- Converter 1 section with normal traction.
pump MCB open 6. After clearing the block section In case of
HBB1:0010- Transformer MCBs Oil pumps/ OCBs alternatively tripping
pump 1 MCB open Trouble shoot as per general instruction of
HBB1:0011- Scav. Oil cooler SS06, SS07, SS08
MCB open 7. If un successful. isolate concerned Bogie by
placing 154 on ‘I’ Position
8. In case of 54.1/1 tripping repeatedly, contact
TLC and act as per instructions of TLC.
9. If no MCB is tripped, but still message is
coming and all auxiliaries are working ignore
Page 059 of 114
the message and resume normal traction.
10. Inform to TLC & Enter in to Log book
F1102P2 Loco XXX SS11: 1. Resume normal traction.
Auxiliaries HB1 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook.
EARTH FAULT (To be checked during maintenance)
415/110V CIRCUIT
HBB1:0012- Earth fault
Normal operation
415/110 V circuit
can continue. To
be checked during
F1103P2 Loco XXX SS11: 2. Check MCB 47.1/1 provided in HB1 panel. If
Auxiliaries HB1 tripped, open VCB and reset once.
MCB OFF MAIN 3. Close VCB and resume normal traction.
COMPRESSOR 4. If this MCB trips again (message repeats
OPEN STB1:0008 – MCB of again) then work the train with one
Compressor 1 not compressor 1 open compressor.
available 5. Ensure CP1 ULV cock above BA box2 is open
F1103P2 6. If MCBs 47.1/1 & 47.1/2 alternatively tripping,
Open VCB, rest MCBs and isolate BUR3 & try
7. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook
F1104P2 Loco XXX SS11: 1. Clear the block section with normal traction.
Auxiliaries HB1 2. Switch OFF MCB 59.1/1 (for oil cooling blower-
FLG1:0113–Overcurrent oil
OVERLOAD ON 1) in HB-1 panel after opening VCB
cooler blower 1
OCB-1 3. Isolate Bogie-1 by placing 154 to 1 position.
FLG2:0113–Overcurrent oil
Isolate 4. Inform TLC and work the train with half TE/BE
cooler blower 1
OCBF1104P2 if load / road permits else ask for relief loco
and Record in Log book
Page 060 of 114
F1105P2 Loco XXX 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
SS12: Auxiliaries 2. Resume normal traction & be vigilant
HB1 Vigilance 3. Inform to TLC and record in log book
isolated . Inform Note: Isolate VCD through 237.1( SB.1) only during
to TLC failure / mal-functioning
F1106P2 Loco XXX SS11: 1. Acknowledge through BPFA work with in 15
Auxiliaries HB1 Kmph for shunting operations after keeping
Loco in shunting 160 to ‘0’, MPJ-0 on Loco stand still condition.
mode 2. If the message appears while operating
Speed can not be Throttle during normal train working,
more than 15 3. Stop the train, bring MPJ to ‘0’ and bring 160
kmph to 1 position and Resume normal traction.
Note: Before operating MPJ from ‘0’ to ‘F’, Loco
F1106P2 Pilot to ensure that the switch 160 is in position ‘1’
to avoid en-route detention
SS112–Auxiliaries –HB2
Fault no Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1201P2 Loco XXX SS12: STB2:0007- Oil cooler 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Auxiliaries HB2 blower MCB open 2. Check the back ground Message , if MCB for
MCB(S) TRIPPED STB2:0008- MR blower oil pumps/OCBs tripped
IN AUX. MCB open 3. Check MCB 127.2/2 in SB2 and MCBs
CUBICLE 2 STB2:0009-TM 2 blower 54.1/2,62.1/2,63.1/2,53.1/2 &59.1/2 in HB2 ,if
Traction power MCB open tripped, open VCB and reset once
may get reduced, STB2:0010- MR scav. 4. Close VCB and resume normal traction,
if blower MCB open 5. If again same MCB trips, try to clear the block
temperature STB2:0011- Converter 2 section with normal traction.
exceed.F1201P2 pump MCB open 6. After clearing the block section In case of
STB2:0012- Transformer MCBs Oil pumps/ OCBs alternatively tripping
Page 061 of 114
pump 2 MCB open Trouble shoot as per general instruction of
STB2:0013- Scav. Oil cooler SS06, SS07, SS08
MCB open 7. If un successful. isolate concerned Bogie by
placing 154 on ‘II’ Position
8. In case of 54.1/2 tripping repeatedly, contact
TLC and act as per instructions of TLC.
9. If no MCB is tripped, but still message is
coming and all auxiliaries are working ignore
the message and resume normal traction.
10. Inform TLC and Record in Log book.
F1202P2 Loco XXX SS12: HBB2:0005-MCB of 1. Check MCB 47.1/2 provided in HB1 panel. If
Auxiliaries HB2 compressor 2 open tripped, reset once after opening VCB.
MCB OF MAIN 2. Close VCB and resume normal traction.
COMPRESSOR 3. If this MCB trips again (message repeats
OPEN again) then work the train with one
Compressor 2 not compressor.
available 4. Ensure CP2 ULV cock above BA box2 is open
F1202P2 5. If MCB 47.1/1 & 47.1/2 alternatively tripping,
Open VCB, rest MCBs and isolate BUR3 & try
6. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook.
F1203P2 Loco XXX SS12: FLG1:0114–Overcurrent oil 1. Clear the block section with normal traction.
Auxiliaries HB2 cooler blower 2 2. Switch OFF MCB .59.1/2 (for oil cooling
OVERLOAD ON FLG2:0114–Overcurrent oil blower-1) in HB-2 panel after opening VCB,
OCB-2 cooler blower 2 3. Isolate Bogie-2 with 154 switch to ‘II’ position.
Isolate 4. Inform TLC and work the train with half TE/BE
OCBF1203P2 if load / road permits else ask for relief loco
and Record in Log book.
Page 062 of 114
SS13 –Cab-1
Fault no Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1301P1 Loco FLG1:0006- Life sign from 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through
XXXSS13: Cab HBB1 missing BPFA.
1 FLG2:0006- Life sign from 2. If you are working from Cab-2, Close VCB,
DISTURBANC HBB1 missing LSFI glows continuously and observe note
E IN HBB1:0001- Life sign from given below.
PROCESSOR FLG missing 3. If you are working from Cab-1, and Loco having
HBB1 Cab redundant, close VCB & try.
Cab 1 may get 4. If there is no cab redundant try to clear the
isolated, drive block section by coasting.
from 5. Check MCB 127.9/2 (SB-1) if tripped, reset
cab 2 refer to once after switching MCE OFF
driver’s manual 6. Switch OFF & ON MCE even if all are normal,
7. If successful, energise Loco and resume
F1301P1 traction
ISOLATIO Loco 1. If the same message repeats, change to Cab 2
N XXXSS13: Cab and work further with rear cab.
MESSAG 1 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook work
E CAB 1 cautiously.
ISOLATED Note: Monitoring of MCBs in HB1 and Earth fault/
Drive from cab fuse in 415V circuit Earth fault relay on Hotel Load
2 will not be monitored by MCE even in Cab
Press<Enter> redundant Locos.
F1302P1 Loco FLG1:0004- Life sign from 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through
XXXSS13: Cab STB1 missing BPFA
1 FLG2:0004- Life sign from 2. If you are working from Cab-2, Close VCB,
DISTURBANC STB1 missing work normally & inform to TLC. LSFI glows
E IN continuously and observe note given below.
Page 063 of 114
PROCESSOR 3. If you are working from Cab-1, and Loco having
STB1 Cab redundant, raise panto and close VCB &
Cab 1 may get resume traction.
isolated, drive 4. If there is no cab redundant try to clear the
from block section by coasting.
cab 2 refer to 5. Check MCB 127.9/1 (SB-1) if tripped, reset
driver’s manual once after keeping BL to OFF and switch off
MCB 112.1 in SB2 & try.
6. Even MCBs are normal, Put BL to OFF and
Switch OFF/ ON 112.1 & try
7. If successful, energise Loco and resume
ISOLATIO Loco 1. If the same message repeats, change to Cab 2
N XXXSS13: Cab and work further with rear cab.
MESSAG 1 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook work
E CAB 1 cautiously.
ISOLATED 3. To isolate SR1/2 open MCB 127.1/1 for SR1 &
Drive from cab MCB 127.1/2 for SR2 with precautions
2 Note: 152,154 & 160 switches, Hotel Load and Air
Press<Enter> dryer control will not work even in Cab redundant
Locos. Additionally release Parking Brake manually
F1303P1 Loco FLG1:0025 –Cab1 Forward 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge by BPFA
XXXSS13: Cab & Reverse Selected 2. Operate Reverser 2-3 times and try.
1 FLG2:0025 –Cab1 Forward 3. If unsuccessful try to clear the block section by
REVERSER & Reverse Selected coasting. Switch OFF and ON MCE and try.
DEFECTIVE 4. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-2
Drive from cab and work further with rear cab.
2 5. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook.
Page 064 of 114
SS14–Cab 2
Fault no Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1401P1 Loco XXSS14: FLG1:0005- Life sign 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through BPFA.
Cab 2 from STB2 missing 2. If you are working from Cab-1, Close VCB. LSFI
DISTURBANC FLG2:0005- Life sign glows continuously and observe note given below.
E IN from STB2 missing 3. If you are working from Cab-2, and Loco having
PROCESSOR Cab redundant, raise panto and close VCB & try.
HBB2 4. If there is no cab redundant try to clear the block
Cab 2 may get section by coasting.
isolated, drive 5. Check MCB 127.9/4 (SB-2) if tripped, reset once
from cab 1 refer after switching MCE OFF
to driver’s 6. Switch OFF & ON MCE even if all are normal,
manualF1401P 7. If successful, energise Loco and resume traction.
ISOLATI Loco 1. If the same message repeats, change to Cab 1.
ON XXXSS14: Cab 2. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook work
MESSA 2 cautiously with pneumatic brakes.
GE CAB 2 Note: PT1, Work further with duly operating BLCP
ISOLATED manually for CPs working. .Lock the release plunger of
Drive from cab SV30.Re-generative brake, ACP indication and PT-1 will
1 not work Keep 237.1 in ‘0’ position.
Press<Enter> Direct Brake, Train parting, Low MR, Brake feed pipe &
BC1/2 pressure switches are not monitored by MCE
even in Cab redundant Locos expect CPs working.
Additionally release Parking Brake manually
F1402P1 Loco XXSS14: STB2:0001- Life sign 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through BPFA
Cab 2 from FLG missing 2. If you are working from Cab-1, raise Panto ( Front
DISTURBANC Panto will raise), Close VCB, work normally &
E IN inform to TLC. LSFI glows continuously and
Page 065 of 114
PROCESSOR observe note given below.
STB2 3. If you are working from Cab-2, and Loco having
Cab 2 may get Cab redundant, raise panto and close VCB &
isolated, drive resume traction.
from 4. If there is no cab redundant try to clear the block
cab 1 refer to section by coasting.
driver’s manual 5. Check MCB 127.9/3 (SB-2) if tripped, reset once
F1402P1 after keeping BL to OFF and switch off MCB 112.1
in SB2 panel and try.
6. Even MCBs are normal, Put BL to OFF and Switch
OFF/ ON 112.1 & try
7. If successful, energise Loco and resume traction.
ISOLATI Loco 8. If the same message repeats, change to Cab 1 and
ON XXXSS14: Cab work further with rear cab.
MESSA 2 9. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook work
GE CAB 2 cautiously.
ISOLATED Note: PT2, Vigilance buzzer, FDU, over speed
Drive from cab alarm/failure monitoring of SPM and MCB tripping &
1 BUR earth fault indications will not work even in Cab
Press<Enter> redundant Locos. Additionally release Parking Brake
F1403P1 Loco FLG1:0045-Cab-2 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through BPFA
XXXSS14: Cab forward & reverse 2. Operate Reverser 2-3 times and try.
2 selected 3. If unsuccessful try to clear the block section by
REVERSER FLG2:0045-Cab-2 coasting .Switch OFF and ON MCE and try.
DEFECTIVE forward & reverse 4. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-1 and
Drive from cab selected work further with rear cab.
1 5. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook
Page 066 of 114
SS15 –Fire Detection Unit
Fault no. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1501P1 Loco FLG1:0044- Fire alarm 1. Open VCB, Lower pantograph
XXXSS15: Fire FLG2:0044- Fire alarm 2. Inspect both the machine rooms.
detection 3. Check MCBs in HB1/2, SB1/2 panels and its
FIRE IN equipments for smell/smoke and do not reset if
MACHINE tripped. Work the train further with precaution
ROOM accordingly
Extinguish the 4. If there is any smoke emission /fire stop the train
fire immediately.
Reset the fire 5. Switch OFF the control electronics & trip
detection unit MCB112.1.
6. Extinguish the fire by using portable fire
F1501P1 extinguisher in case of any sign of smoke emission.
7. In case of severe fire especially in Traction
converter, use fixed fire extinguisher provided at the
back of assistant loco pilot seat in each cab duly
closing both machine room doors.
8. After extinguishing the fire, or if everything is found
normal, reset the fire detection unit by pressing
Reset push button provided on FDU unit located
in SB-2 cubicle.
9. Acknowledge the fault by BPFA. , resume traction.
10. Inform to TLC and make a remark in logbook.
F1501P2 Loco STB2:0006-Fire detect 1. Reset the FDU by pressing white Reset button on
XXXSS15: Fire equipment failed FDU.
detection 2. Keep on checking the machine rooms as frequently
FAULT IN FIRE as possible for the sign of any smoke / fire.
DETECTION 3. Resume normal traction.
Page 067 of 114
UNIT. No fire 4. Inform to TLC and make a remark in logbook.
operation can
F1502P2 Loco STB2:0005 –Fire alarm 2 1. Open VCB, Lower pantograph
XXXSS15: Fire detected 2. Inspect both the machine rooms.
detection 3. Check MCBs in HB1/2, SB1/2 panels and its
WARNING equipments for smell/smoke and do not reset if
SMOKE IN tripped. Work the train further with precaution
MACHINE accordingly
ROOM 4. If there is any smoke emission /fire stop the train
Inspect immediately.
machine 5. Switch OFF the control electronics & trip
roomF1502P2 MCB112.1.
6. Extinguish the fire by using portable fire
extinguisher in case of any sign of smoke emission.
7. In case of severe fire especially in Traction
converter, use fixed fire extinguisher provided at the
back of ALP seat in each cab duly closing both
machine room doors.
8. After extinguishing the fire, or if everything is found
normal, reset the fire detection unit by pressing
Reset push button provided on FDU unit located
in SB-2 cubicle.
9. Acknowledge the fault by BPFA. , resume traction.
10. Inform to TLC and make a remark in logbook
Page 068 of 114
SS1 6–Speedo meter
Fault no. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1601P1 Loco FLG1:0021-Overspeed – 1. Bring TE / BE handle to ‘0’ position to reduce loco
XXXSS16: 110% speed.
Speedometer FLG2:0021-Overspeed – 2. When speed comes down the limit, resume traction.
SPEED LIMIT 110% 3. If the speed shown in speedometer is not coming
EXCEEDED within the limits, but actual speed has come down
Emergency this means that speedometer is defective.
brakes 4. Switch OFF speedometer MCB 127.92 provided in
TE/BE Throttle SB2 panel. Now the speedometer is isolated
to 0F1601P1 5. Drive carefully by watching speed in display in
simulation mode of screen.
6. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
F1601P2 Loco STB2:0003- 1. Check the speedometer MCB 127.92 in SB2.
XXXSS16: Speedometer failed 2. If it is tripped, reset the MCB once and resume
Speedometer normal operation.
FAULT IN 3. If fault still existing, isolate the speedometer by
SPEEDOMETE switching OFF the MCB 127.92 in SB2.
R 4. Now the speedometer will be isolated.
No display of 5. Drive carefully by watching the speed in display in
speed in the simulation screen.
cab 6. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook. &
Drive carefully, Resume normal traction as per instruction of TLC.
use diagn
Page 069 of 114
SS 17- FLG1
Fault no Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1701P1 Loco XX SS17: FLG2:0001-lifesign from 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
processor FLG1 FLG1 missing 2. Close VCB. Resume Normal Traction with FLG1
DISTURBANCE isolated condition.
IN PROCESSOR 3. After clearing section switch OFF / ON MCE& try.
FLG1. FLG1will
be isolated
ISOLATI Loco XXX 4. If unsuccessful work with FLG1 Isolated condition.
ON SS17: 5. Multiple unit operation is not possible, Angle
MESSA Processor transmitter in Cab1 and Bogie meter in Cab-1 will
GE FLG1, FLG1 not work. TE/BE control changes automatically to
ISOLATED Auxiliary contacts mode. Place 152-1
Refer to driver’s 6. If working from Cab1, Work the train in failure Mode
manual operation.
Press<Enter> 7. Inform TLC & make a remark in the logbook.
F1702P1 Loco XXSS17: FLG1:0083-SLG1 S/W 1. Switch OFF and ON Control Electronics & try
Processor version mismatch 2. If unsuccessful and Load /Road permits isolate SR1
FLG1 FLG1:0084-SLG2 S/W by opening MCB 127.1/1 & 154-1 in SB-1and work
SOFTWARE version mismatch with one bogie.
MISMATCH 3. If unsuccessful, ask for relief loco immediately.
WAP-5/WAG-9 4. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
Panto will not
F1703P1 Loco XX SS17: 1. Bring TE/BE handle to ‘0’. & try.
Processor FLG1:0017- Angle 2. If unsuccessful, operate 152 from ‘0’ to ‘1’ position
FLG1FAULT IN transmitter failed located in SB1 panel after placing Throttle on ‘0’.
ANGLE 3. Drive loco in Failure Mode operation.
Page 070 of 114
TRANSMITTER 4. Now onwards TE / BE handle works in 3 positions
OF THROTTLE in TE side and BE side. Fine controlling is not
Bring TE/BE possible.
Throttle to zero 5. If unsuccessful, operate 152 switch 2-3 times & try.
Operate switch 6. If un successful, Switch OFF /On MCE & try.
failure mode 7. If still un successful, try from rear cab.
F1703P1 8. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook
F1704P1 Loco XX SS17: 1. Ensure 179 is normal in SB1 panel
Processor 2. Switch OFF and ON control electronics.
FLG1 3. Check if Simulation key 179 in SB1 panel is on ‘0’
SIMULATION position. If not, operate it from ‘1’ to ‘0’ position.
SWITCH Resume normal traction.
FLG1:0043 – Simulation
POSITION NOT 4. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
simulation Key
on master/
slave F1704P1
F1701P2 Loco XXSS17: FLG2:0013- Life sign 1. Since no fault will be stored in DDS, record all faults
processor from DIA 1 missing in the loco logbook.
FLG1,DISTURB 2. Resume normal traction.
ANCE IN 3. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
DIA 1, DIA 1 will
be isolated. No
fault data will
be stored
Page 071 of 114
SS 18- FLG2
Fault no. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1801P1 Loco XX SS18: FLG1:0001-lifesign from 1. Acknowledge through BPFA.
Processor FLG2 FLG2 missing 2. Close VCB. Resume Normal Traction with FLG2
DISTURBANCE isolated condition.
IN PROCESSOR 3. After clearing section switch OFF & ON and try.
FLG2. FLG2will
be isolated
ISOLATI Loco XXX SS18: 4. If unsuccessful work with FLG2 Isolated condition.
ON Processor FLG2 5. Re-generative Brake is not possible, Angle
MESSA FLG2 ISOLATED transmitter in Cab2 and Bogie meter in Cab-2 will
GE Refer to driver’s not work. E/BE control changes automatically to
manual Auxiliary contacts mode .Place 152-1
Press<Enter> 6. If working from Cab2, Work the train with Pneumatic
brakes in failure Mode operation.
7. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
Note: If MCBs trips in SB1 panel, Reset once after
switching OFF MCE if time permits
F1802P1 Loco XX SS18: FLG2:0083 – SLG1 1. Switch OFF and ON MCE and try.
Processor FLG2 S/W version mismatch 2. If unsuccessful and Load /Road permits isolate SR2
SOFTWARE by opening MCB 127.1/2 in SB-2 and work with
MISMATCHED one bogie.
WAP-5/WAG-9 3. If unsuccessful, ask for relief loco immediately.
Panto will not 4. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
F1803P1 Loco XX SS18: FLG2: 0017- Angle 1. Bring TE/BE handle to ‘0’. & try.
Processor FLG2 transmitter failed 2. If unsuccessful, operate 152 from ‘0’ to ‘1’ position
FAULT IN located in SB1 panel after placing Throttle on ‘0’.
Page 072 of 114
ANGLE 3. Drive loco in Failure Mode operation.
TRANSMITTER 4. Now onwards TE / BE handle works in 3 positions in
OF THROTTLE TE side and 3 positions in BE side. Fine controlling
Bring TE/BE is not possible.
Throttle to zero 5. If not success, operate 152 switch 2-3 times & try
Operate switch 6. After clearing section, Switch OFF /On MCE & try.
failure mode 7. If still unsuccessful, try from rear cab.
F1803P1 8. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook
F1804P1 Loco XX SS18: FLG2:0043 – Simulation 1. Ensure 179 is normal in SB1 panel
ProcessorFLG2 fault 2. Switch OFF and Switch ON control electronics.
SIMULATION 3. Check if Simulation key 179 in SB1 panel is on ‘0’
SWITCH position. If not, operate it from ‘1’ to ‘0’ position.
POSITION Resume normal traction.
NOT MATCHING 4. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
Check simulation
Key on master/
slave F1804P1
F1801P2 Loco XX SS18: FLG1:0013-Life sign 1. Since no fault will be stored in DDS, record all faults
Processor FLG2 from DIA1 missing in the loco logbook.
DISTURBANCE FLG2:0013-Life sign 2. Resume normal traction.
IN PROCESSOR from DIA1 missing 3. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
DIA 1 DIA 1 will
be isolated, No
fault data will be
Page 073 of 114
SS 19 – Train Bus
Fault no. Fault Message DDS Messages Trouble shooting for CLIs/TLCs
F1901P1 Loco XXXSS19: FLG1:0014-Trainbus 1. If message comes in single Loco, Press BPFA.
Train Bus disturbance – master 2. LSFI will glow continuously and resume normal
COMMUNICATI FLG2:0014-Trainbus traction.
ON disturbance – master 3. In case of MU locos, try to clear section with leading
DISTURBANCE FLG1:0015-Trainbus Loco or stop the train convenient place.
Try to close the disturbance – slave 4. Switch off MCE in both Locos. Check UIC cable
VCB again FLG2:0015-Trainbus (MU cable in between locos) for any disconnection
Multiple disturbance – slave or slack. If any abnormality, connect it properly.
operation not 5. Energise both Locos as per procedure and work on
possible wards if normal.
6. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook.
ISOLATI LocoXXXSS19: 1. Open VCB and Lower pantos of both locos.
ON Train Bus 2. Switch OFF MCE of both locos.
MESSA TRAIN BUS 3. Switch OFF 112.1 in SB-2 of slave Loco.
GE ISOLATED 4. Detach the UIC MU cable between locos and keep
Multiple it in safe custody.
operation not 5. Close 70, 74, 136 & 47 cut out cocks in trailing loco,
possible release PB & lock it release condition.
6. Energize the leading loco as per procedure.
7. Continue normal operation with single loco if load
and road permits.
8. Inform TLC and make a remark in the logbook
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Misc Troubles
Trouble Action to be taken by Driver
1. Head light not glowing When both head lights are not glowing while working from cab1:Check MCB
310.1/1 provided in SB1 panel, if tripped, reset it and work further. If still
unsuccessful, open headlight cover and change the bulbs from rear headlight.

When both head lights is not glowing while working from cab2:Check MCB
310.1/2 provided in SB2 panel, if tripped, reset it and work further. If still
unsuccessful, open headlight cover and change the light assembly
2. Indication Lamps not Check MCB 127.91/1, if found tripped reset once directly & try. If unsuccessful,
glowing & Loco VCD Buzzer will not work –isolate VCD and continue traction by watching meters,
working normal from Gauges & Fault display and inform to TLC.
Cab-1 Leading.

3. Indication Lamps not Check MCB 127.91/2, if found tripped reset once directly & try. If unsuccessful,
glowing & Loco VCD Buzzer will not work –isolate VCD and continue traction by watching meters,
working normal from Gauges & Fault display and inform to TLC
Cab-2 Leading.
4. Bogie isolated while In locos provided with cab redundancy , if any particular bogie senses Catenary
trying to close VCB/On voltage out of range concerned bogie gets isolated while trying to close VCB / on
Run without VCB run after Acknowledgement . DDS message will be power Converter off.
tripping- “Catenary If Bogie required / time permits switch off/on MCE & try.
voltage out of range’.
Page 075 of 114
B.P not charging on Loco alone.
5. E 70 Brake system 1. Ensure DBC handle (A9) on run position leading Cab and Neutral position in
trail cab. Ensure ZBAN in OFF position in ‘A ‘panel.
2. ALP Emergency brake handle are in normal condition & both side angle
cocks closed condition.
3. If Air leakage from Emergency Exhaust (near ALP footsteps), Operate A9 to
emergency & try.
4. Ensure TPWS coc in both cabs are closed otherwise BP pressure will drop
on MPJ to F/R.
5. If Air leakage from ‘Z port’ (below Pneumatic panel and above bogie MR1
side) due to Emergency Valve (IP). Reset VCD if acted & try. Check MCB
127.7 MCB is normal.
6. Gently tap with wooden piece on left side top portion of E70 and try.
7. Switch off Control Electronics and switch ON once & try.
8. Change the cab and try, If unsuccessful, trip MCB 127.92 and try.
9. Drain out pressure completely and try.
10. If unsuccessful, ask relief loco..
6. Knorr’s Computer 1. Ensure Mode switch is in Lead position in Cab and trail in Rear Cab.
Controlled Brake (CCB 2. ALP Emergency brake handle are in normal condition & both side angle
1.5) cocks closed condition
3. Rear cab A9 Handle in Full service and Locked condition. PTDC handle in
position-III (centre).
4. Parking Brakes are released condition, if not release the same. PER Cos in
Horizontal position.
5. Penalty brakes will apply if any one of PB-PDS, PB-BUS, PB-R-COS is
isolated normalize the same.
6. Keep A-9 from RUN to FS. Wait for 10 seconds; then again keep it to RUN.
7. If Air leakage below Pneumatic panel and above bogie MR1 side is due to
Page 076 of 114
Emergency Valve (IP). Reset VCD if acted by Keeping A-9 to Emergency
and press BPVR & try.
8. Keep A-9 to Emergency (EMER) for 10 seconds and again keep to RUN
position & try.
9. Operate 74 coc (close & open) 2 or 3 times and try. Ack. the fault message
through BPFA.
10. Switch off Control Electronics and switch ON once & try.
11. Change the cab and try, If unsuccessful, trip 127.92 and try
12. If unsuccessful, clear section with PTDC mode and inform to TLC.
7. BP pressure not 1. Observe Brake Controller LCD display messages & follow in case of
Charging When Auto/A9 penalty.
Handle on ‘Run’ 2. Ensure cab set up is OK.( Auto/A9 handle position Locked in FS in rear Cab
Position in Lead and Mode switch in Lead position in Lead cab and Trail Position in rear Cab,
Cab.(CCB-2) ALP Emergency brake handle in both cabs and BP Angle Coc are closed)
3. Check Pneumatic Coc position -47 closed (Out), 136-open (Horizontal), 74-
open (Vertical) and PER-COS in closed (Horizontal) condition. Press Test
points in ‘BP- CP’ valve area and try.
4. Operate Auto handle to Emergency 2 or 3 times ( okay to Run) and try
5. Operate 74 coc ( close & open) 2 or 3 times and try. Ack. the fault message
through BPFA.
6. If unsuccessful, trip MCB 127.92 and try. , If unsuccessful, place 237.1 –
‘0’and try
7. Switch off/on MCE and try, If Unsuccessful try from rear cab. If MCB 127.7
trips, reset once.
8. If again Unsuccessful clear section with PTDC mode operation.
Note: If rear cab ‘Auto Brake handle’ in Emergency, Brake electronics
failure message will be displayed in some Locos.
Page 077 of 114
8. Trouble shooting for With SA-9.
Loco Brakes not 1. Operate SA-9 for 2 to 3 times. Ensure rear Cab SA9 in released condition.
releasing in 3Ø 2. Switch off Control Electronics and switch ON once.
3. If still unsuccessful, close 94 COCK and try and make remark in log book.
With A-9.
1. Ensure BP is 5 Kgs/cm2.
2. Operate C3W Distributor valve QRV (Quick Release Valve) available in
Pneumatic Panel.
3. Isolate C3W valve and operate QRV (Quickly Release Valve) and try.
4. If still unsuccessful, close Bogie COCs and after releasing BC pressure, open
and try.
Note : In case of Knorr brake system Press 20TP and 16 TP nipples in pneumatic

8. Procedure for MCE Stop the train, MPJ-0, Open VCB & Lower Panto . Move BL Key ‘D’ to ’Off
‘OFF’: wait for 2 sec , Off’ to ’C’ 10 sec (observe SPM Display & DDS Display
blanked off) and ’C’-to off.
9. Operation of Rotary 152 (Failure mode operation): - Bring Throttle to ‘0’ and operate to ‘1’ position
Switches 152, 154,160 & for Failure mode operation.
237.1.in SB-1 154( Bogie cut-out):- On standstill , bring Throttle ‘0’ and MPJ-F /R, On run –
Open VCB and Change the switch to required position (I for Bogie1 or II for
Bogie2) after 10 sec concern Bogie will be isolated.
On trial / or if erroneous operation of 154 takes place (isolation of Bogie 1 / 2), to
restore rotate 154 to required position and switch OFF/ON MCE
160 (Configuration):- Loco on standstill condition and MPJ on ‘0’. Change 160–
Page 078 of 114
‘0’ to ‘1’ (MPS of Loco) / ‘1’ to ‘0’ position (Max 15 Kmph).
237.1 Vigilance device cut-off:- Loco on standstill condition and Change the
switch to ‘0’ position. VCD will be isolated.
10. Resetting of MCB: (HB1/2 MCBs - open VCB, SB1/2 Electronics related MCBs & 110 - switch off
ABB make MCB - To reset MCB, the marking in the tripping mechanism below
the switch knob should be made vertical for all the three phases before resetting
the MCB knob. Lift the Knob with both hands.
MG and Schneider MCB:- For resetting a tripped breaker, first move the switch
to ‘OFF’ position and then switch it ON’.
11. Important Points to 1. Ensure that all sand boxes are filled with dry fine sand and sanders are
remember working properly.
2. Check Torque arm bolts for each TM, Traction link for any abnormality and
their all bolts are intact.
3. Read and note down the fault message (Example: F0201P1). Acknowledge
the fault message by BPFA (Bring Throttle-‘0’ Ack fault messages,otherwise
protective action remains in force for P1 fault)
4. To view back ground Message select HOME -3rd (Process information) -
2nd (commissioning Data) -1st (Diagnostic Data set) options & Press Enter
on each. Contact TLC/SSE for advice only with list of back ground
messages for particular fault.
5. After moving BL key to D mode, if Pilot lamps are not glowing & CE not
getting on, press 126 & 218 Knobs in SB1.
6. On Panto raise (ZPT-“UP”) command, if display remains showing FLG- 504,
press 130.1 relay plunger in SB2 to get FLG-550.
7. On VCB close (BLDJ –ON) command, if Display remains showing FLG-550,
press 136.4 relay plunger SB1 & try.
Page 079 of 114
8. While on run, if bogie meter suddenly not respond and DDS reads TE in Kn,
Bring Throttle to ‘0’, trip VCB and reclose VCB.
9. While on run, if bogie isolated without any message, at convent place, switch
OFF/ON MCE to bring isolated bogie in to service.
10. If ASC1/2 :0052/0053/0054 Error Tacho generator 1/2/3 permanent fault is
available in any one Bogie and switch off /on MCE for other reasons may
cause to develop “ speed not increasing more than 1 kmph with heavy jerk”.
12. Points to remember in 1. SR1 and SR2 cut out cocks are in closed condition since converter
IGBT locos contactors are Electromagnetic/ Motorized Contactors.
2. Water with /glycol mixture / Antifrogen N as a cooling medium BHEL /ABB /
Bombardier makes IGBT SRs. Its level between Min-Max.
3. In BHEL IGBT SR ‘s are provided Locos an additional MCB provided for SR
coolant pump and Located below the SR coolant Pump .
4. In some IGBT locos, Due to space consistent the message for isolation of TM
will be display in SS-04 & SS-05 fault messages.
5. BHEL IGBT Locos controlled by TCN based network .Isolation of cab due
to card failure will not take place.
The messages in BHEL make (IGBT + TCN based network) Locos will be
displayed as given below (Example: ICP1 instead of FLG1).

Sl MICAS TCN- Medha Sl MICA TCN- Medha Sl MICAS TCN- Medha

1. FLG1 ICP1 MCC1 2. SLG1/ VIU1/2 LIC1/2 & 3. STB1 RBU1 Not
2 3/4 available
4. FLG2 ICP2 MCC2 5. NSC1 DCU1/4 6. STB2 RBU3 (MCC1/2
/2 control )
7. BUR1/2/3 ACI1/2/3 ACC1/2/3 8. ASC1 DCU2 &3 TIC 1/2/3 9. HBB1 RBU2
10. DDA1/2 DDU1/2 DMC1/2 11. ASC2 DCU5 &6 TIC 4/5/6 12. HBB2 RBU4
Page 080 of 114

Addl. fault Messages in SR 1/2 of MICAS with ABB or BHEL or Medha & BT -IGBT fitted Locos
Fault no. Fault message DDS Messages Action to be taken by crew
F0403P2 / DCU2:0097-MC1 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA &
F0211P2 / Bogie 1 Isolated resume normal operation.
F0208P2 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F0404P2 DCU1:0098-MC2 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA &
/F0212P2 / Bogie 1 Isolated resume normal operation.
F0209P2 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F0405P2 DCU3:0099-MC3 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA &
/F0213P2 Bogie 1 Isolated resume normal operation.
/ F0210P2 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F0406P2 Line Converter DCU1:0100-LC1 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA &
/ F0214P2 1-Bogie1 Bogie 1 Isolated resume normal operation.
/ F0211P2 Isolated 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F0407P2 / DCU2:0101-LC2 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA & resume
Line Converter
F0215P2/ Bogie 1 Isolated normal operation.
F0212P2 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F0503P2 DCU5:0097-MC1 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA & resume
/F0311P2 Bogie 2 Isolated normal operation.
/ F0308P2 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F0504P2 / DCU4:0098-MC2 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA &
F0312P2 / Bogie 2 Isolated resume normal operation.
F0309P2 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F0505P2 DCU6:0099-MC3 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA &
/ F0313P2 Bogie 2 Isolated resume normal operation.
F0310P2 2. . Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
Page 081 of 114
F0506P2 / Line Converter DCU4:0100-LC1 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA &
F0314P2 1-Bogie2 Bogie 2 Isolated resume normal operation.
/ F0311P2 Isolated 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F0507P2 Line Converter DCU6:0101-LC2 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA &
/ F0315P2/ 2-Bogie2 Bogie 2 Isolated resume normal operation.
F0312P2 Isolated 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
Loco XXXXX LSFI 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA.
SS02 : Traction FLG2:0068-Timeout 2. If Load /Road permits, Place 154 on ‘1’ on VCB
Bogie 1 LINE LC pulse bogie1 open condition & close VCB. press ‘Enter’
F0207P2 in CONVERTER VCI:0066-Lifesign 3. Resume normal operation with half TE/BE
BT make ISOLATED from V1DX1 missing 4. If Load/Road does not permit / at convenient
SR BOGIE VCI:0067-Lifesign station, ensure 154-Normal and Switch OFF &
1Reduced from V1DX2 missing ON MCE & try.
Traction/ 5. If unsuccessful Inform TLC and record in the
Braking effort logbook
LSFI 1. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA .
FLG1:0069-Timeout 2. If Load /Road permits, Place 154 on ‘II’ on VCB
LC pulse bogie2 open condition & close VCB. press ‘Enter’
VCI:0068-Lifesign 3. Resume normal operation with half TE/BE
BT make BOGIE 2
from V2DX1 missing 4. If Load/Road does not permit / at convenient
SR Reduced
VCI:0069-Lifesign station, ensure 154-Normal and Switch OFF &
from V2DX2 missing ON MCE & try.If unsuccessful Inform TLC and
Braking effort
record in the logbook
Page 082 of 114
Fault Messages in TCN & IGBT SR fitted BHEL Locos , except SS13, SS14,SS17& SS18 other subsystem
faults Trouble shooting procedure is same as MICAS GTO based Locos
SS13 – CAB1
Fault No Fault Message Effect/ DDS Messages Action to be taken by crew
F1301P1 SS13: Cab1 LSFI Driving from Cab 1 1. Press BPFA. Clear section with normal
DISTURBANCE still possible; operation.
IN ICP1:0006-Lifesign from 2. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON.
PROCESSOR RBU2 missing Raise panto, close VCB and resume Traction.
RBU2 ICP2:0006-Lifesign from 3. If the Fault still persists acknowledge the fault
RBU2 missing and Drive normally from any CAB.
RBU2:0001-Lifesign from
ICP missing
F1302P1 SS13: Cab 1 LSFI Driving from Cab 1 1. Press BPFA. Clear section with normal
DISTURBANCE still possible; operation.
IN ICP1:0004-Lifesign from 2. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON.
PROCESSOR RBU1 missing Raise panto, close VCB and resume traction.
RBU1 ICP2:0004-Lifesign from 3. If the Fault still persists acknowledge the fault
RBU1 missing and Drive normally from any CAB.
RBU1:0001-Lifesign from 4. CAB-1 TE/BE meters will not be available.
ICP missing 5. Through CAB-1 loco will be operated in failure
Mode(Auto activation)
6. Through CAB-2 normal loco operation
F1303P1 REVERSER Cab 1 may get isolated, 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through
Drive from cab 2 2. Operate Reverser 2-3 times and try.
cab 2 ICP1:0025-Cab1 forward 3. If unsuccessful try to clear the block section by
& revers selected coasting. Switch OFF and ON MCE and try.
ICP2:0025-Cab1 forward 4. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-2
Page 083 of 114
& revers selected and work further with rear cab.
5. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook.
F1304P1 SS13:Cab 1 Driving still possible 1. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON.
RBU1 RIOM Raise panto, close VCB and resume traction.
EXTENSION 2. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-2.
FAULT Inform TLC and record in Loco logbook.
3. Read out DDS messages and check which
RIOM extension to replace
F1305P1 SS13:Cab 1 Driving still possible 1. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON
RBU2 RIOM once again. Raise panto, close VCB and resume
EXTENSION traction.
FAULT 2. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-2.
Inform TLC and record in Loco log book.
3. Read out DDS messages and check which
RIOM extension to replace.
SS14 – CAB2
F1401P1 SS14: Cab 2 ICP1:0007-Lifesign from 1. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON.
DISTURBANCE RBU4 missing Raise panto, close VCB and resume Traction.
IN ICP2:0007-Lifesign from 2. If the Fault still persists acknowledge the fault
PROCESSOR RBU4 missing and Drive normally from any CAB
RBU4, RBU4:0001-Lifesign from
ICP missing
F1402P1 SS14: Cab 2 ICP1:0005-Lifesign from 1. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON.
DISTURBANCE RBU3 missingICP2:0005- Raise panto, close VCB and resume traction.
IN Lifesign from RBU3 2. If the Fault still persists acknowledge the fault
PROCESSOR missingRBU3:0001- and Drive normally from any CAB.
RBU3 Lifesign from ICP missing 3. CAB-2 TE/BE meters will not be available.
Driving from 4. Through CAB-2 loco will be operated in failure
Page 084 of 114
Cab 2 still Mode only.
possible, 5. Through CAB-1 normal loco operation.
F1403 P1 REVERSER ICP1:0045-Cab2 forward 1. Bring Throttle to ‘0’, Acknowledge through
DEFECTIVE & revers selected BPFA
Drive from ICP2:0045-Cab2 forward 2. Operate Reverser 2-3 times and try.
cab 1 & revers selected 3. If unsuccessful try to clear the block section by
coasting .Switch OFF and ON MCE and try.
4. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-1
and work further with rear cab.
5. Inform TLC and make a remark in logbook
F1404P1 SS14:Cab 2 1. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON
RBU3 RIOM Raise panto, close VCB and resume traction.
EXTENSION 2. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-1.
FAULT Inform TLC and record in Loco logbook.
3. Read out DDS messages and check which
RIOM extension to replace.
F1405P1 SS14:Cab 2 1. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON
RBU4 RIOM once again. Raise panto, close VCB and resume
EXTENSION traction
SS17 –ICP1
F1701P1 SS17: ICP2:0001-Lifesign from 1. I.CP1 will be isolated 1. Resume Normal
Processor ICP1 ICP1 missing Traction.
DISTURBANCE 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
IN 3.
Page 085 of 114
SS17: ICP2 is isolated 4. Multiple Operations is not possible.
Processor ICP1, 5. Resume normal traction.
ICP2 6. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F1702P1,F1703P1,F1704P1 Trouble shooting procedure is same as MICAS GTO based Locos

SS18 –ICP2
SS18: ICP1:0001-Lifesign from 1. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON
F1801P1 Processor ICP2 ICP2 missing once again.
DISTURBANCE ICP2:0001-Lifesign from 2.
IN ICP1 missing
SS18: ICP1 will be isolated 3.If the same message repeats resume normal
Processor ICP2 traction.
ICP1 4. No regenerative braking power is available. So
ISOLATED control the train/loco with help of pneumatic
Press<Enter> brake (A9 or SA9)
5. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F1782P1,F1803P1,F1804P1 Trouble shooting procedure is same as MICAS GTO based Locos
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Addl./ Change in fault Messages of IGBT fitted Medha Locos, except SS13, SS14,SS17& SS18 other
subsystem faults Trouble shooting procedure is same as MICAS GTO based Locos
Fault No Fault Message Lamp & DDS message Action to be taken by crew
F1303P1 Loco XXXXX Driving from Cab 1 still 1. Operate Reverser 2-3 times .Switch OFF the
SS13: Cab 1 possible; Electronics and Switch it ON once again. Raise
REVERSER MCC1/2: simulataneously panto, close VCB and resume traction.
DEFECTIVE CAB1 FORWARD & 2. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-2.
Drive from cab 2 REVERSE SELECTED. Inform TLC and record in Loco logbook.
F1303P1 On Ack. LSFI glows
F1304P1 Loco XXXXX 1. Throttle is to be moved to center.
SS13: Cab 1 MCC1/2: simulataneously 2. Switch OFF the Electronics and switch it ON, if
START RUN CAB1 TRACTION & message is repeats, try from other CAB to clear
Motoring & On Ack. LSFI glows
Braking continuously
command from
Throttle of CAB1
F1301P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2: Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS13: Cab 1 between MCC & DIP1 is Normal operation
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU1 Note: Following functions will not work: Constant
IN Speed control will not work from CAB1,Simulation
PROCESSOR mode will not work, PVEF will not functions from
-DIP1 F1301P2 CAB1, 47.1/1 MCB tripping cannot be detected
Page 087 of 114
F1302P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 3. 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS13: Cab 1 between MCC & DIP2 is Normal operation
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU1 4. Note: Following functions will not work:
IN 5. MCBs(53.1/1,54.1/1, 55.1/1,56.1/1,59.1/1)
PROCESSOR tripping cannot be detected
-DIP2 F1302P2
F1303P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS13: Cab 1 between MCC & DIP3 is Normal operation
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU1 2. Note: Following functions will not work: Earth
IN Faults(control, Filter,415_110) cannot be
PROCESSOR detected, MCBs(62.1/1,63.1/1) tripping cannot
-DIP3 F1303P2 be detected
F1304P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS13: Cab 1 between MCC & DIP4 is Normal operation
-DIP4 F1304P2
F1305P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS13: Cab 1 between MCC & DOP1 is Normal operation
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU1 2. Note: Lamp indications will not work, Lamp
IN indications can be seen on TFT display unit.
-DOP1 F1305P2
F1306P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS13: Cab 1 between MCC & DOP2 is Normal operation
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU1 2. Note: Air dryer will not work. Isolate Air dryers
IN and inform to TLC.
Page 088 of 114
-DOP2 F1306P2

F1307P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS13: Cab 1 between MCC & DOP3 is Normal operation
SS14 – CAB-2
F1403P1 Loco XXXXX LSFI MCC1/2: 1. Operate Reverser 2-3 times .Switch OFF the
SS14: Cab 2 simulataneously CAB1 Electronics and Switch it ON once again. Raise
REVERSER FORWARD & panto, close VCB and resume traction.
DEFECTIVE REVERSE SELECTED 2. If the same message repeats, change to Cab-1.
Drive from cab 1 3. Inform TLC & record in logbook.
F1404P1 Loco XXXXX LSFI MCC1/2: 1. Throttle is to be moved to center.
SS14: Cab 2 simulataneously CAB1 2. Switch OFF the Electronics and switch ON, if
START RUN TRACTION & message is repeats, try from other CAB to clear
Motoring &
command from
Throttle of CAB2
F1401P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2: Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS14: Cab 2 between MCC & DIP1 is Normal operation
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU2 Note: Following functions will not work: Constant
Page 089 of 114
IN Speed control will not work from CAB2, PVEF will
PROCESSOR not function from CAB2, MCBs(47.1/2,54.1/2,59.1/2)
-DIP1 F1401P2 tripping cannot be detected
F1402P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS14: Cab 2 between MCC & DIP2 is Normal operation
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU2 2. Note: Following functions will not work:
IN MCBs(53.1/2,55.1/2,56.1/2) tripping cannot be
PROCESSOR detected.
-DIP2 F1402P2
F1403P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS14: Cab 2 between MCC & DIP3 is Normal operation
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU2 2. Note: Following functions will not work:
IN 3. Smog warn can not be detected,
PROCESSOR MCBs(62.1/2,63.1/2) tripping can not be
-DIP3 F1403P2
F1404P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS14: Cab 2 between MCC & DIP4 is Normal operation
DIP4 F1404P2
F1405P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book
SS14: Cab 2 between MCC & DOP1 is 2. ZPT switch is moved to Dn position. And Panto
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU2 Selection switch(129.1) in Pneumatic panel
IN should be kept in position 1. and ZPT is moved
PROCESSOR to Up position and check the Panto 2 is raised
-DOP1 F1405P2 and continue Normal operation
3. Note: Lamp indications will not work, Lamp
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indications can be seen on TFT display unit
Panto 2 cannot be raised.

F1406P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book.
SS14: Cab 2 between MCC & DOP2 is 2. ZPT switch is moved to Dn position. And Panto
DISTURBANCE failed in VCU2 3. Selection switch(129.1) in Pneumatic panel
IN should bekept in position 2. and ZPT is moved
PROCESSOR to Up position and check the Panto 2 is raised
-DOP2 F1406P2 and continue Normal operation
Note : Panto 1 can not be raised Sanding valves will
not work
F1407P2 Loco XXXXX MCC1/2:Communication 1. Record the fault in the log book and continue
SS14: Cab 2 between MCC & DOP3 is Normal operation
Note: If Cab-1 or Cab-2 get hanged and not getting activated after making Control Electronics OFF and ON, then
check all MCBs in SB-1 and SB-2 and reset it if found tripped.
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SS17 –MCC1
F1701P1 Loco XXX SS17: MCC2: 1. Resume Normal Traction.
Processor MCC1 COMMUNICATION 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
MCC1will be isolated
Loco XXX SS17: LSFI MCC1 is isolated 1. Resume Normal Traction.
Processor MCC1 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook
MCC1 ISOLATED , 3. Note: Only failure mode operation is
Refer to driver’s possible from CAB1, TE/BE meters will not
manual work in CAB1, the TE/BE % values can be
Press<Enter> seen through display
F1703P1 Loco XXX S17: MCC1/2: CAB1 ANGLE 1. Bring TE/BE Throttle to ‘0’.
Processor MCC1 TRANSMITTER FAILED 2. Acknowledge the Fault with illuminated
TRANSMITTER OF 3. Drive loco in Failure Mode Operation (by
THROTTLE operating Rotating Switch 152 from ‘0’ to ‘1’
Bring TE/BE Throttle position) located in SB1 panel.
to zero 4. Resume normal traction with 152 switch in
Operate switch failure failure mode position. If not success,
mode operate switch 152 (SB-1) 2-3 times.
F1703P1 5. Switch OFF the control electronics.
6. Try from rear cab. If not success, inform
TLC and record in the logbook.
F1704P1 Loco XXX SS17: LSFI Panto will not rise 1. Bring TE/BE Throttle to ‘0’.
Processor MCC1 2. Switch OFF the control electronics.
SIMULATION MCC1/2: SIMULATION 3. Check if Simulation key 179 in SB1 panel is
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SWITCH POSITION FAULT on ‘0’ position. If not, operate it from ‘1’ to ‘0’
NOT MATCHING position.
Check simulation key 4. Resume Normal Traction.
on 5. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
F1701P2 Loco XXX SS17: DDS will not stored in 1. 1. Resume Normal Traction.
Processor MCC1 DMC1, 2. 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
DMC 1 will be isolated BETWEEN MCC1 &
No fault data will be DMC1 IS FAILED
stored in DMC1
SS18 –MCC2
F1801P1 Loco XXX SS18: MCC1: 1. Switch OFF the Electronics and Switch it ON
Processor MCC2 COMMUNICATION once again.
MCC2, MCC2will be
isolated F1801P1
Loco XXX SS18: LSFI 1. If the same message repeats resume normal
Processor MCC2 traction.
FLG2 ISOLATED MCC2 is isolated, 2. No regenerative braking power is available.
Refer to driver’s So control the train/loco with help of
manual pneumatic brake (A9 or SA9).When apply A9
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Press<Enter> insure TE/BE Throttle to ‘0’ position.
3. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
Note: Only failure mode operation is possible
from CAB2, TE/BE meters will not work in CAB2,
the TE/BE % values can be seen through display
,Regenerative Brake not available
F1803P1 Loco XXX SS18: MCC1/2: CAB2 ANGLE 1. Bring TE/BE Throttle to ‘0’.
Processor MCC2 TRANSMITTER 2. Acknowledge the Fault with illuminated
TRANSMITTER OF 3. Drive loco in Failure Mode Operation (by
THROTTLE operating Rotating Switch 152 from ‘0’ to ‘1’
Bring TE/BE Throttle position) located in SB1panel.
to zero 4. Resume normal traction with 152 switch in
Operate switch failure failure mode position. If not success ,
mode operate switch 152 (SB-1) 2-3 times.
F1803P1 5. Switch OFF the control electronics.
6. Try from rear cab. If not success, inform TLC
and record in the logbook.
F1804P1 Loco XXX SS18: LSFI Panto will not rise 1. Bring TE/BE Throttle to ‘0’.
Processor MCC2 2. Switch OFF the control electronics.
SIMULATION MCC1/2: SIMULATION 3. Check if Simulation key 179 in SB1 panel is
SWITCH POSITION FAULT on ‘0’ position. If not, operate it from ‘1’ to ‘0’
NOT MATCHING position.
Check simulation key 4. Resume Normal Traction. & Inform TLC and
on master/slave record in the logbook.
F1801P2 Loco XXX SS18: DDS will not store in 1. Resume Normal Traction.
Processor MCC2 2. Inform TLC and record in the logbook.
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DMC 2 will be isolated DDS will store in DMC1
No fault data will be MCC1:
F1801P2 DMC2

EBV crew Message Fault codes in CCB2 Knorr Brake system

Fault code Description Action to be Taken
001 ERCN Fault Check cable is properly fixed at ERCP. Switch off /ON MCE and try.
002 ERCP AW4 Fault Place mode switch in trail.A9 handle in emergency and SA9 in full to
clear fault.
006 MVER Fault Switch off /ON MCE and try.
010 BPT Fault
014 MV53 Fault
016 BPCN Fault Check cable is properly fixed at BPCP& check yellow light glows/blinking.
Switch off /ON MCE and try.
023 13T Fault LO Automatic BC pressure may be direct release only. No blending or other
special BC control will be active.
036 16CP AW4 Fault Place mode switch in trail.A9 handle in emergency and SA9 in full to
clear fault. . If unsuccessful, Automatic BC pressure may be direct release
only. No blending or other special BC control will be active.
039 MV16 Fault Automatic BC pressure may be direct release only. No blending or other
special BC control will be active.
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052 16CN Fault Check cable is properly fixed at 16CP. If unsuccessful, Switch off /ON MCE
and try. Automatic BC pressure may be direct release only. No blending or
other special BC control will be active
055 20CP AW4 Fault Place mode switch in trail.A9 handle in emergency and SA9 in full to
clear fault.
062 20CN Fault Check cable is properly fixed at 20CP. Check for yellow light blinking/
steadily glowing, Switch off /ON MCE and try.
075 AUTO HANDLE Clear section by using rear Cab
076 INDEP HANDLE If BP is not charging. Clear section by using rear Cab.
085 EBV CN Fault Check cable is properly fixed on EBV connector & PSJB J100. Check for
yellow light blinking/ steadily glowing, Switch off /ON MCE and try.
118 RCP CN Fault Switch off /ON MCE and try.
125 MV26 De-energized Switch off /ON MCE and try.
136 16CP BPT Fault Automatic BC pressure may be direct release only. No blending or other
special BC control will be active.
140 MR/FL Dual L:oss of MR pressure indication for display ( if equipped)
Transducer Fault
141 LCI Comm Loss Check cable is properly fixed on LON connector & LCC. Switch off /ON MCE
and try.
142 20 BMV Fault Switch off /ON MCE and try.
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IGBT based SR Power circuit

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