A Journey To Other World: Fariz Bagus Suryawan, Dias Shafa, Tamara Tri Utami, Apdul Saroji, Reza Rahmansyah

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A Journey to Other World

Fariz Bagus Suryawan, Dias Shafa, Tamara Tri Utami, Apdul Saroji, Reza Rahmansyah
Program Studi Fisika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Coresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract We don’t see these other universes because our

cosmic vision is limited by the speed of light — the
The doctrine of reality and a new paradigm of ultimate speed limit. Light started traveling at the
scienceare proposed. The unity of formal logic and moment of the big bang, about 14 billion years ago, and
rational dialectics is the correct methodological basis so we can’t see any further than about 14 billion light-
for the solution of the problem of reality. In this case, years (a bit farther, since space is expanding). This
there’s a idea of Paralel Space, Black Magic, and Ghost volume of space is called the Hubble volume and
in the Physics. represents our observable universe.
Parallel Space is idea of a parallel universe falls The existence of Level 1 parallel universes depends on
under a facet of the astronomical theory of multiverses two assumptions:
after the Big Bang our universe expanded. The
singularity theorem tells us that an inflationary state is 1. The universe is infinite (or virtually so).
past-timelike-incomplete. There are a huge number of 2. Within an infinite universe, every single possible
Universes out there  possibly with different laws than configuration of particles in a Hubble volume takes
our own  but there are not enough of them to give us place multiple times. By definition, a Level 1 parallel
alternate versions of ourselves. universe is so far away that no message can ever get
Second, there’s a “Black Magic”. It’s involves the from us to them, or them to us.
manipulation of matter by forming it into a nebulous LEVEL 2
cloud in which it's magnetic polarity is always in flux.
The practicality of Physics working with the respective If You Go Far Enough You’ll Into Wonderland
subject, but Black Magic working with inanimate
Two possible theories present reasons to believe that
object, which is make a little less a spurious noise effect
Level 2 parallel universes may exist: eternal inflation
to get into the literature.
and ekpyrotic theory.The findings of eternal inflation
And for Ghost in the physics, has been performed mean that when inflation starts, it produces not just one
for the first time using massive particles using atoms universe, but an infinite number of universes.Right
instead of photons. now, the only noninflationary model that carries any
kind of weight is the ekpyrotic model, which is so new
For The theory of physics that related to metaphysics that it’s still highly speculative.In the ekpyrotic theory
are Energy Conservation Law, Coloumb Law, Law picture, if the universe is the region that results when
of wavelength two branes collide, then the branes could actually
Keyword: Black Magic, Ghost In the Physics, Parallel collide in multiple locations. Consider flapping a sheet
Space up and down rapidly onto the surface of a bed. The
sheet doesn’t touch the bed only in one location, but
rather touches it in multiple locations. If the sheet were
1.Parallel Space a brane, then each point of collision would create its
own universe with its own initial conditions.
There’s no reason to expect that branes collide in
The idea of a parallel universe falls under a facet of only one place, so the ekpyrotic theory makes it very
the astronomical theory of multiverses. The theory probable that there are other universes in other
states that shortly after the Big Bang our universe locations, expanding even as you consider this
expanded at different rates and in different places which possibility.
lead to the rise of many universes outside of our own.
Variety of Parallel dimention If You Stay Where You Are, You’ll Run Into
LEVEL 1 Yourself
If You Go Far Enough, You’ll Get Back Home A Level 3 parallel universe is a consequence of the
many worlds interpretation (MWI) from quantum
In fact, an infinite universe would have infinitely physics in which every single quantum possibility
many planets, and on some of them, the events that play inherent in the quantum wavefunction becomes a real
out would be virtually identical to those on our own possibility in some reality.
Level 3 parallel universes are different from the which resonate with the caster allowing the change in
others posed because they take place in the same space magnetic polarity.
and time as our own universe, but you still have no way
One can't be taught to use Black Magic, they must be
to access them. You have never had and will never have
born with it. This is because of a growth within the
contact with any Level 1 or Level 2 universe (we
body which in the past was mistaken to be a cancerous
assume), but you’re continually in contact with Level 3
tumor, which is formed when the fetus is exposed to
universes — every moment of your life, every decision
Anti-Matter while in the womb.
you make, is causing a split of your “now” self into an
infinite number of future selves, all of which are Black Magic is cast by the user using a special paint,
unaware of each other.The superpositions of different made from the blood of the caster, on the caster's
universes all coexist simultaneously in the same fingers which allows them to "draw" in the air. The first
infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. These separate, symbol is the location where the magic will form, the
coexisting universes interfere with each other, yielding second is the shape of the magic, the third is the effects
the bizarre quantum behaviors.Of the four types of and the final symbol is where it is to be bound to. This
universes, Level 3 parallel universes have the least to do can be omitted if the user intends to "shoot" the magic
with string theory directly. but is required when forming veils/cloaks on the body
or commanding tendrils/ribbons with one's limbs.
Somewhere Over The Rainbow, There’s a Magicial Relationship between physics and black
Land magic
A Level 4 parallel universe is the strangest place The difference is less in the purity of the approach to
(and most controversial prediction) of all, because it disseminating procedures than in the attitude toward the
would follow fundamentally different mathematical idea of replication. And, as noted above, the
laws of nature than our universe. In short, any universe practicalities of working with the respective subjects.
that physicists can get to work out on paper would exist, Physics experiments are susceptible to lots of external
based on the mathematical democracy principle: Any confounding factors, but working with inanimate
universe that is mathematically possible has equal objects makes it a lot easier to repeat the experiment
possibility of actually existing enough times to run those down in a convincing way.
Which, in turn, makes it a little less likely for a result
that's really just a spurious noise effect to get into the
Is There Another ‘You’ Out There In A literature, and thus get to the stage where people feel
that failed replications are challenging their professional
Parallel Universe? standing and personal integrity.
There are 1090 Particles in each Universe, and we
need for all of them to have the exact same history of Ghosts according to physicists
interactions for 13.8 billion years to give us a Universe Physicist Brian Cox in the "The Infinite Monkey
identical to our own, so that when we choose one path Cage" podcast on BBC 4 which specifically addresses
over another, both Universes still wind up existing. For metaphysical phenomena says, ghosts don't exist.
a Universe with 1090 Quantum particles in it, that’s
asking an awful lot - for fewer than 1050possibilities to According to Cox, ghosts are not there because the
exist for how those particles will interact with one world's most powerful detector at the Large Hadron
another over 13.8 billion years Collider (LHC) has not detected it until now. LHC is
the largest particle, consisting of powerful magnets and
The singularity theorem tells us that an inflationary accelerators consisting of particles that can facilitate
state is past-timelike-incomplete, and hence, most each other. Thus, the LHC is able to see particles. From
probably did not last a truly infinite amount of time, but there, scientists can gradually uncover the mysteries of
rather arose some distant, butfinite point in the past. the universe. The LHC project has confirmed the Higgs
There are a huge number of Universes out Boson aka "God particle". Cox said, if a ghost exists, it
there  possibly with different laws than our own and is necessary for the LHC to be able to confirm it.
possibly not but there are not enough of them to give us
alternate versions of ourselves; the number of possible Cox explains, if there really is, a ghost consists of
outcomes grows too rapidly compared to the rate that energy, not matter. However, if it is composed of
the number of possible Universes grows. energy, ghosts disappear faster to heat.
That is in accordance with the stated Law II of
2. Black Magic
Thermodynamics, the total entropy in the system
Black Magic involves the manipulation of matter by always increases, meaning that energy is lost and turns
forming it into a nebulous cloud in which it's magnetic hot.
polarity is always in flux. The cloud itself is formed
from microscopic minerals found in the earth which
seem to have existed since the formation of the planet
The only way ghosts can exist for a long time is the Creatures Of Metaphysics Related To
energy source of the ghost itself. However, until now, it Theoretical Physics:
cannot be released by the LHC.
1. Energy Conservation Law
"If we want a pattern that brings information in
living cells to survive, then we have to show the All forms of energy in the universe are constant, this
medium needed and its interaction with the particles has been proven by the legend of physics, Albert
that make up our bodies," Cox said. Einstein. This means that "energy cannot be created or
destroyed". Did you know that in humans who live
"In other words, we must make updates on the there is electrical energy that allows the heart to beat,
Particle Physics Standard Model, which is missing from the brain continues to work and breathing continues.
LHC detection. It is inconceivable on an energy scale in
the interaction of particles in our body," he added. When humans die, the energy in the human body
does not simply disappear, but changes into another
Quoted by Science Alert, Thursday (02/23/2017), form. The most incoming theory is that energy returns
Cox said that it was the completion of a ghost from the to the universe. The energy of a dead human at certain
Second Law of Thermodynamics. He decided, ghosts concentrations can be seen in certain forms, whether
didn't exist. they resemble humans or other objects. Why is that?
3. Ghost in The Physics Because the energy sometimes still depends on the
nature or material of origin. This phenomenon usually
Ghost Images Taken Using Pairs Of Atoms occurs when someone seems to see the figure of a
Ghost imaging – a counter-intuitive technique that person who has died.
produces images of an object using photons that have 2. Coloumb Law
never interacted with it – has been performed for the
first time using massive particles. The researchers Fine creatures store negative (-) electromagnetic
believe that their new technique of ghost imaging using energy, whereas as we know, planet Earth also contains
atoms instead of photons could be used to test a charge (-). And based on Coulomb's law, we know
fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. that the contents of namesake are refusing to reject,
while different charges will attract each other. Now
The underlying concept of ghost imaging was first that's why spirits are mutually rejecting the earth and
outlined by David Klyshko of Moscow State University the theory arises that spirits do not tread the earth or
in 1988. Pairs of correlated photons with equal and float due to that force.
opposite momenta are sent simultaneously down
different paths. The object of interest lies in the path of 3. Law of wavelength
one photon from each pair. This photon may either Vic Tandy, an electronics and computer expert
interact with the object or pass directly to a detector, from Coventry University, said that visions of spirits
which records only the time of its arrival. The second are influenced by infrared sound waves, or that sounds
photon travels an equal distance to a detector that with waves are very weak and cannot be captured by
precisely records both its arrival time and position. the human ear. But if it occurs in a large enough
If the photon travelling the first path does not intensity, sensitive humans will be able to feel it.
interact with the object, each photon arrives at its There are facts that are scientifically interesting
detector at exactly the same time. If the first photon about spirits, such as those reported by NASA in favor
interacts with the object, however, it does not reach the of Vic Tandi's theory that the human eye reacts to low-
detector or is delayed. Crucially, the second detector pitch waves. At a wavelength of 18 Hertz human
discards any photons that did not arrive at the same time eyeballs begin to vibrate and often give rise to foreign
as a photon hit the first detector. This allows it to build objects that are often translated as spirits.
up a “ghost image” of the object in the first path. The
technique was first demonstrated experimentally in
1995 by Alexander Sergienko– a former PhD student of Conclusion
Klyshko – and colleagues at the University of Maryland
in Baltimore. In this world there are still other universes. Like the
parallel world, the parallel world is a world that runs
parallel to the world of reality. Besides life that we
know and live now, there is one or more other lives that
also run simultaneously with the parallel world. There
are 4 levels of parallel world, level 1: If You Are Far
enough, You Will Return Home, Level 2: If You Are
Far Enough You Will Become a Magic Country, Level
3: If you stay in your place, you will run to yourself,
Level 4: Somewhere over the rainbow, there's a magicia
land. Parallel world theory states that human life and
the universe are actually many. Many of these universes
run in parallel with each other. when many researchers
doubted this theory, the existence of a parallel world,
both the same as ours and different worlds, could not be
scientifically proven. Quantum experts believe that
every day, even every second, a parallel world is
created. This parallel world goes hand in hand, but each
world is not aware of the presence of others. one is
imaginary to the other. but no one can be sure which is
actually real. Besides that there is a world of black
magic, Black magic involves manipulation of matter by
forming it into a vague cloud where magnetic polarity is
constantly changing Which, in turn, makes it a little less
likely for results that really only fake noise effects to
enter the literature , and thus to the stage where people
feel that replication fails to challenge their professional
position and personal integrity. And finally the demon
world, based on the Law of Conservation of Energy all
forms of energy in the universe are constant, this has
been proven by the legend of physics, Albert Einstein.
This means that "energy cannot be created or
destroyed". Did you know that in living humans there is
electrical energy that allows the heart to beat, the brain
continues to work and breathing continues. When
humans die, the energy in the human body does not just
disappear, but changes into another form. The most
incoming theory is that energy returns to the universe.
Human energy that dies at certain concentrations can be
seen in certain forms, whether they resemble humans or
other objects. Why is that? Because energy sometimes
still depends on the nature or material of origin. This
phenomenon usually occurs when someone looks to see
someone who has died. The other universe exists and
we interact with it only we have the limitations to know
the truth.

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