Beat Patrol
Beat Patrol
Beat Patrol
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Chapter 1
Police patrol is the ‘backbone of policing’. It accounts for more than two-
security guards, only they have a wider area to survey. These watchmen go
around the community and arrest or question suspicious people and possible law
offenders. Due to this fact, they are avoided by criminals. After World War II the
From French patrouiller from Old French patouiller (“to paddle, paw about,
patrol”) from patte (“a paw”). In non-military law enforcement, patrol officers are
uniformed police officers assigned to monitor specified geographic areas that is, to
move through their areas at regular intervals looking out for any signs of problems
of any kind. They are the officers most commonly encountered by the public, as
their duties include responding to calls for service, making arrests, resolving
disputes, taking crime reports, and conducting traffic enforcement, and other crime
prevention measures. A patrol officer is often the first to arrive on the scene of any
incident; what such an officer does or fails to do at the scene can greatly influence
the outcome of any subsequent investigation. The patrol officer, as the person who
is in the field daily, is often closest to potential crime and may have developed
A patrol officer’s main objective is to maintain order and enforce the law in an
officer must regularly complete many other, smaller objectives. Fulfilling these
Security Objectives, patrol officers get their title from the nature of their
work: They patrol an assigned area in an effort to keep the area safe and free from
crime. Patrol officers’ security objectives include responding to calls for help,
the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, patrol officers usually patrol their assigned
areas with a partner. Depending on the area, they might patrol in a car, on a bike,
Community Objectives, Patrol officers must know their areas well and
develop ties within the community to operate effectively. This practice is called
patrolling police, members of the community are more likely to come to an officer
diligently record their activities. At the scene of any incident, a patrol officer takes
notes and later translates those notes into a report, which can be used as evidence
in court. One of a patrol officer’s most important objectives is to fill out and file
reports as quickly and accurately as possible. Exact, detailed files allow other
Mobility for police forces is vital in public safety. As criminals can move so
fast after committing a crime, the police are much expected to move faster to catch
them. It is not only speed but precision is needed. Police vehicles must travel the
fastest way to the scene of the crime, and drivers must know the roots to cut-off
escaping criminals. The problem is that criminals also upgrade their mobility,
The need for mobile operations is much needed in urban setting. With
intersecting roads and streets, thousands of vehicles, porous borders and huge
population, the police force burdened with the big task of patrolling the area.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Public anxieties over crime and disorder have continued to grow over the past
20 years. During much of this period, crime rates increased and public anxieties
largely served to pull officers away from locally based proactive activities into
demand-led reactive duties. Burgeoning public demand on the police has left little
performance in the name of efficiency have led the police to prioritize easily
gets done, public reassurance through locally tied patrols has lost out. This has
served to reduce the public’s sense of ownership over, or investment in, formal
professional policing. Patrol remains the backbone of the police operations. High
executing their plans if there is obvious presence of police officers. Thus, patrol
activity should be carried in a manner that attracts maximum attention to the police
Mobile patrol operations is effective solution for protecting business giving the
confidence of the stakeholders knowing that they are safe and their facility is
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
The Taguig City Police Station otherwise known as Police Station Six under
the Southern Police District of the National Capital Region Police Office, in line with
operations to abate criminality in the city of Taguig. This research work attempts at
The Taguig City Police Station has of a total strength of 490 police officers
broken down into 26 Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs) and 452 Police Non-
eight (8) Police Community Precincts scattered in different Barangays in the two
As to index crimes, Calendar Year (CY) 2010 registered 571 cases, 853 in
2014 with a total of 5,511. This shows that the registered crime incidents under this
As to non-index crimes, a total of 6, 875 cases were recorded for the year
2010 – 2014 broken down as follows; 426 for CY 2010; 658 for CY 2011; 556 for
CY 2012; 4163 for CY 2013 and 1072 for the period of January to August 2014.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Station there are a total of sixteen (16) broken down as follows; 1 mobile car for
Police Community Precinct 1; 2 for PCP 2; 2 for PCP3; 2 for PCP 4; 2 for PCP 5; 1
Indeed, the Taguig City Police Station, despite several constraints and
meager resources, has commendably surmounted all obstacles and fared well in
its sustained pursuit to combat lawlessness in the considered global city of the
increasing trend in crime commission both crimes against persons and properties
commercial and industrial center. The recent construction of the C-5 highway and
the acquisition of the Fort Bonifacio development area have paved the way for the
cityhood of the municipality. It will also be accessed by the future C-6 Road.
Taguig City lies on the western shore of Laguna de Bay and is bordered
west, Cainta and Taytay on the northeast and Makati, Pateros, and Pasig to the
north. Taguig River, a tributary of the Pasig River cuts through the northern half of
the municipality and Napindan River, also a tributary of the Pasig forms the
threshing rice after harvest. Hence they were referred to as "mgataga-giik," and the
together with conquistador Rey Lopez de Villalobos who crossed Pasig River to
reach Taguig in 1571 found "taga-giik" difficult to pronounce, and could only
Tondo ruled by Rajah Soliman. There were also accounts that Chinese settlements
were once present in the area as revealed by the recent archeological diggings of
various artifacts like cups, plates and other utensils, which bear Chinese
characters. This was believed to have originated from China's Ming dynasty.
Taguig was one of the earliest known territories to have been Christianized
the Legazpi expedition in 1571. Between the years 1582 and 1583, Taguig was
was in 1587 when Taguig was established as a separate "pueblo" (town) of the
then province of Manila. Captain Juan Basi was its Kapitan from 1587 to 1588.
According to records, Taguig had nine (9) barrios then namely, Bagumbayan,
Bambang, Hagonoy, Palingon, Sta. Ana, Tipas, Tuktukan, Ususan, and Wawa.
Records show that Tipas had once petitioned to become an independent town but
During that time, Taguig was accessible via the Pasig River, which was
connected to two large bodies of water, the Manila Bay and Laguna de Bay. The
population then was estimated to be 800 tributes. The town produced more than
enough rice for consumption but had less sugar cane to mill. The men lived
through fishing while women wove cotton cloth and "sawali" from bamboo strips.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
The people of Taguig were known to have resisted both Spanish and
American colonial rule. During that early period of Spanish colonization. Don Juan
Basi, "Kapitan" of Taguig from 1587 to 1588, took part in the Tondo Conspiracy, an
attempt to overthrow the Spanish government which failed. Basiwas exiled for two
years as punishment. When the Katipunan was on its early years, many from
Taguig became followers and later joined the uprising. The people of Taguig also
General Wheaton under the command of General PiodelPilar. It was recorded that
American position in the hills of Taguig, now a portion of Pateros and Fort
Bonifacio. They were defeated eventually by the Americans with superiority in the
armaments and training. Taguig finally fell to the contingent of the First Washington
The defeat of the Filipinos after two years of struggle against the American
On August 14, 1898, United States occupied the islands and established a military
29, 1900. The town was subsequently incorporated to the newly created province
of Rizal when the Philippine Commission promulgated Act. No. 137 on June 11,
1901. On October 12, 1903, Taguig, Muntinlupa and Pateros were merged by the
virtue of Act. No.942with Pateros hosting the seat of the municipal government.
The merger did not last long as a month later Muntinlupa was segregated from it
and made part of Biñan when Act. No. 1008 was enacted on November 25, 1903.
However it was returned to Taguig on March 22, 1905 with the promulgation Act.
municipality through Executive Order No. 20. Eventually, Pateros separated from
1, 1918.
It was also during the American Colonial Period that the US government
acquired a 25.78 km² property of Taguig for military purposes. This large piece of
land which had a TCT dated 1902, was turned into a camp and was then known as
Fort McKinley (named after the 25th president of U.S. President William McKinley).
When the Japanese occupied the Philippines in 1942, Fort McKinley was taken
over by the Japanese Imperial Army. They occupied the military camp until the end
After the Philippines gained its political independence from the United
States on July 4, 1946, the US surrendered the Republic of the Philippines all right
except the use of the military bases. On May 14, 1949, Fort William McKinley was
turned over to the Philippine government by virtue of the US Embassy Note No.
Army in 1957 and was subsequently renamed Fort Bonifacio after the Father of the
1970s when the country was under Martial Law. The IRP has increased its
Palingon, Signal Village, Sta. Ana, Tuktukan, Upper Bicutan, Ususan, Wawa, and
Western Bicutan. In the year 2009, Taguig re-organized and re-arranged the
barangays making a total of 28, the 10 added being Central Bicutan, Fort
Bonifacio, South Daanghari, North Daanghari, San Miguel, New Lower Bicutan,
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Taguig was carved out from the province of Rizal to form the National
Capital Region through Presidential Decree No. 824. Today, Taguig is still one of
the seventeen (17) cities and municipalities that make up Metro Manila.
In 1998, a bill was passed in Congress pushing for the cityhood of Taguig.
The resulting plebiscite in April showed that the citizens were against cityhood. A
recent petition to the Supreme Court sought a recount of the plebiscite and the
conduct a recount. The recount showed that the residents did want the municipality
of Taguig to become a city (21,105 'yes' and 19,460 'no'). Subsequently, Taguig
In 2008, the Taguig City council enacted City Ordinances Nos. 24-27, 57-
61, 67-69, and 78, Series of 2008 which created ten (10) new barangays, carving
them out from the initial 18 barangays. Hence, in December 2008, after a
successful plebiscite, Taguig was politically subdivided into twenty eight (28)
barangays. (
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Theoretical Framework
prevention and solution, conduct of high police visibility (foot and mobile patrols),
motorcycle riding criminals, reduce street crimes and crime incidents perpetrated
with the use of firearms. It shall be guided by the QUAD concept of operation
police presence and engaging the public to learn their concerns, thereby
preventing crime from taking place in the first place. In contrast, responding to a
complaint after a crime has been committed is reactive policing. Proactive policing
proposes street crime can be reduced through greater community involvement and
officers must commit time to develop a "partnership" with the community to: 1)
Prevent and counter crime; 2) Maintain order; and 3) Reduce the fear of crime.
Police organization is decentralized with every police officer and detective having a
neighborhood to patrol with agreed upon goals and objectives to solve. Police
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
officers must feel integrated with the majority of the citizens of the community
where they patrol, and that they perceive themselves as sharing similar values and
beliefs so they are confident in their decision making ability. Each police officer
must get out of their cars (not just drive by and grin and wave) to visit with citizens
and businesses to learn the residents’ concerns and show they're a friend and
Conceptual Framework
framework is developed and analyzed as the model of the study showing the
variables and their implied relations with other variables. The conceptual
framework of the study is the factors affecting the effectiveness of mobile patrol
system of Taguig City Police Station that will be served as the input for policy
figure 1 uses the input, process and output (IPO) scheme which will be the outlined
The first method is the input component, which pertains to the factors to
determine the effectiveness of Mobile Patrol System in Taguig City Police Station
procedures that will be used to reach the desired objectives of the study. It
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
The third method is the output component, which means the inputs of me
study will serve as the basis to formulate an action plan for the enhancement of
policy with regards to mobile patrol system of Taguig City Police Station.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Conceptual framework
Data gathering
Effectiveness of through:
Beat Patrol System
in Taguig City Police - Administration of
Enhanced Policy
Station in terms of Survey for Effective Beat
Questionnaire Patrol System
- Manpower
- Logistics - Interview
- Administrative
Support - Analysis and
- Policy Interpretation of
This research work will deal primarily to determine the level of effectiveness
of Beat Patrol System in Taguig City Police Station as basis for policy
1.1 Manpower;
1.2 Logistics;
1.4 Policy?
this study is aim to enhance its policy in the operation of mobile patrol system
within the City of Taguig in order to combat any forms of criminal activities towards
the maintenance of peace and order and protection of life and properties for a
better place to live and do business. For the most part, this scholarly research work
Taguig City Police Station, specifically this will benefit the Police
Community Precinct (PCP) the police officers will find this study valuable to their
within their respective jurisdiction, through the findings of this study, this may
identify some issues and concerns which needs to give focus to enhance its policy
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
towards the achievement of the fundamental goals of patrol divisions as one of the
Taguig City, the findings of this study may give a valuable input for the
patrol operations and some factors or issues and concerns encountered by the
patrol officers in every Police Community Precincts (PCP) under the jurisdiction of
Taguig City Police Station that need to be addressed through enhancing the
Taguig City Barangay Affairs, the patrol officers who conducting patrolling
within the Barangays under their jurisdiction, it is therefore, they are the one who
will be directly benefited with this study in order for them to be aware on the patrol
system being implemented by its respective PCP. Furthermore, the result of this
study will help them to improve the performance of patrol officers through their
close cooperation and coordination and to develop such programs that may
enhance the 24/7 mobile patrol activities specifically on high prone areas where
which is considered as the premier and globalized city and one of the busiest
business districts in the Philippines, henceforth, the PNP will be able to come-up
with a particular mobile patrol program which is intended specifically on the cities
which has business districts and commercial areas in order to be more effective in
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
the conduct of patrol operations towards the maintenance of peace and order in
the specific area of jurisdiction of patrol officers and to deter criminal who has been
National and Local Government, the findings of this study will be served
concerns encountered by the patrol officers which may serve as barrier to be fully
effective in the operations of mobile patrol system. Furthermore, this will help them
Community, this study will provide them precise and relevant information
pertaining to the objectives and programs of mobile patrol system as they always
observes the mobile car of the PNP that patrolling in their areas. In addition, this
will also enhance the trust and confidence of the community to the PNP as well as
it will enhance the good image of the organization and active participation of the
help the national and local government to justify the resources needed by the PNP
in order to enhance the operations of Mobile Patrol System towards the attainment
similar and in depth study pertaining to police mobile patrol that will benefit the
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
society as a whole. Further, this research work may serve as reference of the
The locale of the study will be focused specifically in every Police Community
Precincts which consists of nine (9) PCPs including the STEU within the
jurisdiction of Taguig City Police Station that located in different Barangay in the
City of Taguig. The study is focused primarily to assess the effectiveness of mobile
administrative support and policy in order to determine some issues and concerns
which need to be given attention that will be considered as the basis of the
researcher to come-up with the policy enhancement as the major objectives of this
study. Furthermore, based on the above-cited factors that will be evaluated, the
researcher will be able to formulate a particular action plan that will improved the
respective area of jurisdiction that will also strengthen the confidence of the
community to the police officers as they doing their functions for the benefits of the
There will be selected two groups of respondents in this study, in which the
(PNCO) who are assigned in every Police Community Precincts (PCPs) and to
selected Barangay residents because the researcher believed that they are aware
questionnaire and interview to both respondents of the study. This study will be
focused from the period of 2010 to 2014 which measures whether the mobile patrol
system is effective.
Definition of Terms
cited below are being defined operationally, conceptually and will be used
Action Plan, refers to the program which is develop based on the scientific
findings and result of the conducted research work for purposes of enhancing a
specific unit, division, department or office under the jurisdiction of the governing
the operations of mobile patrol system and development of patrol officers towards
patrol activity especially on the high areas within the jurisdiction of assigned police
community precinct.
Mobile Patrol System, a program of activity with a time horizon and area of
deter would-be potential perpetrators towards the maintenance of peace and order
in the community.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Patrol Officer, police officers who are conducting a mobile patrol within the
Police Patrol, it refers to the major and largest divisions of the Philippine
National Police which is located in the field or community with has specific area of
activities, deter and prevent any person to who might attempt to commit crimes.
implemented that serves as the guidelines in the conduct of mobile patrol system.
such as City Police Station or Municipality Police Station which has areas of
Chapter 2
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
This Chapter presents a review of literature both foreign and local that
provided the researcher a frame of reference for the present study. Foreign and
Local studies were reviewed, they give the researcher information and relevant
data that helped him formulate the research design and the questions and queries
to be researched on.
Foreign Literature
Crime aspects and law enforcers around the world have long term aware of
the complexities of crime and the importance of crime prevention. Some experts
have published widely on the subject. Any initiative or policy which reduces or
based programs to reduce the incidence of risk factors …….. With criminal
Waller and others have been at the forefront of analyzing what works to prevent
crime. Prestigious commission and research bodies, such as the world health
organization, united nations, the united states national research council, the UK
audit commission and so on, have analyzed their and others research on what
lowers rates of interpersonal crime, and they agree that governments must go
beyond law enforcement and criminal justice to tackle the risk factors that cause
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
crime because it is more cost effective and leads to greater social benefits than the
confirm public support for investment in prevention. Walker (2005) uses these
materials in Lees Law, More Order to propose specific measures to reduce crime
Some of the highlights of these authorities are set below with some sources
for further reading/ the World Health Organization Guide (2004) compliments the
World Report on Violence and Health (2002) and the 2003 World Health Assembly
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
The European Forum for Urban Safety and the United States Conference of
Mayors has stressed the Municipalities and Cities must be targeting the programs
to meet the needs of youth at risk and women who are vulnerable to violence and
crime. These authoritative bodies agree on the Role of Cities and Municipalities,
because they are best able to organize the strategies to tackle the risk factors that
cause crime.
schools, job creation, social services, housing and law enforcement around a
individual level risk. Risk factors are additive in nature, as the greater the number
of risk factors present the greater the risk of criminal involvement. In addition there
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
are initiatives which seek to alter rates of crime at the community or aggregate
Policing hot spots, areas of known criminal activity, decrease the number of
criminal events reported to the police in those areas. Other initiatives include
America’s Most Wanted, Crime Stoppers, and Most Wanted Foes, help catch the
as youth who are dropping out of school or getting involved in gangs. It targets
social programs and law enforcement at neighborhoods where crime rates are
high. The uses of secondary crime prevention in cities such as Brimingham and
Bogota have achieved large reductions in crime and violence. Programs that are
security policies following acts of terrorism such as the September 11, 2001
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Several approaches and methods to combat crime have been studied and
evaluate by so many law enforcement agencies around the globe but the current
trend in terrorism and crime caught the world unprepared. One of the tested and
proven approaches that came out lately in handling crime is by involving the
many countries here in Asia. Community policing began to appear in both the
United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) during the early 1980s (Kelling &
Moore, 1988). The global adoption of community policing that follows was
professional era to the community era (Thurman et al, 2001). As such, an accepted
definition remains elusive (Moir & Moir, 2002; Fielding, 2005). In its purest form,
both the less tangible philosophical elements as well as the practical elements of
community policing.
gained will be limited. These elements include: the community as the key priority
for police work (Rosenbaum, 1998); the community as a central to the identification
and response to crime and safety concerns (Moore, 2002), and; broadening the
the “key operational concepts that translate philosophy into action”, linking the
broad ideas and beliefs of community policing to the specific programs and
practices that are implemented. Community policing impacts upon the strategic
directions and operations of policing organizations through: expanding the role and
duties of police officers to enable them to think more laterally, to engage in both
reorienting operations to focus less on patrol and more on local problem solving,
how the impact of the police work is measured beyond crime rates and
The tactical elements of community policing are the concrete programs and
practices that are implemented. These have been wide in scope and varied
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
regarding possible ways to address them, and officers working with the community
positive community attitudes towards police; and reduce fear of crime. Police-
satisfaction with their work. Shared benefits are enumerated as; a decrease
crime prevention and crime control activities, as a result of both parties working
are developed based on the presumption that community members will be both
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
past initiatives have found that responsive vary considerably-some groups may be
have resources to work with the police (Rosenbaum et al, 2002). Community
increased police presence, aware that participation and partnership will not
automatically occur, and understanding that time and effort must be invested to
policing is the presence of strong personalities and influential groups, who may
dominate discussions and control the initiative’s director (Thurman, et al., 2001).
for the whole community it ultimately serves the interests of a vocal minority. It is
initiatives and often neglect to adopt a clear definition of “success”. Many that are
evaluated focus on traditional indicators such as crime statistics and clear-up rates
despite the fact that less traditional objectives are driving the initiative. Community
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
policing tends to lack a long-term focus and relatively few evaluations have been
conducted that have produced strong scientific evaluations (Sherman & Eck,
Community Patrol Officer Program (CPOP) program that operated in New York
and the Community Police Stations project that was implemented in Victoria,
Canada was the need for rigorous evaluations that employ wide-ranging
expansion of the knowledge base and the ability to identify effective community
policing strategies (Sarre, 2001). Policing organizations must ensure that rigorous
simple one. It in fact requires careful analysis of the situation; the geography of the
area, the feasibility of the plan. The formats that they may be adopted are
numerous. Patrol was intended to be a random. The idea was that by distributing
patrol officers over a wide area and allowing them to just roam through their beats
would not enable criminals to predict police movement. It was felt that this would
allow the police some element to surprise and give them an advantage over their
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
In the Police Beat System Manual, a police beats consists of any contiguous
police block (or sub-station_ which a policemen can effectively patrol during his
tour of duty. In rural areas, a Police Beat can consist of blocks of residences such
Beat. What is important is that its area can be effectively patrolled on foot and
policemen are able respond to calls for police assistance within a matter of
The community expects much from the PNP in terms of delivery of basic
public safety services. Generally, the PNP is understood as having only three basic
functions, crime prevention, crime solution, and traffic control. However, among
At present, the PNP is being critically rated by the community in its crime
talk about police visibility. This role is performed the police personnel in uniform
who walks around streets and who is always exposed to and in direct contact with
the community. Retired police Major Isaias Alma Jose of WPD in his notes on
police patrol said, “…Police Visibility is their psychological tool to make their
presence felt, so as to give a feeling of security from the law and feeling of fear to
the would criminal. In performing patrol work, the objective is to prevent the
commission of the crime by destroying the opportunity through constant and alert
Men compose the nation and this nation in order to continue existence has
to police itself, set-up rules and regulations, guide and educate its inhabitants.
Because of the systematic movements and activities of people who at the same
time are governing themselves, the so-called society came into existences. Society
could not exist in a group of people who are living in a territory unless they govern
themselves by rules and regulations because, then, they are not able to establish
peace and order among themselves. The “law of the jungle” would have prevailed.
This means that only the fit will survive. In the jungle, in order that the lion could
continue to live, it has to kill its fellow creatures and use them for food. But man is
higher than animals and plants. He is wise and he uses his power to think unlike
the animals which are only governed by their instincts. So, in order to preserve
himself and mankind, he has to discipline himself society and live in accordance
with the rules and regulations he himself had established (Tradio 2000).
There had been drastic changes in the police service in the last 40 years.
Striving for greater efficiency, the police deviated from the concept of the “Cop on
the Beat” in the 1940s to the idea of more police service in 1950s. Yet, in this
process, what society sees as “police duties and responsibilities” remain the same
Security, 2008).
Mobile Patrol Units of an urban police station have always assumed an elite
role or image because they not only possess the best equipment but they are also
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
the first line of defense in the crime prevention, control, and suppression function
A highly capable mobile patrol unit in an urban police station adds credibility
to the police image, in the other hand, mobile patrol units also suffer from a host of
problems especially maintenance, logistics, and sustainability. Add to this the fact
that mobile patrol personnel have also been accorded the notoriety of committing
abuses and even violation of the very laws they are mandated to enforce. Mulcting
and extortion charges are most common including physical abuses, harassment,
the spiritual and material well-being of people as it breeds a climate of fear and
violence, crime exacts heavy toll on the national economy, as it causes heavy
law enforcement. More importantly, crime poses a major threat to national stability.
Coronel (1996) stated that crime occurs with the presence of the following
1. Motive – which refers to the reason or cause for the offender to commit
the crime;
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
crime; and
maintain Peace and Security,” advanced various proposals how to prevent the
“Koban” system of Japan, and the fielding of more mobile patrol cars
community level. At the same time, the police has to be given better
proposal hoping that the Supreme Court and the lower courts can
have served their sentence, can rejoin the society and become useful
Tradio stated that campaign against criminality is a war that the police that the
police cannot fight, much less win, alone. The support of the community is an
absolute must. This is one of the problem areas confronting the PNP right now.
Foreign Studies
officers assigned to each watch (shift) on each day of the week to ensure
resources were being allocated in clear proportion to evolving crime patters and
efficient allocation of calls for service, including the order of secondary dispatching
productivity and other sign of supervisory to respond to calls for service and those
uniformed assets primarily dedicated to deal with gangs, and other career
criminals such as burglars, car thieves, illegal drug sales and use etc.
computer aided dispatching protocols were not set up to maximize the use of
existing patrol resources. It also uncovered leadership gaps that were affecting
the employee behaviour in the areas of attendance and productivity. Finally, it will
determined the personnel mix and mission focus between first responders to calls
for service and those primarily assigned to deal with more specially targeted
criminal behaviour such as gang members and other career criminals, could be
police reform, and how it has coexisted with, rather than been supplanted by, the
professional model. It was revealed that early that early reformer chose the
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
military upon which to structure their concept of the urban police. That concept
was refashioned into the professional model as the background of the reformers
change. This new model then replaced the military model in criminal justice
literature, public vernacular, and police self-image, although the military model
continued to exist under the radar. Today the militarization of the police is a major
criminal justice topic, but its recent visibility is actually an ongoing part of the
Cohn and terry (2005) focused upon officer perceptions of rapid response to
calls of service. Rather than looking at actual response times, it considers how
quickly officers think they should be responding to calls, from both the perspective
of their department and the expectations of the public. It examines whether length
of service, age, and gender are related to their perceptions of rapid response and
whether, in fact, these variables play a greater role in their perceptions than do
oriented policing.
processes in high policing deeply problematic. The study also looked at the
changing context of policing and argued that the circuits of the security intelligence
apparatus are woven into, and helped to compose, the panic scenes of the security
control society. Seen this way, the habits of high policing are not the governance of
viz; the human security paradigm. The paper concludes that, unless senior ranking
policing officers- the police intelligentsia-adopts new ways of thinking, the already
contend not only with increasingly large population but also of the more
problematic traffic situation. It is for this reason that police station give top priority
to mobile patrol capability and operational thrust in order that they may be able to
cope with the rising tide of criminality. That the ability of an urban police station to
respond quickly to crime victimization is essential to the solution of the crime and
such capability also sends a strong signal that the police are on top of the situation;
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
that it has the capability to catch the criminal and overall-it has a deterring
police assistance is usually the barometer which people and other peace and order
The slower the time that police arrives in a crime scene, the more likely that
the perpetrator could escape. The possibility that evidence is tampered, destroyed,
or lost to the curious onlookers is high. There is also a great risk or possibility that
unauthorized persons would enter the crime perpetrators themselves who wanted
restricting police organization and altering the daily activities of operational police.
community policing being “many things to many people” (Mastrofski, 2006). Such
agencies perform much more functions which policing infers. His study focuses on
the community of the social unit from which police agents or units are created, they
are authorized to regulate interpersonal relations within the group through the
application of physical force. He further discussed that police are agents of force,
they are allowed to lay hands on people to mold behavior and without this
authority, and they will be unrecognizable. Internal usage of this force, as Bayley
Cameron (1990) presented in his paper the four major approaches being
needed resource – that is, the more needed resources an organization can obtain
strain, whose members are highly integrated onto the system whose internal
where information flows smoothly both vertically and horizontally, and so on.
under criticism for their use of force, particularly deadly weapons. He specifically
mentions that tension increases when a police officer of one ethnic group harms or
kills a suspect of another group. Police departments and local departments that
oversee them in some jurisdiction have attempted to mitigate some of this issues
through community outreach programs and community policing to make the police
and under the law, and by increased oversight within the department or civilian
The Minneapolis 911 study (2011) this study discovered that a small number
Local Studies
of Patrol operations enabled the Caloocan city police to reduce crime incidents
within its area of responsibility. He, however, cited poor capability of mobile patrol
unit operations, problems of communication with the community, and the absence
Campaign through Motorcycle Patrol Operations in Quezon City” after his findings
motorcycle patrols to support its anti-criminality campaign with community and with
sufficient logistical support; b) The Quezon City police district should have regular
motorcycle patrols and establish additional street stations to evenly enhance anti-
c) that, Quezon City police District should mobilize community and barangays
for motorcycle patrol visibility on the streets for better anti-criminality campaign
Ramos, 2010) stated in his conclusions that: a) The conduct of Beat Patrol System
and limited personnel to be deployed in the operation which hindered its operations
Ongkiko (2002), in this study about street crimes, conducted that the
with street crimes contribute to the continuing increase of crime incidence and the
added boldness and daring of street criminals. Ongkiko assessed how the
residence of Caloocan City viewed their local police unit’s performance and found
that 88% of respondents claimed the police failed to arrive on time to intervene and
homicide and murder, the scene of the crime investigation is not done by
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
responding police personnel and wait for Scene of Crime Operation (SOCO)
respond in time in case of bank robbery or gang violence, some 89% of the
respondents believed that police deliberately come late at the scene of the crime
The increasing incidence of street crimes has prompted the PNP leadership
to device several measures to address such. Every chief of the PNP had their
respective thrusts and key result areas, all of which point to combating criminality
thru pro-active policing. Since the community feels the brunt of criminality, the
the crime. All of them saw the need for police patrols in every crime prone area.
They all wish they could substantially improve some more on the public safety
concerns. One of their wish lists is to see more policemen in the streets, very
visible and well equipped, either on foot or mobile patrol. (Mateo, 2009)
Mateo (2009), the increasing incidence of street crimes has prompted the
PNP leadership to devise several measures to address such. Every chief of the
PNP had their respective thrusts and key result areas, all of which point to
combating criminality thru pro-active policing. Since the community feels the brunt
the occurrence of crime. All of them saw the need for police patrol in every crime
prone area.
They all wish they could substantially improve some more on the public
safety concerns. One of their wish list is to see more policemen in the streets, very
a. Attend the role call from Formation before his tour of duty for briefing and
protection of the scene and minimize the after effects of accidents, fires and
others catastrophes;
d. Observe and monitor public gatherings, prev disorders and disperse unlawful
e. Prevent crimes and arrest sighted law violators, assuring the public the peace
is preserved;
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
i. Report occurrences and conditions which relate to crime, public peace, order
and safety;
m. Patrol officers must have the equipment necessary in the performance of their
Ramos (2010) “Beat patrol system in Malabon City”, stated in his conclusions
that a.) The conduct of beat patrol system in Malabon City requires a close
operations enabled the Caloocan City police to reduce crime incidents within its
mobile patrol unit operations, problems of communication with the community, and
Tecson (2008), eradicating street crimes by the police can be made more
community in general. The program will most likely influence the state of public
safety and security, especially by protecting the lives and properties of the people
and providing efficient police service. In like manner, the public safety development
program will also encourage, enlist, and develop the active participation particularly
growth and development. Second, it critically affects the security on the population
the institutional capability of the Philippine state is continually put to the test.
he recommended to fill the need of highly organize Manila Police District complete
with car mobile patrol units, motorcycle patrol units, and SWAT assault units
including special action force unit, adequate logistical support to implement fully
the police community relations of MPD. He urged that patrol programs must be
police works.
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
level, the study employed system analysis to examine the perceptions of civilian
and police personnel regarding the Quezon City police district mobile patrol unit in
street crime prevention and their visions of a progressive and peaceful community.
roles to achieve this social condition. For instance the business sectors contribute
social commitment.
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Resos (2003) in his “Hard Target – protecting yourself from terrorists and
kidnappers” stated some insights and cited that with every operation, the
experience of PNP operatives and joint teams was enhanced and honed for
kamuning police station. He stated that one of the important aspects of law
the mobility of the police, the station created a quick reaction unit through the
The PNP Journal (2011) noted in its column entitled. “PNP Post high public
about a crime situation in their communities and their assessment of the PNP’s
The research activity was a one-shot study design which involves face-to-
face interviews, by the PIA staff, of representatives from the different sectors: local
total of 1160 respondents. Result of the survey was the police visibility was the
second most common suggestion to improve the police’s performance. About one-
In the same manner, Abogado etal (2000) in the study about the
with the barangay s it was practiced in the city of Marikina, Paranaque and Makati
City have contributed greatly in improving the police response against criminality
the coordination among the local government units, government agencies, non-
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
Batangas” also stressed that in order to have peace and security, there is any to
The increasing incidence of street crimes has prompted the PNP leadership
to device several measures to address such. Every chief of the PNP had their
respective thrusts and key result areas, all of which point to combating criminality
through pro-active policing. Since the community feels the brunt of criminality, the
crime. All of them saw the need for police patrols in every crime prone area. They
all wish they could substantially improve some more on the public safety concerns.
One of their wish lists is to see more police men in the streets, very visible and well
equipped, either on foot or mobile patrol. (Mateo, 2009 “The Five Minutes
It has pointed out that the PNP mobile patrol has a good and reliable source
in getting information the researcher have observe that, all too often, forces are
that tool on the work process undertaken by those who use it. As a result, complex
issues of organizational and even need for individual to change their work habits
are ignored. Consequently, pilot project may be deemed to have failed when in
facts they have not been introducing a new technologies is related to the different
cultures that operate within any organization, these culture have different motives,
initiative, thus, the senior management of a force may introduce the technology
with the aim of keeping the officer on the street rather than needing to returned to
the police station to search for or records of information. The information service
area, while operational officer may see the device ads something that makes to
him or her more anonymous in action. These differences, unless they are
effectively dealt with, are constant source of tension with the force. The relevance
show the complexity of the information task undertaken will vary considerably with
the complexity of the activity. The simple stop and account activity, which result to
the identification of the non – criminal person has very straight forward information
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
The mobile patrolling similarly varied in character with the officer balancing
reconnecting with the local communities with the effective action required to deal
the issues those community raise. The raise complex issues of information
the local knowledge and the intelligence resource of the police constable and the
police community support officers have to be used to identified action that will
achieve the desire result without damaging relation or abstracting resource from
other areas with a consequent rise in crimes in those areas. The place or person
intelligence can be source anywhere and anytime. However, the most important
(and often most under- utilized) source for criminal intelligence is the patrol officers
who are in constant contact with the community and the first to attend to the crime
scene. The more developed the concept of criminal intelligence is the greater
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the research methodology which the research design,
Research Method
collection of data in order to test hypothesis and to fully describe the Taguig City
Police Station Mobile Patrol System. This particular method and technique will be
presented both factual and practical information that were used to evaluate
involved range from the survey which describes the status quo, the correlation
studies which seek to determine changes over time. Descriptive research answer
This study will be focused only at Taguig City Police Station (Police Station
Six) with a total strength of 490 police personnel, situated at Gen. Luna St.,
respondents. The first group is the 50 police personnel in the City of Taguig
PCO’s or Police Commissioned Officers of Taguig City Police Station. The second
Instrument Used
The study utilized the primary and secondary sources of data. The primary
source of data came from the actual responses of the two-groups of respondents.
City Police Station who are assigned in the Police Sub-Stations and 100 from the
rough draft of the questionnaires. These includes books with regards to the
system, journals, magazines, newspapers, and articles from the internet that are
related to the study. The researcher also interviewed some individuals to find out
what were their initial perspectives on the effective implementation of mobile police
patrol system.
After the development of the rough drafts, pre-test will make to five (5) top
ranking PNP officials of the Taguig City Police Station in order to help improve the
before the rough drafts will be finalized. The five (5) top-ranking PNP officials who
will be participated in the dry-run/ try out/pre-test of the questionnaires will not
included among the actual respondents. The final drafts then will be reproduced.
Afterwards, the researcher will be secured permit from the Chief of Police of
Taguig City Police Station before distributing the drafts of the questionnaires to
The respondents were selected by the used simple random technique. For
the first group of respondents (Police Personnel assigned in the police sub-
station), the researcher secured a copy of Rooster of Troops from Personnel and
contains the complete names of all the personnel of Taguig City Police Station in
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
alphabetical order. The researcher selected every fifth person in the alphabetical
list in the Rooster of Troops. They were the one given the questionnaire and has
procedure have done by the researcher in the selection of the second group of
The questionnaire composed of two parts: part one indicates the personal
information of the respondents like their age, gender, designation, status, highest
educational attainment. The last part is about the problems encountered. The
problems and issues encountered by the police personnel assigned in the sub-
station. These statements of the problem are keys to designing and formulating
reference such as Taguig City Police program of mobile patrol system and yearly
incident reports, PNP Statistical report, publications which have bearing on the
study, and other sources of data gathered through survey and research data.
interpret the data gathered from the survey questionnaire responses. The Likert 4-
Validation of Instrument
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
The content of the validity of the research instruments will be used is ensured
by consulting the researcher adviser as well as the Dean of the Graduate School
for the constructed instruments to show for the content and meaning of the
render the data gathered valid for statistical analysis and validated by a
professional statistician.
The Likert 4-Point Scale was used as basis for the computation of the
Average Weighted Mean (AWM). This scale will be used to measure the level of
Police Station for the PCO and PNCO, base on the data gathered. Some, of the
Republic of the Philippines
City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
the study. This aided in the speedy retrieval of the floated questionnaires. The
researcher. Specifically, Part 1 dealt with the personal profile of the respondents
like their age, gender, status, highest educational attainment and designation.
The last part is about the problem and the study. The questions composed
of the following: the perception of the respondents to Taguig City Police Station in
terms of problems and issues encountered by the police personnel (patrol officers)
The results will be tallied and tabulated according to the items checked by
the participants. The percentages of the number of checks for each item will be
which are relevant on the assessment on the effectiveness of Taguig City Police
Taguig City Police blotter and yearly incident reports, publications which has
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City of Taguig
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
bearing to the study, and other sources of data gathered through survey and
will be used. The researcher conducted unstructured interview to the second group
of respondent which is the selected Barangay residents in Taguig City, since they
are the best persons to objectively to determine the level of effectiveness in the
implementation of mobile patrol system because they are already aware on how
the PNP mobile patrol unit conducting patrolling on their respective area of
demographic profile.
P = x 100
P = percentage
Weighted Mean (WM). This was used to determine the frequency of the
responses to the items that required choices from options in the 4-point Likert
WM = Weighted Mean
f = frequency of responses
Average Weighted Mean. This was a statistical tool used to obtain the
AWM = fx
T- Test was used to determine the significant difference between the two groups
of respondents.
1 1
√(n−1)S2+(n−1)S2 X ( + )
n n2
T= n+n2−2