Dynamic Analysis of Sloped Buildings
Dynamic Analysis of Sloped Buildings
Dynamic Analysis of Sloped Buildings
A Thesis
submitted by
Prof. K. C. BISWAL
MAY 2015
This is to certify that the thesis entitled “DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF SLOPED BUILDINGS:
Roll No. 213CE2062 in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of
carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. The contents of this thesis, in full or in
parts, have not been submitted to any other Institute or University for the award of any Degree or
I am thankful to God who helped me throughtout my life and granting wisdom to human
I express my gratitude and sincere thanks to Prof. Kishore Chandra Biswal, for his
guidance and constant support and encouragement during entire course of work during the
last one year. I truly appreciate his esteemed guidance and his immeasurable contribution
through the knowledge and advices. It is my utmost pleasure to work under highly respected
professor and his company will be remembered lifelong at the time of crisis.
Technology, Rourkela and Prof. S.K. Sahu, HOD, Department of Civil Engineering for their
A special thanks to Prof. M. R. Barik, my faculty and adviser and all the faculties Prof. P.
Sarkar, Prof. A. K. Panda, Prof. A. K. Sahoo, Prof. U. K. Mishra, Prof. Robin Davis
P.and Prof. Asha Patel for helping me in settling down in the first year. I also thank Prof. A.
V Asha, PG Coordinator for providing suitable slots during presentation and Viva.
I also thank my teachers who taught me in my schooling and all the Professors of my
undergraduate studies. I specially thank Prof. Nishant Yadav for his constant support and
I would also thank R. Lagun and other staff members of the structural laboratory and staffs of
central workshop of Mechanical Engineering Department for their help during the entire
experimental work.
I am also thankful to all my friends who helped me directly or indirectly in my project work.
I specially thank to Padmabati Sahoo, Piyush Rajput, Debadatta Jena (Research Scholar,
NIT Rourkela) for their help in experimental setup. I would also like to thank Sharmili,
Vijay and Samrat for their assistance during the project. I thank all who supported me
Last but not the least I am highly thankful to my Father Mr. Vinod Agrawal and my mother
Mrs. Shobha for infinite blessings and supporting me morally and without them I could not
Sandeep Goyal
M.Tech (Structural Engineering)
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology
The buildings situated in hilly areas are much more prone to seismic environment in
comparison to the buildings that are located in flat regions. Structures on slopes differ from
other buildings since they are irregular both vertically and horizontally hence torsionally
coupled and are susceptible to severe damage when subjected to seismic action. The columns
of ground storey have varying height of columns due to sloping ground. In this study,
behaviour of two storied sloped frame having step back configuration is analyzed for
sinusoidal ground motion with different slope angles i.e., 15°, 20° and 25° with an
experimental set up and are validated by developing a Finite Element code executed in
MATLAB platform and using structural analysis tool STAAD Pro. by performing a linear
time history analysis. From the above analysis, it has been observed that as the slope angle
increases, stiffness of the model increases due to decrease in height of short column and that
results in increase of earthquake forces on short column which is about 75% of total base
shear and chances of damage is increased considerably due to the formation of plastic hinges
therefore proper analysis is required to quantify the effects of various ground slopes.
Keywords: Ground Motion, linear time history analysis, frequency content, finite element
Title Page
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 2
1.1 Introduction 2
Chapter 2 5
Literature Review 6
2.1 Overview 6
Chapter 3 12
Experimental Modeling 13
3.1 Introduction 13
Chapter 4 28
Numerical Modeling 29
4.1 Introduction 29
4.2.3 Procedure 30
STAAD Modeling 39
4.3 Introduction 39
4.4.1 Two storied sloped frame with inclination of 15° to the horizontal 39
4.4.2 Two storied sloped frame with inclination of 20° to the horizontal 40
4.4.3 Two storied sloped frame with inclination of 25° to the horizontal 41
4.5 Loads 42
4.9.1 Overview 48
4.13 Mass Participation factor for both modes for considered slope angles 76
Chapter 5 78
5.1 Summary 79
5.2 Conclusions 79
References 81
Figure 3.10(a): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion 25
Figure 3.10(b): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion 25
Figure 3.11(a): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion 26
Figure 3.11(b): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion 26
Figure 3.12(a): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion 27
Figure 3.12(b): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion 27
Figure 4.11: Time History of Top storey Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro 50
Figure 4.12: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Displacement (a) Present FEM 51
Figure 4.14: Time History of Top Storey Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for 53
15° slope
Figure 4.15: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD 54
Figure 4.17: Time History of Top Storey Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD 55
Figure 4.18: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Acceleration (a) Present FEM 56
Figure 4.21: Time History of Top storey Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD 59
Figure 4.22: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Displacement (a) Present FEM 60
Figure 4.24: Time History of Top Storey Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD 62
Figure 4.25: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD 63
Figure 4.27: Time History of Top Storey Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD 65
Figure 4.28: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Acceleration (a) Present FEM 66
Figure 4.31: Time History of Top storey Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD 69
Figure 4.32: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Displacement (a) Present FEM 70
Figure 4.34: Time History of Top Storey Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro 72
Figure 4.35: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD 73
Figure 4.37: Time History of Top Storey Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro 75
Figure 4.38: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Acceleration (a) Present FEM 75
Table 3.3: Maximum Storey Displacements (Absolute) for frame model of 15° inclination 23
Table 3.4: Maximum Storey Displacements (Absolute) for frame model of 20° inclination 23
Table 3.5: Maximum Storey Displacements (Absolute) for frame model of 25° inclination 23
Table 4.2: Details of Beam and Column with length and cross section dimensions 44
Table 4.3: Natural Frequency of sloped frame with 15° inclination validated with 48
Present FEM
Table 4.4: Maximum Storey Displacement (mm) for Experimental, Finite Element 49
Table 4.5: Storey Velocity (mm/s) for Present FEM and STAAD model 51
Table 4.6: Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) for Present FEM and STAAD model 54
Table 4.7: Maximum Base Shear (N) (Absolute) for Present FEM and STAAD model 56
Table 4.8: Natural Frequency of sloped frame with 20° inclination validated with 57
Present FEM
Table 4.9: Maximum Storey Displacement (mm) for Experimental, Finite Element 58
Table 4.10: Maximum Storey Velocity (mm/s) for Present FEM and STAAD model 60
Table 4.11: Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) for Present FEM and STAAD model 63
Table 4.12: Maximum Base Shear (N) (Absolute) for Present FEM and STAAD model 66
Table 4.14: Maximum Storey Displacement (mm) for Experimental, Finite Element 68
Table 4.15: Maximum Storey Velocity (mm/s) for Present FEM and STAAD model 70
Table 4.16: Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) for Present FEM and STAAD model 73
Table 4.17: Maximum Base Shear (N) (Absolute) for Present FEM and STAAD model 76
Table 4.18: Mass Participation Factor (%) of both modes for different slope angle 77
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Earthquake is the most disastrous and unpredictable phenomenon of nature. When a structure
is subjected to seismic forces it does not cause loss to human lives directly but due to the
damage cause to the structures that leads to the collapse of the building and hence to the
occupants and the property. Mass destruction of the low and high rise buildings in the recent
earthquakes leads to the need of investigation especially in a developing country like India.
occurs on a sloped building as on hills which is at some inclination to the ground the chances
of damage increases much more due to increased lateral forces on short columns on uphill
side and thus leads to the formation of plastic hinges. Structures on slopes differ from those
on plains because they are irregular horizontally as well as vertically. In north and north-
eastern parts of India have large scale of hilly terrain which fall in the category of seismic
zone IV and V. Recently Sikkim (2011), Doda (2013) and Nepal earthquake (2015) caused
buildings due to the rapid urbanization and increase in economic growth and therefore
increase in population density. Due to the scarcity of the plain terrain in this region there is an
In present work, a two storeyed framed building with an inclination of 15°, 20° and 25° to the
ground subjected to sinusoidal ground motion is modelled with an experimental setup and
validated with a finite element coding executed in the MATLAB platform and results
obtained are validated by performing linear time history analysis in structural analysis and
Few research works is carried out on the seismic behaviour of structures on slopes subjected
numerically the effect on seismic behaviour on varying slope angle and compared with the
same on flat ground. No work is carried out regarding the seismic behaviour of the structures
India consists of great arc of mountains which consists of Himalayas in its northern part
which was formed by on-going tectonic collision of plates. In this region the housing
densities were approximately 62159 per square Km as per 2011 census. Hence there is need
affects its performance when it is subjected to ground motion. In this research work
The purpose of this project is to study experimentally and numerically the dynamic response
The experimental study is undertaken with a two storied sloped frame model mounted
dynamic response of sloped frame due to change of slope inclination by keeping the
Finite element method is used as a numerical tool to solve the governing differential
equation for undamped free vibration to find the natural frequency of model.
Newmark method is used for numerical evaluation of dynamic response of the frame
Linear time history analysis is performed using structural analysis tool i.e., STAAD
Pro. by introducing compatible time history as per spectra of IS 1893 (Part 1):2002
Chapter 2
2.1 Overview
In this review, characteristics of the structures due to the variation of the slope angle are
explained. Then the effect of the irregular configurations on vulnerability due to seismic
forces is discussed. There are very few researchers who explained the effect of change of
sloping angle.
Ravikumar et al. (2012) studied two kinds of irregularities in building model namely the plan
irregularity with geometric and diaphragm discontinuity and vertical irregularity with setback
and sloping ground. Pushover analysis was performed taking different lateral load cases in all
three directions to identify the seismic demands. All the buildings considered are three storied
with different plan and elevation irregularities pattern. Plan irregular models give more
deformation for fewer amounts of forces where the vulnerability of the sloping model was
found remarkable. The performances of all the models except sloping models lie between life
safety and collapse prevention. Hence it can be concluded that buildings resting on sloping
ground are more prone to damage than on buildings resting on flat ground even with plan
Sreerama and Ramancharla (2013) observed that recent earthquakes like Bihar-Nepal (1980),
Shillong Plateau and the Kangra earthquake killed more than 375,000 people and over
100,000 of the buildings got collapsed. Dynamic characteristics of the buildings on flat
ground differ to that of buildings on slope ground as the geometrical configurations of the
building differ horizontally as well as vertically. Due to this irregularity the centre of mass
and the centre of stiffness does not coincide to each other and it results in torsional response.
The stiffness and mass of the column vary within the storeys that result in increase of lateral
forces on column on uphill side and vulnerable to damage. In their analysis they took five
G+3 buildings of varying slope angles of 0, 15, 30, 45, 60° which were designed and
analysed using IS-456 and SAP2000 and further the building is subjected and analysed for
earthquake load i.e., N90E with PGA of 0.565g and magnitude of M6.7. They found that
short column attract more forces due to the increased stiffness. The base reaction for the
shorter column increases as the slope angle increases while for other columns it decreases and
then increases. The natural time period of the building decreases as the slope angle increases
and short column resist almost all the storey shear as the long columns are flexible and cannot
Patel et al. (2014) studied 3D analytical model of eight storied building was analysed using
analysis tool ETabs with symmetric and asymmetric model to study the effect of variation of
height of column due to sloping ground and the effect of concrete shear wall at different
locations during earthquake. In the present study lateral load analysis as per seismic code was
done to study the effect of seismic load and assess the seismic vulnerability by performing
pushover analysis. It was observed that vulnerability of buildings on sloping ground increases
due to formation of plastic hinges on columns in each base level and on beams at each storey
level at performance point. The number of plastic hinges are more in the direction in which
building is more asymmetric. Buidings on sloping ground have more storey displacement as
compared to that of buildings on flat ground and without having shear wall. Presence of shear
Birajdar and Nalawade (2004) performed 3D analysis of 24 RC buildings with three different
configurations like set back, step back and step set back building. Response spectrum
analysis including the torsional effect has been carried out. The dynamic properties which are
top storey displacement, base shear and fundamental time period have been studied
considering the suitability of buildings on sloping ground. In this study three types of
configuration mentioned above are used in two (step back and step set back building) are on
sloping ground while the third one (set back) is on plain ground. The sloping angle is taken as
27 degrees. The number of stories taken is from 4 to 11 and hence total of 24 RC buildings
where studied. Set back building- As the number of stories increases there is a linear increase
in top storey displacement and time period for the earthquake in longitudinal direction. The
value of top storey displacement and fundamental time period in transverse direction are
higher compared to longitudinal direction due to increase in torsional moments due to effect
of static and accidental eccentricity. From design point of view proper attention should be
given to the strength, orientation and ductility demand of shortest column at ground level to
ensure its safety under worst combination of load case in X and Y direction. Step set back
building-The results obtained in the static and dynamic analysis do not differ substantially as
in the case of step back building. The top storey displacement is about 3.8 to 4 times higher
in transverse direction than the corresponding values in longitudinal direction. Set back
building- Shear forces induced in set back building is found to be least in comparison with
the other two buildings. The distribution of shear forces in set back building is even and there
is little problem of development of torsional moment. Step back buildings are found to be
most vulnerable compared to other configurations and the development of torsional moment
is highest in step back building. The column at ground level is prone to damage as it is worst
Singh et al. (2012) carried out an analytical study using linear and nonlinear time history
analysis. They considered 9 story RC frame building (Step back) with 45 degrees to the
horizontal located on steep slope. The number of storeys was 3 and 9 and 7 bays along the
slope and 3 across the slope. They took 5 set of ground motions i.e., 1999 Chi-Chi, 1979
Imperial Valley, 1994 Northridge , 1971 San Fernando , 1995 Kobe from strong motion
database of pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Centre (PEER). They observed that
almost all the storey shear is resisted by the short column. The effect of torsional irregularity
is represented by the ratio of maximum to average inter storey drifts (Δmax/Δavg) in a storey.
They observed the step back buildings are subjected to considerable amount of torsional
Babu et al. (2012) performed pushover analysis of various symmetric and asymmetric
structures constructed on plain as well as on sloping ground. They conducted analysis using
structures with different configurations which are plan symmetry and asymmetry having
different bay sizes. They considered a 4 storey building in which one storey is above ground
level and it is constructed at a slope of 30 degree. They observed that the short column
subjected to worst level of severity and lie beyond collapse prevention (CP) from pushover
analysis. They obtained displacement as 104 mm and base shear as 2.77*10 3 kN. Based on
these results they developed pushover curves with X-axis as displacement and Y-axis as base
shear and gave various comparisons for the cases they considered. They found that up to
failure limit for maximum displacement by symmetric structure is 70% and by asymmetric
building is 24% more than the structure on plain ground. They concluded that structure is
Prashant and Jagadish (2013) studied the seismic response of one way slope RC building with
a soft storey. They have focussed their work to the buildings with infill wall and without infill
wall i.e., bare frame. They carried out pushover analysis in a 10 storey building which
include bare frame with and without infill wall. The buildings were situated at an inclination
of 27 degrees to the horizontal and having 5 bays along the slope. Frame system considered
was specially moment resisting frame (SMRF). In this study, they found that time period of
building consisting of bare frame is 1.975 sec. which is about 96-135% higher as compared to
the building having infill walls which is due to the reason of increased stiffness of the
building and hence the increase in frequency. Further they observed that the displacement of
the building is more in case of bare frame due to reduced stiffness and absence of infill wall.
They also found that the base shear in infilled frames is about 250% more as compared to
bare frame. Therefore formation of plastic hinges is more in bare frame model consisting of
soft storey.
Halkude et al. (2013) conducted seismic analysis of buildings resting on sloping ground by
varying number of bays and slope inclination. They studied the dynamic characteristics of the
building i.e., base shear, top storey displacement and natural time period with respect to
variation in number of stories and number of bays along the slope and hill slope. They
They have not considered the variation of bays in transverse direction so they have kept the
single bay in Y-direction. The slope angles taken are 16.32°, 21.58°, 26.56° and 31.50° with
the horizontal and seismic zone III. In all configurations it was observed that base shear
increases with increase in number of storey, increases with increase in number of bays but
decreases with increase in slope angle. Comparing within different configurations, step back
building have higher base shear with respect to the step set back buildings. They also found
time period increases with the increase in number of storey in both the configurations, with
the increase in number of bays in step back building time period increases while in case of
step set back building time period decreases. As the slope angle increases the stiffness of the
building increases therefore the time period in all the configurations decreases. Top storey
displacement decreases with the increase in hill slope, increases with the increase in the
number of storey and decreases when the number of bays is increased. They concluded that
more number of bays are better as this increases the time period and therefore it reduces top
storey displacement.
Chapter 3
Experimental Modeling
3.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with experimental works performed on free vibration and forced
vibration on sloped frame model. The results obtained from the experimental analysis are
compared with the finite element coding executed in MATLAB platform. The work
1. Three Mild Steel plates- In this model, there are three mild steel plates, two of same sizes
and the other of different size. Plate no. 1 and 2 are used in each storey level and plate no. 3
2. Four Threaded rods- The threaded rods are used as columns which are connected with
mild steel plates in each storey level. The diameter of threaded rod used is 7.7 mm.
3. Nuts and washers- The number of set of Nuts and washers used is 32. Each 8 sets for two
storey levels to connect threaded rods with steel plates and 8 nos. for base plate and 8 nos. for
4. Wooden logs and planks- The wooden logs and planks are used to obtain firm ground.
The logs of wood are inserted in between base plate and shake table to fill the space between
inclined base plate and platform of shake table. Wedge shaped small logs of wood are also
5. Shake Table- Shake table is used to simulate the seismic event happening on the site. The
shake table consists of horizontal, unidirectional sliding platform of size 1000 mm x 1000
mm. It consists 81 tie down points at a grid of 100 mmx 100mm. The maximum payload is
100 kg. The maximum displacement of the table is 100 mm (±50 mm). The rectangular
platform is used to test the response of structures to verify their seismic performance. In this
table the test specimen is fixed to the platform and shaken. The frequency of the table is
acceleration, velocity and displacement displayed in time waveform (TWF). But the
commonly used spectrum is that derived from a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Vibration
Analyser provides key information about the frequency information of the model.
7. Control Panel- This device is used to allow the user to view and manipulate the forcing
frequency of the model. The range of frequency available for the operation of shake table is
from 0 to 20 Hz.
8. Personal Computer – The computer system used to perform the test consists of Intel(R)
Core (TM) i5 processor with 4 GB RAM, 32-bit operating system and running Windows 7
professional. The software used for data acquisition is NV Gate. This software facilitates user
to conduct the FFT analysis of the received signal and record various graphs i.e., time versus
acceleration, time versus velocity and time versus displacement. All the records obtained
acceleration does not meant to be the co-ordinate acceleration (rate of change of velocity with
tim) but it is the acceleration which it experiences due to the free fall of an object.
Accelerometer transfers its record to the vibration analyser which is received by computer
The holes of 8 mm diameter are driven in the plates 4 nos. through which threaded bar
passes. The holes are made at a radial distance of 5√ cm from each corner of the plate. In
plate 3 slot cut of 2 cm is done at a radial distance of 5√ cm from each corner of base plate
which is connected to platform of shake table. A slot cut of 5 cm is made on base plate to
accommodate slope angle of 15°, 20° and 25° at a distance of 41 cm from slot cut of
connected leg. The threaded rods are passed through these slots and holes and are fixed to the
platform using nuts and washers. Now the base plate is fixed maintaining the slope angle of
15°, 20° and 25° (one at a time). Now the Plate 1 and 2 are fixed at a clear distance of 51 cm
and 92.5 cm from connected end of base plate respectively. The screw is tightened well to
ensure proper fixity. The wooden logs are inserted in between base plate and platform to
achieve firm base similar to that of a sloping ground. Now three accelerometers are
connected to the plates, two of them with plate 1 and one with plate 2. These accelerometers
are connected with the vibration analyser and this analyser is connected to the computer. The
readings obtained due to the vibration are recorded through the accelerometer. One LVDT
(Linear Variable Displacement Transducer) is also used to record the displacement of the
shake table at the time of forced vibration. The maximum amplitude of the ground motion is
kept 5 mm. The entire tests were conducted in the “Structural Engineering” laboratory of NIT
A vibration is said to be free when a mechanical system is set off to an initial input and then
set to vibrate freely. The vibrating system will damp to zero before that it will provide one or
more natural frequency. In this experimental model, free vibration analysis is performed to
obtain the natural frequencies of the model. By conducting FFT analysis we obtained two
dominating frequencies which are natural frequencies. These two frequencies will be used as
a basis for further analysis. A slight push is given to the Plate 1 (Top storey) and the readings
are taken and by doing FFT analysis natural frequency of the system are obtained.
A forced vibration is one in which system is subjected to disturbance varying with time. The
transient or steady. The periodic input may be harmonic or non-harmonic in nature. Example
equal to its natural frequency then the system will be said to have condition of resonance. The
response of the system is large during the resonance and it may be of such magnitude that it
Following are figures showing the experimental model with different slope angle:-
During the experiment, free vibration analysis was performed for each frame model as
mentioned in article 3.2.3. The first two natural frequencies obtained for two modes are
Each of the above frame model were excited with sinusoidal harmonic loading which is
x = xo sinωt ; [ω = 2πf]
In the above expression, the frequency of excitation is applied over a range which included
the natural frequency of the model. The displacement amplitude of excitation was kept
constant i.e., xo = 5 mm. The maximum storey displacements obtained at resonance condition
i.e., when excitation frequency matches with the natural frequency of the model for all the
slope angles is shown in table 3.3, table 3.4 and table 3.5.
Table 3.3: Maximum Storey Displacements (Absolute) for frame model of 15° inclination
1 55.2
2 76.6
Table 3.4 : Maximum Storey Displacements (Absolute) for frame model of 20° inclination
1 44
2 68.3
Table 3.5: Maximum Storey Displacements (Absolute) for frame model of 25° inclination
1 32.9
2 58.3
Figure 3.9 shows the response of frequency (Hz) on X-axis with Top storey displacement
(mm) on Y-axis for all three slope angles. In this plot the displacement is decreasing due to
the increase in frequency and slope angle and the increased stiffness of short column on hill
Figure 3.10(a) and 3.10(b) for acceleration (top storey) versus time showing the dominance
of first fundamental frequency (2.05 Hz) obtained by superimposing it with the excitation
frequency of value lower (1.62 Hz) than the fundamental frequency and of value higher (2.80
Hz) than the fundamental frequency. In both the plots it is observed that fundamental
frequency dominates the response over the excitation frequencies of 1.62 Hz and 2.80 Hz.
Figure 3.10(a): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion with
Figure 3.10(b): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion with
Figure 3.11(a) and 3.11(b) for acceleration (top storey) versus time showing the dominance
of first fundamental frequency (2.21 Hz) obtained by superimposing it with the forcing
frequency of value lower (1.80 Hz) than the fundamental frequency and of value higher (2.80
Hz) than the fundamental frequency. In both the plots it is observed that fundamental
frequency dominates the response over the excitation frequencies of 1.80 Hz and 2.8 Hz.
Figure 3.11(a): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion with
Figure 3.11(b): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion with
Figure 3.12(a) and 3.12(b) for acceleration (top storey) versus time showing the dominance
of first fundamental frequency (2.6 Hz) obtained by superimposing it with the forcing
frequency of value lower (2.02 Hz) than the fundamental frequency and of value higher (2.80
Hz) than the fundamental frequency. In both the plots it is observed that fundamental
frequency dominates the response over the excitation frequencies of 2.02 Hz and 2.80 Hz.
Figure 3.12(a): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion with
Figure 3.12(b): Time history of Top floor acceleration under sinusoidal ground motion with
Chapter 4
Numerical Modeling
4.1 Introduction
Form the literature review we observed that there is a need to develop a Finite Element model
on sloped frame to validate the results obtained from the commercial software like STAAD
Pro., ETABs, and SAP 2000 etc. Therefore a finite element modeling is carried out for the
forced vibration analysis. A finite element model is developed for the sloped frame and its
natural frequencies are computed by conducting free vibration analysis. Forced vibration
analysis is used to study the dynamic response of the frame model with the help of
Newmark’s integration method and the results obtained are validated with structural analysis
Flow chart is developed to understand the classification of analysis. In this numerical model,
out of various direct integration approach, newmark’s direct integration approach is used.
Vibration Harmonic
Steady Central
Periodic Difference
Forced Modal Explicit Difference
Transient Difference
Implicit Wilson-θ
Direct integration method considers a step by step integration in time. These are of two types:
1. Explicit
2. Implicit
In explicit type of direct integration data used from past n number of steps to protect forward
in time. It is popular for non-linear cases and is easy to code. It can become unstable and its
stability require small steps i.e., accuracy is directly related to step size. Thus it is
conditionally stable. Used in linear acceleration method for Δt ≤ 0.551Tj, where Tj is natural
In implicit type, information from the past time and equation of motion at the present time is
used. It is tougher than explicit method to program. It can be made unconditionally stable
independent of step size. It has a strong filtering action to smoothen and attenuate the
predictive response and we don’t get the response that calculated response diverges or
oscillates and the penalty to use the large step size is to lose the high frequency character to
numerical integration used to solve the differential equation. It has parameters ß and γ that are
4.2.3 Procedure
What Newmark (1959) proposed has become the most popular to solve the problems in
structural dynamics among the family of algorithms. The method of Newmark relies on the
where, xn, vn, an are the approximation to the position, velocity and acceleration vectors at
time step n.
The general approach is unconditionally stable when γ ≥ 0.5 and ß ≥ 0.25 (γ + 0.5) 2.
Newmark showed γ = 0.5 is the only responsible value otherwise get damping (didn’t get
effect of artificial damping). Newmark chose ß = 0.25 as the best comparison between
accuracy and stability. Use of γ = 0.5 and ß = 0.25 is called as Newmark- ß (Beta) method.
If the value of γ = 0.5 and ß = 1/6 then this method is conditionally stable and it is used as the
Similar to multistep methods, the implicit algorithms of equations 1 and 2 with fixed point
iteration can be used in fashion of predictor- corrector. But it is not done in such way
interpolations of equations 1 and 2 are introduced directly into the equations of motion.
Depending upon the type of problem linear or non-linear set of algebraic equations are
The algebraic equation are solved by substituting an+1, vn+1 in terms of xn, vn, an and xn+1, with
These equations are applied to linear dynamic structural problem to explain the procedure
Where M represents mass matrix, C represents damping matrix and K represents the stiffness
C[ ]
If the constant matrix on the left hand side of the above equation which is the multiple of xn+1
is triangularized, then solution for displacement only requires formation of right hand side of
equation (6) plus a forward reduction and a backward substitution. Newmark converted
Where Feff is the effective force and is equal to all the terms in right hand side of equation (6)
Keff is the effective force and is equal to the multiples of x n+1 of equation (6)
m1 0
[M] =[ ] …..(8)
0 m2
15.44 0
[M] = [ ] ……(8A)
0 15.44
The stiffness matrix is calculated for a slope angle of 15°, 20° and 25° by calculating
k=k1+ k2 .….(9)
k2 =
k = 2*
I = d4/64;
I = (22*.00774)/(7*64)
I = 1.72626*10-10 m4
l1 = 0.51 m
l2 = 0.4165 m
2* = +
= + ….. (10)
l = 0.446779 m
l1 = 0.51 m
l2 = 0.373 m
= +
Effective length
l =0 .42097 m
l1 = 0.51 m
l2 = 0.32 m
= +
Effective length
l = 0.37457 m
ke1 ke1
[Ke] = [ ]
ke1 ke1
[C] = [ ]
c = 2* ζ * Mn*
1. Calculate the natural frequency of the model by using eigen value solution
x= Asin t
= Aωcosωt
= -Aω2 sinωt
where, is the vector representing mode shape and is the natural frequency of the model.
Putting the values from equations 8(A), (11A), (11B) and (11C) into equation (12A)
=[ ]
=[ ]
=[ ]
Mn = *M*
[C] is calculated as
[C] = [ ] .….(14A)
[C] = [ ] …..(14B)
[C] = [ ] …..(14C)
The calculation of [M], [C] and [K] matrices have been done by writing finite model coding
and executed in MATLAB platform and the result obtained are shown in the equations
4.3 Introduction
In this study, numerical modeling in STAAD Pro platform of the sloped frame is described.
The plan and elevation of two storied sloped building subjected to ground motion record as
per spectra of IS 1893 (Part 1)-2002 is shown. There are three different slope angle taken
which are 15°, 20° and 25°. All the material properties of steel beam and column element are
explained. Gravity loads considered are also explained. At the end the size of the elements
are described.
In this article, modelling is done in STAAD Pro. A two storied sloped frame model with plan
and elevation is shown from figure 4.2 to figure 4.7 with different slope angle. But the total
height of the building in all the three model is kept same i.e., 92.5cm of which height of first
floor is 51 cm and 41.5 cm for the second floor. The length of bay is taken as 40 cm in
4.4.1 Two storied sloped frame with inclination of 15° to the horizontal
4.4.2 Two storied sloped frame with inclination of 20° to the horizontal
4.4.3 Two storied sloped frame with inclination of 25° to the horizontal
4.5 Loads
Uniformly distributed load of 0.5044 kN/m is applied in both longitudinal (X) direction and
Y-direction at each storey level. The figure 4.8 shows front and side elevation of applied
The load applied is the mass of plate which is experimental model multiplied by the
0.151466/0.3=.50488 kN/m.
The table 4.1 shows the properties of materials that are used in the modelling of structure in
In STAAD Pro. Linear Time History Analysis is performed on above models subjected to
ground motion of intermediate frequency content as per spectra of IS 1893(Part I): 2002.
Height of storey for first and second floor is taken as 51 cm and 41.5 cm respectively. While
the length of short column (on right) is 40.65 cm , 37.3 cm and 32 cm for slope of 15°, 20°
and 25° respectively. The length of beam is 40 cm in longitudinal (X) direction and 30 cm in
transverse (Z) direction. The details of size of beam and column are shown in table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Details of Beam and Column with length and cross section dimensions
It is the motion of earth’s surface due to the earthquake or any explosion. It is produced due
to the waves which are generated by slip of fault plane or sudden pressure at the explosive
Earthquake is a term which is used to refer sudden release of seismic energy caused by
sudden slip on a fault or due to any volcanic or magmatic activity. The strain energy stored
inside the earth crust is released due to tectonic movement of the plates and maximum part of
it changes into heat and sound and the remaining is transforms into the form of seismic
waves. Most of the earthquakes occur due to the plate tectonics. The tectonic plates are large
in size thin and rigid plates that moves relative to one another on the earth’s outer surface.
These plates are found in uppermost part of mantle which is together referred to as
lithosphere. There are seven major plates which are Pacific, American, Australian, Indian,
The main concern of Engineers is the property and nature of ground motion while the
scientists and researchers are interested in the nature and property of earthquake. Engineers
use accelerograph to measure the ground acceleration whereas scientists use seismograph to
record the seismic waves. The seismic waves are mainly of two types i.e., body waves and
surface waves. The body waves further comprises of two types which are primary waves (P-
wave) and secondary waves (S-wave). The surface waves are also of two types i.e., Rayleigh
When the shaking of earth is strong that is close to 50 km range is referred to as strong
ground motion. The motion occurs in three linear displacements and three rotational
displacements. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) is the maximum absolute value of ground
acceleration. The frequency content, PGA and time duration are the three most important
ground acceleration (PGA) in terms of acceleration due to gravity (g) to the peak ground
velocity (m/s) (PGV). It is classified into three high, intermediate and low frequency content.
The first natural frequency (corresponding to first mode) of a structure is termed as the
fundamental frequency. When the excitation frequency and natural frequency matches then
the resonance occurs. Earthquake ground motion is dynamic in nature and can be classified as
Earthquake is classified based on focal depth, location, epicentral distance, causes and
magnitude. Intensity and magnitude are two specific parameters of earthquake. The intensity
scale. Magnitude is the amount of seismic energy released at the source of earthquake. It is a
particular earthquake the magnitude is constant irrespective of its location but its intensity
Figure 4.9 shows the variation of ground acceleration with time. The duration of ground
motion is 40 seconds and its peak value is -1.0g which occurs at time t=11.90 seconds.
PGA=-1.0g at t=11.9s
Figure 4.9: Compatible Time History as per spectra of IS 1893 (Part1):2002 for 5% damping
at rocky soil
Structural analysis deals with finding out physical response of a structure when subjected to
any action (force). This action can be static or dynamic. If the action is constant for a span of
time then it is termed as static and if it varies fairly quickly then it is termed as dynamic. The
dynamics. Ground motion comes under type of dynamic loading. Dynamic analysis is also
related to inertial forces developed when the structure is subjected by suddenly applied loads
Time history analysis is the dynamic response of a structure applied over the increment of
response under the loading which varies according to specified time function. The closer
spacing of interval the greater is the accuracy achieved. This method is considered to be more
realistic compared to response spectrum method. This method is useful for tall or high rise
structures i.e., flexible structures. In linear dynamic model, structure is modelled with linear
elastic stiffness matrix and equivalent damping matrix for multi degree of freedom structure.
The main advantage of linear dynamic method over static method is that higher modes can
In this study linear time history dynamic analysis is carried out to see the response of a two
storied building. STAAD Pro. platform is used to perform the analysis. The structure is
subjected to ground motion record [IS 1893 (Part1):2002 (Artificial ground motion)]
compatible to time history of acceleration as per spectra of IS 1893 (Part1) for structural
4.9 Overview
In this chapter, the response of the structure subjected to ground motion and the results for
two storied sloped building with ground inclination of 15°, 20° and 25° in terms of roof
displacement, roof velocity and roof acceleration and base shear are presented. Also the
storey displacement, story velocity and story acceleration for each inclination is illustrated.
The responses due to ground motion as per spectra of IS 1893 (Part 1):2002 are shown. The
results obtained based on numerical studies are shown with validation with experimental
With reference to the details in the article 3.2.3 and by performing free vibration
analysis we obtained the natural frequencies of the model for two different modes shown in
table 4.3:
Table 4.3: Natural Frequency of sloped frame with 15° inclination validated with Present
Table 4.4 shows maximum storey displacement (absolute) for both experimental and finite
Table 4.4: Maximum Storey Displacement (mm) for Experimental, Finite Element and
STAAD model
Figure 4.10 shows Maximum Storey Displacement (Absolute) vs Storey Height for
Figure 4.11 (a) and (b) and 4.12 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of top
storey (roof) displacement and displacement of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical
Figure 4.11: Time History of Top storey Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro
Figure 4.12: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD
Table 4.5 shows Maximum storey velocity (Absolute) for both Finite Element and STAAD
Table 4.5: Storey Velocity (mm/s) for Present FEM and STAAD model
1 733.8 751
2 1133 1169
Figure 4.13 for Absolute Maximum Storey velocity (mm/s) vs Storey Height (m) for Present
Figure 4.14 (a) and (b) and Figure 4.15 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of
top storey (roof) velocity and velocity of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical i.e.,
Figure 4.14: Time History of Top Storey Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for 15°
Figure 4.15: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for
15° slope
Table 4.6 shows Maximum storey acceleration (Absolute) for both Finite Element and
Table 4.6: Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) for Present FEM and STAAD model
1 15.06 14.9
2 21.08 21.9
Figure 4.16 shows Absolute Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) vs Storey Height (m) for
Figure 4.17 (a) and (b) and Figure 4.18 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of
top storey (roof) acceleration and acceleration of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical
Figure 4.17: Time History of Top Storey Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for
15° slope
Figure 4.18: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD
Table 4.7 showing Maximum Base Shear (Absolute) (N) of frame with respect to Finite
Table 4.7: Maximum Base Shear (N) (Absolute) for Present FEM and STAAD model
Figure 4.19 shows time history of base shear for FEM model for 15° slope
392.4 N
- 393.6 N
With reference to the details in the article 3.2.3 and by performing free vibration
analysis we obtained the natural frequencies of the model for two different modes shown in
table 4.8:
Mode 1 Mode 2
Table 4.9 shows maximum storey displacement (absolute) for both experimental and finite
Table 4.9: Maximum Storey Displacement (mm) for Experimental, Finite Element and
1 44 44.58 46.8
Figure 4.20 shows Maximum Storey Displacement (Absolute) vs Storey Height for
Figure 4.21 (a) and (b) and 4.22 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of top
storey (roof) displacement and displacement of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical
Figure 4.21: Time History of Top storey Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for
20° slope
Figure 4.22: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD
Table 4.10 shows Maximum storey velocity (Absolute) for both Finite Element and STAAD
Table 4.10: Maximum Storey Velocity (mm/s) for Present FEM and STAAD model
1 720.5 697
2 1145 1134
Figure 4.23 for Absolute Maximum Storey velocity (mm/s) vs Storey Height (m) for Present
Figure 4.24 (a) and (b) and 4.25 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of top
storey (roof) velocity and velocity of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical i.e., Finite
Figure 4.24: Time History of Top Storey Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for 20°
Figure 4.25: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for
20° slope
Table 4.11 shows Maximum storey acceleration (Absolute) for both Finite Element and
Table 4.11: Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) for Present FEM and STAAD model
1 14.13 14.8
2 20.4 21.1
Figure 4.26 shows Absolute Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) vs Storey Height (m) for
Figure 4.27 (a) and (b) and 4.28 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of top
storey (roof) acceleration and acceleration of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical i.e.,
-20.4 m/s
6.86 s
Figure 4.27: Time History of Top Storey Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for
20° slope
-14.13 m/s
6.84 s
Figure 4.28: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD
Pro for 20° slope
Table 4.12 showing Maximum Base Shear (Absolute) (N) of frame with respect to Finite
Table 4.12: Maximum Base Shear (N) (Absolute) for Present FEM and STAAD model
Figure 4.29 shows time history of base shear for FEM model for 20° slope
With reference to the details in the article 3.2.3 and by performing free vibration
analysis we obtained the natural frequencies of the model for two different modes shown in
table 4.13:
Table 4.14 shows maximum storey displacement (absolute) for both experimental and finite
Table 4.14: Maximum Storey Displacement (mm) for Experimental, Finite Element and
STAAD model
Figure 4.30 shows Maximum Storey Displacement (Absolute) vs Storey Height for
Figure 4.31 (a) and (b) and 4.32 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of top
storey (roof) displacement and displacement of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical
Figure 4.31: Time History of Top storey Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for
25° slope
Figure 4.32: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Displacement (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD
Table 4.15 shows Maximum storey velocity (Absolute) for both Finite Element and STAAD
Table 4.15: Maximum Storey Velocity (mm/s) for Present FEM and STAAD model
1 582 550
2 1146 1111
Figure 4.13 for Absolute Maximum Storey velocity (mm/s) vs Storey Height (m) for Present
Figure 4.34 (a) and (b) and 4.35 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of top
storey (roof) velocity and velocity of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical i.e., Finite
Figure 4.34: Time History of Top Storey Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for 25°
Figure 4.35: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Velocity (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for
25° slope
Table 4.16 shows Maximum storey acceleration (Absolute) for both Finite Element and
Table 4.16: Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) for Present FEM and STAAD model
1 11.57 11
2 20.67 20.5
Figure 4.36 shows Absolute Maximum Storey Acceleration (m/s2) vs Storey Height (m) for
Figure 4.37 (a) and (b) and 4.38 (a) and (b) are the four plots shown for time history of top
storey (roof) acceleration and acceleration of storey of 1 st floor obtained in the numerical i.e.,
Figure 4.37: Time History of Top Storey Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD Pro for
25° slope
- 11.57m/s2
Figure 4.38: Time History of Storey (1st Floor) Acceleration (a) Present FEM (b) STAAD
Table 4.17 shows Maximum Base Shear (Absolute) of frame with respect to Finite Element
Table 4.17: Maximum Base Shear (N) (Absolute) for Present FEM and STAAD model
Figure 4.39 shows time history of base shear for FEM model for 25° slope
4.13 Mass Participation factor of both modes for considered slope angles
In the analysis of structures, the number of modes considered should have at least 90% of the
total seismic mass as per IS 1893-2002 (Part I). Table 4.18 shows that the number of modes
considered here are satisfying the criteria. The Mass participation factor (%) for both modes 1
and 2 and all the three slope inclination is tabulated and it is observed that the mass
Table 4.18: Mass Participation Factor (%) of both modes for different slope angle
Chapter 5
5.1 Summary
Earthquake is caused when it is subjected to the ground motion and due to which structures
suffers damage and to take care of such effects it is important to know the properties of
earthquake and predicts its possible response which can incur on the buildings. These
properties are base shear, maximum storey displacement, velocity and acceleration, etc.
In this study, such analysis has been done experimentally with validation in structural
analysis tool and finite element modeling to know the response of building mentioned above.
5.2 Conclusions
Following conclusions can be drawn for the three sloped frame model from the results
obtained in analysis:
15 degree sloped frame experiences maximum storey displacement due to low value
of stiffness of short column while the 25 degree frame experiences minimum storey
15 degree sloped frame experiences nearly the same storey velocity as of 20 degree
and 25 degree in the top storey but the velocity is maximum for the storey level of
first floor while for 25 degree frame velocity is minimum for level of first floor.
15 degree sloped frame experiences maximum storey acceleration for the top floor
with little variations with the 20 degrees and 25 degrees model but for the storey level
of the first floor, acceleration is maximum and is minimum for the storey level of the
The natural frequencies of the sloped frame increases with the increase in the slope
The number of modes considered in the analysis is satisfying the codal provisions.
The modal mass participation of the sloped frame model are decreasing for the first
mode and increasing for the second mode with the increase in slope angle.
For all the three frame models, time history response of the top floor acceleration is
fundamental frequency.
The base shear of all the buildings are nearly the same with little variations but their
distribution on columns of ground storey is such that the short column attracts the
majority (75% approx.) of the shear force which leads to plastic hinge formation on
the short column and are vulnerable to damage. Proper design criteria should be
There is a scope for future work in this area of study. The analysis can be performed for
varying frequency content i.e., for low, intermediate and high frequency content. In this study
linear time history analysis is performed, one can also perform non-linear time history
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