NCPS-2019: Polar Sciences
NCPS-2019: Polar Sciences
NCPS-2019: Polar Sciences
Registration will be done online.
Contact Details Organised by:
Registration Fees
Dr. Avinash Kumar
For Research Students/Associates
For Scientist/ Others
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 2000/-
Convenor, NCPS-2019 National Centre for Polar and
Phone No. +91-832-2525695
Onsite Registration Rs. 2500/-
Fax No. +91-832-2520877 Ocean Research
Only Demand Drafts/cash will be accepted for Onsite
Mobile No. +91-9158536334 Earth System Science Organisation
Registration fee includes conference materials and
Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India
Website: Headland Sada, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa 403 804, India
working lunch.
ABOUT THE HOST INSTITUTE interdisciplinary research network with colleagues as . Ravichandran, Director, NCPOR
well as senior polar scientists. M. Sudhakar, Director, CMLRE
ESSO-National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
(NCPOR, erstwhile NCAOR) is an autonomous R&D Eligibility: YPSM is open for early career scientists, N C. Pant, Delhi University
Institution under the Ministry of Earth Sciences below age 35 years (as on 5th April, 2019). The early Ola. M. Johannessen, NSS, Norway
(MoES). NCPOR spearheads the Indian polar research career scientists can be a researcher/ PhD Scholar/ P.C. Pandey, Former Director, NCPOR
activities in the Arctic, Antarctic, Southern Ocean Post PhD (within 05 years of award of PhD). P.G. Dastidar, MoES
and the Himalayas. The Indian exploration of Polar All participants of YPSM are encouraged for poster R. Krishnan, IITM
Regions started in 1981 with the Antarctic Expedi- presentation only. Based on the novelty of their Prakash Chauhan, Director, IIRS, ISRO
tion and expanded its horizon to Southern Ocean research findings, some selected young researchers Rajesh Asthana, GSI
research in 2004 and with a bipolar focus on Arctic shall be invited for flash presentation (duration - 05
in 2007 and Himalayan activities in 2013. The Indian Rasik Ravindra, Former Director, NCPOR
minutes). Best Young Polar Scientist Award will be
scientists have also traversed to the South Pole in given for oral and poster presentations. S. Rajan, Former Director, NCPOR
2010 to commemorate the 100 years of the first hu- S. SathyaKumar, WII, Dehra Dun
man presence in the geographic South Pole NCPOR SCIENTIFIC THEMES AND SESSIONS S. Shivaji, LVPEI
is also a nodal agency for major geo-scientific explo- Senthil Kumar, Director-CSSTEAP, ISRO
Researchers are invited to participate and present their
rations of strategic importance. findings on various aspects of Polar Regions including Sunil K. Singh, Director, NIO
Himalayas. The conference will include invited and V.M. Tiwari, Director, NGRI
AIM AND OBJECTIVE contributed oral as well as poster presentations. High Vijay Kumar, MoES
After the stupendous success of NCPS-2017, attracting quality original and unpublished work (conceptual,
Y.V.N. Krishnamurthy, Former-Director, NRSC
more than 230 participations including about 100 constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical)
shall be encouraged. Abstracts for poster presentation Yogesh Souche, NCCScience
young researchers that provided an opportunity
to the Indian polar community for interacting on a under YPSM are invited from early career scientists.
common platform. NCPS-2019 aims to bring eminent Abstract under YPSM and conference can be submitted Scientific Program Committee
researchers working in diverse polar regions of under the same theme:
hamban Meloth,NCPOR (Chairman)
Arctic, Antarctic, Southern Ocean and the Himalayas u Crustal Evolution and Reconstruction
K.P. Krishnan, NCPOR (Member Secretary)
to a common ground where the interdisciplinary u Space Weather and Meteorology
Amit A. Dharwadkar, GSI (Member)
approaches can be discussed to address the various u Arctic and Southern Oceans
scientific and operational issues. This event will also Anand Kumar Singh, NCPOR (Member)
u Climate Change and Variability
provide a platform for Early Career Researchers to Devesh K Sinha, DU (Member)
u Cryospheric Processes and Dynamics
interact, exchange their research ideas, findings and G.N. Nayak, GU(Member)
experiences. u Environment and Ecology
Manish Tiwari, NCPOR (Member)
u Operations and Management
N. Anil Kumar, NCPOR(Member)
VENUE AND DATE N.C. Pant, DU (Member)
The conference is being hosted by the National Advisory Committee Nuncio Murukesh, NCPOR (Member)
Centre for Polar & Ocean Research, Goa, at NCPOR M. Rajeevan R. Krishnan, IITM (Member)
premises during August 20-22, 2019. Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) R. Shankar, Senior Officer, International Geoscience
Shailesh Nayak Education Organisation (Member)
Young Polar Scientist Meet Former-Secretary, MoES & Director, NIAS. S. Gurubaran, IIG (Member)
One day Young Polar Scientist Meet (YPSM) on 20th
August, 2019, will offer an opportunity to young Anil V. Kulkarni, IISc Suresh Babu, SPL (Member)
researchers to interact with polar experts of national/ John Turner, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge,UK V. Ravikant, IIT Kharagpur (Member)
international repute. The aim of this YPSM is to M. A. Atmanand, Director, NIOT Waliur Rahaman, NCPOR (Member)
support their scientific skills and to build a national Mirza Javed Beg, NCPOR Yogesh Ray, NCPOR (Member)