Britannia News Issue 47 PDF
Britannia News Issue 47 PDF
Britannia News Issue 47 PDF
There have also been noticeably fewer large impacted by uncertainty over future increases been expecting to pay have also fallen.
claims (i.e. those expected to cost the in interest rates, struggled to make any Overall, the Association’s capital position
Association more than USD1m each) in the positive contribution. In addition, the strong (which includes the benefit of surplus funds
2014/15 policy year. This is significant US dollar meant that investments in other in Boudicca) projected forward to 20 February
because it is those claims which have the currencies were marked down. The actual 2016 shows modest headroom over the
biggest impact on the Association’s finances. return achieved across the portfolio was economic capital benchmark.
USD4m, which represents a return of just 0.4%.
This more benign claims experience in the In the first six months of the 2015/16 policy In September 2015, S&P published the
policy year, and strong positive development year, investment returns have continued to be Association’s second interactive credit rating,
in the claims position of older policy years, disappointing, affected by concerns over the which continues to rate the Association as
where the actual outcome of claims proved slowing of the growth rate in China, the ‘A’, which is ‘strong’, and maintains the
to be lower than expected, contributed to an impact of lower commodity prices and Association’s stable outlook.
underwriting surplus for the year of USD41m. continuing uncertainty on interest policy.
However, the Association holds a diversified Against the background of the Association’s
In the first six months of the current year, portfolio of investments and maintains a very continued financial strength, on 20 October
which will end on 20 February 2016, the substantial investment reserve, both of which the Committee of Britannia met in Budapest
number of large claims reported is a little cushion against short-term adverse returns. In to decide on the terms of the 2016/17
higher than it was this time last year and, as a addition, the Association has a long-term renewal and the appropriate actions to take
result, total claims within the Association’s investment strategy and is therefore well in relation to the deferred calls in prior years.
retention at the six-month stage are higher. placed to enjoy the benefits when markets
However, claims values remain well short of strengthen in the future. For Class 3 (P&I) the Committee approved, for
the figures for 2012/13 and 2013/14 at the the third year running, a 2.5% general rate
same stage. Over the same period, claims in Despite the lower contribution from increase for advance calls, with the deferred
older policy years have continued to develop investment returns in the year to 20 February call remaining at 45%. The level of the deferred
positively, which has allowed further releases 2015, the Association’s capital position call reflects the Committee’s cautious
of surplus claims reserves from those years. improved compared to the previous year end. assessment of the claims environment faced
In addition, Boudicca’s funds also increased, by Members, but it also gives financial
Investment performance in the year ending the result of investment returns from flexibility should the year prove to be more
20 February 2015 was disappointing and well Boudicca’s portfolio and the fact that, as benign than expected.
down on the five previous years. While Britannia’s claims have improved, the
equities returned around 8%, bond markets, reinsurance recoveries that Boudicca had
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 3
The ability of the Association to use its financial strength to benefit a loyal membership is one of the
key strengths of the mutual P&I system.
In respect of minimum deductibles, the • Members should continue to budget for a continues to enable the Association to take
Committee decided that for 2016/17 there deferred call of 45% for the 2015/16 policy a positive view of the future. Members
would be no change. year originally advised to them. entered for Class 3 will again benefit from a
low general increase going into the 2016/17
In respect of prior policy years, the Committee Class 6 (FD&D) has continued to perform renewal, together with a further waiver of the
decided that: well and its reserves are now back to an budgeted deferred call for 2014/15. Class 6
acceptable level. The Committee therefore has also continued to perform strongly and
• the 2012/13 policy year would be closed decided that, for the third year in a row, there again, Class 6 Members will reap the benefits
with no further calls; should be no general increase in the 2016/17 at renewal.
advance call and that the deferred call for
• the deferred call for the 2014/15 policy year, Members with mutual entries would stay at This final point has been made before but it
which was originally set at 45% but reduced the reduced rate agreed last year of 30%. is one that merits repetition: the ability of the
last year to 40%, should be further reduced to Association to use its financial strength to
37.5%, benefiting Members by USD4.1m. This In conclusion, the Association remains benefit a loyal membership is one of the key
reduced deferred call would be collected in financially very strong, as confirmed by S&P’s strengths of the mutual P&I system and one
two tranches – 17.5% immediately and the ‘A’ rating. That solid financial footing that the Association fully embraces.
remaining 20% in October 2016; and
Committee news
There have been a number of changes on the In January 2015, the Committee meeting Prior to the meeting, there was a tour of both
Committee over the past year. Dag von was held in London at Regis House and in the Buda and Pest areas of the city, including
Appen was appointed on 20 April 2015 and May the Committee travelled to Dubai. a short cruise with lunch on the Danube.
Susan Dio was appointed on 20 October The most recent meeting, in October, was
2015. After the meeting in May, S-D Lee held in Budapest and matters considered
resigned and John Ridgway retired from the included the call recommendations
Committee. The Chairman thanked both of (reported in more detail elsewhere),
them for their valuable contribution. board structure and governance issues.
Claims review
In last year’s claims review, we reported how well the 2014/15 policy year had started. Fortunately,
this positive performance continued throughout the policy year and total claims are currently
estimated at just over USD146m.
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 5
The total claims cost for the 2014/15 policy dangerous cargo incorrectly declared or designed to promote an effective response
year includes just 16 large claims where the packaged. This is not an experience limited to to casualties and to encourage preparedness.
amount involved exceeds USD1m. This is the Britannia; in response to a spate of container During the course of last year, Australia and
lowest number of large claims reported to ship fires, the International Group (IG) Claims New Zealand have signed the MOU and
the Club in any particular policy year since Co-operation Sub-Committee has been discussions are ongoing with administrations
2010. This is significant because large claims focusing on the problem and disseminating in Singapore, the UK, the EU, Canada and the
can have a disproportionate influence on a information relating to the misdeclaration of US. Initial engagement has also taken place
year’s result, accounting for more than 50% containerised goods. There are also plans to between the IG and Hong Kong, Malaysia and
of the total claims exposure in some years. re-establish the IG Calcium Hypochlorite Indonesia. Representatives of the IG will also
working group in order to review previously shortly be meeting with South and Central
Only nine months of the current policy year issued carriage guidance and FAQs. American maritime administrations in order
have passed and it is difficult, at such an early to explain the IG’s outreach programme and
stage, to predict the final result. However, it Other large claims this year have involved an to promote the MOU. The working group has
would appear that there has been an increase allision resulting in substantial structural collated data on the most recent major
in the overall level of claims – though not to damage to a gas platform; a tug’s propeller casualties involving salvage and wreck
the very high levels seen in the 2012/13 and that was fouled and is said to have caused removal and has found that the original
2013/14 policy years. damage to the tug’s propeller shaft and findings, believed to influence the overall
gearbox; damage to refrigerated cargo cost of the operation, remain valid.
As at 20 September 2015 the Club has been resulting from a breakdown in generator
notified of almost 3,000 claims valued at power; the contamination of a consignment The IG was also invited by the European
USD85m in the aggregate. This compares of para-xylene and a bunker spill which Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to
with 2,700 claims valued at USD59m at the occurred during a heavy fuel oil transfer. participate in a training exercise dealing with
same stage of development in the 2014/15 the EU operational guidelines to be followed
policy year. Furthermore, although we have The Association’s loss prevention team in respect of ships seeking a place of refuge.
already been notified of 12 claims in excess continue to use their technical seminar The workshop was hosted by Transport Malta
of USD1m (which is double the number programme and navigation workshops to and gave Member States the opportunity to
notified at the same point last year), it is emphasise the importance of passage consider how they would respond to an
not exceptional and actually compares planning, collision avoidance and bridge application for refuge made by a tanker that
favourably with the 17 reported in the team management. These presentations to had been damaged following a collision –
2013/14 policy year. serving senior officers are enhanced by the and where there was a clear threat of
use of computer-generated bridge pollution. The guidelines emphasise the need
We have previously highlighted the random simulations created with the assistance of for decisions to be made on the basis of a
nature of large claims and the difficulties that Warsash Maritime Academy. Our risk technical assessment of the casualty and the
arise when trying to ascertain trends or managers have also presented papers on the availability of a suitable place of refuge rather
themes. However, as we saw last year, three practical use of ECDIS, with an emphasis on than the insurance arrangements in place.
of this year’s large claims involve collisions, how to avoid ECDIS-assisted accidents. The workshop went well and a number of
all of which occurred while the ship was delegates commented that the guidelines
under pilotage. In each case, the ships were This year has also seen further in-depth root provided a useful framework and would help
undertaking passing manoeuvres. cause analysis of every high value claim them to explain the best criteria to use when
Unfortunately, these failed either due to poor notified to the Club, with the findings considering requests for refuge.
communication and a lack of understanding disseminated through articles published in
of the intentions of the passing ship or as a Risk Watch and Health Watch. The Risk Watch International Conventions continue to play a
result of hydrodynamic interaction. These series of posters are particularly relevant as vital role in capping the cost of high value
incidents give credence to the often they focus on compliance with the collision claims. On 14 April 2015 the Nairobi Wreck
repeated view that greater emphasis needs regulations. In the most recent edition, Removal Convention entered into force,
to be placed on training to ensure the emphasis was placed on the need for risk providing uniform rules and procedures to
highest levels of competence for bridge assessment, followed by prompt and decisive ensure the prompt and effective removal of
teams. In particular, officers must understand action whenever the risk of collision is found wrecks within a signatory state’s Exclusive
the importance of being able to challenge to exist. Economic Zone. The IG continues to advocate
the pilot whenever a passing or overtaking the extension of the application of the
manoeuvre appears to be inappropriate. In the previous edition of Britannia News we Convention into the states’ territorial seas
reported on the work being undertaken by and at the time of writing, of the 25 states
Four large claims involve shipboard fires, the IG Large Casualty Working Group to create that have ratified the Convention, 13 states
three of which relate to containerised a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) have opted to do so.
Introduction some is now being shipped in containers. rice is in the range of 5°C to 25°C, mould
The carriage of bagged rice cargo is a Rice is shipped in bags or in bulk from US can develop at higher temperatures.
potentially hazardous undertaking, with ports and in bulk from the developing rice When temperatures reach 25°C and above,
claims running to millions of dollars when trade in South American countries. Club the increased metabolic processes can
problems arise – particularly in the trade correspondents in Thailand have recently also lead to rice kernels caking or
between South East Asia and West Africa. advised that, due to a stevedore shortage, a sticking together.
The loss prevention department has worked large proportion of rice exported from
with CWA Food and Dry Commodities Group Thailand is currently being shipped in bulk. Proper cargo care and careful monitoring by
to identify the problems encountered in this ship staff and surveyors during loading,
trade and to share with Members best Cargo quality carriage and discharge are essential in order
practices that can eradicate or substantially After harvesting, rice needs to be dried to to prevent damage to the cargo and avoid
reduce a Member’s exposure to costly ensure safe storage and carriage. If rice is not possible claims. Precautionary surveys at the
disputes and claims. adequately dried or properly stored, it may load port are very useful in ensuring that
become infested with insects or subject to the cargo is loaded and stowed in
The major issue with cargoes of bagged rice mould growth and can also be accordance with industry guidelines. They
is the formation of mould or caking which contaminated by noxious odours. also provide good evidence of the quality of
can often be attributed to condensation due the cargo at loading. Similarly, tally and
to inadequate ventilation or water ingress. Rice kernels should ideally have a moisture discharge surveys are essential to minimise
Other issues include shortages due to content of between 13% and 14%. Indeed, cargo loss and damage, particularly due to
pilferage and damage to bags which are torn, a moisture content of 14.5% should be mishandling or pilfering. The likelihood of
slack or lost overboard during stevedore regarded as the upper limit and in case of pilferage of rice cargo in particular means
operations. Finally, infestation and fumigation any doubt, samples should be sent for the tally should be conducted as close to
problems are also common in this trade. testing and a note of protest issued if the the ship’s rail as possible.
moisture content is any higher. A moisture
Origin of rice cargo content in excess of 15% when combined Ship staff should monitor the local and
It is estimated that over 41 million tonnes with a relative humidity of over 75% can also forecasted weather conditions prior to and
of rice will be exported globally in 2015. result in the cargo self-heating. during loading and discharging in order
The major exporting countries are Thailand, that cargo operations can be stopped and
Vietnam, India, Pakistan and the US. Rice from In addition to moisture content, temperature the hatch covers closed in good time to
South East Asian ports has traditionally been is a key factor when carrying rice cargo. minimise cargo damage due to
shipped in polypropylene bags, although While the ideal carriage temperature for precipitation.
Good practice guidelines during the various cargo as in a ‘plastic bag’. However this Written instructions should be provided to
stages of carriage are as follows: method can leave the cargo particularly the master by the designated ‘fumigator-in-
susceptible to damage by condensation and charge’. The instructions should be in a
1) Pre-loading so ship staff should be aware of this language readily understood by the master
Hold cleanliness possibility of condensation damage. or his representative and must contain
Food grade cargoes are susceptible to details about the type of fumigant used, the
contamination by previous cargo residues, The ship staff should keep a photographic possible hazards to human health and the
paint, rust chips and odours. Therefore, cargo record of the applied dunnage prior to and precautions to be taken.
holds should be properly cleaned and after completion of loading.
prepared, ideally to grain standards. The most widely used fumigant is phosphine
The accepted definition of ‘grain clean’ is 2) Loading (hydrogen phosphide PH3) but it must be
provided by the National Cargo Bureau The stowage plan should incorporate any noted that this gas is highly flammable and
which states that: ‘Compartments are to be specific stowage instructions, cargo the fumigation process requires a longer
completely clean, dry, odour-free and gas- separation, ventilation and dunnage period of time, at least three days, to work
free. All loose scale is to be removed.’ requirements, particularly for bagged completely. Methyl bromide is used in
cargoes. Variations in ambient air and sea situations where a rapid treatment of spaces
Hatch covers water temperatures en route can lead to the or commodities is required and fumigation
Shipowners are responsible for maintaining formation of condensation and, for bagged can normally be completed in less than 48
hatch covers in a weathertight and good cargoes, adequate ventilation channels hours.
operational condition. Hatch coamings, hatch should be provided within the stow during
packing, ventilators, hydraulics, drain loading. The location and number of these There are a number of different methods for
channels, etc. should be checked, ideally channels will be determined by the carriage application, particularly of phosphine. These
using ultrasonic tests to verify weather-tight instructions. include:
Ship staff should monitor the temperature of • surface application – fumigant applied to
Dunnage the cargo throughout the loading process top surface of the bulk cargo
For bagged cargoes, the type and application and should also monitor the cargo being
of dunnage should be agreed in advance. loaded for signs of damage, mould, insects, • trench application – a trench is dug and the
Properly constructed and applied dunnage is wetness or staining etc. Any cargo or bags fumigant placed at the bottom of the trench
essential to prevent wet damage due to not in sound condition should be rejected.
condensation or water ingress, and the A Letter of Protest should be issued and ship • probe system – a probe is inserted into the
dunnage should cover the steelwork as much staff should always take photographs to help cargo and fumigant introduced via the probe
as possible. defend any potential claims.
• tubing along the side and bottom of cargo
The type of dunnage in general use is a layer Infestation and fumigation holds – using a combination of tubing and an
of plastic sheeting and kraft paper placed The discovery of insects, pests or their explosion proof blower, via which the
directly against the side shell plating and residue in the cargo will generally lead to fumigant is circulated throughout the cargo.
tank top, with two layers of kraft paper on fumigation. Good sealing of all hatch covers,
top of the stow. Bamboo, wooden or vents and accesses is necessary for Unfortunately, fumigation of bulk grains is
styrofoam struts placed along the sides of fumigation to be effective. In accordance often ineffective because it is difficult to
the hold and on the tank top are used to with the Merchant Shipping (Carriage of attain a suitably deep penetration of the
create a space between the steelwork and Cargoes) Regulations 1997, where pesticides fumigant gas into the stow.
the bags. are used in the cargo spaces of ships prior to,
during or following a voyage, the IMO’s Following the fumigation process, ventilation
Some charterers prefer to place the kraft MSC.1/Circ.1358 (30 June 2010) – of any treated spaces should be completed in
paper directly on the tank top or side and ‘Recommendations on the safe use of accordance with the guidelines provided and
then to cover with the plastic sheets, on the pesticides in ships’ must be complied with, as a gas-free certificate issued before any
basis that this arrangement bundles the appropriate. personnel are permitted to enter.
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 9
After the 2013/2014 policy year – which money on the difference between the price for the price of the fuel and, in turn, the right
produced significantly fewer FD&D claims at which it sold and the price at which it to arrest the ship. Shipowners have, therefore,
than recent years – 2014/15 saw a modest bought fuel, although it did occasionally act been faced with competing claims and the
increase in the number of notified claims. as a physical fuel supplier as well. However, risk of being required to make two payments
One reason for this was the number of claims on 6 November 2014, and without any prior for the same fuel stem. Both ING and physical
that arose in connection with OW’s warning, OW filed for bankruptcy in the suppliers have not hesitated to arrest ships in
bankruptcy. Danish court. Many of OW’s subsidiaries and order to secure their alleged claims.
affiliates outside Denmark commenced
The collapse of OW also provides a good related insolvency proceedings in the The problem has been exacerbated by the fact
example of the role that credit plays in the following days and weeks. that just one stem can potentially involve the
modern shipping industry and what can laws of several different jurisdictions. For
happen if a major link in the credit chain fails. When OW filed for bankruptcy, many physical example, on the orders of an OW subsidiary,
The supply of fuel to ships is often arranged suppliers that had supplied fuel to ships on fuel could be supplied to a ship in Dubai
by shipowners (or charterers under a time OW’s orders had not been paid, reflecting the pursuant to a physical supplier’s terms stating
charter) through an intermediary trading credit sale terms. Likewise, many shipowners that UAE law applies to its contract with OW.
company selling the fuel on credit terms. In and charterers had not yet paid OW for the However, the terms under which the
turn, the intermediary sub-contracts the fuel that they had ordered. These shipowner has contracted with the OW
physical supply of the fuel to a separate circumstances, together with the huge scale of subsidiary might provide for Singaporean law.
company, also selling on credit, this time in OW’s trading operations, have had significant The physical supplier might then arrest the
favour of the intermediary. The usual credit repercussions for many shipowners. ship in Australia for non-payment for the fuel
period is 60 days. and the Australian court decides that, under
On the one hand, OW’s bankrupt estate and/or Australian law, it has to look to the law of the
The fact that payment is often agreed on their bankers ING (to whom OW had assigned UAE to determine whether or not the supply
credit terms reflects the practical realities of many of the payments that were due as of the fuel gives rise to a maritime lien over
supplying bunkers to ships, often at short security for a revolving credit facility) have the ship. A further complication could be that
notice and outside port limits, during the claimed that they are entitled to receive English law governs the terms on which the
course of brief deviations from the payment from shipowners or charterers OW subsidiary has assigned to OW’s bankers
contractual voyage that are made solely for regardless of the fact that OW had not paid the right to receive payment for the fuel as
the purpose of taking on bunkers. In the physical supplier. They have also claimed security. This typical example illustrates how
extending credit to its buyer, the physical fuel that in some countries this gives them the a single fuel stem can give rise to issues
supplier is to some extent protected – in right to arrest the ship to which the fuel was involving the laws of four different
some countries, the supply of fuel gives the supplied (or another ship in the same or jurisdictions and why OW related litigation has
supplier a right of lien or other preferential associated ownership). At the same time, been so costly and complicated to deal with.
security over the ship for the price of the fuel. physical suppliers have argued that the non-
payment for fuel supplied to a ship at OW’s To try to protect their position, many
Prior to its collapse the Danish company OW request gives them a right of lien over the ship shipowners have commenced legal
Bunker, together with its many international proceedings in the countries in which they
subsidiaries and affiliates, was a major player have faced competing claims. Unfortunately,
in the global bunker supply industry (it has the English, US and Singaporean courts
been estimated that OW was involved in have so far reached different conclusions on
about 7% of all bunker supplies). OW usually the extent of shipowners’ ability to protect
acted as an intermediary trader, making its their position.
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 1 1
In New York and Singapore, various physical fuel supplier (because the fact that a Unfortunately, the way in which much fuel is
shipowners have commenced interpleader shipowner may have paid one of them will supplied to ships – on credit terms arranged
proceedings. This procedure is intended to not be a defence to a claim by the other). by intermediary traders – means that it will
protect a party that is facing claims from always be difficult to avoid the sort of
multiple claimants arising from the same London arbitrators and the English courts problems that have arisen in OW related
obligation. In short, the court is asked to have also decided an OW related case in a cases in the event that the trader becomes
decide which claim the party should pay. In way that is unfavourable to shipowners. In (1) bankrupt. Where the fuel has been supplied
conjunction with this, shipowners in the OW PST Energy 7 Shipping LLC (2) Product Shipping by time charterers, shipowners should have
litigation have also asked the courts to grant & Trading SA v. (1) OW Bunker Malta Ltd (2) ING an indemnity claim against the charterers if
anti-suit injunctions to prevent claimants Bank NV [2015] EWHC 2022 (Comm), known as the physical supplier pursues the shipowners
from proceeding against their ships in the RES COGITANS case, the High Court and, in for non-payment. However, such an
another jurisdiction while the court is turn, the Court of Appeal upheld a London indemnity claim is, of course, only as reliable
deciding which claimant should be paid. arbitration award in which the tribunal had as the charterers themselves.
decided that OW and its assignee bank were
The New York court has held that it has entitled to receive payment for fuel which As a possible way of avoiding the effect of
jurisdiction to decide which claimant is they had contracted with shipowners to the decisions in the RES COGITANS case,
entitled to be paid by the shipowner and supply to a ship even though OW did not shipowners could try to insert into their
that, if the shipowner deposits funds in the have title to the fuel at the time it was either contracts with intermediary companies like
New York court as security, they also have supplied or consumed (OW did not have title OW a term stating that, if the intermediary
authority to restrain the claimants from because it had not paid for the fuel). This was does not pay the physical suppliers for the
bringing proceedings against the shipowner because OW’s contract with the shipowners price of the bunkers, the shipowner may do
for the same claim in other jurisdictions. In was one under which OW had merely agreed so and that such payment will discharge the
contrast, the Singaporean court has rejected to arrange for the delivery of the fuel to the shipowner’s duty to pay the intermediary. In
interpleader proceedings on the basis that a ship and to ensure that the owner of the fuel addition, shipowners could try to prevent
contractual claim for payment brought (the physical supplier) consented to the fuel physical suppliers from asserting a lien by
against a shipowner by OW’s bank (as OW’s being used before receiving payment., which making it clear (at the time fuel is supplied)
assignee) and a claim brought by physical was implied as being the case. The contract that the supply does not create a lien over
suppliers against the ship pursuant to a did not, therefore, require OW to have title to the ship, e.g. by inserting a ‘no lien’ clause on
retention of title clause in the supply contract the fuel. the bunker delivery receipt. In the context of
(i.e. stating that the suppliers retain title to a time charterparty, under which the time
the bunkers until they have been paid) The effect of the RES COGITANS judgment is charterers are responsible for ordering and
and/or a maritime lien are claims of a that OW or its assignee bank will be able, paying for fuel, the onus can be put on the
different nature which do not relate to the under English law, to claim payment from a charterers to ensure that the supply of fuel
same debt obligation. This decision exposes shipowner or charterer with which it has does not create a lien over the ship, e.g. by
shipowners to the risk of having to pay both contracted even though OW has not paid the incorporating into the charterparty a clause
OW (or, more accurately, its bank) and the physical supplier. At the same time, the ship like BIMCO’s bunker non-lien clause for time
to which the fuel has been supplied (as well charterparties:
as ships in the same or associated ownership)
remains exposed in jurisdictions outside
England to the risk that the physical supplier
may assert a lien over the ship for the value However, it is notoriously difficult to persuade
of the fuel. most physical suppliers to agree to waive
their rights to a lien where they are supplying
fuel on credit. Indeed, it may be assumed that
they will be even more reluctant to do so in
light of OW’s bankruptcy. Perhaps the safest
way to avoid the sort of situation that has
arisen in the OW cases is for shipowners to
cut out intermediary traders and to contract
directly with the physical suppliers. However,
that may not always be a practical or cost-
effective thing to do.
Sanctions update
There are currently 26 US sanctions programmes in place. Most are administered by the US Office
of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
Sanctions update
There are currently twenty-six US sanctions programmes in place. Most are administered by the
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).
US sanctions against Iran started in 1979, The enforcement of many of the provisions • any party within the EU;
following the US Embassy hostage crisis. found in CISADA are the responsibility of the
Sanctions were increased in 1984 and in US State Department, rather than OFAC. • any ship under a Member State’s jurisdiction;
1996, with the passing of the Iran Sanctions
Act. The 1996 Act was a response to the Further legislation in the form of Presidential • any person, body or entity incorporated or
perceived threat of the Iranian nuclear Executive Orders and the Iran Freedom and constituted in a Member State; and
programme and intended to discourage Counter-Proliferation Act (IFCA) 2012
support for a number of groups that are followed. • any legal person doing business in the EU,
considered by the US to be terrorist including insurers, reinsurers and financial
organisations. As a result, US persons are OFAC also administers a blacklist of more institutions within the EU.
currently prohibited from engaging in than 6,000 individuals, businesses and
virtually any transaction that has a groups, known as Specially Designated Negotiations between the P5+11 and Iran
connection with Iran. Nationals (SDNs). The assets of those listed began in 2013 in order to seek a resolution of
are blocked and US persons, including US the situation. In January 2014, both the US and
In July 2010, sanctions against Iran were businesses and their foreign branches, are EU suspended a limited number of sanctions2
further bolstered by the Comprehensive forbidden from transacting with them. for six months, in an attempt to encourage
Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Iran to compromise. As negotiations
Divestment Act (CISADA), which required Shortly after the implementation of CISADA, continued, this suspension was extended; it is
non-US persons and companies to observe the EU introduced its own direct and indirect currently due to expire on 16 January 2016.
US sanctions. Sanctions affecting persons in financial restrictions and specific trade On 14 July 2015, an ‘in principle’ agreement,
or operating from another state are often restrictions on Iran. The relevant EU sanctions known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of
referred to as secondary sanctions. apply to: Action (JCPOA) was finally agreed with Iran.
¹ The UN Security Council (UNSC) permanent members (US, UK, France, Russia, China), plus Germany.
² The US suspended its sanctions preventing the transport of Iranian petroleum, petroleum products and petrochemicals, while the EU
suspended sanctions against the transport of Iranian oil to countries holding a US waiver (i.e. India, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Turkey and China)
and petroleum products.
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 1 3
The JCPOA came into force on 18 October 2015 and will last for 10 years. The detailed timeline is as follows:
Finalisation Day
20 July 2015 The UN Security Council endorsed the JCPOA (UNSCR 2231)
Adoption Day
18 October 2015 Iran, EU and US make arrangements for implementation of JCPOA
Implementation Day
Expected early 2016 – providing the IAEA Majority of EU trade and finance related restrictions lifted; certain Iranian entities removed
verifies that Iran has implemented certain from the EU asset freeze list
nuclear measures set out in the JCPOA
US ceases application of secondary sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear activities; removes
certain individuals and entities from the sanctions list
Transition Day
8 years from Adoption Day – or, sooner, if Remaining EU sanctions relating to military and nuclear equipment, financing and
the IAEA reports that all nuclear material in technology lifted; additional entities removed from the EU frozen assets list
Iran remains ‘in peaceful activities’
US terminates secondary sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear activities; additional persons
removed from US sanctions lists
UNSCR 2231
Termination Day
10 years from Adoption Day EU removes its remaining Iran sanctions framework
So, assuming IAEA verification is successfully through the US banking system. The only transaction involves a party who remains
concluded on Implementation Day, what will exception would be a transaction specifically on the SDN list – in which case, the
be the consequences in the EU and the US? authorised by the US government.³ transaction will continue to be prohibited.
Implementation Day – and after The US will continue to enforce sanctions Furthermore, in the event that Iran violates
imposed on US and non-US person activities the terms of the JCPOA, it is possible that
i) US and non-US persons which involve support for terrorism and any sanctions could be re-imposed, or ‘snapped
The impact in the US will be very limited. This abuses of human rights. back’ with immediate effect (in contrast to
is because even though most sanctions earlier sanctions which commonly had a
applicable to non-US persons will be lifted The most significant change relating to US grace period before application).
(secondary sanctions under CISADA), persons, introduced by the JCPOA, related to
sanctions with respect to US persons their foreign subsidiaries and joint ventures. As mentioned above, the major change to
(principally under the Iran Sanctions Act) will After Implementation Day, OFAC will license US sanctions against Iran involves non-US
largely remain in place. In other words, US ‘non-US entities that are owned or persons. Principally, post Implementation
persons (wherever they are located) will still controlled by a US person to engage in Day, non-US persons will be able, without
be prohibited from engaging in any economic activities with Iran that are consistent with any dollar limitation, to:
activity with Iranian persons or entities. [the] JCPOA’.
• purchase, transport and insure the
This has potential consequences for non-US It is further anticipated that some persons transportation of crude oil, petroleum,
persons because even non-US persons run will be removed from OFAC’s SDN list. petroleum products, petrochemical
the risk of having transactions blocked if they However, others will remain designated and products and natural gas originating
are denominated in US dollars and pass it will be necessary to check whether a from Iran;
OFAC had already exempted certain Iran-related transactions, such as the export of medicine, certain food items, educational services, sports
activities etc.
On 14 July 2015, an ‘in principle’ agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
(JCPOA) was finally agreed with Iran.
• sell, transport and insure the transportation • the provision of insurance or reinsurance to including doing business with SDNs. It must
of refined petroleum products to Iran; Iran, its government, an Iranian legal person, be remembered that transactions involving
entity or body; US dollars which pass through the US
• sell, lease or provide goods, services, banking system might still be blocked –
technology, information or support that • the import, purchase, swap or transport of subject to authorisation from OFAC.
could facilitate or contribute to Iran’s Iranian crude oil, petroleum and
petroleum and petrochemical industries; petrochemical products and natural gas; Sanctions elsewhere
The relaxing of sanctions against Iranian
• provide significant financial, material, • the sale, supply, transfer or export of naval entities is clearly the most significant change
technological or other support to, or goods equipment and technology for shipbuilding; to affect shipowners. Nonetheless, sanctions
or services in support of any activity or remain in place in the US and the EU against
transaction in connection with the energy, • shipbuilding; Syria, Russia and the Ukraine. A broad
shipping or shipbuilding sectors of Iran, summary of the restrictions currently in place
including transacting with the National • the provision of flagging and classification is as follows:
Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), the National services;
Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), the Islamic Syria
Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISIL), South • provision of bunkering or ship supply US and EU sanctions have been implemented
Shipping Line and the port operators of services. against Syria in response to the civil war
Bandar Abbas; and there and are aimed at the Assad
However, certain restrictions related to dual- government. They are broadly similar. Both
• conduct associated service for all of the use goods (that is, goods, software, the US and EU prohibit dealings with certain
above, which includes insurance, reinsurance technology, documents and diagrams which Syrian parties connected with the
and broking. can be used for both civil and military government. In addition, the following trade
applications) and activities connected with or restrictions have been imposed:
ii) EU States useful for the nuclear industry will remain in
The effect on persons in the EU will mean place. The US prohibits:
that, after Implementation Day, the vast • importation of Syrian petroleum and
majority of previously sanctioned activities Implications for shipowners petroleum products
(and their associated activities) will be Clearly, providing Implementation Day takes
permitted. Broadly, for the shipping and place (following IAEA verification), non-US • US persons from involvement in
insurance industries, the most significant are: persons will be able to resume much transactions involving Syrian petroleum or
commercial trading with Iran and Iranian petroleum products
• the transfer of funds between EU persons, companies. The impact on US persons will be
entities or bodies and Iranian persons, very limited. • related insurance.
entities or bodies without the requirement
for authorisation or notification; However, the risk of ‘snap-back’ sanctions The EU prohibits:
cannot be underestimated and great care • import/transportation into the EU of Syrian
• the opening of new branches etc. of Iranian must be exercised in not breaching the US crude oil and petroleum products
banks in EU territories; sanctions that will remain in place –
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 1 5
• export/transportation of jet fuel to Syria Steps Members can take to avoid breaching sanctions
from the EU or by EU nationals Our general advice to Members therefore remains unchanged. The US and EU authorities
expect shipowners to exercise due diligence (i.e. take reasonable care) to avoid breaching
• export/transportation to Syria of goods that sanctions. Please note that it is for Members to determine whether or not a proposed
might be used for internal repression transaction will breach sanctions and is not something which the Club can decide for
• related insurance.
There is no definitive checklist, but for any trade shipowners should consider the following
Russia/Ukraine issues as a minimum:
EU and US sanctions were introduced in
response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea • are the charterers or any other parties in the contractual chain the subject of sanctions
and events in Ukraine. Again, prohibitions are (i.e. are they on the US SDN list or the list issued by the EU)?
placed on dealing with certain Russian/
Ukrainian parties. In addition the following • what is the nature of the cargo?
trade restrictions have been implemented:
• who are the shippers and the receivers, including the ultimate receivers?
The US prohibits:
• the supply of goods/services in support of • what banks are involved in the credit arrangements?
exploration or production for deep water,
Arctic offshore or shale projects in Russia. • can payments be made/received?
• export of dual-use goods to Russia • can insurance be obtained and will the insurers be able to settle/secure claims arising
from the voyage?
• supply of services necessary for deep
water/Arctic offshore oil exploration and • is the charterparty adequate? Does it include a sanctions and/or exclusion clause (e.g.
production or shale projects in Russia. BIMCO sanctions clause)? What are the trading limits?
In retaliation to these sanctions, Russia has • is a connection with a sanctioned country likely to delay payments? and
imposed its own sanctions, prohibiting the
export to Russia of fruit, vegetables, meat, • what might be the effect on the vessel’s future trading?
fish, milk and dairy products originating in
the US and EU. If in any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the Managers for advice.
According to research from the International Mayor of London, entitled ‘London’s Business
Maritime Organization (IMO), 80% of Case for Employee Health and Wellbeing’
incidents occurring at sea are attributed to revealed that the UK loses around GBP103bn
‘human error’, a term that disguises a variety to GBP129bn each year due to poor health.
of underlying problems. Fatigue, poor mental If we take London as an example, with an
health and stress are concerns that are average company of 250 employees losing
WELLNESS AT SEA especially prominent among seafarers and
can have a significant impact on their daily
GBP250,000 a year due to sickness absence,
it would certainly seem that it is in the
SAILORS’ SOCIETY work. Poor wellness here can turn a employer’s best interests to reduce the ill-
rewarding and stimulating career at sea into health of their employees.
Sailors’ Society is now rolling out Wellness at a miserable and gruelling experience and, in
Sea, its new coaching programme for some instances, can make the difference The good news is that increasing numbers
seafarers, to shipping companies across the between safe transit and a major incident. of companies are now beginning to take
world. A valuable addition to current employee wellness seriously by offering a
maritime training, this innovative programme Sailors’ Society believes that tackling issues in range of different initiatives, from healthy
has been welcomed by companies seeking to their early stages, before they impact on canteen options to healthcare cash plans to
bring a human element to their seafarers’ lives, means the likelihood of not access to mental health services. A study
predominantly technical based training. The only fewer accidents, but a decrease in drop conducted by Harvard University has shown
programme has already been delivered to out rates and time lost due to sickness. An that there is a strong case in favour of the
seafarers in the Philippines, India and South improvement in all of these factors leads to a effectiveness of these wellness initiatives for
Africa and will soon be making its debut in more productive crew force. With shipping employees. The study revealed that company
China and the Ukraine. companies employing seafarers on long medical costs fell by USD3.27 for every dollar
contracts, the potential to cut costs resulting spent on wellness programmes, and that
Wellness at Sea comes as a positive response from absenteeism and poor health is absenteeism costs fell by USD2.73 for every
to the call from within the industry to significant. It makes sound business sense dollar spent. (Baicker, Cutler &Song,
address the issue of poor mental health and that successful shipping is dependent on the Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate
the associated risks that can arise as a result wellbeing, or wellness, of the human element. Savings, 2010.) It would certainly seem that
of a life at sea. The course seeks to improve good employee wellness has an important
seafarers’ onboard wellbeing by equipping Interest in employees’ health and wellbeing part to play in the effectiveness of any
them for life at sea and the challenges they is beginning to grow across all industry company including, therefore, those within
might encounter. sectors. A report produced in 2012 by the the maritime industry.
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 1 7
Physical Wellness
• General seafarers’
• Ebola
Spiritual Wellness –
an inclusive
approach to
spirituality, allowing
space to reflect on
Intellectual Wellness
spiritual beliefs. This
• Piracy
is an optional section
• Seafarers’ rights
of the course
• Welfare organisations
• My family and what
they should know
• Money matters
Wellness at Sea has received praise for the ‘organised whole’ under constant reform. The goal of the programme is certainly not to
emphasis that it places on human (Rogers, Carl. Client Centred Therapy, prescribe a quick fix to better wellbeing.
connection and its correlation with improved Houghton Mifflin, New York, 1951) Rather, the ethos is that sustained wellness
wellness. The programme is still in its early depends on a healthy and balanced mind-
stages – the first group of seafarers took their The idea here is that a person brings with set, which takes the whole of the seafarer
training in June – but once under way, Yale them a self identity as a holistic, multi- into account. Wellness at Sea seeks to
University will conduct surveys in order to dimensional human being to every empower seafarers to challenge their
assess the measurable outcomes of the experience. If we follow this line of reasoning, existing mind-sets and embark upon a life-
programme. We are confident that these wellness cannot simply be a one-dimensional long journey towards better wellness.
results will confirm the notion that a healthy phenomenon; how a seafarer experiences life
and contented crew force is indeed a more at sea, how they react to an incident, or how Course details
productive and safe one. they steer a ship are dependent on the Wellness at Sea is available at two levels: an
seafarer’s identity as an organised whole, a Officer Programme and a Cadet Programme.
Supported by Wah Kwong, RightShip, Pacific multi-dimensional human being. It is made up of five modules, which can be
Basin and Wallem, Wellness at Sea takes a taken collectively. A short introductory
positive approach to seafarer wellness, Traditionally, the training of seafarers has been module at the beginning of the programme
focusing not on the issue of human error, but focused on technical training and has been explains the concept of holistic wellness and
on the value of the human element. steered very much towards the occupational its application to the seafaring world. Links
side of seafaring. Competent seafarers, between all five sections are drawn in order
The approach that Wellness at Sea takes to therefore, have usually been defined as people to illustrate the holistic philosophy.
seafarer wellness is a holistic one. The who have good navigational or engineering
programme addresses ‘wellness’ as a holistic skills. While technical skills are, of course, an Sailors’ Society offers a flexible tailor-made
concept made up of five specific areas of unnegotiable part of successful seafaring, the service, which means that any number of
wellbeing: Social, Emotional, Physical, industry is now coming to realise that they modules can be selected to meet your
Intellectual and Spiritual. The concept of may not be enough – spending months at sea requirements. Delivery of the course in full
holism can perhaps be better explained requires more preparation than occupational takes four days on average. However, we
using Carl Roger’s theory of person- training. If quality crew are to be retained, it is appreciate that time available ashore can be
centredness, which asserts that individuals of paramount importance that they are first limited. We are therefore able to deliver the
exist in an ‘ever-changing’ world of prepared for all areas of life at sea, not just course to suit your timescale.
experience which they respond to as an their occupational work.
The UK Insurance Act 2015 received the Royal Assent on 12 February 2015 and is scheduled to come
into force on 12 August 2016. It is likely, however, that the Act will be amended (before coming into
force) by a Bill currently before the UK Parliament known as the Enterprise Bill.
In this article, the UK Insurance Act 2015, as insurer has decided to contract out of a knows, or ought to know; or, to provide the
amended by the Enterprise Bill, is jointly Section in the new Act, the insurer must have insurer with ‘sufficient’ information to put a
referred to as ‘the new Act’. made that fact clear. The clubs will achieve prudent insurer on notice that it needs to
such clarity and satisfy Section 17 by listing make further enquiries into those material
The new Act has wide application, amending each Section of the new Act which has been circumstances.
(but not repealing) some key sections of the excluded.
Marine Insurance Act 1906 (MIA). It will apply Remedies for breach of this new ‘fair
to eight of the thirteen International Group Key features of the new Act presentation’ obligation vary according to
clubs (including Britannia), being those clubs As far as non-consumer insurance contracts the circumstances. They are to be found at
whose rules are subject to English law. are concerned, the new Act introduces Section 8 of the new Act.
changes to the current law in three main
The new Act applies to both consumer and areas: obligations of disclosure, warranties Where there has been a deliberate or reckless
non-consumer contracts. However, the and the treatment of fraudulent claims. The breach, the insurer may avoid the policy (as
primary objective of the new Act is the Enterprise Bill referred to above will create an before); but, where the breach was innocent,
protection of consumers and, for that reason, implied term that an insured’s claim should the insurer can only avoid the policy if he can
Sections 15, 16 and 18 of the new Act permit be paid within a reasonable time. show that, but for the breach, he would never
insurers of non-consumer insurance have entered into the contract at all. If, on the
contracts (which includes P&I clubs) to These areas and the clubs’ reaction to the other hand, he agrees that he would have
contract out of many of the new Act’s changes are as follows: entered the contract, but on different terms,
provisions. This reflects the Law Commission’s those different terms will be included. If he
comment (when proposing the new Act) that 1) Disclosure obligations would have charged a higher premium a
sophisticated insurance markets, in particular Currently, under the MIA, an insured has a proportionate reduction will be made in the
in the marine insurance sector, would be duty (with few exceptions) to provide all amount of the recovery.
expected to contract out. The eight clubs information that would be material to the
affected by the new Act have agreed a risk. Should this duty be breached, the insurer The clubs believe that the ‘fair presentation’
common approach to the new Act, including is entitled to avoid the policy entirely. provisions are appropriate in the context of a
when it is appropriate to ‘contract out’. club-member relationship. However, in a
Sections 3-7 of the new Act introduce the mutual P&I club, proper disclosure is essential
Section 17 of the new Act, however, requires concept of an insured’s obligation to make a and, as both parties are sophisticated market
insurers to draw ‘disadvantageous terms’ in ‘fair presentation of the risk’. This requires an participators, it was considered necessary to
an insurance contract to the attention of the insured to disclose to the insurer ‘every preserve the MIA remedies for breach (by
(potential) insured. This means that, where an material circumstance’ which the insured contracting out of Section 8). In other words,
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 1 9
the club may avoid the contract of insurance 3) Fraudulent claims 4) Payment of claims
where there has been a breach of the fair Section 12 of the new Act clarifies the law by As mentioned above, the Enterprise Bill
representation obligation, regardless of providing that where an insured makes a proposes an amendment to the new Act
whether the breach is deliberate, reckless or fraudulent claim, the insurer may terminate (Section 13A), introducing an implied term
innocent. the contract from the date of the fraudulent into all contracts of insurance that an insurer
act, without any return of premium. Claims shall pay an insured’s claim within a
2) Warranties arising from events before the fraud would reasonable time. If the insurer fails to pay in a
Section 9 of the new Act deals with warranties still be recoverable. timely fashion, the insured may claim interest.
and representations in non-consumer
contracts. Before the new Act, many insurers Section 13, however, refers to instances of The mutual nature of cover and the way in
used ‘basis of contract clauses’ to convert any group insurance (in the context of fraudulent which clubs handle their claims makes this
statement made by a party applying for claims) and the situation where an insurance amendment inappropriate. The clubs will
insurance into a warranty. Pursuant to Section contract confers benefits on third persons therefore contract out of Section 13A to the
9, such clauses will be ineffective and it will who are not parties to the insurance contract extent to which they are permitted. Clubs will
not be possible to contract out of Section 9. (i.e. associated companies or affiliates of a not, however, be able to avoid paying interest
Therefore the clubs will be amending their member who are not actually entered in where the non-payment of a claim has been
Rules to remove their basis warranty clauses. the club). either deliberate or reckless.
Under the MIA, a breach of a warranty Section 13 provides that where a fraudulent All Sections of the new Act from which the
entitles the insurer to avoid all claims under claim is made by a beneficiary of (but not a clubs have decided to contract out will be
the policy from the date of the breach. party to) a contract of insurance, only cover for excluded from their rules. In Britannia’s case,
Sections 10-11 of the new Act are less severe: the fraudulent beneficiary will be terminated, this will involve a new Rule 3(5), entitled
any breach of warranty by an insured merely not the other party/parties to the contract. Insurance Act 2015.
suspends cover until the breach is remedied,
and it is possible to contract out of Sections Currently, the IG Pooling Agreement allows
10 and 11. cover to be extended to affiliated/associated
companies (but only up to the amount which
Given the mutual nature of a club, the the insured member would have been able to
importance of certain warranties (e.g. claim). The clubs believe that the presentation
compliance with Class) and the fact that of a fraudulent claim by an associated/affiliated
members can ask club Directors to exercise company should have the same impact as if it
their discretion in appropriate cases, clubs had been presented by the member (as
have decided that it is appropriate to provided under Section 12). The clubs will
contract out of Sections 10 and 11. therefore be contracting out of Section 13.
Chadwick Weir Navegacion Ltda was In February 1973, the Montevideo Agency Chadwick Weir continues to be based in
founded in Montevideo and commenced was purchased by a group of Uruguayan Montevideo, which is the main port in
operations on 12 September 1918. shipowners but the company’s work as Uruguay. The Montevideo office also deals
correspondent continued using the same with cases arising in other ports, such as
The premises hired for this purpose at 302 experienced personnel to service shipowners Nueva Palmira, Fray Bentos and José Ignacio,
Cerrito Street, in the heart of Montevideo’s and their P&I clubs. At the same time, the either by attending cases in person or by
shipping quarter, were shortly afterwards company set up a control department, which appointing surveyors and experts locally.
purchased by the company. carried out quality controls of vehicles and
cargo (including preloading surveys of fruit, Chadwick Weir also has a representative
For nearly four decades, Chadwick Weir meat and fish). office in Asunción, for dealing with P&I
provided a first class service to ships of many matters that might arise in any of the
flags calling at the port of Montevideo. Then In 1999, a strategic decision was taken to Paraguayan ports.
in early 1959, the company was asked to focus more on assisting P&I clubs and their
represent most of the British-based P&I clubs members. It was decided, therefore, to Chadwick Weir always appoints external
as their correspondent in Uruguay. Several discontinue the company’s agency business. lawyers and professional surveyors in order
years later, similar appointments were made Likewise, in 2002, the cargo control and to ensure that any advice and reports are
by a number of Scandinavian marine cargo surveying ceased. As a result, Chadwick independent and impartial. This also gives
insurance companies and P&I clubs. These Weir is now exclusively dedicated to serving Chadwick Weir the flexibility to ensure that
appointments have remained in place for the shipping industry as correspondent for lawyers and surveyors with the relevant
almost 55 years. most P&I clubs in the International Group qualifications and experience are chosen on
and for other leading marine insurers. a case by case basis depending on the nature
and complexity of the case.
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 2 1
Chadwick Weir provides a 24 hour knowledge and skills to maintain their role the carrier was served with proceedings or the
emergency response service and follow-up as the first point of contact for the Club and date on which the claim was settled.
analysis and advice on all aspects of P&I and its Members.
Hull claims to assist the Club and its • IG clubs’ LOUs are considered as adequate
Members at every stage of a case from the Quality over quantity is – and always will be – security for releasing a vessel from arrest. The
initial investigation through to negotiating Chadwick Weir’s motto. club may however have to agree Uruguayan
settlements with third parties. jurisdiction and nominate a Uruguayan
Legal system in Uruguay domiciled company such as the local
Chadwick Weir’s staff is led by Capt Alejandro Uruguay has not signed any of the correspondent for the purpose of enforcing a
Laborde, Ms Bettina Polo, Mr Juan Hudson, international conventions for the carriage of Judgment or settlement against the LOU.
Ms Elena Nocetti and Ms Eliana Roldán. goods by sea such as the Hague-Visby Rules,
Hamburg Rules or Rotterdam Rules. • A shipowner can limit liability to the value of
Chadwick Weir’s view on the role of the the ship before the incident, plus equipment
correspondent Until recently, maritime matters were and freight. A request to constitute a limitation
The traditional role of the correspondent as governed by the Code of Commerce which fund should be made to the Court and the
the eyes and ears of the Club has not was introduced in the 19th century. However, equivalent sum should be deposited in Court
changed over the years. However, as the a new maritime law was introduced in to establish the fund.
marine business, world trade and maritime September 2014. The key points addressed in
law continue to develop, so the role of the new legislation are: • Other limits of liability or defences on the
correspondent has also expanded to include reverse side of bills of lading (including
multimodal transport, a greater focus on • Joint surveys are mandatory if requested by jurisdiction clauses) are not accepted by the
pollution and environmental damage cases any of the involved parties in any incident local Courts unless the bill of lading contract is
in addition to the ever-increasing complexity which might result in a cargo claim. signed by the relevant cargo interest.
of local and regional regulations, customary
trade practices and international legislation. • Private surveys can be adduced as evidence • In the absence of other relevant conventions
in legal proceedings. Expert evidence can or treaties relating to maritime law, the Treaty
Today, the correspondent is no longer only also be admitted to clarify or add to the of Law for International Commerce Navigation
a single person but part of an office team. survey reports. Foreign surveyors’ reports can (Tratado de Montevideo, 1940) will apply.
That team has to have a broad knowledge be admitted although, if the survey is
and experience in handling maritime claims, conducted in Uruguayan territory, the Uruguay has ratified the following conventions:
as well as developing and maintaining assistance of a local surveyor is required.
relationships with third parties such as local - The Collision Convention (Brussels 1910)
authorities, lawyers, surveyors, and of course • The time limit for pursuing marine claims - The Salvage Convention (Brussels 1910)
claimants. has been reduced from 20 to 2 years. - IMO (London 1948)
- CLC 69/Fund 71-92
The workload of the correspondent is • Indemnity claims against third parties, such - SOLAS (London 1974/1988)
diminishing as a result of the trend towards as the shippers, stevedores or a terminal can - MARPOL (London 1973/1978/1997)
higher deductibles and general improvements be brought by the carriers even after the - SAR (Hamburg 1979)
in safety. The correspondent therefore needs expiration of the two-year time bar but - United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea
to continue enhancing their qualifications, within six months from the date on which (Montego Bay 1982)
With a view to capitalising on the experience, 2) To promote high standards of quality in This year SAPIC held its Annual Meeting in
contacts and knowledge of the different local the servicing of their principals’ needs, London on 22 September and was attended
markets for the benefit of the P&I clubs and developing new services they may require, by all SAPIC’s members and most of the
their members, Chadwick Weir together with all in a cost-effective manner; and correspondents’ managers.
other long-established correspondents of the
region founded SAPIC (South American 3) To provide a means of relating to other The purpose of the meeting was to keep the
Protection and Indemnity Correspondents) in similar associations and with the P&I clubs clubs informed of difficulties that SAPIC
Montevideo in 2001. Capt Alejandro Laborde and other principals of its members at large. members (and their clients) face in South
from Chadwick Weir is currently SAPIC’s America and to reinforce the long-standing
Spokesman. Its members comprise solely In order to be a member of SAPIC, a firm relationships that exist with the clubs.
independent commercial correspondents in must be listed as a commercial P&I
Latin and South America. correspondent for at least five continuous The meeting agreed to enhance information
years, be independent and devoted to and education services by organising P&I
The objectives of SAPIC are: correspondency work. seminars, where possible, for surveyors,
maritime lawyers, port agents and authorities.
1) To promote unity amongst the long- SAPIC membership is not open to legal
established correspondents of the region for correspondents, Lloyd’s Agents, cargo
the continuation and growth of the business adjusters or recovery agents.
of its members;
Previously, in 2005, Alan was made a Chevalier in the Order of Maritime Merit for services to the
maritime industry.
Alan is President of the McLean Group which acts as a Britannia correspondent in the ports of
Marseille, Fos-Sur-Mer, Sete and Toulon in France and in various ports in Morocco, Tunisia and
New Caledonia.
B R I TA N N I A N E W S 2 3
Following the article on Safe Ports contained Another Capesize ship (ELLIDA ACE) had been Although not strictly necessary for the Court to
in the December 2014 issue of Britannia berthed close to OCEAN VICTORY and also have expressed a view, the Court of Appeal
News, we can now report that the first suffered broken mooring lines. Having made important comments in the context of
instance decision of Mr Justice Teare was likewise received advice from the charterers’ recoverability of such losses under a demise
overturned on appeal (Gard Marine & Energy representative, she sought to leave Kashima charter (in this instance Clause 12 of the Barecon
Ltd v. China National Chartering Co. Ltd v. on 24 October, got into difficulties and 89 form charterparty) (‘the recoverability issue’).
Daiichi Chuo Kisen Kaisha (The ‘OCEAN grounded. The contractual chain was as follows: A (owners)
VICTORY’) [2015] 1 Lloyd’s Law Reports p. 381). → B (demise charter to associated company) →
The Hull insurers of OCEAN VICTORY (‘the C (China National Chartering) → D (Daiichi Chuo
By way of reminder, the facts were as follows: owners’) pursued a claim of USD137.6m Kisen Kaisah). Following the incident, Gard
against the charterers for damages caused by Marine & Energy Ltd as hull insurers took an
OCEAN VICTORY, a Capesize bulk carrier, was charterers’ breach of the safe port warranty in assignment of the rights of A and B and pursued
chartered on an amended NYPE form for a the charterparty. the hull claim in proceedings against C. C in turn
5-7 month period ‘via safe berth(s), safe joined D to the proceedings.
port(s)’. The ship was ordered by charterers At first instance, Mr Justice Teare held that
to call at Kashima, where she berthed on the port was unsafe (‘the causation issue’). He It was found that where parties have taken out
20 October 2006 and commenced discharge found that when the ship was ordered to sail joint insurance or are co-assured (in this
of a cargo of iron ore. The weather started to to Kashima, there was a risk the ship might instance, A and B), this will generally mean the
deteriorate, with the Central Fairway (where have to leave the port on account of long parties have agreed to deal with any claims
she was berthed) exposed to Force 9 winds waves and bad weather or because she could through the insurance without any rights of
gusting force 10 and a prevailing swell from not safely remain. Further, there was a real subrogation. In short, the owners (A) and the
the Northeast. The berth was also affected by risk that long waves might occur at the same demise charterers (B) had agreed to look to the
‘long waves’ which caused greater ranging or time as gale force conditions. Given the risk insurers (Gard) for payment and not to each
surging of the ship while alongside. of those conditions occurring, the safe other; any right of recovery was waived and
departure of a Capesize bulk carrier in gale excluded. The overall effect is to deprive the
There was disputed evidence on whether the force conditions from the North together safe port warranty of effect down the chain of
charterers’ representative (a local and with long waves, ordinary seamanship and charters. Gard (pursuing a claim on rights
experienced mariner) instructed the master navigation could not alone have ensured a subrogated from A and B) had no right of
to leave the port on 24 October, or whether safe exit from Kashima. The Court of Appeal, recovery against C. In conclusion, owners,
he only suggested the master should however, concluded that the conditions demise charterers and their insurers need to
exercise his discretion. The Court decided which affected Kashima on 24 October were consider carefully whether joint insurance
that the master had been instructed to seek ‘abnormal’ and, as such, this was not a risk for provisions deprive them of rights of recourse
shelter. Unberthing proved to be very which the charterers were responsible. The down any charter chain.
difficult but was finally achieved. However, on combination of swell from long waves and a
leaving the Kashima Fairway, the ship was very severe northerly gale, when put Permission to appeal to the Supreme Court is
confronted with gale force winds and heavy together on this occasion, were a critical understood to have been granted in respect of
seas, lost steerage and was set down onto the combination which was rare and an both the causation issue (whether the event
breakwater. The ship went aground and ‘abnormal occurrence’. Contractually, the was the result of an ‘abnormal occurrence’) and
broke apart. Luckily, the crew were able to charterers were not responsible for events the recoverability issue (the effect of clauses
abandon the ship without loss of life. which were an ‘abnormal occurrence’. concerning joint insurance and possible waiver
of subrogation of claims).