Briket Bonggol Jagung

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Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918

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Research paper

Effect of binder type, binder concentration and compacting pressure

on some physical properties of carbonized corncob briquette

E.F. Aransiola a , , T.F. Oyewusi b , J.A. Osunbitan c , L.A.O. Ogunjimi c
Department of Chemical Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun-State, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osun State College of Technology Esa-Oke, Osun State, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun-State, Nigeria

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biomass fuel properties determine the choice of agricultural waste to be used in production of briquette
Received 23 July 2018 for industrial and domestic usage. Compaction of these agro-wastes would add more values to their
Received in revised form 28 June 2019 bulk handling, conveyance and storage properties. This work determined the effect of different binders
Accepted 11 July 2019
with varying concentrations and applied die pressures on some physical properties of briquette from
Available online xxxx
carbonized corncob.
Keywords: Cassava starch, corn starch and gelatine at three different concentrations of 10, 20 and 30%
Briquette wt/wt were used as binders in the production of the briquettes at the predetermined compacting
Binder pressure levels of 50, 100, and 150 kPa using Hydraulic Press. A charcoal kiln and a punch and die
Compacting pressure were fabricated for carbonization and facilitation of the compaction of this corncob into briquettes.
Carbonized corncob
Physical properties such as moisture content, density and compressive strength were determined using
standard procedures.
The results showed that the moisture content ranged between 4.43 and 7.62% (db), relaxed density
of the briquettes produced were found in range of 729 to 987 kg/m3 and compressive strength ranged
from 1.02 and 8.32 MPa. Both show technological advantage and a suitable situation for material
package, storage and transportation. For all the three factors investigated, variables with cassava binder
at concentration of 30% and compaction pressure of 150 kPa exhibited the most positive attributes than
other variables. The higher the binder concentration and compacting pressure, the better the briquettes
and this results in higher quality briquettes for both storage and transportation.
In conclusion, high quality and storable briquettes can be produced from the blend of carbonized
corncobs and cassava starch, corn starch and gelatine. This is because the relaxed density and
compressive strength of the briquettes produced are adequate; besides, the length of time or service
life of the stored briquettes proved acceptable stability after some months of storage.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction (2005) found out that these agricultural residues are neither uti-
lized nor properly managed in all developing countries including
Nigeria is a nation endowed with natural resources; for in- Nigeria but can be used to play a significant role in meeting
stance, in terms of agricultural resources, Nigeria has a land energy demand. Presently, agro wastes management practice in
area of 98.3 million hectares, out of which 79 million hectares the country is that of burning or allowing them to decay on
is arable land as reported by Oladimeji et al. (2013). In the farm. Whichever approach causes environmental contamination
country, 60%–70% of the population is involved in agriculture and pollution aside from also resulting to enormous waste of re-
and agricultural related activities contributing a large share of sources. Burning of agricultural wastes on a farmland affects soil
gross domestic product as recorded by Udolisa et al. (1994). These biodiversity, geomorphic process and volatilizes large amount of
farming activities result in the production of various economic the nutrients in the soil including organic matter, while black car-
products from which many types of residues that are biomass bon and particulate matters emitted into the atmosphere during
materials containing enormous amount of energy are left as waste the process is also worrisome (Onuegbu et al., 2012).
materials after harvest (Fapetu, 2000a). Jekayinfa and Omisakin With man, life is a continuous process of energy conversion
and transformation. This emphasize that the accomplishment of
∗ Corresponding author. civilization has largely been achieved through the increasingly
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.F. Aransiola). efficient and extensive harnessing of various forms of energy to
2352-4847/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
910 E.F. Aransiola, T.F. Oyewusi, J.A. Osunbitan et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918

extend human capabilities and ingenuity (Fapetu, 2000b). Sus-

tainable, suitable and affordable energy is required for human
continuity in term of development and growth so, provision
of adequate energy is essential to improve living standard. Ac-
cording to Fapetu (1994), in Nigeria about 51% of total energy
consumption is estimated to be met from various biomass re-
sources (i.e., agricultural residues, animal dung, forest waste,
firewood). While corncob can be directly utilized as fuels, they
are nevertheless not directly suitable apparently because of their
bulkiness, uneven nature, and having low energy density; charac-
teristics that make them difficult to handle, store, transport, and
utilize in their raw form; hence, there is the need to subject them
to conversion processes in order to mitigate these problems as
suggested by Oladeji (2010).
One of the promising technology solutions to these problems
is the application of briquetting technology. Wilaipon (2007)
defined it as a densification process for improving the han-
dling characteristics of raw materials and enhancing volumetric
calorific value of the biomass. The technology which is termed
densification enhances physical and combustion characteristics.
Briquetting using this technology had been extensively studied
(Ndiema et al., 2002; Husain et al., 2002). Lately, many studies
had been conducted on the production of briquettes from un-
processed or raw agricultural residues. For instance, briquettes
from rice straw and rice bran were feasible to be converted
into solid biomass fuel using a hot-pressing temperature (Chou
et al., 2009). Eucalyptus wood and rice husk from Uruguay was
used as an activated carbon briquettes (Amaya et al., 2007). Fig. 2.1. Flowchart for the Production of Briquette.
Likewise, waste paper and coconut husk which had moisture
content from 5.4% to 13.3% (Olorunnisola, 2007) and pelletized
wastes (including refuse derived fuel, wood and paper). These 2. Materials and methods
briquettes when compared to coal has a prospective for coal
replacement in vertical gasifier system (Marsh et al., 2008). Also, The study was carried out at the Agricultural and Environ-
waste paper can be converted into briquette as a partial binder mental Engineering Department of Obafemi Awolowo University
material alone or mixed with wheat straw (Demirbas and Sahin, (OAU) Ile Ife. The feedstock used for this research was corncob
1998; Demirbas, 1999a), as well as the briquettes from cotton carbonized in a fabricated kiln. The experiment was set up as a
plant residues (Coates, 2000), hazelnut shells using 800 MPa 3 × 3 × 3 factorial in randomized complete block design (RCBD)
replicated three times. The three factors considered are binder
pressure and 127 0 C (Demirbas, 1999b) and sunflower stalk
types (cassava, corn and gelatin), binder concentrations (10, 20
which had a high percentage of ash and 67% efficiency (Smith
and 30%) and compacting pressures (50, 100 and 150 kPa). Data
and Lindle, 1988). The findings from all these studies show
collected were then analysed with Statistical Analysis System
that characteristics of briquettes are influenced by process and (SAS) software. Fig. 2.1 shows the steps and procedures followed
material parameters besides, different biomass materials required to accomplish this work and were discussed below.
different optimum conditions for briquetting process. However,
most of the research done in this area focused on briquetting of 2.1. Material collection and sample preparation
unprocessed biomass, but little information exists on processed
biomass as briquettes. Zubairu and Sadiq (2014) in their work The corncob for this work was obtained from freshly harvested
established that the conversion of corncobs biomass resources mature Swan yellow maize specie collected from the Teaching
into briquette can be done by a processing called carbonization. and Research Farm of the Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife,
Pallavi et al. (2013) carried out research on bagasse and coffee Osun State, Nigeria. The whole corns were manually shelled and
husk by converting them to char through carbonized process by the cobs were subjected to sun drying until moisture content of
an eco-friendly and continuous batch process. The char obtained 10.08% dry basis (db) was achieved, in accordance with Eriksson
was briquetted into a solid fuel form and later used as an efficient, and Prior (1990) and ASAE, S269.4 (2003) specification.
clean source of fuel. This suggested that carbonizing the biomass
2.2. Carbonization of the Corncob
before briquette production is another method of enhancing the
properties of briquette. Carbonization is essentially the removal
The dried corncobs obtained were carbonized in an environ-
of volatile materials from the feedstock in the absence (or limited ment where fresh air is controlled to give a high carbon product
supply of) air. In this processing method, the biomass is first char, (Pallavi et al., 2013). To accomplish this process, a kiln
partially burnt in an environment where air is totally controlled (1500 mm in height and 1000 mm in diameter) was fabricated;
to give char product that is high in carbon. So, this research aimed this was made of 2 mm iron sheet with two fire ports having
at investigating the effect of different binders with varying con- doors of 200 mm by 70 mm provided at the lower side. The
centrations and applied die pressures on the physical properties top was cut out to place the chimney while the bottom side of
of briquette produced from carbonized corncob. the drum was closed with iron sheets with 5 stands of height
E.F. Aransiola, T.F. Oyewusi, J.A. Osunbitan et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918 911

Fig. 2.2. Assembled view of the charring drum.

120 mm. An iron perforated sheet with holes was fixed at the
base of the kiln to allow fire to spread through the holes above
the firing portion to the corncobs placed inside for carbonization
(Fig. 2.2 and Plate 2.1). For evidence of carbonization of corncobs,
the black smoke coming out of chimney disappeared, cobs were
brittle and easy to break and the centres of the cobs were totally
black as shown in Plate 2.2. The carbonized corncobs were then
pulverized with hammer mill and further processed with a bur
mill to obtain fine particles that pass through a mesh size of
18 as shown in Plate 2.3. The surface area was increased to
allow for good binding in accordance with ASAE, S424.1 (2003)

2.3. Binder preparation and mixing

The carbonized granules were prepared by wet granulation

method, this is a method of size enlargement in which fine pow-
der particles are agglomerated or brought together into a larger,
strong and relatively permanent structure called granules. Three
types of binders, viz, cassava starch, corn starch and gelatine at
three different concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% w/w were used
to produce the carbonized briquettes. With 150 ml of distilled
water, the binder was mixed and allowed to dissolve without
any clogs or lumps; the binder solution was heated in a water
bath at 100 ◦ C for 10 min with continuous stirring until a whole
paste was formed. An appropriate amount of carbonized corncob
powder was weighed and thoroughly mixed manually with the
prepared binder solution to obtain a homogeneous damp (wet)
mass. The wet mass was sieved with a mesh number 12 to Plate 2.1. Charcoal kiln or carbonizer.
obtain wet coarse aggregate granules and dried in the oven at
60 ◦ C. The dried granular mass was milled using a bur mill to
breakdown the dried coarse aggregate then passed through a 2.4. Briquette production
mesh number 16 to obtain uniform sized fine granules that was
used for the production of the briquettes; Ngwuluka et al. (2010) A manual method, punch and die with 30 mm internal diam-
stated that this process enhances adhesion and production of eter by 5 mm thickness by 50 mm height cylindrical die, made
identical briquettes. of hardened steel with a clearance of 0.1 mm was employed for
912 E.F. Aransiola, T.F. Oyewusi, J.A. Osunbitan et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918

Plate 2.2. Charcoal kiln or carbonizer. Plate 2.4. Punch and die (Manual briquetting machine).

Plate 2.3. Carbonized corncob powder.

Plate 2.5. Carbonized corncob briquettes.

the briquettes production (Plate 2.4). This punch and die method
was operated by a hand-powered hydraulic press to compress
2.5. Briquette characterization
the granules to achieve briquettes of uniform shape. Ten grams
of the granules was weighed using a digital balance, Model PM The physical properties of the briquettes characterized in this
4600. This was put in the die for each experiment carried out. study were limited to moisture content, compressed and re-
The samples were compressed at the predetermined compacting laxed density, relaxation and compaction ratio and compressive
pressure levels using Hydraulic Press Hyspin AWS 22/32 com- strength. Conventional methods were used to test for the physical
pression machine. For all the press made, the dwelling time for
each press was maintained at 120 s to achieve a stable briquette 2.5.1. Determination of moisture content
in agreement with Oladeji and Enweremadu (2012). Plate 2.5 The percentage moisture content (PMC) was calculated by
shows the carbonized briquette produced. weighing 2 g of the briquette sample in a crucible of known
E.F. Aransiola, T.F. Oyewusi, J.A. Osunbitan et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918 913

weight; the crucible with the sample was put in an oven set 2.5.5. Data analysis
at 103 + 2 ◦ C for 1 h. The crucible was removed and put in a The experiment was set up as a 3 × 3 × 3 factorial in random-
desiccator, allowed to cool to room temperature and reweighed. ized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times adopted
This was repeated until the weight after cooling was constant and from statistical procedures used by Gomez and Gomez (1984).
was recorded as the final weight; the sample’s moisture content Data was then analysed for differences among treatment means
was determined using equation: based on physicochemical and combustion properties (density,
W1 − W2 compressive strength, moisture content, volatile matter, ash con-
PMC = × 100 (1) tent, fixed carbon content, calorific value, and gas emission) using
Statistical Analysis System software (SAS, 2010). Analysis of vari-
where: ance (ANOVA) was performed and treatment means separated
W1 is the initial weight of sample (g) using Waller–Duncan Test to test for significance differences (p
W2 is the final weight of dried sample (g) ≤ 0.05) in the properties exhibited by the different briquettes.
2.5.2. Determination of compressed and relaxed density
3. Results and discussions
The compressed density of the briquette was determined im-
mediately after removal from the press while the relaxed density
3.1. Characterization of some physical properties of the briquette
of the briquette was determined after the briquette has remained
stable 30 days after removal from the press (ISO 3131, 1975). Both
densities were computed as the ratio of mass to the volume of
3.1.1. Moisture content
the briquette in accordance with the method used by Rabier et al.
(2006). From Table 3.1, it was observed that the average moisture
content for the briquette produced ranged between 4.43 and
M 7.62% (db); however, generally, the moisture content of briquette
ρ= (2)
V increased with increase in binder concentration and decreased
where: with increase in compaction pressure for all briquettes. The low-
ρ = density of the briquette produced (gcm−3 ) est moisture content of 4.43% (db) was observed for briquettes
M = Mass of the briquette produced (g) made with cassava binder with 10% binder ratio under 150 kPa
V = Volume of the briquette produced (g) compacting pressure and highest moisture content of 7.62% (db)
The mass of briquettes was obtained by using a digital weigh- was observed for briquette made with gelatine at 30% concentra-
ing balance (Model PM 4600, Mettler Instrument AG, Greifensee, tion under compaction pressure of 50 kPa; this might be credited
Zurich) while the volume was calculated using π r2 h by taking to the hygroscopic character of the carbonized corncob material
measurement of the height and width with the help of a digital used and the availability of water presence in the binders with
vernier caliper. increase in concentration.
The results obtained agree with Pallavi et al. (2013), who
2.5.3. Determination of relaxation and compaction ratio proposed moisture content of 5%–10% for good quality briquettes
The compaction and relaxation ratios were also determined: from their work. Generally, briquettes will easily be ignited with
Compressed Density no occurrence of slagness during burning when the moisture con-
Compaction Ratio = (3) tent is low; in this condition, higher calorific values are expected.
Initial Density of the mixture
Higher moisture content in briquettes will cause much of the heat
Compressed Density to be used in vaporizing the surplus water and sometimes tears
Relaxation Ratio = (4) briquettes into pieces with low burning rate and lot of smoke is
Relaxed Density
To determine the initial density of the mixture, an empty con-
tainer (30 ml) was weighed using a digital balance (Model PM 3.1.2. Compressed density
4600, Mettler Instrument AG, Greifensee, Zurich) with an accu- The average compressed density of the carbonized briquettes
racy of ±0.001 g. The container was filled with the sample and obtained in this study varied from 952 to 1437 kg/m3 (See Ta-
the material was slightly compacted by tapping to ensure absence ble 3.2). The values obtained were higher than the minimum
of large void spaces; the initial density was then calculated using value of 600 kg/m3 recommended by Mani et al. (2006) for
the following equation: efficient transportation and safe storage; hence, carbonized bri-
W2 − W1 quettes of good quality in term of density good enough for trans-
Di = (5) portation may be achieved using percentage binder ratio between
10%–30%. The highest compressed density of 1437 kg/m3 was
Di = initial density of the mixture of corncob powder and binder obtained for briquettes made of cassava binder at 30% binder
(gcm−3 ) concentration under 150 kPa compacting pressure, while the
W2 = weight of the container and sample (g) lowest value of 952.46 kg/m3 was obtained from gelatin binder
W1 = weight of the container (g) at 10% binder concentration under 50 kPa compacting pressure.
V = Volume of the mixture of corncob powder and binder It was observed that the compressed density of the briquettes
(cm3 ) increased with increase in binder ratio and compaction pressure.

2.5.4. Determination of compressive strength of the briquettes 3.1.3. Relaxed density

The compressive strengths of the briquettes were determined Table 3.3 shows the mean values of the relaxed density of
using an Instron Universal Testing Machine (Model: 3369) in the carbonized briquettes. It is noticed that the relaxed density
accordance with ASTM Standard D1037-93 (1995). A 1000 kN of the briquettes ranged between 729 and 986 kg/m3 which
load was applied at a constant rate of 5 mm/min until the bri- is in agreement with Oladeji and Enweremadu (2012). These
quette failed by cracking or breaking using three samples for each values were found to be higher than the initial density of the
experiment and the average compressive stress derived from the uncompressed mixture of 363.64 kg/m3 and lower than 952 to
stress–strain was analysed. 1437 kg/m3 for the compressed density in this study. This is as
914 E.F. Aransiola, T.F. Oyewusi, J.A. Osunbitan et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918

Table 3.1
Mean values of moisture content (%) of briquettes produced.
Pressure kPa Binder conc. % wt/wt Cassava starch Corn starch Gelatine starch
10 5.23 6.30 5.78
50 20 5.63 6.63 6.96
30 6.06 7.09 7.62
10 4.82 5.03 5.69
100 20 5.29 5.88 6.56
30 5.72 6.52 7.53
10 4.43 4.68 5.64
150 20 5.08 5.59 6.29
30 5.34 6.17 7.13

Table 3.2
Mean values of compressed density (kg/m3 ) for carbonized briquettes.
Pressure kPa Binder conc. % wt/wt Cassava starch Corn starch Gelatine starch
10 1159.94 1008.09 952.46
50 20 1239.83 1090.24 1024.44
30 1332.62 1172.63 1094.47
10 1202.00 1094.94 1035.96
100 20 1306.28 1191.48 1098.61
30 1393.22 1268.13 1182.52
10 1299.11 1155.54 1090.51
150 20 1393.32 1240.34 1175.75
30 1437.42 1308.75 1231.53

Table 3.3
Mean values of relaxed density (kg/m3 ) for carbonized briquettes.
Pressure kPa Binder conc. % wt/wt Cassava starch Corn starch Gelatine starch
10 851.41 768.11 729.09
50 20 896.42 812.97 772.88
30 937.81 854.22 813.78
10 874.52 811.13 777.97
100 20 925.84 863.66 812.16
30 965.24 903.66 863.50
10 927.47 848.25 808.94
150 20 962.77 892.78 855.90
30 986.04 918.15 886.11

Table 3.4
Mean values of relaxation ratio for carbonized briquettes.
Pressure kPa Binder conc. % wt/wt Cassava starch Corn starch Gelatine starch
10 1.36 1.31 1.31
50 20 1.38 1.34 1.33
30 1.42 1.37 1.34
10 1.37 1.35 1.33
100 20 1.41 1.38 1.35
30 1.44 1.40 1.37
10 1.40 1.36 1.35
150 20 1.45 1.39 1.37
30 1.46 1.43 1.39

Table 3.5
Mean values of compaction ratio for carbonized briquettes.
Pressure kPa Binder conc. % wt/wt Cassava starch Corn starch Gelatine starch
10 3.19 2.77 2.62
50 20 3.41 3.00 2.82
30 3.66 3.22 3.01
10 3.31 3.01 2.85
100 20 3.59 3.28 3.02
30 3.83 3.49 3.25
10 3.57 3.18 3.00
150 20 3.83 3.41 3.23
30 3.95 3.60 3.39

a result of increase in volume of the briquettes resulting from was observed for briquette made with cassava binder at 30%
expansion in dimensions that takes place after removal from the binder concentration under 150 kPa compacting pressure and
briquetting machine. The highest relaxed density of 986 kg/m3 the lowest value of 729 kg/m3 was for gelatin at 10% binder
E.F. Aransiola, T.F. Oyewusi, J.A. Osunbitan et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918 915

Table 3.6
Mean values of compressive strength (MPa) for carbonized briquettes.
Pressure kPa Binder conc. % wt/wt Cassava starch Corn starch Gelatine starch
10 1.60 1.28 1.02
50 20 3.23 2.22 1.88
30 4.20 2.73 2.23
10 2.57 2.28 2.03
100 20 4.32 3.63 2.97
30 6.66 4.16 3.33
10 4.23 3.70 3.05
150 20 6.76 4.88 4.24
30 8.32 5.42 5.05

Table 3.7
Extract from Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for some of the physical properties of the briquette produced.
Source Pr > F
Moisture content Compressed density Relaxed density Relaxation ratio Compaction ratio Compressive strength
PRESS <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001*
BCONC <.0001* <.0001* 0.0064* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001*
BTYPE <.0001* <.0001* 0.0105* <.0001* <.0001* <.0001*
PRESS*BCONC 0.7262 0.6119 0.3679 0.4445 0.6021 <.0001*
PRESS*BTYPE 0.0012* 0.4561 0.3579 0.1462 0.4261 <.0001*
BCONC*BTYPE 0.0014* 0.7780 0.9728 0.0035* 0.7637 <.0001*
PRESS*BCONC*BTYPE 0.3531 0.9868 0.9908 0.3424 0.9876 <.0001*

BTYPE: Binder Type, BCONC: Binder Concentration, PRESS: Compacting Pressure.

*Factors that are significant at p < 0.05

Table 3.8
Effect of factors on some physical properties of carbonized corncob briquette.
Variable Moisture content (db)% Compressed density kg/m3 Relaxed density kg/m3 Relaxation ratio Compaction ratio Compressive strength MPa
Binder type
Cassava 5.29c 1307.08a 925.28a 1.41a 3.59a 4.65a
Corn 5.99b 1170.02b 852.55b 1.37b 3.22b 3.37b
Gelatine 6.58a 1098.47c 813.37c 1.35c 3.02c 2.87c
Binder concentration
30 6.58a 1269.03a 903.17a 1.40a 3.49a 4.68a
20 5.99b 1195.59b 866.15b 1.38b 3.29b 3.79b
10 5.29c 1110.95c 821.88c 1.35c 3.06c 2.42c
Compacting pressure
150 5.59c 1259.14a 898.49a 1.40a 3.46a 5.07a
100 5.89b 1197.02b 866.41b 1.38b 3.29b 3.55b
50 6.37a 1119.41c 826.30c 1.35c 3.08c 2.27c

Means with the same letters are not significantly different at 5% level using Duncan’s Multiple Range tests.

concentration under 50 kPa compacting pressure. An increase compaction ratio ranged from 2.62–3.95; the implication is that
behaviour in the relaxed density was observed with increase in more volume are displaced (i.e. fewer voids), good for packaging,
binder concentration and compacting pressure; this is due to the storage and transportation and above all, it is an indication of
consolidation of the char–binder mixture and decreasing elastic good quality briquettes in accordance to the findings of Davies
recovery during relaxation of the formed briquette. The high and Mohammed (2013). It was observed that the compaction
value of relaxed density obtained is a description of a good quality ratio increased with increasing pressure and binder ratio; this
briquette. shows that the void spaces are removed at higher pressures,
hence, briquette with higher binder quantity has fewer void
3.1.4. Relaxation ratio spaces. Cassava binder at highest concentration and compaction
From Table 3.4, it was observed that the maximum and min- pressure displayed the best result; this is justified by the findings
imum relaxation ratios of briquettes produced were found to be
of Faborode and O’Callaghan (1987) who concluded that the
1.31 and 1.46. This result showed that the three binders gave
number of voids in an incoherent mass of materials affects such
relatively stable briquettes as suggested by Yang et al. (2005).
processes concerned with air flow, heat flow and compressibility.
This is because, the lower the value of relaxation ratio and the
higher the value of relaxed density the higher is the stability
of briquettes produced. The highest relaxation ratio of 1.46 was 3.1.6. Compressive strength
observed for cassava binder at 30% binder concentration under From Table 3.6, it was observed that the maximum and min-
150 kPa compacting pressure while the lowest was observed for imum compressive strength of briquettes produced were found
both corn and gelatin binders at 10% binder concentration under to be 1.02 and 8.32 MPa. The highest compressive strength of
50 kPa compacting pressure. 8.32MPa was observed for briquette made of cassava binder at
30% binder concentration under 150 kPa compacting pressure
3.1.5. Compaction ratio while the lowest was observed for briquette made of gelatine at
Table 3.5 shows the mean values of compaction ratio for 10% binder concentration under 50 kPa compacting pressure. The
carbonized corncob briquettes from which it can be observed that consequence is that, briquettes made of cassava binder will suffer
916 E.F. Aransiola, T.F. Oyewusi, J.A. Osunbitan et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918

smaller extent of damage or breakage during transportation and mean square error 17.23, respectively which shows a high level
storage compare to briquettes made from other binders. of reliability of the result.
However, Table 3.8 shows Duncan Multiple Range test, the
3.2. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and mean effect for some physical three binder types were significantly different (p < 0.05) in their
properties of the briquette produced effects on the mean relaxed density of the briquette. Cassava
binder had the highest effect with a mean value of 925.28 kg/m3 ,
3.2.1. Moisture content corn starch and gelatine having 852.55 and 813.37 kg/m3 respec-
Analysis of variance for the moisture content of briquettes tively. In addition, three levels of binder concentration were sig-
produced showed that binder type, binder concentration, com- nificantly different (p < 0.05) in their effects on relaxed density of
pacting pressure and interactions between compacting pressure
the briquette produced. Binder concentration of 30% having the
and binder type; as well as binder type and binder concentra-
highest effect of 903.17 kg/m3 followed by 20% then 10% with
tion had significant effects on the moisture content of briquettes
mean value of 866.15 and 821.88 kg/m3 , respectively. The three
produced (Table 3.7). The multiple coefficient of determination
levels of compaction pressure were significantly different (p <
value R2 and the root mean square error for the ANOVA model
are 0.9311 and 0.2800, respectively, thus, it could be deduced 0.05) in their effects on relaxed density with 150 kPa having the
that binder type, binder concentration, compacting pressure and highest effect of 898.49 kg/m3 followed by 100 kPa with mean
their interactions explained about 93.11% of the variability of the value of 866.41 kg/m3 then 50 kPa with of 826.30 kg/m3 .
moisture content of the briquettes produced.
From the Duncan Multiple Range test, Table 3.8, the three 3.2.4. Relaxation ratio
binder types were significantly different (p < 0.05) in their effects From Table 3.7, Analysis of variance indicates that binder type,
on the mean moisture content of the briquette. Gelatine binder
binder concentration, compacting pressure and some of their in-
had the highest effect with a mean value of 6.58%, corn starch and
teractions had significant effects (p < 0.05) on the relaxation ratio
cassava starch having 5.99 and 5.29%, respectively. In addition,
of briquettes produced. The multiple coefficient of determination
the three levels of binder concentration were also significantly
value and the root mean square error for the ANOVA model were
different (p < 0.05) in their effects on the moisture content
of briquettes produced; binder concentration of 30% having the 0.9674 and 0.0089, respectively, indicating an acceptable level of
highest effect (6.58%) followed by 20% then 10% with mean values reputability and reliability of the result on relaxation ratio.
of 5.99% and 5.29%, respectively. The three compaction pressures Meanwhile, from Table 3.8, the mean effects of the relaxation
were equally significantly different (p < 0.05) in their effect on ratio are shown; the three binder types were significantly differ-
the moisture content with 50 kPa having the highest effect of ent (p < 0.05) in their effects on the mean relaxation ratio of the
6.37% followed by 100 kPa with mean value of 5.89% then 150 kPa briquette produced. Cassava starch had the highest effect with
with 5.59%. a mean value of 1.41, corn starch and gelatine having 1.37 and
1.35, respectively. Also, the three levels of binder concentration
3.2.2. Compressed density were significantly different (p < 0.05) in their effects on the mean
The analysis of variance of briquettes produced indicates that relaxation ratio of the briquette produced. Binder concentration
only individual variables like binder type, binder concentration of 30% having the highest effect of 1.40 followed by 20% then 10%
and compacting pressure without any interaction had signifi- with mean values of 1.38 and 1.35, respectively. The three levels
cant effects (p < 0.05) on the compressed density of briquettes of compacting pressure were equally significantly different (p <
produced as shown on Table 3.7. The multiple coefficient of de- 0.05) in their effects on relaxation ratio with 150 kPa having the
termination value and the root mean square error for the ANOVA highest effect of 1.40 followed by 100 kPa with mean value of
model were 0.9592 and 30.96, respectively. It could therefore 1.38 then 50 kPa with 1.35.
be deduced that binder type, binder concentration, compacting
pressure could explain about 95.92% of the variability in the
compressed density of the briquettes produced. 3.2.5. Compaction ratio
Duncan Multiple Range test (Table 3.8) indicates that the three Analysis of variance indicates that the binder type, binder
binder types were significantly different (p < 0.05) in their effects concentration and compacting pressure had significant effects (p
on the mean compressed density of the briquette. Cassava binder < 0.05) on compaction ratio of the briquettes (Table 3.7). The
had the highest effect with a mean value of 1307.08 kg/m3 , multiple coefficient of determination value and the root mean
corn starch and gelatine having 1170.02 and 1098.47 kg/m3 re- square error for the ANOVA model were 0.9589 and 0.0855,
spectively. In addition, three levels of binder concentration were respectively. Thus, it could be deduced that binder type, binder
significantly different (p < 0.05) in their effects on compressed concentration, compacting pressure could explain about 95.92% of
density of the briquette produced. Binder concentration of 30% the variability in the compaction ratio of the briquettes produced.
having the highest effect of 1269.03 kg/m3 followed by 20%
Duncan Multiple Range test (Table 3.8) indicates that the
then 10% with mean value of 1195.59 kg/m3 and 1110.95 kg/m3 ,
three binder types were significantly different (p < 0.05) in their
respectively. The three levels of compaction pressure were signif-
effects on the mean compaction ratio of the briquette. Cassava
icantly different (p < 0.05) in their effects on compressed density
binder had the highest effect with a mean value of 3.59, corn
with 150 kPa having the highest effect of 1259.14 kg/m3 followed
by 100 kPa with mean value of 1197.02 kg/m3 then 50 kPa with starch and gelatine having 3.22 and 3.02, respectively. In addition,
of 1119.41 kg/m3 . three levels of binder concentration were significantly different
(p < 0.05) in their effects on compaction ratio of the briquette
3.2.3. Relaxed density produced. Binder concentration of 30% having the highest effect
It is noted from the analysis of variance of the relaxed density of 3.49 followed by 20% then 10% with mean value of 3.29 and
of briquettes produced that binder type, binder concentration 3.06, respectively. The three levels of compaction pressure were
and compacting pressure have significant (p< 0.05) effects on significantly different (p < 0.05) in their effects on compaction
the relaxed density of briquettes produced; with the multiple ratio with 150 kPa having the highest effect of 3.46 followed by
coefficient of determination value R2 value of 95.46% and the root 100 kPa with mean value of 3.29 then 50 kPa with of 3.08.
E.F. Aransiola, T.F. Oyewusi, J.A. Osunbitan et al. / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 909–918 917

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