Multiple Regression: X X, Then The Form of The Model Is Given by
Multiple Regression: X X, Then The Form of The Model Is Given by
Multiple Regression: X X, Then The Form of The Model Is Given by
Multiple regression is a logical extension of the principles of simple linear regression to
situations in which there are several predictor variables. For instance if we have two predictor
variables, X 1 and X 2 , then the form of the model is given by:
Y 0 1 X1 2 X 2 e
Note that the predictor variables can be either continuous or categorical. In the case of the
latter these variables need to be coded as dummy variables (not considered in this tutorial).
The response variable must be measured on a continuous scale.
The residual terms represent the difference between the predicted and observed values of
individuals. They are assumed to be independently and identically distributed normally with
zero mean and variance 2 , and account for natural variability as well as maybe
measurement error.
For the two (continuous) predictor example the deterministic component is in the form of a
plane which provides the predicted (mean/expected) response for given predictor variable
value combinations. Thus if we want the expected value for the specific values x1 and x2, then
this is obtained from the orthogonal projection from the point (x1,x2) in the X1 X 2 plane to
the expected value plane in the 3D space. The resulting Y value is the expected value from
this explanatory variable combination.
Observed values for this combination of explanatory variables are drawn from a normal
distribution with variance 2 centred on the expected value point:
Our data should thus appear to be a collection of points that are randomly scattered with
constant variability around the plane.
The multiple regression model fitting process takes such data and estimates the regression
coefficients ( 0 , 1 and 2 ) that yield the plane that has best fit amongst all planes.
Model assumptions
Ratio of cases to explanatory variables. Invariably this relates to research design. The
minimum requirement is to have at least five times more cases than explanatory
variables. If the response variable is skewed then this number may be substantially
Outliers. These can have considerable impact upon the regression solution and their
inclusion needs to be carefully considered. Checking for extreme values should form
part of the initial data screening process and should be performed on both the
response and explanatory variables. Univariate outliers can simply be identified by
considering the distributions of individual variables say by using boxplots.
Multivariate outliers can be detected from residual scatterplots.
Multicollinearity and singularity. Multicollinearity exists when there are high
correlations among the explanatory variables. Singularity exists when there is perfect
correlation between explanatory variables. The presence of either affect the
intepretation of the explanatory variables effect on the response variable. Also it can
lead to numerical problems in finding the regression solution. The presence of
multicollinearity can be detected by examining the correlation matrix (say r= 0.9
and above). If there is a pair of variables that appear to be highly multicollinear then
only one should be used in the regression. Note; some context dependent thought has
to be given as to which one to retain!
Normality, linearity, homoscedasticity and independence of residuals. The first three
of these assumptions are checked using residual diagnostic plots after having fit a
multiple regression model. The independence of residuals is usually assumed to be
true if we have indeed collected a random sample from the relvant population.
Suppose we are interested in predicting the current market value of houses in a particular city.
We have collected data that comprises a random sample of 30 house current values (£1,000s)
together with their corresponding living area (100 ft2) and the distance in miles from the city
Can we build a multiple regression model that can successfully predict house values using the
living area and distance variables?
If we consider the relationship between value and area it appears that there is a very
significant positive correlation between the two variables (i.e. value increases with area).
Fitting a simple linear regression model indicates that 61.4% of the variability in the values is
explained by the area.
If we consider the relationship between value and distance it appears that there is a significant
negative correlation between the two variables (i.e. value decreases with distance). Fitting a
simple linear regression model indicates that 17.7% of the variability in the values is
explained by the distance from the city centre.
Thus individually either variable is useful for predicting a house value. We shall now
consider the fitting of a multiple regression model that uses both variables for predictions.
First of all we need to address the assumptions that we check before fitting a multiple
regression model.
We have 30 cases and 2 explanatory variables. Looking at the boxplot of the response
variable value does not overtly worry us that there is a skewness problem.
Thus as we have 15 times more cases than explanatory variables we should have an adequate
number of cases.
The boxplot above of the response variable does not identify any outliers and neither do the
two boxplots below of the explanatory variables:
Multicollinearity and singularity
Examining the correlation between the two explanatory variables reveals that there is not a
significant correlation between them. Thus we have no concerns over multicollinearity.
Independence of residuals
Our data has come from a random sample and thus the observations should be independent
and hence the residuals should be too.
It appears that our pre model fitting assumption checks are satisfactory, and so we can now
consider the multiple regression output.
The unstandardized coefficients are the coefficients of the estimated regression model. Thus
the expected value of a house is given by:
For each one mile increase in distance from the city centre, the expected change in
house value is -£9,456 (-£11,456, -£7,476). Thus house values drop by £9,456 for
each one mile from the city centre.
For each 100 ft2 increase in area, the expected house value is expected to increase by
£12,548 (£10,870, £14,226).
The significance tests of the two explanatory variable coefficients indicate that both of the
explanatory variables are significant (p<.001) for predicting house values. If however either
had a p-value > .05, then we could infer that the offending variable(s) are not significant for
predicting house values.
Note that the intercept here gives the expected value of £80,121 for what would be a house of
no area in the exact middle of the city. It is debateable whether this makes any sense and can
be dismissed by the fact that these values of the explanatory variables are an extrapolation
from what we have observed.
The multiple correlation coefficient, R, indicates that we have a very high correlation
of .957 between our response variable and the two explanatory variables.
From the R squared value (coefficient of determination) we can see that the model fits
the data reasonably well; 91.5% of the variation in the house values can be explained
by the fitted model together with the house area and distance from the city centre
The adjusted R square value is attempts to correct for this. Here we can see it has
slightly reduced the estimated proportion. If you have a small data set it may be worth
reporting the adjusted R squared value.
The standard error of the estimate is the estimate of the standard deviation of the error
term of the model, . This gives us an idea of the expected variability of predictions
and is used in calculation of confidence intervals and significance tests.
The remaining output is concerned with checking the model assumptions of normality,
linearity and homoscedasticity of the residuals. Residuals are the differences between the
observed and predicted responses. The residual scatterplots allow you to check:
Normality: the residuals should be normally distributed about the predicted responses;
Linearity: the residuals should have a straight line relationship with the predicted
Homoscedasticity: the variance of the residuals about predicted responses should be
the same for all predicted responses.
The above table summarises the predicted values and residuals in unstandarised and
standardised forms. It is usual practice to consider standardised residuals due to their ease of
interpretation. For instance outliers (observations that do not appear to fit the model that well)
can be identified as those observations with standardised residual values above 3.3 (or less
than -3.3). From the above we can see that we do not appear to have any outliers.
The above plot is a check on normality; the histogram should appear normal; a fitted normal
distribution aids us in our consideration. Serious departures would suggest that normality
assumption is not met. Here we have a histogram that does look reasonably normal given that
we have only 30 data points and thus we have no real cause for concern.
The above plot is a check on normality; the plotted points should follow the straight line.
Serious departures would suggest that normality assumption is not met. Here we have no
major cause for concern.
The above scatterplot of standardised residuals against predicted values should be a random
pattern centred around the line of zero standard residual value. The points should have the
same dispersion about this line over the predicted value range. From the above we can see no
clear relationship between the residuals and the predicted values which is consistent with the
assumption of linearity.
Thus we are happy that the assumptions of the model have been met and thus would be
confident about any inference/predictions that we gain from the model.
In order to get an expected house value for particular distance and area values we can use the
fitted equation. For example, for a house that is 5 miles from the city centre and is 1,400 ft2:
i.e. £208,513.
Alternatively, we could let a statistics program do the work and calculate confidence or
prediction intervals at the same time. For instance, when requesting a predicted value in SPSS
we can also obtain the following:
the predicted values for the various explanatory variable combinations together with
the associated standard errors of the predictions;
95% CI for the expected response;
95% CI for individual predicted responses.