2 Case Study of An Energy Efficient Commercial Building

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Prashant Bhanware, Indo-Swiss Building Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP), India
Pierre Jaboyedoff, BEEP, Switzerland
Saswati Chetia, BEEP, India
Sameer Maithel, BEEP, India
Bharath Reddy, BEEP, India
Keywords: Energy Monitoring Methodology, Simulated vs measured performance, Energy efficient public
while 31% of electricity is used for office equipment and
6% for artificial lighting. The difference in simulated
ABASTRACT performance (EPI: 53 kWh/m2.y) and measured
In India, adoption of ECBC and energy-efficient performance (EPI: 43 kWh/m2.y) is explained.
building design measures in commercial buildings has
remained limited due to various reasons. One of the INTRODUCTION
reasons is the non-availability of good case studies of India as an emerging market economy is witnessing a
energy efficient buildings based on performance data. significant increase in energy consumption. The total
Such case studies are needed for convincing both installed capacity for electricity generation in the
government agencies (responsible for ECBC country was ~350 GW (as on 31.03.2016), and has
implementation) and builders and building design teams increased at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
about the advantages of energy-efficient buildings. 8.52% in last decade (Energy Statistics, 2017). Total
Monitoring of energy performance of buildings is a installed capacity is estimated to increase to
challenge due to non-installation or non- functioning ~1145 GW by 2047 (IESS, 2015) under ‘Determined
energy information system (EIS) in majority of the Effort Scenario’ (i.e. level of effort which is deemed
buildings. most achievable by the implementation of current
The paper presents case study of an energy efficient policies and programmes of the government).
day-use public office building in composite climate
(Jaipur). The paper provides details about:
a) Energy efficiency measures adopted in the
b) Results of the building energy simulation during
the building design.
c) Methodology and results of the performance
monitoring of the fully functional building for
one-year period.
d) Results of checking compliance with ECBC
Energy efficiency measures (EEMs) for this building
includes use of insulation in external walls & roof, Buildings are the second largest consumer of electricity
optimized window-to-wall ratio, efficient glazing, high in India after industries (Figure 1). Overall, buildings
efficiency water cooled chiller, T5 & LED lighting and sector accounts for 33% (24% residential & 9%
rooftop solar photovoltaic system. Since the building commercial) of the electricity consumption (Energy
does not have an EIS, a monitoring methodology was Statistics, 2017).
developed. This consisted of (i) two-weeks detailed Figure 1: Electricity Consumption in India (sector-
energy monitoring twice a year, in winter and summer wise)Projections under different scenarios (Figure 2),
season; (ii) analysis of monthly energy bills for a year; show that the electricity consumption for the residential
and (iii) a calibrated energy simulation model. Results sector is expected to increase 6-13 times from 2012- 2047
and 7-11 times for the commercial sector in the same time
show 53% of electricity is used for HVAC annually,
frame (IESS, 2015). This increase of electricity
consumption in buildings is primarily attributed to the commercial / institutional buildings. However, ECBC
increase in building stock with residential sector built- adoption is voluntary and becomes mandatory in the
up area expected to increase by state after notification by respective state government.
~4 times, while commercial sector by ~13 times, during
As of now, 10 states have notified ECBC and
2012 to 2047 (Figure 3) (IESS, 2015), expansion of
established ECBC cells in 5 states; but actual
electrification in rural areas as well as to the increased
implementation of the code has remained challenging.
intensity of electricity consumption in urban buildings,
mainly due to rapid growth of air conditioning. Mandatory building energy efficiency codes like ECBC
are considered essential for mainstreaming building
energy efficiency in new buildings in emerging
economies. Further, it has been noted that world-wide
the building energy efficiency codes have better
acceptance in the cold climate regions as compared to
warm climate regions (Liu et.al. 2010). There are
several challenges in the implementation of building
energy efficiency codes in the emerging economies and
a multi-pronged approach is needed for successful
Development of good quality case studies of energy-
Figure 2: Projection of energy consumption under best efficient commercial buildings is one of the key
(Level 4) and worst (Level 1) scenario components of this multi-pronged strategy, particularly
for countries like India which falls in warm climate
region. Most of the existing case studies on energy
efficient commercial buildings in India are based on
building energy simulation results and not on actual
monitored energy performance of the building. Due to
this reason, there is a lack of confidence and a certain
degree of distrust amongst the builders/developers and
building designers about the effectiveness of ECBC,
building energy efficiency design measures and the
results of building energy simulations.
This paper presents a case study of a commercial
Figure 3: Projection of built-up area
building. The paper provides details about:
The difference between the “Least Effort Scenario” (i.e. a)Energy efficiency measures adopted in the
projections assuming past trends continue) & “Heroic building.
Effort Scenario” (i.e. heightened efficiency numbers, b) Results of the building energy simulation during
leading up to the physically best attainable in due the building design.
course) (Figure 2) shows that there is a large potential c) Methodology and results of the performance
of reducing the overall energy consumption in building monitoring of the fully functional building for
by ~50% by the year 2047. one-year period.
Regulatory efforts in India have focused on commercial d) Results of checking compliance with ECBC
building energy efficiency. The Bureau of Energy Building Design
Efficiency (BEE) developed Energy Conservation About the building: The building (Figure 4 and Figure
Building Code (ECBC) in 2007 to address energy 5) is the head office of the Rajasthan Forest Department,
efficiency in new and large situated in Jaipur (composite climate).

improving day lighting, energy efficient lighting and
cooling systems and integration of renewable energy.
Following EEMs were agreed upon and implemented
during construction stage. The EEMs include:
 Roof insulation (Figure 6): Roof of this building is
insulated with 40 mm polyurethane foam (PUF)
resulting a U-value of 0.6 W/m2.K. Also, light
coloured terrazzo tiles at top was incorporated to
have high reflectivity.

Figure 4: Aranya Bhawan

Key details of this building are:

 Built-up area: ~10,000 m2 (excluding basement
parking and service area) Figure 6: Roof insulation details
 Number of floors: Five (G+4) + one basement
level for parking and services  Wall insulation (Figure 7): External wall
constructed as cavity wall filled with insulation. A
 Number of users: 344
50 mm extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulation was
 Types of spaces: Offices, museum, library, used, resulting a U-value of 0.5 W/m2.K (without
auditorium, guest rooms taking account thermal bridging).
 Building has three wings with the floor plans as
shown below.

Figure 7: Wall insulation details

 Efficient glazing (Figure 8): Double glazed unit (6-

Figure 5: Ground floor plan of the building 12-6 mm) with U-value: 1.8 W/m2.K, SHGC: 0.24
& VLT: 36% was used to reduce heat gains and get
 Project timeline & key steps enough daylight. Relatively shallow floor plate (15
o A design workshop for energy-efficient design m deep) of the building helped in daylighting.
with key project team members was organised
at the design stage in December 2012. This
workshop resulted in identification & selection
of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) as well
as building energy simulation to quantify
energy savings.
o Construction of the building was carried out
from 2013 – March 2015.
o The building was inaugurated in March 2015
and fully occupied by April 2015. Energy
monitoring of the building was done in 2015-
Figure 8: Glazing details
Energy efficiency measures & renewable energy  Energy efficient lighting: LEDs and T5 were used
system implemented: During the design workshop, the to achieve a lighting power density (LPD) of ~6
main emphasis was on reducing heat gains, W/m2.

 Energy efficient cooling system: A centralised
high efficiency water-cooled chiller (COP: 5.8)
was implemented for air-conditioning the
building. Given the water scarcity in Jaipur, a
sewage treatment plant (capacity: 15 m3/d) was
installed and treated waste water is used for the
cooling towers.
 Solar photovoltaic (SPV) system: A 45kWp grid-
connected roof-top SPV system (Figure 9) with net
metering is installed to meet part of the building
energy requirement. It should be noted that the
contribution of solar PV system has not been
included in the EPI calculations during energy
simulations. Figure 11: Reduction in EPI size with EEMs (SPV
contribution not included)

Energy monitoring of the building was done to
understand the actual energy performance of the
building and to compare it with the estimated energy
performance through energy simulation. As the building
does not have an EIS, the methodology for energy
monitoring involved.
Figure 9: SPV system at the rooftop Collection of Electricity Bill
The energy simulation of the building was carried out
Monthly electricity bills for a period of one year (May
using DesignBuilder software to quantify the benefits
2015 to April 2016) were collected. Using this data
of the integration of EEMs. The key results of the
monthly and annual EPI of the building was calculated.
energy simulation were:
The billing data was also cross-checked with the data
 Reduction in cooling system size: The cooling from the log book maintained by the building operation
system size was reduced from 230 TR (before the team on the hours of usage of HVAC system and
design workshop) to 165 TR (after the integration periodic readings of the electricity meter.
of EEMs), which is a 28% reduction in the cooling Seasonal Energy Monitoring
system size (Figure 10).
The objective of the detailed seasonal energy
monitoring was (1) to get break-up of energy
consumption for different end-uses (e.g. HVAC,
lighting, equipment, etc.), and (2) to identify further
energy saving opportunities by measuring the
performance of different systems (e.g. chillers, pumps,
fans, lighting fixtures etc.).
Detailed energy monitoring for two weeks in winter and
two weeks in summer was done. Winter monitoring was
done for a duration of two weeks in January 2016.
During this period, the HVAC system was not
operational. Except HVAC system data, all
Figure 10: Reduction in cooling system size with EEMs measurements were done. In addition, data on building
usage such as number of people, occupancy schedule,
 Reduction in energy consumption: The energy
schedule of operation for lighting and other systems was
performance index (EPI) was reduced from 77
gathered. Summer monitoring was for a duration of two
kWh/m2.y to 53 kWh/m2.y (31% reduction) after
considering EEMs in energy simulation (Figure weeks in May 2016. During summer, all the
11). This does not include the energy generated
from SPV system.

measurements were done as the HVAC system was Level 3: Data collection (from hourly panel reading,
fully operational. through records or through interaction): Energy
generated from SPV system, from DG set was collected
Prior to actual energy monitoring, a detailed monitoring to get energy supply from these systems.
plan was prepared. Architectural drawings, HVAC
schematic and electrical schematic was studied in detail
to prepare a draft monitoring plan (Figure 12). A visit to
the building was done to exactly identify the different
measurement points, instruments needed, measurement
frequency and other details to be collected.

Figure 13: Photographs during the monitoring

Table 1 shows the list of instruments used during the

monitoring, its make and measured parameter.
Figure 12: Identification of monitoring points Table 1: List of instruments used during monitoring

Monitoring plan for building included three levels of Sr. Name of Make Measurement
data monitoring and collection No Instruments
1 Single CT MECO Snap shot power
Level 1: Continuous data logging with an interval of power meter measurement
15 min. or less: Energy loggers were installed at 2 Three CT power ORACLE Power Data Logging
electricity distribution panel to continuous log the 3 Three CT power Krykard Power Data Logging
HVAC and non-HVAC loads. In addition, data logging analyzer
was done for HVAC system components which 4 Swing JRM DBT & WBT
included power for each operational chillers, condenser 5 Lux meter TES 1332 A Illumination levels
water flow, condenser water in and out temperature, 6 Surface contact Libratherm Measurement of
power for air handling units, ambient air temperature type temperature surface temperature on
and relative humidity. This data was used to calculate sensor condenser water
the HVAC energy break-up in AHU and Chiller plant
7 Head mount Libratherm Measurement of water
and to calculate the chiller coefficient of performance temperature temperature through
(COP). sensor thermowell
8 8 Channel Libratherm Logging of water
Level 2: Spot measurement of parameters (2 times Temperature temperature readings
per day: 1100-1230 hrs, 1430-1630 hrs): The key aim Logger
of this task was to find an approximate energy break-up 9 8 Channel Libratherm Logging of Ambient
Temperature Temperature + water
of non-HVAC loads which included lighting (office Logger + %RH temperature + %RH
spaces, corridor & exterior), office equipment, STP & logger
miscellaneous (lift, water pump, basement ventilation 10 Ambient Libratherm Ambient Temperature
temperature + + %RH
fan, etc.). Measurement points on multiple electricity %RH sensor
distribution panel were identified for the same. Ultrasonic Data logging of Water
11 Water Flow Essiflo flow through main
Spot measurements of electrical power was done for meter header of condenser
primary chilled water pump, secondary chilled water Infrared Measurement of
12 temperature gun Testo Envelope temperature
pump, condenser pump and cooling tower fan to get
further break-up of chiller plant energy consumption.
Calibrated Energy Simulation Model
Spot measurements were also made for indoor lighting
levels and artificial lighting power to understand the Based on the information gathered, detailed
daylight penetration in spaces and lighting energy. specification of equipment and performance
measurement of systems; an energy simulation model

(using VisualDOE) was prepared. Calibration of
simulation model was done:
 Against the monthly energy bills to match the
monthly energy consumption
 Against the energy consumption of different end-
uses (lighting, equipment, HVAC, etc.) for the
detailed monitoring period i.e. two weeks of
January and two weeks of May
The objective of this model was: (1) to calculate the
break-up of energy consumption for different end-uses
round the year as the detailed monitoring was done only
Figure 14: Simulated and actual monthly EPI
for a total of four weeks duration and (2) to calculate the
energy saving through the additional measures
Key reasons for these differences are:
identified during the monitoring period.
ECBC Compliance  The simulation was done using the ISHRAE
weather data file which gives the hourly data for a
‘Whole building performance method’ was followed for year with long term measured data. Weather
ECBC compliance check. This requires preparation of conditions for the monitoring period may have
energy simulation model for two cases differences as compared to the data considered in
(1) ECBC Prescriptive and (2) As Designed. All the the energy simulation.
simulation inputs, (e.g. wall U-value, roof U-value,  During monitoring it was observed that the HVAC
fenestration SHGC, VLT & U-value, lighting power remained OFF during the period November - Mid
density, HVAC system COP, etc.) for ‘ECBC March, while in simulation, the HVAC system was
considered operational during this period.
Prescriptive’ case, were taken as defined in ECBC. For
the ‘As Designed’ case, all the simulation inputs were  The artificial lighting energy consumed in winter
(Nov-Feb) was also less than that estimated in the
taken as designed capacity and design specification.
charrette due to better use of daylight.
Inputs on building operation (e.g. thermostat setpoints,
 During the simulation, only weekends (Saturday &
schedules, internal gains, occupant loads, etc.) were
Sunday) were considered as holidays, whereas in
kept same for both cases. In addition, all the mandatory actual there were 20-30 additional holidays.
requirements were checked for ECBC compliance.
All the findings of energy monitoring (actual schedule
Actual energy performance of building may not match to for occupancy, lighting, equipment, HVAC system
the ‘As Designed’ case due difference in user behaviour performance) were used to prepare a ‘calibrated energy
and difference in actual performance of various simulation model’ as explained in subsequent sections.
Energy supply and consumption
Figure 15 gives the break-up of energy supply from grid
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS & SPV system. DG set was hardly used during this
period and thus does not feature here. SPV system of 25
Comparison of energy performance (Simulation vs
actual) kWp capacity was installed in October-2015 and
subsequently the installed capacity was increased to 45
The simulated EPI during the charrette (December kWp in January-2016 and later net metering was done in
2012) was 53 kWh/m2.y as compared to the actual EPI April-2016. Therefore, during May-15 to April-2016,
(monitored data for May-15 to Apr-16) of 43 kWh/m2.y. only ~6% of energy was supplied through SPV system
Figure 14 shows the comparison of monthly EPI for and ~94% was drawn through the grid. However, is it
these two cases. estimated that contribution of energy from SPV system
would increase to ~20% (considering the present energy
consumption and energy generation from 45 kWp
system for a year).

Seasonal energy break-up

Figure 18 and Figure 19 show the break-up of energy

consumption during the winter (Nov-Feb) and summer
(Mar-Oct) months, respectively. During the winter
office equipment consume maximum (69%) amount of
energy while in summer HVAC accounts for maximum
(60%) energy consumption.

Figure 15: Energy supply break-up

Figure 16 & Figure 17 gives the annual and monthly

break-up of energy consumption for different end- uses,

Figure 18: Break-up of energy consumption in winter

Figure 16: Break-up of annual energy consumption

Figure 19: Break-up of energy consumption in summer

HVAC system performance

Figure 20 shows the measured COP of two operational

chillers day-wise. The average COP of Chiller#1 was
7.4, while for Chiller#2 it was 5.5. Although cooling
water temperature delivered to Chiller#2 was same as
Chiller#1; but the “Condenser Approach” was found to
be 4.5oC; as compared to the “Condenser Approach” of
2oC for Chiller#1. Due to this higher “Condenser
Figure 17: Break-up of energy consumption (Monthly) Approach” for Chiller#2, the condensing pressure of
refrigerant was higher as compared to that of Chiller#1
Annually, HVAC consumes maximum energy and and therefore, performance of Chiller#2 was found to be
accounts for 53% of the electricity consumed. Office low.
equipment consumes 31% of the annual electricity with
artificial lighting consuming 6%. November- 2015 to
mid of March-2016, the HVAC system remained off.
Total monthly consumption peaks in June due to peak
energy consumption by the HVAC system.

Figure 23: Sample spaces for daylight measurement

Figure 20: Measured chiller performance Out of these 9 spaces, 3 spaces (marked as ‘X’) had
average daylight of ~30 lux and required artificial
Figure 21 shows the COP of overall HVAC plant
lighting. This was mainly due shading by adjacent
(including chiller, pumps & cooling tower) for the
staircase block. Other 6 spaces had average daylight of
monitoring period. It varied from 3.6 to 4.6 during the
~300 lux and did not require any artificial lighting.
monitoring period and the average COP was calculated
Further Energy Saving Opportunities
as 4.1.
Energy monitoring identified few additional measures
which can further help in energy saving. The saving
potential of these additional measures is estimated
through energy simulation (by adding these measures in
the ‘calibrated energy simulation model’). These
measures are:
 Reduction of contract demand from 500 kVA to
400 kVA as the recorded demand did not exceed
300 kVA.
 Improve condenser approach for under-
performing chiller by cleaning the condenser tubes
Figure 21: HVAC plant performance and maintaining water quality.
 Improve cooling tower efficiency.
 Replace condenser water pumps & primary chilled
water pump with revised capacity (pressure &
Energy savings through these additional measures is
estimated to be ~10,000 kWh/y.
ECBC Compliance Analysis Results

Following the ‘whole building performance method’,

energy simulation was done for ‘ECBC Prescriptive’
case and ‘As Designed’ case to check whether the
Figure 22: Break-up of HVAC energy consumption design of the building is ECBC compliant or not. Figure
Figure 22 shows the break-up of HVAC energy 24 shows that the energy consumption of ‘As Designed’
consumption. Chillers account for the 54% of HVAC case is ~20% less as compared to ‘ECBC Prescriptive’
energy while AHU consume 15% of it. case; confirming that the building is an ECBC
Daylighting measurement compliant building.

Figure 23 shows the sample spaces (total 9 spaces) for

which daylight measurement (lux levels) was done. The
measurement was done once during winter and summer

Figure 24: Energy consumption results for ECBC compliance

BEE also has a star rating programme for existing two-weeks detailed energy monitoring twice a year, in
buildings based on one energy consumption (EPI) data winter and summer season; (ii) analysis of monthly
for a complete year. For day-use office building in energy bills for a year; and (iii) a calibrated energy
composite climate (e.g. Jaipur), a building with an EPI simulation model. Results show 53% of electricity is
< 90 kWh/m2.y, gets a five-star (maximum) rating. used for HVAC annually, while 31% of electricity is
With an EPI of 43 kWh/m2.y, The building easily used for office equipment and 6% for artificial
qualifies for five-star rating under BEE’s star rating lighting. The difference in simulated performance
programme. (EPI: 53 kWh/m2.y) and measured performance (EPI:
Cost Benefit Analysis 43 kWh/m2.y) is explained.

Cost of construction before design workshop was The case study shows that for building without an
estimated to be Rs 300 million, while the actual cost EIS, using a customised energy monitoring
of construction after implementing all EEMs (except methodology, one can get quite good understanding
SPV system) was Rs 306 million. The increase in of energy performance of building, break-up of
energy for end- uses and performance of systems;
capital cost was only 2% while energy saving
also identify possibilities of further improvement in
estimated to be 44%; thereby resulting in a payback
energy performance.
period of 2.5-3.0 years.
There is a need to have many such case studies. This
would help in motivating builders / developers and
other building sector professional to adopt energy
Good quality case studies based on monitored energy efficiency measures in their projects, having more
performance are needed for mainstreaming ECBC in ECBC compliant buildings.
the country. The paper presents case study of an office
building at Jaipur and cover: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
a) Energy efficiency measures adopted in the The authors of this paper would like to thank Indo-
building. Swiss Building Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP)
b) Results of the building energy simulation under which the technical support was provided to
during the building design. Aranya Bhawan project team for design &
c) Methodology and results of the performance implementation of energy efficiency measures as
monitoring of the fully functional building for well as funding was provided to carry out the energy
one-year period. monitoring work. The authors would also like to
d) Results of checking compliance with ECBC thank Energetic Consulting Pvt. Ltd. for conducting
the energy monitoring; Rajasthan State Road
Energy efficiency measures (EEMs) for this building
Development Cooperation (RSRDC) for
includes use of insulation in external walls & roof,
implementing the EEMs and Forest Department of
optimized window-to-wall ratio, efficient glazing,
Rajasthan to support as building owner.
high efficiency water cooled screw chiller, T5 & LED
lighting and rooftop solar photovoltaic system. Since
the building does not have an EIS, a monitoring
methodology was developed. This consisted of (i)
Energy Statistics, 2017. Central Statistics Office,
Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation, Government of India
India Energy Security Scenario (IESS), 2015. NITI
Liu F, Meyer A S, Hogan J F, 2010. Mainstreaming
Building Energy Codes in Developing Countries.
World Bank Working Paper No. 204.


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