Automotive Ethernet Webinar Physical Layer Compliance Testing
Automotive Ethernet Webinar Physical Layer Compliance Testing
Automotive Ethernet Webinar Physical Layer Compliance Testing
Bob Mart
Product Line Manager
[email protected]
Upcoming Events:
Hands on Testing
6/7/2017 3
Defining Automotive Ethernet
Can refer to any Ethernet-based
network for in-vehicle electrical Automotive Ethernet
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What is 100Base-T1?
IEEE 802.3bw Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 100
Mb/s Operation over a Single Balanced Twisted Pair Cable (100Base-T1)
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Physical Layer Compliance Testing
Overview of Compliance Testing
Categories of Automotive Ethernet Testing
Electrical Signaling: Physical Media Attachment (PMA)
Determine if product conforms to electrical transmitter and receiver
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We will focus on Electrical Signaling
Electrical Signaling: Physical Media Attachment (PMA)
Determine if product conforms to electrical transmitter and receiver
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What is Compliance Testing in the Context of Automotive Ethernet?
The 100Base-T1 spec includes requirements for PMA, PCS, and PHY
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Automotive Ethernet Test Suites
OPEN Alliance licensed
UNL-IOL to create test suites for
each group of testing
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PMA Tests have two groups
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PMA Electrical Measurements
We will focus on the electrical
transmitter tests performed with
an oscilloscope
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A Quick Note About PMA Receive Tests
Group 2 is analogous to a
protocol level test
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Why is PHY Compliance Important?
OEMs have a lengthy development cycle for an ECU
Need assurance that PHY chip meets requirements prior to implementation
Once the PHY chip has been incorporated into the ECU it should also
be tested – testing is not just for PHY vendors
This may be full compliance testing or a subset of compliance tests
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Where is the Electrical Compliance Testing Defined?
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Physical Layer Compliance Testing
100Base-T1 Test Modes
100Base-T1 has 5 Test Modes
Why do we have test modes?
Allow for a common pattern to test stressful conditions across all devices
Improves odds of interoperability
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Test Mode 1 – Transmit Droop
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Test Mode 2 – Transmit Jitter in Master Mode
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Test Mode 3 – Transmit Jitter in Slave Mode (optional)
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Test Mode 4 – Transmitter Distortion Test
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Test Mode 5 – Normal Operation at Full Power
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Generation of Test Modes
Each PHY vendor has a “backdoor” method to modify the necessary
registers to enter each test mode
This often not publically available and the method will vary from vendor
to vendor
You must ask your PHY vendor how to generate these test modes
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Physical Layer Compliance Testing
Test Detail
7 Differential Electrical Physical Layer Compliance Tests
BroadR-Reach & 100Base-T1
Maximum Transmitter Output Droop
Transmitter Clock Frequency
Transmitter Timing Master Jitter
Transmitter Timing Slave Jitter
Transmitter Distortion
Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD)
100Base-T1 Only
Transmitter Peak Differential Output
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Test Setup for PMA Compliance Testing
Pair A
SMA Cables to
oscilloscope RJ45 Breakout Section
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Maximum Transmitter Output Droop – Description
Test Mode 1
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Maximum Transmitter Output Droop – Methodology
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Maximum Transmitter Output Droop – Methodology
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Transmitter Clock Frequency – Description
Test Mode 2
Verify that the frequency of the transmitted clock meets the spec limits
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Transmitter Clock Frequency – Methodology
1. Measure frequency or
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Transmitter Clock Frequency – Methodology
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Transmitter Timing Master Jitter – Description
Test Mode 2
Measure RMS (root mean squared) of the MDI output jitter over at least
1 ms
Test limit is 50 ps
This test will verify that the jitter on the transmitted clock is within the
specified limits
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Transmitter Timing Master Jitter – Methodology
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Transmitter Timing Master Jitter – Methodology
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What is a track?
A plot of each measured value in an acquisition
5 10
1 4
2 6 12
4. Compare to 50 ps
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Transmitter Timing Slave Jitter – Description
In normal operation as Slave
Probe TX_TCLK or Test mode 3
This test will verify that the jitter Source: IEEE 100Base-T1 Figure 96-24
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Access to TX_TCLK
TX_TCLK = transmitted clock
The spec says that each DUT must provide a means to access this
Rarely the case unless testing a PHY eval board
ie: ECU
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Transmitter Timing Slave Jitter – Methodology
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Transmitter Distortion – Description
Test mode 4
Test limit is 15 mV
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Setup for Disturbing Sine Wave (Vd)
Simulates the presence of a remote
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Matlab Code is Provided in the Spec for Peak Distortion Calculation
Any error from ideal reference is
counted as distortion
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The Distortion Test Setup is Very Complicated
Disturbing sinewave source,
oscilloscope, and DUT all need
to locked in frequency
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Software Clock Recovery – Distortion Testing Made Easy
Teledyne LeCroy has developed a unique software clock recovery
First demonstrated at UNH Plugfest in November 2016
Removes the need to synchronize the DUT with the scope and
disturbing sine wave
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Teledyne LeCroy Simplified the Distortion Test Setup
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Teledyne LeCroy Test Setup for the Distortion Test
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How Does the Software Clock Recovery Work?
Aligns the oscilloscope’s sampled points with DUT’s TX_TCLK
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1. Finding the Correct Frequency Offset of the DUT
Pattern length of
2047 bits which
repeats after
30.705 μs
30.705 μs
Using two zoom
windows with an
offset of 30.705 μs
the same pattern will
be found
∆ ∆
Measure the delta time for all edges in Zoom 1 to the correspondent edge
in Zoom 2 and calculate the average of all measurements
P1 = average of
between Z1 and Z2
P3 = offset in ns
from the ideal length
of the pattern
P5 = offset of the
clock in ppm
To increase the
frequency by 10%
we have to use
every 9th point (9,
18, 27,…) from the
waveform Point for new waveform
To decrease the
frequency by 10%
it would be every
11nd point
1. Calculate Distortion
3. Measure 10 phases
over the UI 2. Compare to 15 mV
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Transmitter Power Spectral Density (PSD) – Description
Test Mode 5
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Maximum Transmitter Output Droop – Methodology
1. Calculate PSD
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Maximum Transmitter Output Droop – Methodology
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Maximum Transmitter Output Droop – Methodology
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Transmitter Peak Differential Output – Description
Test Mode 5
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Maximum Transmitter Output Droop – Methodology
2. Compare to 2.2 V
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Physical Layer Compliance Testing
Test Equipment Requirements
Test Equipment Requirements
1 GHz Oscilloscope with at least Ethernet Test Fixture
2 GS/s sample rate 2 SMA cables
We recommend 10 GS/s 2 SMA-BNC Adapters
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Ethernet Test Fixture (TF-ENET-B)
Fixture used for 10/100/1000
Base-T testing
RJ45 Interface
Breakout section
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Connecting the DUT to the Ethernet Fixture
The Medium Dependent Interface (MDI) is not mechanically specified
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Example of Custom Short Automotive Cables
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Example of Custom Short Automotive Cables
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Example of Custom Breakout Fixture
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Physical Layer Compliance Testing
Automated Compliance Software
Why use Automated Compliance Software?
Automation will greatly decrease the test time
Complete testing takes less than 10 minutes
Results are fully repeatable – tested the same way every time
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QPHY-BroadR-Reach: Teledyne LeCroy’s Automated Test Package
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Guides the User Through the Each Step
Prompts notify user to output Detailed connection diagrams
correct test pattern ensure the proper setup
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Fully Documented Report Automatically Generated
Report conations:
Test values
Specified test limits
Screen captures
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Fully Documented Report Automatically Generated
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Advanced Debugging
Stop On Test
User can pause testing after each individual test
Seamlessly resume testing after debugging
Pause on Failure
During the test the software notify
the user if a failure occurs
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Bob Mart
[email protected]