This chapter presents the overall methodology of the research which consists of
research design, research locale, respondents of the study, research instrument, and
data gathering procedure.
In this study, the researchers use the quantitative research design specifically the
descriptive correlational method utilizing a questionnaire to get the needed data for the
This study will be conduct at the Dr. Onofre H. Campo High School. The setting of the
study is particularly in the Barangay Batasan located at Makilala, North Cotabato.
The instrument in this thesis is a survey. The researcher will prepare a survey
questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of ten (10) questions which includes several
inquiries about online games. It will be given to twenty (20) respondents. They were
selected through purposive sampling which the persons chosen for the investigation are
themselves not expected to be the representatives of the population, but rather they
possess the necessary information about the issue being investigated upon. The
instrument use will give way and support in retrieving data for the thesis.
The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 students of Dr. Onofre H. Campo High
School who are currently enrolled of the academic year 2019-2020.
At first, the researcher will look for necessary resources that could help her in the study.
The researcher will do an intensive reading from the internet and will ask some opinions
from the online game players. From these, I will able to construct ideas and questions
necessary for the questionnaire. A letter of transmittal will then prepare and it will be
submitted to their adviser, and to the principal of the school for the approval in producing
and distributing the questionnaire. The researcher will ask the permission from their
adviser to allow them to proceed with the distribution of the questionnaire to the Grade
11 senior high school students of Dr. Onofre H. Campo High School. If the permission
granted the researcher will clearly explain all the directions and items to the Grade 11
Senior High School students– respondents to ensure understanding and correctness of
their responses. After the questionnaire was sent back to the researchers, the responses
were analyzed and interpreted. It was done through the use of percentage and ranking.