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Object-Oriented Programming


©2016 Margit ANTAL


1. Java Language
2. Object-Oriented Programming
3. Inheritance and Polymorphism
4. Static Members
5. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
6. Exceptions and Nested Classes
7. Threads
8. GUI Programming
9. Collections and Generics
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Module 1
Java language

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Java language

● History
● Java technology: JDK, JRE, JVM
● Properties
● 'Hello world' application
● Garbage Collection

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Short History

● 1991 - Green Project for consumer electronics

market (Oak language → Java)
● 1994 – HotJava Web browser
● 1995 – Sun announces Java
● 1996 – JDK 1.0
● 1997 – JDK 1.1 RMI, AWT, Servlets
● 1998 – Java 1.2 Reflection, Swing, Collections
● 2004 – J2SE 1.5 (Java 5) Generics, enums
● 2014 – Java 8 Lambdas
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Java technology

● JDK – Java Development Kit

● JRE – Java Runtime Environment
● JVM – Java Virtual Machine
JDK javac, jar, debugging
JRE java, libraries


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● Object-oriented
● Interpreted
● Portable
● Secure and robust
● Scalable
● Multi-threaded
● Dynamic language
● Distributed
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Hello World Application
1. Write the source code: HelloWorld.java

public class HelloWorld{

public static void main( String args[] ){
System.out.println(“Hello world”);

2. Compile: javac HelloWorld.java

3. Run: java HelloWorld

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Hello World Application
javac HelloWorld.java


java HelloWorld



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Garbage Collection

● Dynamically allocated memory

● Deallocation
– Programmer's responsibility (C/C++)
– System responsibility (Java):
● Is done automatically (system-level thread)
● Checks for and frees memory no longer needed

©2016 Margit ANTAL

● Compilers vs. interpreters
● Portability
● Dynamic typing (dynamic language)

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Module 2
Object-Oriented Programming

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Object-oriented programming
Classes and Objects

● Class
– Attributes and methods
● Object (instance)
● Information hiding
● Encapsulation
● Constructors
● Packages
©2016 Margit ANTAL

● Is a user-defined type

Describes the data (attributes)
Defines the behavior (methods) } members

● Instances of a class are objects

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Declaring Classes
● Syntax
<modifier>* class <class_name>{




● Example public class Counter{

private int value;
public void inc(){
public int getValue(){
return value;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Declaring Attributes
● Syntax
<modifier>* <type> <attribute_name>[= <initial_value>];

● Examples

public class Foo{

private int x;
private float f = 0.0;
private String name =”Anonymous”;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Declaring Methods
● Syntax
<modifier>* <return_type> <method_name>( <argument>* ){


● Examples public class Counter{

public static final int MAX = 100;
private int value;

public void inc(){

if( value < MAX ){
public int getValue(){
return value;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Accessing Object Members
● Syntax
● Examples
public class Counter{ c.inc();
public static final int MAX = 100; int i = c.getValue();
private int value;

public void inc(){

if( value < MAX ){
public int getValue(){
return value;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Information Hiding
● The problem:
Client code has direct access to internal data

/* C language */
struct Date { Date d;
int year, month, day; d.day = 32; //invalid day
d.month = 2; d.day = 30;
// invalid data

d.day = d.day + 1;
// no check

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Information Hiding
● The solution:
Client code must use setters and getters to access internal data

// Java language
public class Date { Date d = new Date();
private int year, month, day; //no assignment
public void setDay(int d){..} d.setDay(32);
public void setMonth(int m){..} // month is set
public void setYear(int y){..} d.setMonth(2);
public int getDay(){...} // no assignment
public int getMonth(){...} d.day = 30;
public int getYear(){...}

Verify days in month

©2016 Margit ANTAL

● Hides the implementation details of a class
● Forces the user to use an interface to access data
● Makes the code more maintainable

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Declaring Constructors
● Syntax:
[<modifier>]<class_name>( <argument>*){

public class Date {

private int year, month, day;

public Date( int y, int m, int d) {

if( verify(y, m, d) ){
year = y; month = m; day = d;

private boolean verify(int y, int m, int d){


©2016 Margit ANTAL

● Role: object initialization
● Name of the constructor must be the same as that of
class name.
● Must not have return type.
● Every class should have at least one constructor.
– If you don't write constructor, compiler will generate the default constructor.
● Constructors are usually declared public.
– Constructor can be declared as private → You can't use it outside the class.
● One class can have more than one constructors.
– Constructor overloading.

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Default Constructors
● There is always at least one constructor in every
● If the programmer does not supply any constructors,
the default constructor is generated by the compiler
– The default constructor takes no argument
– The default constructor's body is empty
public class Date {
private int year, month, day;

public Date( ){

©2016 Margit ANTAL

● Objects are instances of classes
● Are allocated on the heap by using the new
● Constructor is invoked automatically on the new
Counter c = new Counter();

Date d1 = new Date( 2016, 9, 23);

Person p = new Person(“John”,”Smith”);

©2016 Margit ANTAL

● Help manage large software systems
● Contain
– Classes
– Sub-packages java
lang awt


Thread Button

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The package statement
● Syntax:
package <top_pkg_name>[.<sub_pkg_name>]*;

● Examples:
package java.lang; - statement at the beginning of the
source file
- only one package declaration per
public class String{ source file
- if no package name is declared →
… the class is placed into the default
} package

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The import statement
● Syntax:
package <top_pkg_name>[.<sub_pkg_name>]*;
● Usage:
import <pkg_name>[.<sub_pkg_name>]*.*;
● Examples:
import java.util.List;
import java.io.*;
-precedes all class declarations
-tells the compiler where to find classes

©2016 Margit ANTAL

● Class
● Class members:
– attributes
– methods
● Object, instance
● Constructor
● Package

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Object-oriented programming

● Primitive types
● Reference Type
● Parameter Passing
● The this reference
● Variables and Scope
● Casting

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Java Types

– Primitive (8)
● Logical: boolean
● Textual: char
● Integral: byte, short, int, long
● Floating: double, float
– Reference
● All others

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Logical - boolean

– Characteristics:
● Literals:
– true
– false
● Examples:
– boolean cont = true;
– boolean exists = false;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Textual - char

– Characteristics:
● Represents a 16-bit Unicode character
● Literals are enclosed in single quotes (' ')
● Examples:
– 'a' - the letter a
– '\t' - the TAB character
– '\u0041' - a specific Unicode character ('A') represented by
4 hexadecimal digits

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Integral – byte, short, int, and long

– Characteristics:
● Use three forms:
– Decimal: 67
– Octal: 0103 (1x8^2+0x8^1+3x8^0)
– Hexadecimal: 0x43
● Default type of literal is int.
● Literals with the L or l suffix are of type long.

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Integral – byte, short, int, and long

– Ranges:
Type Length Range
byte 1 byte -27..27-1
short 2 byte -215..215-1
int 4 byte -231..231-1
long 8 byte -263..263-1

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Floating Point – float and double

– Characteristics:
● Size:
– float – 4 byte
– double – 8 byte
● Decimal point
– 9.65 (double, default type)
– 9.65f or 9.65F (float)
– 9.65D or 9.65d (double)
● Exponential notation
– 3.41E20 (double)

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Java ReferenceTypes

public class MyDate{

private int day = 26;
private int month = 9;
private int year = 2016;

public MyDate( int day, int month, int year){


MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Constructing and Initializing Objects

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Constructing and Initializing Objects

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

(1) Memory is allocated for the object

(2) Explicit attribute initialization is performed
(3) A constructor is executed
(4) The object reference is returned by the new operator

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Constructing and Initializing Objects

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

(1) Memory is allocated for the object

(2) Explicit attribute initialization is performed
(3) A constructor is executed
(4) The object reference is returned by the new operator

date1 = object reference

(5)The reference is assigned to a variable

©2016 Margit ANTAL
(1) Memory is allocated for the object

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

reference date1 ??? Implicit initialization

object day 0
month 0
year 0

©2016 Margit ANTAL

(2) Explicit Attribute Initialization

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

reference date1 ??? public class MyDate{

private int day = 26;
private int month = 9;
private int year = 2016;
object day 26 }
month 9
year 2016

©2016 Margit ANTAL

(3) Executing the constructor

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

reference date1 ??? public class MyDate{

private int day = 26;
private int month = 9;
private int year = 2016;
object day 20 }
month 6
year 2000

©2016 Margit ANTAL

(4) The object reference is returned

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

The address
of the object
reference date1 ???

object day 20
month 6 0x01a2345
year 2000

©2016 Margit ANTAL

(5) The reference is assigned to a variable

MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);

The reference
points to
the object
reference date1 0x01a2345

object day 20
month 6
year 2000

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Assigning References
● Two variables refer to a single object
MyDate date1 = new MyDate(20, 6, 2000);
MyDate date2 = date1;

date1 0x01a2345 date2 0x01a2345

0x01a2345 day 20
object month 6
year 2000

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Parameter Passing
public class PassTest{
public void changePrimitive(int value){

public void changeReference(MyDate from, MyDate to){

from = to;

public void changeObjectDay(MyDate date, int day){

date.setDay( day );

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Parameter Passing
PassTest pt = new PassTest();
int x = 100;
pt.changePrimitive( x );
System.out.println( x );

MyDate oneDate = new MyDate(3, 10, 2016);

MyDate anotherDate = new MyDate(3, 10, 2001);

pt.changeReference( oneDate, anotherDate );

System.out.println( oneDate.getYear() );

pt.changeObjectDay( oneDate, 12 );
System.out.println( oneDate.getDay() );


©2016 Margit ANTAL

The this Reference

– To resolve ambiguity between instance variables and
– To pass the current object as a parameter to another

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The this Reference

public class MyDate{

private int day = 26;
private int month = 9;
private int year = 2016;
public MyDate( int day, int month, int year){
this.day = day;
this.month = month;
this.year = year;
public MyDate( MyDate date){
this.day = date.day;
this.month = date.month;
this.year = date.year;
public MyDate creteNextDate(int moreDays){
MyDate newDate = new MyDate(this);
//... add moreDays
return newDate;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Java Coding Conventions
● Packages
– ro.sapientia.ms
● Classes
– SavingsAccount
● Methods
– getAmount()
● Variables
– amount
● Constants

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Variables and Scope

● Local variables are

– Defined inside a method
– Created when the method is executed and destroyed when the
method is exited
– Not initialized automatically
– Created on the execution stack

©2016 Margit ANTAL

©2016 Margit ANTAL
Default Initialization

● Default values for attributes:

Type Value
byte 0
short 0
int 0
long 0L
float 0.0f
double 0.0d
char '\u0000'
boolean false
refrence null

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Logical operators
● Bitwise operators ( ~, ^, &, |, >>, >>>, < )
● String concatenation ( + )

©2016 Margit ANTAL

String Types

● String
– Immutable – once created can not be changed
– Objects are stored in the Constant String Pool
● StringBuffer
– Mutable – one can change the value of the object
– Thread-safe
● StringBuilder
– The same as StringBuffer
– Not thread-safe

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Object-oriented programming

● Declaring arrays
● Creating arrays
● Arrays of primitive and reference type
● Initialization of elements
● Multidimensional arrays

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Declaring Arrays

● What is an array?
– Group of data objects of the same type
● Arrays of primitive types:
int t[];

int [] t;

● Arrays of reference types:

Point p[];

Point[] p;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating Arrays
Primitive Type

● Arrays are objects → are created with new

● Example:
//array declaration
int [] t;

//array creation
t = new int[10];

//print the array – enhanced for loop

for( int v: t ){
System.out.println( v );

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating Arrays
Primitive Type
//array declaration
int [] t;

//array creation
t = new int[10];

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating Arrays
Reference Type
● Example:

//array declaration
Point [] t;

//array creation – array of references!!!

t = new Point[3];

// How many objects of type Point?

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating Arrays
Reference Type
● Example:

//array declaration
Point [] p;

//array creation – array of references!!!

p = new Point[3];

// How many objects of type Point?

for( int i=0; i<3; ++i){
p[i] = new Point(i, i);
// How many objects of type Point?

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating Arrays
Reference Type

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Initializing Arrays

● Create an array with initial values

String names[] = {“Anna”, “Krisztina”, “Rebekka”};

Point points[] ={ new Point(0,0), new Point(1,1)};

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Array Bounds

void printElements( int t[] ){

for( int i=0; i < t.length; ++i){
System.out.println( t[i] );

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Multidimensional Arrays

● Rectangular arrays:
int [][] array = new int[3][4];
● Non-rectangular arrays:
int [][] array;
array = new int[2][];
array[0] = new int[3];
array[1] = new int[5];

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Array declaration and creation

– Array of primitives
– Array of references
● Size of an array (public attribute: length)
● Initial values of array elements

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Object-oriented programming
Relationships between classes

class Class Mo...

● Association (containment) Person Brain

– Strong – Composition

class Class Mo...

– Weak – Aggregation Car

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
class Class Mo...

Person Brain

– Strong type of association

– Full ownership

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
class Class Mo...

Car Passenger

– Weak type of association

– Partial ownership

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
Association – Aggregation - Composition




©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
Implementing Associations (1)

public class Brain{ public class Person{

//... private Brain brain;
} }

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
Implementing Associations (2)
class Class Mo...

Person Date

- nam e: String - day: int

- m onth: int
- year: int

public class Date{ public class Person{

private int day; private String name;
private int month; private Date birthDate;
private int year;
//... public Person(String name,
} Date birthDate){
this.name = name;
this.birthDate = birthDate;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
Implementing Associations (3)
Benedek Istvan, 1990, 1, 12
Burjan Maria, 1968, 4, 15
Dobos Hajnalka Evelin, 1986, 3, 17

Write a program which reads

:Person :Person the data of several persons
and constructs an array of
:Date :Date

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
Relationship cardinality

class Class Mo...

– One-to-one Person Brain

class Class Mo...

– One-to-many Course Student


M any stude nts m ay

enroll to the sam e

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
Implementing one-to-many relationship (1)
class Class Mo...
public class Student{
private final long ID;
private String firstname; Course Student
private String lastname;

M any stude nts m ay

enroll to the sam e

public class Course{

private final long ID;
private String name;
public static final int MAX_STUDENTS=100;
private Student[] enrolledStudents;
private int numStudents;


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
Implementing one-to-many relationship (2)
public class Course{
private final long ID;
private String name;
public static final int MAX_STUDENTS = 100;
private Student[] enrolledStudents;
private int numStudents;

public Course( long ID, String name ){

this.ID = ID;
this.name = name;
enrolledStudents = new Student[ MAX_STUDENTS ];

public void enrollStudent( Student student ){

enrolledStudents[ numStudents ] = student;


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Relationships between classes
Implementing one-to-many relationship (3)
public class Course{
private final long ID;
private String name;

private ArrayList<Student> enrolledStudents;

public Course( long ID, String name ){

this.ID = ID;
this.name = name;
enrolledStudents = new ArrayList<Student>();

public void enrollStudent( Student student ){



©2016 Margit ANTAL

Module 3
Inheritance, Polymorphism

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Inheritance
– Parent class
– Subclass, Child class
● Polymorhism
– Overriding methods
– Overloading methods
– The instanceof operator
– Heterogenous collections

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Problem: repetition in implementations

public class Employee{

private String name;
private double salary;
private Date birthDate;

public String toString(){


public class Manager{

private String name;
private double salary;
private Date birthDate;
private String department;

public String toString(){


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Solution: inheritance

class Class Mo... public class Employee{

protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
# nam e: String public Employee( … ){
# salary: double
# birthDate: Date
// …
+ Em p loyee() public String toString(){
+ toString() : Strin g //...

public class Manager extends Employee{

private String department;

- departm ent: Strin g public Manager( … ){

// …
+ M a nager() }
+ toString() : Strin g public String toString(){
// …

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Inheritance - syntax

<modifier> class <name> extends <superclass>{


public class Manager extends Employee{

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The subclass

● Inherits the data and methods of the parent

● Does not inherit the constructors of the
parent class
● Opportunities:
(1) add new data
(2) add new methods
(3) override inherited methods (polymorphism)

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The subclass

● Opportunities:
(1) add new data → department
(2) add new methods → e.g. getDepartment()
(3) override inherited methods → toString()

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Invoking Parent Class Constructors
public class Employee{
protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( String name, double salary, Date birthDate){
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
this.birthDate = birthDate;

public class Manager extends Employee{

private String department;
public Manager( String name, double salary, Date birthDate,
String department){
super(name, salary, bityhDate);
this.department = department;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Access Control

Modifier Same Same Subclass Universe

Class Package

private Yes
default Yes Yes
protected Yes Yes Yes
public Yes Yes Yes Yes

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Polymorphism - Overriding Methods

● A subclass can modify the behavior inherited

from a parent class
● A subclass can create a method with different
functionality than the parent's method but with
– same name
– same argument list
– almost the same return type
(can be a subclass of the overriden return type)

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Overriding Methods
public class Employee{
protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
return “Name: “+name+” Salary: ”+salary+” B. Date:”+birthDate;

public class Manager extends Employee{

private String department;
public Manager( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
return “Name: “+name+” Salary: ”+salary+” B. Date:”+birthDate
+” department: ”+department;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Invoking Overriden Methods
public class Employee{
protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
return “Name: “+name+” Salary: ”+salary+” B. Date:”+birthDate;

public class Manager extends Employee{

private String department;
public Manager( … ){
// …
public String toString(){
return super.toString() + ” department: ”+department;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Overridden Methods Cannot Be Less

public class Parent{

public void foo(){}

public class Child extends Parent{

private void foo(){} //illegal

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Overriding Methods

● Polymorhism: the ability to have many different forms

Employee e = new Employee(...);

System.out.println( e.toString() );

e = new Manager(...); //Correct

System.out.println( e.toString() );

Which toString() is invoked?

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Polymorhic Arguments

public String createMessage( Employee e ){

return “Hello, ”+e.getName();

Employee e1 = new Employee(“Endre”,2000,new Date(20,8, 1986));
Manager m1 = new Manager(“Johann”,3000,
new Date(15, 9, 1990),”Sales”);

System.out.println( createMessage( e1 ) );
System.out.println( createMessage( m1 ) );

Liskov Substitution!

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Heterogeneous Arrays

Employee emps[] = new Employee[ 100 ];

emps[ 0 ] = new Employee();
emps[ 1 ] = new Manager();
emps[ 2 ] = new Employee();
// …

// print employees
for( Employee e: emps ){
System.out.println( e.toString() );

// count managers
int counter = 0;
for( Employee e: emps ){
if( e instanceof Manager ){

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Static vs. Dynamic type of a reference

// static (compile time) type is: Employee

Employee e;

// dynamic (run time) type is: Employee

e = new Employee();

// dynamic (run time) type is: Manager

e = new Manager();

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Static vs. Dynamic type of a reference

Employee e = new Manager(“Johann”,3000,

new Date(10,9,1980),”sales”);
System.out.println( e.getDepartment() );// ERROR

System.out.println( ((Manager) e).getDepartment() );// CORRECT

//Better Solution
if( e instanceof Manager ){
System.out.println( ((Manager) e).getDepartment() );

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The instanceof Operator
class Class Mo...


Animal a = new Bear();

a instanceof Animal → true
a instanceof Mammal → true
a instanceof Bear → true
a instanceof Date → false


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Overloading Methods

● Polymorhism: the ability to have many different forms

● Methods overloading:
– methods having the same name,
– argument list must differ,
– return types can be different.
● Example:
public void println(int i)
public void println(float f)
public void println(String s)

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Oveloading Constructors
public class Employee{
protected String name;
protected double salary;
protected Date birthDate;
public Employee( String name, double salary, Date birthDate){
this.name = name;
this.salary = salary;
this.birthDate = birthDate;
public Employee( String name, double salary){
this(name, salary, null);
public Employee( String name, Date birthDate){
this(name, 1000, birthDate);

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Inheritance
– Subclass opportunities
● Polymorphism
– Overriding methods
– Overloading methods
– Polymorphic argument
– Heterogenous collections
– Static vs. dynamic type
– The instanceof operator
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Methods Common to All Objects

● The equals method

● The toString method
● The clone method

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Inheritance and Polymorphism
Methods Common to All Objects

● Object is a concrete class with (equals,

toString, clone, …) nonfinal methods
– It is designed for extension
– Its methods have explicit general contracts

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The equals method

● In class Object equals tests object identity

MyDate s1 = new MyDate(20, 10, 2016);

MyDate s2 = new MyDate(20, 10, 2016);
System.out.println( s1.equals(s2));
s1 = s2;
System.out.println( s1.equals(s2));


©2016 Margit ANTAL

An equals example
public class MyDate {
private int day;
private int month;
private int year;

public boolean equals(Object o) {

boolean result = false;
if ( (o != null) && (o instanceof MyDate) ) {
MyDate d = (MyDate) o;
if ((day == d.day) &&
(month == d.month) &&
(year == d.year)) {
result = true;
return result;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The equals method

● In class MyDate equals tests object logical equality

MyDate s1 = new MyDate(20, 10, 2016);

MyDate s2 = new MyDate(20, 10, 2016);
System.out.println( s1.equals(s2));
s1 = s2;
System.out.println( s1.equals(s2));


©2016 Margit ANTAL

The equals method implements an
equivalence relation

– x.equals(x):true

– x.equals(y):true ↔ y.equals(x):true
● Transitive
– x.equals(y):true and y.equals(z):true →

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The toString method

● Characteristics:
– Converts an object to a String
– Override this method to provide information
about a user-defined object in readable

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Wrapper Classes

Primitive Type Wrapper Class

boolean Boolean
byte Byte
char Character
short Short
int Integer
long Long
float Float
double Double

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Wrapper Classes
Boxing and Unboxing

int i = 420;
Integer anInt = new Integer(i); // boxing
int j = anInt.intValue(); // unboxing

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Wrapper Classes
Warning! Performance loss!
public static void main(String[] args) {
Long sum = 0L;
for (long i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
sum += i;

Too slow!!!

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Module 4
Static Members

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● How can you create a constant?

● How can you declare data that is shared by all
instances of a given class?
● How can you prevent a class from being
● How can you prevent a method from being

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Create a Product class which initializes each

new instance with a serialNumber (1,2,

©2016 Margit ANTAL


public class Product{

private int sNumber;
public static int counter = 0;
public Product() {
sNumber = counter;

©2016 Margit ANTAL


Product p1 = new Product();

Product p2 = new Product();

p1 :Product


Class Product

counter: 2
p2 :Product


counter: static field

sNumber: instance field

©2016 Margit ANTAL

What's wrong?
public class Product{
private int sNumber;
public static int counter = 0;
public Product() {
sNumber = counter;

It can be accessed from outside the class!

public class AnyClass{

public void increment() {

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Better solution
public class Product{
private int sNumber;

private static int counter = 0;

public static int getCounter(){

return counter;

public Product() {
sNumber = counter;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Better solution
public class Product{
private int sNumber;

private static int counter = 0;

public static int getCounter(){

return counter;

public Product() {
sNumber = counter;
} Product p = new Product();


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Accessing static members

<class name>.<member_name>

Not recommended (but working):


Product p = new Product();


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Static Members

● Static data + static methods = static members

● Data are allocated at class load time → can be

used without instances

● Instance methods may use static data. Why?

● Static methods cannot use instance data.


©2016 Margit ANTAL

The InstanceCounter class
public class InstanceCounter {
private static int counter;

public InstanceCounter(){

public static int getCounter(){ Output?

return counter;

System.out.println( InstanceCounter.getCounter());

InstanceCounter ic = new InstanceCounter();

System.out.println( InstanceCounter.getCounter());

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Singleton Design Pattern

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton instance;

private Singleton(){

public static Singleton getInstance(){

if( instance == null ){
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Static Initializers

public class AClass{

private static int counter;

static {
// e.g. read counter from a file

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The final Keyword

● Class
– You cannot subclass a final class.
● Method
– You cannot override a final method.
● Variable
– A final variable is a constant.
– You can set a final variable only once.
– Assignment can occur independently of the
declaration (blank final variable).
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Blank Final Variables

public class Employee{

private final long ID;

public Employee(){
ID = createID();

private long createID(){

//return the generated ID


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Module 5
Interfaces and Abstract Classes

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Properties

– Define types
– Declare a set of methods (no implementation!) –
ADT – Abstract Data Type
– Will be implemented by classes

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Driveable Interface

public interface Driveable{

public void start();
public void forward();
public void turn( double angle);
public void stop();

class interfaces

«i nte rface»
+ sta rt() : voi d
+ forw a rd() : voi d
+ turn (d ou b le ) : vo id
+ sto p() : voi d

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Implementing Interfaces
public class Bicycle implements Driveable
public void start() {
System.out.println("The bicycle has been started");

public void forward() {
System.out.println("The bicycle moves forward");

public void turn( double angle) {
System.out.println("The bicycle turns "+angle+
" clockwise");

public void stop() {
System.out.println("The bicycle has been stopped");

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Implementing the Driveable Interface
class interfaces

+ start() : void
+ forw ard() : void
+ turn(double) : void
+ stop() : void

Bicycle Car

+ start() : void + start() : void

+ forward() : void + forward() : void
+ turn(double) : void + turn(double) : void
+ stop() : void + stop() : void
+ toStri ng() : String + toString() : String

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● The interface contains method declarations

and may contain constants
● All the methods are public (even if the modifier
is missing)
● Interfaces are pure abstract classes → cannot
be instantiated
● The implementer classes should implement all
the methods declared in the interface
● A class can extend a single class but may
implement any number of interfaces
©2016 Margit ANTAL

Select the correct statements!

a) Driveable a;
b) Driveable a = new Driveable();
c) Driveable t[] = new Driveable[ 3 ];
d) public void drive( Driveable d );

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Interfaces vs. Classes
class interfaces

● Interface: « i n te rfa ce »
– User-defined type + sta rt() : vo i d
+ fo rw a rd () : vo i d
– Set of methods +
tu rn (d o u b le ) : vo id
sto p () : vo i d

– No implementations provided
– Cannot be instantiated
● Class: Bicycle

+ sta rt() : vo i d
– User-defined type +
fo rwa rd () : vo i d
tu rn (d o u b le ) : vo id
+ sto p () : vo i d
– Set of data and methods + to S trin g () : S tri n g

– All the methods are implemented

– Can be instantiated
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Polymorphic Argument
public class Utils{

public void static void moveMe(Driveable v){

for( int i=0; i<12; ++i){
What am I doing?
Utils.moveMe( new Bicycle() );
Utils.moveMe( new Car() );
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Polymorphic Argument
public class Utils{
public static void printIt(List<String> list){
for( String s: list ){
System.out.println( s ); List<T>

} ArrayList<T> LinkedList<T>

ArrayList<String> l1 = new ArrayList<>();

// add elements to l1
LinkedList<String> l2 = new LinkedList<>();
// add elements to l2

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Abstract Classes

● An abstract class contains at least one

abstract method
● May contain data and non-abstract methods as
● Cannot be instantiated
● Are designed for subclassing

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Abstract Classes

class class8_1


# a re a : d o u b l e

+ d ra w () : vo i d

Circle Square

- ra d i u s: d o u b l e - si ze : d o u b l e

+ Sq u a re (d o u b l e )
+ Ci rcle (do u b l e )
+ d ra w() : vo i d
+ d ra w() : vo i d

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Abstract Classes

public abstract class Shape {

protected double area;
public abstract void draw();

public class Square extends Shape{

private double size;

public Square( double size ){

this.size = size;
this.area = size * size;

public void draw() {
System.out.println("I am a square");

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Abstract Classes vs. Classes

● Abstract class: class class8_1

– User-defined type Shape

– Set of data and methods # a re a : d o u b l e

– At least one method is abstract + d ra w () : vo i d

(no implementation)
– Cannot be instantiated
– Designed to be subclassed

● Class: - si ze : d o u b l e

+ S q u a re (d o u b l e )
– User-defined type + d ra w() : vo i d

– Set of data and methods

– All the methods are implemented
©2016 Margit ANTAL
– Can be instantiated
Sorting and Interfaces

● Sorting Strings, primitives

– Arrays.sort()
– Collections.sort()
● Sort user-defined types
– The Comparable interface
– The Comparator interface

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Sorting and Interfaces

● https://www.mkyong.com/java/java-object-sorting-example-comparable-and-comparator/

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Sorting Collections

● Sorting objects by their natural order

● The Comparable interface

● Sorting object using a Comparator

● The Comparator interface

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Comparable interface

interface Comparable {
int compareTo(Object o);

0: x equal to y
positive: x > y;
negative: x< y;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Comparable<T> interface

interface Comparable<T> {
int compareTo(T o);

Attempts to use a
different type are caught
at compile time!!!

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Comparable<T> interface

public class Point implements Comparable<Point>

class ceepus_randompoints

{ ...
Comp arable
@Override Point

public int compareTo(Point o) { - x: in t = 0

- y: in t = 0
if( o == null ) throw new NullPointerException();
+ Po int(int, int)
if (this.x == o.x && this.y == o.y) { + Po int()
+ g etX() : int
return 0; + g etY() : int
+ to String() : String
} else{ + com pare T o(Point) : int
if( this.x == o.x){
return this.y - o.y;
} else{
return this.x - o.x;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Comparable<T> interface

If a class overrides the equals method,

then it is
advisable (but not enforced) that

exactly when
a.compareTo(b) == 0
©2016 Margit ANTAL
The Comparator<T> interface

What if we need multiple sorting criteria?

– Class Point
– Sorting by x then by y
– Sorting by y then by x
– Sorting by the distance from the origin (0,0)

– For each class we can define only one natural ordering through the
Comparable interface
– We can define an unlimited number of ordering using the
Comparator interface

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Comparator<T> interface

interface Comparator<T> {
int compare (T x, T y);

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Comparator<T> interface

class DistanceComparator implements Comparator<Point>{

private final Point o = new Point(0,0);

public int compare(Point p1, Point p2) {
Double d1 = p1.distanceTo(o);
Double d2 = p2.distanceTo(o);
return d1.compareTo(d2);

ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();

points.add( new Point(2,2));
points.add( new Point(1,2));
points.add( new Point(2,1));
points.add( new Point(1,1));
Collections.sort( points, new DistanceComparator() );
for( Point p: points ){

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Module 6
nested classes

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Define exceptions
● Exception handling: try, catch, and
● Exception categories
● User-defined exceptions
● Enumerations
● Nested classes

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Exception Example

public class AddArguments {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0;
for( String arg: args ){
sum += Integer.parseInt( arg );
System.out.println( "Sum: "+sum );

java AddArguments 1 2 3
Sum: 6

java AddArguments 1 foo 2 3

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "foo"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:580)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:615)
at addarguments.AddArguments.main(AddArguments.java:line_number)
Java Result: 1

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The try-catch statement

public class AddArguments2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0;
for( String arg: args ){
sum += Integer.parseInt( arg );
System.out.println( "Sum: "+sum );
} catch( NumberFormatException e ){
System.err.println(“Non-numeric argument”);

java AddArguments2 1 foo 2 3

Non-numeric argument

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The try-catch statement

public class AddArguments3 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int sum = 0;
for( String arg: args ){
sum += Integer.parseInt( arg );
} catch( NumberFormatException e ){
System.err.println(arg+”is not an integer”);
System.out.println( "Sum: "+sum );

java AddArguments3 1 foo 2 3

foo is not an integer
Sum: 6
©2016 Margit ANTAL
The try-catch statement

// critical code block
// code that might throw exceptions
} catch( MyException1 e1 ){
// code to execute if a MyException1 is thrown
} catch( MyException2 e2 ){
// code to execute if a MyException1 is thrown
} catch ( Exception e3 ){
// code to execute if any other exception is thrown

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Call Stack Mechanism

● If an exception is not handled in a method, it is thrown to the

caller of that method
● If the exception gets back to the main method and is not
handled there, the program is terminated abnormally.

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The finally clause

} catch( AnyException e ){
logProblem( e );
} finally {

● The code in the finally block is always executed (even in case of return

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Exception Categories

● Checked and unchecked exceptions

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Handle or Declare Rule
public static int countLines( String filename ){
int counter = 0;
Scanner scanner = null;
try {
scanner = new Scanner( new File( filename ));
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
String line;
while ( scanner.hasNextLine() ){
line = scanner.nextLine();
return counter;


©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Handle or Declare Rule
public static int countLines( String filename )
throws FileNotFoundException{
int counter = 0;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File( filename ));
String line;
while ( scanner.hasNextLine() ){
line = scanner.nextLine();
return counter;

} catch( FileNotFoundException e ){

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The throws Clause

void trouble1 () throws Exception1 {...}

void trouble2 () throws Exception1, Exception2 {...}

● You do not need to declare runtime (unchecked)
● You can choose to handle runtime exceptions (e.g.
IndexArrayOutOfBounds, NullPointerException)

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating Your Own Exceptions

The overriding method can throw:

– No exceptions
– One or more of the exceptions thrown by the overridden
– One or more subclasses of the exceptions thrown by
the overridden method

The overridden method cannot throw:

– Additional exceptions not thrown by the overridden
– Superclasses of the exceptions thrown by the
overridden method
©2016 Margit ANTAL
User-Defined Exception

public class StackException extends Exception {

public StackException(String message) {
super( message );

©2016 Margit ANTAL

User-Defined Exception
public class Stack {
private Object elements[];
private int capacity;
private int size;

public Stack( int capacity ){

this.capacity = capacity;
elements = new Object[ capacity ];

public void push(Object o) throws StackException {

if (size == capacity) {
throw new StackException("Stack is full");
elements[size++] = o;

public Object top() throws StackException {

if (size == 0) {
throw new StackException("stack is empty");
return elements[size - 1];

©2016 Margit ANTAL

User-Defined Exception

Stack s = new Stack(3);

for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
try {
} catch (StackException ex) {

©2016 Margit ANTAL


public enum GestureType {

UP (0, "fel"),
RIGHT (1, "jobb"),
DOWN (2, "le"),
LEFT (3, "bal");

GestureType( int value, String name ){

this.value = value;
this.name = name;

public int getValue(){

return value;

public String getName(){

return name;

private int value;

private String name;

©2016 Margit ANTAL


for(GestureType type: GestureType.values()){

System.out.println(type.name()+", "+
type.getName()+", "+


UP, fel, 0
RIGHT, jobb, 1
DOWN, le, 2
LEFT, bal, 3

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Nested Classes

● When?
– If a class is used only inside of another class
– Helper classes

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Nested Classes

● The place of nesting

– Class
– Method
– Instruction
● Embedding method
– Static
– Non-static

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Static Nested Class
public class Slist{
private Element head;

public void insertFirst( Object value ){

head = new Element(value, head);
Used only inside
private static class Element{ the Slist class
private Object value;
private Element next;
public Element( Object value, Element next){
this.value = value;
this.next = next;
public Element( Object value){
this.value = value;
this.next = null;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Iterator interface
Package: java.util

public interface Iterator{

public boolean hasNext();
public Object next();
public void remove();

Make Slist iterable using the Iterator


©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Iterator interface

Slist list = new Slist();

for( int i=0; i<10; ++i ){
list.insertFirst( i );

Iterator it = list.createIterator();
while( it.hasnext() ){ Factory Method
System.out.println( it.next() ); Design Pattern

©2016 Margit ANTAL

1. Solution – Non-static Nested Class
public class Slist{
private Element head;

public Iterator createIterator(){

return new ListIterator();

private class ListIterator implements Iterator{

private Element act = head;
public boolean hasNext(){
return act != null;
public Object next(){
Slist and ListIterator
Object value = act.value;
act = act.next;
return value;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

1. Solution – Non-static Nested Class
public class Slist{ Class
private Element head; ListIterator is used
//... only once!!!

public Iterator createIterator(){

return new ListIterator();

private class ListIterator implements Iterator{

private Element act = head;
public boolean hasNext(){
return act != null;
public Object next(){
Object value = act.value;
act = act.next;
return value;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

2. Solution – Anonymous Inner Class
public class Slist{
private Element head;

public Iterator createIterator(){

return new Iterator(){
private Element act = head;

public boolean hasNext(){

return act != null;

public Object next(){

Object value = act.value;
act = act.next;
return value;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Module 7

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Definition
● Creation: Thread and Runnable
● Synchronization
● Executors and thread pools
What are threads?

● Operating Systems
- lightweight process
- runs in the address space of a process
- has its own program counter (PC)+stack
- shares code and data with other threads
● Object-oriented Programming
- an object – an instance of the class Thread

java.lang.Thread = Infrastructure(PC+Stack)

java.lang.Runnable = Code
Thread's creation (1)
public class MyRunnable implements Runnable{
private int id;

public MyRunnable(int id ){
this.id = id;

public void run(){

for( int i=0; i<10; ++i){
System.out.println(“Hello”+id+” “+i);
} class System

} « i n te rface»

} +
ru n() : voi d

… « rea l i ze »
MyRunnable r = new MyRunnable(1);
Thread t = new Thread( r ); Thread
Cl a ss2

+ run () : voi d
Starting the thread

Thread t = new Thread( r );

Constructor initializes the thread object

Calls the thread object's run method
Thread's creation (1)

public class Test{

public static void main(String args[]){
Thread t1 = new Thread( new MyRunnable(1));
Thread t2 = new Thread( new MyRunnable(2));

Thread's creation (2)
class MyThread extends Thread {
private int id;

public MyThread(int id) {

this.id = id;
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
System.out.println("Hello" + id + " " + i);

Thread t = new MyThread(1);
Thread's creation (2)

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread t1 = new MyThread(1);
Thread t2 = new MyThread(2); class System

t1.start(); « i n te rfa ce »

t2.start(); +
ru n () : vo i d

+ ru n () : vo i d


+ ru n () : vo i d
Example (1)

public class MyFirstRunnable implements Runnable{

public void run() {
System.out.println("In a thread");

Thread thread = new Thread(new MyFirstRunnable());

System.out.println("In the main Thread");

Example (2)
public class MyFirstRunnable implements Runnable{
public void run() {
System.out.println("In a thread");

Runnable runnable = new MyFirstRunnable();
for(int i = 0; i<25; i++){
new Thread(runnable).start();

How many threads?

Example (3)

public class MyFirstRunnable implements Runnable{

public void run() {
System.out.println("In a thread");

Thread thread = new Thread(new MyFirstRunnable());

System.out.println("In the main Thread");

Operations on threads

● make the current Thread sleep

● wait for another thread to complete (join)
● manage the priorities of threads
● interrupt a thread

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e){

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e){

Thread t2 = new Thread(new R());

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e){

public class ThreadPriorityRange {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Minimal priority : " +
System.out.println("Maximal priority : " +
System.out.println("Norm priority : " +

A thread can be interrupted:

● if the thread is sleeping
● if the thread is waiting for another thread to join
private static class ForeverRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while (true) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
": " + System.currentTimeMillis());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread.currentThread().getName() +
"has been interrupted");
private static class ForeverRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while (true) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
": " + System.currentTimeMillis());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Thread.currentThread().getName() +
"has been interrupted");
} static void main(String[] args) {
Thread t2 = new Thread(new ForeverRunnable());
System.out.println("Current time millis : " +
Thread's states
Need for synchronization

public class Counter {

private int value = 0;

public int getNextValue(){

return value++;
Need for synchronization

public class Counter {

private int value = 0;

public int getNextValue(){

return value++;

Need for synchronization

class Counter {
private int value;

public int getNextValue() {

return ++value;
public int getValue(){
return value;
Need for synchronization

class Thread3 extends Thread {

private Counter counter;

public Thread3(Counter counter) {

this.counter = counter;

public void run() {

for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i){
Need for synchronization

Counter counter = new Counter();

Thread t1 = new Thread3(counter);
Thread t2 = new Thread3(counter);
try{ Output?
} catch( InterruptedException e ){
System.out.println("COUNTER: "
Need for synchronization

1. Read the current value of "value"
2. Add one to the current value
3. Write that new value to "value"
Solution (1)

public class Counter {

private int value = 0;

public synchronized int getNextValue(){

return value++;
Solution (2)

public class Counter {

private int value = 0;

public int getNextValue(){

return value;
Synchronized Blocks

● every object contains a single lock

● the lock is taken when synchronized section is

● if the lock is not available, thread enters a

waiting queue
● if the lock is returned, thread is resumed
Thread Safe

● A class is thread safe if it behaves always in

the same manner when accessed from multiple

● Stateless objects (immutable classes) are

always thread safe:
● String

● Long

● Double
Executors and thread pools


Module 8
GUI Programming

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Java GUIs

● AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) – since JDK 1.0

– Uses native control
● Appearance/behavior depends on platform
● Swing – since JDK 1.2
– Implemented completely in Java (light weight)
● JavaFX – since JDK 8
– Written as a native library
– Provided on a wide variety of devices
● SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit)
©2016 Margit ANTAL
– Eclipse

● Containers, components and layout managers

● FlowLayout, BorderLayout, and GridLayout
● Add components to a container
● Events and event handling
● Delegation model
● Adapter classes

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Represents an object with visual representation

● Other names for components: widgets, controls




©2016 Margit ANTAL


● A special component that holds other components

● Used for grouping other components


contains a picture

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The first GUI program

public static void main(String[] args) {

JFrame f = new JFrame("The First Swing
f.setBounds( 100,100, 300, 300);

©2016 Margit ANTAL


– Top level container
● can have menu bars Menu Bar
– Contains a JRootPane Frame

– Have title and resizing corners Content Pane

– Have BorderLayout as
the default layout manager

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Positioning Components

● Responsibility of the layout manager

– size (dimension: width and height in pixels)
– position (location of the top left corner)
● You can disable the layout manager:
then use
– setSize() + setLocation()
– setBounds()
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Organizing Components (1)

JFrame f = new JFrame("The First Swing Application");


JPanel p = new JPanel();

JButton b = new JButton("Yes");

f.setBounds( 100,100, 300, 300);


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Organizing Components (2)

JFrame f = new JFrame("The First Swing Application");


JPanel p = new JPanel();

p.setLayout( null );
JButton b = new Jbutton("Yes");
b.setLocation(200, 200);

f.setBounds( 100,100, 300, 300);


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Layout Managers

● FlowLayout
● BorderLayout

● GridLayout

● GridBagLayout

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Layout Managers
public static JPanel createPanel( int n){
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new GridLayout( n, n));
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i){
for( int j=0; j<n; ++j){
panel.add( new JButton
return panel;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating UI

● Aggregation
– FrameAggregation
● Inheritance
– FrameInheritance

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating UI
public class FrameAggregation {

private static void initFrame() {

JFrame frame = new JFrame("FrameAggregation");
frame.add(new JButton("Ok"), "Center");

frame.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200);

public static void main(String[] args) {


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Creating UI

public class FrameInheritance extends JFrame {

private JButton button;
public FrameInheritance(){
private void initComponents() {
this.add(new JButton("Ok"), "Center");
this.setBounds(100, 100, 200, 200);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new FrameInheritance();

©2016 Margit ANTAL

private static JMenuBar createMenu() {
MenuBar menuBar; JMenu filemenu, helpmenu;
JMenuItem menuItem;
menuBar = new JMenuBar();
// Build File menu.
filemenu = new JMenu("File"); menuBar.add(filemenu);
menuItem = new JMenuItem("New"); filemenu.add(menuItem);
menuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit"); filemenu.add(menuItem);
// Build Help menu.
helpmenu = new JMenu("Help");
menuItem = new JMenuItem("About");
return menuBar;


©2016 Margit ANTAL

JOptionPane (1)
Component parent, String message);

©2016 Margit ANTAL

JOptionPane (2)
int result =
Component parent, String message);

©2016 Margit ANTAL

JOptionPane (3)
String value=
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please input a value");

©2016 Margit ANTAL

JOptionPane (4)
String options[]={"Apple", "Grape", "Strawberry"};

int res = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(form, "Choose an

option", "OptionDialog",JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,null, options,

©2016 Margit ANTAL

JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(parent);
if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
"You chose to open this file: " +

©2016 Margit ANTAL


JPanel pane = new JPanel();



©2016 Margit ANTAL

Custom properties

● (key, value) pairs associated to JComponent

type objects
– Key: Object
– Value: Object
JButton button = new JButton("Press Me");

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Event Handling

● Event – objects that The user clicks on the button

describe what happened Frame

● Event source – the
generator of an event ActionEvent

● Event handler – a
method that Event Handler
● receives an event object, actionPerformed( ActionEvent e){
● deciphers it, }
● and processes the user's


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Event Types
● Low level
– Window
– Keyboard
– Mouse
● High level
– ActionEvent
– ItemEvent

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Event Handling

The user clicks on the button

● One event – many handlers Frame


● Event handlers are registered Button ActionEvent

by event source components

Event Handler1
actionPerformed( ActionEvent e){

Event Handler2
actionPerformed( ActionEvent e){

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Delegation Model

● Client objects (handlers) register with a GUI component that

they want to observe

● GUI components trigger the handlers for the type of event that
has occurred

● Components can trigger more than one type of events

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Delegation Model

Event handler

JButton b = new JButton("Yes");

f.add( b );
b.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if( b.getText().equals("Yes")){
Event source }else{
} (I) Definition of an anonymous inner class
}); which implements ActionListener interface
(II) Creation of an instance from that anonymous
inner class
(III) This instance is responsible for event handling

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Delegation Model
Java 8 - Lambdas

JButton b = new JButton("Yes"); ActionEvent

f.add( b );
b.setText( b.getText().equals("No") ? "Yes": "No");

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Many sources – One listener
public class MyFrame implements ActionListener{
// ...
public void initComponents(){
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i){
for( int j=0; j<n; ++j){
JButton b = new JButton("");
panel.add( b);
b.addActionListener( this );
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource();

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Custom Component
public class DrawComponent extends JComponent{
private ArrayList<Point> points= new ArrayList<Point>();
private Color color = Color.red;

public DrawComponent(){
this.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
points.add( new Point( e.getX(), e.getY()));
this.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter(){
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
points.add( new Point( e.getX(), e.getY()));


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Custom Component
public class DrawComponent extends JComponent{
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if( points != null && points.size()>0){
Point startPoint = points.get(0);
for( int i=1; i<points.size(); ++i ){
Point endPoint = points.get(i);
g.drawLine(startPoint.x, startPoint.y,
endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
startPoint = endPoint;

public void clear(){


©2016 Margit ANTAL

Event listeners

● General listeners
– ComponentListener
– FocusListener
– MouseListener
● Special listeners
– WindowListener
– ActionListener
– ItemListener

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Event adapter classes

● Problem:
– Sometimes you need only one event handler method, but
the listener interface contains several ones
– You have to implement all methods, most of them with
empty ones
● Solution:
– An Event Adapter is a convenience class
– Implements all methods of a listener interface with empty
– You extend the adapter class and override that specific
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Event Adapter Classes

public class MyClass extends JFrame {

new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
//Event listener implementation

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Module 9
Collections and Generics

©2016 Margit ANTAL


● Data Structures
● Interfaces: Collection, List, Set, Map, ...

● Implementations: ArrayList, HashSet, TreeMap, ...

● Traversing collections
● Overriding equals and hashCode
● Sorting
● Problems

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Collections API

● What is?
– Unified architecture
● Interfaces – implementation-independence
● Implementations – resusable data structures
● Algorithms – reusable functionality
– Best-known examples
● C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
● Smalltalk collections

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Collections API

● Benefits:
– Reduces programming effort
– Increases performance
● High performance implementations of data structures
– Fosters software reuse

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Collections API
Design Goals

● Small and simple

● Powerful
● Easily extensible
● Compatible with preexisting collections
● Easy to use

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Collections API
class interfaces

« i n te rfa ce » « i n te rfa ce »
Collection Map

« i n te rfa ce » « i n te rfa ce » « i n te rfa ce »

Set List SortedMap

« i n te rfa ce »

©2016 Margit ANTAL

The Collection interface

class interfaces

« i n te rfa ce »

● add(T what): boolean
● remove(T what): boolean
« i n te rfa ce » « i n te rfa ce » ● size(): int
Set List
● contains(T what): boolean
● containsAll(Collection c):
● equals(T what): boolean
« i n te rfa ce »
SortedSet ● iterator(): Iterator

©2016 Margit ANTAL

class interfaces


« interface» «interface»
Set List

HashSet TreeSet ArrayList LinkedList

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List implementations

ArrayList 0 1 2 3 4

size capacity



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Set implementations




©2016 Margit ANTAL

Ordered vs. sorted collections

● Ordered
– You can iterate through the collection in a specific (not random) order.
– Each element has a previous and a next element (except the first and
the last ones).
● Sorted
– The order is determined according to some rule or rules (sort order).
– Is a specific type of ordering
● Collections
– HashSet: unordered and unsorted
– List: ordered but unsorted
– TreeSet: ordered and sorted
©2016 Margit ANTAL

add get remove contains

(append) (position)
ArrayList O(1) O(1) O(n) O(n)
LinkedList O(1) O(n) O(1) O(n)
HashSet O(1)* - O(1)* O(1)*
TreeSet O(log n) - O(log n) O(log n)

* in the case of a proper hash function

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Traversing Collections

● There are 3 ways:

(1) for-each
(2) Iterator
(3) Using aggregate operations (Java 8)

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Traversing Collections
(1) for-each
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();

for(Object o: list1){
ArrayList<Person> list2 = new ArrayList<>();

for(Person p: list2){

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Traversing Collections
(2) Iterator
package java.util;

public interface Iterator{

boolean hasNext();
Object next();
void remove(); //optional
public interface Iterator<E>{
boolean hasNext();
E next();
void remove(); //optional

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Traversing Collections
(2) Iterator
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();

Iterator it1 = list1.iterator();
ArrayList<Person> list2 = new ArrayList<>();

Iterator<Person> it2 = list2.iterator();

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Traversing Collections
(2) Iterator
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
An Iterator is an object
… ● State: represents a position in a collection

Iterator it1 = list1.iterator();

● Behavior: permits to step through the collection

ArrayList<Person> list2 = new ArrayList<>();

Iterator<Person> it2 = list2.iterator();

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Traversing Collections
(3) Using aggregate operations
Java 8
TreeSet<String> dict = new TreeSet<>();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner( new File("dict.txt"));
while( scanner.hasNext()){
dict.add( scanner.next());
System.out.println("SIZE: "+dict.size());
long counter = dict.stream()
.filter( e ->
System.out.println("#words: "+counter);

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Which data structure to use?

Split a text file into words and print the words in
(1) Increasing order (alphabetically)
(2) Decreasing order

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Which data structure to use?

Split a text file into words and print the distinct words in
(1) Increasing order (alphabetically)
(2) Decreasing order
(2)TreeSet<String> (Comparator<String>)

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Decreasing Order

TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<>();

TreeSet<String> rev = new TreeSet<>(
new Comparator<String>(){
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
return o2.compareTo(o1);
rev.addAll( set );

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Which data structure to use?

Generate 2D Points having integer coordinates and
print them in increasing order. Points are ordered
according to their distance to the origin.

©2016 Margit ANTAL

2D Points
public class Point implements Comparable<Point>{
public static final Point origin = new Point(0,0);

private final int x, y;

// constructor + getters
public String toString(){ //...}
public boolean equals(Object obj){ //...}
public double distanceTo( Point point ){ //...}

public int compareTo(Point o) {
double d = this.distanceTo(origin)-o.distanceTo(origin);
if( d < 0 ) return -1;
if( d>0 ) return 1;
else return 0;

©2016 Margit ANTAL

2D Points
public class Point implements Comparable<Point>{
public static final Point origin = new Point(0,0);
TreeSet<Point> points1
private final = new
int x, y; TreeSet<>();
// //
OR constructor + getters
public String points2
ArrayList<Point> toString(){ //...}
= new ArrayList<>();
public boolean equals(Object obj){ //...}
public double distanceTo( Point point ){ //...}

public int compareTo(Point o) {
double d = this.distanceTo(origin)-o.distanceTo(origin);
if( d < 0 ) return -1;
if( d>0 ) return 1;
else return 0;

©2016 Margit ANTAL


Generate randomly N = 1.000.000 (one million) distinct bidimensional

points (x, y) having positive integer coordinates (0  x M, 0  y  M, M
 1.000.000).

● Optimal solution is required.

● Print the number of duplicates generated.

Which collection to use?

Hint: Finding an existing element must be fast.
1. solution - TreeSet
public class Point implements
Comparable<Point> {

public int compareTo(Point o) {
if( o == null ) throw
new NullPointerException();
if (this.x == o.x &&
this.y == o.y){
return 0;
} else
if( this.x == o.x){
return this.y - o.y;
} else{
return this.x - o.x;
1. solution - TreeSet
public class RandomPoints {
private TreeSet<Point> points =
new TreeSet<Point>();
private int duplicates = 0;

public RandomPoints( int size,
int interval){
int counter = 0;
Random rand = new Random(0);
while( counter < size ){
int x =
Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
int y =
Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
Point p = new Point(x,y);
if( points.contains( p )){

1. solution - TreeSet
public class RandomPoints {
private TreeSet<Point> points =
new TreeSet<Point>();
private int duplicates = 0;

public RandomPoints( int size,
int interval){
int counter = 0;
Random rand = new Random(0);
while( counter < size ){
int x =
Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
int y =
Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
Point p = new Point(x,y); TreeSet
if( points.contains( p )){ ● Finding an element: O(log n)
} Implementation
++counter; Random number generator: seed = 0
points.add(p); N = 1.000.000
} M = 10.000
} Duplicates: 4976
… Time: approx. 3s
2. solution - HashSet
public int hashCode() {
int hash = (x *31)^ y;
return hash;
} ●

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final Point other = (Point) obj; HashSet
if (this.x != other.x) { ● Finding an element: O(1)
return false;
if (this.y != other.y) { Implementation
return false; Random number generator: seed = 0
} N = 1.000.000
return true; M = 10.000
} Duplicates: 4976
Time: approx. 1 s
2. solution - HashSet
public int hashCode() {
hashCode() {
= (x *31)^ y;
int hash =hash;
return (x ^ y) ;
} return hash; ●
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if boolean
(obj == equals(Object
null) { obj) {
if (obj == null)
return {
} return false;
}if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false; {
} return false;
}final Point other = (Point) obj;
final Point other!=
if (this.x = (Point) obj; {
if (this.x != other.x)
● Finding an element: O(1)
return{ false;
} return false;
}if (this.y != other.y) { Implementation
if (this.y != other.y)
return{ false; Random number generator: seed = 0
} return false;
What happens if N = 1.000.000
}return true; we don't override M = 10.000
} return true; equals? Duplicates: 4976
How many duplicates? Time: approx. 1s
2. solution - HashSet
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 1;
return hash;
} ●

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final Point other = (Point) obj;
if (this.x != other.x) {
return happens?
if (this.y != other.y) {
return false;
return true;
2. solution - HashSet

The hashCode() contract:

● each time invoked on the same object must return the

same value (consistent, can't be random)

● if x.equals(y) == true, then

x.hashCode() == y.hashCode() must be true

● It is legal to have the same hashcode for two distinct

objects (collision)
3. solution

Which collection to use if M  2000

Hint: Which is the fastest access time of an element in a collection?
3. solution

Which collection to use if M  2000

Hint: Which is the fastest access time of an element in a collection?
private boolean exists[ ][ ] = new boolean[ M ][ M ];

public RandomPoints( int size, int interval){

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
int counter = 0;
Random rand = new Random(0); 0
while( counter < size ){
1 T
int x = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
int y = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval); 2
Point p = new Point(x,y);
if( exists[ x ][y ]){ 3 T
++duplicates; 4 T
} 5
++counter; 6
exists[ x ][ y ] = true;
} 7
3. solution

Which collection to use if M  2000

Hint: Which is the fastest access time of an element in a collection?
private boolean exists[ ][ ] = new boolean[ M ][ M ];

public RandomPoints( int size, int interval){

int counter = 0; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bidimensional array of booleans
Random rand = new Random(0);● Finding an element: O(1) 0
while( counter < size ){
int x = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval); 1 T
int y = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % interval);
Random number generator: 2seed = 0
Point p = new Point(x,y);N = 1.000.000
if( exists[ x ][y ]){
M = 2000
3 T
++duplicates; Duplicates: 150002 4 T
continue; Time: approx. 0.2 s
} 5
exists[ x ][ y ] = true; 6
} 7
interface Map<K, V>
interface Map.Entry<K,V>
● K – Key type (Key, Value) pair
● V – Value type

Maps keys to values.

Key: country, Value: capital city
● Slovenia → Ljubljana

● Austria → Vienna
● Hungary → Budapest

● Romania → Bucharest

©2016 Margit ANTAL

class interfaces

«in te rface »
Map HashMap: unordered, no duplicates

TreeMap: ordered by key, no duplicates

HashMap TreeMap

get put remove

TreeMap O(log n) O(log n) O(log n)
HashMap O(1)* O(1)* O(1)*
* in the case of a proper hash function

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Which data structure to use?
Compute the word frequencies in a text. Print the words
and their frequencies:
(1) alphabetically,
(2) in decreasing frequency order.

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Solution (1) alphabetically
class MyLong {
private long value;
public MyLong(int value) { this.value = value;}
public long getValue() { return value;}
public void setValue(long value) { this.value = value;}
public void increment() { ++value;}

TreeMap<String, MyLong> frequency = new TreeMap<>();

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Solution (2) decreasing frequency order
class Pair {
private String word;
private long fr;
// constructor + get and set methods

ArrayList<Pair> list = new ArrayList<Pair>();

for (String key : frequency.keySet()) {
long value = frequency.get(key).getValue();
list.add(new Pair(key, value));
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Pair>() {
public int compare(Pair o1, Pair o2) {
return (int) (o2.getFr() - o1.getFr());

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Which data structure to use?
Find the anagrams in a text file!

©2016 Margit ANTAL

Which data structure to use?
Find the anagrams in a text file!
● Split the text into words
● Alphabetize the word
– sent → ens
– nest → ens
– tens → ens
● Map<String, List<String> > vs. Map<String, Set<String> >
– Key: alphabetized word → String
– Value: words → List<String> or Set<String>
©2016 Margit ANTAL
Map<String, Set<String> > groups = new HashMap<>();

String word = cleanWord(word);

String key = alphabetize(word);
// Find the key
Set<String> group = groups.get(key);
if (group == null) {
Set<String> newGroup = new HashSet<String>();
groups.put(key, newGroup);
} else{

©2016 Margit ANTAL


Map<String, Set<String> > groups = new HashMap<>();


private void printGroups(int size) {

for (String key : groups.keySet()) {
Collection<String> group = groups.get(key);
if (group.size() == size) {
System.out.print("Key: " + key + " --> ");
for (String word : group) {
System.out.print(word + " ");

©2016 Margit ANTAL

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