Chapter Three System Analysis, Methodology and Design
Chapter Three System Analysis, Methodology and Design
Chapter Three System Analysis, Methodology and Design
In this chapter, the method of data or facts are been collected in order to accomplish
the progress of this project will be discussed in this chapter. The process of the data design
and the means of analyzing the system will also be discussed here.
In any research work, many methods of data collection are employed depending on the
actual facts that are needed; it could be the questionnaire method, the interview method
(orally) etc, in the course of executing this project work.
The researcher serves of oral supplied, to the computer during processing, otherwise.
The customer’s record will not be processed by the system when required to produce
The sequence of auto mode of the Automated Tracking Authority in the four major
operational areas is as follows:
Registration of Vehicles: cars can be registered for two main reasons and they are:
Registrations of cars are in two ways, one is for those manufactured or assembled and
bought here in the country, and the other is for those imported into the country. For those
bought in the country the owner will produce the following documents, interview the
offices of the tracking authority, they are the Registrar, Mr. O.T Kayode and the overall
boss, Mr. S.A Ayoola. They showed interest in the work and furnished us with the
necessary data for the execution of this work.
Through the interview, and with the application forms normally issued to prospective
customers for completion. The data collected were analyzed and prepared to make sure that
all the vital information required for any customer’s record were properly fed into the
computer for necessary computation and report generated.
For instance, in the installation of racking system for customers, first of all, a learner’s
permit is granted to the person for duration of six months after which the person is subjected
to a driving test. On successful completion of this test, then the installation will begin for
the person. The tracking number now serves as a string, which must be.
The essence of the inspection is to ensure that information supplied in the application
form by the owner such as the chassis number tally with what is on the vehicle and for the
vehicles imported into the country, in addition to the three requirements above, the owner
will produce
When the authority is satisfied with all these requirements. The vehicle will
then be registered and ready for installation for who applied for a specific number of the
tracking system registration number.
For the first issuance of tracking registration, the duration is six years and the
subsequent ones last for two years. For renewal, three passport- sized photographs, old
password and the motor registration number are needed. We note that any driving tracking
registration issued by any tracking office in the country can be renewed in any other
tracking offices in the country since they play the same role.
Changing the ownership of a vehicle arises when the former owner of the vehicle
decides to sell the car to another person. For the owner of the vehicle to operate it under
the law, the tracking authority will effect change of ownership with the following
documents produced by the owner:
For each day’s transaction by the authority in any part of the four operations
areas, a report is normally putting down for record purposes. This record keeping is similar
to the one generated by the database management system in structure.
The deference between the two methods is that whereas the report generated by the
computer is automatic, once the program module for the task is executed and the report
here is easy and very fast in retrieval, the automatic method is faster to manual processing.
The file processing is the method by which data in the fields are manipulated
during transaction. Files are normally organized in two different ways namely:
Here the records of a file are positioned one after the other and stored on an
appropriate medium (magnetic tape or disk) The records of a file are not ordered on a key
and the position of the adjacent records have no predefined meaning. To access information
from the file. There is a serial record by record search, which compares the key of every
record before a key match is possibly found.
Here the records of a file are stored in similar serial file with the exception that the
positions of records are ordered on a specific key and therefore the position of adjacent
record has a meaning. In the processing of files, two methods are used and they include:
This type of file processing is also called real- time processing and here the
exact status of a given record is ascertained any time. This method has an advantage of
real- time control over the batch processing method