Penalties in Which Other Accessory Penalties Are Inherent: Reclusion Perpetua Temporal Shall

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Principal Duration Effects of Penalties in which

Penalties Penalties other accessory

penalties are
Capital -Death -The death penalty,
Punishment when it is not
executed by reason
of commutation or
pardon shall carry
with it that of
perpetual absolute
disqualification and
that of civil
interdiction during
thirty years
following the date
sentence, unless
such accessory
penalties have
been expressly
remitted in the
Afflictive -Reclusion - from thirty years and one -The penalties of
penalties perpetua day to forty years. reclusion perpetua
and reclusion
*Any person sentenced to temporal shall
any of the perpetual carry with them
penalties shall be pardoned that of civil
after undergoing the interdiction for life
penalty for thirty years, or during the
unless such person by period of the
reason of his conduct or sentence as the
some other serious cause case may be, and
shall be considered by the that of perpetual
Chief Executive as absolute
unworthy of pardon. disqualification
which the offender
-Reclusion - from twelve years and shall suffer even
temporal one day to twenty years. though pardoned
as to the principal
penalty, unless the
same shall have
been expressly
remitted in the

-Perpetual or - from six years and one - 1. The

temporary day to twelve years deprivation of
absolute the public offices
disqualification and
which the
offender >may
have held even if
conferred by
popular election.
2. The
deprivation of
the right to vote
in any election
for any popular
office or to be
elected to such
3. The
for the offices or
and for the
exercise of any of
the rights
In case of
as is comprised
in paragraphs 2
and 3 of this
article shall last
during the term
of the sentence.
4. The loss of all
rights to
retirement pay
or other pension
for any office
formerly held.

- 1. The
-Perpetual or - from six years and one deprivation of
temporary special day to twelve years the office,
disqualification employment,
profession or
calling affected;
2. The
for holding
similar offices or
perpetually or
during the term
of the sentence
according to the
extent of such

*The perpetual
or temporary
for the exercise
of the right of
suffrage shall
deprive the
perpetually or
during the term
of the sentence,
according to the
nature of said
penalty, of the
right to vote in
any popular
election for any
public office or
to be elected to
such office.
Moreover, the
offender shall
not be permitted
to hold any
public office
during the period
of his

-Prision mayor - from six years and one -The penalty of

day to twelve years prision mayor, shall
carry with it that of
*The duration of the absolute
penalties of prision mayor disqualification and
and temporary that of perpetual
disqualification shall be special
from six years and one day disqualification
to twelve years, except from the right of
when the penalty of suffrage which the
disqualification is imposed offender shall
as an accessory penalty, in suffer although
which case its duration pardoned as to the
shall be that of the principal principal penalty,
penalty. unless the same
shall have been
expressly remitted
in the pardon.

Correctional -Prision - from six months and one -The penalty of

penalties correccional day to six years prision correccional
shall carry with it
that of suspension
from public office,
from the right to
follow a profession
or calling, and that
of perpetual
from the right of
suffrage, if the
duration of said
imprisonment shall
exceed eighteen
months. The
offender shall
suffer the
provided in the
article although
pardoned as to the
principal penalty,
unless the same
shall have been
expressly remitted
in the pardon.

-Arresto mayor - from one month and one -The penalty of

day to six months. arresto shall carry
with it that of
suspension of the
right too hold
office and the right
of suffrage during
the term of the

-Suspension - from six months and one

day to six years

-Destierro - from six months and one

day to six years

*The duration of the

penalties of prision
correccional, suspension
and destierro shall be from
six months and one day to
six years, except when
suspension is imposed as
an accessory penalty, in
which case, its duration
shall be that of the principal

Light Penalties -Arresto menor - from one day to thirty

days. (Arresto Menor)
-Public censure

Penalties -Fine
common to the
three preceding -Bond to keep the * The bond to keep the - It shall be the
classes: peace. peace shall be required to duty of any
cover such period of time person
as the court may sentenced to
determine. give bond to
keep the peace,
to present two
sureties who
shall undertake
that such person
will not commit
the offense
sought to be
prevented, and
that in case such
offense be
committed they
will pay the
determined by
the court in the
judgment, or
otherwise to
deposit such
amount in the
office of the clerk
of the court to
guarantee said
- The court shall
according to its
discretion, the
period of
duration of the
- Should the
sentenced fail to
give the bond as
required he shall
be detained for a
period which
shall in no case
exceed six
months, is he
shall have been
prosecuted for a
grave or less
grave felony, and
shall not exceed
thirty days, if for
a light felony.

Accessory -Perpetual or
Penalties temporary

-Perpetual or
temporary special
-Suspension from - Shall disqualify
public office, the the offender
right to vote and from holding
be voted for, the such office or
profession or exercising such
calling. profession or
calling or right of
suffrage during
the term of the
*The person
suspended from
holding public
office shall not
hold another
having similar
functions during
the period of his

- shall deprive
-Civil interdiction the offender
during the time
of his sentence
of the rights of
authority, or
either as to the
person or
property of any
ward, of marital
authority, of the
right to manage
his property and
of the right to
dispose of such
property by any
act or any
conveyance inter

*Costs shall
-Indemnification include fees and
indemnities in
-Forfeiture or the course of the
confiscation of judicial
instruments and proceedings,
proceeds of the whether they be
offense fixed or
-Payment of amounts
costs. previously
determined by
law or
regulations in
force, or
amounts not
subject to

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