Content Experience Impact Benchmark Report

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and the buyer’s journey

Benchmark Study Report

February 2018
and the buyer’s journey

Table of Contents
Introduction 3

Executive Summary 5

Content-Type Effectiveness and Performance 8

The Buyer’s Journey 19

Buying Stage Content Effectiveness 25

Content-Marketing Challenges 29

Budget and Metrics 34

Analyst Bottom Line 42

Acknowledgements 45

Appendix: Survey Background 46

INTRODUCTION Content Experience Impact and the Buyer’s Journey 4

In 2014, ion interactive and Demand Metric conducted a survey to explore

how effectively marketers were using content to influence and support
the buyer’s journey, which has continued to materialize as a key success
factor in marketing.

At the time, cost and technology barriers to deploying interactive EARLY

content were falling fast, and interactive content was the recom- STAGE
mended approach for companies looking for higher levels of audience
engagement. MIDDLE
The Content Experience Impact and the Buyer’s Journey study is now in
its second edition.
In addition to exploring how the use of content within the buyer’s journey STAGE
has evolved, we sought to determine whether companies that are expe-
riencing revenue growth are leveraging content in different ways and
what advantages they are realizing as a result.

These study results provide insights and data useful for comparison, plan-
ning, and improving the content marketing process.
Content Experience Impact and the Buyer’s Journey 5

Executive Summary
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Content Experience Impact and the Buyer’s Journey 6

Over 70 percent of this study’s participants are from primarily B-to-B or More than one quarter of study participants rate their content assets as
mixed B-to-B/B-to-C organizations, with more than two thirds reporting slightly or very interactive. Just over 20 percent of the study participants
a modest or significant increase in revenue during the most recently come from companies with more than $100 million in annual revenue, while
completed fiscal year. The respondents are from a diverse set of industries, 35 percent are with firms reporting revenues of $10 million or less.
with the largest segment coming from the manufacturing sector and a size-
able segment from software or technology.

Key Findings

Over half of study participants 96% of study participants believe

report that budget constraints are that content interactivity impacts
their biggest barrier to content buyers’ decisions as they go through
marketing, followed by staffing/ their journey.
resource constraints (48%) and
technical skills (37%).

Compared to passive content,

Almost two-thirds of study
interactive content is more likely
participants have only basic or
to be effective at educating
no measurements of content
buyers and differentiating from
marketing effectiveness.
competitors, and more likely to be
shared frequently.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Content Experience Impact and the Buyer’s Journey 7

Companies that are using interactive Interactive content is more effective

content are more likely to in the middle stage (consideration)
have buyers reveal themselves of the buyer’s journey than passive
early in their journey; content.
have measures of engagement or
understand how content influences
awareness or consideration.

Comparing revenue-growth compa-

Revenue-growth companies are more
nies to revenue-stagnant companies,
likely than revenue-stagnant compa-
companies that are growing revenue
nies to report their content is most
are more likely to
effective in the middle and late
produce content that is more likely stages of the buyer’s journey.
to be very interactive and highly
have buyers reveal themselves
early in their journey;
have measures of engage-
ment and measures of how
content influences awareness or
This report details the results and insights from the
analysis of the study data. For more detail on the
survey participants, please refer to the Appendix.
Effectiveness and Performance
Content-Type Effectiveness & Performance Content Experience Impact and the Buyer’s Journey 9

Today, marketers have to do more than simply produce content. The content A wide variety of interactive content types and formats exist, and this study
produced has to stand out from the crowd. Top performing companies are conducted an inventory to determine which types are currently in use:
doing an effective job of using content to differentiate from their compet-
itors and to help educate buyers.

However, many marketers are still struggling with delivering the right piece What types of interactive content or apps are you
currently using?
of content, through the right channel, at the right time in the buyer’s journey.

As in 2014, one of the primary research goals of this study was to determine
the relationship between content type and effectiveness.
The content types used in this study were:
Assessments remain the most popular type of interactive content.

Passive content Assessments 23%

That which stimulates little or no engagement. It is gener-
ally static, and a text-based white paper is an example of Interactive White Papers 22%
this type of content.
Contests 19%

Interactive content Quizzes 19%

That which invites or requires some level of interaction
Configurators 18%
or engagement.
Interactive eBooks/LookBooks 14%

Calculators 13%

Wizards 11%

Games 7%

Other 1%
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