Tp48400b-N20a1 L20a1 n20b1 Tp48600b-N20a1 Engineer Manual
Tp48400b-N20a1 L20a1 n20b1 Tp48600b-N20a1 Engineer Manual
Tp48400b-N20a1 L20a1 n20b1 Tp48600b-N20a1 Engineer Manual
Engineer Manual
Issue 01
Date 2013-03-08
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This document describes the TP48400B integrated power system in terms of its working
principles, ports, engineering design, common faults, and troubleshooting.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
Technical support personnel
Maintenance personnel
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Symbol Description
Change History
Date Version Description Author
2013-03-08 V1.0 Completed the draft. Wang libin (employee ID: 00187200)
3 Installation.................................................................................................................................... 30
3.1 Installation Preparations..............................................................................................................30
3.2 Installation .....................................................................................................................................31
3.2.1 Mechanical installation ...............................................................................................................31
3.2.2 Electrical Installation ...................................................................................................................33
3.3 Installation Verificat ion ...............................................................................................................37
3.4 Powering On and Co mmissioning.............................................................................................38
3.5 Acceptance ....................................................................................................................................40
3.5.1 Installation Acceptance ...............................................................................................................40
3.5.2 Electricity Acceptance .................................................................................................................41
3.5.3 PSU Acceptance ...........................................................................................................................41
3.5.4 SMU Acceptance..........................................................................................................................42
3.5.5 Parameter Acceptance .................................................................................................................43
3.5.6 Performance Acceptance.............................................................................................................43
1 TP48400B Overview
Based on the input system, PSUs, and number of battery strings, the TP48400B has four
PSU 2 U 50 A 2 U 50 A 1 U 50 A 2 U 50 A high-efficiency
high-efficiency high-efficiency high-efficiency R4850G1
R4850G1 R4850G1 R4850G2 2 U 50 A
2 U 50 A 2 U 50 A standard-efficiency
standard-efficiency standard-efficiency R4850N1
R4850N1 R4850N1
Battery Houses a maximum Houses a maximum Houses a maximum Houses a maximum of three
space of four strings of of four strings of 150 of four strings of strings of 150 Ah storage
150 Ah storage Ah storage batteries. 150 Ah storage batteries.
batteries. batteries.
Technical Specifications
Table 1-4 describes the rectifier technical specifications.
Technical Specifications
Table 1-6 describes the rectifier technical specifications.
1.3.3 SMU02B
Figure 1-11 shows the SMU02B panel.
(1) Running status indicator (2) Minor alarm indicator (3) Major alarm indicator
(4) Liquid crystal display (LCD) (5) Locking latch (6) Four buttons
(7)USB (Reserved) (8) RS485/RS232 (9) FE
Table 1-7 describes the SMU02B indicators.
Table 1-8 describes the buttons.
“▲”or“▼” “Up” or “Down” Allows you to view and set menu items.
Communications Ports
The SMU02B communicates with the host over communications ports.
1 TX+ FE transmit
2 TX-
3 RX+ FE receive
6 RX-
2 TX-
5 RX-
3 RX232 RS232 receive
6 PGND Ground
8 - Ground
1.3.4 UIM02C
UIM02C supports 8 dry contact output ports, 6 Boolean value input ports and 7 sensor ports.
Figure 1-13 shows the UIM02C panel
TEMP1 Reserved
TEMP2 Reserved
Pin Definition
Figure 1-14 shows the pins of sensor ports. Table 1-13 shows the pin definition.
3 12V
4 -
2 JTD7
2 Smoke
BTEMP 1 Btemp
2 12V
2 Engineering Design
≥ 100 mm Ground
(3.94 in.)
407.10 mm
(16.03 in.) 471 mm
(18.58 in.)
Mounting hole
Table 2-1 lists the current carrying capacities of PVC insulation cables (provided that the
conductor temperature is 70°C, ambient temperature is 30°C, and one cable contains two
copper wires forming one loop).
Current 27 31 36 42.5 46 56 63
Capacity (A)
2 2 2
Conductor 6 AWG 16 mm 4 AWG 25 mm 2 AWG 35 mm 1 AWG
Conductor 250 kcmil 150 mm2 350 kcmil 185 mm2 450 kcmil 240 mm2 550 kcmil
Table 2-2 lists the current carrying capacities of XLPE insulation cables.
Current 6 9 12 16 20 24 28.5
Capacity (A)
Current 33 39 45 53 58 71 80
Capacity (A)
Conductor 250 kcmil 150mm^2 350 kcmil 185mm^2 450 kcmil 240mm^2 550 kcmil
1. The preceding tables originate from the DKBA3265 Power Cable Design and Selection
2. If the ambient temperature is high, the current carrying capacity decreases. The cables can also be
I* L
* U
I = P/U
I: operating current of the power system, measured in the unit of A.
P: maximum power consumption of the power system, measured in the unit of W.
U: rated operating voltage of the power system, measured in the unit of V.
L: cable length, measured onsite in the unit of m.
γ: electrical conductivity of the copper conductor. The value is 57 m/Ω·mm 2 .
ΔU: voltage drop of the loop, less than 1.9V.
S: cross-sectional area of the power cable, measured in the unit of mm . The value is rounded
up to the nearest standard cross-sectional area. For example, if the cross-sectional area is 14.8
mm2 , take 16 mm2 for calculation.
The preceding tables are extracted from the DKBA3265-2010.12 Power Cable Design and Selection
The AC input power cable can be customized.
For configurations of default external power cables, see the TP48400B-N20A1&L20A1&N20B1
Configuration Manual V1.0.
For the method of calculating the battery capacity (CN ), see section 错误!未找到引用源。
3.2 "错误!未找到引用源。Capacity Calculation."
CN is not the total battery capacity calculated through the calculation formula of storage
batteries but is the total battery capacity based on the normalized capacity of the existing
batteries and the number of battery strings.
3. Calculate the maximum charge power (Pcmax) of storage batteries.
Pcma x = Vequalize x η x CN
η is the charge coefficient for storage batteries and ranges from 0.1 to 0.2. The default value is
Veq ualize is the equalized charging voltage of the AC-DC converter. The default value is 56.4 V.
4. Determine the output power (P Σ) required for the AC-DC converter.
P∑ = Max(P max + Punit,Pavg +Pcmax)
Max: Obtains the larger value of (P max+Punit ) and (Pavg +Pcmax).
Punit is the rated output power of a single rectifier.
5. Determine the AC-DC converter type based on P ∑.
Table 2-3 lists AC-DC converter types .
Since the rectifier needs redundancy backup, at least two rectifiers are required. If N is calculated to be
less than 2, N is valued 2.
If an inverter connects to the TP48400B for supplying AC power, convert the power consumption of the
AC-power load to DC power consumption when calculating P max to ensure sufficient battery electricity.
In t his case, the value of P max includes the maximum power of DC-powered load and the DC power
consumption of the AC-powered load, that is, P max complies with the following formula: P max = PDC +
PAC/0.7, where P DC is the total maximum power of DC-powered loads while P AC is the total power of
AC-powered loads.
For the method of calculating the battery capacity (CN ), see section 错误!未找到引用源。
3.2 "错误!未找到引用源。Capacity Calculation."
CN is not the total battery capacity calculated through the calculation formula of storage batteries but is
the total battery capacity based on the normalized capacity of the existing batteries and the number of
battery strings.
η is the charge coefficient for storage batteries and ranges from 0.1 to 0.2. The default value is
Vequalize is the equalized charging voltage of the AC-DC converter. The default value is 56.4 V
in a –48 V power system.
10. Determine the output power (P Σ) required for the AC-DC converter.
P∑= Pma x +Pcma x
11. Determine the AC-DC converter type based on P∑.
Table 2-4 lists AC-DC converter types .
W t 1.25 1.04
C: total battery capacity in the unit of ampere hours.
W: load power in the unit of watts. In economic configuration, W equals P avg, and in standard
configuration, W equals P max.
t: battery backup time in the unit of hours
1.25: aging coefficient
1.04: voltage coefficient
Vr: rated battery string voltage in the unit of volts. Take 48 for –48 V TP48400Bs
ŋ: battery capacity coefficient (related to the discharge hour rate of the storage battery).
Note: C10 refers to 10 hour rate capacity of storage batteries, namely, the nominal capacity of
storage batteries.
In this formula, the battery capacity coefficient (η) relates to the discharge time (in hours) in
–48 V TP48400Bs. The discharge time increases in proportion to the value of η. The
following table shows the mapping.
ŋ 0.4 0.55 0.63 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.92 0.95 0.98 1 1.01 1.03
Capacity Configuration
CN = Roundup (C x 0.9,0)
CN is the total capacity of the storage batteries with optional specifications, and is calculated
by rounding up and normalizing the result of 0.9 x C. CN is the total capacity of battery strings.
For the TP48400B, CN is less than or equal to 600 Ah.
The battery discharge time is the backup time.
3 Installation
Installation Flowchart
Figure3-1 shows the flowchart for installing the TP48400B.
Figure3-2 Tools
3.2 Installation
3.2.1 Mechanical installation
Mechanical Installation1-Floor installation
Fix the installation hole .(Ensure 100 mm ventilation space in the cabinet rear.)
Drill holes and install expansion sleeves.
Install the cabinet.
Installing a 2 U Rectifier
1. Remove the bolts from the handle. Ensure that the module handle is open.
2. Pull handle out.
1. Gently push the rectifier into the related slot along the guid e rail.
2. Push the handle upwards, lock the handle.
3. Tighten the bolts in the handle and secure the handle.
Installing a 1 U Rectifier
错误!未找到引用源。Figure 3-4 shows how to install a 1 U rectifier.
1. Push the locking latch towards the left.
2. Pull the handle downwards.
3. Gently push the rectifier into the related slot along the guide rail.
4. Push the handle upwards and lock the handle.
5. Push the locking latch towards the right and secure the handle.
CAUTION: Disconnect the AC power before connecting cables and do not mix load ports with battery ports.
5、 Installing battery
TP48400B detailed installation instructions, see TP48400B-N20A1 & L20A1 & N20B1Quick Installation Guide
(V500R001_01)and TP48600B-N20A1 Quick Installation Guide (V500R001_01).
Check for short circuits between the live wires, between the live wire and the ground
cable, between the live wire and the neutral wire, between the RTN+ and the –48 V
busbar. Rectify short circuits before powering on the power system.
NetEco Bak IP - -
NetEco Port - 31220
Set Date - - -
Set Time - - -
IP Address - -
Default - -
9. After two minutes, check whether the voltage between the RTN+ busbar and DC output
terminal are the same as the battery voltage and the voltage displayed on the monitoring unit.
If not, ask professionals to rectify the fault.
10. Check whether the run indicator of rectifiers is normal. If not, ask local professionals.
11. Switch the LLVD and BLVD branches to the ON positions.
12. Measure whether the voltage between RTN+ and the DC output terminal. The voltage must
range from 42 V to 58 V. The rated voltage is 53.5 V. Check whether the loads work normally.
If the loads work abnormally, rectify the fault according to the relevant user guides.
13. Switch all circuit breakers as required.
14. Check whether the element management system (EMS) can receive the information from the
power system. If not, check whether the IP address is set correctly.
15. Observe the operation of the power system for 15 minutes. If no alarms are generated, and
current/voltage parameters of the battery and loads are set properly.
P48400B detailed instructions, see TP48400B-N20A1 & L20A1 & N20B1Quick Installation
Guide (V500R001_01)and TP48600B-N20A1 Quick Installation Guide (V500R001_01).
3.5 Acceptance
3.5.1 Installation Acceptance
Make sure that the installat ion complies with engineering specifications and does not trigger
operation problems.
The TP48400B is properly installed, and the input cables, output cables, and signal cables are
correctly connected.
07 Cable labels Both ends of a cable are labeled. Labels are clean and
correct, and provide concise and understandable cable
description in English.
08 Ground cables Ground cables are connected between the ground bar
in the TP48400B and a ground bar in the equipment
09 Distances between cable ties Distances between cable ties are equal, and no burr
exists. Burrs will injure engineering personnel.
The electricity acceptance is critical for the proper operating of the TP48400B and needs special care.
The TP48400B is properly installed, and the input cables, output cables, and signal cables are
correctly connected.
01 Connections of the AC input power The live wire and neutral wires of the AC input power
cable and DC output power cables cable are correctly connected. The positive and
negative DC output power cables are connected to
correct terminals on loads.
02 Battery cable connections Battery cables are connected to correct terminals.
Reverse battery connection will cause human injuries.
03 Cable connections between battery The positive battery terminal connects to the RTN+
strings and the TP48400B. busbar. The negative battery terminal connects to the
NEG– busbar.
04 Short circuit Use a multimeter to check that the input live wire and
neutral wires are not short-circuited, and the output
positive and negative terminals are not short-circuited.
05 Input circuit breaker and load The input circuit breaker and load circuit breakers are
circuit breakers switched off.
The TP48400B is properly powered on.
01 PSU installation PSUs are installed securely and screws on the front panel are
02 PSU installation sequence PSUs are installed first in slot 1, then slot 2, and so on.
The TP48400B is properly powered on.
01 SMU installation The SMU is installed securely and screws on the front
panel are tightened.
02 LCD The LCD displays clear and correct information.
04 North-bound communication The parameter values displayed on the LCU are the same
as those displayed on the host or EMS, which means that
the SMU properly sends TP48400B information, such as
the voltage, load current, and battery current, to the host or
If the SMU connects to no north-bound equipment, skip
this item.
The TP48400B is properly powered on.
01 Equalized charging voltage The default value is 56.5 V. The equalized charging
voltage can be adjusted based on site requirements.
02 Float voltage The default value is 53.5 V. The equalized float voltage can
be adjusted based on site requirements.
03 Monitored system type (The The monitored system on the SMU UI is correct. For
system may fail to run properly if details about how to set the parameter, see the quick
the parameter is not correct.) installation guide.
04 Battery capacity (Wrong battery The default values are:600 Ah
capacities may shorten the battery The value must be the same as the actual battery capacity.
05 Charge current limit coefficient The default value is 0.10C. The coefficient can be adjusted
based on site requirements.
06 BLVD voltage The default value is 43.2 V. The voltage can be adjusted
based on site requirements.
07 Date and time The time set in SMU is the local time.
The TP48400B is properly powered on.
01 Output voltage The output voltages displayed on the LCD and measured by
a multimeter fall within the range of 43.2–57.6 V DC.
02 Load current Observe the load current displayed on the LCD and measure
the actual value by using a clamp meter.
03 Battery current Observe the battery current displayed on the LCD and
measure the actual value by using a clamp meter. If the
battery current is greater than 100 A, the tolerance of the
figure displayed on the LCD is ±1%. If the battery current is
less than 100 A, the tolerance is 1 A.
04 Alarms for AC power The LCD displays the alarms correctly.
05 Alarms for broken battery The LCD displays the alarms correctly, and the alarm
fuses indicator blinks.
06 Alarms for tripped load The LCD displays the alarms correctly, and the alarm
circuit breakers or fuses indicator blinks.
4 Routine Maintenance
Inspect the TP48400B every six months and rectify detected faults in a timely manner.
Door lock Whether the door Observe and The door lock Replace the
lock is damaged open the lock is rusty or lock
or rusted cannot be used
Electricity The voltage Using a The BLVD or For details,
output is normal. multimeter LLVD voltage see section
exceeds the 5.1
threshold. Troubleshoo
Preventive Indicators are Observing Alarms are Components
maintenance normal. indicators generated.
Cabinet The coating on Observing the The cabinet Repaint and
appearance the cabinet are cabinet surface is repair the
flaking off or damaged or cabinet.
scratches occur. distorted.
Grounding The ground point Using a screw The cable Secure or
inspection connects to the driver or wrench. connecting the replace the
ground bar in the ground point cable. <
equipment room and the ground
properly. bar in the
room is
damaged or
5 Troubleshooting
AC power off AC input cable Check whether the AC input cable is correctly
fault and securely connected. If the cable is not
Grid fault or correctly and securely connected, reconnect the
D.G. fault cable.
Check whether the AC input is available. If the
AC input is not available, check whether faults
such as short-circuit or open circuit exist on the
AC input loop. If the AC input loop is proper,
contact the mains supplier for troubleshooting. If
the AC input is from the D.G., check the D.G.
by referring to the Diesel Generator User
If the power-off duration is short, supply DC
power using batteries. If the power-off duration
is long, start other systems for power supply.
Battery loop failure Battery loop Check whether cables of the battery loop or
fault connectors are faulty. If the cables or connectors
Contactor fault are faulty, replace them.
Check whether the contactor is faulty and
Battery fault
whether it can be connected and disconnected. If
the contactor is faulty, replace it.
Check whether batteries are faulty. If the
Rectifier module Poor contact of Check whether the ALM indicator on the panel
fault the rectifier of the rectifier module is on. If the ALM
module indicator is on, remove the rectifier module and
Rectifier insert the rectifier module after the indicator is
module fault off.
If the alarm persists, replace the rectifier
Rectifier module Input Check whether the mains voltage is over the AC
shutdown overvoltage or overvoltage alarm threshold (300 V) of the
Rectifier module undervoltage of rectifier module or below the AC undervoltage
protection the rectifier alarm threshold (85 V). For the power supply
module network with long-time overvoltage or
Rectifier undervoltage, negotiate with the maintenance
module fault personnel of the electricity department to
improve the power supply network.
If the alarm persists when the input voltage of
the rectifier module is proper, check whether the
rectifier module is proper. If the rectifier module
is faulty, replace it.
Disconnection of Load circuit Check whether the load circuit breaker is set to
DC surge protector DC surge Check whether the fault detection cables of the
fault protector fault DC surge protector are correctly and securely
connected. If the cables are not correctly and
securely connected, reconnect them.
If the cables are correctly connected, replace the
DC surge protector.
BLVD Disconnect The battery Check the AC input. If the mains is unavailable,
voltage is lower contact the mains supplier.
than the lower Check the ambient temperature. If the ambient
threshold. temperature exceeds the alarm threshold,
The battery decrease the temperature.
temperature is Replace the battery sensor.
higher than the
upper threshold.
The battery
sensor is faulty.
Internet Fault The monitoring Replace the monitoring unit.
unit is faulty.
6 Parts Replacement
Push the locking latch on the new rectifier towards the left, and pull out the handle.
Place the new rectifier at the entry to the correct slot.
Gently slide the rectifier into the subrack along the guide rail, and lock the handle, as
shown in Figure 6-2.
Follow-up Procedure
Repair the replaced rectifier.
Insert the rectifier into the corresponding slot in the plug-in subrack. Then, loosen the
screws on the handle and pull out the handle.
Slide the rectifier into the plug-in subrack slowly along the guide rails. Then, lock the
Tighten the screws on the handle, as shown in Figure 6-4.
Follow-up Procedure
Repair the replaced rectifier.
Follow-up Procedure
Repair the replaced monitoring unit.
Hold down the faulty AC SPD and pull it out, as shown in Figure 6-7.
Install a new AC SPD, as shown in Figure 6-7.
Follow-up Procedure
Check that the alarm about the AC SPD is cleared.
A Technical Specifications
Technical specifications
Operating 5%–95%
Storage 5%–95%
Altitude 0--4000 m (0--13123.2 ft)
When the altitude ranges from 2000 m (78.74 ft) to 4000
m (13123.2 ft), the operating temperature is derated by
1ºC (1.8ºF) for each additional 200 m (328.08 ft).
Regulated ≤ ±1%
Peak-to-peak ≤ 200 mV
noise voltage
Noise weighting ≤ 2 mV
Imbalance of ≤ ±5% (20% to 100% load)
load sharing
AC input AC input AC input overvoltage protection threshold is more than
protection overvoltage 300 V AC .
AC input When the voltage is restored to 290 V AC, the output
overvoltage resumes.
AC input AC input undervoltage protection threshold is less than 85
undervoltage V AC.
AC input When the voltage is restored to 90 V AC, the output
undervoltage resumes.
EFT The voltage at signal ports is ±1 kV, and the voltage at the
power ports is ±2 kV (criterion B).
B LCD Menu
LCD menu
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
Active - - - - -
Sys. Efficiency - -
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
Peak Power - - -
Peak Power Time - - -
System Type - - -
Ambient Temp1 - - -
Ambient Humi1 - - -
TEMP1 - - -
TEMP2 - - -
History Alarm Ca - - -
Phase C Volt - - -
Phase A Curr - - -
Phase B Curr - - -
Phase C Curr - - -
AC Frequency - - -
DC Total Power - - -
Output Current - -
AC Input Volt - -
AC Iutput Curr - -
DC Output - -
Real - -
DC On/Off - -
SW Version - -
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
BattChargeSta - - -
Batt Test Sta - - -
Batt Temp 1 - - -
Capa Percent - -
Alarm - - - -
Batt Test - - - -
Settings Alarm Alarm Relay - - -
Site Summary - - -
PSU Summary - - -
PSU - - -
Batt Summ - - -
VRLA Batt - -
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
e wire
Amb Hi Temp Pt - 55degC 25–80deg
Amb low Temp - –20degC –20–20deg
Pt C
Amb Hi Humi Pt - 95% 0–100%
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
P, FE,
South Pt Protol - TCU TCU,
North Pt Protol - Auto Auto,
Long AC Fail - Yes No, Yes
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
Curr BC Delay 30Min 2–1440Mi
To BC 80% 50%-100%
BC to FC 30Min 2–540Min
Max BC Time 16H 5–48H
Cyc BC 9H 1–24H
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
mV/degC degC
Nominal Temp 25degC 5–45degC
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
Disch Curr 8 0.30C10 0.01–2.00
Disch Curr 9 0.20C10 0.01–2.00
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
Time, By
LLVD1 Voltage - 44.0V 35.0–56.0
LLVD1 Recon - 51.5V 37.0–58.0
Vol V
Comm Network Mode - IP IP, GPRS
IP Address - - 192.168.0.
DHCP - Disable
Phone Number - - a~z',
(1-3) 'A~Z',
'0~9', '_'
NetEco Bak IP - - -
Set Date - - -
Set Time - - -
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
Logout - Yes -
ALM1(1-8) - - -
Smoke 1 Reset - - -
Battery Test - - -
Short Test - - -
LLVD1 Control - - -
BLVD Control - - -
PSU Current Limit - - -
DC Voltage Ctrl - - -
On/Off Control - - -
Clr Alm - - - -
Quick Qty of - - 1 -
Settings Battery
Rated - - 600 Ah -
Set Date - - -
Set Time - - - -
Second-L Range
Main evel Third-Level Fourth-Level Default
Menu Menu Menu Menu Value
IP Address - - - 192.168.0.
Subnet - - - 255.255.25
mask 5.0
Gateway - - - 192.168.0.