Spent Malt Rootlets - A New Potential Ingredient For Functional Foods

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Spent malt rootlets – A new potential ingredient for functional foods

Monica Bota, Ersilia Alexa, Simona Chiș, Carmen Pop, Sevastița Muste,
Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Mănăştur
Street, 400372, Cluj–Napoca, Romania
The entire global scientific community has a real interest in seeking new technologies for the use of agro-
industrial wastes in order to diminish the existing environmental problems. The greatest attention has
been paid to the utilization of plant resources resulting from the by-products of the food industry. Malt
rootlets ("Spent Malt Rootlets") are the end products from the malt industry, but with relatively limited
use, being used as feed for animals. Rich in vitamin B, vitamin E, peptides, amino acids, fatty acids,
dietary fibres, polyphenols, minerals, with a powerful antioxidant potential and economically cheap,
studies have shown that applications using malt rootlets are an interesting option from the sensory,
nutritional and economic point of view. Thus, these by-products contain, in appreciable quantities,
biologically active compounds with high recovery potential.
The current study aims to expose additional nutritional and economic benefits of spent malt rootlets as a
functional baking ingredient. In order to achieve this goal, analysis like moisture, protein, fibre, sugar,
lipid, fat, ash, starch and salt amount were determined.
Keywords: malting, industrial wastes, spent malt rootlets, human nutrition, functional properties.

1. Introduction

As regards the food industry wastes, the interest was mainly in the bioconversion of the dairy and beer (mainly
brewery spent grains) wastes, as well as the processing of vegetable wastes[7].
Barley (Hordeum vulgare), a cereal of the Poaceae family, ranks fourth globally in both quantity produced and
cultivation area. It is conventionally utilised for animal fodder (∼66%) or malted for brewing (∼33%)and food
applications (∼2%) [18].

Solid beer wastes include brewery spent grains,spent malt rootletss and used brewer's yeast. These wastes, like
most industrial wastes, are rich in fibre and carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals [16].

The food, agricultural and forestry industries produce large volumes of wastes annually worldwide, causing a
serious disposal problem. This is especially problematic in countries where the economy is largely based on
agriculture and where the farming practice is very intensive.These wastes are rich in sugars, which due to their
organic nature are easily assimilated by the micro-organisms. This makes such wastes very appropriate for their
exploitation as raw materials in the production of industrially relevant compounds [16].

The incorporation of barley into the human diet has received renewed attention owing to increased scientific
evidence showing it to be an excellent source of dietary fibre, particularly β-glucan. β-Glucan is a soluble fibre that
has US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved health benefits,4 which include decreasing the risk of
heartdisease and being effective in lowering blood serum glucose levels. Barley rootlets primarily contribute
protein, essential amino acids, healthy fats, polyphenols and minerals to the diet.
Assuch, the incorporation of rootlets into a staple food product such as bread could increase the protein content of
poorer flours and thus increase the net nutritive value of final baked goods [18].

These specific components of beer industry wastes can be recovered by chemical or biological methods and
then biotransformed into ingredients with high nutritional value for food, used in animal feed, the cosmetic or
pharmaceutical industry.
Malt and barley have shown antioxidant properties mainly due to the presence of phenolic compounds,
especially flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids [2].

Corresponding author: e-mail:[email protected]

Malt rootlets are germs appearing during the malting process of barley, which are separated before the
brewing process and treated as a byproduct for animal feed. The production of an antioxidant extract from
malt rootlets would add value to this byproduct and provide a potential new source of natural antioxidant. [4].
Malt means barley softened, sprouted and then dried. The harvested product is called green malt and after
drying, in special dryers, it is called malt [10].

The rootlets of malt are very fine grooves, yellowish-brown in color and are hygroscopic.
Sprouted seeds have been commonly called germs, but malt germs are the product obtained by removing
germs from malted barley.The germs are formed of acrospires and rootlets. Rootlets are a source of protein
(about 25%) and dietary fiber (about 11.14%) [12].
Because malt rootlets have a bitter taste, are hygroscopic and favours the absorption of water when the malt is
stored, they are removed by cleaning the malt from the rootlets immediately after the drying operation.From
100 kg of dry malt is obtained 3-5 kg of malt rootlets [9].
World malt production is estimated at 12 million tonnes, while rootlets represent 3% of malt. The latter are
generally incorporated into animal feed.
The nutritive value depends on the protein quality and digestibility, which is a†ected by the nature of the protein
and the non-protein constituents that modify digestion. Anti-nutritional factors such as phytic acid and polyphenol
compounds are known to be present in cereals [13].
While phytic acid has mineral binding capacity, the polyphenol compounds decrease protein digestibility and
reduce amino-acid availability. Germination reduces the phytic acid content of barley by about 25%.
Polyphenol compounds content varied significantly among being lowest in SMR [12].
Malt roots are rich in vitamin B, especially in pantothenic acid and vitamin E, peptides, amino acids and proteins.
Almost three quarters of the "raw protein" is the true protein and contains an adequate amount of lysine.

2. Materials and methods

The samples of spent malt rootlets (SMR) were supplied by SC.SOUFFLET AGRO ROMANIA S.R.L, whole
spelt flour were purchased from specialty stores.

SMR used in this work, was obtained as a by-product from the malting process using a spring barley variety,
Drying the malt at 85⁰C, in strong air steam is to eliminate the excess moisture and to stop or direct the
biochemical and chemical transformations that occur and stabilize the malt composition. This step is followed by
cooling malt at 20⁰C to avois enzyme inactivation and discoloration. Cleaning malt by the rootlets is doing
immediately after drying according to [12].

According to Waters at all., 2013, which used the following methods: total nitrogen was quantified by the Kjeldhal
method EBC 4.3.19 using a conversion factor of 6.25; total protein contents were obtained, carbohydrate contents
using AACC method, crude fat contents were quantified using MEBAK method2.5.6(3.5) and fatty acid
compositions were analysed by DGF method C-VI 11e, which uses derivatisation with trimethylsulfonium
hydroxide (TMSH). Fibre contents were ascertained according to AACC method 32-07 using a K-TDFR enzyme
kit (Megazyme International).

The nutritive value of SMR of this study, was investigated using: AOAC method for fibre, Kjeldahl method for
protein, salt was calculate using: sodium x 2.5; sodium was analysed by AAS spectrometry, Weibull-Stoldt method
for fat and enzymatic method for sugars, ash by calcination, moisture by oven-drying, starch using polarimetric
Ewers method, macro and microelements using atomic absorbtion spectrometry.
SMR were passed through a mill feeder and fed after into a laboratory mill(Model3100, Perten Instruments) fitted
with an 0.8 mm sieve and then homogenized by mixing. Starch content was determined using heat stable a-amylase
(Sigma product No A-0164).

Determination of micro and macroelements by atomic absorption spectrometry, is generally used for high
sensitivity determinations of chemical elements using the absorption of optical radiation by free atoms in the
gaseous state. Using this method, ppm concentrations (parts per million) can be determined and, unlike classical
photometric methods, atomic absorption measurements are much more precise and do not require a high
consumption of reagents, the analyzes being performed on aqueous or organic solutions.

Equipment and reagents: Hydrochloric acid, 20% solution (1: 4); Hydrochloric acid 6 mol / l; Nitric acid 0.1 mol/
l; Nitric acid (1: 9); Heat-adjustable electric furnace with ventilation; Analytical balance; Atomic absorption
apparatus model VARIAN AA240FS; PC for reading the results.

Procedure: The determination of micro- and macro-elements consists of several stages:

Sample processing and mineralization

The samples to be analyzed, were ground until a homogeneous mass was obtained. Any impurities should be
excluded during processing. In a porcelain crucible weigh about 3 g of the sample. The flame is pre-calcined and
after the pre-calcination is completed, the crucible is placed in a calcination oven.
Its temperature rises gradually until it reaches 550-600⁰C, where it is maintained until the calcination is completed,
for about 10-16 hours.
After the completion of this step, the crucible is cooled in the dryer, 5 ml of hydrochloric acid 6 mol / l is added, to
evaporate the acid in the sand bath, dissolving the residue in 0,1 mol / l nitric acid (10 ml to 30 ml).
The control is performed using deionized water, following the same procedure.

Spectrophotometric determination
Includes the following steps: Opening the atomic absorption apparatus; Actuation of the cathode lamp
corresponding to the elements to be analyzed; Adjusting the operational parameters (wavelength, sensitivity,
etc.);Compressor coupling and acetylene and air flow regulation; Ignition of the flame and adjustment of the height
of the burner; Adjusting the deionized water zero.
The standard curve is established by the absorption of at least 3 standard working solutions of different
concentration. After establishing the curve for each chemical element, it is followed by reading and calculating
each element proposed for analysis.

The metal content (E) is expressed in parts per million - ppm - (mg / kg).

𝐸= 𝑀×1000∗

in which:
E - the name of the element; C - the quantity taken from the standard curve, in micrograms; V - total volume of
the sample solution (ml); M - the amount of sample taken in grams; 1000 - content ratio factor to 1000 g (1 kg);
1000 * - the factor of transformation of micrograms into milligrams.

3. Result and discussions

As the results shows SMR is a material rich in dietary fibres and proteins, similar results are expected following
its incorporation into pastry products. Salama at all., 1999, determinate the fibre content of malt rootlets, which
were introduced into a different percentages, in two types of bread, biscuits and sausages. Substitution levels of
5% and 10% gave a good bread, with high protein and fibre content. Biscuits with 15% rootlets were acceptable
but sensory qualities were affected.
Table 1 presents the chemical composition of spent malt rootlets compared with whole spelt flour.
The chemical composition of malt rootlets is variable according to the variety of barley , the malting process, the
conditions and the duration of storage but always presenting a high content of fibre, protein and minerals. A level
of 5% to 10% added spent malt rootlets, can produce fortified products, comparable to od higher that those of
whole spelt flour from a dietary point of view [11].

In accordance with the data from the literature, the malt rootlets having a fiber content of 40.3%, almost four
times higher compared to the whole spelt flour. As showed in table 1, the fibre content is similar with the result
reported by Waters et all., 2013.
Regarding the starch content of whol spelt flour compared to that of spent malt rootlets, it is found that they
contain more starch due to the degree of extraction.
Following the studies on the chemical composition of malt rootlets it was concluded that they have a fat content
of 3% of which saturated fatty acids (% of total lipids) 24.12%, compounds with multiple benefits on the human
body.This result is in agreement with other authors [12].

Specifically, the biofortification of pastry products with lysine is topical for nutrition, in addition the
incorporation of spent malt rootlets improves the content of β-glucans which, from a medical point of view,
increases saturation and positively influences blood glucose, insulin and cholesterol.
The use of spent malt rootlets as a food ingredient is aimed the consumers who is looking for healthy foods thus
creating a potential market for this product [16].

According to Salama et all., 1999, spent malt rootlets have a high water, oil and emulsification ability, with high
calcium content (19-9 gkg-1) and high protein content (31-9%) which gives this by-product a good nutritional
high value (low in phytic acid and rich in polyphenols). The bigger protein content could be justified by various
factors like the soil fertilization, the soil chemical composition,the variety of barley and the harvest date, as well
as the quantification method, could explain such a difference [4].

The recommended intake of dietary fibre is around 30 g/day of which half must come from cereals. This is why
foods rich in fibre are mostly cereals, and it is important that cereals products are consumed in large quantities.

Spent malt rootlets have a mineral content up to seven times higher than whole spelt flour. Malt rootlets are
considered a nutritionally valuable by-product due to their high protein content but also due to their balance in the
essential fatty acids content.
Many of the basic substances are present in malt rootlets extracts, including choline, betaine, thiamine, carcinid.
Malt rooletst extracts offer a rich source of growth factors for microorganisms, such as rootstocks, Eremothecium
ashbyi mold, which is used to produce riboflavin [5].

Table 1. Comparative chemical composition of whole spelt flour and spent malt rootlets (% dw)
Whole spelt flour Spent malt rootlets
Moisture, % 14.27 4.2
Protein, % 29 35.5
Fiber, % 14.9 40.3
Starch, % 74.9 15.3
Sugar, % 6.8 3.5
Fat, % 4 3
Ash, % 0.64 7.7
Salt, % 0.27 0.41

According to Waters et all., 2013, One could speculate further benefits of using cheap, readily available rootlets
in bread making or as a general food ingredient. For example, the increased demand for creating a new market for
high-nutrition, low-value rootlets could equate to a higher price for this by-product through its re-categorisation
as a co-product.
Rootlets are a generous source of essential and non essential aminoacids,which should encourage their
incorporation into cereal goods for the lacto-vegetarian and vegan markets.

Comparing the whole wheat flour and malt roots from the point of view of the mineral content, we can see
statistically significant differences regarding the following minerals: K, P, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg (table 2).

Table 2. Micro and macronutrients content of spent malt rootlets and whole spelta flour

g/100 g K P Cu Zn Fe Mn Ca Mg
Spent malt rootlets 2.77a 1.65a 0.005a 0.003a 0.009b 0.009b 3.03a 1.62a
Whole spelta flour 1.59b 0.54b 0.003b 0.027b 0.025a 0.012a 0.196b 1.062b
*small letters means the signicantely difference between spent malt rootlets and whole spelta flour, for the same element (p<0.05)

The results obtained regarding micro and macromineral content, are similar to those reported by Waters et al.,2013, for malt
rootlets and by Becerra et al.,2010 for whole wheat flour.

4. Conclusions
Scientific research has revealed that SMR has highly desirable nutritional characteristics from a human
dietary standpoint. Typical SMR compositions vary but always include high levels of dietary fiber and
protein as well as appreciable levels of minerals, vitamins and lipids. These quality characteristics, in
addition to its low cost and high levels of availability, make SMR appropriate as a functional food

Compliance with Ethics Requirements: Authors declare that they respect the journal’s ethics requirements. Authors
declare that they have no conflict of interest and all procedures involving human and/or animal subjects (if exists)
respect the specific regulations and standards.


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