Reflection 1 Reflection 2: Travel and Tourism Competitiveness

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Reflection 1 Reflection 2

Urban legends in Japan have struck Japan attracted 31.19 million international
tourists in 2018. Japan has 21 World Heritage
in the hearts of the Japanese people for
Sites, including Himeji Castle, Historic
centuries. Exploring these urban legends
Monuments of Ancient Kyoto and Nara. Popular
reveals creepy tales of some of the scariest foreigner attractions
ghost stories in Japan. Many of these dark include Tokyo and Hiroshima, Mount Fuji, ski
urban legends passed from generation to resorts such as Niseko in Hokkaido, Okinawa,
generation intend to scare or teach moral riding the shinkansen and taking advantage of
lessons to Japanese children. One example of Japan's hotel and hotspring network.
this is the poem of Tomiko’s hell. It’s a very The 2017 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness
disturbing Urban Legend, in which if you were Report ranked Japan 4th out of 141 countries
to read the whole poem, bad things may overall, which was the highest in Asia. Japan
happen to you, they say that your soul will be gained relatively high scores in almost all of the
condemned in hell forever to suffer. Another featured aspects, such as health and hygiene,
example is Kuchisake-onna, she wears a mask safety and security, and cultural resources and
and will ask you if she’s pretty. It doesn’t business travel.
matter what you say, she’ll still kill you. But if
you say so-so, she will get confused and you’ll
have the chance to run.
Reflection 3 Reflection 4

The SuIcide Forest, called “the perfect place to die,”

The word anime is the Japanese term
the Aokigahara forest in Japan has the unfortunate
for animation, which means all forms of distinction of being the world’s third most popular place to
animated media. Outside Japan, anime refers die by suicide. Since the 1950s, Japanese businessmen have
specifically to animation from Japan or as a wandered in, and at least 500 of them haven’t wandered
out, at an increasing rate of between 10 and 30 per year.
Japanese-disseminated animation style often
characterized by colorful graphics, vibrant This does not deter determined people from committing
suicide in this dense forest. Each year dozens of corpses are
characters and fantastical themes. The
found by volunteers who clean the woods, but many are
culturally abstract approach to the word's forever lost in the very thick woods. Japanese authorities
meaning may open up the possibility of anime have discontinued publishing exact suicide numbers in
produced in countries other than Japan. For order to avoid making the place even more popular.
simplicity, many Westerners strictly view Locals say they can easily spot the three types of visitors to
anime as a Japanese animation product. the forest: trekkers interested in scenic vistas of Mount Fuji,
the curious hoping for a glimpse of the macabre, and those
Personally, I like anime with a serious souls who don’t plan on leaving.
plot, but I also like comedy. Like Oregairu, Fairy According to some reports, forest workers must carry the
Tail, Fate Series, The Promised Neverland, bodies from the forest to the local police station, where
Nichijou, and much more! It’s practically they are put in a special room used specifically to house
impossible to list all my favourites suicide corpses. Some believe that if a corpse is left alone, it
is very bad luck for the yurei (ghost) of the suicide victims.
Their spirits are said to scream through the night, and that
their bodies will move on their own.
Reflection 5 Reflection 6

In Japanese—unlike in English—the terms This time, I learned how to count in

for family relationships can differ according to Japanese. Japanese has two sets of numbers.
whether you are talking about your own family The native Japanese system is fairly
to someone else or the other person's family. straightforward, but this numbering scheme is
When you talk about someone else’s family, rarely used to count past 10. The Sino-Japanese
you say Mother=Okaasan, Father=Otousan, number system, the one you’ll use most of the
Older Brother=Oniichan, Older time, is a bit more complicated. Sino-Japanese
numbers are used in conjunction with “counter”
Sister=Oneechan, Younger Brother=Otoutosan,
words when counting objects, animals, and
Younger Sister=Imoutosan. And when you talk
people. There are different counters that you
about your own family, instead you say,
have to include when counting people, flat
Mother=Haha, Father=Chichi, Older objects, cylindrical objects, bundles, pets, and
Brother=Ani, Older Sister=Ane, Younger miscellaneous objects. Knowing the counters for
Brother=Otouto, Younger Sister=Imouto. people and miscellaneous objects is absolutely
Family in Japanese is Kazoku. I also essential. However, you will have a very difficult
learned how to compose a sentence with the time talking about numbers if you don’t
eventually learn some of the other counters.
topic of the Family.
Reflection 7 Reflection 8

The Japanese of Animal is Dobotsu. I The earliest written history of Japan, which was a mix
of fact and mythology, mentions the four oldest color terms
learned the Japanese translations of different in the Japanese language: aka or red, kuro or black, shiro or
animals. I even learned how to form a sentence white, and ao or blue. However, it has been proposed that
like “Nani dobotsu ga suki desu ka?” or in these terms originally referred to the contrasting optical
sensations of light and dark, clear and vague. With time,
english, “what’s your favourite animal. It
these ancient color terms evolved to have the red, black,
proved useful so that I can learn more white and blue meanings in use today (as well as acquiring
information from my friends and family. other symbolic meanings, which we'll get to later).
However, traces of the original four colors persist in
This was a short topic but it proved useful modern Japanese. Most proverbs and surnames that
in many ways. mention color, for example, often involve these four colors.
Additionally, only these four colors can be prefixed with the
"pure" and "genuine" ma, to give us makka, or bright
red, makkuro pitch black, masshiro or pure
white, massao or deep blue. Similarly, the original
ambiguity of ao appears to have stood the test of time. A
vague, overlapping, blue-green color band, termed "grue"
in anthropological lingo, may be used to describe the bluish-
green (or greenish-blue?) of ao – which is notorious for
causing the Western confusion between aoshingou and
"green traffic light." Or aonegi and "green spring onion."

I was so interested with the Japanese colors that I had to

personally do my own research.
Reflection 9

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