Hospital Patient Chart Free PDF Download PDF

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Patient Name:


Hospital Logo Preliminary Discharge Summary/Clinical Care Map Chart #:
(It is imperative that all comorbidities and Addressograph
interventions that affect Length of Stay (LOS)
must be documented.)

Admission Date: _____________________ Predicted LOS: _______________

Attending Physician: _______________________________________________ To be completed by Medical Records:
Admitting Diagnosis: ______________________________________________ Target LOS: ________ EDD: _________

Discharge Date: __________________________________________________

Discharge Disposition:  Home  Other facility  Deceased Against Medical Advice
Most responsible Diagnosis: Did this affect LOS?
Pre-Admission Comorbidity (Primary Diagnosis):  YES  NO
Complications (Post Admission Comorbidity):  YES  NO
Secondary Diagnosis:  YES  NO
Clinical Care Map: Is the Patient Palliative?  Yes  No
Did the patient receive blood components or blood products?  YES  NO
Quantity (#units) transfused: RBC_______ Platelets ________ Plasma Products (Specify)______________________
Blood Products: (Specify) _____________________________________For further information, contact family physician
Course in hospital: (Includes investigations therapies, interventions and consults)
Day 1: ________________________ Day 2 & 3: ____________________ Day 4 & 5: _______________________
Day 6 & 7: ____________________ Day 8 & 9: ____________________ Day 10 or greater: _________________
Medications on Discharge: (Name of drug, frequency and route)
1.___________________________________________ 6._______________________________________
2.___________________________________________ 7._______________________________________
3.___________________________________________ 8._______________________________________
4.___________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________
5.___________________________________________ 10. ______________________________________
Activities: Resume: Shower  Tub Bath Sponge Bath Housework  Drive Car Climb Stairs Sexual activity
Incision – If you develop any signs of infection such as redness, swelling or drainage, please contact your doctor and call (insert
phone # for Infection Control) leaving your name and telephone number for follow-up.

Follow Up-Appointment: _____________________________ Date: ____________________

(Diagnostic, Lab & Physician)
_____________________________ Date: ____________________

Physician’s Name: __________________________ _______________________ Date: ______________

Print Signature
For Medical Records Use: Discharge Summary Dictated:  Yes No Date: ___________________ Signed By: _____________
Chart Assembled  Chart Abstracted  Chart Completed:  Coder’s Signature _________________

WHITE COPY: Patient’s Chart YELLOW COPY: Family Doctor PINK COPY: Physicians’ Copy
Form NL-DF01
Effective Date:2011-09-07

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