History of The World: What Is Science? Is Created

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- Although we discovered science

HISTORY OF THE WORLD late, it was already there.

- Science is investigated, Technology
What is Science? is created.
- study of nature and behavior of the - According to Albert Einstein,
material and physical universe; “Science is investigating that which
based on observation, experiment already is; engineers create that
and measurement and the which has never been.”
formulation of laws to describe - Everything can be explained by
these scientific facts in general science. We have not created
terms science, it was there before us and
- the observation, identification, before everything.
description, experiment,
investigation and theoretical TECHNOLOGY – Application of science to
explanation of phenomena develop new devices, systems or methods
- dealing with ta body of facts or
truths systematically arranged and MODERN SCIENCE
showing the operation of general - Began in 1543
laws - The scientific revolution is held
traditionally by most historians since
2 types of science 1543 when the books De Humani
- both utilizes the powers of Corporis Fabrica (On the Workings of
observation, scientific method and the Humsn Body) by Andreas
mathematics Vesalius, and also De Revolutionibus
by Nicolaus Copernicus was printed.
1. Applied science – describes the
process of developing new FATHER OF MODERN SCIENCE
technology and products for - Galileo Galilei: pioneered the
consumers and offer results from scientific method, first to use a
experiment and knowledge from refracting relescope
pure science - Astronomical discoveries:
 Seeks to put the existing o “Father of Modern
knowledge to use Astronomy”
2. Pure science – science of discovery o “Father of Modern Physics”
 More concerned with - Even Albert Einsten called him
expanding and testing the father of Modern Science
existing body of scientific
- The scientific method is another
Which came first, SCIENCE or important component of modern
TECHNOLOGY? science, as it describes the objective
- Science came first since it already basis for testing and communicating
existed since the day upon which results from scientific investigations.
the universe was created.
- Using the scientific method, a Who invented the Scientific method?
scientist will form an educated guess - The development of
regarding the outcome of a process the scientific method had its earliest
or experiment and then use various beginnings in the works of
tests, which isolate one or more Parmenides. It was set forth
variables, in order to obtain an systematically by Aristotle in his
objective and certifiable outcome. Organon.

- If the hypothesis does not match up - But the scientific method achieved
with the conclusion of the its first modern form in the work of
experiment, then the hypothesis Roger Bacon, who began the
must be modified to meet the systematic use of mathematics
outcomes. in science.


1. Observation (Identify Problem)
2. Research
3. Form Hypothesis
4. Test Hypothesis (thru expt.)
5. Data Gathering
6. Analyze Data
7. Draw conclusion
8. Share results

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