Ilokano Words
Ilokano Words
Ilokano Words
Bisaleg- To feel an acute pain in the abdomen Putar- Building under construction. To build,
to construct something
Dawel- Cruel, savage, inhuman, merciless
Rames- Disrespectful, discourteous, insolent,
Dissaar- To place on the floor impudent
Dubar- To try to overcome one another, to Sakbat- To carry on the shoulder
strive for superiority
Salensen- To overburden, to load in excess
Dugdug- To dissolve, to decompose, to decay
Sayabat- Impudent, bold, impertinent,
Dukit- To touch lightly, to feel with the hand shameless, pert, forward
Ellek- To be dumb, mute, speechless Talged- To lean, to rest for support, to rely for
Er-er- To be ostentatious, pretentious comfort