Energy Budget: Earth's Most Important and Least Appreciated Planetary Attribute
Energy Budget: Earth's Most Important and Least Appreciated Planetary Attribute
Energy Budget: Earth's Most Important and Least Appreciated Planetary Attribute
No. 84 • Summer 2013 390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112
asking in the Sun on a warm day, it’s easy for know some species of animals can see ultraviolet
people to realize that most of the energy on light and portions of the infrared spectrum. NASA
Earth comes from the Sun; students know satellites use instruments that can “see” different
this as early as elementary school. We all know parts of the electromagnetic spectrum to observe
plants use this energy from the Sun for photosyn- various processes in the Earth system, including the
thesis, and animals eat plants, creating a giant food energy budget.
web. Most people also understand the Sun’s energy The Sun is a very hot ball of plasma emitting large
drives evaporation and thus powers the water cycle. amounts of energy. By the time it reaches Earth, this
But many people do not realize the Sun’s energy it- energy amounts to about 340 Watts for every square
self is also part of an important interconnected sys- meter of Earth on average. That’s almost 6 60-Watt
tem: Earth’s energy budget or balance. This energy light bulbs for every square meter of Earth! With
budget determines conditions on our planet — just all of that energy shining down on the Earth, how
like the energy budget of other planets determines does our planet maintain a comfortable balance that
conditions there. allows a complex ecosystem, including humans, to
thrive? The key thing to remember is the Sun — hot
Key Concepts though it is — is a tiny part of Earth’s environment.
Figure 1. The orbit of the earth around the sun, with all sizes and
The energy budget involves more than one kind of The rest is cold, dark space. (See Figure 1.) locations to scale. The white dot near the center is the sun, and the
energy. People can sense this energy in different blue line is the path of the earth through-out the year. The earth
itself is not visible because at this scale it is only 0.02 pixels wide. The
ways, depending on what type of energy it is. We Comparing Planets distance of the earth from the sun is more or less constant through-
see visible light using our eyes. We feel infrared en- We know from astronomers and space missions out the year. Image courtesy of Dr. Christopher Baird, University of
Massachusetts Lowell.
ergy using our skin (such as around a campfire). We the average surface temperature of the planet