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Great Architects

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Adolf Loos was the founding thinker and creator of the Modern

architectural style. Loos' controversial views played out in

writings such as 'Ornament and Crime' and in his buildings, like
the Looshaus, where Loos challenged Vienna to embrace the
march of progress and turn away from Art Nouveau and
ornamental designs
'Weep not! Therein lies the greatness of our age, that it is
incapable of producing a new ornament.' - Adolf Loos, from
'Ornament and Crime'
Have you ever walked up to an old building with ornate
decoration, elaborate curlicues, and impeccable stonework?
Does it fill you with awe and beauty to see the amazing details
and attention paid to the design and structure? Do you ever
wonder why buildings aren't built that way anymore? Not if you
are Adolf Loos, the founder of Modern architecture and the best
known critic of decoration.
Adolf Loos was an architect who grew up in Germany and was
the leading critic of the use of decoration and style in
architecture, which he argued needed to be functional. Loos
viewed the use of design and ornament as childish and
Adolf Loos backward. He frequently railed against the idea that buildings
should be made visually pleasing in any way that did not add to,
nor flow from, the function of the structure.
Born: Adolf Franz Karl
Viktor Maria Loos 10
December 1870
Brno, Austria-Hungary
(now Czech Republic)
Adolf Loos Architecture
Died: 23 August 1933 (aged 62) Ironically, the founding theorist of Modern architecture did not,
Vienna, Austria himself, design many buildings. Loos' earliest work, which
Nationality: Austria, revealed his values of function following form, was the Café
Czechoslovakia, Austria- Museum.
Hungary The structure was built so that the exterior was entirely a result
Occupation : Architect of the function of the building, and Loos used materials to give
BuildingsCafé Museum, the structure its colour rather than adding decorative coats of
Vienna, 1899 paint. The beauty of the building comes entirely from the use of
Villa Karma, Montreux, the various materials Loos incorporated into its function. Loos
Switzerland, 1904 worked to make the luxury of the piece flow entirely from the
beauty of the materials and the visual appeal of its utility.
Field Christian Cross,
Radesinska Svratka, Czech
Republic, 1907
American Bar (formerly the
Kärntner Bar), Vienna, 1908
Steiner House, Vienna, 1910
Goldman & Salatsch Building,
overlooking Michaelerplatz,
Vienna (a mixed-use building
known colloquially as the
“Looshaus”), 1910
Café MuseuM
is a traditional Viennese café located in the
Innere Stadt first district in Vienna, Austria.
The café opened in 1899. The original interior
was designed by renowned architect Adolf
Loos. The café became a meeting place for
Viennese artists.

Radesinska Svratka was still starting his

career in 1910 when he designed and
constructed the Steiner house in Vienna,
Austria. This design was much better accepted
than Loos' earlier works and quickly became a
worldwide example of rationalist architecture.
1904 Villa Karma, Montreux, In his buildings, Loos normally starts with one
Switzerland main volume in which the space, configuration,
and elements follows the rules and composition
January 1903, Theodor Beer, professor of of classical architecture
physiology come, trust Adolf Loos
reforming its Maladaire The villa, situated
on the shores of Lake Geneva. In
December 1903 for the first time I travel to
where the work is performed.

Looshaus is a building in Vienna designed

by Adolf Loos, regarded as one of the central
buildings of Viennese Modernism. It marks the
departure from historicism, but also from the
floral decor of Secession. It is at the address
Loos Bar or Loos American Bar , is a small Michaelerplatz 3, opposite the Michaelertrakt
bar in the Carinthian Passage No. 10, a side of the Hofburg.
street of the Kärntner
Straße in Vienna's 1st district of Innere
Stadt . It was designed by the architect Adolf
Loos and is now a listed building
was a Spanish architect known as the greatest exponent of Catalan
Modernism.] Gaudí's works have a highly individualized, one-of-a-
kind style. Most are located in Barcelona, including his main work,
the church of the Sagrada Família.
Antoni Gaudi was one of Catalunya's most famous architects. In
fact, I would argue that he's one of the most famous modern
Antoni Gaudí architects in Europe. Gaudi practiced a form of architecture known
as Catalan Modernism, which is an Art Nouveau-style architecture
Born: 25 June 1852 that is influenced by nature and the natural shapes and forms
found in the world around us.
Reus or Riudoms, Catalonia, First, we got a little history lesson about modernism in Barcelona.
Spain Back in the late 1800s, the area where Passeig de Gracia is today
wasn't even part of Barcelona; it was a village of its own,
Died: 10 June 1926 (aged connected to Barcelona by road. But, as the city got more and
73) more crowded, wealthy citizens began moving further and further
out so they could build bigger homes.
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Nationality: Spanish
Occupation: Architect Gaudí's work was influenced by his passions in life: architecture,
nature, and religion. He considered every detail of his creations
Buildings: Sagrada and integrated into his architecture such crafts as ceramics,
Família, Casa Milà, stained glass, wrought ironwork forging and carpentry. He also
introduced new techniques in the treatment of materials, such as
Casa Batlló trencadís which used waste ceramic pieces.
Under the influence of neo-Gothic art and Oriental techniques,
Projects: Park Güell, Gaudí became part of the Modernista movement which was
Church of Colònia Güell reaching its peak in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His
work transcended mainstream Modernisme, culminating in an
organic style inspired by admiration and study by architects. His masterpiece, the still-
natural forms. Gaudí rarely incomplete Sagrada Família, is the most-visited monument in
drew detailed plans of his Spain. Between 1984 and 2005, seven of his works were declared
works, instead preferring to World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Gaudí's Roman Catholic faith
create them as three- intensified during his life and religious images appear in many of
dimensional scale models his works. This earned him the nickname "God's Architect"[6] and
and moulding the details as led to calls for his beatification.
he conceived them.
Gaudí's work enjoys global
popularity and continuing

Many of Gaudi's most famous works can be

found in Barcelona — and I wanted to see as
many of them as possible. n my very first
morning in Barcelona, I hopped on the metro to
Passeig de Gracia to join a free Gaudi walking
tour with Discover Walks Barcelona. We started
in front of the iconic Casa Batllo — but we Sagrada Familia
didn't talk about this Gaudi work right away. The second major stop on my Gaudi walking
tour was the Sagrada Familia (or, more
correctly, Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la
Sagrada Família) — easily Gaudi's most famous
work in Barcelona. This Roman Catholic church
is regarded as Gaudi's opus; his most impressive
work of art.

Casa Batllo is one of the most recognizable

Gaudi works in Barcelona. It was originally built
in the 1870s, and then Gaudi was hired in the
early 1900s to redesign it by the Batllo family,
who wanted the tallest, most noticeable house
on the prestigious block. The result is a house
that certainly is eye-catching, with oval
windows, mosaic details, and a tiled roof that
looks like the back of a dragon. In fact, Casa Park Guell wasn't included in my Gaudi
Batllo is often called the “Dragon House,” or the walking tour, but my guide highly suggested I
“House of Bones” because of the skeleton-like check it out. So I hopped on the metro and
exterior. walked up the hill to the park, located on
Carmel Hill. The park — which covers about 45
acres — was built between 1900 and 1914,
designed by Gaudi and funded by Eusebi Güell.
Barcelona, built between 1906 and 1912 (after
that, Gaudi devoted all of his attention to
Sagrada Familia).

Casa Mila / La Padrera

The last notable Gaudi work in Barcelona is Casa
Mila (also known as La Padrera or “the Rock
Quarry”). We saw this on my Gaudi walking tour
from across the street, and learned that it's
basically considered an architectural marvel
because of the fact that it has no straight lines.
It was the last civil work designed by Gaudi in
“Architecture should speak of its
time and place, but yearn for

Frank O. Gehry Ephraim, Owen Goldberg, into a Polish-Jewish family in Toronto, Ontario,
Place of Birth his enthusiasm for building futuristic cities out of scraps of wood was
: Age: 89Toronto, Canada nurtured from a young age by his grandmother, using leftover oddments
from her husband's hardware store. In 1947, at the age of 18, he moved
Style: Postmodern with his family to Los Angeles and the family's name was changed from
architecture, Goldberg to Gehry. He later became a US citizen.
Reconstructivist, Modern Unsure of what career to choose, Gehry took a job driving a delivery
architecture, truck, while attending a number of courses at decided to try architecture
Deconstructivism, and - despite some difficulty with his drawing skills - won several
scholarships to the University of Southern California, from where, in
1954, he graduated top of his class with a degree in architecture.
After graduating, Gehry joined the prestigious Los Angeles architectural
Structures: Dwight D.
firm of Victor Gruen Associates. At the time, LA was experiencing a post-
Eisenhower Memorial, Frank
war housing boom, while innovative individual designs by modern artists
Gehry Residence, Peter B. like Richard Neutra (1892-1970) and Rudolph M Schindler (1887-1953)
Lewis Building, Santa Monica added to the excitement of the city's architectural scene. Following a
Place, BP Pedestrian Bridge, year's interruption for compulsory military service, Gehry moved with his
+ more wife and children to Cambridge, to study city planning at the Harvard
Graduate School of Design, but returned (disillusioned) to Los Angeles
without completing his masters degree. After a short period, during
which time he returned to Victor Gruen Associates, he left LA for a year's
stay in Paris, France, where he Nationale Nederlanden Building, Prague (1992-97), popularly known as
spent a year working for the "Fred and Ginger"; and the Experience Music Project, Seattle (1999-
French architect Andre 2000). Noted for his pioneering use of computer software for the design
Remondet, while studying the and fabrication of his structures - many of which are made from high-
work of the pioneer modernist tech materials - his architecture is typically characterized by flowing lines,
Le Corbusier (1887-1965). and surfaces that vary from titanium cladding (Bilbao Guggenheim) to
Gehry's Architecture metal Blobitectural modular parts (Experience Music Project). Although
Among the greatest architects criticized by numerous art critics as well as fellow American architects, for
of late 20th century his design for the proposed Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial, among
architecture, the Canadian- others, Gehry is also acclaimed as one of the most exciting contributors
American Pritzker Prize-winning to postmodernist art and the leader of the so-called "Los Angeles School"
designer Frank O. Gehry is the or "Santa Monica School" of American architecture. His academic
leading exponent of credentials are also impressive: he is a Distinguished Professor of
Deconstructivism, a Architecture at Columbia University; the Judge Widney Professor of
postmodernist style of Architecture at the University of Southern California (USC); a former
architecture developed in Charlotte Davenport Professor of Architecture at Yale University; and a
Europe and the USA during the former holder of the Eliot Noyes Chair at Harvard University. A highly
period 1980-2000. His most innovative contributor to American art, Gehry is,
famous buildings include: the according to Vanity Fair magazine, "the most important architect of our
Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao age".
(1991-97); the Walt Disney
Concert Hall, Los Angeles (1988-
2003); the Weisman Museum,
Minneapolis (1990-93); the
Home to the Los Angeles redesign earned him fame and a slew of clients.
The design has held up throughout the years; in
Philharmonic, construction on this building
2012, it was awarded the prestigious Twenty-
started in 1998. It took five years for it to be
Five Year Award by the American Institute of
completed, but it remains one of the Architects.
premier cultural attractions in the city.
Inspired by Gehry passion for sailing, the
steel panels billow as if they’re wafting in
the wind.


SPAIN Like the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the
Olympic Fish Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain takes
its cues from the sea. A steel-metal fish
GEHRY HOUSE , S ANTA MONIC A, sculpture adorns the top of this building, which
C ALIFOR N IA was designed for the 1992 Olympic Village.
is the house that put Gehry on the Depending on the angle of the sun and weather
architectural map. He surrounded the Santa conditions, the abstract creature changes
Monica bungalow in corrugated steel with colors.
everyday materials like plywood. Although
some loved it while others hated it, the
The Dancing House, with its eye-catching
silhouette, was given the nickname Fred and
Ginger—after dancers Fred Astaire and Ginger
Rogers—by Gehry himself. In 1996, its
construction was controversial, as the building
doesn’t fit among the Baroque, Gothic, and Art
Nouveau for which Prague is known.
MINNESOTA Completed by Gehry in 1993, the
Weisman Art Museum remains one of the
jewels of the University of Minnesota’s campus.
Its fractured façade is fitting for an art
institution—the exterior looks as though it’s
part of a Cubist painting.

Place of Birth: Richland Center, Wisconsin, United States of

Style: Textile Block, Modern architecture, Prairie School,
Organic architecture
Structures: Beth Sholom Congregation, Coonley House, The
Last Wright: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Park Inn Hotel, John

“The good building is not one that hurts the

landscape, but one which makes he landscape more
beautiful than it was before the building was built.”
Frank Lloyd Wright (June 8, 1867 – April 9, 1959) was an American
architect, interior designer, writer, and educator, who designed
more than 1,000 structures, 532 of which were completed. Wright
believed in designing structures that were in harmony with
Frank Lloyd humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic
Wright architecture. This philosophy was best exemplified by Fallingwater
(1935), which has been called "the best all-time work of American
Age: Died at 92 (1867- architecture".[1] His creative period spanned more than 70 years.
Wright was the pioneer of what came to be called the Prairie
School movement of architecture, and he also developed the
concept of the Usonian American architect of all time".[1]
home in Broadacre City, his
unique vision for urban His colorful personal life often made headlines, notably for leaving
planning in the United his first wife, Catherine Lee "Kitty" Tobin for Mamah Borthwick
States. In addition to his Cheney, the murders at his Taliesin estate in 1914, his
houses, Wright designed tempestuous marriage with second wife Miriam Noel, and his
original and innovative relationship with Olga (Olgivanna) Lazovich Hinzenburg, who
offices, churches, schools, became his third wife in 1928.
skyscrapers, hotels,
museums, and other Architecture Frank Lloyd Wright
structures. He often
is not only one of the world’s greatest architects, but he was also
designed interior elements
the most prolific, controversial as well as inspiring. He was a
for these buildings, as well,
writer, an art collector a philosopher as well as a visionary and
including furniture and
these all inspired his approach to his craft. He is widely known for
stained glass. Wright wrote four styles of building. He conceived of the Prairie Style which was
20 books and many articles born out of his belief that we needed fewer, larger rooms which
and was a popular lecturer in flowed more easily, his antithesis to the rigid Victorian era
the United States and architecture. From there the Textile Style was born, which led way
Europe. Wright was to the Organic Style and then the Usonian Style. His belief that
recognized in 1991 by the buildings should be made from the land and benefit the land
American Institute of inspired most of his work. These beliefs, avant garde for his time,
Architects as "the greatest are still practiced and revered today.

Frank Lloyd Wright’s own home in Arizon,

A building should appear to grow easily from its
site and be shaped to harmonize with its
surroundings if Nature is manifest there.”
It should be noticed that the buildings the
architect built in the Middle Western part of the
United States are vastly different in nature, style
and material than the buildings he designed in
Frank Lloyd Wright home and studio Arizona, Los Angeles and Pennsylvania. Each
oak park style is as unique as the make-up of the land is
There should be as many (styles) of houses as
there are kinds (styles) of people and as many
differentiations as there are different individuals.
A man who has individuality has a right to its
expression and his own environment.”
The works of Frank Lloyd Wright have a
uniquely individual style. Of his varied styles, no
two homes or buildings look alike.

Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright “No

house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It
should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and
house should live together each the happier for
the other.”Nowhere is this more apparent than in
his Organic Architecture. Perhaps this is most
especially true of the home Fallingwater, where
house and land truly have merged to become
one. Guggenheim Museum New York
The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture
of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.”

Frank Lloyd Wright’s most important contribution to

architecture as well as to the arts and society is
arguably The Guggenheim Museum in New York City.
In this building a history of people, of time, of art and
of architecture are all united. In this modern edifice
that will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year,
art, science, nature, architecture and anthropology co-
exist peacefully. In this building, Wright pioneered
trends that architects today continue to embrace. A
true visionary, Wright was an architect of his time,
well ahead of his time.
Walter H. Gale House, designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright The good building is not
one that hurts the landscape, but one which
makes the landscape more beautiful than it was
before the building was built.”
Wright stood for clean lines and simplicity. He
believed that a well built building complemented
it’s environment and surrounding. He disliked
the intricate detail and fussiness of the
architectural styles that preceded him.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Age: Died at 78 (1892-1970)
Place of Birth: Europe, Austria, Vienna, Central Europe
Style: Mid-Century modern, Desert Modernism, Modern
architecture, International Style
Structures: Congregational Church in Hacienda Heights,
Rajagopal Addition, Kronish House, Baldwin House by
Neutra, Nuffer Cabin, + more


METHODS, AND most important early work was the Lovell House, Los Angeles
(1927–29), which has glass expanses and cable-suspended
MEN, TO PUT MAN balconies and is stylistically similar to the work of Le Corbusier
INTO POSSESSION and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in Europe. Throughout the
OF HIS OWN 1930s he designed houses in the International Style.Shortly
after World War II, Neutra created his most memorable works:
EARTH the Kaufmann Desert House, Palm Springs, Calif. (1946–47),
and the Tremaine House, Santa Barbara, Calif. (1947–48).
Frank Lloyd Wright was Elegant and precise, these houses are considered exceptionally
an Austrian- fine examples of the International Style. Carefully placed in the
American architect. Living landscape, Neutra’s houses often have patios or porches that
and building for the majority make the outdoors seem part of the house. He believed that
of his career in Southern architecture should be a means of bringing man back into
California, he came to be harmony with nature and with himself and was particularly
considered among the most concerned that his houses reflect the way of life of the owner.
modernist architects.
Educated at the Technical ARCHITECT
Academy, Vienna, and the
University of Zürich, Neutra, Homes designed by Richard Neutra combined Bauhaus modernism with
Southern California building traditions, creating a unique adaptation that
with the German architect became known as Desert Modernism. Neutra's houses were dramatic, flat-
Erich Mendelsohn, won an surfaced industrialized-looking buildings placed into a carefully arranged
award in 1923 for a city- landscape. Constructed with steel, glass, and reinforced concrete, they
planning project for Haifa, were typically finished in stucco.
Palestine (now in Israel).
Neutra moved to the United The Lovell House (1927-1929) created a sensation in architectural circles
in both Europe and America. Stylistically, this important early work was
States the same year, similar to the work of Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe in Europe.
working briefly for the firm of Architecture Professor Paul Heyer wrote that the house was "a landmark in
Holabird and Roche in modern architecture in that it showed the potential of industry to go way
Chicago and at Taliesin in beyond mere utilitarian considerations." Heyer describes the Lovell House
Spring Green, Wis., with construction:
Frank Lloyd Wright.Neutra’s

The Neutra Embassy Building in

Karachi, Pakistan: A Petition to Save
Build Your Own Neutra Home
The mid-century modern master, Richard Neutra Modernism
was well known for his cutting edge modernism. Richard Neutra 's Embassy Building in Karachi,
Since Julius Shulman immortalized his houses Pakistan is a relic of the Cold War - an effort by
in his iconic photographs, Neutra's bright, airy the United States to express its authority and
homes have widely been seen as the pinacle of wealth in other countries. The building is in the
modernism and desirability. modernist style, designed in 1959, by an
architect whose work is still admired today.
expansion as time went by (which did in fact
transpire; additional Neutra-designed wings
were later built).

Farewell to Richard Neutra's

Cyclorama Center in Gettysburg
After a intensive, 14-year preservation battle, the
A Virtual Look Into Richard Neutra's
fate of Richard 's mid-century Center in Unbuilt Case Study House #6, The
Pennsylvania's Gettysburg National Military Park Omega House
has been sealed. Yesterday, the National Park This 3D model is as close as you can get to the
Service confirmed their plans to demolish the real thing, as Omega House is one of the few
modernist structure and restore the site to its Case Study Houses that was never built.
original 1863 appearance just in time for the Presented early in the case study program of
150th anniversary commemoration of the battle. Arts & Architecture magazine in 1945, it
presents one of the most innovative design
concepts in the series, one you can now explore
in your browser.

A Virtual Look Into Richard Neutra's

Case Study House #20, the Bailey
The Bailey house-one of Richard Neutra's four
Case Study designs for Arts & Architecture -
forms one of five Bluff houses, standing high
above the ocean. The brief was to create a low-
budget home for a young family, with just two
bedrooms, but offering the possibility of
the world whose unique constructions have stamped his footprints all
over the globe.Architect, artist or engineer? Santiago Calatrava's
wealth of talents has allowed him to shine in many artistic realms,
from pottery painting to engineering and, of course, the world of
architecture. But how did he nurture these talents?Born in Valencia in
1951, Santiago Calatrava was initially interested in becoming an artist.
Aged 17 he planned to head to Paris and immerse himself in the
thriving artsy melting pot that was the French capital during the 60's.
However, his idea never came off and he ended up opting for plan B -
studying Architecture in Valencia. Calatrava continued to acquire
qualifications by going on to study a post-grad in Urbanism before
heading off to Zurich between 1975 and 1979, where he obtained a
Santiago Calatrava PhD in Civil Engineering.
Age: 67
Place of Santiago Calatrava: Architectural Style
Birth: Benimàmet,
One of the most exciting innovators of modern architecture, Calatrava
takes his inspiration from natural and human forms fusing them with
Style: Contemporary his carefully chosen materials to create aesthetic harmony. His style is
architecture, High-tech both unique and symbolic, recognisable the world over for the sense of
movement that he manages to capture in a stationary object.Calatrava
architecture makes his architectural structures so interesting by calling on his innate
Structures: Centro knowledge of engineering to use the technical structure of his creation
Internacional de Ferias y as the basis for his design. Think long sweeping lines, stark white
materials and a flawless use of glass and light.The fact that much of his
Congresos de Tenerife, work is centred around water, like Valencia's Ciudad de las Artes y las
Museu de les Ciències Ciencias or his many bridges, adds a further dimension to his work.
Príncipe Felipe, Zurich The reflections of the edifice often serve to give an enigmatic quality
to each piece.Santiago Calatrava's work is inspired by the things he
Stadelhofen railway stat sees around him, momentary images and happenings. The BCE Place
Galleria in Toronto, Canada (1987-1992) evokes the feeling of being
sheltered by palm trees as the tall white columns shoot up to the roof
The architect is not and fan out like leaves. The 'palms' then link together to form a
only the director, fantasitcally modern vaulted ceiling.The smooth and sweeping flight
of an elegant bird inspired the spectacular extension for the Milwaukee
but he is the Art Museum (1994-2001) whose immense 'wings' open and close with
composer, and as a the museum. A similar birdlike structure seems to be at the basis of
one of Calatrava's current projects too - the Qatar Photography
composer, the Museum will be a graceful design which opens and closes depending
architefct brings a on the amount of sunlight.Santiago Calatrava is also responsible for
the new World Trade Center permanent transportation hub, which is
sence of creativity currently under construction. This sophisticated design is to be made
to each building.” from the architect's trademark white steel and represents a bird flying
out of a child's hand.

Santiago Calatrava is one of

the most famous designers in
Gare do Oriente (Lisbon Oriente
Station) was completed in 1998 as the
mass transit hub of Portugal’s capital
city, serving 75 million people per
year—about the same as Grand
Central Station in New York. Inspired
by Gothic architecture, the latticed Jutting out over Brazil’s Guanabara
glass-and-steel canopy forms the most Bay, the Museu do Amanhã (Museum
recognizable part of the station, which of Tomorrow) was completed in 2015.
some liken to trees. Located in Rio de Janeiro, the science
museum includes exhibits that
encourage patrons to think about
humanity and sustainability.

Reggio Emilia AV Mediopadana, a

high-speed train station in Reggio
Emilia, Italy, opened in 2013. Made
with white-painted steel and glass, the Auditorio de Tenerife (Tenerife
undulating structure forms a shape Auditorium) opened in 2003 on its
called a sinusoidal curve. namesake island, one of the Canary
Islands off the southern coast of
Morocco. Overlooking the Atlantic
Ocean, the structure is famous for its
suspended arch, which appears to
defy gravity as it shields the
amphitheater beneath.

Winglike brise-soleil of the Quadracci

Pavilion at the Milwaukee Art Museum
in Wisconsin has become the most
iconic part of the museum’s identity
since it was completed in 2001. The
“wings” close over the structure at
night or during inclement weather,
shielding patrons as well as the vast
collection of artwork below.
“Design is not making beauty,
beauty emerges from selection,
affinities, integration, love.”

Louis Kahn Louis Kahn, one of the most highly acclaimed architects to come
Age: Died at 73 (1901- out of the United States in the 20th century, was known for
creating monumental architecture that combined Modernism with
his unique and poetic philosophy. Louis Kahn believed that
Place of architecture should be monumental and spiritually inspiring. His
Birth: Kuressaare, designs remain a testament to this belief. His complex spatial
Estonia compositions, mastery of light, and the powerful universal
symbolism embodied in his designs are what make Louis Kahn’s
Style: Mid-Century
architecture a keystone of 20th-century modernism.
modern, Modern
architecture Born Itze-Leib Schmuilowsky in 1901 in what is now Estonia, Louis
Structures: Kimbell Art Kahn moved with his family as a young child to Philadelphia. His
Museum, Yale Center family changed their surname to Kahn in 1915 to assimilate, and
Louis became a naturalized citizen. Growing up, his family could
for British Art, Yale not afford pencils, so they made their own charcoal sticks from
University Art Gallery, burnt twigs so that Louis could draw. Having loved drawing and
Phillips Exeter Academy design his whole life, he went on to attend the University of
Library, Trenton Jewish Pennsylvania and completed a degree in Architecture in 1924.
Kahn opened his own architectural practice in 1935.
Community Center Bath
House and Day Camp, +
The depth and solidity of his buildings were translated from his passion
for the medieval architecture he studied on a tour of Europe through the
ancient walled French town of Carcassonne and the castles of Scotland.
Louis Kahn designed all over the world, including across the United
States, and in India and Bangladesh. Kahn infused international style with
his highly personal taste. Though he only arrived at his distinct
architectural style in his early 50s, over the span of those two decades
before his death at the age of 73, Louis Kahn became one of the most
influential Modernist architects of the century, along with
contemporaries Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe. Kahn inspired many
high-tech architects of the late 20th century, such as Renzo Piano, who
once worked in Kahn’s office, Richard Rogers, and Norman Foster.
Jatiyo Sangshad Bhaban
(National Assembly Building),
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The National Assembly building was the last project
in Kahn’s lifetime, and one of his most admired
works. Developed from 1962 to 1974, Kahn landed
the design contract with a little help from one of his
students at Yale, Muzharul Islam, who worked with
him on the project. This building is the centerpiece of
the national capital complex designed by Kahn, Margaret Esherick House, Chestnut
including hostels, dining halls, and a hospital. It is Hill, Philadelphia, PA
revered by many as Kahn’s magnum opus.
One of only nine residential commissions Kahn ever
built, this one bedroom house was constructed
between 1959 and 1962. Built for bookseller
Margaret Esherick, niece of noted wood sculptor and
cabinetmaker Wharton Esherick, this house was
recently went through a national award-winning
restoration and preservation project. Its owners, Paul
Savidge and Daniel Macey, hired architect k YODER
design and designer Louise Cohen to channel the
spirit of Louis Kahn in the restoration of the house.
All nine of Kahn’s residential homes remain
standing, and all located in the Philadelphia area.
Salk Institute, La Jolla, San Diego, CA

Kahn was commissioned in 1965 to design this

project by Dr. Jonas Salk, the inventor of the polio
vaccine. Dr. Salk envisioned a facility with an
inspiring environment for scientific research. Kahn’s
design created a functional institutional building that
became an iconic architectural masterpiece.

: Phillips Exeter Academy Library, Exeter,


This project was awarded the 25 Year Award by the

American Institute of Architects in 1997. It is famous for its
dramatic atrium with enormous circular openings to book

Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth,


The Kimbell Art Museum is considered to be another

one of Louis Kahn’s masterpieces. Constructed
between 1967 and 1972, the design features bays of
cycloid-shaped barrel vaults, with ceiling slits that
bathe the gallery and its works in gorgeous natural
Theory of architecture 02
“most famous architects OF
all times’’



Theory of architecture 02
“most famous architects OF all times’’


Janrel s. algarme
Bs:arch 12a2




Date:march 25,2019
National college of science & technology
Aldo Rossi

“One cannot make architecture

without studying the condition of life
in the city.”

Architectural style: Modern Architecture

Teatro La Fenice is an opera house in

Venice, Italy. It is one of "the most famous
and renowned landmarks in the history of
Italian theatre", and in the history of
opera as a whole.

Architectural style: Postmodern


The Bonnefanten Museum is a museum

of fine art in Maastricht, Netherlands.
Hugo Alvar Henrik
Architectural style: Modern Architecture
Aalto Villa Mairea is a villa, guest-house, and rural
retreat designed and built by the Finnish
modernist architect Alvar Aalto for Harry and
Maire Gullichsen in Noormarkku, Finland. The
building was constructed in 1938–1939.

“Building art is a synthesis of

life in materialised form, we
should try to bring in under The Finlandia Hall is a congress and event
venue in the centre of Helsinki on the
the same hat not a splintered Töölönlahti Bay. The building was completed in
way of thinking, but all in 1971. Every detail in the building is designed by
Aalto. The designs were completed in 1962,
harmony together.” with building taking place between 1967–1971.
Architectural style: Neoclassical Architecture

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also
called the Baltimore Basilica, was the first
Roman Catholic cathedral built in the United
States, and was among the first major religious
buildings constructed in the nation after the
adoption of the U.S

Benjamin Henry Boneval


“A building is the
combination of different
The United States Capitol, often called the
geometric figures.” Capitol Building, is the home of the United
States Congress and the seat of the legislative
branch of the U.S. federal government. It is
located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the
National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Bernard Tschumi

“The ultimate pleasure of

architecture lies in the most
forbidden parts of the Architectural style: Modern Architecture
architecural act, where limits Acropolis Museum is an archaeological
are perveted and prohibitions museum focused on the findings of the
archaeological site of the Acropolis of Athens.
are transgressed.” The museum was built to house every artifact
found on the rock and on the surrounding
slopes, from the Greek Bronze Age to Roman
and Byzantine Greece.

The Zénith Limoges Métropole is an indoor

amphitheater designed by famous architect
Bernard Tschumi.This building is located in a
wooded area on the outskirts of a small city in
central France called Limoges.The concert hall
in Limoges can accommodate up to 6,000
Architectural style: Chicago

The Reliance Building is a skyscraper located at

1 W. Washington Street in the Loop community
area of Chicago, Illinois. The first floor and
JohnWellborn Root basement were designed by John Root of the
Burnham and Root architectural firm in 1890,
with the rest of the building completed by
“it was one of the greatest
sight, if not the grandest sight,in
my life…. Imagine a white
locomotive ,with wings that
spread 20 feet each way
,coming rigth toward you with a
tremendous flap of its

Monadnock Building is a 16-story skyscraper

located at 53 West Jackson Boulevard in the
south Loop area of Chicago, Illinois. The north
half of the building was designed by the firm of
Burnham & Root and built starting in 1891.
destination in Washington, D.C. Opened in
Daniel 1907, it is Amtrak's headquarters and the
railroad's second-busiest station with annual
ridership of just under 5 million and the ninth-
busiest in overall passengers served in the

Hudson Burnham

“Make no little plans; they

have no magic to stir
men's blood and probably
Building, originally the Fuller Building, is a
themselves will not be triangular 22-story, 285-foot tall steel-framed
landmarked building located at 175 Fifth
realized.” Avenue in the Flatiron District neighborhood of
borough of Manhattan, New York City.

Architectural styles: Beaux-Arts architecture

Washington Union Station is a major train

station, transportation hub, and leisure
Architectural style: Art Nouveau Architecture

The Glasgow School of Art is Scotland's only

Charles Rennie public, self-governing art school offering
undergraduate degrees; post-graduate awards
Mackintosh and PhD's in architecture, fine art and design.

”Art is the flower... life the Hill House in Helensburgh, Scotland, is one of
green leaf.” Charles and Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh's
most famous works, probably second only to
the Glasgow School of Art. It was designed and
built for the publisher Walter Blackie in 1902 –
Eero Saarinen The Gateway Arch is a 630-foot monument in
St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Clad in
stainless steel and built in the form of a
weighted catenary arch, it is the world's tallest
arch, the tallest man-made monument in the
“The purpose of Western Hemisphere, and Missouri's tallest

architecture is to shelter accessible building.

and enhance man’s life on

eath and to fulfill his belief
in the nobility in his

Architectural style: Neo Futurism


The TWA Flight Center, also known as the

Trans World Flight Center, is an airport
terminal at New York City's John F.
Kennedy International Airport. The
terminal, which opened in 1962, was
designed for Trans World Airlines by Eero
Architectural style: Art Nouveau Architecture
Eliel Eliel Saarinen
The National Museum of Finland presents
Finnish history from the Stone Age to the
present day, through objects and cultural
history. The Finnish National Romantic style
building is located in central Helsinki and is a
part of the Finnish Heritage Agency, under the

“Always design a thing by

considering it in its nest
larger context - a chair in a
Ministry of Culture and Education.
room, a room in a house, a
house in a envronment , an
Helsinki Central Station HEC is the main station
environment in a city plan.” for commuter rail and long-distance trains
departing from Helsinki, Finland. The station is
used by approximately 400,000 people per day,
of which about 200,000 are passengers
Architectural style: Exprressionist Architecture

The Einstein Tower is an astrophysical

observatory in the Albert Einstein Science Park
in Potsdam, Germany built by architect Erich
Mendelsohn. It was built on the summit of the
Potsdam Telegraphenberg to house a solar
telescope designed by the astronomer Erwin

Erich Mendelsohn

“Architecture seizes upon

space, encompasses space Architectural style: International Style

and is space itself.”. The Weizmann House was the home of the first
President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, and first
First Lady, Vera Weizmann. The house sits atop
a hill in Rehovot, and is now part of the
Weizmann Institute of Science. The house was
designed by Jewish architect Erich Mendelsohn,
and recognized as a masterpiece.
Architectural Style: Modern Architecture

Phare du Monde was an observation tower

planned for the 1937 World Fair in Paris,
France. The Phare du Monde, advertised as a
"Pleasure Tower Half Mile High" was designed
by Eugène Freyssinet, and was to be a 701-
metre tall concrete tower with a light beacon
and a restaurant on the top.

The Basilica of Saint Pius X, informally known as

Eugène Freyssinet

“I was born a builder. It was the Underground Basilica, is a large Roman

for me both an overriding Catholic church and minor basilica, located in
the town of Lourdes, France. It is part of the
need and also an endless Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes.
source of joy imposing upon
the crude material those
shapes and forms which
sprang from my own
The Olympic Roof designed by Frei Otto,
Carlfried Mutschler and Joachim Langner in
1975, this multifunctional hall was originally
Frei Paul Otto built as a temporary structure for a horticultural
exhibition in Mannheim, Germany.
“I have built little. but, I
have built many castles in
the air.”

Architectural style: Modern


Olympiastadion is a stadium located in Munich,

Germany. Situated at the heart of the
Olympiapark München in northern Munich, the
stadium was built as the main venue for the
1972 Summer Olympics.
The Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum is an art
museum located on the campus of Washington
University in St. Louis, within the university's
Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts. It was
founded in 1881 as the St. Louis School and
Museum of Fine Arts, and initially located in a
building in downtown St. Louis.

Fumihiko Maki

“I understand that, today,

some developers are asking
architects to design eye-
catching, iconic buildings. The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto is
an art museum in Kyoto, Japan. This Kyoto
fortunately, I’ve not had that museum is also known by the English acronym
kind of client so far.”

Architectural style: Modern Architecture

was the first residence in Paris built in the style
known as Art Nouveau.

Hector Guimard The Maison Coilliot is an Art Nouveau house

located at 14, rue de Fleurus in Lille, France,
designed by Hector Guimard and completed in
1900. It became a listed building on 16 March
“I love architecture, because
in its essence, in its structure,
in its function, and in all of its
manifestations, it contains
within itself every one of the
other arts, without

Architectural style: Art Nouveau Architecture

The Castel Béranger is a residential building

with thirty-six apartments located at 14 rue de
la Fontaine in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.
It was designed by the architect Hector
Guimard, and built between 1895 and 1898. It
(288 m) skyscraper called One Liberty Place, a
58-story, 848-foot (258 m) skyscraper called
Two Liberty Place, a two-story shopping mall
called the Shops at Liberty Place, and the 14-
story Westin Philadelphia Hotel.

Helmut Jahn
Architectural style: Postmodern Architecture

The Messeturm, or Trade Fair Tower, is a 63-

“I strive for an storey, 257 m skyscraper in the Westend-Süd
architecture from which district of Frankfurt, Germany. It is the second
tallest building in Frankfurt, the second tallest
nothing can be taken building in Germany and the third tallest
building in the European Union.

Architectural styles: Art Deco, Neo-eclectic


Liberty Place is a skyscraper complex in

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. The
complex is composed of a 61-story, 945-foot
Hendrik Petrus Berlage
Beurs van Berlage, vast former stock exchange
building with a square tower used for events,
“Above all we should show concerts & exhibitions.
the naked wall in all its sleek
beaty, Pillars and colimns
should have no projecting
capitals: the joint should be
fusesd with thte flat surface
of the wall”

Arcitectural style: Modern Architecture

The Gemeentemuseum Den Haag is an art

museum in The Hague in the Netherlands,
founded in 1866. It is renowned for its large
Mondrian collection, the largest in the world.
His last work, Victory Boogie-Woogie, is on
display here.
Architectural style: Art Nouveau Architecture

Bloemenwerf is the name of the residence

house of Belgian painter, architect and interior
designer Henry van de Velde, built in 1895. It is
located at Uccle, Belgium. Velde designed the
house and its interior as well as the furnishings.
It was inspired in part by William Morris' Red

Henry Clemens Van de


“Beauty is the result of

clarity and system and not The Théâtre des Champs-Élysées is a theatre at
of optical illusion.” 15 avenue Montaigne in Paris. The theater is
named not after the Avenue des Champs-
Élysées, but rather after the neighborhood in
which it is situated.
Architectural styles: Modern Architecture,
Futurist Architecture

The Louvre Pyramid is a large glass and metal

pyramid designed by Chinese-American
architect I. M. Pei, surrounded by three smaller
pyramids, in the main courtyard of the Louvre
Palace in Paris. The large pyramid serves as the
main entrance to the Louvre Museum.

Ieoh Ming Pei

“Architecture is the very

mirror of life. You only have Architectural style: Modern Architecture
to cast your eyes on buildings
to feel the presence of the
past, the spirit of a place;
they are the reflection of

The Wiesner building houses the MIT Media

Lab and the List Visual Arts Center and is named
in honor of former MIT president Jerome
Wiesner and his wife Laya. The building is very
box-like, a motif that is consistently repeated in
both the interior and exterior design evoking a
sense of boxes packed within each other.
Architectural style: Palladian Architecture

The Banqueting House, Whitehall, is the

grandest and best known survivor of the
architectural genre of banqueting house. It is
the only remaining component of the Palace of
Whitehall, the residence of English monarchs
from 1530 to 1698.

Architectural styles: Neoclassical Architecture,

Inigo Jones
(JULY 15, 1573 – JUNE 21, 1652)

Victorian Architecture

Somerset House is a large Neoclassical building

situated on the south side of the Strand in
central London, overlooking the River Thames,
just east of Waterloo Bridge. The Georgian
building, which was built on the site of a Tudor
palace belonging to the Duke of Somerset, was
designed by Sir William Chambers in 1776.
Architectural style: Postmodern Architecture

The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart is an art museum in

Stuttgart, Germany, it opened in 1843. In 1984,
the opening of the Neue Staatsgalerie designed
”Architecture is not a by James Stirling transformed the once
provincial gallery into one of Europe's leading
question of style or museums.

appearance, it is how you

organize spaces and
movement for a place and

Andrew Melville Hall is a student hall of

residence of the University of St Andrews
located in St Andrews, Fife, Scotland. It was
built in 1967 in the brutalist style, and it
accommodates approximately 275 students.
Architectural styles: Modern Architecture,
Jørn Expressionist Architecture

The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue

performing arts centre at Sydney Harbour in
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is one of
the 20th century's most famous and distinctive

Architectural style: Modern Architecture

Oberg Utzon

“I like to be on the edge of

the possible.”

Bagsværd Church is a Lutheran church in

Bagsværd on the northern outskirts of
Copenhagen, Denmark. Designed in 1968 by
Jørn Utzon, it was completed in 1976.
Architectural style: Victorian Architecture

The Crystal Palace was a cast-iron and plate-

glass structure originally built in Hyde Park,
London, to house the Great Exhibition of 1851.

Architectural style: Renaissance Revival

Joseph Paxton

“No occupation is more

worthy of an intelligent
and enlightened mind,
Château de Ferrières is a French château built
than the study of nature between 1855 and 1859 for Baron James de
Rothschild in the Goût Rothschild. Rothschild
and natural objects.” ownership of the Château de Ferrières was
passed down through the male line according to
the rule of primogeniture, until it was donated
by the family in 1975.
Architectural style: Modernism Architecture

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building,

also referred to as Tochō for short, houses the
headquarters of the Tokyo Metropolitan
Government, which governs the 23 wards of
Tokyo, as well as the cities, towns and villages
that constitutes the whole Tokyo Metropolis.

Kenzo Tange

“Architecture must have

something that appeals to The Shinjuku Park Tower is the second-tallest
building in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It was designed by
the human heart.” Kenzo Tange and completed in 1994.
The Nakagin Capsule Tower is a mixed-use
residential and office tower designed by
architect Kisho Kurokawa and located in
Shimbashi, Tokyo, Japan.Architectural style:
Modern architecture

Kisho Kurokawa
The Van Gogh Museum was opened in 1973
and consists of two buildings. In 1999 the
museum opened the new Exhibition Wing,
“Architecture is a theatre designed by the Japanese architect Kurokawa
Kisho. Both buildings have an open design that
stage setting where the emphasizes geometrical forms and allows much
natural light into the exhibition space.
leading actors are the
people, and to dramatically
direct the dialogue between
these people and space is
the technique of designing.”

Architectural style: Metabolism

Architecture style: Modern Architecture

Charles-Édouard Notre Dame du Haut is a Roman Catholic chapel

in Ronchamp, France. Built in 1955, it is one of
Jeanneret the finest examples of the architecture of
Franco-Swiss architect Le Corbusier. The chapel
“Le Corbusier” is a working religious building and is under the
guardianship of the private foundation
Association de l’Œuvre de Notre-Dame du Haut.

Architectural styles: International Style, Modern

“Architecture is the
learned game, correct and
magnificent, of forms
assembled in the light.”


Villa Savoye is a modernist villa in Poissy, on the

outskirts of Paris, France. It was designed by the
Swiss architects Le Corbusier and his cousin,
Pierre Jeanneret, and built between 1928 and
1931 using reinforced concrete.
Street in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. The
Wainwright Building is considered the first
expression of high rise as a tall building early

Louis Henry Sullivan

“A proper building grows

Architectural style: Art Nouveau
narurally, logically and
poetically out of all

The Auditorium Building in Chicago is one of

the best-known designs of Louis Sullivan and
Dankmar Adler. Completed in 1889, the building
is located at the northwest corner of South
Michigan Avenue and Congress Street.

Architectural style: Chicago school

The Wainwright Building is a 10-story, 41 m

terra cotta office building at 709 Chestnut
The Gustavo Capanema Palace, also known
Lúcio architecturally as the Ministry of Education and
Health Building, is a government office building
Marçal in the Centro district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Lúcio Marçal Ferreira

Ribeiro Lima Costa

Architectural style: Modern Architecture

“Stay where you are. Let
Maison du Brésil is a building in the Cité
them say what they want, Universitaire complex in Paris, France, designed
by noted architects Le Corbusier and Lúcio
Brasilia is a miracle.” Costa for Brazilian students and scientists. It
was built in 1957 and refurbished in 2000.

Architectural styles: Modern Architecture,

International Style
Architectural styles: Modern Architecture,
International Style

S. R. Crown Hall, designed by the German-

American Modernist architect Ludwig Mies van
Ludwig Mies van der der Rohe, is the home of the College of
Architecture at the Illinois Institute of
Rohe Technology in Chicago, Illinois.

“Less is more.”

Architectural style: Modern Architecture

The Barcelona Pavilion, designed by Ludwig

Mies van der Rohe, was the German Pavilion for
the 1929 International Exposition in Barcelona,
Spain. This building was used for the official
opening of the German section of the
Architectural style: Modern Architecture

The Whitney Museum of American Art, known

informally as the "Whitney", is an art museum
in Manhattan. It was founded in 1930 by
Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, a wealthy and
prominent American socialite and art patron
after whom it is named. The Whitney focuses
on 20th- and 21st-century American art

Marcel Lajos Breuer

“I am as much interested in the

smallest detail as in the whole
UNESCO Headquarters or Maison de l'UNESCO
structure. Structure is not just a is a building inaugurated on 3 November 1958
means to a solution. It is also a at number 7 Place de Fontenoy in Paris, France
to serve as the headquarters for the United
principle and a passion.” Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization. It is a building that can be visited

The Low Architectural styles: Neoclassical
Architecture, Beaux-Arts Aarchitecture

Memorial Library of Columbia University was

built in 1895 by University President Seth Low
as the University's central library. Financed with
$1 million of Low's own money due to the
recalcitrance of university alumni, he named it
in memory of his father, Abiel Abbot Low.

Charles Follen McKim

“A good building needs to

be more than sturdy, it
needs to be fitted to its
Architectural styles: Beaux-Arts Architecture,
time.” Renaissance Revival Architecture

The Boston Public Library McKim Building in

Copley Square contains the library's research
collection, exhibition rooms and administrative
offices. When it opened in 1895, the new
Boston Public Library was proclaimed a "palace
for the people."
Rosecliff, built 1898-1902, is one of the Gilded
Age mansions of Newport, Rhode Island, now
open to the public as a historic house museum.
The house has also been known as the Hermann
Oelrichs House or the J. Edgar Monroe House.

Stanford White
Architectural style: Shingle style Architecture

Naumkeag is the former country estate of

noted New York City lawyer Joseph Hodges
Choate located at 5 Prospect Hill Road,
Stockbridge, Massachusetts. The estate's
centerpiece is a 44-room, Shingle Style country
house designed principally by Stanford White of
McKim, Mead & White, and constructed in 1886
Archiectural style: Baroque Architecture, and 1887.
Baroque Revival Architecture
Architectural style: Beaux-Arts Architecture

Pennsylvania Station, also known as New York

Penn Station or Penn Station, is the main
intercity railroad station in New York City and
William Rutherford the busiest in the Western Hemisphere, serving
more than 630,000 passengers per weekday as
Mead of 2018.

Architectural style: Shingle style Architecture

Redtop – also spelled Red Top – is a historic

Shingle Style house located at 90 Somerset
Street, Belmont, Massachusetts. It was
designated a National Historic Landmark in
1971 for its association with writer and literary
critic William Dean Howells, a leading
proponent of realism in literature.
The Portland Building, alternatively referenced
as the Portland Municipal Services Building, is a
15-story municipal office building located at
1120 SW 5th Avenue in downtown Portland,
Oregon. Built at a cost of US$29 million, it
opened in 1982 and was considered
architecturally groundbreaking at the time.

Michael Graves

“My favorite project is

always the next one.”

The Humana Building, also known as the

Humana Tower, is a 1985 skyscraper in
downtown Louisville, Kentucky, located at 500
West Main Street and headquarters of the
Humana Corporation. Built by the The Auchter

Architecture style: Postmodern Architecture

Architectural style: Modern Architecture

The Century Plaza Hotel is a landmark 19-story

luxury hotel in Los Angeles. Located in Century
City, the hotel forms a sweeping crescent
design fronting the Avenue of the Stars,

adjacent to the twin Century Plaza Towers and

the 2000 Avenue of the Stars complex.

Minoru Yamasaki

Rainier Tower is a 41-story, 156.67 m

“We build buildings which skyscraper in the Metropolitan Tract of Seattle,
Washington, at 1301 Fifth Avenue. It was
are terribly restless and designed by Minoru Yamasaki, who designed
the World Trade Center in New York City as well
buildings don’t go as the IBM Building, which is on the corner
across the street from Rainier Tower to the
anywhere. They shouldnt southeast.

be restless”
Architectural style: High Tech Architecture

The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts is

a performing arts center in downtown Kansas
City, Missouri, USA, at 16th and Broadway, near
the Power & Light District, the Sprint Center
Moshe Safdie and the Crossroads Arts District. Its construction
was a major part of the ongoing redevelopment
of downtown Kansas City.
“Architecture should be
Architecture style: Postmodern Architecture
rooted in the past, and yet
be part of our own time
and forward looking.”

The National Gallery of Canada, located in the

capital city of Ottawa, Ontario, is Canada's
premier art gallery. The Gallery is now housed
in a glass and granite building on Sussex Drive
with a notable view of the Canadian Parliament
buildings on Parliament Hill.
The Hearst Tower is a building with the
addresses of 300 West 57th Street and 959
Eighth Avenue, near Columbus Circle, in
Midtown Manhattan, New York City

Norman Robert Foster

Architectural styles: Modern architecture, High-

“As an architect you tech architecture, Neo-futurism

City Hall is the headquarters of the Greater

design for the present, London Authority, which comprises the Mayor
with an awareness of the of London and the London Assembly. It is
located in Southwark, on the south bank of the
past, for a future which is River Thames near Tower Bridge.

essentially unknown.”

Architectural style: High-tech architecture

The Cathedral of Brasília is the Roman Catholic
cathedral serving Brasília, Brazil, and serves as
the seat of the Archdiocese of Brasília. It was
designed by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer
and projected by Brazilian structural engineer
Joaquim Cardozo, and was completed and
dedicated on May 31, 1970.

Oscar Niemeyer

“When a form creates beauty it Architectural style: Modern architecture

becomes functional and The Palácio do Planalto is the official workplace

of the President of Brazil. It is located in the
therefore fundamental in
national capital of Brasília. The building was
Architecture.” designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer and
inaugurated on April 21, 1960. It has been the
workplace of every Brazilian president since
Juscelino Kubitschek.

Architectural styles: Modern architecture,

Futurist architecture
The Austrian Postal Savings Bank building is a
famous modernist building in Vienna, designed
and built by the architect Otto Wagner. The
building is regarded as an important early work
of modern architecture, representing Wagner's

Koloman Wagner
first move away from Art Nouveau and

Architectural style: Art Nouveau Architecture

“Something impractical
Majolikahaus of Otto Wagner, Historic building
cannot be beautiful.” by architect Otto Wagner with a colorful façade
& dramatic interior staircase.

Architectural style: Modern architecture

Architectural style: Brutalist Architecture

The Orange County Government Center,

located on Main Street in Goshen, New York,
was the main office of the government of
Orange County. It housed most county officials'
offices and meetings of the county legislature

Paul Marvin Rudolph

“The eessential element in

architecture is the
manipulation of space. it Rudolph Hall, also known as the Yale Art and
Architecture Building or the A & A Building, is
is this essence which one of the earliest and best known examples of
Brutalist architecture in the United States. The
seperates it from all other building houses Yale University's School of
Architecture and is located in New Haven,
arts.” Connecticut.

Architectural style: Art Nouveau Architecture

The AEG turbine factory was built around 1909,

at Huttenstraße 12-16 in the Berlin district of
Moabit. It is the best-known work of architect
Peter Behrens. It is an influential and well-
known example of industrial architecture

Peter Behrens

“Design is not about

decorating functional forms
– it is about creating forms Architectural style: Expressionist Architecture
that accord with the The Technical Administration Building of
characer of the object and Hoechst AG is an expressionist office building
by the architect Peter Behrens on the site of the
that show new technologies former Hoechst company in Frankfurt-Höchst in
the German state of Hesse.
to advantage.”

Architectural style: Postmodern Architecture

Haus am Checkpoint Charlie is a private

museum in Berlin. It is named after the famous
crossing point on the Berlin Wall, and was
created to document the so-called "best border
security system in the world" (in the words of
East German general Heinz Hoffmann).

Peter Eisenman

“Architecture we
remember is that which
never consoles or Architectural style: Deconstructivism

comforts us.” The Greater Columbus Convention Center is a

convention center located in downtown
Columbus, Ohio, United States, along the east
side of North High Street. The convention
center was designed by Peter Eisenman,
constructed in 1993, and expanded in 1999 and
again in 2016.
Architectural style: Modern architecture

The Glass House, or Johnson house, is a historic

house museum on Ponus Ridge Road in New
Canaan, Connecticut. Built in 1948–49, it was
designed by Philip Johnson as his own
residence, and "universally viewed as having
been derived from" the Farnsworth House
design, according to Alice T. Friedman.

Philip Cortelyou

Architectural styles: Modern architecture,

“All architects want to Postmodern Architecture

live beyond their deaths.” The Crystal Cathedral is a church building of the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange in Garden
Grove, Orange County, California, in the United
States. The reflective glass building, designed by
postmodern American architect Philip Johnson,
seats 2,736 people.
Architectural style: Arts and Crafts movement

Red House is a significant Arts and Crafts

building located in the town of Bexleyheath in
Southeast London, England. Co-designed in
1859 by the architect Philip Webb and the
designer William Morris, it was created to serve
as a family home for the latter, with
construction being completed in 1860.

Philip Speakman Webb

Architectural style: Wealden vernacular

Standen is an Arts and Crafts house located to

the south of East Grinstead, West Sussex,
England. The house and its surrounding gardens
belong to the National Trust and are open to
the public. It is a Grade I listed building.
Architectural style: Modern Architecture

The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the

Assumption, also known locally as Saint Mary's
Cathedral, is the principal church of the Roman
Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco in San
Francisco, California.

Pier Luigi Nervi

“Structural correctness,
Architectural style: International Style
identical with functional.”
The Tour de la Bourse is a 48-storey skyscraper
in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is located at
the intersection of Victoria Square and Saint
Jacques Street in the International Quarter. It is
connected by the underground city to the
Square-Victoria-OACI Metro Station.
Architectural style: Deconstructivism

The CMG Headquarters is a 234-metre, 51-

story skyscraper on East Third Ring Road,
Guanghua Road in the Beijing Central Business
District. The tower serves as headquarters for
China Media Group that was formerly at the
China Central Television Building located at 11
Fuxin Road some 15 km to the west.

Remment Lucas "Rem"


“Not many architects have

Architectural style: Postmodern Architecture
the luxury to reject
The Seattle Public Library's Central Library is
significant things.” the flagship library of The Seattle Public Library
system. The 11-story glass and steel building in
downtown Seattle, Washington was opened to
the public on Sunday, May 23, 2004.
Architectural style: Modern Architecture, Neo-

The Shard, also infrequently referred to as the

Shard of Glass, Shard London Bridge and
formerly London Bridge Tower, is a 95-story
supertall skyscraper, designed by the Italian
architect Renzo Piano, in Southwark, London,
that forms part of the Shard Quarter

Renzo Piano

“One of the great beauties

of architecture is that Architectural style: Green Architecture
each time, it is like life The Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre, on the
narrow Tinu Peninsula, approximately 8
starting all over again.” kilometres northeast of the historic centre of
Nouméa, the capital of New Caledonia,
celebrates the vernacular Kanak.
Architectural style: Modern Architecture

The Jubilee Church, formally known as Chiesa di

Dio Padre Misericordioso, is a Catholic church
and community center in Tor Tre Teste in Rome.
According to Richard Meier, its architect, it is
"the crown jewel of the Vicariato di Roma's
Millennium project".

Richard Meier

“I think white is the most

wonderful color of all,
bevause within it one can
finf evert cilor of the
he Smith House is a work of modern
rainbow.” architecture designed by Richard Meier, a well-
known architect born in 1934 who led the
avant-garde modern architecture movement of
the 1960s.
Architectural style: Tudor Revival architecture

Cragside is a Victorian country house near the

town of Rothbury in Northumberland, England.
It was the home of William Armstrong, 1st
Baron Armstrong, founder of the Armstrong
Whitworth armaments firm.

Richard Norman Shaw

Architectural styles: Queen Anne style


Bedford Park is a suburban development in

west London, England. It forms a conservation
area that is mostly within the London Borough
of Ealing, with a small part to the east within
the London Borough of Hounslow. The nearest
underground station is Turnham Green, and the
London bus routes 94 and E3 serve the district.
Architectural style: High-tech Architecture

The Millennium Dome, also referred to simply

as The Dome, is the original name of a large
dome-shaped building, originally used to
house the Millennium Experience, a major
exhibition celebrating the beginning of the
third millennium. It is the ninth largest building
in the world by usable volume.

Richard George Rogers

“Architecture is measured 88 Wood Street is a commercial skyscraper in

against the past, you build London, located on Wood Street in the City of
London. The architect was the Richard Rogers
in the present, and try to Partnership, now known as Rogers Stirk
Harbour + Partners, and the director in charge
imagine the future.” was Graham Stirk. The building was constructed
between 1993 and 2001.
valley in Schiers, Switzerland between 1929 and

Robert Maillart

“The bridge is efficient,

elegant, and economically
The Schwandbach Bridge is a deck-stiffened
beneficial to the city.” reinforced concrete arch bridge near Bern in
Switzerland, designed by Robert Maillart and
completed in November 1933 at a cost of
47,298 CHF.

Bridge type: Arch bridge, Deck


Salginatobel Bridge is a
reinforced concrete arch bridge
designed by Swiss civil engineer
Robert Maillart. It was
constructed across an alpine
The Vanna Venturi House, one of the first
prominent works of the postmodern
architecture movement, is located in the
neighborhood of Chestnut Hill in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. It was designed by architect
Robert Venturi for his mother, Vanna Venturi,
and constructed between 1962 and 1964.

Robert Charles Venturi


“Less is bore.”
Guild House is a residential building in
Philadelphia which is an important and
influential work of 20th-century architecture
and was the first major work by Robert Venturi.

Architectural style: Postmodern Architecture

Architectural style: High Tech Architecture

Turning Torso is a neo-futurist residential

skyscraper in Sweden and the tallest building in
Scandinavia. Located in Malmö on the Swedish
side of the Öresund strait, it was built and is
owned by Swedish cooperative association HSB.
It is regarded as the first twisted skyscraper in
the world.

Santiago Calatrava

”The architect is not only the The Auditorio de Tenerife "Adán Martín" is an
auditorium in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary
director, but he is the Islands, Spain. Designed by architect Santiago
Calatrava, it is located on the Avenue of the
composer, and as a Constitution in the Canarian capital, and next to
composer, the architefct the Atlantic Ocean in the southern part of Port
of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
brings a sence of creativity to
each building.”
Architectural styles: English Baroque,
Renaissance Architecture

St Paul's Cathedral, London, is an Anglican

cathedral, the seat of the Bishop of London and
the mother church of the Diocese of London. It
sits on Ludgate Hill at the highest point of the
City of London and is a Grade I listed building.

Architectural style: Neoclassical Architecture

Christopher Wren

“The secret of
architectural excellence is
to translate the The Sheldonian Theatre, located in Oxford,
England, was built from 1664 to 1669 after a
proportions of a design by Christopher Wren for the University
of Oxford. The building is named after Gilbert
dachshund into bricks, Sheldon, chancellor of the University at the
mortar and marble.” time and the project's main financial backer.
The Oracle Arena is an indoor arena located in
Louis Oakland, California, United States, and is the
home of the Golden State Warriors of the
National Basketball Association. The arena
opened in 1966 and is the oldest arena in the
NBA. From its opening until 1996 it was known
as the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum

Matitone is a skyscraper
designed by Skidmore, Owings
& Merrill, Mario Lanata and
Skidmore Andrea Messina and finished
building in 1992, used as a
business center located in the
district of San Teodoro, in the
San Benigno neighborhood,
near the Genova-West

Architectural style: International


The Illinois Holocaust Museum

and Education Center is a
museum located in Skokie,
Illinois near Chicago.

Stanley Tigerman

“I’d much rather have

better work than better
Pensacola Palace

Architectural style:Postmodern
Architectural style: Modern architecture

The Museum of Anthropology at the University

of British Columbia campus in Vancouver,
Arthur Charles Erickson British Columbia, Canada is renowned for its
displays of world arts and cultures, in particular
works by First Nation band governments of the
Pacific Northwest.

“Space has always been Architectural style: Postmoder Architecture,

the spiritual dimension of

architecture. it is not the
physical statement of the
structure so much as what
it contains that moves us.”
Futurist Arhictecture

Fresno City Hall is a Post-modern Futurist

structure in Fresno, California. The building
serves as the seat of city government, and the
location of the mayor's office and the Fresno
City Council chambers. The building was
designed by Canadian architect Arthur Erickson.
Architectural style: Palladian architecture

The Virginia State Capitol is the seat of state

government of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
located in Richmond, the third capital city of the
U.S. state of Virginia. It houses the oldest
elected legislative body in North America, the
Thomas Jefferson Virginia General Assembly, first established as
the House of Burgesses in 1619.

Architectural styles: Beaux-Arts Architecture,

“The genius of Renaissance Revival Architecture
architecture seems to The oldest of the four United States Library of

have shed it maledictions Congress buildings, the Thomas Jefferson

Building was built between 1890 and 1897. It
over this land.” was originally known as the Library of Congress
Building and is located on First Street SE,
between Independence Avenue and East
Capitol Street in Washington, D.C.
The Hôtel Tassel is a townhouse built by Victor
Horta in Brussels for the Belgian scientist and
professor Emile Tassel in 1893–1894. It is
generally considered as the first true Art
Nouveau building, because of its highly
innovative plan and its groundbreaking use of
materials and decoration.

Victor Pierre Horta

“I’m telling you, the

materials are the same, Horta Museum is a museum dedicated to the
life and work of the Belgian Art Nouveau
you know as well I do,” architect Victor Horta and his time. The
museum is housed in Horta's former house and
atelier, Maison & Atelier Horta, in the Brussels
municipality of Saint-Gilles

Architectural style: Art Nouveau Architecture

Architectural style: Modernist Architecture

The Fagus Factory, a shoe last factory in Alfeld

on the Leine, Lower Saxony, Germany, is an
important example of early modern
architecture. Commissioned by owner Carl
Benscheidt who wanted a radical structure to
express the company's break from the past, the
factory was designed by Walter Gropius and
WalterAdolph Georg

“Only work which is the

product of inner
compulsion can have the
Adolf Meyer.
spiritual meaning.”
Architectural style: International Style

The MetLife Building is a 59-story skyscraper at

200 Park Avenue at East 45th Street above
Grand Central Terminal in Midtown Manhattan,
New York City.
Architectural styles: Art Deco, Streamline


Chrysler Building is an Art Deco–style

skyscraper located on the East Side of Midtown
Manhattan in New York City, at the intersection
William Van Alen of 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue in the
Turtle Bay neighborhood of Manhattan.

Former Childs Restaurant in

Washington, DC

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