Great Architects
Great Architects
Great Architects
Nationality: Spanish
Occupation: Architect Gaudí's work was influenced by his passions in life: architecture,
nature, and religion. He considered every detail of his creations
Buildings: Sagrada and integrated into his architecture such crafts as ceramics,
Família, Casa Milà, stained glass, wrought ironwork forging and carpentry. He also
introduced new techniques in the treatment of materials, such as
Casa Batlló trencadís which used waste ceramic pieces.
Under the influence of neo-Gothic art and Oriental techniques,
Projects: Park Güell, Gaudí became part of the Modernista movement which was
Church of Colònia Güell reaching its peak in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His
work transcended mainstream Modernisme, culminating in an
organic style inspired by admiration and study by architects. His masterpiece, the still-
natural forms. Gaudí rarely incomplete Sagrada Família, is the most-visited monument in
drew detailed plans of his Spain. Between 1984 and 2005, seven of his works were declared
works, instead preferring to World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Gaudí's Roman Catholic faith
create them as three- intensified during his life and religious images appear in many of
dimensional scale models his works. This earned him the nickname "God's Architect"[6] and
and moulding the details as led to calls for his beatification.
he conceived them.
Gaudí's work enjoys global
popularity and continuing
Frank O. Gehry Ephraim, Owen Goldberg, into a Polish-Jewish family in Toronto, Ontario,
Place of Birth his enthusiasm for building futuristic cities out of scraps of wood was
: Age: 89Toronto, Canada nurtured from a young age by his grandmother, using leftover oddments
from her husband's hardware store. In 1947, at the age of 18, he moved
Style: Postmodern with his family to Los Angeles and the family's name was changed from
architecture, Goldberg to Gehry. He later became a US citizen.
Reconstructivist, Modern Unsure of what career to choose, Gehry took a job driving a delivery
architecture, truck, while attending a number of courses at decided to try architecture
Deconstructivism, and - despite some difficulty with his drawing skills - won several
scholarships to the University of Southern California, from where, in
1954, he graduated top of his class with a degree in architecture.
After graduating, Gehry joined the prestigious Los Angeles architectural
Structures: Dwight D.
firm of Victor Gruen Associates. At the time, LA was experiencing a post-
Eisenhower Memorial, Frank
war housing boom, while innovative individual designs by modern artists
Gehry Residence, Peter B. like Richard Neutra (1892-1970) and Rudolph M Schindler (1887-1953)
Lewis Building, Santa Monica added to the excitement of the city's architectural scene. Following a
Place, BP Pedestrian Bridge, year's interruption for compulsory military service, Gehry moved with his
+ more wife and children to Cambridge, to study city planning at the Harvard
Graduate School of Design, but returned (disillusioned) to Los Angeles
without completing his masters degree. After a short period, during
which time he returned to Victor Gruen Associates, he left LA for a year's
stay in Paris, France, where he Nationale Nederlanden Building, Prague (1992-97), popularly known as
spent a year working for the "Fred and Ginger"; and the Experience Music Project, Seattle (1999-
French architect Andre 2000). Noted for his pioneering use of computer software for the design
Remondet, while studying the and fabrication of his structures - many of which are made from high-
work of the pioneer modernist tech materials - his architecture is typically characterized by flowing lines,
Le Corbusier (1887-1965). and surfaces that vary from titanium cladding (Bilbao Guggenheim) to
Gehry's Architecture metal Blobitectural modular parts (Experience Music Project). Although
Among the greatest architects criticized by numerous art critics as well as fellow American architects, for
of late 20th century his design for the proposed Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial, among
architecture, the Canadian- others, Gehry is also acclaimed as one of the most exciting contributors
American Pritzker Prize-winning to postmodernist art and the leader of the so-called "Los Angeles School"
designer Frank O. Gehry is the or "Santa Monica School" of American architecture. His academic
leading exponent of credentials are also impressive: he is a Distinguished Professor of
Deconstructivism, a Architecture at Columbia University; the Judge Widney Professor of
postmodernist style of Architecture at the University of Southern California (USC); a former
architecture developed in Charlotte Davenport Professor of Architecture at Yale University; and a
Europe and the USA during the former holder of the Eliot Noyes Chair at Harvard University. A highly
period 1980-2000. His most innovative contributor to American art, Gehry is,
famous buildings include: the according to Vanity Fair magazine, "the most important architect of our
Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao age".
(1991-97); the Walt Disney
Concert Hall, Los Angeles (1988-
2003); the Weisman Museum,
Minneapolis (1990-93); the
Home to the Los Angeles redesign earned him fame and a slew of clients.
The design has held up throughout the years; in
Philharmonic, construction on this building
2012, it was awarded the prestigious Twenty-
started in 1998. It took five years for it to be
Five Year Award by the American Institute of
completed, but it remains one of the Architects.
premier cultural attractions in the city.
Inspired by Gehry passion for sailing, the
steel panels billow as if they’re wafting in
the wind.
Louis Kahn Louis Kahn, one of the most highly acclaimed architects to come
Age: Died at 73 (1901- out of the United States in the 20th century, was known for
creating monumental architecture that combined Modernism with
his unique and poetic philosophy. Louis Kahn believed that
Place of architecture should be monumental and spiritually inspiring. His
Birth: Kuressaare, designs remain a testament to this belief. His complex spatial
Estonia compositions, mastery of light, and the powerful universal
symbolism embodied in his designs are what make Louis Kahn’s
Style: Mid-Century
architecture a keystone of 20th-century modernism.
modern, Modern
architecture Born Itze-Leib Schmuilowsky in 1901 in what is now Estonia, Louis
Structures: Kimbell Art Kahn moved with his family as a young child to Philadelphia. His
Museum, Yale Center family changed their surname to Kahn in 1915 to assimilate, and
Louis became a naturalized citizen. Growing up, his family could
for British Art, Yale not afford pencils, so they made their own charcoal sticks from
University Art Gallery, burnt twigs so that Louis could draw. Having loved drawing and
Phillips Exeter Academy design his whole life, he went on to attend the University of
Library, Trenton Jewish Pennsylvania and completed a degree in Architecture in 1924.
Kahn opened his own architectural practice in 1935.
Community Center Bath
House and Day Camp, +
The depth and solidity of his buildings were translated from his passion
for the medieval architecture he studied on a tour of Europe through the
ancient walled French town of Carcassonne and the castles of Scotland.
Louis Kahn designed all over the world, including across the United
States, and in India and Bangladesh. Kahn infused international style with
his highly personal taste. Though he only arrived at his distinct
architectural style in his early 50s, over the span of those two decades
before his death at the age of 73, Louis Kahn became one of the most
influential Modernist architects of the century, along with
contemporaries Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe. Kahn inspired many
high-tech architects of the late 20th century, such as Renzo Piano, who
once worked in Kahn’s office, Richard Rogers, and Norman Foster.
Jatiyo Sangshad Bhaban
(National Assembly Building),
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The National Assembly building was the last project
in Kahn’s lifetime, and one of his most admired
works. Developed from 1962 to 1974, Kahn landed
the design contract with a little help from one of his
students at Yale, Muzharul Islam, who worked with
him on the project. This building is the centerpiece of
the national capital complex designed by Kahn, Margaret Esherick House, Chestnut
including hostels, dining halls, and a hospital. It is Hill, Philadelphia, PA
revered by many as Kahn’s magnum opus.
One of only nine residential commissions Kahn ever
built, this one bedroom house was constructed
between 1959 and 1962. Built for bookseller
Margaret Esherick, niece of noted wood sculptor and
cabinetmaker Wharton Esherick, this house was
recently went through a national award-winning
restoration and preservation project. Its owners, Paul
Savidge and Daniel Macey, hired architect k YODER
design and designer Louise Cohen to channel the
spirit of Louis Kahn in the restoration of the house.
All nine of Kahn’s residential homes remain
standing, and all located in the Philadelphia area.
Salk Institute, La Jolla, San Diego, CA
Janrel s. algarme
Bs:arch 12a2
Date:march 25,2019
National college of science & technology
Aldo Rossi
“A building is the
combination of different
The United States Capitol, often called the
geometric figures.” Capitol Building, is the home of the United
States Congress and the seat of the legislative
branch of the U.S. federal government. It is
located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the
National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Bernard Tschumi
Hudson Burnham
”Art is the flower... life the Hill House in Helensburgh, Scotland, is one of
green leaf.” Charles and Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh's
most famous works, probably second only to
the Glasgow School of Art. It was designed and
built for the publisher Walter Blackie in 1902 –
Eero Saarinen The Gateway Arch is a 630-foot monument in
St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Clad in
stainless steel and built in the form of a
weighted catenary arch, it is the world's tallest
arch, the tallest man-made monument in the
“The purpose of Western Hemisphere, and Missouri's tallest
Erich Mendelsohn
and is space itself.”. The Weizmann House was the home of the first
President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, and first
First Lady, Vera Weizmann. The house sits atop
a hill in Rehovot, and is now part of the
Weizmann Institute of Science. The house was
designed by Jewish architect Erich Mendelsohn,
and recognized as a masterpiece.
Architectural Style: Modern Architecture
Eugène Freyssinet
Fumihiko Maki
Helmut Jahn
Architectural style: Postmodern Architecture
Inigo Jones
(JULY 15, 1573 – JUNE 21, 1652)
Victorian Architecture
Oberg Utzon
Joseph Paxton
Kenzo Tange
Kisho Kurokawa
The Van Gogh Museum was opened in 1973
and consists of two buildings. In 1999 the
museum opened the new Exhibition Wing,
“Architecture is a theatre designed by the Japanese architect Kurokawa
Kisho. Both buildings have an open design that
stage setting where the emphasizes geometrical forms and allows much
natural light into the exhibition space.
leading actors are the
people, and to dramatically
direct the dialogue between
these people and space is
the technique of designing.”
“Architecture is the
learned game, correct and
magnificent, of forms
assembled in the light.”
“Less is more.”
The Low Architectural styles: Neoclassical
Architecture, Beaux-Arts Aarchitecture
Stanford White
Architectural style: Shingle style Architecture
Michael Graves
Minoru Yamasaki
be restless”
Architectural style: High Tech Architecture
essentially unknown.”
Oscar Niemeyer
Koloman Wagner
first move away from Art Nouveau and
Architectural style: Art Nouveau Architecture
Peter Behrens
Architectural style: Postmodern Architecture
Peter Eisenman
“Architecture we
remember is that which
never consoles or Architectural style: Deconstructivism
Philip Cortelyou
live beyond their deaths.” The Crystal Cathedral is a church building of the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange in Garden
Grove, Orange County, California, in the United
States. The reflective glass building, designed by
postmodern American architect Philip Johnson,
seats 2,736 people.
Architectural style: Arts and Crafts movement
“Structural correctness,
Architectural style: International Style
identical with functional.”
The Tour de la Bourse is a 48-storey skyscraper
in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is located at
the intersection of Victoria Square and Saint
Jacques Street in the International Quarter. It is
connected by the underground city to the
Square-Victoria-OACI Metro Station.
Architectural style: Deconstructivism
Renzo Piano
Richard Meier
Robert Maillart
Salginatobel Bridge is a
reinforced concrete arch bridge
designed by Swiss civil engineer
Robert Maillart. It was
constructed across an alpine
The Vanna Venturi House, one of the first
prominent works of the postmodern
architecture movement, is located in the
neighborhood of Chestnut Hill in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. It was designed by architect
Robert Venturi for his mother, Vanna Venturi,
and constructed between 1962 and 1964.
“Less is bore.”
Guild House is a residential building in
Philadelphia which is an important and
influential work of 20th-century architecture
and was the first major work by Robert Venturi.
Santiago Calatrava
”The architect is not only the The Auditorio de Tenerife "Adán Martín" is an
auditorium in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary
director, but he is the Islands, Spain. Designed by architect Santiago
Calatrava, it is located on the Avenue of the
composer, and as a Constitution in the Canarian capital, and next to
composer, the architefct the Atlantic Ocean in the southern part of Port
of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
brings a sence of creativity to
each building.”
Architectural styles: English Baroque,
Renaissance Architecture
Christopher Wren
“The secret of
architectural excellence is
to translate the The Sheldonian Theatre, located in Oxford,
England, was built from 1664 to 1669 after a
proportions of a design by Christopher Wren for the University
of Oxford. The building is named after Gilbert
dachshund into bricks, Sheldon, chancellor of the University at the
mortar and marble.” time and the project's main financial backer.
The Oracle Arena is an indoor arena located in
Louis Oakland, California, United States, and is the
home of the Golden State Warriors of the
National Basketball Association. The arena
opened in 1966 and is the oldest arena in the
NBA. From its opening until 1996 it was known
as the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum
Matitone is a skyscraper
designed by Skidmore, Owings
& Merrill, Mario Lanata and
Skidmore Andrea Messina and finished
building in 1992, used as a
business center located in the
district of San Teodoro, in the
San Benigno neighborhood,
near the Genova-West
Stanley Tigerman
Architectural style:Postmodern
Architectural style: Modern architecture