Bank Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation
Sec. 1. Scope.
This Chapter covers the preparation of the bank reconciliation statements for “Cash in Bank – local
currency, current account ” and “Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS)” accounts including the
proposed adjusting entries.
a. Bank Charges –
charges imposed by the bank for various services rendered excluding interest charges. This also includes
cost of checkbooks, penalties and surcharges on overdrafts.
b. Bank Reconciliation –
settlement of differences contained in the bank statement and the cash account in the agency’s/entity’s
books of accounts.
c. Bank Statement –
reflects the transactions in the agency’s/entity’s (depositor’s) bank account for a period such as deposits
made to the account as well as checks/ADAs drawn on the account, bank charges, returned items, etc.
d. Canceled Check/ADA –
checks/ADAs issued and chargeable to the agency bank account but was later voided due to expiration of
validity, and other valid reasons.
e. Credit Memorandum –
document issued by the bank informing an increase in the depositor’s (Agency’s/Entity’s) account, such
as previous bank debit errors and
collection directly deposited to the agency’s/entity’s bank account.
f. Debit Memorandum –
document issued by the bank informing a decrease in the account, such as previous bank credit errors or
service charges and fees.
g. Deposits-in-Transit –
are amounts of agency/entity deposits in the bank but which are yet to be recorded by the bank until
the next period. These usually pertain to late deposits in the last day of business for a period.
h. Lapsed NCAs –
NCAs which are no longer valid or its validity has expired but remain unadjusted by the bank or the
authority issued by the DBM to central, regional and provincial offices and operating units to cover the
cash requirements of the
j. Outstanding Checks –
checks the agency/entity has issued and recognized but which have not been presented to the bank for
k. Returned Check –
a check returned by the bank due to errors or deficiencies in the maker’s or agency’s/entity’s account.
l. Unrecorded Deposits –
are collections of the agency/entity which are directly deposited by the debtor/client to the bank account
of the agency/entity but remain
unrecorded by the agency/entity as at the period under reconciliation.
Government banks authorized to receive NCA from the Bu. Of Treasury and to pay checks issued by the
NGAS thru the MDS . They are also authorized to receive collections for these government agencies.
Local Commercial Banks authorized to receive collections/remittances either in cash or in check on behalf
of government agencies under their jurisdiction. Ex. Taxes, fines etc.
For this purpose, the government maintains a local currency ,current account in a local bank.
(the last 2 digits will specify the name of the bank -refer to p.62-63 of textbook for the list)
Sec. 3. Objectives.
c. enable the agency/entity or bank to take up charges or credits recognized by the bank or
agency/entity but not yet known to the agency/entity or bank.
This shall be used in the reconciliation of bank and treasury accounts maintained with Government
Servicing Bank (GSB).
The monthly BRS shall be prepared by the Chief Accountant/designated staff for each of the bank accounts
maintained by the agency/entity
using the Adjusted Balance Method.
Under this method, the book balance and the bank balance are brought to an adjusted cash balance that
must appear on the Statement of Financial Position.
The Chief Accountant/Designated Staff shall within ten days from receipt of the monthly Bank Statement
(BS) together with the paid checks, original copies of Debit Memoranda (DM)/Credit Memoranda(CM)
from the GSB, reconcile the BS with the GL and prepare the BRS in four copies.
The Chief Accountant/Designated Staff shall prepare a JEV to recognize all reconciling items that require
adjustment and correction in the books of accounts.
Sec. 7. Reporting.
The Chief Accountant shall submit the BRS within twenty days after receipt of the monthly BS to the
Original – COA Auditor (with all the supporting documents and JEVs)
Copy 2 – Head of Agency/Entity
Copy 3 – Accounting Division/Unit file
Copy 4 – Bank, if necessary
Sec. 8. Procedures for the Preparation of the Bank Reconciliation Statement for “Cash-Modified
Disbursement System (MDS)” accounts tranche
1 Secures/Gathers the monthly BS, GL and SLs of accounts “Cash-Modified Disbursement System
(MDS), Regular”, “Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Special Account”, “Cash-Modified
Disbursement System (MDS), Trust” and previous month’s BRS.
2 Ensures that the unadjusted ending book and bank balances per previous month’s BRS are the
current month’s beginning book and bank balances, respectively.
3 Reviews the previous month’s BRS to determine reconciling items needing adjustments by the
agency/entity which remain unadjusted.
4 Lists or marks the previous months’ unadjusted items for inclusion in the current month’s reconciling
5 Compares the NCAs recognized in the books with those reflected in the bank statements to determine
the unrecognized, lapsed or unused NCA and/or any errors.
6 Compares the checks/ADAs recognized in the books with those in the bank statements.
10 Adds to the unadjusted balances of accounts “Cash Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Regular”,
“Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Special Account” and “Cash-Modified Disbursement
System (MDS), Trust” the following:
a. NCAs received but not yet recognized by the agency/entity;
b. cancelled checks; and
c. errors discovered in the agency’s/entity’s records that understates the cash balance.
11 Subtracts from the unadjusted balances of accounts “Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS),
Regular”, “Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Special Account” and “Cash-Modified
Disbursement System (MDS), Trust” the following:
12 Calculates the adjusted balances of accounts “Cash Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Regular”,
“Cash-Modified Disbursement System (MDS), Special Account” and “Cash-Modified Disbursement
System (MDS), Trust”.
13 Prepares the BRS in accordance with the format shown in Appendix 80.
14 Prepares JEVs to recognize the necessary adjustments for all items affecting the cash balance per
Sec. 9. Procedures for the Preparation of the Bank Reconciliation Statement for Authorized
Government Depository Bank accounts
1 Secures/Gathers the BS, GL and SLs of “Cash in Bank” accounts and previous month’s BRS.
2 Ensures that the unadjusted balance per book and balance per bank in the previous month’s BRS are
the current month’s beginning book and bank balances, respectively. If not the same, determines the
cause of the difference and effects the appropriate adjustments, if necessary.
3 Reviews the previous month’s BRS to determine reconciling items needing adjustments by the
agency/entity which remain unadjusted. Lists or marks the previous months’ unadjusted items for
inclusion in the current month’s reconciling items.
4 Compares the deposits per book with those reflected in the BS.
5 Compares the checks issued per book with those negotiated as reflected in the BS.
10 Subtracts from the balance of the “Cash in Bank” account per GL:
a. returned check deposits;
b. errors in the agency’s records which overstate the cash balance; and
c. bank charges.
12 Prepares the BRS in accordance with the format shown as Appendix 81.
Sec. 10. Transactions for Adjustments in the Bank Reconciliation Statement for “Cash-Modified
Disbursement System (MDS)” accounts.
b. Unrecognized/Understatement of NCA for special account without allotment release order and trust
For special account without allotment release order and trust account
Cash(MDS), Special Account 1010405000 XXX
f. Overstatement of “Cash in Bank” account due to erroneous recording of the amount of checks issued
g. Overstatement of “Cash in Bank” account due to erroneous recording of the amount of NCA received
For regular and special account with allotment release order
For special account without allotment release order and trust account
h. Bank Charges
Sec. 11. Transactions for Adjustments in the Bank Reconciliation Statement for “Cash in Bank- Local
Currency, Current Account” or the AGDB account
a. unrecorded deposits
Cash in Bank, Local Currency, Current Acct. 1010202000 XXX
Income/ Other payables or appropriate acct 4xxxxxxxx XXX