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Detailed Lesson Plan

Mapeh Grade-10
(Physical education)

I. Objectives
After this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. define cheer dance and its style;
2. appreciate cheer dance as part of the culture in today`s generation;
3. enumerate the essentials steps of cheer dance; and
4. demonstrates the essential skills of cheer dancing by adding a variation
and styles.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Cheerdance
Subtopic: Essential steps of cheerdance
Reference: Grade-10 Physical Education and Health Learning materials pages
139-161, Internet
Materials: Visual Aid, laptop and projector, music for audio, videos
Subject area: Physical Education

Awareness in cheerdancing that may help them to give importance
from their health and to be physically fit.

III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

 Greetings

- Good morning class!

- Good morning sir
 Prayer

- ________ will you lead the prayer?

(the students will pray)

 Checking of Attendance

- Is there anybody absent for today?

- No one sir.
- Very good! It seems that all of you are
interested for our today`s discussion.
- Yes sir.
 Checking of Assignment

- Last meeting I gave you an assignment,

- Yes sir.
- So bring out your notebook and pass it
forward. (the students will pass their assignment)

B. Review of the Past Lesson

- Before we start our lesson for today, let

us make a short review about our topic
last meeting.

- What is Street dance? Yes________? - Okay sir.

- Street dance refers to dance

styles that have evolved outside
- Very good! How about the styles of
of dance studios.
street dance? Yes______?
- Sir we have B-Boying, Popping,
Locking, Krumping, Tutting,
Shuffling, and Waacking.
- Excellent! How about the Hip-hop
dance? Yes_____? - Hip-hop is a cultural movements
best known for its impact on
music in the form of the musical
genre of the same name.
- Alright Very good! It seems that all of
you understand our previous lesson.
We can now move on to our next topic.
- Yes sir!

C. Motivation

- But before we start our lesson for today,
I have here a downloaded video, you
will going to watch this video and
afterwards try to analyze what is the
content of the video. Do you understand
class? - Yes sir!
(the students will watch the
- Okay! Based on the video, who among
of you can guess our lesson for today?
- Cheerdance sir!
- Alright very good! Our discussion for
today is all about Cheerdance or

D. Lesson Proper

- We Filipino`s are very active when we

talks about dancing or dance, so in our
generation right now! Do you have any
idea of what is cheerdance?

- Alright very good, another? - Cheer with dance.

- It is dance or routines composed
of yells and cheers.
- Excellent! Cheerdance is a routine or
dance composed of yells and cheers,
gymnastic skills and dance.
Cheerdance is coined from the two
words. And what are the two words
wherein the word cheerdance is came
from? Yes_______?
- Cheer and dance sir.

- Brilliant! The cheerdance is coined from
the words, Cheer and dance. So what is
cheer? Yes_______?
- Cheer is to shout out word or
phrases that may help motivate
and boost the morale of a playing
- Very good! Cheer is to shout out word
or phrases that may help motivate and
boost the morale of a playing team and
perform better to win the game. Do you
understand class?
- Yes sir!
- How about the dance? Yes_________?
- Dance is a physical activity
where one expresses emotions
or gestures while performing
bodily movements usually in time
with rhythm.
- Very good. Cheer is to shout out words,
while dance is a physical activity that
expresses one`s emotion. Do you
understand class?
- Yes sir.
- Any further question or concern about
- None so far.
- Okay, cheerdancing is rooted from
cheerleading. And what do we mean by
cheerleading? Yes_____?
- Cheerleading is the
performances of a routine,
usually dominated by gymnastic
- Very good. Cheerleading is the
performances of a routine, usually
dominated by gymnastic skills such as
jumps, tumbling skills, lifts and tosses
combined with shouting of cheers and
yells to lead the crowd to cheer for a

certain team during game or sport. Do
you understand class?
- Yes sir.

- Okay, By the way where does the

cheerdance originated?
- In the United States sir.
- Very good. Cheerdance originated in
the United States and because of the
creative skills of the Filipinos they more
variations such as stunts, tosses and
jumps. Today, cheerdancing is
identified as one of the most
spectacular events in one of the biggest
collegiate sports events in the country,
the UAAP. What do we mean by
UAAP? Yes______?

- University Athletic association of

the Philippines.
- Very good. can move on now to the
essentials steps in cheerdance.?
- Yes sir.
- Are you ready class?
- Yes sir.
- Okay, first we have the Arms and Hand

- Beginning stance and cheer stance

- The second one is? The “T” and half “T”


- Clasp, clap, overhead clasp, and low

- Touchdown and low touchdown

- High “V” and low “V’

- Tabletop and punch.

- “L” and diagonal position.

- That was the Arms and hand position.

We now move on to the Legs and feet

- First we have Feet together and feet


- Lunge position.

- And then lastly we have a knees and

Hips position.

- Okay that was the essentials step of

cheerdancing. By next meeting we will
discuss the basics steps of

E. Application

- Since, all of you understand the

cheerdance. Let`s make have an
activity that helps all of you to
understand well our lesson. I will group
you into four, this is the group 1, 2, 3
and 4. All you`re going to do is to make
your own cheers or yells with the

essentials steps of cheerdancing,
maximum of 2 mins and minimum of 1
min.. Do you understand class?
- Yes sir.
- Okay, I give you 5 minutes to practice
then afterwards you will going to
perform it in front.

- Start working with your group mates.

(the students will present the output
- Very nice presentation, give yourself % activity)

F. Generalization

- Again, what are the two words wherein

the students is came from?
Yes________? - Cheer and dance sir.

- Very good. Cheerdancing is rooted

from? Yes________? - Cheerleading sir.

- Very good. Where does the cheerdance

originated? Yes_______? - In the United State sir.

- Alright Very good! It seems that all of

you are really understand our lesson.
- So can you define what cheer dance is?

- Cheerdance is coined from the

word, cheer and dance and it is
originated in the United states

G. Evaluation

Direction: Answer the following question. Write

your answer on the space provided. 1. Cheerdance
2. Cheer
_______1. It is a routine composed of yells 3. Dance
and cheers, gymnastic skills and tosses, stunts 4. Cheerleading
and tumbling skills. 5. UAAP
_______2. It is to shout out words or phrases 6. Beginning stance and cheer stance
that may help to motivate the playing team. 7. “T” and half “T” positions.
_______3. This is a physical activity where 8. Clasp, clap, overhead clasp, and
one expresses emotion and gestures. low clasp
_______4. Cheerdancing is rooted from ____. 9. Touchdown and Low touchdown
_______5. The biggest collegiate sports event 10. High “V” and low “V”
in the Philippines. 11. Tabletop and punch
12. “L’ and diagonal positions
Enumeration: 13. Feet together and feet apart
14. lunge position
6-12. Essentials of cheerdancing in Arms and 15. Knees and hips position
hand position.
13-15. Essentials of cheerdancing in Legs
and feet positions.

H. Assignment

1. Download videos on the essentials steps of

2. Research the basics skills of cheerdance.


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