IFS Mathematics 2016

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l.F.S. EX.

L};l- 2016
Paper- I

ITime Allowed : Three Hours IMaximum Marks : 200 I

Question Paper Specific Instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting

There are EIGHT questions in all, out of which FIVE are to be attempted.
Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory. Out of the remaining SIX questions, THREE are to
be attempted selecting at least ONE question from each of the two Sections A and B.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a
question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left
blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.
All questions carry equal marks. The number of marks carried by a question I part is
indicated against it.
Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.
Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations have their usual standard meanings.
Assume suitable data, if necessary, and indicate the same clearly.


Ql. (a) Let T : R 3 セ@ R 4 be given by

T(x, y, z) = (2x- y, 2x + z, x + 2z, x + y + z).
Find the matrix ofT with respect to standard basis of R 3 and R 4 (i.e.,
(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), etc.). Examine ifT is a linear map. 8

(b) Show that <log (1 + x) < x for x > 0. 8
(1 + x)

(c) Examine if the function f(x, y) = 2

xy , (x, y) * (0, 0) and f(O, 0) =0
X +y 2
is continuous at (0, 0). Find Of and Of at points other than origin. 8
Ox fJy


then obtain the equation of the chord.
If the point (2, 3) is the mid-point of a chord of the parabola y = 4x,

-1 2 2

(e) For the matrix A= 2 -1 2 , obtain the eigenvalue and get the

2 2 -1
value of A 4 + 3A3 - 9A2. 8

00 00

Q2. (a) After changing the order of integration of ff e

s1n nx dx dy,
0 0

sinnx dx _ 1t
show that
f X - 2. 10

2 2
(b) A perpendicular is drawn from the centre of ellipse x 2 + y 2 = 1 to any
a b
tangent. Prove that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular is given by

(x2 + y2)2 = a2x2 + b2;. 10

(c) Using mean value theorem, find a point on the curve y = セクM 2, defined
on [2, 3], where the tangent is parallel to the chord joining the end
points of the curve. 10

(d) LetT be a linear map such that T: V3 --7 V2 defined by T(e 1) = 2fl- f2,
T(e2) = f1 + 2f2, T(e3) = Of1 + Of2, where e 1, e 2, e 3 and f 1, f2 are
standard basis in V 3 and V2. Find the matrix ofT relative to these
Further take two other basis B1 [(1, 1, 0) (1, 0, 1) (0, 1, 1)] and
B2 [(1, 1) (1,- 1)]. Obtain the matrix T 1 relative to Bj and B 2. 10



Q3. (a) For the matrix A =



4 , find two non-singular matrices P

0 -1 1
and Q such that PAQ =I. Hence find A-1. 10
(b) Using Lagrange's method of multipliers, find the point on the plane
2x + 3y + 4z = 5 which is closest to the point (1, 0, 0). 10
(c) Obtain the area between the curve r = 3 (sec e +cos e) and its
asymptote x = 3. 10
(d) Obtain the equation of the sphere on which the intersection of the plane
5x - 2y + 4z + 7 = 0 with the sphere which has (0, 1, 0) and (3, - 5, 2) as
the end points of its diameter is a great circle. 10

Q4. (a) Examine whether the real quadratic form 4x2 - y2 + 2z2 + 2xy- 2yz - 4xz
is a positive definite or not. Reduce it to its diagonal form and determine
its signature. 10

(b) Show that the integral

f e-x xa-1 dx , a > 0 exists, by separately
taking the cases for a セ@ 1 and 0 < a < 1. 10

2 2z-1 . 11
(c) Prove that f2z = J;. fZ IZ + セ@ .
1t 2

(d) A plane x + y + セ@ = 1 cuts the coordinate plane at A, B, C. Find the

a b c ·
equation of the cone with vertex at origin and guiding curve as the circle
passing through A, B, C. 10


- 2xy
Q5. (a) Obtain the curve which passes through (1, 2) and has a slope== - -
x2 +1 .

Obtain one asymptote to the curve. 8

(b) Solve the dE to get the particular integral of

r +2
セ@ + y = x 2 cos X. 8

(c) A weight W is hanging with the help .o f two strings of length 1 and 21 in
such a way that the other ends A and B of those strings lie on a
horizontal line at a distance 21. ·obtain the tension in the two strings. 8

(d) From a point in a smooth horizontal plane, a particle is projected

with velocity u at angle a to the horizontal from the foot of a plane,
inclined at an angle セ@ with respect to the horizon. Show that it will
strike the plane at right angles, if 」ッエセ]@ 2 tan H。MセI N@ 8

(e) If E be the solid bounded by the xy plane and the paraboloid

z = 4 - x2 - r' then evaluate JJF. dS where s is the surface bounding

. - 1\ 1\ /..2 2 1\
the volume E and F = (zx sin yz + x 3) i + cos yz j + (3zy - e +Y ) k . 8

Q6. (a) A stone is thrown vertically with the velocity which would just carry it to
a height of 40 m . Two seconds later another stone is projected vertically
from the same place with the same velocity. When and where will they
meet? 10

(b) Using the method ofvariation of parameters, solve

d 2 + x___r-
x 2 _x_
d y == x 2 ex. 10
dx 2 dx
(c) Water is flowing through a pipe of 80 mm diameter under a gauge
pressure of 60 kPa, with a mean velocity of 2 m/s. Find the total head, if
the pipe is 7 m above the datum line. 10

(d) Evaluate ff (V x ヲINセ@ dS for f = (2x - y) i - yz2 j - i'z k where S

is the upper half surface of the sphere x + セ@
2 + z2 == 1 bo':ffided by its
projection on the xy plane. 10

State Stokes' theorem. Verify the Stokes' theorem for the function
f- = xi" + z "j + 2y k , where c is the curve obtained by the intersectio n of
the plane z = x and the cylinder x 2 + y = 1 and Sis the surface inside
the intersected one. 15

(b) A uniform rod of weight W is resting against an equally rough horizon

and a wall, at an angle a with the wall. At this condition, a horizontal
force Pis stopping them from sliding, implement ed at the mid-point of
the rod. Prove that P = W tan (a - 2A.), where A is the angle of friction.
Is there any condition on A. and a ? 15

(c) Obtain the singular solution of the differentia l equation

0 - 2pxy + p2(x2 - 1) = m 2 , p = dy .

Q8. (a) A body immersed in a liquid is balanced by a weight P to which it is

attached by a thread passing over a fixed pulley and when half
immersed, is balanced in the same manner by weight 2P. Prove that the
density of the body and the liquid are in the ratio 3: 2. 10

(b) Solve the differentia l equation

dy - y = y 2 (sin x +cos x). 10


(c) Prove that a X (b X c)= (a X b) X C, if and only if either b=0 or C

a a
is collinear with or b is perpendicu lar to both and c. 10

(d) A particle is acted on a force parallel to the axis of y whose acceleratio n

is A.y, initially projected with a velocity a.fi. parallel to x-axis at ·the
point where y =a. Prove that it will describe a catenary. 10


• www.examrace.com
• GlBセ@
L F.S. イNセャA|@ .'
t-- 2Nセ@ c' . r..'

Paper II 0000129

I Tim e Allowed : Three Hours · Maximum Marks : 200 I


Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions.
There are EIGHT questions in all, out of which FIVE are to be attempted.
Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory. Out of the remaining SIX questions, THREE are to be
attempted selecting at least ONE question from each of the two Sections A and B.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a
question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blarik
in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off.
All questions carry equal marks. The number of marks carried by a question/ part is indicated
against it.
Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.
Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations have their usual standard meanings.
Assume suitable data, if necessary, and indicate the same clearly.

1 c-mns-s-mts

Prove that the set of all bijective functions from a non-empty set X onto itself is

a group with respect to usual composition of functions. 8
l.(b) Examine the Uniform Convergence of
_ sin(nx + n) , _
(x) - ,VxE IR , n - 1,2,3,... 8
1.( c) Find the maxima and minima of the function
f(x, y) = x3 + y3- 3x - 12y + 20. 8
1.(d) Find the analytic function of which the real pat1 is
e-x {(x2 - y2 )cos y + 2xysin y}. 8
1.(e) Prove that the set of all feasible solutions of a Linear Programming problem is a
convex set. ·· '8
. '
2.(a) Show that any non-abelian group of order 6 is isomorphic to the symmetric
group s3. 15
2.(b) Let G be a· group of order pq, where p and ·q are prime numbers such that p > q
and q ,r (p - 1). Then prove that G is 」ケャゥセN@ · 15
2.( c) Show that in the ring R ={a +b-!-=5 I a, bare integers}, the ・ャセエウ@ a = 3 and .
f3 = 1 + 2H are relatively prime, but ay and f3y have no g.c.d in R, where
r = 7(1 + 2-!-=5) . 10

If /,1 (x) = - + , 0 セ@ x セ@
3.(a) 2., .state with reasons whether {!,z} 」ッョカセイァ・ウ@ uniformly
x n 11

on [0, 2] or not. 10

sin- 1(x + 2y)

l 1
, (x, y):,t(O, 0)
3.(b) Exanllne the continuity of f(x,y) = (2x + 4y )
, (x,y) = (O,O)
at the point (0, 0). 8

3.(c) If u(x, y) = cos-

{ Jx: :Jy}, 0 <x < I , 0 < y < I then find the value of

au 10
ax CJy
. 2 セ@ 2 y
3.(d) Evaluate the integral JJY 1
dx dy . 12
________________ ____________
oo H セ ク ⦅ コ ⦅ K ⦅ y ⦅ コ ⦅ K セ QI ⦅ R@ __________________________セM

c-mns-s-mts 2

• 4.(a) Evaluate the integral


HQ@ + x).

4.(b) Find the Laurent series for the function f( z) = with centre z= 1. 10
1- z 2

4.( c) Evaluate by Contour integration


J de 10
o (1+ t cos e)
4.( d) A company manufacturi ng air-coolers has two plants located at Bengaluru and -
Mumbai with a weekly capacity of 200 units and 100 units respectively. The
company supplies air-coolers to its 4 showrooms situated at Mangalore, Bengaluru,
Delhi and Goa which have a demand of 75, 100, 100 and 25 units respectively .
Due to the differences in local taxes, showroom charges, transportatio n cost and
others, the profits differ. The profits (in Rs.) are shown in the following table :

Man galore Bengaluru Delhi Goa
Bengaluru 90 90 100 100
Mumbai 50 70 130 85

Plan the production program so as to maximize the profit. The company may have
its production capacity at both plants partially or wholly unused. 12

S.(a). Obtain the partial differential equation governing the equations
¢ (u, v) = 0, u = xyz,
v = x+ y + z. 8
S.(b) Find the general solution of the partial differential equation

xy2 dz + y 3 dz = (zxy2 _ 4 x3)· 8

. ax . dy
S.(c) Develop an algorithm for Newton-Rap hson method tC? solve ¢ (x) = 0 starting with
initial Herate x 0 , n be the number of iterations allowed, eps be the prescribed
relative error and delta be the prescribed lower bound for ¢'(x). · 8
S.(d) Apply Lagrange's interpolation formula to find /(5) and /(6) g1ven that f(l) = 2,
/(2) = 4, /(3) = 8, /(7) = 128. . 8

3 c-mns-s-m ts

Calculate the moment of inertia of the ellipse x 2 + y 2 = 1

a b
2 2 ••
(i) relative to the x-axis
(ii) relative to the y-axis and
(iii) relative to the origin 8

6.(a) Find the general solution of the partial differential .equation

xy2p + y3q = (zxy2 - 4x3)

p=dz , q = dz] 10
[ ·ax dy
. d2 z d2 z d2 z .
6.(b) Find the particular integral of - - 2-;--;-- + - = 2xcos y. 10
dx 2 oxoy dy 2
6.(c) A uniform rod of length L whose surface is thermally insulated is initially at
temperature 8 = 80 • At time t = 0, one end is suddenly cooled to 8 = 0 and
subsequently maintained at this temperature; the other end remains thermally
insulated. Find the temperature distribution 8(x, t). 20

0·6 dx
7.(a) Evaluate J R@
by Simpson's !rd rule, by taking 12 equal sub-intervals.
o セャMク 15

7.(b) Find ·the cube root of 10 up to 5 significant セァオイ・ウ@

by Newton-Raphson method.
7.(c) Use the Classical Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method with h = ·2 to calculate a ·
solution at x = ·4 for the initial value problem dy =x + y 2 with initial condition
y = 1 when x = 0. 15

S.(a) Find the moment of inertia of a right solid ·cone of mass M , height h and radius of
whose base is a, about its axis. 14
S.(b) A bead slides on a wire in the shape of a cycloid described by the equations
X = a((} - Sin 8)
y = a( 1 + cos e)
where 0 セ@ e セ@ 2n and the friction between the bead and the wire is negligible.
Deduce Lagrange's equation of motion. · 10
8.(c) A sphere is at rest in an infinite mass of homogeneous liquid of density p, the
pressure at infinity being P. If th:e radius R o.f the sphere varies in such a way that
R =a+ bcos nt, where b <a, then find the pressure at the surface of the sphere at
any time. 16

c-mns-s-mts 4

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