Charles Darwin University International Prospectus 2009
Charles Darwin University International Prospectus 2009
Charles Darwin University International Prospectus 2009
International Prospectus
Postgraduate, Undergraduate,
Research, VET and ELICOS
As a tropical city Darwin
has two seasons per
year. The Wet Season is
from November to April,
with a temperature range
from 20 to 34 degrees C.
The Dry Season is from
May to October, with a
temperature range from
15 to 31 degrees C.
Darwin city
Academic calendar
Semester One 2009 VET Higher Education
Teaching commences 2 February 2 March
Disclaimer: Information in this prospectus is accurate as at April 2008. While care has been taken to provide accurate information in this prospectus, it is the
responsibility of applicants to check and confirm specific details of courses, units and enrolment, prior to application. The inclusion in this publication of the
details of a course or unit creates no obligation on the part of the University to teach it as or when described. The University may discontinue or vary courses or
units at any time without notice.
Welcome to CDU
Why choose Charles Darwin University? 2
Campuses 3
Living in the Northern Territory 4
Studying at CDU
Teaching and learning 5
Academic services 6
Student support services 7
Life at CDU
Arrival and orientation 8
Accommodation 8
Essential services 9
Recreation 10
Admission requirements
Academic entry requirements 11
English language proficiency requirements 14
Study pathways
Study pathways 16
VET pathway options 17
Research at CDU
Charles Darwin University’s place in the Australian research landscape 18
Research performance 18
Course descriptions
Coursework studies 20
English language programs 38
Two year postgraduate dual programs 40
Apply to CDU
How to apply 41
Application procedures 42
Financial considerations
Statutory expenses 43
Scholarships 44
Refund policy 45
Why choose Charles Darwin encourages and welcomes CDU graduates to explore
opportunities for full-time work and permanent residency
University? through a migration sponsorship program for eligible CDU
Charles Darwin University (CDU) is an Australian university graduates, which awards 10 bonus migration points in
with a difference. Located in the Northern Territory of addition to the five regional bonus points.
Australia, a unique region spanning the wet tropics in the or DIAC:
north and arid desert in the south. The University offers
unique and exciting study opportunities in one of the world’s Quality assurance
most culturally and biologically diverse regions. This is a Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is an Australian
place for students who love freedom, welcome choice, Government national system that regulates all Australian
have a sense of adventure and appreciate one of the oldest qualifications to ensure a high standard of Australian
landscapes and cultures on earth. Our students come qualifications throughout the country. The AQF contributes
from all parts of Australia and from more than 60 countries. to the worldwide recognition of Australian qualifications.
Diversity and opportunity are the hallmarks of CDU, In addition, Australia has a national quality assurance
Australia’s most youthful university. system for international students that is strictly governed
by Australian laws and regulations. The Education
CDU is a comprehensive, multi-sector university with
Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000,
nationally accredited courses in higher education bachelors
requires education providers to meet nationally consistent
and masters degrees, and advanced research doctorates
standards in education quality, facilities and services. The
and in Vocational Education and Training (VET).
ESOS Act ensures that international students studying
CDU dares to be different. Our small class sizes, readily in Australia receive the same standard of education as
accessible teaching staff and online learning facilities provide Australian students.
the individual attention and flexibility to support students to
Education providers that offer courses for international
achieve their goals and to gain the qualifications they want.
students must be registered on the Australian
So, if you have commitment and a will to learn, CDU will help
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses
you succeed.
for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and demonstrate that
A wise investment in your future their courses, services and facilities meet Australian
CDU offers the best investment in your future career and life standards. Charles Darwin University is a CRICOS
prospects through: registered provider: CRICOS Provider Number 00300K.
The University complies with the ESOS Act and the AQF
• A quality assured government institution and delivers a high standard of education.
• Nationally recognised and accredited programs
• Value for money
• Personalised teaching in small classes to maximise
your potential
• High graduate employment rate
• Enhanced migration prospects
• Excellent part-time work prospects while studying due to
strong local economy and acute labour shortages
Why choose Charles Darwin University?
Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory and
Australia’s only tropical capital coastal city surrounded by the
Arafura Sea. It is a modern, clean, safe and friendly city with
a tropical climate which promotes a relaxed, outdoor lifestyle
in unspoiled surroundings and beaches without many of the
hassles of a larger city.
Darwin’s international airport provides quick access to
south-east Asia, with direct flights to and from Singapore
and India and air links to other Australian cities. As a
major tourism destination, Darwin is well served by many
international standard hotels.
The city offers a broad range of cultural activities in museums,
art galleries, theatres and cinemas, while recreational and
sporting interests are well catered ranging from fishing
to sailing, golf to tennis and soccer to rugby. Darwin is a
multicultural city and this is expressed in the diversity of
cuisine, restaurants and street cafes and the variety of foods
at open air markets. As a young and vibrant city with a strong
economy, young people are attracted to Darwin because
of the exceptional employment and career opportunities.
Darwin attracts backpackers from around the world and the
nightclubs provide exciting entertainment for the young at
heart. All major shopping and service facilities are within easy
reach in Darwin, either by walking, bicycling or bus.
Alice Springs
Alice Springs is the second largest town in the Northern
Territory, located in the centre of Australia in the arid
desert. With the ancient landscapes of the MacDonnell
Living in the Northern Territory
Teaching and learning Students are awarded one of the following grades after
completing a unit of study.
Teaching methods
Classes at the University generally incorporate lectures and Higher education:
tutorials, with seminars, presentations, intensive workshops, Result Mark range Explanation
fieldwork and laboratory practicum also used as part of
H – High Distinction 85 – 100% Work of outstanding quality
the teaching methods. For coursework degrees, lectures,
D – Distinction 75 – 84% Work of superior quality
tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions normally total
between 12 and 17 hours of scheduled classes per week. Work of good quality
VET diploma courses have at least 24 hours of scheduled C – Credit 65 – 74% showing more than
satisfactory achievement
classes each week. Many have additional hours of
attendance. In addition to attendance at scheduled classes, Work showing a satisfactory
P – Pass 50 – 64%
students are expected to do independent study in the library
in preparation for classes. Work showing an
F – Fail 0 – 49%
unsatisfactory achievement
Class sizes at CDU are small, providing more personalised
teaching, and may vary depending on the popularity of a VET:
unit or course, the degree level or the teaching method. For Result Explanation
example, computer laboratory class sizes are smaller than CH Competent with High Merit
lectures in a lecture theatre. At CDU undergraduate tutorial
CM Competent with Merit
classes may have 15 – 20 students, laboratory sessions
may have fewer than 15, and postgraduate classes may CP Competent Pass
have fewer than 10. NC Not yet competent
Intensive teaching, also known as ‘block teaching’, may FA Fail absent
be the mode of study for some units. This method differs
from traditional teaching in that larger blocks of time Course duration and full-time study
are scheduled over fewer days with fewer classroom Australian student visa regulations require international
sessions. For example, in intensive teaching, a unit might students to enrol in full-time study and to complete their course
be delivered over three to five days with six to eight hours of study within the minimum course duration. The minimum
class contact each day. In addition to this, students are course duration at CDU, as quoted in this Prospectus, is based
required to attend a one hour compulsory tutorial each on a standard full-time study load of four units per semester for
week during the semester. Intensive teaching delivers many a coursework degree, and a minimum 360 hours per semester
benefits and challenges to students. The delivery structure for a VET course. There are three semesters per year. Students
can progressively facilitate stronger classroom relationships are permitted to study online for no more than 25% of their
by fostering greater group cohesiveness among students. course but may not be enrolled exclusively in online learning
It also leads to improved lecturer-student relationships, units during any semester of study.
focused delivery of curriculum, efficiency and flexibility.
Students, however, need to carefully consider the intensive
Conditions of a student visa
Australian student visa conditions require international
teaching schedule for its potential impact on vacations,
students to maintain full-time attendance and satisfactory
part-time employment and other commitments. As class
academic progress, notify the University of any changes to
sessions build on the materials that have been studied,
their Australian contact details, and complete their course of
and as interaction is a critical component of the learning
study within the period of their student visa. Under Australian
process, students are expected to put in substantial
regulations, an extension of study and visa extension is
preparation before and during each session.
permitted only if there are compassionate or compelling
Assessment methods circumstances, or if the University has implemented an
Course-specific information on assessment and standards intervention strategy to prevent a student from failing to make
is given to students during the first lecture for each unit. satisfactory progress, or if the University has approved a
Regular written assignments, tutorial participation, practical deferment or suspension of study.
work, projects, research reports, short tests, semester
Teaching and learning
the library using the wireless network. Library staff provide CDU has partnered with leading institutions around the
assistance and training in the use of library and information world to create opportunities for students and staff to
resources to ensure students gain life-long skills in accessing gain a global perspective. Whether for Study Abroad or
information. Our library staff also speak several languages. Exchange opportunities, or collaborative research projects with universities and colleges, CDU has partnerships in the
Library research services following countries:
An online information website for postgraduates called • Austria • Malaysia
MyResearch assists students in developing research • Brunei • Philippines
information skills. A quick and responsive interlibrary loans • Canada • Sweden
service is also available for research students to obtain items
• China • Thailand
not held at CDU: a liaison librarian provides one-on-one
• Denmark • United Kingdom
assistance to research students.
• France • USA
Specialist collections, such as the East Timor collection, • Germany • Vietnam
the rare book collection and the thesis collection support • Indonesia
the University’s research interests. The specialist collection
consists of published and unpublished research material on
northern Australia and neighbouring areas, including eastern
Indonesia and East Timor.
Student support services to support them in their transition into the University and
their studies. An additional learning support is Learnline, the
International student support University’s online learning environment where students can
CDU provides a wide range of support services for all access course materials online, download lecture notes,
students in the University, and especially for international view grades and participate in online class discussions.
students. The Student Facilitator (International Support) is
the first point of contact for enrolled international students for
advice and support on adjusting to a new environment, for Student counselling
academic support, accommodation options, health enquiries, The University provides professional, confidential and
community group information and visa issues. free counselling services to students. Counselling staff have expertise in assisting students with a wide range
of personal, study and cross-cultural issues to assist in
Learning assistance adjusting to life in a new environment and in the transition
The University’s LearnLink provides study skills assistance to university study.
and support to help students improve their skills in time
management, essay writing, note taking, reading, tutorial
presentations, exam preparation, English language support Employment services
and other areas. Students are assigned learning advisors At the International Student Orientation, information about
how to find and apply for part-time jobs is provided to new
students. There is a “Careers Corner” located within the
CDU Information Centre that provides detailed information
on job vacancies and career opportunities. The University
has a comprehensive website that lists local part-time jobs
for employment while studying and permanent positions
after graduation.
The University sends a “Current Vacancies” newsletter
regularly to all enrolled students via the University student
email system.
Disability support
The University is committed to accessibility in teaching,
learning and support to assist students with disabilities
to make a successful transition to university. Students
with a disability should advise the University beforehand
so that preparations may be made to meet specialist
needs (equipment or the provision of tutors/note-takers or
alternative examination arrangements).
Health insurance
The University has appointed Worldcare as the preferred
provider of compulsory Overseas Student Health Cover
(OSHC). Students are required to pay OSHC for the full
duration of study at CDU before enrolling. On arrival on
campus the University will give students their OSHC cards
which must be presented every time you visit a doctor.
Arrival and orientation if you are being met by friends this is where they will be
waiting. Outside the airport there are usually taxis waiting but
You are required to arrive at CDU at least one week before
if there are none you can use a free phone in the arrivals hall
your classes start to allow time for your enrolment and
to call one. If you have booked accommodation on campus
orientation. This will ensure you have a smooth transition
ask the driver to take you to North Flinders International
to living and studying in your new environment. You must
House at Charles Darwin University. If you have booked
send the International Office your flight and accommodation
private accommodation make sure that you have the
information at least two weeks before you arrive.
address to show the driver.
Fax: +61 8 8946 6644
When you arrive at your destination pay the driver and
Email: [email protected]
ask for a receipt. The fare from the airport to the University
Before leaving home is about $10. If you take the receipt to the International
Read about your destination. Research books and the Office within the first week of semester, you will be
internet for information about Australia, the Northern Territory, reimbursed for the fare.
Darwin and CDU. Useful websites include:
CDU orientation
Your first point of contact once you have arrived on campus is the Student Facilitator (International Support) in the Information Centre to help you with your enrolment and any questions you may have about student life. The University organises an International Student
Orientation program for new students each semester in
Check passport, visa, medical requirements and the week before teaching commences. The Orientation
airline tickets. program is designed to familiarise new students with the
Pack carefully for life in the tropics. Clothing needs to be University services, facilities, support staff and to prepare
informal, cool, lightweight. In addition to your clothes you students for living and studying in their new environment.
should consider bringing the following items: This is also an opportunity to meet other new students
and to take part in the organised social and recreational
• For your accommodation: sheets, towels, favourite activities. Attendance at Orientation is compulsory.
cookbook and any special cooking implements, etc.
Computers are available in on-campus housing and Accommodation
in computer labs on campus. However, you may wish
to bring a stand-alone computer for personal use.
On campus
On campus accommodation is available year round at
• Personal items: special medications and copies North Flinders International House (NFIH), located on the
of prescriptions, camera, addresses and contact University’s Casuarina campus, just three minutes walk
numbers of family and friends. from the main library and lecture facilities. NFIH is part of
Have a small amount of Australian currency for initial a network of the International Houses in Australia, North
needs ($100). Alternatively there is a currency exchange America, Asia and Europe. It provides an opportunity for both
booth in the arrivals hall, which will be open when you arrive local and overseas students to live in a residential community
at Darwin International Airport. that understands the demands of academic pursuit.
Arrival and orientation | Accommodation
Arriving in Darwin
Customs and immigration
Before arrival in Darwin, you will be given a Customs
and Quarantine form to complete. Answer each question
carefully, as fines for violations are very high. Australia has
strict regulations to ensure against disease and pests.
Do not bring any parcels into Australia if you do not know
the contents. If you have items that must be declared
to Customs, it is wise to pack them together in easily
accessible luggage.
When you disembark, proceed to the Entry Control Area
where you will present your passport, immigration card and
customs statement. After your papers are returned to you,
proceed to the baggage hall to collect your luggage. You will
then pass through a quarantine inspection. Declare all plant,
animal products, and food that you have with you.
Leaving the airport
Once you have completed all immigration and customs
Enjoying life on campus
formalities, you will move through to the arrivals hall and
NFIH has 270 rooms, located in several multi-level accommodation and living expenses to be shared by
buildings. NFIH offers self-catered accommodation, with an several people.Prices depend on the location, facilities
optional meal plan (evening meal) available to residents. (including whether furnished or unfurnished) and if in a share
Each building has a number of individual bedrooms with house, the number of people sharing.
communal kitchens, bathrooms, free laundries, computer
Support and Equity Services at CDU maintains an
lab, wireless internet access in most buildings, swimming
accommodation register which may assist you in finding
pool, BBQ facilities, communal games and separate TV
share or rental accommodation once you are on campus.
room. NFIH is just a 15-minute walk from Darwin’s largest
Alternatively, local real estate agents can assist you in
shopping centre where supermarkets, specialty shops,
finding rental accommodation.
restaurants and food outlets, banks and cinemas are
located. A 10-minute stroll in either direction will get you to
some of Darwin’s beautiful beaches and foreshore, where Essential services
you can enjoy spectacular sunsets.
Worship and religion
NFIH will be your home away from home! It provides a safe Due to the multicultural nature of Darwin, there is a wide
and secure residential community that encourages academic range of places of worship to suit almost everyone. Darwin
achievement and the social, cultural and intellectual has facilities and places of worship for Christian, Hindu,
development of all residents. Buddhist, Islamic and other religions.
North Flinders International House 2008 rates:
A Westpac Bank Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is located
Long term rates (semester contract)
at the Casuarina campus. The Post Office on the Casuarina
Accommodation type Cost (AUD) campus is an agent for the Commonwealth Bank and has
Standard room (shared external bathroom) $150.50 / week withdrawal and deposit facilities. At other campuses and
Accommodation | Essential services
centres, banking facilities are within a short walking distance.
Standard room (shared ensuite) $168.00 / week
“CDU’s size is just right – not too big and not too small
Name: Modh Azlan Jayasilan Abdul In larger universities it is quite difficult to get
Gulan Azad enough time and attention with colleaguess and
Essential services | Recreation
Home country: Malaysia supervisors. CDU’s size is just right for me e – not
Course of study: Doctor of Philosophy too big and not too small. Most amenities a and
related environmental agencies are close b byy and
Project title: The Characteristics of
this saves me lots of time.
Mangrove Birds
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof Michael Lawes Expertise, potential research funding and
research facilities are some of the benefits
CDU had the relevant strength and expertise in my of studying at CDU. The experience and
subject matter of population ecology modelling. appropriate exposure that are provided by
Australia’s top end is well known for its rich flora CDU through my program will enable me
and fauna, beautiful landscapes and friendly to provide new insights to management
people. The climate is relatively similar to Malaysia, and conservation of wildlife in Borneo
minus the humidity. and Malaysia.
Canada Ontario Secondary School Diploma; British Columbia Year 12 Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma
One year of a bachelor’s degree at a recognised university, or completion of the National College Entrance
Examination (NCEE GAOKAO) for admission to key universities in China for a four year degree program with a
minimum overall grade of 75% or 560 total marks depending on province, plus successful completion of six months
English language program at CDU
Denmark Studentereksamen
All India Senior School Certificate awarded by the Central Board of Secondary Education; Indian School Certificate
India (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations); Indian Higher Secondary School Certificate awarded by one
of the state secondary school boards
STTB/SMU3 minimum overall grade of seven in four academic subjects from a private key senior secondary school;
successful completion of one year of a university degree or SO diploma (DIII) from a recognised institution
International Baccalaureate Completed IB diploma with minimum 24 points from six subjects at one sitting
Malaysian STPM; OR Senior Middle 3 Malaysia Independent Chinese Secondary Schools Unified Examination (UEC)
in five subjects minimum four B grades; Canadian OAC pre university diploma
New Zealand National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), minimum 40 subjects credits at Level 3
Higher Secondary School Certificate Intermediate (Division 1) with an average of 60% in four academic subjects OR
successful completion of the first year of a degree at a recognised institution
Academic Secondary School Certificate with overall average of 70% in national University Entrance Examination
South Korea (College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) OR successful completion of one of two years of a bachelor’s degree at a
recognised university; OR two years study at a recognised junior college
National Taiwan University Entrance Examination OR successful completion of six months or one year of a bachelor’s
degree at a recognised university; or two years study at a recognised junior college
High School Diploma with minimum B average grade/ GPA 3 and a combined SAT score of 1500 (no less than 450 in
verbal component) OR successful completion of one year of a bachelor’s degree at a recognised institution
Completion of Bang Tu Tai with minimum average of 80% in four academic subjects or successful completion of one
year of a bachelor’s degree at a recognised university
GCE “A” Levels, OR Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (ZIMSEC) three A level passes, OR
successful completion of one year of a bachelor’s degree at a recognised university
GCE “O” Levels or SPM with a minimum of 6 grade C passes in academic subjects.
Minimum academic entry scores for bachelor’s degree (To be used as a guide only for international students)
Ontario Secondary Hong Kong,
All India Senior
School Diploma, Malaysia, Singapore
School Certificate,
Canadian Pre–U “A” levels, STPM, International
Courses overall grade from
(Ontario) average aggregate from Baccalaureate
best four subjects
best of 6 Ontario max of 3 academic
academic courses subjects **
Bachelor of Arts 60 4 13 (65) 24
** “A” level and STPM results are calculated with A=5,B=4,C=3,D=2 and E=1; does not include General Paper scores or studies in the applicant’s first
language. Advanced supplementary level results may be included in the aggregate and contribute the equivalent of half a course taken at Advanced
“A” level, e.g. A=2.5, B=2, C=1.5, D=1 and E=0.5.
*** All India Senior School Certificate numerical values are assigned to subject grades as follows; A1=5, A2=4.5, B1=3.5, B2= 3, C1=2, C2=1.5, D1=1,
ACL, English for Academic Purposes An overall pass of 55% in the Diploma of English for Academic Purposes valid for two years, from the date of
the test to the date of commencement at CDU, except B Nursing and B Pharmacy which requires 65%.
Foundation and VTE cert IV: successful completion of the Cert IV English for Academic Purposes.
VTE cert III: successful completion of the Cert III English for Academic Purposes.
IELTS (academic module) An overall minimum score of 6 with no band less than 5.5 valid for two years, from the date of the test to the
date of commencement at CDU, except B Nursing and B Pharmacy which requires overall 6.5 with no band
less than 5.5.
Foundation and VET: IELTS 5.5 with no band less than 5, valid for two years, from the date of the test to the
date of commencement at CDU.
Test of English as a Foreign An overall minimum score of 550 and a minimum score of 4.5 in the Test of Written English (TWE), valid for
Language (TOEFL) two years, from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU, except B Nursing which does not
accept TOEFL.
Foundation and VET: TOEFL 530 and TWE 4, valid for two years, from the date of the test to the date of
commencement at CDU.
English language proficiency requirements
Computerised TOEFL An overall minimum score of 213 and a minimum score of 4.5 in the Essay Rating, valid for two years, from
the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU, except B Nursing which does not accept TOEFL.
Foundation and VET: TOEFL 200 and Essay Rating score 4, valid for two years, from the date of the test to
the date of commencement at CDU.
Internet based TOEFL (IBT) An overall minimum score of 79 and a minimum score of 20 in writing, valid for two years, from the date of
the test to the date of commencement at CDU, except B Nursing which does not accept TOEFL.
Foundation and VET: TOEFL 72 and writing score 18, valid for two years, from the date of the test to the date
of commencement at CDU.
University of Cambridge English A grade of C or better in the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) or a grade of A in the Certificate of
language proficiency exams Advanced English (CAE), valid for two years, from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Common European framework A Certificate of English proficiency with an overall grade of B2 valid for three years, from the date of the test
to the date of commencement at CDU.
Malaysia and Brunei A score of C or better in the General Paper in the GCE “O” level examination or a Cambridge University “O”
level moderated score of 3B in English in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM examination) valid for two years,
from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Singapore Pass grade in the General Paper (GP) or in Knowledge and Inquiry (KI) in the Singapore Cambridge General
Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) OR a grade of C or better in English language in the Singapore-
Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level). Both are valid for two years, from the date of
the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Hong Kong A score of C or better in the English Language (Syllabus B) in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education
Examination (HKCEE) OR a grade of D or better in the Use of English Paper at HKALE Advanced Level. Both
are valid for two years, from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Ontario Secondary School Diploma and A grade of 60% in English in the final year of the OSSD and CPU, valid for two years, from the date of the test
Canadian Pre-University program to the date of commencement at CDU.
Fiji, Tonga and Western Samoa A minimum score of C or better in level 3 or level 4 English in the New Zealand National Certificate of
Educational Achievement or a score of 50 per cent in English in the Fiji Form 7 examination, valid for two
years, from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
International Baccalaureate diploma A grade of 4 or better in English B or English A1 or A2, valid for five years, from the date of the test to the
date of commencement at CDU.
Norway A grade of 4 on the upper secondary school, valid for five years, from the date of the test to the date of
commencement at CDU
Finland A grade of 8 or better in English or English A – language within the Upper Secondary School Certificate, valid
for five years, from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Sweden A grade of VG in English in the Senior School Studies, valid for five years, from the date of the test to the date
of commencement at CDU.
Germany A grade of 4 or better in English in Senior High School exam (Arbitur) valid for five years, from the date of the
test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Denmark Grade of 9 or better in Senior High School English, valid for five years, from the date of the test to the date of
commencement at CDU.
Netherlands A grade of 8 or above on completion of six years of English at high school, valid for five years, from the date
of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Where formal education is conducted in the medium of English, applications will be considered by the
Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe Director International on a case-by-case basis.
India A score of 65% of better in English obtained only from the All India Senior School Certificate issued by the
Indian Central Board of Education or the Higher Secondary Certificate of Education issued by state boards of
Gujarat, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Karnataka, valid for two years from the date of the test to the date of
commencement at CDU.
United Kingdom Where English is the first language, a score of C or better in English in the Cambridge General Certificate of
Education “O” level or AS level or Advanced level, valid for five years, from the date of the test to the date of
commencement at CDU.
United States of America Where English is the first language, a pass in English in the High School Diploma
ACL, English for Academic Purposes An overall pass of 65% in the Diploma of English for Academic Purposes valid for two years, from the date of
the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Computerised TOEFL An overall minimum score of 230 and a minimum score of 5 in the Essay rating, valid for two years, from the
date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Internet based TOEFL (IBT) An overall minimum score of 84 and a minimum score of 22 in writing, valid for two years, from the date of
the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
IELTS (academic module) An overall minimum score of 6.5 with no band less than 6 valid for two years, from the date of the test to the
date of commencement at CDU.
University of Cambridge English A grade of C or better in the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) or a grade of A in the Certificate of
language proficiency exams Advanced English (CAE), valid for two years, from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Common European framework A Certificate of English proficiency with an overall grade of C1 valid for three years, from the date of the test
to the date of commencement at CDU.
Medium of instruction in the English International applicants may be deemed to have met the English language requirements if they can provide
language the University with a letter from the principal or the registrar of the post secondary academic institution at
which they studied, attesting that English is the primary language of instruction and assessment in the study
successfully completed by the student over a minimum of a two year period. Such evidence is valid for five
years from the date the applicant finished at the institution to the date of commencement at CDU. Applies
only to post secondary academic studies taught completely and examined in English language.
Study pathways
Charles Darwin University is a multi sector institution that provides students with a variety of pathways when furthering their
education. From English language programs to Vocational Education and Training (VET), university degree and PhD programs you
can find a pathway to suit your needs. As shown here, you can enter and exit study at various stages.
High school /
Entrance level CERTIFICATE II
Study pathways
YEAR 10/11
Cookery stream
Supervision stream
“CDU has excellent facilities and staff are friendly and helpful”
Name: Maria Odete Do Ceu Guterres I recommend CDU to other Timorese
students because the facilities,
Home country: Timor-Leste
including teachers and other
Course of study: Graduate Diploma of administrative staff are friendly. They
Tropical Environmental Management have always helped me whenever I
I did my English course at ACL. I really needed. Darwin’s weather is the same
enjoyed learning English at ACL and now as Timor-Leste, plus it is not too far to
I am much more confident to start study in fly to Timor-Leste during the semester
tropical environmental management. break. Darwin is safe, there is not
much traffic and the lifestyle was
VET pathway options
I would like to develop the tropical easy for me to get used to.
environment of Timor-Leste, specifically to
develop Timor-Leste’s forest resources in I have been encouraged and
a sustainable way. At CDU it is possible provided with experiences that
to learn and gain an education in tropical have built my confidence and
environmental management, the course suits knowledge on how to manage
where I want to go in my future. my future studies.
Major research projects The evaluation aspect of the project measures program
outcomes with a particular focus on factors leading to
Some examples of recent major research projects for which
improved behaviour outcomes at school. This project is
CDU is currently receiving funding include:
funded by the Commonwealth Government, the Northern
Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge (TRaCK) Territory Government and the Co-operative Research Centre
USD $27 million for Aboriginal Health.
TRaCK was established as a research hub in 2007 under the Multicentre evaluation of a clinical pathway for
Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities Program chronic cough in children – can its use improve
and involves a consortium of six partners across northern clinical outcomes USD $838,000
Australia. TRaCK aims to provide the science and knowledge
Funded by the National Health and Medical Research
that governments, communities and industries need for the
Council of Australia.
sustainable use and management of Australia’s tropical
rivers and estuaries. Seven interconnected research themes A randomised controlled trial of factor
have been identified: Assets and values, foodwebs and replacement therapy in snake bite coagulopathy
biodiversity, knowledge and adoption, material budgets, USD $620,000
river and coastal settings, scenario evaluation and Funded by the National Health and Medical Research
sustainable enterprises. Council of Australia.
Accelerated Literacy program Abracadabra! Improving literacy through
USD $7.2 million technology USD $613,000
Funded by the Northern Territory Government, the Funded by the Telstra Foundation.
Accelerated Literacy program aims to reach the full cohort
of high-need students in the network of Northern Territory
PneuMum: An RCT of maternal pneumococcal
Government schools. A high-need student is defined as vaccination for protection of Indigenous children
being a minimum of two years below benchmark literacy from ear disease USD $606,000
levels. On available data, this translates to approximately Funded by the National Health and Medical Research
10,000 Indigenous students. Council of Australia.
The objectives of the plan are to take accelerated literacy A structured systems approach for improving
‘from the lab’ to proof of concept through to full system health promotion practice for chronic diseases in
introduction. By the end of 2008, it is anticipated that Indigenous communities USD $576,000
Accelerated Literacy programs will reach 10,000 target Funded by the National Health and Medical Research
(high-need) students in 100 territory schools through 700
Council of Australia.
trained teachers.
1 + 1 = A healthy start to life for Aboriginal
Let’s Start Indigenous preschool project
USD $1.45 million
children USD $518,000
Funded by the National Health and Medical Research
Let’s Start is an early intervention program for preschool- Council of Australia.
aged Aboriginal children assessed as ‘at risk’. Groups of
children and their parents attend a structured program of Over the period 2003-2007 CDU’s external research
groupwork over one school term. It aims to assist children income has increased from USD $4.6 million to greater
to successfully negotiate the transition from preschool to than USD $24 million.
early primary school, to improve the social competencies of For details of key researchers within CDU.
children and the strategies and competencies of parents.
Children and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable. Tuberculosis (TB) affects eight
million people worldwide, contributing to two million deaths. Both diseases are major causes of
morbidity and mortality in countries in our region, including eastern Indonesia and East Timor.
Menzies School of Health Research, Malaria and International Health program has been working
with the Indonesian Ministry of Health’s National Institute of Health Research and Development
for the last 10 years, resulting in an exciting partnership that is tackling health issues – such as
malaria and TB – on a regional basis. More recent regional collaborations include partners in
East Timor and Thailand.
Coursework studies
Arts and Creative Arts (including Music, Communication, Design, Arts)
The Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries (Communication) offers host of other niche areas in commercial enterprises that place a premium
students the opportunity to tap their creative potential by building effective on managing relationships.
study plans and pathways that prepare them for stimulating careers in the Sample first year units
creative and cultural industries. This course provides vocationally orientated • Foundations of Communications Studies
training as well as stimulation for students to encourage an innovative • Design and Innovation
and enterprising approach to their future careers. There are two principle • Introduction to Multimedia
pathways of study: • Principles of Public Relations
Specialisations • Creative Practice
Public relations and marketing • Principles of Marketing
Communication design
This course will provide managers with the knowledge and skills to produce • Organisational Behaviour
sustainable improvement in their own performance and in that of their • Managing Finance
organisation. It will prepare middle managers to operate in ways that are • International Business
ethical and sensitive to the environment. • Governance and Risk Management
Career opportunities • Economics for Managers
Graduates may seek work in executive managerial positions in the public • Managing Strategy
and private sectors.
The way of life here is more relaxed, the people I have found my daily
are nice and friendly. Darwin is safer than my expenses as a student
home town, I do not have to stress about are much less than
political unrest, like I did at home. Traffic is when I was working
much less than in Quezon City and shopping in the Quezon City.
options are not as extensive, so I am not
distracted from my studies.
Course Course code Duration Annual fee Start date
Course Course code Duration Annual fee Start date
beyond the confines of the classroom and the culture that I and studying in CDU was one of the
grew up with. Upon completing my degree I have been able best decisions that I made. It
to pursue a career in Australia. I am currently employed with may be a cliché, but I
Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) as a structural engineer, and they truly found a home
have sponsored my work visa that enables me to stay and away from home in
work in the Northern Territory. Darwin and CDU!
Environmental Science
Course Course code Duration Annual fee Start date
the relaxed
Knowing that I would not be able to do that in Denmark, atmosphere
I decided to transfer to become an international student
here and the
and complete the MTEM course at CDU.
surroundings, so
The way the course units are structured is different to close to the beach.
what I am used to. In Denmark most of the units end
Health Sciences
Graduate Diploma in Psychology GDPSYC 1 year $13,200 March/July
The course consists of a selection of core units from the Bachelor of • Introduction to Behavioural Therapies
Behavioural Science in the areas of research design and analysis, • Abnormal Psychology
developmental, abnormal, and socio-cultural psychology, behaviour,
motivation and personality.
Indigenous Studies
Course Course code Duration Annual fee Start date
Information Technology
Course Course code Duration Annual fee Start date
get around and a very convenient place to live and The things I have enjoyed most
study. I enjoyed the lifestyle in Darwin. about Darwin are the relaxed
The course fees are great value for money and the lifestyle and the friendly
living expenses are not very expensive. CDU has studying environment.
excellent library facilities and up-to-date computer Studying at CDU was the
facilities for students to use. CDU provides excellent greatest experience in my
student services, as overseas students, we always life in Australia.
Course Course code Duration Annual fee Start date
Bachelor of Humanitarian
BHCS 3 years $13,200 March/July
and Community Studies
Coursework studies
Course Duration
Example further study program If IELTS level is: Current IELTS score Allow minimum study
VET pathway IELTS 5.5 IELTS 4.5 20 weeks
IELTS 5.0 10 weeks
Undergraduate coursework IELTS 6.0 IELTS 5.0
20 weeks
Postgraduate coursework IELTS 6.5 IELTS 5.0 30 weeks
IELTS 5.5 20 weeks
IELTS 6.0 10 weeks
The above table is a guide only. Students should take into account individual results, progress and goals.
Certification Duration
Certificate III in EAP (10 weeks) $3,050 1 to 4 weeks $310 per week
my English.
I think CDU is a good place to study and CDU
is the best university in Darwin. I chose Darwin I am enjoying living at
because it is not too big; I like to live in a small city. NFIH. I found a job and
Also the weather is similar to Indonesia so it has work in a restaurant part-time
helped me get used to living here. and that helps me with living
I found that it was easier to improve my English at expenses.
ACL than it was in Indonesia. There were lots of Now that I am studying engineering,
people of different countries in my class and the I hope to get my qualifications as an
teachers gave us lots of assignments and tests so engineer and find
I could keep track of how well I was learning. a job in Australia.
When I first moved to Darwin I stayed with relatives,
but I then decided to move to North Flinders
How to apply
Coursework – postgraduate, undergraduate
and VET
1 Remove and complete the International Student
Application for Coursework Studies from the back of this
prospectus. The application can also be downloaded
from the website or you can apply online at:
2 Attach all required documentation (as per the checklist
on the application form).
3 Submit your application and/or required documents,
either directly to:
International Office
Charles Darwin University
Darwin NT 0909 AUSTRALIA
Or through a recognised Charles Darwin University
Postgraduate research
Casuarina campus 1 Contact the University at
profiles to identify a potential supervisor or research
group whose research interests/activities match your
Who is an international student? proposed research topic.
An international student is one who is not an Australian
2 In consultation with these staff, you should develop a
citizen, permanent resident, or a New Zealand citizen, and
research proposal.
is enrolled or proposes to enrol at an Australian institution.
Temporary residents of Australia and permanent residents of 3 Complete the International Student Application for
New Zealand are classified as international students. Research Studies from the back of this prospectus. The
application can also be downloaded from the website:
Student visas
All international students applying to study in Australia must applicationforms.html
have a student visa. Applications and processing of student 4 Attach all required documentation, including your
visas can take up to six months. An application fee applies research proposal outline and organise referee reports
for visas. For all visa enquiries and applications, please to be sent to the Research Office.
contact your local Australian Embassy, High Commission or
5 Submit your application with all required documents,
Diplomatic Mission:
directly to:
For more information about student visas, visit the
Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) website: International Office Charles Darwin University
Darwin NT 0909 AUSTRALIA
Other visas Or through a recognised Charles Darwin University
If you have been offered a program of study in the ACL representative.
How to apply
opportunity through an AusAid funded program The equipment used to do this DNA
to study for a masters degree in Australia. Due testing is very rare, and CDU is one of
to the success of my work in the project I was the few universities to have access to
encouraged to upgrade to a PhD. such equipment.
I initially started my studies in Melbourne, but At CDU I get fantastic support. My
when my supervisor took up a senior academic time studying at CDU has allowed
position at CDU, I was given the opportunity to me to not only gain a degree,
move to Darwin and complete my PhD studies. but also help my country.
OSHC Worldcare health insurance provides 24 hour $235 – $335* $280 – $315*
costs (including rent)
emergency assistance and advice and OSHC basic medical
*Tuition, visa costs, OSHC and airfares will be additional. Please remember
and hospital benefits. The OSHC Worldcare website contains
if you are bringing a spouse or family then weekly rent, food and utilities will
full information on 2008 prices, options, what is and what is increase with additional yearly expenses for services such as child care or
not covered by this form of insurance. school tuition fees. See relevant information in this section. ** Off campus rental accommodation is commonly unfurnished, therefore the
purchase or rental of furniture and appliances will be an additional expense.
*** Text books can be a considerable cost, which varies depending on
the course. This is normally an upfront cost at the beginning of each
semester. Second hand books may be available for purchase to help
reduce this expense.
Employment options
To be eligible to work in Australia, international students must
apply to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship
(DIAC) for the right to work after the commencement of their
studies. International students should not expect to cover the
costs of their tuition fees or living expenses from casual or
part-time employment.
Holders of a student visa with work rights are entitled to
work part-time up to 20 hours per week and full-time during
semester breaks. The Northern Territory offers excellent part-
time employment opportunities in the hospitality and retail
sectors. CDU offers an employment service to all students
which may assist in finding part-time work.
There are a variety of scholarship options for international
students. The information below relates to scholarships
provided by the Australian Government and other Australian
agencies. Other scholarship options may be available from
your home government, international organisations or other
funding bodies.
• Additional tuition support as recommended by DEST, the IPRS provides tuition fees and OSHC for
by academic staff scholarship holders and their dependants. Scholarships
are open to all international students and are available for
a period of two years for a research masters and three
2. Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) years for a PhD, with a possible extension where academic
CDU participates in the Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) to circumstances merit.
provide high-quality masters and doctorate degree programs
Applications for IPRS at CDU close on 30 September each
to current and future leaders from the Asia Pacific region.
year. Applicants must complete the CDU International
ALA scholarships cover tuition costs and a living allowance
Application for Research Studies and submit it together with
and are allocated on a competitive basis. Applications for the
all the required documentation and a research proposal. The
scholarships close on 31 July for study in the following year.
documents must arrive in the CDU International Office NO
Students must have an unconditional offer of a place at CDU
LATER THAN 30 SEPTEMBER for admission in the following
before applying for the scholarship.
year. There is no separate scholarship application form.
Note: The IPRS awards are extremely competitive.
In 2007 just two IPRS were awarded from approximately
40 applicants.
Refund policy students. Permanent resident status is recognized from the date
stamped on the student’s passport, not the date on which the
Charles Darwin University
application for status is made.
CRICOS Provider No. 00300K
6.2 If the Higher Education student has already paid the tuition fees
Fee refund policy for international students applying to international students for the semester, a total refund
Charles Darwin University adheres to the following fee refund policy based of these fees will be payable to the student less any agent fee
upon the policy formulated by the Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee. applying to the University if, in the first year of enrolment, the
This agreement does not remove the right to take further action under student has:
Australia’s consumer protection laws. (i) obtained permanent resident status by the census date for
Students who wish to apply for a refund may obtain a Refund Request that semester: and
Form from a student facilitator at the International desk in the Uni Info (ii) been enrolled as a Commonwealth Supported Student under
Shop or from any staff member in the International Office. Students the Higher Education Support Act 2003, or
who are not in Australia may apply for a refund by emailing the relevant
information to: [email protected] (iii) has made arrangements with the University to pay fees as a
domestic student.
1. Application fees – non-refundable
The application fee of AUD $100 (included in the tuition fee) is non- 6.3 If the Higher Education student obtains permanent resident status
refundable in all cases except in extenuating circumstances. after the census date in a semester, the student will be classified
as an international student for the remainder of that semester. The
2. Total refunds student will be liable to pay the tuition fees applying to international
2.1 In the event that an offer of a place is withdrawn, all compulsory students for that semester. From the following semester, the student
fees paid are fully refundable. Where an offer of place was made will be classified as a permanent resident and will be liable to
on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information supplied by the pay the student for a Commonwealth supported place or full fees
applicant/student, the University reserves the right to retain up to
applying to domestic students.
$600 of the tuition fee.
6.4 A Vocational Education and Training student who is granted
2.2 Refunds if the registered provider defaults cannot be covered by
permanent resident status in Australia will be entitled to a pro-
a written agreement between the provider and the student. Such
rata tuition fees refund from the date of becoming an Australian
situations are covered by the provisions of the ESOS Act 2000
and the ESOS Regulations 2001. Students must be advised of this permanent resident, minus a $100 processing fee if they have been
before making any payment to the provider. granted permanent residency during a course.
2.3 A student who fails to meet degree/diploma progression rules and 6.5 An ELICOS student who is granted permanent resident status in
who is thus not permitted to re-enrol will be eligible for a refund of Australia is not entitled to a refund as International and Domestic
fees if paid in advance of notification of exclusion. fees are the same.
2.4 A notice of withdrawal due to exceptional circumstances (see 7. Refunds due to exemptions
4 below) may be accepted as grounds for a total refund of No refund of tuition fees will be made where a student after paying tuition
compulsory fees paid. fees for the semester, applies for and is granted exemptions for units
within the program the student is enrolled in. Instead the fees will be
3. Partial refunds
credited towards the next semester’s tuition fees.
(Note: The guidelines for partial refunds apply equally to commencing
students and continuing students.) 8. Refunds due to change of course
3.1 Where a student, after accepting an offer of a place, gives a Refund of tuition fees will not be made where a student, after paying
minimum of four weeks written notice before the commencement of tuition fees for the semester, applies for and is granted approval to
the semester of an inability to undertake the course, all tuition fees change the program in which the student had been accepted. If the tuition
paid are refundable less an administrative fee of 15%, provided that fee for the new program is lower than the fees for the original program, the
the reasons for withdrawing are acceptable to the University. difference in fees will be credited towards the next semester’s tuition fees.
3.2 Where a student gives less than four weeks written notice before 9. Payment of refunds
the commencement of the semester of an inability to undertake 9.1 Where there is a written agreement between the University and the
the course, all tuition fees paid are refundable less 50% (including international student regarding the University’s fees refund policy,
an administrative fee of 15%) provided that the reasons for the terms of that agreement will apply to the payment of refunds.
withdrawing are acceptable to the University.
3.3 Where a student withdraws from a course within the first four 9.2 Where there is no such written agreement between the University
teaching weeks of a semester, all tuition fees paid are refundable and the international student, payment of refunds shall be made
less 50% (including an administrative fee of 15%.) as follows:
4. Grounds for refunds (i) Where the university defaults, within two weeks after the date
A notice of withdrawal due to exceptional circumstances may be of withdrawal of the offer of a place or notification that the
accepted as grounds for either a total or partial refund of fees, subject university is unable to provide the course: or
to the provision of acceptable documentary evidence in support of the (ii) Where the student defaults, within four weeks after receiving
application for a refund. Exceptional circumstances may include: a written claim from the student.
(i) inability to obtain a student visa: 9.3 Refunds will be reimbursed in the same currency as the fees were
(ii) illness or disability: originally paid and will be made in the student’s home country,
except in exceptional circumstances.
(iii) death of the student or a close family member (parent,
sibling, spouse or child): or 10. Transfer to another institution within Australia
(iv) political or civil event which prevents the student from If a student decides to transfer to, and has been accepted by, another
accepting an offer of place. institution within Australia after arrival in Darwin, or part way through the
5. No refunds course of study at Charles Darwin University, the tuition fees which have
Refund policy
A student who withdraws from a course, for whatever reason, after four been paid to the University by that student, less the relevant charges
teaching weeks shall not be eligible for a refund in any circumstance. referred to in Section 2 above, will be transferred to the new institution.
The money will not be refunded to the student.
6. Fees refund related to international students who obtain permanent
resident status in Australia 11. Appeals process related to fee refunds
6.1 An international Higher Education student who is granted If a student wishes to appeal the process relating to fees refunds,
permanent resident status in Australia will be given the option he/she should contact the Student and Corporate Services Division’s
of enrolling in a Commonwealth supported place, subject to Student Equity Officers, who will advise on the University’s dispute
place availability, or full fees paying place if available to domestic resolution processes.
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries (Fine Arts) $13,500 3 years March/July
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries (New Media Design) $13,500 3 years March/July
Certificate III in Financial Services (Accounts Clerical) $5,500* 0.5 year February
List of courses (By broad field of study) Fees per year (AUD) Duration Semester intake
Environmental Science
Health Sciences
Indigenous Studies
Information Technology
Certificate III in Tourism (Retail Travel Sales) $5,500* 0.5 year February/July
List of courses (By broad field of study) Fees per year (AUD) Duration Semester intake
Dual Degrees
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries $13,500 4 years March/July
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning / Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries $13,500 4 years March/July
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning / Bachelor of Applied Science $14,100 4 years March/July
Non Award
Postgraduate research
List of courses 2009 fees per year (AUD) Duration Semester intake
The tuition fees quoted in this prospectus are correct at time of publication. The University reviews tuition fees annually and any new annual fees will
apply to all students. Tuition fees are paid each semester in advance.
Taipei 4 00 0 k m
30 00 km
Bangkok 3150km
Tennant Creek
Alice Springs
A U S T R A L I A Brisbane
Artist: Jacinta Numina-Waugh
Title: Sand Goanna
Date: 2006
Medium: Etching on paper
Size: Image 24.5 x 16.5 cm; sheet 47 x 36 cm
Collaborator: Manni Redlich, Northern Editions at CDU
Printer: Jacinta Numina-Waugh, Northern Editions at CDU International Office
Artwork used on the back cover of this publication is by Jacinta Charles Darwin University
Numina-Waugh and was produced at Northern Editions printmaking
studio. Jacinta was born in 1965 and is an Anmatyerre artist from Ellengowan Drive
Stirling Station (or Mount Stirling, Utopia country) in the Central Desert Darwin NT 0909 Australia
region, north of Alice Springs. The sand goanna that Jacinta has
depicted is both an important totemic spirit as well as a significant
source of bush food for Indigenous Australians from this region. Phone: +61 8 8946 7215
Jacinta moved to Darwin in 1996 to study art and in 2003 she
Facsimile: +61 8 8946 6644
completed an Associate Degree in Art & Design at Charles Darwin Email: [email protected]
University (CDU), Darwin. Following her graduation, Jacinta undertook
a six month traineeship with Northern Editions and was appointed as Web:
an editioning printer in August 2004. Jacinta continues to combine
her artistic practice as a painter and printmaker with her full-time CRICOS Provider No. 00300K
position at Northern Editions.