New Patient Health Questionaire 2018

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Patient Health Questionnaire

Dear Patient,
Thank you for registering with The Pembridge Villas Surgery. Unfortunately it may be some time before your
previous records arrive at this practice. We would therefore be grateful if you could answer the following
questions. This will give us a better idea about your health, and help us to look after you. As part of your
registration we will offer to check your height, weight, blood pressure and urine for a routine test.

Date of registration: ……………………………………….

*Personal Details
First name: ..…………………….……..………….………… Surname/s ……………………….……………..………………………
Date of birth: …………………………………. Sex: male [ ] female [ ]
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………… Post code: ……………………………………………………….….
Telephone number: ………………………………........Mobile Number: ………………………………………
Occupation: ………………………………………….. Email ………………………………………………………………………………
Country of origin: …………………………………….. Ethnic origin: ……………………… (see ethnicity table)
Are you a refugee or are you seeking political asylum in the UK?: Yes[ ] No [ ]
Next of kin (Name): ……………………………………………………………Relationship: …………………………………………
Next of kin telephone number: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Nominated Gp (To be filled in by Reception. See more information on New patients leaflet) ………………

*Accessible Information:

Do you need help with mobility/hearing/speaking? (Tick all that apply) [ ] Yes [ ] no

[ ] Wheelchair [ ] Walking aid [ ] Hearing aid [ ] British sign language [ ] Makaton sign language

[ ] Lip reading [ ] Large print [ ] Braile [ ] Other. Please state: …………………………………………………

Do you require an interpreter? Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes, which language?: ……………………………………………..

*Medical History :

Do you suffer or have suffered from any of the following conditions, if yes since when?
Heart Disease Yes [ ] No [ ] Since:
Stroke Yes [ ] No [ ] Since:
Cancer Yes [ ] No [ ] Since:
Diabetes Yes [ ] No [ ] Since:
Asthma Yes [ ] No [ ] Since:
High blood pressure Yes [ ] No [ ] Since:
Epilepsy Yes [ ] No [ ] Since:
High Cholesterol Yes [ ] No [ ] Since:

*Please list any other serious illness, operations or accidents you had in the past (give dates when possible).
*Please list any medicines/tablets you are currently taking

*Eligibility criteria for LTBI Screening

Are you age 16-35 Yes [ ] No [ ]

Where you Born or spent > 6 months in High TB incidence country? Yes[ ] No[ ] If yes Country:…………
(If unsure please ask reception for list of Countries)
Have you come to this country in the last 5 years? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Have you been tested for Tuberculosis (TB) infection? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Have you had a BCG vaccine? Yes [ ] No [ ] Unknown [ ]
You may be eligible for a screening test and the nurse will discuss this further.

*Do you have any allergies? ………..Yes [ ] No [ ]

Please list..........................................................................................................................................................

Smoking status
Never smoked: [ ] Ex-smoker: [ ] Current Smoker: [ ]
If current smoker: year when you started: ……….. Average cigarettes per day: ……………
If ex-smoker: Year when you stopped: ……………. Average cigarettes per day: …………..

What regular exercise do you take?


*Family Medical History

Has a member of your immediate family (father, mother, siblings, and grandparents) had or suffered from
any of the following? If ‘Yes’, Please state relationship and condition.

Heart attack Yes [ ] No [ ]
Stroke Yes [ ] No [ ]
Cancer Yes [ ] No [ ]
Diabetes Yes [ ] No [ ]
High blood pressure Yes [ ] No [ ]
Other Yes [ ] No [ ]

*Chlamydia screening
I would like to do the test [ ]
I do not want to do the test [ ]
I need to speak to the nurse [ ]

*Female patients only

Have you ever had a cervical smear? Yes [ ] No [ ] If Yes When? ...........................................
Where? ................................................................
What was the Result? .................... ………...
Advised Recall time? ...................................
Have you had a hysterectomy? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Are you using any contraception? Yes [ ] No [ ] If Yes what method? ...........................................
Do you care for a vulnerable person (adult or child) Yes [ ] No [ ]
Contact number........................................................................................
Kensington and Chelsea recognise that informal carers provide an invaluable service.
In partnership with the RBKC they are keen to ensure that carers are provided with all available support and
information to assist them

*Alcohol Screening Questionnaire

Do you drink alcohol? Yes [ ] No [ ]
How many units a week? .........................................................................
(Wine: 125ml glass = 1.5 units, 175ml glass = 2.0 units; 250ml glass = 3units, pint of lower strength lager/beer/cider = 2 units; pint
of higher strength lager/beer/cider = 3 units; single small shot of spirit = 1 1unit)

Please tick the most relevant box for each question.

Alcohol Screening Score


0 1 2 3 4
1. How often do you
have a drink containing 2-3 2-3 4
alcohol? Never Monthly or less Times a month Times a Or more times a
Week week
2. How many drinks
containing alcohol do
you have on a typical day 1 or 2 3-4 5-6 7-8 10 or more
when you are drinking?

3. How often during the

last year have you found
that you were not able to Never Less than Monthly Weekly Daily or almost
stop drinking once you monthly daily
4. How often during the
last year have you failed
to do what was normally Never Less than Monthly Weekly Daily or almost
expected of you because monthly daily
of your drinking?
Has a relative of friend or
a doctor or other health
worker been concerned No Yes, but not in Yes during the
about your drinking or the past year last year
suggested you cut down?

If the total score is five or above it might be useful to discuss alcohol consumption further.
If you would like further information or have any questions around alcohol use please ask to speak to a Doctor or Nurse. If you
would like to calculate how many units of alcohol you have per week please go to

*All Patients
Patient records are held on computer as well as paper. GP's are responsible for the confidentiality of these
records. On occasions, we share information from the patient records with the local Health Authority,
Hospitals and other NHS/Partner organisations in the interests of patient care.
I agree to my records being held under the above terms and I certify that the information I have provided is
correct to the best of my knowledge.
Name: ……………………………………………………………………..

Signature: ………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………………….


Patient to complete:

Full Name



Tel Number

Email Address

Practice Guidance Yes/No

read and understood:

Patients signature ……………………………………………………

Date: …………………………………

Surgery use only:

Proof of ID given, e.g. Passport, Driving Yes/No

licence, membership card

Identify confirmed: Yes/No

Sharing your medical information

Your choices

Health professionals are trained to keep your records secure and to manage them responsibly and in confidence.
There are several models for sharing data which have all been put into place nationally and locally in different
years. Please see the Data Sharing Table which shows what information is shared and links below for more

Summary Care Records: and Care Data: SystmOne Enhanced Sharing Data Model:

Sharing your record benefits you because:

 You won’t need to repeat your medical history

 You avoid unnecessary appointments and tests
 Your health professional has the right information at the right time.

Patients have rights to dissent from sharing their data with other organisations.

Please circle your options and sign below to confirm:

Care Data: I do not consent I consent

SystmOne Enhanced Sharing Data Model: I do not consent I consent

Summary Care Record: I do not consent I consent

SCR additional information: If you wish to consent for additional information to be added to the SCR, coded
items and the supporting free text will be added. This will include:

• Significant medical history (past and present)

• Reason for medication
• Anticipatory care information (such as information about the management of long term conditions)
• End of life care information (from the SCCI1580 national dataset)
• Immunisations

The National Data Opt Out: For more information or to “Opt Out” please follow this link:

Full name:

DOB: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Signed on behalf:


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