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2, 2011, 115-131
Received: 13.11.2010
Accepted: 30.06.2011 EL-LA: THE IMPACT OF DEGRADED
A – Study Design
B – Data Collection
D – Data Interpretation
E – Manuscript Preparation
F – Literature Search
G – Funds Collection
Matthew A. Lambon Ralph1(A,C,D,E,F,G),
Karen Sage1(A,B,D,E,G), Cristina Green
Heredia2(B,E), Marcelo L. Berthier2(B,E),
Macarena Martínez-Cuitiño3(B,E),
Teresa Torralva3(B,E), Facundo Manes3(B,E),
Karalyn Patterson4(C,D,E,F)
1 Neuroscience and Aphasia Research Unit (NARU), School
of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, UK
2 Centro de Investigaciones Medico-Sanitarias (CIMES),

Universidad de Málaga, Spain

3 Favoloro University and Institute of Cognitive Neurology,

Buenos Aires, Argentina

4 Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University

of Cambridge, UK

Background Previous research on semantic dementia (SD) has demonstrated a link be-
tween conceptual representations and ability on a range of ‘non-semantic’
tasks, both verbal and nonverbal. In all cases, SD patients perform well on
items that conform to the underlying statistical ‘surface’ structure of the do-
main in question but poor performance on items that are atypical with re-
spect to these statistics. For such items, there is a strong tendency for the
patients’ erroneous responses to reflect the more typical pattern.
Material/ To date, most research on this topic has been conducted with English-
Methods: speaking patients, and where extended to non-English languages, directly
comparable aspects of each language have been probed. In this study we
tested the generalisation of this theory by probing performance on an as-
pect of Spanish with no analogue in English (grammatical gender).
Results: As predicted, Spanish SD patients provided the correct gender to high fre-
quency words or where the phonology of the noun strongly predicted the gen-
der. For low frequency, atypical nouns, however, the patients made many
more errors (preferring the statistically typical gender). As expected, perform-
ance on nouns with atypical grammatical gender was strongly correlated with
the degree of semantic impairment across the case-series of SD patients.
Conclusions: The results not only provide another example of the critical relationship between
semantic memory and ‘non-semantic’ cognition, but also indicate that this the-
oretical framework generalises to novel aspects of non-English languages
– suggesting that the phenomenon is based on brain-general mechanisms.

Key words: semantic dementia; semantic memory; language; grammatical

knowledge; quasi-regular domain

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

Many aspects of both linguistic and non-linguistic ability which do not, on the
face of it, require access to semantic knowledge are adversely affected when se-
mantic memory deteriorates. This phenomenon, or rather set of phenomena, has
mainly been demonstrated in the degenerative brain condition known as semantic
dementia (SD), in which anterior, inferior temporal lobe atrophy produces a rela-
tively selective degradation of semantic memory or conceptual knowledge
(Hodges et al., 2010; Hodges & Patterson, 2007; Snowden et al., 1989). Of
course, SD patients perform poorly on cognitive tasks which do obviously depend
on conceptual knowledge, such as understanding or defining words or naming
objects; any theoretical position on the role of conceptual knowledge would pre-
dict and account for such transparent semantic deficits. The impact of SD on less-
obviously semantic abilities, however, is predicted by only a subset of theories,
mainly those in which ‘surface’-level representations necessarily interact with the
semantic system when the human brain is processing stimuli and producing re-
sponses. Parallel-distributed processing or connectionist models, like those de-
veloped by Plaut et al. (1996, 2002) and Rogers et al. (2004), are examples of
such theories. Figure 1 presents a general representation of this kind of model,
often referred to as a ‘triangle’ model (Patterson & Lambon Ralph, 1999).
What sorts of abilities do we mean when we speak of non-semantic or less-
obviously semantic tasks which have been shown to suffer in SD? Although evi-
dence for these is by no means restricted either to verbal tasks or to English-
speaking patients, that combination does cover most demonstrations of this phe-
nomenon, and we shall therefore summarise them first. In the verbal domain,
English SD patients are impaired at
(1) reading written words aloud (Patterson & Hodges, 1992; Snowden
et al., 1989; Woollams et al., 2007);
(2) spelling words dictated to them (Graham et al., 2000);

Fig. 1. A generic framework for the interaction of semantic representations with domain-specific

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

(3) generating the past tense form of a verb when given the verb’s stem
or present tense (Cortese et al., 2006; Patterson et al., 2001);
(4) deciding which of two written words is the real one in a two-alternative
forced choice version of lexical decision, e.g. fruit vs. froot (Rogers
et al., 2004a).
There are several vital things to note about this set of phenomena. First, all of
the tasks involve domains that can be called quasi-regular, in which the stimuli
(or the relationship between stimuli and responses) mainly follow a typical pattern
but admit exceptions (Plaut et al., 1996). For example, most English verbs form
the past tense by adding –ed, whereas a small but not negligible percentage have
atypical past-tense forms (e.g., buy-bought). Secondly, SD patients demonstrate
deficits on these tasks, which are all characterised by a familiarity-by-typicality
interaction. If the stimulus materials are designed in a 2×2 manner, crossing fre-
quency or familiarity (high or low) of each exemplar with typicality of that exemplar
in its domain (high or low), the patients score well in every task when both vari-
ables are high; at a moderately impaired level when one variable is high and the
other low; and very poorly when both are low. SD is a degenerative condition and
success at all of these tasks unsurprisingly declines with disease progression;
but as long as a patient is able to perform the task at all, scores usually display
this familiarity-by-typicality interaction. Finally, what makes an exemplar typical
or atypical in its domain is domain-specific. In the case of reading aloud, the di-
mension on which typicality varies is the relationship between spelling and pro-
nunciation, measured by the proportion of words with similar spelling patterns
that have similar vs. discrepant pronunciation. In English, for example, this rela-
tionship is typical for a word like few, because the pronunciation of few rhymes
with almost all of its orthographic neighbours such as new, pew, stew, chew, etc.
One member of this –ew family, however, has an atypical spelling-sound corre-
spondence: sew rhymes with go, not with new. In the case of lexical decision, it
is orthographic typicality that matters, measured by bigram and trigram frequen-
cies. Here, sew is typical but fruit is not. And sew, which is a verb, also takes
a typical –ed past tense. Despite this non-uniformity across domains for classi-
fying a stimulus as typical or atypical, the results of the various tests with SD pa-
tients are highly uniform: scores are significantly worse on the items that are
atypical in that domain, especially those of lower familiarity.
In brief, the account of this pattern offered by the connectionist, triangle models
(Plaut et al., 1996; Rogers et al., 2004; Woollams et al., 2007; Woollams et al.,
2009) is that (a) item-specific semantic representations are activated whenever
people perceive meaningful words or objects and are asked to respond to them;
but (b) a lifetime of experience with each of these domains gives rise to implicit
knowledge of its typicality structure, which prompts or facilitates responses typical
for the domain. Atypical responses require an extra boost to rescue them from
the gang of typical items and enable the correct item-specific responses (e.g.,
buy→bought, not buy→buyed). According to this theoretical framework, that extra
boost comes from activation input to the domain from item-specific knowledge of

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

the item’s meaning. In SD, typical responses come to dominate because there is
a reduction of this additional input due to deterioration of the underlying meaning.
Even for a semantically-impaired patient, these responses will of course be cor-
rect when the stimulus is typical; so the patients will correctly read a word like
few and correctly inflect a regular verb like talk. Responses guided solely by typ-
icality will, on the other hand, be wrong for an atypical stimulus like sew for read-
ing aloud or buy for past-tense inflection. That is, the response will be wrong
unless the stimulus is so familiar that its meaning is somewhat more resistant to
semantic deterioration. All of this results in the frequency-by-typicality interaction
that describes performance by SD patients.
Semantic memory, of course, is not just for language but operates in a vast
array of non-verbal domains. If this is a theory about the interaction of surface
representations with conceptual knowledge, then we would expect to observe
the same familiarity-by-typicality interaction in non-verbal tasks that likewise do
not obviously require semantic knowledge. This is the case. For example, SD pa-
tients are poor at deciding which of two drawings of an object is the real one (e.g.,
a camel with or without the hump: Rogers et al., 2004) and at reproducing a draw-
ing of an object ~10 seconds after it has been withdrawn from view, even though
they have no difficulty copying it when it is present (Bozeat et al., 2003; Lambon
Ralph & Howard, 2000). Once again, the basis for classifying items on the typi-
cality dimension is domain specific. In these two picture-based tasks of object
decision and delayed drawing, a camel is atypical (because no other animals
have that hump), although the word camel has quite a typical orthographic pattern
and a typical relationship to its pronunciation. In other words, SD patients usually
respond correctly to camel when asked to read the word aloud because its pro-
nunciation is predictable from its orthography. They no longer know what a camel
is, however, only that it is some sort of animal. Therefore, when presented with
two pictures (a real humped camel and a non-real, doctored, humpless camel),
they are prone to choose the unreal but more typical humpless drawing (Patter-
son et al., 2006; Rogers et al., 2004) and, when asked to produce a delayed copy
of a picture of a camel, frequently omit the hump (Patterson & Erzinclioglu, 2008).
Not only does the theory predict the pattern of performance for English SD
patients in non-verbal as well as verbal tasks, it also predicts the same pattern in
SD patients from any language or culture. Although the majority of published stud-
ies are of English-speaking patients, there are some pertinent studies in other
languages. For example, Japanese kanji words constitute another quasi-regular
domain with respect to the relationship between orthography and phonology. As
predicted, reading aloud of kanji words by Japanese SD patients reveals precisely
the same frequency-by-typicality interaction as observed in their English counter-
parts (Fushimi et al., 2009). The general applicability of this principle would, how-
ever, be even more compellingly supported if one could demonstrate it in another
language containing a feature that does not exist in English, which brings us to
grammatical gender in Spanish: a prime example of a quasi-regular domain.

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

English nouns lack gender, but nouns in Spanish – like many other European
languages (French, Italian) – must be either masculine or feminine. As the title of
this paper mentions rather obliquely, a Spanish noun requires el if it is masculine
and la if it is feminine. With the exception of nouns that have ‘natural’ gender
(e.g., la monja ‘nun’), there is no semantic basis for a noun’s gender. The domain
is nonetheless quasi-regular because the correct gender is, in most cases, strong-
ly predicted by the phoneme (or sometimes combination of a few phonemes) at
the end of the word. For example, virtually all nouns ending in the sound /o/ take
masculine gender and the great majority of those ending in /a/ are feminine. Table
2, in the Methods section, shows the statistics for this domain (derived from LEX-
ESP – Léxico informatizado del Español, Sebastián et al., 2000), where it can be
seen that most endings (such as -o, -a, -r, -d) have a very high probability of being
one or the other gender, though a few (such as -e, -s and -z) exhibit a somewhat
weaker bias. This is precisely the sort of domain and ‘non’-semantic task for which
our theoretical framework makes a strong prediction regarding the performance
of SD patients. A Spanish speaker implicitly learns an approximation of the statistical
distributions relating word endings to noun gender. If given a new (nonce) noun
without the gender being specified, such a speaker will certainly assign the mascu-
line article if the new word ends in –o and the feminine article if it ends in –a (Heim,
2008). It should be noted, perhaps, that there were etymological influences on the
gender assignment (e.g., scientific terms ending in –a, derived from Greek, often
take the masculine gender) but these historical facts are not commonly known by
everyday Spanish speakers. Although, as we have already stated, grammatical
gender has no semantic basis, the theory nevertheless states that semantic knowl-
edge can provide an additional source of activation in order to retrieve the correct
gender and that this will be critical in cases where the noun’s phonology would mis-
predict its gender. It follows, then, that as semantic knowledge declines in SD,
thereby diminishing the additional activation of word-specific information, processing
of nouns in a task of gender assignment will come to depend more and more on
distributional knowledge. Spanish SD patients’ performance in such a task should,
therefore, be characterised by a frequency-by-typicality interaction.

Six native Spanish-speaking patients were recruited to this study: two from
Malaga (Spain) and four from Buenos Aires (Argentina). All six presented with
the stereotypical neuropsychological and neuroimaging features of semantic de-
mentia (Gorno-Tempini et al., in press; Hodges et al., 1992). All had a history of
progressive deterioration of expressive and receptive vocabulary and a selective
semantic impairment in the context of relative preservation of other aspects of
cognition and memory. Neuroimaging confirmed the typical pattern of atrophy fo-
cussed on the anterior, inferolateral temporal lobes.

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

Basic demographic data and neuropsychological test results are shown in

Table 1. The patients in the Table and subsequent Figures are ordered by the
severity of their semantic impairment, as measured by the word-picture matching
test. The background neuropsychological results mirror the typical pattern for se-
mantic dementia. On the test of general executive function, Raven’s Coloured
Progressive Matrices (Raven, 1962), the patients performed well, although RM’s

Tab. 1. Background demographic and neuropsychological data

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

score was a little weak. Their ability to copy the complex Rey figure was also
generally good, indicating preserved visuospatial and construction/planning skills.
In contrast, the patients demonstrated multimodal semantic impairments, as
measured by a Spanish translation (Green Heredia et al., 2009) of the Cambridge
64-item semantic battery (Adlam et al., 2010; Bozeat et al., 2000). As expected,
all patients exhibited moderate to severe anomia (on the fluency tasks and con-
frontational naming test), reduced word-picture matching performance and poor
ability on both the verbal and nonverbal versions of the Camel and Cactus se-
mantic association judgement test. Given our aim to relate the degree of semantic
impairment to performance on the new grammatical gender judgement test, it is
important to note that these six SD patients covered a wide range of semantic
impairment, with RM and MB at the milder end and CUB at the more severe end.

Materials and procedure

Psycholinguistic analysis of the relationship between grammatical

gender and phonology
As noted in the Introduction, our previous explorations of and theory about the
relationship between semantic representation and domain-specific processing
(verbal or nonverbal) is based on the following premises: (a) that there is a direct
input → output translation, the efficiency/performance of which is governed by
the statistics of the domain as well as item familiarity; (b) that all meaningful stim-
uli automatically activate associated conceptual knowledge; (c) that this additional
semantic input to the computation of a response is critical when the correct re-
sponse is atypical with respect to the domain-specific statistics, especially for
less familiar items; and (d) that when semantic support is reduced – as it is in se-
mantic dementia – then patients will not only make errors on these atypical items
but will render them more typical. As a result, whenever a new domain is consid-
ered in these terms, the essential first step is to quantify the underlying statistical
structure of that domain. Once these statistics are available, the aim is always
the same: to manipulate domain-specific typicality/consistency and item fre-
quency/familiarity, with the prediction that SD patients’ performance should be
especially poor for the low frequency, atypical/inconsistent items.
A consideration of the relationship between semantics and Spanish grammat-
ical gender, therefore, required us to assess the nature and strength of the asso-
ciation between the phonological offset of nouns and their grammatical gender.
We achieved this via a psycholinguistic analysis of the LEXESP Spanish data-
base (LEXESP - Léxico informatizado del español, Sebastián et al., 2000). This
database contains 5 million words from various written sources (including narra-
tives, scientific papers, essays, press, seminars, sporting press, etc.) and so pro-
vides a rich source of word types and a good estimate of their frequency of
occurrence. From this database we selected only the nouns (around 20,000
types). Like any other large lexical corpus, the coverage of the database is consid-
erable, and so it contains many unusual and archaic words which are unfamiliar to

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

Table 2. The distribution of grammatical gender across different word endings

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

Table 3. Item psycholinguistic properties of the test materials

the majority of the population. Accordingly, we set a minimum token frequency of

one per million, leaving us with a set of 10,014 nouns to analyse. These were di-
vided into word-ending categories and the ratio of feminine to masculine gender
was computed for each category. The results are summarised in Table 2.
Various features of these results are important for the current study. First, un-
like some other verbal domains, such as English reading and past tense, there
is no strong bias in the language overall: across the whole set of Spanish nouns,
the two genders occur in almost equal proportions, though (as in so many aspects
of life) masculine slightly dominates: 52.2% M, 47.8% F. Second, the majority of
noun endings are characterised by a strong bias in favour of one gender. In most
cases, the ratio is greater than 80%:20% and the three endings with a lower bias
only account for 182 of the 10,014 nouns. Third, for most noun endings, there
are items that take the opposite gender to that predicted by the ending – i.e., their
grammatical gender is atypical. These atypical items (and a set of matched typical
nouns) formed the basis of our test materials.

Test materials
We selected items from the 10,014 noun corpus in order to manipulate word
frequency and gender typicality orthogonally. We included only nouns which had
at least 100 exemplars of that ending in the corpus, namely from the top 10 rows
in Table 2, so as to avoid endings where the language user has less experience.
Within these ending types, we selected quartets of nouns, each quartet consisting
of one high frequency noun with typical gender, one high frequency noun with
atypical gender, one low frequency item with typical gender and one low fre-
quency noun with atypical gender. Within each quartet, all four words were matched
for syllable and phoneme length, and the typical- and atypical-gender nouns were
matched for frequency. Sixty quartets of this form were selected (i.e., a total of 240
test items). We attempted to manipulate frequency as much as possible such that
the high frequency items had to be above 50 per million (and on average were
around 300 per million) and the low frequency below 45 per million (and on average
were 11 per million). A summary of the psycholinguistic properties of the selected
items is shown in Table 3. We checked and confirmed that the gender assignment
for these selected nouns was the same in Spain and Argentina.

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

Test procedure
The task requirements were first introduced to each patient with reference to
a non-language, card-sorting task and then by using a practice set of nouns
(N=72). In the practice and main assessment, each noun was presented in written
form to the patient and also read aloud by the examiner. For each item, the patient
was asked whether the item took the masculine (el) or feminine (la) definite arti-
cle. If the patients were uncertain about any items, we asked them to indicate
which article they thought was most likely to be correct.

The average performance of the SD group on the lexical gender judgement
task is shown in Figure 2a. As predicted, the patients demonstrated a classic fre-
quency × typicality interaction, with poorest performance for the low frequency,
atypical items (mean=64% correct; 95% confidence interval for the mean: 48%-
80%; chance = 50%). The individual patient results for the test are displayed in
Figure 2b. As can be seen, whilst overall levels of performance varied (in line
with the patients’ semantic severity, see below), each patient demonstrated a fre-
quency × typicality pattern. In fact, the group were consistent enough that, even
with only six cases, the ANOVA yielded not only main effects of frequency and
typicality [F(1,5)=15.9, p=0.01; F(1,5)=8.4, p=0.03, respectively] but also a sig-
nificant interaction [F(1,5)=8.3, p=0.04]. These individual data are also interesting
in one additional aspect: as semantic severity increased, performance on the
low-frequency atypical items not only dropped to chance level but, in the most

Fig. 2a. Group average performance

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

Fig. 2b. Individual patient results

Fig. 3. Relationship between semantic severity and lexical gender accuracy

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

severe case, fell well below chance. This pattern has been observed before, in
two-alternative forced choice lexical decision by English SD patients at more se-
vere levels of semantic decline (Rogers et al., 2004). Importantly, on these forced-
choice tasks, below chance performance indicates that the participant’s responses
are actively biased towards the domain-specific statistical tendency and away
from the word-specific knowledge.
A third key hypothesis was supported by the data from this study. Figure 3
shows the relationship between semantic severity (as measured by word-picture
matching success; see Table 1) and gender decision accuracy for the atypical
vs. typical items (collapsed across frequency). As found previously in studies of
English domains such as reading words aloud (Woollams et al., 2007), there was
a principled increase in the correlation between semantic severity and word type
in the expected order (HF-typical – Spearman’s r = 0.70, p = 0.12; LF-typical –
r = 0.71, p = 0.11; HF-atypical – r = 0.9, p=0.01; LF-atypical – r = 0.94, p = 0.004).
In order to explore this further, we fitted linear regressions to the results for the
typical and atypical items (collapsed across frequency; see Figure 3). As ex-
pected, this revealed a strong relationship between semantic severity and per-
formance on the atypical items (B=0.1; 95% confidence interval: 0.007 to 0.016)
and a much weaker, minimal relationship for the typical items (B=0.003; confi-
dence interval: 0.002 to 0.005; note that the confidence intervals for the two re-
gression lines do not overlap).
To sum up the results, it should be mentioned that, although we have not pro-
vided comparable data for a matched group of healthy controls, our test was ad-
ministered informally to a number of native Spanish-speaking participants with
no known neurological abnormality, and their performance was essentially at ceil-
ing in all four conditions. As in any other language requiring grammatical gender,
it seems that knowledge of correct gender is well- or even over-learned by Span-
ish speakers, even though they generally cannot explain why a particular noun
has a particular gender or how they know what it is.

The results of the gender-assignment task in six Spanish SD patients reveal
a clear fit to the predictions of the ‘triangle’ model (Figure 1). The pattern obtained
corresponds precisely to that observed for all the other ‘non-semantic’ abilities
involving quasi-regular domains on which SD patients have been assessed: that
is, the Spanish SD patients’ success in assigning grammatical gender to Spanish
nouns followed a frequency-by-typicality interaction, with poorest performance
on low-frequency nouns with gender that is atypical for their endings. Further,
this pattern became more pronounced as a function of the individual patients’
severity of semantic deficit, as measured by a completely unrelated test of word-
picture matching. For the most severe patient, the score in the low-frequency
atypical condition was well below chance, indicating an actual preference for the
incorrect but more typical grammatical gender.

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

SD patients do not have phonological deficits (Jefferies et al., 2005). Their re-
ceptive and expressive vocabulary is markedly and progressively restricted to
higher-frequency words (Bird et al., 2000), but – at least at the single-word level
– they have no trouble processing phonological patterns, either as input or output
(Hodges et al., 2008; Meteyard & Patterson, 2009). Their deficit instead centres on
meaning. The patients in this study would not have known the meanings of many
of the nouns for which they were asked to select the correct gender. Their behaviour,
however, does not reflect a random selection between the two choices in Spanish
grammatical gender, el and la. On the contrary: all of the patients, even the most
impaired (CUB), had much better than chance performance so long as the correct
choice for the target was also the more typical choice for its ending. This was es-
pecially true for the higher-frequency nouns (group mean = 95% correct), but even
the lower-frequency nouns with typical gender received an average of 88% correct
responses. High-frequency stimuli with an atypical gender mainly avoided the ‘pull’
of typicality and averaged 84% correct responses. Low-frequency atypical words,
on the other hand, produced only 64% correct responses.
All theoretical positions regarding knowledge of grammatical gender in lan-
guages like Spanish and Italian apparently agree that speakers must have two
types of information regarding the gender of a noun: the statistically likely gender,
determined by the word’s phonological ending, and the correct gender, deter-
mined by the whole specific word (e.g., Heim, 2008). As indicated in Table 2, the
majority of endings on Spanish nouns are strongly associated with one or the
other gender, which means that the statistically most probable and the correct
gender are usually one and the same; but of the ten most common endings, with
type counts over 100 in the corpus from which our stimulus items were selected,
all permit exceptions. The results of our study establish that patients with seman-
tic dementia have well preserved (though not perfect) knowledge of the statistical
regularities of the gender distribution. Their knowledge of word-specific gender,
however, is disrupted in a fashion that is sensitive to both word frequency and
the patient’s degree of semantic deterioration.
As usual in cognitive science/neuroscience, there is debate regarding the pre-
cise nature of both types of information concerning grammatical gender, as well
as whether these constitute two completely different and independent routes (see
for example Gollan & Frost, 2001; Heim, 2008). From the perspective of tradi-
tional two-stage models of lexical retrieval (e.g. Dell & O’Seaghdha, 1992; Garrett,
1982; Levelt, 1989), one of the debates is whether the word-specific knowledge
of a noun’s gender is represented at the lemma or the lexeme level. In these mod-
els, the lemma level is posited as the interface between a semantic representation,
which does not have a linguistic form, and a lexical representation, which takes
a very specific linguistic form: phonology in the case of spoken words. Because the
primary deficit in SD is semantic rather than lexical, our results might seem to argue
for a lemma-level of representation of word-specific gender knowledge. We would
not, however, draw this conclusion nor indeed its opposite, choosing instead to hide
behind the words of an early 20th-century government minister in India: when he

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

was asked a difficult question in Parliament, he apparently used to answer, ‘That

question is not cast in the mode of my thinking’. This is true for us where lemmas
and lexemes are concerned. We will settle for the more evidence-driven conclusion
clearly supported by the results of this study, which is as follows:
Knowledge of word meaning is undeniably vital in speech production. Except
for words carrying natural gender (such as la monja ‘nun’), the grammatical gen-
der of a noun is not one of its semantic features. Nevertheless, when semantic
knowledge deteriorates, as it does in SD, one of the ‘downstream’ victims is the
word-specific knowledge that supports correct production of grammatical gender.
When this type of knowledge is removed from the equation, the result is a necessary
over-reliance on the other type of gender knowledge: statistical regularities.
There are, of course, a number of neuropsychological studies concerning
grammatical gender in the literature, mostly of Italian patients. Several of these
studies suggest that a version of the pattern obtained here – over-reliance on
statistical typicalities for gender assignment – can arise from a very different sort
of impairment: agrammatism in post-stroke aphasia (Luzzatti & De Bleser, 1996;
Mondini, Luzzatti & Semenza, 1999). There is a very different clinical profile, how-
ever, that seems most pertinent here. This was observed in a single-case study
of an Italian patient, labelled ‘Dante’ by the researchers who studied him
(Badecker et al., 1995; Sartori et al., 1993), who had a probable aetiology of me-
ningoencephalitis. CT scanning (1990) revealed hypodensity in fronto-temporo-
parietal regions. At the time of the investigations of the patient’s knowledge of
grammatical gender (by Badecker et al., 1995), which was two years post onset,
Dante’s main cognitive deficits were amnesia and anomia, the latter in both spoken
and written object naming. His semantic memory was assessed as unimpaired.
The most important characteristic of Dante’s anomia was that, when he failed to
produce a target word, he apparently had no knowledge about its phonological form.
Not only was he unable to produce any such information spontaneously when
queried, he was also at chance on a number of two-alternative forced choice tasks
regarding the target item’s length, first letter, last letter or a rhyming word. Despite
this apparently complete absence of information regarding the target word’s surface
form, Dante was consistently near perfect (95-98% correct) in choosing between
masculine and feminine gender for nouns that he was unable to retrieve in tests of
picture naming and/or sentence completion. In all of these studies, the stimulus ma-
terials contained a small but significant proportion of Italian nouns with atypical gen-
der (such as il problema ‘problem’; as in Spanish, Italian nouns ending in –a are
typically feminine). Dante was equally successful in identifying the correct gender
of typical and atypical nouns whose surface forms he could not activate. Vigliocco
et al. (1997) adopted a similar style of investigation of this issue by analysing knowl-
edge of noun gender and phonological characteristics of target words for which nor-
mal Italian speakers were in a tip-of-the-tongue state. Although correct gender
assignment for such unretrievable TOT (tip-of-the-tongue) words by the normal
speakers in this study was not quite as high as by Dante, it was very good (84%
correct over all) and equally good for nouns with typical and atypical gender.

Lambon Ralph et al., Degraded semantic representations and grammatical knowledge

The success of Dante, and to some extent of normal speakers, in knowing the
gender of a word that they cannot produce stands in stark contrast to the pattern
established here for Spanish SD patients. For Dante, knowing the word’s phono-
logical form was unnecessary for assigning its correct gender, typical or other-
wise. For SD patients, knowing the word’s phonological form (because we gave
it to them) was inadequate for assigning its correct gender when that gender was
atypical. Dante apparently had no deficit of the semantic system, which is the
very cognitive system that is impaired in SD. Whether one’s theoretical bent runs
to lemmas or not, this contrast seems to establish that activation derived from a
word’s meaning – either directly to phonology or via a lemma level – is what pro-
vides knowledge of word-specific gender.

The results not only provide another example of the critical relationship be-
tween semantic memory and ‘non-semantic’ cognition, but also indicate that this
theoretical framework generalises to novel aspects of non-English languages –
suggesting that the phenomenon is based on brain-general mechanisms.

This work was supported by a Royal Society Travel Fellowship awarded to K.
Sage. We are grateful to Dr. Tomás Ojea from the Hospital Carlos Haya, Málaga
for referring CUB and FMPV to us, and to Dr. José Antonio Adrián for insightful
discussions about the test stimuli.

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Address for correspondence:

Prof. M.A. Lambon Ralph
Neuroscience and Aphasia Research Unit (NARU),
School of Psychological Sciences, Zochonis Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL UK
email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 0161 275 2551; Fax: +44 0161 275 2873


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