ISGF Report Energy Storage System RoadmapforIndia 2019to2032 11july2019 Draft
ISGF Report Energy Storage System RoadmapforIndia 2019to2032 11july2019 Draft
ISGF Report Energy Storage System RoadmapforIndia 2019to2032 11july2019 Draft
Preface vii
Authors & Acknowledgement viii
Abbreviations ix
2 ESS Technologies 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Description of Storage Technologies 14
2.3 Key Players and Technologies 19
2.4 Need for Energy Storage in India 23
2.5 ESS Applications 24
2.5.1 EV Adoption 25
2.5.2 Peak Shaving 26
2.5.3 Ancillary Services 26
2.5.4 Transmission and Distribution Grid Deferral 27
7 Energy Storage Roadmap for India – 2019, 2022, 2027 and 2032 67
7.1 Energy Storage for VRE Integration on MV/LV Grid 68
7.1.1 ESS Requirement for 40 GW RTPV Integration by 2022 68
7.2 Energy Storage for EHV Grid 83
7.3 Energy Storage for e-Mobility 83
7.4 Energy Storage for Telecom Towers 84
7.5 Energy Storage for Data centers, UPS and Inverters 84
7.6 Energy Storage for DG Set Replacement 85
7.7 Energy Storage for other > 1MW Applications 86
7.8 Consolidated Energy Storage Roadmap 86
List of Tables
Table 1: RE Capacity region wise and total Target for 2022 (MW) 6
Table 2: Regulations for RTPV connection in India 7
Table 3: Energy Storage Projects in India (2017 - 2019) 14
Table 4: Performance Characteristics of Energy Storage Technologies 22
Table 5: Summary of PQ results found during load flow studies 32
Table 6: List of DISCOMs that participated in the study 37
Table 7: Different Monetizable and Non-Monetizable Benefits 57
Table 8: Assumptions Table for Analysing Feeder and DT Level Data 59
Table 9: Summary of Different Level Analysis 60
Table 10: Consumer Level Results 65
Table 11: Split of Distribution Network and Solar PV Penetration into Different Categories 69
Table 12: 40 GW Rooftop Target Split for Different Types of States 69
Table 13: Energy Storage Estimations for MV/LV Grid 82
Table 14: Energy Storage e-Mobility Applications (IESA Estimates) 83
Table 15: Energy Storage e-Mobility Applications (IESA Estimates) 83
Table 16: Energy Storage Telecom Applications (IESA Estimates) 84
Table 17: Energy Storage for Data Centres, UPS and Inverters Applications (IESA Estimates) 85
Table 18: Energy Storage DG Applications (IESA Estimates) 85
Table 19: Energy Storage Miscellaneous Applications (Railways, Rural Electrification,
and HVAC application) 86
Table 20: Consolidated Energy Storage Roadmap 86
Table 21: Components of Benefits of Energy Storage 88
Table 22: Savings on PF penalty 90
BU : Billion Unit
DG : Diesel Generator
DR : Demand Response
DT : Distributed Transformer
GW : Gigawatt
HT : High Tension
kW : Kilowatt
kWh : Kilowatt–Hour
LA : Lead Acid
LT : Low Tension
LV : Low Voltage
MV : Medium Voltage
MW : Megawatt
MWh : Megawatt-Hour
PF : Power Factor
PQ : Power Quality
RE : Renewable Energy
UT : Union Territory
Note: Peak Load and Annual Energy large solar parks. Similarly, for 2027 and 2032,
Requirements are taken from CEA Estimates the ratio of RTPV were taken in accordance with
(18th Electric Power Survey). In congruence the 2022 targets constituting of 40% RTPV of the
with the RE target of 175 GW by 2022, the total solar installed capacity. All the values for
calculations were done on the basis of 100 GW 2027 and 2032 have been forecasted using the
Solar, out of which 40 GW is RTPV, 20 GW is best available data in public domain.
medium size installations and 40 GW is from
This report's intended audiences are investors, Chapter 5 presents the Energy Storage India
developers, utility planners, policy makers in Tool (ESIT) developed as a part of this project.
the power industry and others who want to The basic function of this tool is to take network
know the significant role that energy storage is load data and optimize the energy storage
likely to play in the future's smart grid. capacity. This tool is capable of conducting cost
benefit analysis for different ESS technologies
Chapter 1 provides the background of energy for different grid applications. The value streams
storage purpose, scope and approach of study. captured by ESIT include both monetizable
benefits and non-monetizable benefits.
Chapter 2 introduces the various types of
energy storage technologies such as mechanical, Chapter 6 deals with energy storage projects
electrochemical, thermal and electrical etc. In cost-benefit analysis. The tool outlined in
addition, some case studies – the ongoing large- chapter 5 has the ability to comprehend the
scale energy storage projects in India are covered. techno-commercial advantages of using a
storage at a specific place through various cost
Chapter 3 presents the study of integration advantages, it can make use of the network at a
of 40 GW of RTPV which will be connected specific stage. The instrument does not analyse
to the distribution grid (MV/LV) and its voltage drop, voltage fluctuations and many
stabilization and optimization requirements. such parameters of load flow.
The characteristics of renewable energy that
require energy storage as the penetration of Chapter 7 presents the estimated ESS
renewable energy rises are described. Other requirements in India for the periods 2019-22,
than the obvious concerns related to mismatch 2022-27 and 2027-32 for different applications.
of renewable energy production compared The roadmap has been prepared using separate
to load, there are issues related to lower grid projections for different ESS applications: RTPV
inertia and lower spinning reserves during Integration on MV/LV Grid, EHV Grid, e-Mobility,
times of high renewable energy production. Telecom Towers, Data Centres, UPS and Inverters,
Energy storage is a solution for addressing these DG Replacement and other > 1 MW applications.
Chapter 8 covers the policy support required for
Chapter 4 is discussing about the observations energy storage projects. Best practices for policy
and results of the load flow studies done on including setting tariff for each of the services
MV/LV distribution networks in six states in provided by energy storage, incorporating energy
India. The issues and impact of RTPV faced storage in an energy master plan, incentivizing
by utilities pan-India varies according to their development of energy storage and distributed
geographical locations and MV/LV network renewable energy, and support for pilot projects.
1.1 Purpose of the Study and needed actions to realize the full benefits
of energy storage to help in accelerating the
At COP 21 in Paris in 2015, India made a deployment of renewable energy technologies.
commitment of meeting 40% of its electricity The scope of this study for ESS Roadmap is
generation from non-fossil fuels by 2030. presented below:
This bold commitment requires a host of new
technologies. The 175 GW of renewable energy As an outcome of this detailed study we have
target by 2022 needs to be augmented with prepared an Energy Storage Systems (ESS)
much larger capacity as well as new policies and Roadmap for India for the period 2019-2032 that
programs towards low carbon development will help policy makers and utilities in decision
in the power and transport sectors. The making related to investments in energy storage
integration of distributed generation resources for integration of renewable energy leading to
on the low voltage grid require the support of a reliable and low carbon grid in India. India
active demand response and energy storage is poised to increase its wind and solar power
systems to maintain grid stability. In a fast- generation to 160 GW by 2022 and plan to
changing technological environment, it is expand this further so that the non-fossil-
important to have a clear vision of priorities based energy consumption will account for
02 04 06
Table 1:
RE Capacity region wise and total Target for 2022 (MW)
If the target of 175 GW by 2022 is achieved, it green energy producers in the world, even
would contribute to achieving 19.44% of the surpassing several developed countries. The
total RE potential of 900 GW and about 20.3% of share of renewable energy in overall installed
electricity in the total demand. This would mean capacity in the country is given figure 1.
generation of around 327 BU4 of electricity (162
BU from solar, 112 BU from wind, 38 BU from 1.2.4 Breakdown of 40 GW RTPV
biomass, 15 BU from SHP).
Solar is one of the fast growing and talked
With the accomplishment of this ambitious about energy generation technologies globally.
target, India will become one of the largest Increasing awareness of climate change, energy
security needs, incentives from government,
decline in list of solar panels and emergence
Figure 1: of new and innovative business models
Installed Capacity are some of the prime drivers for the large-
scale development and deployment of solar
Thermal energy systems.
Rooftop Solar (RTPV) Program by
Government of India
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1.2.5 Regulatory Landscape by States/ sector. That does not mean that the targets are
Governments in promoting RTPV unrealistic, as installation cost has dropped,
there is considerable investor interest. It simply
In comparison to other countries, India’s indicates that development (including revisions
renewable energy targets in total are ambitious, of regulations and incentives) and the studies
but not overly so. However, what is different that go with it has to be kick-started very quickly
from the other countries is the projected to reach the official targets. Net metring policies
speed of development. India is looking at a are in effect in all states and Union Territories
huge capacity increase within a very short (UTs) in India.
time frame without much experience in the
Table 2:
Regulations for RTPV connection in India
State or Union RTPV Limit for Individual Installed Capacity Limit as % of DT capacity
Territory Customers
Andaman and <500 kWp 50% of DT capacity
Nicobar Islands (UT)
Andhra Pradesh Not Specified 60% of DT capacity
Arunachal Pradesh <1000 kWp 15% of DT capacity
Assam 40% of contracted load, 2016, 80% Specified by commission from time to time, 2015, 20% of
of contracted load of Individual, DT capacity
2017 draft
Bihar <Sanctioned load 15% of DT capacity
Chandigarh (UT) <500 kWp: 80% of the sanctioned 50% of DT capacity
Chhattisgarh Not Specified
Dadra and Nagar <500 kWp 50% of DT capacity
Haveli (UT)
Daman and Diu (UT) <500 kWp 50% of DT capacity
However, only LiB technologies like Lithium Over the years, significant steps have
Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NMC) and been made towards promoting the use of
Lithium-ion Iron Phosphate (LFP) are making renewable energy sources and the integration
commercial sense as they are available at of such resources with the electricity grids.
competitive prices in the Indian market along Nevertheless, interconnection of VRE to the
with promising warranties and performance network, especially at high penetration levels,
parameters. raises important technical issues. In order to
mitigate implications from the high penetration
1.3.2 Hosting Capacity of VRE on of VRE, utilities have established evaluation
MV/LV Feeders methodologies based on technical criteria
including the thermal ratings of network
RTPV hosting capacity is the total PV power components, short circuit contribution
that can be accommodated on a given feeder and resulting fault level, voltage regulation,
without any adverse impacts. Distributed solar power quality (flicker, harmonics) etc. These
PV generation has begun to impact distribution criteria ensure the integrity, security of
systems. The impact is unique to individual operation and safety of the networks but still
distribution feeders and is based on certain constitute limits for the VRE hosting capacity of
or all issues ranging from voltage, loading, the networks.
power quality, protection, and control. The
impact of distributed PV will have on a specific Technical factors limiting DER interconnection
distribution feeder can only be determined with to the distribution networks are:
knowledge of the characteristics of feeder. These l Thermal rating of network equipment, such
characteristics include but are not limited to as transformers and feeders, are always an
load, voltage, regulation, and impedance. The important consideration
hosting capacity of a feeder depends on certain l Voltage regulation, mainly voltage rise, is
key factors such as: one of the most important problems faced
at high VRE penetration
Size of PV l Increased fault levels, due to the contribution
of VRE, is also an important limitation,
Control Location particularly for MV networks
of PV l Reverse power flows that may affect
adversely the operation of voltage regulators
and tap changers, impact on network losses
and reliability, power quality related issues,
Load on islanding considerations and impact on
the feeder
the operation of network protection are
Electrical Feeder additional technical constraints limiting the
proximity to charecteristics hosting capacity of feeders and distribution
another PV
substations and use the assets to participate scale batteries can be installed along with the
in energy markets for grid support like the solar and wind farms to provide a stable output
ancillary services. Transmission companies to the grid. Market mechanisms are expected
can be the owners of energy storage systems to incentivize the performance of these flexible
without being involved in trading of the assets but it will be a slow growing market, in
stored energy. The National Electricity Plan the business as usual scenario.
(NEP)9 highlights the role of energy storage
in maintaining grid security with increasing 2.2 Description of Storage
penetration of renewable energy in addition to Technologies
addressing the intermittency of RE to a large
extent. For behind the meter applications, Energy storage could apply to different
Indian battery energy storage market has been technologies ranging from pumped hydro
traditionally driven by lead acid batteries for storage, flywheels, super capacitors, compressed
back-up power applications. Batteries for power air, thermal energy storage and batteries.
back-up applications is a major market among Advanced energy storage technologies are
stationary applications. The recent air pollution capable of dispatching electricity within seconds
issues have only amplified the need to switch off and can provide power back-up ranging from
diesel generators. With energy storage solutions minutes to many hours.
offering a comparable cost per unit, a sizeable
capacity will be deployed in this space. Large 9
National Electricity Plan (Vol 2, Transmission, draft), CEA, 2017
Lead Acid
Pumped Hydro Batteries, Sensible-Molten Power-to -Power
Energy Storage Advanced Lead Salt, Chilled Super Capacitors (Fuel Cells, etc)
(PHES) Acid(Lead Water
Carbon, Bipolar
Lead Acid)
Sodium Batteries
(NaS, NaNiCl2)
Zinc Batteries-
Zn Air, ZnMnO2
Li-ion (NCA)
Volumetric Energy Density (Wh/L)
Li-ion (NMC)
Li-ion (LTO)
200 Li-ion (LFP)
Advanced LA
Lead Acid (LA)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Gravimetric Energy Density (Wh/L)
* For flow batteries VRB and ZBB (zinc bromine), only electrolyte weight and volume is considered
Source: CES
However, these technologies are at different stage of manufacturing. LiB chemistries are at
stage of commercialization and also at different point of overtaking lead acid production.
Figure 7:
Global and Indian Energy Storage Landscape
Storage Technologies
Scale of Manufacturing
MW GW +300 GW
Figure 8:
Comparison of leading Energy Storage Technologies based on key
performance parameters
Expected Technological Performance Improvements during 2018-2025
The C-rate of the system is an important energy capacity but a lower C rate. In other
parameter that varies significantly between words, systems with a higher C-rate have a
different energy storage types particularly higher power to energy ratio. High power
electrochemical batteries. C-rate is an inverse applications typically require systems with a
measure of the rate (length of time) over which high C-rate and a short discharge duration.
a system can provide its maximum rated power. These applications are particularly suitable for
The range of discharge duration is therefore LiB and advanced lead acid batteries. Sodium
directly linked to the C-rate. It is normally based batteries and flow batteries, as well as
expressed in terms that look like 1C, 2C or C2. CAES and PHS, are more suitable for high
For instance, a system with a C-rate of 2C can energy and longer duration applications. C-rate
supply all its stored energy in ½ hour while a is typically not used for CAES and PHS as the
system with a C-rate of C2 can do the same in duration of energy storage is not limited by
2 hours. Therefore, a system with a higher C the technology as in case of electrochemical
rate can discharge at a higher maximum power batteries, but is typically based on physical
than a similarly-sized system with comparable availability of storage capacity.
As shown in the above table, the systems’ of an energy storage project (depending on the
prices vary greatly, especially in terms of duration or energy capacity required), capital
initial capital costs. Overall, the cost of energy
storage is rapidly declining with scaling up
Cost numbers are for the system level costs at DC level (i.e. not
of manufacturing and learnings from the considering PCS and balance of system costs)
early deployments. The cost of energy storage 14
For CAES, the operating costs are significantly higher as it also
technologies has significantly decreased in involves cost of natural gas for source of heat during discharge
cycle in addition to electricity cost for compression during
recent years, driven by the growth of the battery charging cycle.
manufacturing for consumer electronics, 15
The average capital costs for pumped hydro on per kWh
of storage capacity are significantly lower, but requires huge
stationary applications and electric vehicles. As upfront cost given the size of the projects. These costs also can
battery costs contribute approximately 60-75% be higher in case of delays in environmental clearances.
Figure 9:
Forecast of Estimated Levelized Capital Costs by Storage Technology and Type
Capital Cost/Cycle ($/kWh)
2.4 Need for Energy Storage in electricity. Energy storage will play a crucial role
India in increasing the system’s overall flexibility by
serving multiple grid applications. The recent
India has committed to increase its share of developments in the Electric Vehicle (EV) sector
non-fossil fuel-based generation sources to and its ambitious targets will only increase the
40% by 2030 which necessitates a demand demand for energy storage systems.
for flexibility in power systems. The ‘Power
for All’ target of 24x7 electricity for all by 2019 16
Energy Storage Update, Lithium-ion costs to fall by up
to 50% within five years, July 30, 2016;
created an increase in power requirement and
a need to balance the supply and demand of years
Microgrids 0%
Telecom 19%
Inverter 44%
use of vehicle to grid (V2G) concept. The V2G Codes, INL, September 2012
Date--> Maximum Minimum
system and are designed to stabilize it in case 2.5.4 Transmission and Distribution
of sudden outages. In generators synchronous Grid Deferral
with the grid, the control is achieved by speed
governors whereas in loads, it is performed The distribution networks are sized for the peak
through self-regulating aspects of frequency demand of the consumers. As the consumer
sensitive loads such as induction motors or demand grows, distribution infrastructure
through relays that connect or disconnect the have to be upgraded just to meet the peak
load from the system to maintain the frequency demand occurring for few hours in a year.
thresholds. Secondary frequency control refers Building new distribution infrastructure will be
to a centralized automatic control that adjusts expensive and might not be feasible in certain
the active power production of the generating urban locations. Increase in the installation
units by changing the reference point of of distributed solar rooftops will increase the
generation or by starting or stopping the power impact on distribution infrastructure and as
station to restore the frequency deviation and seen in recent developments, consumers are
interchanges with other systems following an barred from adding solar rooftop projects as
imbalance. Only the generating units that are their local distribution transformer is capped for
located in the area of imbalance participates a certain loading. ESS systems can be deployed
in this control. This type of control mechanism under such circumstances to avoid or defer new
is termed as load frequency control (LFC) or distribution infrastructure. ESS can also reduce
automatic generation control (AGC). Tertiary high line-loss that occur during peak demand20
frequency control are manual changes in and also avoid deviation penalties. India can
dispatch of generating units and is used to also think of innovative ways of using already
restore the primary and secondary frequency existing back-up inverter batteries to help with
control reserves, to manage congestions peak demand issues in the last mile networks.
in transmission network, and to bring the
frequency and the interchanges back to their The role of energy storage with renewable energy generation,
3.1 Issues at MV level and LT the operation of the voltage control devices in
level (3-Phase and 1-Phase) the MV networks. For example, tap operation
of voltage regulators may be influenced by
In most of the states across India, Medium the change in voltage profile caused by solar
Voltage (MV) is 33 kV and 11 kV for electrical PV units.
power distribution and Low Voltage (LV) is set
at 430 V/415 V. The rooftop solar PV penetration Due to the potential impacts of PV integration,
is at both MV and LV level. At MV level, generally distribution utilities are imposing network PV
HT consumer has rooftop PV connected at penetration limits which refer to the maximum
11 kV or 33 kV, depending upon their load amount of PV generation that can be connected
profile. Similarly, on LV distribution network, to a distribution feeder without violating
generally small scale industrial, commercial, power quality and system security limits. The
domestic and rural consumers have RTPV permissible limit is yet to be analysed. In India,
connected, where reverse power flow occurs. most of the states are imposing a limit up to
As per planned target of 40 GW RTPV, there 25% of Distribution Transformer (DT) capacity.
will be an increase of PV penetration level into Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of PV
the distribution systems. The more and more impacts is required and, based on the results
PV injection in the system beyond a limit will from the analysis, new mitigation approaches
create situations where PV power generation need to be developed to increase the PV
can exceed the load demand, and hence can penetration level in the distribution networks.
produce power flow from customers to the
grid. This is in opposite to the direction of Distribution systems, especially at the low
power flow in a traditional distribution grid. voltage level in modern distribution grids
Following are the main problems which can are becoming more active due to integration
occur at MV and LV levels due to high level of of distributed generation. Therefore, it has
injection of PV to the grid. become necessary to revisit the distribution
network analysis approaches to investigate the
The impacts of the integration of solar PV in solar PV impacts more accurately. Commercial
clustered form may propagate to the upstream tools for distribution network analysis need
networks. Hence, the changes produced by the to be deployed for necessary analysis for PV
solar PV units in the LV networks may impact impact assessment.
04 Lower power
05 Variation of
feeder power loss
06 Voltage
Figure 13:
Single line diagram of TPDDL feeder
11 KV Feeder
LT Lines
Distribution Transformer
Source Feeder
The summary of Power Quality (PQ) issues With different DT loading conditions following
found during load flow studies are mentioned in scenarios are run in CYMDIST software:
following table. These results are found during l The time slots selected for study i.e. 11:00
load flow of Tata Power Delhi Distribution AM to 07:00 PM on 03 May 2017 data.
Limited (TPDDL) 11 kV feeder. The major l In each scenario, the DT connected load is
parameters of feeder are: increased (i.e. 50%, 75%, 100% and 120%)
l Distribution Transformer (DT): 630 kVA l Then the RTPV connections are increased in
l Voltage Level: 11 kV /433 V steps in every load flow study from existing
l Length of Feeder: 11.68 km 11% of DT capacity to 100% (i.e. 11%, 20%,
l Number of consumers connected at 40%, 60%, 80%, 90% and 100%)
present: 181
l Number of RTPV: 3 customers with total
capacity 70 kWp
20% of DT Capacity 120 kWP 120 kWP 120 kWP 120 kWP
40% of DT Capacity 240 kWP 240 kWP 240 kWP 240 kWP
60% of DT Capacity 360 kWP 360 kWP 360 kWP 360 kWP
80% of DT Capacity 480 kWP 480 kWP 480 kWP 480 kWP
90% of DT Capacity 540 kWP 540 kWP 540 kWP 540 kWP
100% of DT Capacity 600 kWP 600 kWP 600 kWP 600 kWP
Summary of PQ issues found during load flow studies are presented in Table 4:
Table 5:
Summary of PQ results found during load flow studies
50% DT loading None 70 kWp and 120 kWp Undervoltage is removed by 50% of RTPV connections.
(20% RTPV) So, system becomes healthy.
75% DT loading None 70 kWp, 120 kWp and On some sections of LT, lower power factor observed.
240 kWp (40% RTPV) On some sections, overvoltage is observed, which may
cause tripping of inverter.
100% DT loading None 70 kWp, 120 kWp, 240 100%, 120% DT loading cases are not practically viable.
kWp, 360 kWp, 480 Moreover, with 100% and 120% RTPV connections,
kWp, 540 kWp, 600 undervoltage is still present.
kWp and 620 kWp
(special case)
120% DT loading None 70 kWp, 120 kWp, 240
kWp, 360 kWp, 480
kWp, 540 kWp, 600
kWp and 755 kWp
(special case)
The main issue is grid stability on MV and As photovoltaic systems incorporate power
LV distribution network with the increase in converters, which are harmonic generating
RTPV at LT and HT consumer side. The RTPV devices, they will have an influence on the
generation will provide active power and power quality of the supply network. The most
reactive compensation will be required from cited PQ problems that may arise due to grid
grid side which will produce power quality connected PV generation are voltage dips and
issues to other distribution transformers and fluctuations, harmonic distortions, transient
lines at MV and LV side. Moreover, harmonics phenomena and reverse power flow. These
can affect to some extend whenever there is high effects result in potential damaging of sensitive
PV penetration. High voltage is also observed electronic equipment and capacitor banks,
in some sections during load flow study at MV overheating of transformers, neutral conductors
and LV side due to increase in RTPV on different and additional losses in the power system.
transformers on the LT side. In order to mitigate Degraded power quality entails additional
all these issues, power factor improvement and costs for both the electricity distributor and its
reactive power compensations are required customers. The presence of harmonics in the
for which smart inverter and energy storage electrical system may lead to changes in line
devices can be used. impedances, imbalances in line voltages and
alterations in AC voltage values. Moreover, a
3.4 Power Quality (PQ) and LV public grid must have a degree of quality in
Harmonics electric power that may prevent the abnormal
operation of the PV generator. Consequently,
The PV panel is an array of PV modules either the abnormal operation of a PV generator can
in series or parallel. The output will depend lead to a shutdown.
Figure 14:
Impact of harmonics on the power system
Overloading of
Increased heating of
power systems by
neutral conductors
high frequencies
caused by triple
of currents and
current harmonics
Figure 15:
Off Grid Inverter
n API is a set of programming instructions for accessing web software or a web-based tool. When a company releases its API, users
are able to have their own software interact with the company’s.
Advantages of using Smart Micro The most advanced micro inverters are adaptive
Inverters (SMI): and essentially constitute the core of what
could be called a fully networked, software
The increasing technical complexity and defined inverter. The benefits of such a software-
enhanced capabilities of inverters show that controlled system include the ability to provide
many manufacturers are well on their way to grid support services in an evolutionary manner
meeting the smart inverter challenge, but not over the more than 20-year lifetime of the
all inverter topologies and software control inverter platform through software updates that
packages are created equal. can be done without any hardware replacement
or truck-rolled, hands-on labour.
Micro inverter technology, in particular,
provides some advantages to residential, Utilities may encounter more noteworthy
commercial and (eventually) utility-scale solar voltage fluctuations and expected to make a
PV installations. This includes high redundancy more extensive voltage window to make up for
through a distributed AC architecture that the changeability on account of the developing
improves system cost and reduces operations number of sun based establishments in its
and maintenance complexity. administration region. So as to retrofit these
issues, the job of smart inverter becomes an
An integrated micro inverter package can help integral factor. In addition, presently, some of
lower the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), the smart inverters are concentrating on new
facilitating higher energy production over reactive and on-demand communications
the life time of the system, unit reliability and methodologies that will help deal with the
system uptime, all the while lowering systems greater distributed generation load. While
cost by reducing installation labour and the computerized engineering, bidirectional
materials. Micro inverters are also capable of correspondences and programming foundation
providing a suite of Advanced Grid Functions innovations that support smart inverters are
(AGF) required by some regulatory standards unquestionably significant, the organizations
for grid stability, such as ramp rate control, that give such propelled frameworks should
power curtailment, fault ride-through and likewise be advanced in the manner they team
voltage support through VARs. up on new utility necessities and guidelines.
4.1 Methodology
In order to identify potential technical issues 11 kV Feeder
and grid interconnection challenges that needs Feeder Single Line Current Carrying
Diagram (SLD) Capacity and Load
to be addressed for enabling VRE integration Growth
in distribution grid active and reactive power 02
compensations, the load flow analysis was to be 03
done on MV and LV distribution networks. The
11 kV Feeder
distribution network issues and impact of RTPV Meter Load
faced by the utilities across the country varies Survey Data
according to their geographical locations and
MV/LV network topologies. In order to analyse
the details of the MV/LV network, six distribution Conductor Data Details
utilities were selected to conduct a detailed load
flow analysis of distribution feeders. A criterion
had been set each based on which the detailed 04 Ratings of 06
study was conducted. Utilities were requested Distribution
Transformers (DT)/
to select any two feeders each from two circles Capacity and
i.e. 4 feeders; these feeders should have solar PV Voltage Ratio
injection at present or planned in the near future.
For each feeder, following data has been collected: RTPV
connected to
the Feeder
4.2 Selection of samples per
Following is the list of state DISCOMs that
provided feeder data for the load flow studies:
Table 6:
List of DISCOMs that participated in the study
Solar irradiance
Conductor length
curve of the location
Voltage rating
of DT
Sanctioned Load
Diagram of LT
Draw complete
network diagram Draw load point Connect RTPV
upto LT consumer end consumer generation Validate the Upload solar
end specifying mentioning capacity network diagram irradiance curve
conductor size, connected/ (existing if any) and (remove data on RTPV
span length, sanctioned load on LT side of errors, if any) connections
rating, transformer on LT side of network
voltage rating transformer
Let us assume DT capacity of 630 kVA, then l Draw graph of feeder percentage loading
scenarios run during load flow are: (kVA) V/S increase in RTPV capacities – it will
provide effect on feeder side w.r.t. increase
Report generation and analysis of load flow in RTPV
study: l Draw a graph for DT percentage loading
l Generate load flow report after running load (kVA) w.r.t. increase in RTPV during each
flow study for each scenario: scenario
n Feeder loading report l Analyse PQ issues and thermal issues in
n DT loading report section loading report for each section of
n Section loading report feeder side and LT side during each scenario:
n PV generation report n This report will display Undervoltage/
In every scenario during load flow studies, percentage of DT capacity e.g. for 630 kVA DT,
RTPV connections are increased based on percentage increase in RTPV will be:
Time Slots
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4
Already connected
Time Time Time Time
8-11 AM 11-1 PM 1-4 PM 4-7 PM
20% of DT Capacity 120 kWP 120 kWP 120 kWP 120 kWP
40% of DT Capacity 240 kWP 240 kWP 240 kWP 240 kWP
60% of DT Capacity 360 kWP 360 kWP 360 kWP 360 kWP
80% of DT Capacity 480 kWP 480 kWP 480 kWP 480 kWP
90% of DT Capacity 540 kWP 540 kWP 540 kWP 540 kWP
100% of DT Capacity 600 kWP 600 kWP 600 kWP 600 kWP
Without Solar – – – –
Solar RTPV Capacity
100 % of DT Capacity 100 kWP 100 kWP 100 kWP 100 kWP
The result and summary of load flow studies are discussed below: Load Flow Study Analysis – Urban Lightly Loaded Feeder (TPDDL) in Delhi
Figure 17:
TPDDL Feeder - Load Flow Analysis
Percentage increase in RTPV connections (based on DT kVA) V/S percentage of DT Loading (kVA)
Preferable Limit
Thermal Limit
120 112.7
Percentage of DT Loading (kVA)
100 PQ Limit
74.9 75 77 66.7
60 67.7 57.4
58.3 48.3 54.9
53.2 50.4 43.8 49
40 45.9 36.4
44.6 35.5
36.5 35.2 35.9
29.7 28.7 30.3 28 29.9
20.3 Preferable with Active
DR (Demand Response)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
36.5% Load 50% DT Load 75% DT Load 100% DT Load 100% DT Load
Figure 18:
UHBVN Feeder Load Flow Analysis
Figure 19:
BESCOM Feeder Load Flow Analysis
Percentage of solar injection V/S DT % kVA loading during load flow
Preferable Limit
40.00 Thermal Limit
DT percentage of loading in kVA
PQ Limit
Figure 20:
APSPDCL Feeder Load Flow Analysis
Figure 21:
CESC Feeder Load Flow Analysis
Figure 22:
AEML Feeder Load Flow Analysis
The details of load flow study of all the selected CYMDIST Software with Long Term Dynamics
DISCOMs are given in Annexure-3. module can directly use this library for solar
studies. The library is based on the study
4.4 CYMDIST Library methodology using percentage increment
of Modelling Tools for of solar injection per DT capacity. DISCOMs
Photovoltaic System Study utilizing the module will have to vary the
equipment’s technical parameters as per their
CYME library consists of equipment details requirements. However, the DISCOMs will have
(as per actual data of feeders). DISCOMs using to model the feeders manually. If they have
Solar Insolation Curve: For the study of solar variable in nature, in this way, it has been thought
variations throughout the day on CYME, solar about. The PV Module uses this curve for certain
insolation curve is required. As the irradiance is time interims for acquiring ideal after.
Figure 24:
Feeder and Supply side Parameter
ESIT also determines electricity cost for that l TOD based charges
particular year. After taking all the parameters l Value of lost load
Figure 26:
Summary Tab of ESIT Model
Statistics tabs (shown in figure 27) is also energy throughput, Avg State of Charge,
provided to show cycling of energy storage etc. The replacement year of ESS is also
system and technical parameters such as shown here.
The financials tab (shown in figure 28) on the cash flows section is shown from which IRR and
other side helps to quantify all the costs and NPV of the project is calculated. In addition to
benefits for the user. The total cost of project these sections, sensitivity section is also there
(Capex and Opex) can be seen from financial which perform sensitivities of loading v/s
tab. Income statement is generated to check different penetration levels of solar PV with and
actual profit against various expenses. Finally, without storage.
Figure 28:
Financial Tab of ESIT
Electricity Savings M M M*
Diesel Savings NM NM M
Economic Adder NM NM NM
M=Monetizable, NM=Non-Monetizable
M* = Monetizable only for commercial and industrial consumers
help in allowing consumers to participate in in the Indian scenario, the power outages can
DR programs without changing consumption be monetized well at customer end, as most of
patterns. Moreover, with help of distributed them are using diesel gensets, which is expensive
storage, as mentioned earlier, utility can save backup option in terms of operating costs.
by reducing local peak and thus can extend ESIT considers energy storage as a solution to
the usability of current DT/Feeder/Line optimize the use of diesel gensets during power
configuration by deferring upgrades. cuts and reduction in diesel usage is considered
as a cost benefit of storage when placed at the
Under this study, it is felt that reliability of customer end. However, if the same asset is
power is still an issue with many customers placed at utility side and is able to address the
reporting almost daily short unscheduled outage, there would be only partial benefit to
interruptions especially in rural and semi- utility apart from recovery of the T&D portion
urban centres. Reliability and quality of power of the charges which the utility losses in case
has often been quoted as a barrier for economic of power cut. If there are regulations in place,
growth in India. There are many economic which can penalize the utility for loss of supply,
studies done in different parts of world which utility owned storage can have a monetizable
claim that value of voltage sags and power cuts benefit for providing reliable supply by
to customers range from as low as $5 to $50 avoiding penalties. However, apart from Delhi,
per kWh (when cost of electricity is rated close no other stated has introduced or has planned
to 10-15 percent). Semiconductor fabrication to introduce such penalty so far. And even in
manufacturing units have quoted losses of close case of Delhi, the penalty payments are rated as
to $500,000 per power cut event. Hence as a tool, INR 50 for two hours of power cut. Apart from
ESIT has defined a non-monetizable benefit these benefits, power quality (PF correction), is
called economic adder, which can be chosen by also a monetizable benefit which smart storage
the user as a multiple of tariff to quantify loss inverters can address. And the tool considers PF
of business due to reliability issues. However, correction as a monetizable benefits.
6.1 Cost Benefit Analysis for CESC Kolkata has been considered in our study.
ESS at Different Locations The feeder covered in this study is of capacity 2.9
MVA and feeding 11 distribution transformers
Energy Storage India Tool (ESIT) developed of 3.4 MVA cumulative capacity. This feeder is
as the part of this study has the capability to currently loaded 85%, which is high compared
analyze penetration of storage and its benefits to other feeders. Such highly loaded feeders that
at different level namely feeder, distribution are likely candidate for distribution upgrades in
transformer (DT) and customer levels. The near future are good candidates for deployment
tool has the capability to understand techno- of energy storage to capture maximum benefit.
commercial benefits of using a storage at a Lithium ion Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC)
particular location through different cost and lead acid (LA) batteries have been considered
benefits, it can avail at a particular level in the to understand effect of technology on project
network. However, the tool does not analyze feasibility. With preliminary analysis of storage
voltage drop, voltage fluctuations and many cycles, it was found that LiB for this particular
such load flow parameters to derive this project could last for 10 yrs. So, no replacement is
analysis. An introduction to the tool was made required for LiB during a 10 year project evaluation.
in Chapter 5. This chapter will further help the But in case of lead acid (LA) battery, it is expected
reader to understand quantitative assessment to last for 3 years thus needs to be replaced up to 3
conducted by ESIT through a particular case. times during the 10 year evaluation period. Feeder
upgrade planning is assumed to be 30 years. Some
To understand benefits of energy storage at general assumptions used in the simulations are
different level, analysis for one of the feeders of listed in Table 8.
Table 8:
Assumptions Table for Analysing Feeder and DT Level Data
Solar Penetration( Low case and High case) 20% & 50% 40% & 70% 70% & 90%
Table 9:
Summary of Different Level Analysis
6.2 Feeder Level Analysis at 80% depth of discharge (DoD). This leads to
deferment of battery replacement year. For this
From the initial analysis it is found out that study the replacement year for DT level storage
although lead acid battery storage option is is 15 years which is quite economically viable.
cheaper compared to LiB; it is uneconomical Different size of storage has been considered
due to its short life as it needs to be replaced to optimize the storage size according to feeder
after every 3 years. We have estimated that price capacity and found out different optimum
of LiB’s will go down below lead acid battery storage size for different years. To make the
price in coming years. In addition to that, project more feasible, IESA have considered
LiB’s are more ecofriendly and can be recycled constant storage size for every year and various
totally. This study has considered LiB as the levels of solar penetration. In that way, utility
storage option for analyzing different cases. can think about one storage option which has
From Figure 29 it can be seen that LiB has the capability of taking load up to 2025 as well as
capability to do more than 350 cycles each day beneficial for them.
# of cycles
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% DoD
Figure 30:
Different Benefits Captured Over Different Years
Monetizable benefits
Rs. in Crore
2020 2022 2025
T & D deferral benefits (Cr) 0.085 0.134 0.22
Among different benefits, penalty payment be almost similar for every year. On the other
savings has the least impact compared to other hand, Power Factor (PF) penalty savings will
benefits. T & D deferral benefits have increased gradually go down due to the lower tariff of
from 2020 to 2025 due to the low-cost of storage. electricity. Figure 31 describes how power factor
Electricity savings by considering arbitrage will is increasing with the help of storage.
As per the data, feeder level load is having 0.9 active and reactive power thus ratio of apparent
PF but when solar comes into the grid, then PF power to active power (i.e. PF) got reduced. With
reduces to around 0.8. Reduction in PF happens the help of storage that ratio got increased and
because solar is giving only active power instead back to its actual PF.
Evening peak shave
These graphs in Figure 33 shows yearly data by using storage. This will eventually defer the
for CESC. Also, it clearly indicates the peak transformer upgradation for long period.
shave operations. The evening peak get saved
2020 2022 2025
From Figure 33, it can be seen that the project is technology and low cost of storage. In addition
not viable in the initial years (2020 & 2022) as net to that, this DT is highly loaded and can be
present value (NPV) is negative. Battery in 2025 saturated after some years. Thus, installing
case is helping to reduce peak load with higher storage in coming year will help to reduce losses
PV penetration, also giving economic benefits. with monetizable benefits. PF penalty savings
But in rest of the years, storage is not helping are the major contributor for the monetizable
although solar PV penetration is helping to benefit followed by electricity savings and T&D
reduce peak load. In 2025, at 90% solar PV in deferral benefit.
penetration (1.3MWp), a 0.29 MW× 2hr (10%
of feeder capacity) LiB would be required to On the other hand, IRR of the project is
provide 2 years of T&D upgrade deferral benefit increasing every year seen in Figure 34. Also, it
with energy time shifting. depicts that the project is economically viable as
NPV is positive. Capex of each year starting from
As per our analysis, installation of 0.29 MW ×2hr 2020 to 2025 will reduce due to reduction in cost
battery in 2020 will help to reduce losses though of Li-ion battery and hence makes the project
in this year project is not economically feasible. feasible. Solar penetration in the year 2022
But different monetizable benefits can be and 2025 also helps to reduce the original load
obtained and thus leading to positive internal curve. As the DT is highly loaded and if storage
rate of return (IRR). can be installed in 2020, then it will defer the
transformer upgradation for 2 years. But if the
6.3 DT Level Analysis storage is installed in 2025, then the transformer
upgradation deferment year will be 1 year
DT level analysis is performed on a 315 kVA DT. considering 3% growth every year. This is due to
This DT is highly loaded among the 11 DTs on the capacity of transformer reaching maximum
a feeder. Rest of the assumptions are similar load. At 20% of DT capacity storage (i.e. 0.0315
to feeder level assumptions. Figure 34 shows MW for 1 hr) option is suitable for all the year to
different monetizable benefits for particular DT. get maximum IRR. This result is for considering
Monetizable benefits are decreasing over the maximum solar penetration in each DT. As per
year. This could be due to the advancement of ESIT, maximum IRR is driven by low storage cost.
Electricity Savings (Cr)
0.133 0.102
0.05 0.007
0.004 0.009
0.033 0.041 0.027
2020 2022 2025
Figure 35:
Economic Feasibility of the Project
6.4 Consumer Level Analysis level analysis. The NPV is negative for every
year and hence makes the project economically
Under the 315 kVA DT, all the consumers are unviable. Flat rate plan has been applied here
residential. Approximately 198 consumers are thus benefit of energy shifting is not there.
associated with this DT. Rest of the assumptions However, for commercial and industrial (C &
are taken same as for the analysis of Feeder & I) consumers’ energy shifting benefit will be
DT. The table 10 shows results from consumer there due to the time of day tariff. Thus, energy
storage will be beneficial for C&I consumers. ESIT recommends CESC to install storage at
Moreover, CESC is having very low power DT level to minimize cost of the project and to
cut, thus diesel minimization is also very less. get maximum benefit. The above-mentioned
Currently there is no Demand Response (DR) analysis is for one particular DT. This analysis
program applicable in India. Implementation can be done for every DT for installation of
of DR program would help them to incentivize storage. Thus, help to reduce the peak load as
consumers for investment in energy storage. well as to defer the transformer upgradation.
Energy Storage represents a huge economic considered in this report. New form of gravity
opportunity for India. Ambitious goals, storage involving large blocks of concrete/
concerted strategies, and a collaborative stones is still in its infancy and not sure of
approach could help India meet its emission achieving commercial viability before 2032;
reduction targets while avoiding import and hence, not considered in these estimates.
dependency for battery packs and cells. This Super capacitors, fly wheels and compressed air
could help establish India as a hub for cutting- energy storage are far more expensive than the
edge research and innovation, boost its latest range of lithium-ion batteries (LiB) and
manufacturing capabilities, create new jobs, those technologies have their own limitations
and foster economic growth. India’s strengths in with regard to size, location, cost etc. Hence, we
IT and manufacturing, its entrepreneurial and have considered batteries as the ESS of choice
dynamic private sector, and its visionary public for various applications in the forecast period.
and private sector leadership will be key factors We have made separate projections for different
in realizing these ambitions. Creation of a ESS applications such as:
conducive battery manufacturing ecosystem on 1. Energy Storage for VRE Integration on MV/
fast track could cement India’s opportunity for LV Grid
radical economic and industrial transformation 2. Energy Storage for EHV Grid
in a critical and fast-growing global market. 3. Energy Storage for e-Mobility
4. Energy Storage for Telecom Towers
This chapter presents the estimated Energy 5. Energy Storage for Data Centres, UPS and
Storage System (ESS) requirements in India for Inverters
the periods 2019-2022, 2022-2027 and 2027-2032 6. Energy Storage for DG Replacement
for different applications. We have examined 7. Energy Storage for other > 1 MW Applications
different ESS technologies such as batteries,
super capacitors, compressed air energy It is pertinent to state here that we have
storage system, fly wheels, pumped hydro conducted detailed study and analysis only in the
storage plants, etc with regard to technology case of ESS for VRE integration on MV/LV grid.
maturity and price trajectory. However, the Other estimates are from best available data in
fast pace of developments taking place in the the public domain. Although we have attempted
battery technologies and the consequent price to make projected ESS requirements, primarily
competitiveness have put batteries as the first batteries until 2032, technological breakthroughs
choice for most applications. Few pumped making different ESS technologies more
hydro storage (PHS) plants in India with total attractive in the forecast period is not ruled out.
capacity of 5.7GW have been identified long As in the case of any long-term roadmaps, this
time back, but these projects have not made roadmap also should be reviewed and updated
any progress in the past two decades owing to periodically considering the changes taking
variety of issues. Hence, the PHS plants are not place both on the supply and demand sides.
Metros-Growing -Commercial High 80% 5-7% Yes < 100 400 V 20%-70%
Peri-Urban/Tier2 Centres R* Medium 50% 5-7% Yes < 300 415 V 20%-70%
Peri-Urban/Tier2 Centres C* Medium 50% 5-7% Yes < 300 415 V 20%-70%
Table 12:
40 GW Rooftop Target Split for Different Types of States
RTPV Split - Categories Commercial (MW) Industrial (MW) Residential (MW) Total (MW)
Distribution Transformer
RTPV = 70% of DT capacity ESS = 20% of DT capacity
the increase in requirement of ESS is marginal out installations of RTPV. At All India level,
(Figure 36). Hence, it can be inferred that if for low case and high case penetrations, ESS
RTPV’s installations are more concentrated, requirement estimation is provided in chart
requirement of storage in this scenario level below (Figure 37).
will be higher than the case of a more spread
Figure 37:
ESS required for different RTPV scenario at Metro Saturated Segment
MW and MWh
ESS (MW) concentrated RTPV
Distribution Transformer
RTPV = 90% of DT capacity ESS = 20% of DT capacity
Figure 39:
ESS required for different RTPV Scenario at Metro Growing Segment
Electricity savings and T&D deferral savings Power reliability is not good in this area as both
in the case will be similar to that of Metro- short and long power cuts are witnessed in Tier 2
Saturated category. As evaluated in ESIT, ESS cities with generally power cuts causing over 300
of over 10% of substation/feeder capacity is hours of interruptions in a year. ESS support of
required for 40% of RTPV penetration in the around 10% of feeder/distribution transformer
particular feeder or substation (Figure 38). In (DT) capacity will be required from 20% to up to
case of a higher penetration over 40% of RTPV 90% of solar PV penetration for the given feeders.
penetration, ESS size of 20% of network capacity
will be required. As it can be again observed in T & D deferral benefit in these areas can be a
Figure 39, for higher penetration of RTPV, the weaker case, due to lower cost of upgrade and
increase in requirement of ESS is marginal. high growth rate. On the other hand, power
factor penalties are generally high in the
Tier 2 Urban/Peri-Urban Scenario: southern and western states for commercial
and industrial customers. However, utilities
Tier 2 cities and their Peri-urban centres have realized need for power factor correction
are heavy load pockets of the country as the in residential feeders too as there has been
industrialization and population density in recently a dip in the power factor in these
these areas are quite high. As per CES analysis, feeders, due to increase in electronics and LED
load growth in this sector is high as these areas usage, which is further going to be affected due
are developing rapidly. The annual load growth to penetration of solar PV in the feeders.
Figure 40:
Requirement of ESS in Peri- Urban Scenario with low solar PV penetration
(IESA Analysis)
Distribution Transformer
RTPV = 90% of DT capacity ESS = 20% of DT capacity
ESS requirement for 25,000 MW RTPV penetration in Peri Urban Senario for
both Low Case and High Case
ESS (MW) distributed RTPV
Distribution Transformer
RTPV = 90% of DT capacity ESS = 20% of DT capacity
Figure 43:
ESS required for different RTPV Scenario in the Rural Segment
Total rooftop
Total ESS(MW):317.8
Total ESS(MWh):531
Total rooftop solar(MWp):1,600
Total ESS(MW):257.8
Total ESS(MWh):315
Pradesh Total rooftop solar(MWp):2,200
Total ESS(MW):349.6
Total ESS(MWh):584
Total rooftop solar(MWp):2,700
Total ESS(MW):465.6
Total ESS(MWh):609
Goa Kerala
Energy Storage System
76 Roadmap for India: 2019-2032
Total rooftop solar(MWp):350
Total ESS(MW):55.6
Total ESS(MWh):93
Total rooftop solar(MWp):50
Bihar Total ESS(MW):8.6
Total ESS(MWh): 16
Total rooftop
Total rooftop solar(MWp):1,000
Total ESS(MW):626.0
Total ESS(MW):158.9
Total ESS(MWh):812
Total ESS(MWh):265
Tamil Nadu
Energy Storage System
Roadmap for India: 2019-2032 77
7.1.3 100 GW RTPV on MV/LV Grid by 2027
Total ESS estimated for Integration of 100 GW RTPV by 2027 is 24.013 GWh.
State wise distribution is presented in the Figure 45.
Jammu &
Figure 45:
Energy storage roadmap for India: Rooftop solar penetration and
requirement of energy storage 2022-27
Total rooftop solar(MWp): 1,860
Total rooftop solar(MWp): 200 Total ESS(MW): 296
Total ESS(MW): 50 Total ESS(MWh): 494
Total ESS(MWh): 50 Chandigarh
Total rooftop
solar(MWp): 5,000
Total ESS MW): 795
Delhi Total ESS(MWh): 1,327
Total rooftop solar(MWp): 5,000
Total ESS(MW): 795
Total ESS(MWh): 1,327
Pradesh Total rooftop solar(MWp): 7,100
Total ESS(MW): 1,128
Gujarat Total ESS(MWh): 1,884
Total rooftop solar(MWp): 5,400
Total ESS(MW): 931
Total ESS(MWh): 1,219
Goa Kerala
Energy Storage System
78 Roadmap for India: 2019-2032
Himachal Total rooftop solar(MWp): 700
Pradesh Total ESS(MW): 120
Total ESS(MWh): 219
Total rooftop solar(MWp): 90
Total ESS(MW): 15
Total ESS(MWh): 28
Total rooftop solar(MWp): 660
Total ESS(MW): 105 Total rooftop solar(MWp): 80
Total ESS(MWh): 175 Total ESS(MW): 14
Total ESS(MWh): 25
Uttar Total rooftop solar(MWp): 2,100
Pradesh Total ESS(MW): 334
Total ESS(MWh): 557 Total rooftop solar(MWp): 500
Total ESS(MW): 79
Total rooftop Total ESS(MWh): 133
solar(MWp): 9,300
Total ESS(MW): 1,365
Total ESS(MWh): 1,926
Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 6,700
Total ESS(MW): 1,065
Total ESS(MWh): 1,778
Pradesh Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 11,200
Total ESS(MW): 1,780
Gujarat Total ESS(MWh): 2,972
Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 9,700
Total ESS(MW): 1,673
Total ESS(MWh): 2,189
Goa Kerala
Energy Storage System
80 Roadmap for India: 2019-2032
Himachal Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 960
Pradesh Total ESS(MW): 164
Total ESS(MWh): 301
Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 140
Total ESS(MW): 24
Total ESS(MWh): 44
Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 1,000
Total ESS(MW): 159 Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 100
Total ESS(MWh): 265 Total ESS(MW): 17
Total ESS(MWh): 31
Uttar Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 3,300
Pradesh Total ESS(MW): 524
Total ESS(MWh): 876 Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 740
Total ESS(MW): 118
Total Rooftop Total ESS(MWh): 196
solar(MWp): 12,000
Total ESS(MW): 1,761
Total ESS(MWh): 2,485
Total Rooftop
Total Rooftop solar(MWp): 2,500 solar(MWp): 160
Jharkhand Total ESS(MW): 397 Mizoram Total ESS(MW): 27
Total ESS(MWh): 664 Total ESS(MWh): 50
Table 13:
Energy Storage Estimations for MV/LV Grid
Hydro 45 NA NA NA
Nuclear 6.7 NA NA NA
Solar 26 109 251 359
Ground Mounted Solar 25 69 151 210
RTPV 1 40 100 149
Connected to EHV 15 41 91 126
Connected to MV 10 28 60 84
Connected to LV 1 40 100 149
Wind 35 NA NA NA
Small Hydro 4.5 NA NA NA
Biomass & Biopower 9.2 NA NA NA
Peak Load (GW) 192 333 401 542
Energy (BUs)
Annual Energy 1192 1905 2710 3710
Storage Recommended (MWh)
Battery (LV) 209 6000 15220 22294
Battery (MV) 1050 3645 8793 12095
Total (MWh) 1,259 9,645 24,013 34,389
Note: In congruence with the RE target of 175 GW by 2022, the calculations were done on the basis of 100 GW Solar, out of which 40 GW is
RTPV, 20 GW is medium size installations and 40 GW is from large solar parks. Similarly, for 2027 and 2032, the ratio of RTPV was taken in
accordance with the 2022 targets constituting of 40% RTPV of the total solar installed capacity. All the values for 2027 and 2032 have been
forecasted using the best available data in public domain.
Table 14:
Energy Storage e-Mobility Applications (IESA Estimates)
Note: No detailed modelling studies have been conducted yet for this segment.
Table 15:
Energy Storage for e-Mobility Applications (IESA Estimates)
Table 16:
Energy Storage Telecom Applications (IESA Estimates)
Table 17:
Energy Storage for Data Centres, UPS and Inverters Applications
(IESA Estimates)
7.6 Energy Storage for DG Set customers. The Levelized Cost of Electricity
Replacement (LCOE) from RE + Storage for C&I customers is
expected to become lower than the grid tariff
With the growing concern about rising cost of for C&I electricity tariffs in many states in the
power from diesel generating sets (DG sets) as country in coming 5-10 years.
well as associated air pollution, Commercial &
industrial (C&I) customers depending on DG We anticipate that in most cases, customers may
sets for reliability can switch over to renewables still retain the DG set for backup for unforeseen
with storage. Falling solar module and battery longer duration outage, but the usage of these
storage prices can accelerate this decision assets can reduce substantially from the current
making. Presently, ATM booths, petrol bunks, levels of 500-1000+ hours / year for many users.
road toll plaza’s and off grid industrial units are
considered as the potential users who are likely Table 18 provides summary of projections
to switchover to the storage technology in the developed by IESA for ESS potential for DG
short term. Usage Minimization.
Although growing reliability of electricity If new policies ban usage of DG sets in urban
distribution networks due to increased supply areas and enforce its implementation strictly,
can reduce usage of DG sets, there are other there will be huge opportunities for ESS which
opportunities emerging for ESS for C&I will be in excess of 100 GWh.
Table 18:
Energy Storage DG Applications (IESA Estimates)
Table 19:
Energy Storage Miscellaneous Applications (Railways, Rural Electrification, and
HVAC applications)
The benefits of grid-level energy storage to energy storage projects may be financially
cover a wide gamut of services—energy time- feasible. Since the number of hours each service
shift, ancillary services, making renewable is provided is different and tariffs of each service
energy dispatchable, deferring transmission are different, the financial model is complex.
and distribution upgrades, and others. These
benefits cannot be realized unless investments The intention of this benefits-based tariff
in energy storage can yield returns that are approach is to demonstrate that policy makers
commensurate with similar investments in must consider the totality of services that
the power sector. Return on investments can energy storage can provide and assign tariffs
be obtained only if policies related to tariff, for each service because an energy storage tariff
licensing, and other aspects of the power sector for a single service is unlikely to make projects
are in place. feasible.
Table 21:
Components of Benefits of Energy Storage
Operational Value
Load Levelling (Energy Arbitrage) Use dispatch simulation to calculate operational savings—
fuel cost and avoid unit starts. Subtract cost of energy used
Spinning Reserve
to charge energy storage and losses
Regulation Reserve
This approach would set the tariff for storage A tariff for energy storage that is less than or
based on accounting of the benefits (sum of equal to the sum of the benefits would be
operational and capacity values) to the grid of economically prudent.
the services provided by energy storage. The
following benefits should also be added to It is worth noting that there is a lack of research
compute the overall benefits: and data related to value of energy storage in
l Avoided cost of greenhouse gas emissions, grids with a large penetration of renewable
which would be in grids with renewable energy.
energy. The accounting of this would need
to be done with care to avoid counting Role of Government and Regulators
the benefits twice—renewable energy
generation and energy storage. One Often there is resistance among traditional
approach is to assign a benefit to energy utilities to transition to new technologies and
storage only when there is curtailment of new methods of operating and managing the
renewable energy generation grid, which is required with high penetration
l Local environmental benefit, which would of variable generation. The push therefore has
be in grids with renewable energy. Same to come from policy makers and regulators.
considerations apply as the avoided cost of The imperative for push is further accentuated
greenhouse gas emissions by the fact that although there are substantial
l Energy security, when energy storage benefits of energy storage to the grid, they
enables a grid to use the energy source with are often difficult to quantify; For example,
the lowest marginal cost of production and improvement to power quality, reliability,
avoid use of the highest marginal cost source. resiliency, energy security, and efficiency gains.
For this reason, energy storage cushions The case for governments and regulators to
the grid from increases in fuel prices that play a leading role in development of policies is
contribute to the highest marginal cost of therefore clear.
Figure 47:
Solar Injection at Unity Power Factor (Source: CES analysis)
Analysis of Indian Electricity Distribution Systems for the Integration of High Shares of Rooftop PV report (by GIZ)
from 0.2 MVAR to 0.1 MVAR as the injection of can be observed from Table 21 that how much PF
RTPV is changed from unity power factory to penalty customers in these particular states are
0.95 lagging power factor. In the following cases paying .The PF penalty charges are either linked
the size of solar RTPV is considered as 70% of to per unit electricity charges at different power
the peak load. factor slabs or are linked to kVAR consumed by
customers if the power factor is lower than a
In India, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and specific target. Thus, installation of storage can
Karnataka are paying a large amount for PF help these states to maintain a constant PF after
penalty as these states strict mandate on PF. It penetration of solar.
Table 22:
Savings on PF penalty
Peri-Urban Penalty per 0.01 Assumed Assumed RTPV (in Target ESS PF penalty
industrial change in PF * Feeder MW) 20% of feeder Required as savings
Capacity capacity# % of Feeder (INR Cr)
(MVA) capacity
Maharashtra 1% of per unit tariff 2.9 0.58 0.9 10% 0.979
Gujrat 1% of per unit tariff 2.9 0.58 10% 0.428
Tamil Nadu 1% of per unit tariff 2.9 0.58 10% 0.823
Karnataka 3 Paise per kVARh 2.9 0.58 10% 0.027
*If PF is less than 0.9; #RTPV injection is assumed at unity power factor
As seen from table 22, PF penalty is highest in Increment in penetration of RTPV would only
industrial states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and make the case worse in all these states. Hence,
Tamil Nadu. Hence, as most of the other states a review of power factor at which RTPV is
would experience reduction in PF with increase generating is very much required which can
in inductive and electronic load, they would be followed by adoption of smart inverters and
need to adopted similar power factor penalties. ESS.
Jammu & Pradesh
Kashmir 50, 100 Sikkim
70, 120 10, 20
Uttarkhand Bihar
Chandigarh 60, 90 160, 270
320, 530 Uttar
630, 890
260, 310 Arunachal
Pradesh Assam
10, 20 40, 70
370, 610
10, 20
Madhya Manipur
Pradesh 10, 20
350, 580
& Diu
20, 30
Chattisgarh Jharkhand Bengal
110, 190 130, 210 390, 540
510, 740
810, 1,060
370, 510
160, 270
470, 610
320, 530 Andaman
& Nicobar
Tamil Nadu 2, 10
630, 810
130, 210
Recent Facts about Photovoltaics in Germany by Fraunhofer ISE
Figure 50:
Global Horizontal Irradiance of India
New Delhi
New Delhi
Case 2:
Case 1:
West Bengal
West Bengal
Industrial tariff
Commercial tariff
Uttar Pradesh
Solar tariff
Meghayalaya Solar tariff Meghayalaya
Odisha Odisha
Manipur Manipur
Telangana Telangana
Solar tariff
Solar tariff
Kerala Kerala
Jharkhand Jharkhand
Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh
Industrial Consumers-Utility Tariff & Rooftop Solar Energy Tariff
Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh
Uttarakhand Uttarakhand
Case 4:
Case 3:
Kerala Haryana resources.
New Delhi
West Bengal
West Bengal
Andhra Pradesh
New Delhi Punjab
Karnataka Tripura
Telangana Assam
Andhra Pradesh Karnataka
Tripura Rajasthan
Rajasthan Nagaland
Uttar Pradesh
Industrial tariff
Residential tariff
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
Solar tariff
Solar tariff
Manipur Manipur
Bihar Sikkim
Himachal Pradesh Himachal
Meghayalaya Pradesh
Sikkim Meghayalaya
Solar tariff
Solar tariff
Mizoram Mizoram
Arunachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Tamil Nadu Jammu &
Goa Kashmir
Jharkhand Jharkhand
Residential Consumers<500 units-Utility Tariff & Rooftop Solar Energy Tariff
shifting but Maharashtra and Gujarat are not incentivized enough despite having excellent solar
The high commercial tariff offers the best incentives for net metering, load displacement and time-
Case 5:
Per Capita Consumption of Electricity (kWh)
National Average
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Uttar Pradesh
Sub-Total (NR)
Madhya Pradesh
Sub-Total (WR)
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Sub-Total (SR)
West Bengal
A&N, Island
Sub-Total (ER)
Arunachal Pradesh
Sub-Total (NER)
All India average
The residential sector offers tremendous is making sense commercially, as it is able to
room for innovative regulatory reforms for capture multiple value benefits namely:
incentivizing RTPV. l Distribution deferral,
l Power factor correction,
The high per capita consuming states/union l Electricity savings and
territories that coincide with high solar resource l Diesel optimization/Penalty savings
are Goa, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, (as there is a likelihood of distribution
Gujarat, Chandigarh and Delhi. Except for companies getting penalized for reliability
Delhi and Maharashtra, all the others have issues).
lower energy tariffs than solar tariffs thereby
offering no incentives for self-consumption (or However, only Li ion technologies like Lithium
net metering). The best incentive in such cases NMC and Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) are
is perhaps to offer feed-in-tariff incentives (to making commercial sense as they are available
sell all their RTPV solar power at a higher price). at competitive prices in the Indian market along
with promising warranties and performance
In majority of these categories of RTPV, across parameters.
period of 2020-2025, adding energy storage
Jammu & Sikkim
160, 220
Kashmir 30, 30
Uttarkhand Bihar
Punjab 170, 220 Uttar 490, 640
980, 1,280 Pradesh
790, 870 Arunachal
Pradesh Meghalaya
30, 30 30, 30
1,130, 1,470
30, 30
Pradesh Mizoram
1,080, 30, 30
& Diu
50, 60
Jharkhand Bengal
Chattisgarh 1,030,
Gujarat 340,450 390, 510
1,570, 1,890 Maharashtra
2,310, 2,660
980, 1,180
Lakshadweep Odisha
10, 10 490, 640
1,330, Andhra
1,530 Pradesh
980, 1,280 Andaman
& Nicobar
Tamil Nadu
Kerala 10, 10
390, 510 1,980
50, 60
l Get paid only when they are discharged for
Non-Regulated (Behind the Meter) ESS For this model to work well, banks and non-
Business Models: banking financial institutions (NBFI) as well
as backend maintenance service providers
These offer the best growth prospects albeit need to be well established with trust worthy
a retail model targeting the industrial, credentials. So, a brand building effort (much
commercial and residential segments. The like internet service and RO water service) will
ESS value propositions can be targeted to suit need to be built.
the customer (as opposed to a generic utility
functions) and such solutions bring about quick
returns in savings to the customer as:
Asset O&M ESS
Financing Service ESCO
l Reducing or eliminating demand charge
and associated penalties
Figure 52:
RE penetration as percentage of Generation and Load
50% 51%
36% 36%
18% 20%
Tamil Nadu
Source: MNRE
State 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Total Target
Andhra 10 240 250 300 350 400 450 2,000 68
Bihar 5 120 125 150 175 200 225 1,000 34
Chhattisgarh 4 84 88 104 120 140 160 700 24
Delhi 5 132 138 165 190 220 250 1,100 37
Gujarat 15 385 400 480 560 640 720 3,200 108
Haryana 5 200 200 235 280 320 360 1,600 54
Himachal 2 38 40 48 56 64 72 320 10
Jammu & 2 54 55 74 80 90 95 450 15
Jharkhand 4 96 100 120 140 160 180 800 27
Karnataka 10 275 290 344 403 460 518 2,300 78
Kerala 4 96 100 120 140 160 180 800 27
Madhya 10 265 275 330 385 440 495 2,200 74
Maharashtra 20 565 588 704 823 940 1060 4,700 160
Orissa 5 120 125 150 175 200 225 1,000 34
Punjab 10 240 250 300 350 400 450 2,000 68
Rajasthan 10 275 288 344 403 460 520 2,300 78
Tamil Nadu 15 420 438 524 613 700 790 3,500 118
Telangana 10 240 250 300 350 400 450 2,000 68
Uttarakhand 2 42 44 52 60 70 80 350 12
Uttar Pradesh 20 510 538 650 752 860 970 4,300 145
West Bengal 10 252 263 315 370 420 470 2,100 70
Arunachal 2 5 5 8 10 10 10 50 2
Assam 4 30 30 38 42 50 56 250 8
Manipur 4 3 6 8 9 10 10 50 2
Meghalaya 1 6 6 8 9 10 10 50 2
Mizoram 1 6 6 8 9 10 10 50 2
S. State Name of the Solar Capacity Name of the Name of the Area
No Park (MW) Solar Park
1 Andhra Ananthapuramu-I 1500 NP Kunta of
Pradesh Solar Park Ananthapuramu &
Galiveedu of Kadapa
2 Kurnool Solar Park 1000 Gani and Sakunal village
of Kurnool District
3 Kadapa Solar Park 1000 AP Solar Power Vaddirala, Thalamnchi,
Corporation Pannampalli,
Pvt.Ltd., Ramachandrayapalli,
JVC of SECI, Konna Ananthapuramu
APGENCO and and Dhidium villages
NREDCAP in Mylavaram Mandal,
Kadapa District
4 Ananthapuramu-II 500 Talarichruvu & Aluru
Solar Park Villages, Tadipathri
Mandal, Ananthapuramu
The Solar Insolation (W/m2) with respect to time, this data is collected from National Institute of
Wind Energy for Minute & Hourly basis for 03 May 2017.
Scenario 1:
In every scenario solar rooftop connection is increased to observe the behaviour of 11 kV Feeder
and LT network.
Objective of Study:
l To analyze the effect of11 kV feeder & LT network by increasing RTPV injection
Software Tool:
Effect on 11 kV feeder:
l The load on feeder continuously decreased in every scenario as solar rooftop connection is
increased from 11% to 100% of DT capacity
Observations on 11 kV Feeder:
l No thermal issues
l No PQ issues
l Voltage & PF are within permissible limits
Scenario 2:
l Time slot selected for study i.e. 11 AM to 01 PM on 03 May 2017 data and time 11.15 AM
l In each scenario first DT connected load is increased (i.e. 50%, 750%, 100% and 120% kW)
l Then RTPV connections are increased in steps in every load flow study from 11 % existing to
100% (i.e. 11%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 90% & 100%)
Effect on 11 kV Feeder:
l The load on feeder continuously decreased in every scenario as solar rooftop connection is
increased from 11% to 100% for different scenarios of DT Loading
l No thermal and PQ (Power Quality) issues are observed
Thermal effect:
l It is observed that when DT is lightly Loaded i.e. 10% or 20%, reverse power flow occurs so early
and at 80 % of RTPV injection current in XLPE cable connected between DT and RMU increases
to high value. This can be harmful due to more RTPV injection
l When DT is heavily loaded i.e. beyond 80%, very high current at DT side observed but as RTPV
connections are increased DT load reduced and current reduced and system becomes healthy.
But in case at 80% of solar RTPV connection, due to sudden cloudy weather RTPV solar injection
becomes very low, then in that case it will burden DT which may damage the equipment
l High RTPV injection (i.e. more than 80 %) when DT connected to load is high can be dangerous
in case of cloudy weather
l Hight RTPV injection (i.e. more than 80 %) when DT connected load is low can cause high
reverse current in some on LT section. So solar injection more than 80 % at light DT load should
be avoided
LT Circuits of DTs:
Objective of Study:
l To analyse the effect on 11 kV Feeder and LT network by increasing RTPV injection
Effect on 11 kV Feeder:
l There is no reverse power flow observed at feeder level even RTPV at 100% of DT capacity in both
LT circuits
l Loading on feeders decreased as more RTPV are connected
l No abnormality observed at feeder level even at 100% RTPV
LT Circuit:
Objective of Study:
l To analyze the effect on 11 kV feeder & LT network by increasing RTPV injection
l No abnormality observed at feeder level even at 100% RTPV
Power factor:
l Lower power is
observed on DT
when loading on DT
decreased due to
increased RTPV in each
scenario i.e. at 20%, to
60%. After 60% power
factor improves on DT
due to more reverse
power flow as loading
on DT increased
l In sections near to
RTPV generation e.g.
2354, 2345 XLPE cables,
lower power factor is
observed between 40 to
80% increase in RTPV
LT circuit:
In every scenario solar rooftop connection are increased to observe the behaviour on 11 kV feeder
and LT network at DT (100 kVA) & HT consumer level.
Objective of Study:
l To analyse the effect on 11 kV Feeder & LT network by increasing RTPV injection
Time Slots:
l HT consumer 2: DT-32
l DT rating: 630 kVA
l HT consumer 4: DT-34
l DT rating: 950 kVA
l Overloading observed on HT consumer DT when RTPV increased beyond 60%
l Voltage rise on 11 KV feeder is also found on some section but within 2% limit
l No overloading observed in any section of feeder even at 100% loading
LT circuit:
Objective of Study:
l To analyse the effect on 6 kV Feeder & LT network by increasing RTPV injection
Time Slots:
Effect on DT:
l Loading on DT first decreased when generation in consumed at DT end
l The loading on DT again increased when there is excess power available and reverse power flow
starts back to DT and feeder
l It is observed with more initial loading on DT graph shifts towards right for reverse power flow
LT circuit:
Solar Irradiance Curve: The Solar Insolation (W/m2) with respect to time is collected from National
Institute of Wind Energy for Minute & Hourly basis for 19th November 2016.
Objective of Study:
l To analyse the effect on 11 kV feeder & LT network by increasing RTPV injection
08:00 AM – 60% PV, 80% PV, No Solar, As-Is, 20% Overvoltage - Observed on some RTPV
11:00 AM 100% PV PV, 40% PV, 60% PV connection after increasing RTPV more
than or equal to 60%.
11:00 AM – 60% PV, 80% PV, No Solar, As-Is, 20%
01:00 PM 100% PV PV, 40% PV, 60% PV Undervoltage – Undervoltage on many
sections of LT feeder observed up to 60%
01:00 PM – 60% PV, 80% PV, No Solar, As-Is, 20%
RTPV. But it gets cleared after 80% RTPV.
04:00 PM 100% PV PV, 40% PV, 60% PV
This is due to more loading at LT end.
04:00 PM – 60% PV, 80% PV, No Solar, As-Is, 20%
07:00 PM 100% PV PV, 40% PV, 60% PV Overloading – Up to 40% RTPV,
overloading has decreased significantly.
However, after 60% RTPV injection, it
increased again.
Southern Region
1. 100 GW Solar Target by 2022, out of which 40 GW is RTPV, 20 GW Medium Size Installations and
40 GW Solar Parks
2. 250 GW Solar Target by 2027, ratio taken in accordance with 2022 targets
3. 360 GW Solar Target by 2032, ratio taken in accordance with 2022 targets
4. All values post 2022 have been forecasted using best estimates methodology devised by ISGF
The issues and impact of RTPV faced by every RTPV addition. Thus, a qualitative set
utilities across India varies according to their of limits must be arrived at after performing
geographical location, their feeder loads and sample quantitative studies of typical feeders,
their MV/LV network topologies. Thus, the RTPV together with the RTPV connections, feeder
hosting capacity varies for different feeders. This loads (both MV and LV), the network line
is particularly more sensitive in the lower MV parameters and DT capacities.
voltages with maximum sensitivity in the 415V
and 230V secondary voltages. The most impact In order to analyse the details of the MV/LV
is on power quality aspects particularly with network, six distribution utilities were selected
respect to “low or high permissible voltages” to conduct a detailed load flow analysis of
in select parts of the network. A second aspect distribution feeders. We have carried out
is the imbalance of VAR requirements/flows detailed load flow analysis of the six feeders
due to the addition of the RTPV which typically mentioned below. DISCOMs falling under
operate at unity power factor. It is however not any of the (below mentioned) categories can
possible to do an in-depth feeder analysis for contact ISGF for the detailed study.
North Delhi Urban Lightly Loaded Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. (TPDDL)
West Maharashtra Urban Lightly Loaded Adani Energy Mumbai Ltd. (AEML)
East West Bengal Urban Heavily Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation (CESC),
Loaded Kolkata
Note: The CYMDIST Library files of aforementioned DISCOMs are available with ISGF for study on
a request basis.