Affidavit: KINAMAYAN, STO. STO. TOMAS DAVAO DEL NORTE After Having Duly Sworn in

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Republic of the Philippines)

City of ________________)


I MARY ANN M . MUGAS, of legal age, FILIPINO, with postal address at

KINAMAYAN, STO. STO. TOMAS DAVAO DEL NORTE after having duly sworn in
accordance with law hereby depose and state:

That I am presently employed in Maryknoll School of Sto. Tomas Inc. as

Secondary Teacher ;

That I am presently employed in Maryknoll School of Sto. Tomas since

June 1, 2019 or for a period of 2 Months;

That I was designated as coach of the CHESS; Secondary Division who will
participate in the 2019 Palarong Pambansa.

That all the athletes records submitted are true and correct to the best of my personal

That all the athletes are not members of the National Team, National Training Pool
and Development Pool receiving monthly stipend/allowance from the Philippine Sports
Commission (PSC);

That all the athletes of Maryknoll School of Sto. Tomas,Sto. Tomas Davao del
Norte who will participate in the 2019 Palarong Pambansa are eligible to play;

That I execute this Affidavit to attest to the authenticity and veracity of all the
documents submitted.

______________________, __________________



SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me in ______________, this day

____________of month 20___, affiant executing his/her Community Tax Certificate No.
___________, issued at _________ on _____________.

Notary Public

Doc. No. _________

Page No.__________
Book No._________
Series of _________


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