Shiftwork and Scheduling: A-Pdf Split Demo
Shiftwork and Scheduling: A-Pdf Split Demo
Shiftwork and Scheduling: A-Pdf Split Demo
Chapter 4
Shift is a common term used to delineate a specific work period or watch, as in, "I work the day
shift." Shiftwork often implies rotating or changing work hours. However, this is not a common
characteristic of shiftwork in the aviation maintenance industry. Rather, the common aviation
industry practice is to permanently assign a worker to one shift. Despite the lack of shift rotation,
there are a number of aspects of shiftwork that are both problematic and relevant in the aviation
maintenance domain.
Working during the night shift, i.e., work that is done during the midnight-to-dawn work period, is
associated with a number of physical and psychological problems that can compromise a worker's
well being.1 These shift-related problems also can lead to lapses in safety.
Even though maintenance workers tend to be permanently assigned to a single shift, aviation
maintenance is typically a 24-hour operation, implying the need for manning multiple shifts. While
different people man different shifts, some work tasks, especially during heavy maintenance checks,
span more than one shift. Thus, more than one person on more than one shift will be working on
different parts of the same task. The transfer of task responsibility from one shift to another is
known as "shift turnover". Shift turnover is notorious as the locus of many problems and errors -- in
aviation maintenance and in other industries.
Physical and psychological problems associated with shiftwork are related to the disruption of
biological cycles keyed to daily periods of light and darkness. The wake-sleep cycle is the most
apparent of these rhythms.2 Other recurrent body cycles -- temperature, urination, endocrine
secretions, and a host of others -- are synchronized with the wake-sleep cycle. This cycle can be
disrupted in different ways. For example, when a person changes work periods by more than about
three hours these cycling internal functions become desynchronized with the new wake-sleep period.
A traveler flying across multiple time zones experiences the same sort of internal disorganization;
this is called jet lag.
In the aviation maintenance industry, the most common cause of wake-sleep cycle disruption is work
at night, i.e., working when it is dark and one would normally sleep. Depending on the individual,
the physiological and psychological disturbances caused by disrupting the wake-sleep cycle range
from moderate to severe. Because alertness is related to body temperature, it is affected by
interruptions in the wake-sleep cycle. A decrease in alertness often leads to an increase in error rate.
For occupations with a low tolerance for errors such as medicine, piloting, air traffic control, and 1/31/2005
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maintenance, alertness-related performance decrements can be critical.
From a human factors perspective, shiftwork, sleep deprivation, etc., are interesting phenomena
because they affect human performance through at least two mechanisms. First, as we noted above,
disrupting the normal wake-sleep cycle causes various physical and psychological problems.
Second, working long shifts during odd hours can also take a toll on workers' personal lives. The
emotional stress caused by family tensions can degrade job performance every bit as much as the
physical effects of shiftwork.
This chapter examines several aspects of shiftwork and scheduling, including the nature and causes
of circadian disruptions and fatigue. In the GUIDELINES section, we present strategies for dealing
with shift-related problems. Chapter 12 addresses, among other topics, some of the emotional and
other stress-related factors that can result from shiftwork (and other causes).
All living things, except for certain bacteria and viruses, possess some form of a biological clock
controlling the activity level of most, if not all, bodily functions. Eating, sleeping, waking, and other
regular daily activities that occur more-or-less on schedule are so familiar to all of us that they need
no description. When a person's daily functions are destabilized, he or she is said to be "off
schedule." Until recently, these familiar bodily functions were thought to be entirely controlled by
external factors. However, it is now known that in vertebrates (those animals with backbones) groups
of cells in the brain comprise this biological clock.
Even people placed in experimental situations with all environmental factors held constant continue
to conform to daily schedules. This persistence of regular activity in the absence of external clues
was first shown almost 300 years ago by Jean de Mairan, a French astronomer. He placed a
heliotrope plant in a dark closet and observed that it continued its daily schedule of opening its
leaves at dawn and closing them at dusk. The plant kept time by some internal mechanism.3
When people are placed in constant light or constant darkness for extended periods, their intrinsic
biological rhythms conform to a 25 to 27 hour day, instead of the 24 hour solar day. For this reason,
the biological clock must be reset or corrected every day of normal life. The cells deep within the
brain that make up the biological clock are not under conscious control and are reset primarily by the
individual's exposure to light.4,5 When the human body is exposed to bright light with appropriate
spectral content, such as in sunlight, then it essentially resets its internal clock to the beginning of
another daily cycle.
An example of a cyclic bodily function is maintaining one's body temperature. Daily human body
temperature normally varies by about one and one-half degrees Fahrenheit. For those who are
normally awake during the day and sleeping at night, body temperature is lowest in the predawn
hours and highest in the afternoon. In such people of regular habit, the body temperature cycle and
the wake-sleep cycle are synchronized or "in phase."
Alertness is related to body temperature; it is poorest when the body temperature is at its low point.
When body temperature is its lowest, people are most prone to error-caused accidents. Single-vehicle
truck accidents are five times as likely in the early morning hours when the driver's body
temperature, and alertness, is lowest as about twelve hours later when the body temperature is
highest.6 A number of well-known accidents, including Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Bhopal
either occurred or were initiated in the pre-dawn hours.
Shiftwork is certainly not the only, or even the major, reason for sleep deprivation and fatigue.
Chronic fatigue is so much a fact of life in the United States that reports describing its magnitude and
effects have begun to appear in the popular literature.7 One recent article (cited above) quotes a
number of surveys and studies indicating that one-third of American adults claim that "…being
sleepy gets in the way of their day-to-day activities – even though they say they got enough sleep the
night before." 1/31/2005
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In a 1991 report, the Office of Technology Assessment estimated that one of every five workers in
the United States works according to some type of non-standard schedule.13 For those working
during the night shift (midshift), the issue of fatigue is quite serious. A recent study estimated that
75% of those working at night experience sleepiness every night. Some 20% of these workers 1/31/2005
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fall asleep on their work shift.14
When a worker changes from day to night work, the body's internal clock is not immediately reset. It
continues on its old wake-sleep cycle, even though it is no longer possible for the person to sleep
when the body thinks it is appropriate. All other body cycles also continue the old periods.
It is possible for a worker to become acclimated to working at night, if he or she can establish a new
wake-sleep cycle. However, this is difficult. Bright light resets the body's internal clock. When a
person gets off the night shift and drives home, the bright morning sunlight resets the internal clock.
After the internal clock is reset, it is difficult for the person simply to go home and sleep. Some
commercial companies have developed various products to help shift workers arrange their off-work
hours to help them get the rest and nutrition they need to remain alert and healthy while at work.15
We discuss some of these coping mechanisms later in the chapter.
The disparity between biological and solar days has led to the recommendation that rotating shifts
move towards the longer biological day, instead of away from it. Thus, shift rotation should be to
later shifts instead of earlier ones. A common example of the benefit of doing so is that jet lag is less
severe westbound, when the day is lengthened, than it is eastbound, when the day is shortened.
Shift rotation in aviation maintenance is not a primary source of shift-related problems. Most
maintenance technicians work on shifts that do not change for weeks or months, or ever. The central
problem in aviation maintenance is that many, perhaps most, routine tasks are performed during
nighttime hours so that the aircraft can fly and produce revenue during the daytime. In addition,
maintenance tasks often span more than one shift, requiring information to be passed from one shift
to the next. Shift turnover is the source of many errors.
The length of each work period also affects the error-producing effects of fatigue. In some industries,
work periods are longer than in others. For example, workers in nuclear power plants are commonly
scheduled to work 12-hour shifts.16,17 In the interests of safety, airline pilots' work periods are
limited by regulation to 30 hours of flight time in seven consecutive days, with no more than 8 hours
of flying between prescribed rest periods.18 Air traffic controllers work a basic 8-hour day, 40-hour
week, but overtime may considerably lengthen their work periods.
The bumper sticker that says, "A bad day at the beach is better than a good day at the office" pretty
well sums up many workers' attitude toward their work. Improvements in the workplace
environment are widely thought to improve workers' morale and boost production. However,
research has found that the connections among shiftwork, morale, and productivity are not simple.
Employees at the Miami International Flight Service Station were given the opportunity to choose
non-rotating work periods, limited by certain requirements for the presence of full crews.19 It was
evident from interviews that the workers selected a preferred time off to pursue personal or business
activities and were willing to work whatever schedule would provide that time off. Some workers
chose to work the midshift continuously because they wanted their daylight hours off every day.
Given the opportunity, many workers will choose to work four ten-hour days, instead of five eight-
hour days, to have three consecutive days off.
The choice of the Miami employees points out a fairly common occurrence that underscores the need
to use objective human factors methods when evaluating shiftwork and scheduling changes. When
given a choice of working conditions, products, procedures, etc., workers' preferences are sometimes
at odds with the effects of their choices on performance. That is, the most popular choice does not
always produce the best job performance. By choosing a work schedule that maximizes their free
time, workers might work longer hours than are conducive to good (i.e., safe, effective, and error-
free) work.
From a human factors perspective, we are especially interested in shift- and schedule-related 1/31/2005
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that are reflected in degraded maintenance performance. In this section, we will list and
describe some of the most common issues and problems that you can anticipate. You should
understand that these issues and problems are neither necessarily nor entirely caused by shiftwork or
scheduling. Many work-related and personal factors can contribute to most of the items we describe
Increased Injuries
Most athletes understand that their risk of injury increases when they are tired or not paying
attention. This is also true for industrial workers. Just as cognitive (thinking) errors increase with
increased fatigue, so do physical errors, which result in personal injuries. All of the elements that we 1/31/2005
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above, such as loss of judgment, contribute to the increased likelihood that a worker will
be injured.
Lower Productivity
One of the primary reasons for working on shifts and longer hours on each shift is to utilize human
and capital resources more efficiently. For example, an expensive test and fabrication equipment
isn't earning a return if it is idle. Also, working slightly longer shifts reduces the amount of non-
productive time at the beginning and end of each shift. It is somewhat ironic that engaging in a
practice that can increase productivity when used sparingly can actually decrease productivity when
used excessively. To use an extreme example, people cannot produce twice as much output if they
work 24 instead of 12 hours.
For clarity, we have addressed regulatory requirements in two categories -- scheduling and shift
turnover. As you can easily see from this discussion, there seems to be some type of regulation
affecting both these issues for all regulated groups except aviation maintainers.
For largely unknown reasons, the eight-hour day is now clearly the benchmark for a day's work.
Work beyond eight hours on any given day is customarily compensated as overtime, either with
money or time off. The Fair Labor Standards Act mandates that work done beyond 40 hours per
week be compensated as overtime; this effectively established the 40-hour work week. However,
there seems to be no umbrella regulation or law setting limits on daily consecutive hours of work, at
least not by the U. S. Office of Personnel Management or by the Department of Labor.
Federal agencies seem individually to set daily hours of work according to mission needs and safety,
after considering input from workers and the public. In private industry, daily hours of work,
overtime compensation, night differential pay, shift rotation patterns, and any other matters related to
working conditions are usually settled in a union contract or in other negotiations.
There appears to be only one FAR that related directly to work schedules for AMTs and other
aircraft maintenance workers. Part 121.377 states that "…each certificate holder shall relieve each
person performing maintenance … from duty for a period of at least 24 consecutive hours during any
seven consecutive days, or the equivalent thereof within any one calendar month." In essence, this
rule requires that maintainers be given at least one day off per week or four days off per month. 1/31/2005
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no restrictions (at least in the FARs) regarding how many hours a maintainer can work in a
given day. If the letter of the cited rule is observed, an AMT could work continuously for six days,
if they are given the seventh day off.
FAA rules frequently are withdrawn if public comment indicates general disapproval. This was the
case with the FAA's attempts to establish flight and duty time for airline pilots when it became
evident that all contingencies could not be anticipated. However, Part 121 of the Federal Aviation
Regulations establishes the maximum allowable flight time and required rest periods for airline flight
crews.18 Flight crewmembers may not be scheduled for flight assignments that exceed the following
• 1000 hours in any calendar year
• 100 hours in any calendar month
• 30 hours in any 7 consecutive days
• 8 hours between required rest periods.
Flight crewmembers must also have the following rest period during the 24 hours preceding these
flight assignments:
• 9 consecutive rest hours for flight time of less than 8 hours
• 10 consecutive rest hours for more than 8 but less than 9 hours of flight time
• 11 hours of rest time for 9 or more hours of flight time.
Only under special circumstances spelled out in the rule may these restrictions on work periods be
Since March 1995, similar rules have applied to flight attendants.20 This is the first time that non-
cockpit crew members have been covered by such regulations. Under these new rules, flight
attendants must have at least 9 hours of scheduled rest if they have been on duty 14 hours in any 24-
hour period. Flight attendants must also have a 24-hour rest period every 7 calendar days. Attendants
on international flights are allowed to work 18-20 hours, but their workload must be reduced by
more attendants on duty.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has promulgated regulations limiting truck
drivers to 10 hours of driving in any 24 hour period and to 60 hours in any 7-day period. The Federal
Railroad Administration limits railroad engineers to 12 hours of work in a 24 hour period, to 30
hours in 7 days, to 100 hours in 30 days, and to 1000 hours per year.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission makes recommendations to licensees who operate nuclear
power plants, but does not set daily hours of work. The government recommends that the 8 hour day,
40 hour week, be the goal of licensees, but recognizes that considerable overtime is inevitable. The
recommended limits are 16 hours of duty in 24 hours, exclusive of shift change time, with a
minimum break of 8 hours between 16-hour stints; 24 hours in any 48 hour period; and 72 hours in a
7-day period. Based on these figures, a nuclear power plant operator is allowed to work 100 hours in
10 days; an airline pilot is allowed to fly only 100 hours in 30 days.21
As these examples show, the length of work periods varies considerably, as do ideas about fatigue
and human error. In fact, both fatigue and human error are difficult, if not impossible, to measure
objectively. When one considers that there could conceivably be 50 different state regulations about
standard lengths of work periods and a much greater number of local regulations, it is easy to see
that generalizations are impossible.
Shift Turnover
There are no FAA regulations that directly address specific shift turnover practices in aviation
maintenance organizations. Part 121.369 (b)(9) requires an organization's maintenance manual to
contain "Procedures to ensure that required inspections, other maintenance, preventative 1/31/2005
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Split DEMOand alterations that are not completed as a result of shift changes or similar work
interruptions are properly completed before the aircraft is released to service." However, no
guidance is given regarding what those procedures should (or might) be.
The most specific regulatory guidance related to shift turnover is given in Orders and Standards from
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Obviously, aviation maintenance facilities are not bound by
DOE regulations. However, there is a lot of good information in these requirements that can be
easily adapted to the aviation maintenance environment. The DOE has a long history of operating
facilities, many of which process potentially dangerous substances. A complicating factor is that
many, if not most, of these facilities are operated by contractors.
Recognizing that many incidents and accidents in these facilities were caused by poor
communication during shift turnover, the DOE promulgated Order 5480.19, which details the
conduct of operations at DOE facilities.22 Chapter 12 of this Order is titled "Operations Turnover"
and lists a series of guidelines related to shift turnover procedures and checklists.
Order 5489.19 invokes or references several standards. Two that directly address shift turnover are
DOE-STD-1038-93, "Guide to Good Practices for Operations Turnover",23 and DOE-STD-1041-93,
"Guide to Good Practices for Shift Routines and Operating Practices".24
In the GUIDELINES section, we use material from these DOE sources, as well as from work
sponsored by the FAA/AAM in the aviation maintenance environment to develop reasonable and
effective shift turnover practices.
Although the reality of fatigue-induced performance problems associated with shiftwork has been
evident for many years, the underlying mechanisms causing these effects have only recently been
identified and explained. The key concepts associated with shiftwork-related performance problems
are described below.
Circadian Rhythms
The term circadian refers to the fact that the types of cycles we described in previous sections have a
period nearly, but not exactly, a 24-hour day. The word circa is Latin for "about" or
"approximately." Physiological and psychological variables that follow our internal clock are said to
be "circadian." Body temperature is an example of a circadian cycle. Figure 4-1 shows the
approximate body temperature cycle for an individual following a normal wake-sleep cycle.
Compressed Schedules
Certain types of schedules are said to be "compressed" because they compress a full work-week into
fewer days than a normal 8-hour day requires. The most common compressed schedule requires four
consecutive 10-hour workdays, followed by 3 full days off. 1/31/2005
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Another compressed schedule is known as the 2-2-1, or the "rattler." It consists of a 5-day work
week made up of two evening watches, followed with two day watches, and finished with one
midwatch. In this way, a forty-hour work week is compressed into 88 consecutive hours. This leaves
80 hours (48 percent of the 168-hour, 7-day, week) for the weekend. The FAA uses this schedule in
many air traffic control (ATC) locations. However, as Table 4-1 shows, such a schedule does not
provide 16 hours off duty between any two consecutive watches. Consequently, there may be
inadequate time for rest between work periods.
1 1600-2400
2 1400-2200
3 0800-1600
4 0600-1400
5 0000-0800 ____
Weekend = 80 hours 1/31/2005
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Coping Mechanisms
If we can't eliminate a particular stressor from our lives, then we must somehow learn to live with it.
The alternative is to allow the resulting stress to eventually manifest itself in physical, emotional, or
psychological damage. The ways in which we reduce the effects of a stressor are called a coping
mechanisms. Coping mechanisms can be as simple as choosing to ignore the situation, although we
are typically not able to ignore the fact that we can't sleep during the daytime. More often, we cope
with nighttime work by some combination of planning off-duty activities with our family, sleep
schedules, nutrition, exercise, physical modifications to our home, and even wearing sunglasses
when we drive home from work.
Because of the universal existence of and performance decrements related to schedule-induced
fatigue, there has been quite a bit of research directed at finding effective countermeasures. NASA
has sponsored a Fatigue Countermeasures Program for many years. It is aimed at reducing the
dangerous effects of fatigue among flight crew members.25 In studying the effects of planned naps
for crew members during long, over-water flights, the NASA program found that short naps
drastically reduce the negative performance effects of fatigue.
Other countermeasures that have been studied include various types of chemical stimulants such as
caffeine and amphetamines, increased physical activity, and planned rest. Chemicals such as
melatonin are thought (but not yet proven) to allow people to fall asleep easily, allowing them to
synchronize their wake-sleep cycle to a new shift or time zone.26,27 Recent studies of carefully
controlled exposure to bright lights has shown it to resynchronize circadian rhythms rapidly.28
As with other types of oscillations, circadian rhythms can be either in or out of phase with our
physical surroundings. They are said to be "in phase" when the effects they produce, such as
sleepiness or alertness, are appropriate for the time of the work day they occur. Being tremendously
sleepy at 4 a.m. is not a problem if you are in bed and do not begin working for several more hours.
Drifting off to sleep at 4 a.m. while you are in control of an airplane or a nuclear power plant,
obviously, can cause major problems.
Workers on rotating shifts routinely become desynchronized when they change shifts. Airline pilots
who regularly cross time and date boundaries also live in a fairly constant state of desynchronization.
Even workers who consistently work on the night shift can remain desynchronized indefinitely.
While it is possible to become resynchronized, the time required to do so depends on many factors,
including the dark-light environment in which one works. Figure 4-2 depicts a desynchronized
circadian rhythm.
Fatigue 1/31/2005
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The concept of fatigue is more easily understood through common experiences than through
quantitative research. It is not possible to measure fatigue directly, as one might measure blood
pressure or the length of a person's hand. Fatigue is indirectly measurable through its effects. For
example, you can measure the number of errors committed per unit time on a particular task. If the
person doing that task continues without rest long enough, the number of errors he or she commits
increases. At some point, you would conclude that the person is fatigued. Working long hours,
working during normal sleep hours, and working on rotating shift schedules all produce fatigue-like
effects, although the mechanisms are different for each situation.
Shift Turnover
Shift turnover is the process of handing off tasks and responsibilities from one shift to the next. This
term is probably too general to convey what actually happens when shifts change. In fact, entire
shifts do not hand over tasks and responsibilities. Instead, they are handed from one individual to
another. The essence of good shift turnover practice is to ensure that every individual gets the
appropriate information to understand where things stand as his shift begins and what he is expected
to do during the work shift.
Sleep Inertia
When you awaken from sleep, you are not immediately capable of performing the same type of
physical or mental tasks as after you have been awake for a while. This performance decrement,
known as sleep inertia, has been documented for a variety of tasks. It is especially acute for tasks
requiring complex mental processing.29,30,31 The effects of sleep inertia can take several minutes
to dissipate and are more pronounced after experiencing sleep deprivation or when one awakens in a
low circadian cycle.
Various methods have been used to determine if shiftwork-related, i.e., fatigue-related, problems
exist in a particular organization and, if so, to mitigate these effects. The GUIDELINES section
describes several ways of reducing the effects of rotating and nighttime work shifts and of coping
with the effects that remain. In this section, we look at methods that help supervisors determine the
extent to which shift rotation or other scheduling characteristics decrease safety or productivity. 1/31/2005
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Incident Technique
The critical incident technique asks workers to describe, in writing, accidents or near accidents
they've observed, heard about, or been involved in while on the job. Although we're concerned about
the effects of shiftwork and scheduling on job performance in this chapter, there are many other
important aspects of job performance such as safety, productivity, efficiency, etc. The critical
incident technique allows us to identify aspects of shiftwork that might directly affect the safety of
workers or the flying public.
To be effective, critical incident reporting must be anonymous, or at least allow anonymity. A
variation of the critical incident technique has been used for many years to allow cockpit crew
members to report unsafe incidents or near-incidents.32 Critical incident reporting need not be
complicated to be effective. A few items on a questionnaire can provide an easy vehicle for such
Direct Measurement
Direct measurement can be considered as a method for evaluating scheduling and shiftwork effects.
The general idea of direct measurement is that some aspect of schedule-related fatigue causes a
physical or psychological change that can be objectively measured. To some extent, probe tasks, as
described in "Empirical Testing," below, are a type of direct measurement. However, all behavioral
tasks are subject to the vagaries of human performance from a measurement perspective.
Certain physical variables are not directly affected by user perceptions or behavior. For example, it is
possible to measure the levels of melatonin in the bloodstream. Melatonin levels are directly related
to feelings of sleepiness. Thus, directly measuring melatonin levels is a way to assess sleepiness
without asking people to describe how sleepy they feel. Likewise, core body temperature is directly
related to alertness, and eye movements are associated with attentiveness. In fact, a number of these
physical variables are directly tied to conditions that either enhance or degrade job performance.
The biggest drawback of direct measurement is that it is extremely intrusive; the act of making the
measurement can affect the factor being measured. For example, drawing blood to analyze melatonin
will definitely cause a certain increase in the worker's arousal level. Taking core body temperature
measurements can be even more intrusive. Because of the intrusive nature of these measurements
and the ethical considerations inherent in making them, this type of direct measurement is best left to
professional and academic researchers.
Empirical Testing
In human factors, the preferred method of determining the effects of any condition, situation,
substance, etc., is to have people under the influence of that condition perform a realistic task. Such
empirical testing is the cornerstone of all objective science. In the case of fatigue, for example, a
reasonable empirical approach would be to cause fatigue in a group of people, perhaps through lack
of sleep, and then have them perform a work-related task.
Such testing must be subject to stringent safety precautions. It is not ethical to study the effects of
alcohol on driving performance by giving people large amounts of alcohol and then letting them
drive. Likewise, we cannot intentionally cause fatigue in a group of aircraft maintainers and then let
them work on actual aircraft systems.
Most empirical testing for schedule-related fatigue effects has been done in one of two ways. The
first is to place people in a laboratory setting, to have them undergo a particular wake-sleep cycle or
simulated work schedule, and then to measure their performance on some set of tasks. Although
these tasks can be made quite realistic, since they are not undertaken in the workplace no one is
exposed to hazards.
The second empirical testing strategy is to keep individuals in an actual work situation and observe 1/31/2005
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Split DEMOon an abstract task, sometimes called a probe task. Probe tasks are designed to test
some aspect of a person's ability to perform work, such as the ability to perform numerical
calculations. Errors on the probe task are then analyzed to determine whether the condition, in our
case fatigue, is associated with an increase in particular types of errors.
Empirical testing is objective and can provide very precise measurements of fatigue-related effects.
It is difficult to design a test that measures only the effects of the condition we want to evaluate. In
fact, there is an entire science devoted to designing empirical studies. Since empirical testing is so
difficult to use properly, we recommend that interested readers seek professional help before
embarking on a testing program.
The most common method of determining work-related problems or soliciting workers' opinions is
simply to ask. Good managers solicit workers' comments and listen to their opinions and complaints.
Face-to-face questioning has its drawbacks, however. First, workers are often intimidated by
managers and find it difficult to criticize a work practice that their supervisor might favor. Second,
individual interviews are so time-consuming that discussing workplace issues with each and every
worker can be practically impossible. Third, since workplace interviews tend to be relatively
unstructured, it is difficult to cover a variety of topics with appropriate detail without getting side-
Human factors practitioners recognize these drawbacks and have developed a formal, written method
for soliciting employees' opinions, and other information. This method uses structured questionnaires
designed to allow workers to provide job-related information anonymously. Questionnaires typically
contain items that solicit both objective information and opinions. Strictly speaking, written
instruments that solicit opinions are called "opinionnaires." However, for simplicity, we refer to the
composite document as a questionnaire. Questionnaires and opinionnaires are described in Chapter
Questionnaires are relatively easy to develop, cheap to reproduce, and easy to distribute and analyze.
Workers can be given time during their shift to fill out questionnaires, solving the common low
response rate associated with mailed questionnaires. Constructing questionnaire items requires skill,
if the responses are to be meaningful. We've all seen self-serving surveys in which the phrasing
identifies the expected response.
The developer's intent should be to phrase items so they present no particular viewpoint. Users
should be encouraged to be direct and candid in their responses. Users should be allowed to respond
anonymously; this eliminates any intimidation effect. In turn, managers should be prepared to deal
with responses they don't particularly want to hear.
Training 1/31/2005
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As we have shown in this chapter, the topics of shiftwork and scheduling are complex. The effects of
shiftwork are only now coming to be understood in the scientific community. Despite their lack of
fundamental knowledge about shiftwork and scheduling, however, these types of tasks are among
the most common for supervisors and managers. To claim simply that aviation maintenance
supervisors lack in-depth understanding of fatigue-related performance effects sidesteps the fact that
supervisors are asked to perform scheduling tasks.
In this section, we describe a number of fairly common scheduling-related tasks for which we can
provide some human factors guidance. 1/31/2005
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The following guidelines are keyed to the tasks described in the preceding section. 1/31/2005
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Table 4-2. Example of a questionnaire used to evaluate the existing shift schedule.
1. How long have you worked on this schedule? _________ (weeks, months, or years)
2. During this rotation, how long have you worked on this shift? _________ (days or weeks)
5. Do you prefer rotating shifts or staying on one shift? ___Rotating ___Stay on one shift
7. Of the shifts you've worked, which do you like the least? ___________
8. Which shift change do you find most difficult? For example, mornings to mids.
Present Shift
The following questions relate to the shift you are presently working.
9. Do you ever feel sleepy while working on this shift? ___Yes ___No
10. On the following scale, place an "X" at the point that best describes how frequently you feel
sleepy while working on this shift. You don't have to place the "X" directly on one of the labeled scale
marks. If you feel it should go between two labeled marks, then put it there.
Never A few times A few times Once a Several Every Several
a year a month week times a day times a
week day
actually 1/31/2005
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14. How easy do you find it to adjust to working on this shift? We're
asking about your sleeping, eating, and social patterns, as well as your
ability to perform work on the shift.
No Very easy Fairly Neither easy Fairly
Very Impossible
adjustment easy nor difficult difficult difficult
16. To what extent do you feel you are an integral part of the company
and that your needs are considered by management?
I'm part of My needs My needs About My needs My
needs I don't
the family are usually are often average are sometimes are 1/31/2005
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17. To what extent are you included in company planning and social
Always Usually Often Sometimes Not Often
Very Rarely Never
Table 4-2. Example of a questionnaire used to evaluate the existing shift schedule (cont.)
18. Have you ever seen an accident or near accident that you feel was caused mostly by fatigue or sleepiness related to th
19. Have you ever been involved in an accident or near accident that you feel was caused mostly by fatigue or sleepiness
20. If you answered "Yes" to item 16 or 17, would you please describe, very briefly, the circumstances of the accident, esp
21. If you have any suggestions or recommendations regarding the present shift schedule, please list them briefly below.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1/31/2005
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DEMO an outgoing shift. Except for the shift turnover meeting, however, all of the
components of the shift turnover process are applicable to other turnover situations as well.
Effective shift turnover depends on three basic elements:
1. The outgoing worker's ability to understand and communicate important elements of the job or
task being turned over to the incoming worker.
2. The incoming worker's ability to understand and assimilate the information being provided by
the outgoing worker.
3. A formalized process for exchanging information between outgoing and incoming workers and
a place for such an exchange to take place.
DOE shift turnover standards stress two characteristics that must be present for effective shift
turnover to take place: ownership and formality. Individual workers must assume personal
ownership and responsibility for the tasks they are performing. They must want to ensure that their
tasks are completed correctly, even when those tasks extend across shifts. The antithesis of this
mentality is the "It didn't happen on my shift" attitude, which essentially absolves the outgoing
worker of all responsibility for what happens on the next shift.
Formality relates to the level of recognition for shift turnover procedures. Formalism exists when
shift turnover procedures are part of written operating rules and managers and supervisors are
committed to ensuring that cross-shift information is effectively delivered. Workers' perceptions of
the importance attached to shift turnover are directly related to the willingness of the organization to
provide ample shift overlap time, adequate job aids, and dedicated facilities for effective turnover to
take place.
An effective shift turnover process is composed of at least four components:
• Shift turnover meetings
• Turnover walkdown
• Turnover checklists
• Work status markers
We will provide guidelines for each of these elements, below. All should be included in the turnover
During this combined shift turnover meeting, supervisors should make general announcements
related to company policies, work schedules, etc. Both incoming and outgoing workers should raise 1/31/2005
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DEMOwant addressed in a general forum.
While general issues are addressed in the turnover meetings, individual AMTs and Inspectors must
exchange detailed information related to individual jobs and tasks. The most effective way to
communicate this information is for the incoming and outgoing workers to go over task issues while
examining the actual work location(s) and component(s). A mutual inspection and discussion of this
nature is called a "walkdown".
· Problems
· Information
AD's, AC's, etc.
Manufacturers' notices
Company policy notices
An important psychological and procedural aspect related to individual shift turnover is when it
actually begins. The common perception is that shift turnover occurs only at the transition period
between shifts. However, DOE shift turnover standards make the point that shift turnover should
really begin as soon as the previous shift starts. Throughout their shift, workers should be thinking
about what information should be included in their walkdown with their counterpart in the
succeeding shift.
A number of topics should be covered during the shift turnover walkdown. These topics will vary
slightly between shop and floor technicians and between AMTs and Inspectors, but the general
topical areas will be consistent across various job categories. Table 4-4 provides a reasonable topical
outline with which to structure turnover walkthroughs. 1/31/2005
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· Problems encountered
· Unusual occurrences
· Resources required/available
Walkdown information exchange should be structured with a checklist. There are essentially two
schools of thought regarding shift turnover checklists. One maintains that these checklists should be
written documents, i.e., all turnover information should be written on a checklist form and the filled-
out form should be passed from the outgoing to the incoming worker. Such written checklists can
also be used to pass shift information to supervisors.
Shift turnover information can also be given verbally from outgoing to incoming workers. In this
case, checklists are used to structure the turnover conversation and ensure that the outgoing worker
doesn't inadvertently fail to pass along important information. This mode of operation is the same as
various cockpit procedures that are governed by checklists, such as takeoff, landing, in-flight engine
re-start, etc.
1. The only objective research related to shift turnover communication in the aviation maintenance
domain involved written shift turnover inspection logs.33 These researchers stressed the importance
of writing down important information. Their rationale noted that verbal information, while more
convenient, is also more prone to distortion and simple forgetting.
We should note here, however, that the job of Inspectors is at least qualitatively different than that of
maintenance technicians. Whereas Inspectors routinely write down observations and comments,
AMTs are typically more concerned with completing steps in a procedure on a workcard. It appears
that verbally exchanging turnover information, according to a formal checklist, is more likely to
conform to the way AMTs typically work. The more compatible the procedure, the more likely it is
that AMTs will follow it.
We recommend that readers prepare shift turnover checklists that cover all of the topics in Table 4-
4. If particular types of information, not found in Table 4-4, are required for particular job
categories, then specialized checklists should be developed for these jobs. Checklists should be no
more than one page in length and should conform to the formatting requirements for workcards.
Once the checklists are written, they should be laminated, and provided to all AMTs and Inspectors. 1/31/2005
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Implementing Countermeasures
The adverse effects of night shift work can be mitigated, at least somewhat, by various supportive
strategies. For workers who regularly rotate among different shifts, these strategies include
structuring shift rotations and non-work activities so they are able to rapidly acclimate to shift
changes. In aviation maintenance, workers are typically assigned to a particular shift for an extended
period, so we must adopt countermeasures more appropriate to this situation.
Workers' overall physical and mental well-being are major determinants of the presence and
magnitude of fatigue effects. The most effective countermeasures to shift-related performance
problems is described below. Readers should understand that no countermeasure is 100% effective.
The idea is to minimize rather than eliminate the bad effects of forcing workers to work at night. 1/31/2005
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Most problems associated with shiftwork are related to the chronic and cumulative sleep loss caused
by a person's work schedule becoming de-synchronized with his or her circadian rhythms. One
obvious countermeasure is to resynchronize work and circadian cycles as quickly as possible, but
this is much easier said than done. Until recently, it wasn't clear that there are actions that
consistently speed the synchronization process. Even now, there is only one safe and effective
method to speed resynchronization.
It has been known for some time that the body's internal clock is reset by exposure to bright light.
Recent research has shown that we can intentionally reset that internal clock by selectively exposing
a person to very bright light.28 A person working during nighttime can cause his or her internal
clock to reset by spending time in a brightly lit area. In this way, a person can minimize the fatigue
effects caused by being de-synchronized and rapidly resynchronize his or her internal body cycles to
the work schedule. Unfortunately, the resetting effect essentially can be destroyed by exposure to
other bright lights, such as daylight, after the workday is finished.
Organizational Effects
Many of the effects of shiftwork, or at least the severity of certain effects, are moderated by a
worker's psychological sense of well-being and belonging. Night shift workers often feel isolated
from the rest of the organization. During their off hours, these workers are essentially isolated from
the rest of the population, since people socialize according to their work schedule. It is common for
night-shift workers to feel cut off from the rest of society. If workers carry this perspective into the
workplace, they can quickly develop an "us vs. them" attitude and mentality.
Managers can minimize these types of effects by including off-shift workers in briefings,
presentations, etc. Day-shift workers have access to services and people that are often inaccessible to
night-shift workers. For example, it is relatively easy for day workers to visit a credit union, get a
benefits-related question answered, attend a training seminar, etc. As much as possible, these same
opportunities should be made available to night-shift workers (see Table 4-3).
Managers should encourage a sense of professionalism and pride in work quality among all workers,
but make a special effort to do so for those working the night shift. The methods for accomplishing
this are the same as for day workers, including incentives, recognition among peers, common quality
standards, proper and immediate feedback, etc.
Finally, managers should ensure that night workers are included in all social events and activities
available to other employees. Workers should be encouraged to participate in an active social life
tailored to their off-duty hours. The company can help by maintaining contacts with business and
social organizations that cater to individuals who work during non-traditional hours.
There are essentially four methods of dealing with the symptoms of fatigue (the most common 1/31/2005
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is sleepiness):
• chemical stimulants
• physical activity
• environmental sound
• short sleep periods (naps)
Each of these coping methods is discussed below.
One of the common symptoms of fatigue is a decrease in one's level of alertness or arousal. Many
chemicals, when ingested or injected, cause a measurable increase in alertness. The most familiar of
these stimulants is caffeine, usually ingested as a component of coffee, tea, or carbonated drinks.
Caffeine can also be ingested in pill form, but the dosage and effects are similar to drinking
beverages containing caffeine. Other stimulants are available only by prescription or through illegal
These drugs all have similar effects on one's level of alertness or arousal, i.e., stimulants increase
one's overall level of alertness and improve one's ability to concentrate and perform complex mental
processing. These effects are short-term and any benefits can be easily overwhelmed by continuous
use or overdoses. Everyone is familiar with feeling "wired" after consuming too much caffeine. In
this condition, a person certainly is awake and alert; at the same time, he or she is also nervous,
fidgety, unable to concentrate, and physically unsteady. These effects are exaggerated with stronger
stimulants, such as amphetamines.
Even when consumed in moderation, stimulants can make it more difficult to "come down" after
work. The benefits of stimulants can come at the price of further disruptions in a person's wake-sleep
cycle. The bottom line for chemical stimulants is that only caffeine can be used routinely without a
doctor's prescription. Taken in moderation, it can improve short-term alertness and delay the onset of
sleepiness. If used excessively, even caffeine can cause performance decrements as severe as the
fatigue effects it is meant to eliminate.
Physical Activity
It's within our common experience that time seems to move more quickly when we are busy. In fact,
the enemy of alertness is boredom and inactivity, especially during the early morning hours. A
worker can at least somewhat delay the effects of fatigue by staying active during a work shift. Also,
fatigue symptoms can be reduced by a few minutes of vigorous physical activity.
A worker's job determines the extent to which he or she participates in physical activity. A person
who is removing or installing a complex aircraft system is moving around, changing positions, and
exerting various types of forces throughout his or her shift. On the other hand, a worker conducting a
checklist procedure might be relatively inactive throughout his or her shift.
Workers should be encouraged to take regular breaks during their shifts and to walk around, go
outside, stretch, and do other things to break the monotony of their work. Activity breaks are also
beneficial for avoiding the soft tissue injuries associated with static work postures.
Certain types of sounds in our environment can cause us to remain alert, even when we are otherwise
fatigued. Other sounds can cause us to become sleepy, even when we are not particularly tired. We
are all familiar with the soothing effects of rain on the roof, ocean surf, and water running in a
nearby stream. Likewise, we've all been kept awake by a creaking shutter, a dripping faucet, or other
annoying noise. 1/31/2005
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Once a person reaches a certain level of fatigue and sleepiness, it is impossible for him or her to stay
awake by an act of willpower. The effects of other coping techniques, such as physical activity and
chemical stimulants, are only temporary. The ultimate coping mechanism for sleepiness is to fall
asleep. Although it is very difficult for most managers to accept the idea that workers should be paid
for sleeping, at least one study of cockpit crews on long, over-water flights, has shown that
performance decrements associated with sleepiness and fatigue can be drastically reduced when crew
members are allowed to take a short nap during their shift. Fatigue effects were reduced when crew
members were allowed to sleep as little as one-half hour during their watch.25
In the aviation maintenance domain, there are few instances where workers' tasks include long
periods of essentially no activity, like pilots on over-water flights. The research results cited above
are probably not directly applicable to aviation maintenance. However, the fact remains that crew
members could fall asleep during their watch and that a short nap virtually eliminated fatigue effects;
we can probably expect similar effects for maintenance workers. A work policy that allows workers
to nap a certain number of times during the month (or year) might actually increase overall worker
productivity. At the very least, workers should not be required, or even allowed, to continue working
once they exhibit symptoms of severe fatigue.
The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society is a good place to begin looking for help related to any
human performance issue -- including shiftwork and scheduling.
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
PO Box 1369
Santa Monica, CA 90406
Phone: (310) 394-1811
Fax: (310) 394-2410
Web site:
Email: [email protected]
In this Guide, we generally do not recommend specific, for-profit organizations as sources of help
for readers. However, only one company has been licensed to apply light resynchronization
technology to shift-related fatigue symptoms. Shiftwork Systems is presently working with at least
one government agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to alleviate night shift fatigue.
Shiftwork Systems
Attn: Nick Murphy, Senior Project Manager 1/31/2005
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Building 200, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 374-9340
Fax: (617) 374-9210
Moore-Ede, M. (1993). The twenty-four hour society. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Circadian Rhythms
Binkley, S. (1979). A timekeeping enzyme in the pineal gland. Scientific American, 240(4), pp 66-
Cassone, V. M. (1990). Effects of melatonin on vertebrate circadian systems. Trends in
Neuroscience, 13(11), pp 457-464.
Chau, N.R., Mallion, J.M., et al. (1986). Twenty-four hour ambulatory blood pressures in shift
workers. Circulation, 80, pp 341-347.
Guilleminault, C., Czeisler, C.A., et al. (1982). Circadian rhythm disturbances and sleep disorders in
shift workers. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 36 (Suppl), pp 709-714. 1/31/2005
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The scenarios presented below represent some of the typical kinds of scheduling-related tasks that
you can expect to encounter in the workplace. The purpose of including these scenarios in the Guide
is to demonstrate how the authors foresee the document being used. For each scenario, we describe
how the issues raised in the scenario can be resolved. There is usually more than one way to
approach these issues, so the responses given below represent only one path that users of the Guide
might take.
As a general rule, always start to look for information by using the Search function. There will be
instances that you already know where required information is located. However, unless you
frequently use specific sections of the Guide, you might miss information pertaining to the same
issue located in more than one chapter. The Search will allow you to quickly search all chapters
1. From our description of the problem, does there appear to be any major element missing, either
organizational or procedural, in your workplace? 1/31/2005
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In the GUIDELINES section, we pointed out two essential requirements for effective shift turnover –
ownership and formality. It is obvious from our description of this scenario that these AMTs lack a
sense of task ownership. When questioned about work-related errors, their typical response is that it
didn't happen on their shift. We would hope that workers care enough about their jobs to want them
completed correctly – regardless of which shift on which they are completed.
Not likely! The proposed shift turnover process is probably no better than what currently exists.
The GUIDELINES section stresses ownership, which we've covered above, and FORMALITY,
which our new process lacks. In effect, we are telling our workers to make sure they pass along
important information to the oncoming shift, but we're not giving them any tools or support elements
to make sure this occurs. We are not setting aside any time for the shift turnover to take place. We
are not providing any type of job aids. In short, we are not giving our workers any of the things they
need to make sure our shift turnover strategy is effective.
Yes. In the GUIDELINES section, we give a list of four components that should be included in an
effective shift turnover process: meetings, checklists, walkdowns, and work status indicators. In this
scenario, we would expect to see the following elements:
• planned meetings among supervisors and between incoming and outgoing workers
• a series of checklists for AMTs and inspectors
• planned walkdowns involving incoming and outgoing workers sharing the same job tasks
• a plan to develop work status cards that will be attached to work cards.
1. What are some good methods to determine whether people really are making more errors or
having more accidents on particular shifts?
2. Even if the actual number of errors and accidents is the same for all shifts, is there any way to
find out whether there are more "near accidents" (or critical incidents) on a certain shift?
3. How can you determine if the work done on each shift is "equal" in terms of exposure to
various hazards?
4. Is there anything wrong with simply asking people about accidents and errors in face-to-face
1. This issue isn't specifically addressed in the Guide. However, if accidents and errors are
reported, direct measurement can be used to make this determination. For example, examining
records of injuries reported to the company infirmary, analyzing workers compensation claims, and 1/31/2005
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OSHA 200 reports for each shift can provide a pretty good picture of how injury-
producing accidents are spread among different shifts.
Depending on the nature of an error, it may or may not be reported or recorded. Inspection records
are likely to contain as much information in this regard as any other source of information. Omitted
steps and work that must be redone can be considered errors in the sense of this scenario.
2. Fortunately, accidents and outright errors are generally rare occurrences. Of much more interest
from a human factors perspective are instances where workers almost committed an error or had an
accident, but corrected the situation in time to prevent it. The critical incident method is specifically
geared toward identifying near-accidents. The questionnaire contained in Table 4-2 contains three
items specifically concerned with critical incident reporting.
3. This is a reasonable question, but it appears deceptively simple. Just because night-shift
workers experience more accidents or commit more errors than workers on other shifts doesn't
necessarily mean that the schedule is the root cause of these problems. Perhaps more, and more
hazardous, procedures are done on the night shift. Since this issue is fraught with so many subtle
methodological problems, we don't provide any guidelines related to it.
4. The subsection on "Questionnaires/Opinionnaires" contains a discussion related to the
shortcomings of face-to-face interviews. Aside from the time and structure requirements imposed by
interviews, the biggest drawback is that workers tend to be intimidated and defensive when
answering direct questions about errors they, or others, have made.
1. How would you go about evaluating the existing shift structure and rotation schedule?
2. Who would you include in your list of people that provide information?
3. What physical measures should you take, if any? These might be measures related to people or
to the work environment.
4. How would you analyze the information once you have it?
1. This scenario addresses the general issue of evaluating an existing schedule. This topic is
treated in detail in the "Evaluating Existing Schedules" subsection of the GUIDELINES section. We
recommend that an existing schedule can most easily be evaluated by using a questionnaire such as
Table 4-2.
2. The issue of who should be included in the questionnaire sample isn't specifically addressed in
this chapter. However, we have implicitly assumed that people actually working on the shifts in
question should respond to the schedule evaluation questionnaire. We note in the last paragraph of
the subsection, for example, that workers should be allowed to fill out the questionnaire while
working on their shift. The concept of "user population" is discussed in Chapter 1 of the Guide.
3. The question of direct measures is answered in the "Direct Measurement" subsection of the
METHODS section. Direct measures are difficult to define and extremely intrusive. You shouldn't
try to use direct measures as part of a schedule evaluation process.
4. This is really the $64 question. After you go to all the trouble of distributing questionnaires,
having workers respond to them, and then collecting them, how do you analyze the information 1/31/2005
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DEMO We've left this issue open in the Guide, since there's no single set of
recommendations that covers all circumstances.
In this particular scenario, the most obvious way to analyze the questionnaire's results is to aggregate
the responses to all the numbered questionnaire items and determine whether a majority of workers
has problems with the present schedule. Problems can take the form of poor morale, excessive
sleepiness on particular shifts, or safety lapses.
1. Are there any valid techniques or products that actually reduce the fatigue shift workers feel?
2. Are there any legal drugs that can help sustain alertness? If so, what are they, how long do they
last, and what are the effects of continued usage?
3. How effective do you think the motivational approach might be? Can you fire up the troops
enough so they can simply decide not to go to sleep on their shift?
4. What other approaches might work?
1. This scenario deals with countermeasures and coping mechanisms for shift-related fatigue. The
"Implementing Countermeasures" and "Introducing Coping Mechanisms" subsections directly
address these issues. When we speak of actually reducing shift workers' fatigue, we're talking about
countermeasures. When we try to cope with fatigue that already exists, we're referring to coping
A number of countermeasures are described in the above referenced subsection of the Guide. Among
these are modifying diet and exercise, using light therapy for resynchronization, and modifying the
shift structure to take advantage of the body's own regulatory mechanisms.
2. Using drugs to overcome fatigue is a coping mechanism. We're assuming the fatigue already
exists (or would without the drug) and that we want to mitigate its effects. In the "Stimulants"
subsection, we discuss a number of fatigue-decreasing drugs, the most common being caffeine. The
critical word in the issue stated above is legal. A number of stimulants are legal, if obtained with a
doctor's prescription. However, the only over-the-counter stimulant that is legal is caffeine. As with
other stimulants, caffeine's effects are temporary and overuse can cause anxiety, gastric disturbances,
shaky motor control, and increased fatigue because of a person's inability to fall asleep after his or
her shift.
3. We don't directly address this issue in the Guide. However, fatigue and sleepiness are largely
physical phenomena and are not under the control of the worker. As such, it is not possible to
motivate someone not to become sleepy or fatigued. Although there are management and
organizational steps that can reduce off-shift workers' feelings of isolation and increase their sense of
well-being, it is unrealistic to expect someone to will himself or herself from becoming sleepy.
4. A number of approaches can reduce the onset of fatigue on night shifts and mitigate its effects.
We've described a number of approaches in this chapter. You can combine these approaches
creatively to increase the effects. For example, work teams could provide peer encouragement for
individuals to alter their off-work routines so as to get proper exercise, nutrition, and rest. Teams
also provide an opportunity for members to change activities periodically so as to forestall the onset
of fatigue caused by monotony. 1/31/2005
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1. Is it likely that a short, say 30-minute, nap gives a person enough rest to continue on with the
2. What are the most likely outcomes if we simply adopt a policy that anyone too sleepy to
continue work is unfit for duty and is sent home without pay (or is required to use vacation or sick
3. The facility manager has been reading a lot about "work teams" and thinks this might be a good
approach for helping individual workers get through the night. Would work teams be a good way of
addressing this problem? Why or why not?
1. In the "Introducing Coping Mechanisms" subsection we provide a discussion of naps as a way
to overcome sleepiness. Even short naps have been shown to decrease the effects of sleepiness.
While we really don't know the full answer to this question, it is likely that naps would at least help
aviation maintenance workers get over their sleepiness and continue to work.
2. Regardless of our policy, people will become sleepy on night shifts. The BACKGROUND
discussion shows that most night-shift workers report feeling sleepy every night and that about one-
fifth of them actually fall asleep on the job. We can't cause workers to not get sleepy by simply
mandating that sleepy people are unfit for duty.
Although we don't provide a direct answer to this issue in the Guide, it is common knowledge that
people do whatever is necessary to remain on the job. In this scenario, sleepy workers would either
try to hide their sleepiness or try to counteract it -- using chemical stimulants or some other means.
Either outcome is undesirable.
3. We discussed work teams in the previous scenario. Without repeating that discussion, let's say
that work teams can help with some fatigue-related effects. However, teams cannot cause a person
who is too sleepy to continue working to suddenly become alert.
1. Smith, Roger C. (1980). Stress, anxiety and the air traffic control specialist: Some conclusions
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7. Ebish, R. (1997). Life in the twilight zone. Delta Airlines Sky Magazine, October, 1997.
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10. Taylor, E., Briner, R.B., and Folkard, S. (1997). Models of shiftwork and health: An
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24. Department of Energy (1993). Guide to good practices for shift routines and operating
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25. Rosekind, M.R., Gander, P.H., Miller, D.L., Gregory, K.B., McNally, K.L., Smith, R.M., and
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26. Miller, M.W. (1994). Drug companies and health food stores fight to pedal melatonin to
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27. Raloff, J. (1995). Drug of darkness. Can a pineal hormone head off everything from breast
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28. Czeisler, C.A., Johnson, M.P., Duffy, J.F., Brown, E.N., Ronda, J.M., and Kronauer, R.E.
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