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InfoSphere® Guardium®
IBM Security Guardium


Database Auto Discovery

IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery

Even in stable environments, where cataloging processes have historically existed, uncontrolled
instances can inadvertently be introduced through mechanisms, including developers that create
“temporary” test environments; business units seeking to rapidly implement local applications; and
purchases of new applications with embedded databases.

The Auto-discovery application can be configured to probe specified network segments on a scheduled
or on-demand basis, and can report on all databases discovered—solving the problem of identifying both
legacy and newly introduced databases. Similarly, the Auto-discovery application can be used to
demonstrate that a process exists to identify all new instances.

In this lab you will learn how to:

__1. Configure a database scan

__2. Run the scan

__3. View the results


1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery Page 6
IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__1. Using the IBM Security® Guardium® GUI, demonstrate the ease of use within the Guardium
solution. Start the Guardium appliance and log in.

__a. From your laptop, browse to https://

__b. Login as pot/ guardium.


1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery Page 7
IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__2. Use the Guardium GUI to create a new Database Discovery application.

__a. In the Navigation menu, click on Discover, then expand Database Discovery and click
on Auto Discovery Configuration.

__b. Click on the plus sign to create a new Auto-discovery Configuration:


1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery Page 8
IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__c. Enter ‘V10 PoT Discover Databases’ for Process name, and click Apply.

__d. Enter ’10.10.9.*’ in the Host(s) field. This will result in the scanning of IP addresses –> You can also enter just a single specific IP address.

__e. Enter ‘1521’ in the Port(s) field and click Add scan. Repeat for additional scans if
desired. You can also enter more than one port separated by comma(s) or a range of
ports as well. You can also have multiple scan entries.


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IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__f. Make sure the Run probe after scan box is checked. This will cause the probe to
automatically run after the scan completes.

__g. Click Run Once Now under ‘Scheduling – Scan for open ports’ to start the scan followed
by the probe.


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IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__h. Click OK to acknowledge.


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IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__i. Click Progress/Summary to view status of the scan/probe. It should complete in less
than a minute. Larger scans will take longer.

__j. Click the ‘+’ icon to expand the Hosts / Ports pull-down. You may need to click Refresh
until the discovery process completes. If the scan has completed, click Close.


1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery Page 12
IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__k. Check the Databases Discovered report to view the results.

There are 2 ways you can find the Databases Discovered Report:

a) In the User Interface search feature, located at the bar on the top of the Guardium UI,
type the first characters of the report you are looking for. In this case: “Datab” will be

The search result will point you to the various locations where you can find this Report. If
you click on the name of the report, it will take you to the Report page.


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IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

b) Alternatively, on the Navigation menu, click on Discover, expand the Reports section
and click on Databases Discovered.

__l. Verify that the Oracle database has been discovered.

__m. In the Navigation menu, click on Discover, expand Database Discovery and click on
Auto-discovery Configuration.

__n. Select the auto discovery process we just created and click on the Pencil icon to modify
this process.


1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery Page 14
IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__o. Substitute for the Host(s) field and let’s look for DB2. Add 50000 in the Ports
field. Click Apply, and then click Run Once Now.


1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery Page 15
IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__p. Now we see the additional scan result for the database(s) with the specific IP


1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery Page 16
IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

__q. If the report does not produce any discovered databases, click the Configure runtime
parameters (Tool) Icon at the tools bar.

__a. Make sure the Enter Period From and Enter Period To runtime parameters are in the
desired range as displayed below.

__b. If adjustments are necessary, simply adjust the desired date ranges and click OK. The
new results will be projected immediately. You may need to sync system clocks.

__c. If the report still displays no results, then make sure the database server at is

__d. If scanning a range of IP addresses such as 10.10.9.*, the above solution will not be
practical for this lab.


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IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

Thank You


1. Exploring Database Auto-Discovery Page 18
IBM Security IBM Security Guardium


__1. The Database Auto-discovery process runs on:

__a. The InfoSphere Guardium collector

__b. The database server

__c. The client PC

__d. A network switch

__2. Network IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) will often view the Database Auto-discovery process
as a possible threat. (True or False)

__3. Database Auto-Discovery is a:

__a. One-step process, scanning the network for active database ports

__b. Two-step process, first scanning all active ports, then querying each port with the known
database protocols

__c. Three-step process, first verifying which IPs are active, then scanning all active ports,
then querying each port with the known database protocols

__4. The Database Auto-discovery process can be scheduled to run on a periodic basis (for example,
once a week). (True or False)

__5. Database Auto-discovery results can be:

__a. Sent automatically through email to the admin user

__b. Only viewed through the GUI from the Databases Discovered report

__c. Viewed through the GUI from the Databases Discovered report, or automatically
distributed using the Compliance Workflow capability


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IBM Security IBM Security Guardium


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review (Answers)

__1. The Database Auto-discovery process runs on:

A – The InfoSphere Guardium Collector.

__2. Network IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) will often view the Database Auto-discovery process
as a possible threat. (True or False)


__3. Database Auto-discovery is a:

B – Two-step process, first scanning all active ports, then querying each port with the known
database protocols.

__4. The Database Auto-discovery process can be scheduled to run on a periodic basis (for example,
once a week). (True or False)


__5. Database Auto-discovery results can be:

C – Viewed through the GUI from the Databases Discovered report, or automatically distributed
using the Compliance Workflow capability.


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IBM Security IBM Security Guardium

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