Pure-Tone-Audiometry Sociedad Britanica Audiologia
Pure-Tone-Audiometry Sociedad Britanica Audiologia
Pure-Tone-Audiometry Sociedad Britanica Audiologia
General foreword
This document presents a Recommended Procedure by the British Society of Audiology (BSA). A
Recommended Procedure provides a reference standard for the conduct of an audiological intervention
that represents, to the best knowledge of the BSA, the evidence-base and consensus on good practice
given the stated methodology and scope of the document and at the time of publication.
Although care has been taken in preparing this information, the BSA does not and cannot guarantee the
interpretation and application of it. The BSA cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, and
the BSA accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising. This document
supersedes any previous recommended procedure by the BSA and stands until superseded or
withdrawn by the BSA.
All rights reserved. This document may be freely reproduced in its entirety for educational and not-for-profit
purposes. No other reproduction is allowed without the written permission of the British Society of Audiology.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
1. Contents
2. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………..…… 5
3. Scope ………………………………………………………………………………..……………… 5
3.1 Subject ………………………………………………………………………..………. 5
3.2 Procedures …………………………………………………...………………..…… 5
4. Equipment and test environment ........................................................ 6
4.1 Audiometric Equipment ………………………....……………….…….…… 6
4.2 Audiometric Test Environment ……………………….………………….. 6
5. Preparation for testing ……………………………………………………….……….…… 6
5.1 Preparation of test subjects …………………………….…………….……. 6
5.2 Test Time ………………………………………………………………….…….…… 7
6. Air-conduction audiometry without masking …….………………………….…. 8
6.1 Instructions ……………………………………..……..……………………...….. 8
6.2 Subjects response ……………………………………….….…………………… 8
6.3 Earphones ……………………………………………………..……………………. 8
6.4 Test Order ……………………………………………………………………………. 9
6.5 Timing of test stimuli …………………………………………………..………. 10
6.6 Initial Familiarisation ……………………………………..…..……………….. 10
6.7 Method of finding threshold ………………………………………………… 10
6.8 Variations in method ……………………………………………………..……. 11
7. Bone-conduction audiometry without masking ………………………………… 11
7.1 Bone vibration ……………………………………………………..………….….. 12
7.2 Test frequencies and test order ………………………………..…………. 12
7.3 Test stimuli ………………………………………………………………..………… 12
7.4 Instructions ………………………………………..……………….………………. 12
7.5 Methods for finding thresholds ……………………..…..……………….. 12
7.6 Vibrotactile threshold ………………..………………………………………… 13
7.7 Limitations of bone vibrators ……………..………………..……………… 13
8. Cross-hearing and masking …………..………………………………………………….. 13
8.1 Cross-hearing and its prevention by masking ……….……………… 14
8.2 The principles of masking……………………………………………………… 14
8.3 Masking noise…………………………..………………………………………….. 15
8.4 Effective masking level…………………………………………..…………….. 15
8.5 Measuring the thresholds for masking noise (M) if required... 16
8.6 Indicators of cross-masking and rules of masking…………………. 16
8.6.1 Rule 1……………………………………………………………..……….. 16
8.6.2 Rule 2…………………………………………..………………………….. 16
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
2. Introduction
This document replaces the previous version (BSA 2004). Its purpose is to describe
standard procedure and recommendations for effective pure-tone audiometry carried
out in most audiological contexts. It also includes descriptors for pure-tone audiograms
and the recommended format for audiogram forms. This document is not intended to
provide guidance on specific circumstances or on interpretation of results. It is
important that the competent person carrying out, or responsible for, the test (the
‘tester’) uses professional judgement when deciding on the particular approach to be
used with each person being tested (the ‘subject’), given the specific circumstances and
the purposes of the test, and the tester’s level of competency. The BSA has produced a
separate procedure for the determination of uncomfortable loudness levels (BSA).
The term ‘shall’ is used in this document to refer to essential practice, and ‘should’ to
refer to desirable practice.
Unless stated otherwise, this document represents the consensus of expert opinion and
evidence as interpreted by the Professional Practice Committee of the BSA in
consultation with its stakeholders (Appendix A). The document was developed in
accordance with the BSA Procedure for Processing Documents (BSA).
3. Scope
3.1 Subjects
This document describes procedures suitable for routine clinical use with adults and
older children. It may not be appropriate for certain populations (e.g. adults with
learning difficulties and younger children). In these cases some modification of the test
method may be required, although this may result in a less accurate measurement of
hearing threshold levels.
3.2 Procedures
Procedures are described for manual pure-tone audiometry, using both air-conduction
(a-c) and bone-conduction (b-c) testing, with and without masking. The document does
not cover high-frequency audiometry (>8000 Hz), screening audiometry, use of short-
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Excessive ambient noise will affect the test results, and ambient noise should not exceed
the levels set out in the BS EN ISO standards (see Appendix C for further comments and
details of the permitted ambient noise). The problems caused by ambient noise are
greater when testing by b-c as there are no earphones in place to reduce the noise
reaching the ears. Testers should also be alert to the problems of intermittent or
transient noise during the test.
In general, the ambient noise should not exceed 35 dB(A). If it is higher than this then it
is recommended that audiometry should not proceed.
Ear Examination (BSA)) and the findings recorded, including the presence of wax.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Occluding wax may be removed prior to audiometry but if wax is removed the
procedure shall only be undertaken by someone who is qualified and competent to do
If there is a likelihood of ear canals collapsing with supra-aural earphones in position this
shall be recorded as it may lead to measurement of a false air-bone gap. In some cases
the use of insert earphones (e.g. Etymotic ER3 and ER5) will avoid this problem (see
Section 6.3).
The subject shall be asked about any exposure to loud noise during the previous 24
hours, as this can cause a temporary hearing loss. If the answer is yes then more details
should be obtained regarding the exposure and results recorded. ‘Loud’ can be
determined by having to shout or use a raised voice to communicate at a distance of 1
metre or 3 feet. If the results may have been affected by recent noise exposure then it
may be necessary to re-test the subject at a time when they have had no recent
exposure to noise.
Subjects shall be asked if they have tinnitus, as this may affect their ability to detect
tones in one or both ears (see Section 6.8). Subjects shall be asked if they have better
hearing in one ear; if so testing should commence with that ear, otherwise testing can
start in either ear.
If applicable, inform the subject about intercom facilities. After giving the test
instructions, remove any hearing aids, also any glasses, headwear or ear-rings that may
obstruct the correct placement of the transducers, cause discomfort or affect sound
transmission. Wherever possible, hair, scarves etc, should not be allowed to sit between
the ear and the transducer.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
“I am going to test your hearing by measuring the quietest sounds that you can hear. As
soon as you hear a sound (tone), press the button. Keep it pressed for as long as you
hear the sound (tone), no matter which ear you hear it in. Release the button as soon as
you no longer hear the sound (tone). Whatever the sound, and no matter how faint the
sound, press the button as soon as you think you hear it, and release it as soon as you
think it stops.”
Alternative wording is acceptable providing the same points of instruction are included.
The provision of an abbreviated printed version of these instructions may be
advantageous. The subject should be asked if they understand the instructions. They
should also be told that they should sit quietly during the procedure and may interrupt
the testing in case of discomfort.
Subjects with tinnitus present at the time of the test should be asked to ignore their
tinnitus as much as possible and to respond to the test tones. They should be instructed
to inform the tester if they experience difficulty in discriminating between their tinnitus
and the test tones. A note to that effect should be made on the audiogram form,
including which frequencies were affected (see also Section 6.8).
6.3 Earphones
There are three main types of transducers that can be used for air-conduction
audiometry: supra-aural, circumaural and insert earphones. Supra-aural earphones (e.g.
Telephonics TDH39 and TDH49) rest on the ear and have traditionally been used for a-c
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
entire ear. However, both supra- and circum-aural earphones can be cumbersome,
particularly when used for masking bone-conduction thresholds, and may cause the ear
canal to collapse. Insert earphones (e.g. Etymotic Research ER3 and ER5) use a
disposable foam tip for directing the sound straight into the ear canal and therefore
prevent the ear canal from collapsing. Insert earphones are also associated with less
transcranial transmission of sound than supra-aural earphones so reduce the need for
masking (see Section 8.1). However, insert earphones may not be appropriate in ears
with infections, obstructions or abnormalities. In cases of excessive wax, insert
earphones could also push the wax further into the canal and therefore must be
The tester shall fit the earphones and the subject should be instructed not to hold or
move them, after checking with the subject that there is no discomfort. The sound
opening of a supra- or circum-aural earphone shall be aligned with the ear canal
entrance. If insert earphones are used, the appropriately sized ear tip of an insert
earphone should be inserted so the outer end is flush with the entrance to the ear canal.
In all cases, incorrect placement may invalidate calibration and provide less protection
from ambient noise.
With a-c, vibrotactile perception can occur at frequencies of 500 Hz and below, and at
high hearing levels. The tester should be aware of the possibility that thresholds at these
frequencies and levels may be vibrotactile.
opposite ear in the same order. The retest at 1000 Hz is normally not required in the
second ear unless tests in the first ear revealed significant variation.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
If the responses are consistent with the tone presentation (i.e. onset and offset) the
subject is familiarised with the task. If not, repeat. If after this repeat the responses are
unsatisfactory, re-instruct the subject.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
5. Proceed to the next frequency, starting at a clearly audible level (e.g. 30 dB above
the adjacent threshold, but see notes on familiarisation in Section 6.6) and use the
10-dB-down, 5-dB-up sequence described in Step 4 until the threshold criterion is
Subjects with short attention spans, and some elderly subjects, may find the full test
rather tiring. In these cases it may be appropriate to test fewer frequencies, as it is
better to test fewer frequencies accurately than to attempt a complete test on an
uncooperative subject where the accuracy will be in doubt. When frequencies are
omitted from the test the reason shall be recorded. With such subjects other
modifications to technique may be required, such as the use of longer test tones or
alternative response methods. Again these variations in technique shall be recorded.
If there is reason to suspect that the hearing thresholds are exaggerated, published
variations in technique may help with this (e.g. Cooper & Lightfoot, 2000). When used, a
note citing the method shall be added to the audiogram form (Section 10).
conduction testing. Calibration standards for b-c apply only to monaural hearing and
were derived using approximately 35 dB sensation level of masking noise in the non-test
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
ear. When testing without masking, thresholds may appear more acute by about 5 dB
due to binaural stimulation.
7.4 Instructions
Instructions are the same as for a-c audiometry, as described in Section 6.1. However,
emphasis should be given that the subject should respond regardless of the side on
which the sound (tone) is heard.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
The standard bone vibrator used in audiometry (Radioear B71) has poor distortion
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
frequencies below 500 Hz because the subject’s threshold may relate to hearing at the
second or third harmonic rather than the fundamental. Bone-conduction tests at 6000
Hz and above are also problematic due to transducer limitations and should be avoided
(Lightfoot and Hughes, 1993). However, there may be exceptional circumstances when
tests at the lower and higher frequencies are required, depending on the investigation
performed. A check must be made that these frequencies have been included in
periodic objective calibration tests, and caution is advised in the interpretation of the
Headband tension has an impact on the sound levels delivered. It is difficult to measure
the actual headband tension in situ, but testers need to be aware of this source of error
(e.g. with a small head) and record any suspected errors from this source.
When the difference in the thresholds of the two ears is greater than the transcranial
transmission loss, cross-hearing may occur and the apparent threshold of the worse ear
is in fact a ‘shadow’ of the better ear.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Reliance should not be placed on the subject to make an accurate report of the ear in
which the sounds were heard, since many people are unable to make such judgements
easily and the sound may not be fully lateralised to one ear.
The term ‘not-masked’ is used to describe measurements made without masking, rather
than the term ‘unmasked’ which refers to different psychophysical phenomena.
When masking noise is calibrated in terms of effective masking level it is not necessary
to measure the subject’s hearing threshold for the masking noise prior to testing with
masking (see Section 8.8).
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
If possible the same method as used for pure-tone threshold determination should be
used to determine M. The procedure should be repeated for each narrow-band noise
corresponding to the frequencies of the pure-tones to be masked. Where it is not
possible to determine M using the usual threshold technique, perhaps because of
audiometer design, care should be taken to determine M as accurately as possible.
8.6.1 Rule 1
Masking is needed at any frequency where the difference between the left and right
not-masked a-c thresholds is 40 dB or more when using supra- or circum-aural
earphones or 55 dB or when using insert earphones.
8.6.2 Rule 2
Masking is needed at any frequency where the not-masked b-c threshold is more acute
than the air-conduction threshold of either ear by 10 dB or more. The worse ear (by air-
conduction) would then be the test ear and the better ear would be the non-test ear to
be masked.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Notes on Rule 2:
Although this rule may frequently indicate the need for masking, there will be occasions
where this is not warranted, depending on the purpose of the investigation. For
example it may not benefit patient management to mask more than two b-c frequencies
on one ear, or to mask small air-bone gaps.
If the b-c threshold with masking remains the same or only increases by 5 or 10 dB, it is
possible that the not-masked b-c result was from the ear with the worse a-c threshold,
and it may be necessary to test the better ear whilst applying masking to the worse ear.
8.6.3 Rule 3
Masking will be needed additionally where Rule 1 has not been applied, but where the
b-c threshold of one ear is more acute by 40 dB (if supra or circum-aural earphones have
been used) or 55 dB (if insert earphones have been used) or more than the not-masked
a-c threshold attributed to the other ear.
Notes on Rule 3:
Rule 3 is necessary because an a-c frequency that does not require masking under Rule
1, may need to be masked if the b-c results show that the non-test ear has a conductive
element. Note that it is the sensitivity of the non-test cochlea (as indicated by the b-c
threshold) that is the important factor in cross-hearing, and that Rule 1 is merely a
convenient way of anticipating the need to mask in many cases.
At frequencies where no b-c thresholds have been measured, doubt may exist regarding
the possible effect of Rule 3. If there is a possibility that a-c thresholds at these
frequencies (including 250 Hz and 8000 Hz) are not the true thresholds, they should be
masked or marked accordingly on the audiogram form.
“In this next test, you will hear the sounds (tones) again, just as before. I would like you
to press the button as soon as you hear the sound (tone) start and release it as soon as
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
it disappears. Do this even for the very faint sounds (tones), and no matter which side
you seem to hear the sounds (tones).
For some of the time, you will also hear a steady rushing noise, but I want you to ignore
it and press the button only when you hear the sounds (tones). This steady rushing noise
will get louder at times.
I want you to tell me if any of the sounds become uncomfortably loud, or if you would
like me to explain the test again.”
The subject must not be told to expect to hear the pure-tone in the test ear. The very
fact that masking noise is required means that it is not known which ear is picking up the
1. Re-establish threshold in the test ear without masking noise to remind the subject
what to listen for. This is always necessary for b-c because the occluded not-masked
hearing threshold level is required.
2. Introduce masking noise to the non-test ear. The initial level of masking noise should
be the effective masking level equal to the tonal hearing threshold level of that ear
at that frequency. Wait a few seconds for any erroneous response to occur (a
response at this stage may require brief re-instruction).
3. Re-measure the hearing threshold level in the test ear in the presence of masking
noise using the normal threshold technique as described in Sections 6.6 and 6.7.
Take this tone level as the pure-tone threshold at that level of masking.
4. Increase the level of masking noise by 10 dB. Re-measure the hearing threshold level
in the test ear. Take this tone level as the pure-tone threshold at that level of
5. Continue repeating Step 4, using 10-dB increases in masking noise, until you have at
least four measurements, and until three successive measurements yield the same
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
tonal threshold or until the level of the audiometer is reached or until the subject
finds the masking noise uncomfortable. (See also Sections 8.10 and 8.11)
6. When three successive levels of masking yield the same tonal threshold, or one
threshold no more than 5 dB different from the other two, this is the ‘plateau’ (see
Figures 1 and 2, and Section 8.10). The mode of the three hearing threshold levels at
plateau is taken as the correct hearing threshold of the test ear and no further
masking is required. Withdraw the masking noise and plot the hearing threshold
level on the audiogram.
The use of a masking chart to plot the relationship between the masking noise level and
pure-tone threshold can be helpful for interpreting difficult cases. Both axes of the
masking chart are marked in dB and the aspect ratio is 1:1. See Figure 1 for an example.
It may be appropriate on occasions to use smaller step sizes when increasing the
masking noise, particularly where the plateau is not well defined (see also Sections
Masking noise above 80 dB EML or tones above 100 dB HL should only be used with
caution (see Step 5 above and Section 8.11).
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Step1 of the masking function (which involves the re-determination of the not-masked
tonal threshold, but with the non-test ear occluded by an insert earphone, see Section
8.8) may lead to an improvement of the measured threshold. This is due to the
occlusion effect which is more pronounced at the lower frequencies. If an improvement
in threshold is noted, the original not-masked threshold value on the audiogram should
not be altered although the new value should be used on the masking chart.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Pure-tone threshold = 55 dB HL
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
(a) represents an initial condition where the masking noise though audible does not
have a masking effect. Low masking levels (up to 10 dB above the initial masking
level) are typical for this condition. Both tone and masking noise are heard in the
non-test ear.
(b) represents direct peripheral masking where the threshold of the non-test ear is
being raised by the presence of the noise but not enough to prevent it from
detecting tones more easily than the test ear. Again, both tone and masking noise
are heard in the non-test ear. Note that the slope of this part of the function is
always approximately 1 dB per dB (i.e. approximately 45 degrees assuming the
recommended chart with aspect ratio 1:1). In cases where this 1 dB per dB slope
continues to the audiometer’s tonal or masking maximum output limit, the true test
ear threshold has not been found and the appropriate audiometric symbol with a
downward pointing arrow should be drawn on the audiogram at the last employed
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
(c) represents the true threshold of the test ear (35 dB HL in this example). At these
levels the masking noise has raised the threshold of the non-test ear to the extent
that the intensity of the test tone is sufficient to be just audible in this test ear. Note
that the function is horizontal at this point: the plateau. At the start of the plateau
the subject may hear the tones in the test ear for the first time or may hear the
tones centrally and will sometimes report this to the tester. At higher masking
intensities, the subject should hear the tone and masking noise in the ears to which
they are being presented. The maximum level of masking required to define the
plateau could be recorded for training or audit purposes (e.g. in Figure 2 this is 95 dB
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
8.10.4 Cross-masking
Once masking levels corresponding to the beginning of the plateau of a particular
masking function have been reached, additional increases in masking level further raise
the threshold of the non-test ear. This may not be apparent initially, since the test ear
pure-tone threshold has been reached and may not be adversely affected by the noise
(apart from any central masking effects). However, if at some stage the masking level
becomes sufficiently high, it may be capable of providing a masking effect in the test ear
through transcranial transmission. This is known as cross-masking.
Here the plateau (c) is shorter than usual, only being defined by two points, but is still
sufficient to define the true threshold in this instance; this is not always the case, see
notes below on shortened plateau. The highest level of masking noise used to define the
plateau was 85 dB HL.
Cross-masking will be a particular problem when the test ear has a conductive loss (with
good bone-conduction) and the non-test ear has at least a moderate loss. In this
situation high effective masking levels will be required in the non-test ear, which may
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
In cases when the potential for cross-masking is apparent, increase the masking level in
5-dB steps, rather than 10-dB steps, as this might help to identify a shortened plateau.
It may be impossible to accurately mask a conductive hearing loss if the plateau is not
well defined. Where the masking test could not be performed accurately, or the results
are results are in doubt, this should be clearly indicated on the audiogram.
8.11 Caution
Care needs to be taken when using high levels of masking, particularly when testing at
several frequencies, as it can present a risk to the subject (see The Control of Noise at
Work Regulations, Health & Safety Executive, 2005).
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
In subjects with tinnitus, extra care should be taken when using high levels of masking
noise, as this can exacerbate the tinnitus. In some cases, it may be appropriate not to
perform masking.
9. Audiometric descriptors
The hearing threshold levels of an individual ear are often described in general terms
rather than in terms of the actual numbers at different frequencies on a pure-tone
audiogram. Recommendations are made below to associate particular descriptors with
bands of average hearing impairment.
Four audiometric descriptors are given. These are based on the average of the pure-
tone hearing threshold levels at 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz. Averages do not
imply any particular configuration of hearing loss and do not exclude additional terms
(e.g. profound high-frequency hearing loss) being used.
For the purposes of this document, in determining the five-frequency average value of
hearing loss, if at any frequency no response is obtained due to the severity of the loss,
this reading shall be given a value of 130 dB HL. Any hearing threshold level lower
(better) than 0 dB HL shall be given the value 0 dB HL.
Anomalies may occur in calculating the average hearing loss if an audiometer with
insufficient output is used in the measurement of severe and profound hearing loss.
thresholds, they shall not be used as the sole determinant for the provision of hearing
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
support. The ability to detect pure tones using earphones in a quiet environment is not
in itself a reliable indicator of hearing disability and audiometric descriptors alone shall
not be used as the measure of difficulty experienced with communication in background
noise, the primary complaint of individuals with hearing loss.
10.2 Symbols
Symbols are shown in Figure 5. Air-conduction symbols should be connected with
continuous straight lines; bone-conduction symbols should be joined with broken lines.
For not-masked bone-conduction, the mastoid on which the bone vibrator was placed
can affect the results. For this reason, the mastoid on which the bone vibrator was
placed shall be noted.
Some of the symbols used in audiological software packages may differ from those
recommended here. This is acceptable as long as the results are clear and unambiguous.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Pure-tone audiogram
Name: Date:
Earphone type:____________________________________________________
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
10.5 Notes
If the tester has any doubts about the accuracy of any results, including any thresholds
where cross-hearing was indicated but masking not completed, these shall be noted.
The tester’s name, signature and date of test should be noted on the audiogram form.
For electronic copies of the audiogram, the tester’s name without signature is
acceptable. A note should also be made of the audiometer used, including the type of
earphones, and the date of the last objective calibration.
When a computerised audiometer is used, care must be taken to ensure all results are
recorded and stored correctly. In particular, some systems automatically delete not-
masked thresholds when masked thresholds are recorded, even though with bone-
conduction tests the initial not-masked result may correctly refer to the contralateral
ear. Testers should ensure all potentially useful data are retained.
11. Calibration
11.1 Stage A: routine checking and subjective tests
In order to check the audiometer is functioning across the range, checks shall be carried
out by someone with sufficiently good hearing to detect any faults such as described
below. They should be carried out in the normal test room, with the equipment set up
as installed. These checks should be logged. Where apparent faults are noted,
equipment shall not be used until correct performance has been confirmed.
7. Clean and examine the audiometer and all accessories. Check earphone cushions,
plugs, main leads and accessory leads for signs of wear or damage. Any badly worn
or damaged parts should be replaced. If any transducers are replaced, then the
audiometer must undergo a Stage B check.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
8. Switch on equipment and leave for the recommended warm-up time. (If no warm-up
period is quoted by the manufacturer, allow 5 minutes for circuits to stabilise.) Carry
out any setting-up adjustments as specified by the manufacturer. On battery-
powered equipment, check battery state using the specified method. Check that
earphone and bone vibrator serial numbers tally with those on the instrument’s
calibration certificate. An instrument’s transducers shall not be changed unless a full
Stage B calibration is undertaken.
9. Check that the audiometer output is approximately correct on both a-c and b-c by
sweeping through at a hearing level of just audible tones (e.g. 10 dB HL or 15 dB HL).
This test should be performed at all appropriate frequencies and for both earphones
and the bone vibrator.
10. Check that the masking noise is approximately correct at all frequencies through
both earphones, at a level of 60 dB HL.
11. Perform a high-level listening check on a-c and b-c at all frequencies used, on all
appropriate functions and on both earphones (e.g. 60 dB HL for a-c, 40 dB HL for b-
c). Listen for proper functioning, absence of distortion, freedom from clicks when
presenting the tone etc.
12. Check all earphones and the bone vibrator for absence of distortion and
intermittency; check plugs and leads for intermittency.
13. Check that all the switches are secure and that lights and indicators work correctly.
14. Check that the subject response button works correctly.
Tests 9 to 12 should be carried out weekly.
15. Listen at low levels for any sign of noise or hum, for unwanted sounds or for any
change in tone quality as masking is introduced. Check that attenuators do
attenuate the signals over their full range and that attenuators which are intended
to be operated while a tone is being delivered are free from electrical or mechanical
noise. Check that interrupter keys operate silently and that no noise radiated from
the instrument is audible at the subject’s position.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
17. Check tension of headset headband and bone vibrator headband. Ensure that swivel
joints are free to return without being excessively slack. Check headbands and swivel
joints for signs of wear strain or metal fatigue.
18. Perform an audiogram on a known subject, and check for significant deviation from
previous audiograms (e.g. 10 dB or greater).
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Stage C checks should be such that after the audiometric equipment has been submitted
for a basic calibration, it shall meet the relevant requirements given in BS EN 60645-1. A
suggested minimum requirement for a Stage C check would include all items covered at
Stage B plus:
If insert earphones are used, separate measurements at all three stages must be made
for them. On some equipment it is possible to store two sets of calibration values,
however for others it may be necessary to use correction factors for the second set of
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
12. References
British Society of Audiology Procedure for Processing Documents. British Society of
Audiology. www.thebsa.org.uk
British Society of Audiology (2004). Pure tone air and bone conduction threshold
audiometry with and without masking and determination of uncomfortable loudness
levels. British Society of Audiology.
Cooper J, Lightfoot G (2000) A modified pure tone audiometry technique for medico-
legal assessment. Br J Audiol 34: 37-45
Fagelson M, Martin FN (1994) Sound pressure in the external auditory canal during
bone-conduction testing. J Am Acad Audiol 5: 379-383
Harkrider AW, Martin FN (1998) Quantifying air-conducted acoustic radiation from the
bone-conduction vibrator. J Am Acad Audiol; 9: 410-416
The Health & Safety Executive (2005) Controlling Noise at Work. The Control of Noise at
Work Regulations 2005. Guidance on Regulations. Crown.
Lightfoot GR, Hughes JB (1993) Bone conduction errors at high frequencies: implications
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Munro KJ, Agnew N (1999) A comparison of inter-aural attenuation with the Etymotic
ER-3A insert earphone and the Telephonics TDH-39 supra-aural earphone. Br J Audiol
33: 259-262.
Shipton MS, John AJ, Robinson DW (1980) Air-radiated sound from bone vibration
transducers and its implications for bone conduction audiometry. Br J Audiol 14: 86-99.
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
BS EN ISO 8253-1: Acoustics. Audiometric Test Methods. Part 1: Basic Pure Tone Air and
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Table 1
Maximum permissible ambient sound pressure levels for measuring air-conduction audiometry
(supra-aural earphones) to a minimum hearing level of 0 dB HL between frequencies 250 Hz and 8000
Mid-frequency dB Mid-frequency dB Mid-frequency dB
of one-third re 20 μPa of one-third re 20 μPa of one-third re 20 μPa
octave band octave band octave band
(Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
31.5 66 250 19 2000 30
40 62 315 18 2500 32
50 57 400 18 3150 34
63 52 500 18 4000 36
80 48 630 18 5000 35
Recommended Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry
Insert earphones (e.g. Etymotic Research ER3 and ER5) and noise-excluding earphones
(e.g. Audiocups) will not require such stringent ambient noise levels as they reduce the
amount of ambient noise reaching the ears, if they are fitted correctly. However, full
details of the frequency-specific attenuation characteristics of these devices needs to be
considered, together with full details of the ambient noise, before tests can be carried
out in environments that exceed the noise levels listed above.
Table 2
Maximum permissible ambient sound pressure levels for measuring bone-conduction audiometry to
a minimum hearing level of 0 dB HL between frequencies 250 Hz and 8000 Hz.
Mid-frequency dB Mid-frequency dB Mid-frequency dB
of one-third re 20 μPa of one-third re 20 μPa of one-third re 20 μPa
octave band octave band octave band
(Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
31.5 63 250 13 2000 8
40 56 315 11 2500 6
50 49 400 9 3150 4
63 44 500 8 4000 2
80 39 630 8 5000 4
100 35 800 7 6300 9
125 28 1000 7 8000 15
160 21 1250 7
200 15 1600 8