IEC-60076-7-2018-Guia para Sobrecarga en Transformadores de Potencia PDF

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IEC 60076-7


Edition 2.0 2018-01



Power transformers –
Part 7: Loading guide for mineral-oil-immersed power transformers
IEC 60076-7:2018-01(en)


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IEC 60076-7

Edition 2.0 2018-01



Power transformers –
Part 7: Loading guide for mineral-oil-immersed power transformers


ICS 29.180 ISBN 978-2-8322-5082-2

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–2– IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 8
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 9
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 9
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 9
4 Symbols and abbreviations ............................................................................................ 11
5 Effect of loading beyond nameplate rating ..................................................................... 13
5.1 General ................................................................................................................. 13
5.2 General consequences ......................................................................................... 13
5.3 Effects and hazards of short-time emergency loading ........................................... 14
5.4 Effects of long-time emergency loading ................................................................. 15
5.5 Transformer size ................................................................................................... 15
6 Relative ageing rate and transformer insulation life ....................................................... 15
6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 15
6.2 Insulation life ........................................................................................................ 16
6.3 Relative ageing rate .............................................................................................. 20
6.4 Loss-of-life calculation .......................................................................................... 21
7 Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 21
7.1 Temperature limitations ........................................................................................ 21
7.2 Current limitations ................................................................................................. 22
7.3 Specific limitations for small transformers ............................................................. 23
7.3.1 Current and temperature limitations ............................................................... 23
7.3.2 Accessory and other considerations .............................................................. 23
7.3.3 Indoor transformers ....................................................................................... 23
7.3.4 Outdoor ambient conditions ........................................................................... 23
7.4 Specific limitations for medium power transformers ............................................... 23
7.4.1 Current and temperature limitations ............................................................... 23
7.4.2 Accessory, associated equipment and other considerations ........................... 23
7.4.3 Short-circuit withstand requirements .............................................................. 24
7.4.4 Voltage limitations ......................................................................................... 24
7.5 Specific limitations for large power transformers ................................................... 24
7.5.1 General ......................................................................................................... 24
7.5.2 Current and temperature limitations ............................................................... 24
7.5.3 Accessory, equipment and other considerations ............................................ 24
7.5.4 Short-circuit withstand requirements .............................................................. 25
7.5.5 Voltage limitations ......................................................................................... 25
8 Determination of temperatures ....................................................................................... 25
8.1 Hot-spot temperature rise in steady state .............................................................. 25
8.1.1 General ......................................................................................................... 25
8.1.2 Calculation of hot-spot temperature rise from normal heat-run test data ........ 25
8.1.3 Direct measurement of hot-spot temperature rise .......................................... 26
8.1.4 Hot-spot factor ............................................................................................... 29
8.2 Top-oil and hot-spot temperatures at varying ambient temperature and load
conditions ............................................................................................................. 31
8.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 31
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 –3–

8.2.2 Exponential equations solution ...................................................................... 33

8.2.3 Difference equations solution ......................................................................... 37
8.3 Ambient temperature............................................................................................. 39
8.3.1 Outdoor air-cooled transformers .................................................................... 39
8.3.2 Correction of ambient temperature for transformer enclosure ......................... 39
8.3.3 Water-cooled transformers ............................................................................ 40
9 Influence of tap-changers .............................................................................................. 40
9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 40
9.2 Load loss .............................................................................................................. 41
9.3 Ratio of losses ...................................................................................................... 41
9.4 Load factor ........................................................................................................... 41
Annex A (informative) Insulation life expectancy and relative ageing rate considering
oxygen and water effect ................................................................................................. 42
A.1 Insulation life expectancy ...................................................................................... 42
A.2 Relative ageing rate considering oxygen and water effect ..................................... 44
Annex B (informative) Core temperature .............................................................................. 47
B.1 General ................................................................................................................. 47
B.2 Core hot-spot locations ......................................................................................... 47
Annex C (informative) Specification of loading beyond rated power ..................................... 48
Annex D (informative) Description of Q, S and H factors ....................................................... 50
Annex E (informative) Calculation of winding and oil time constant ...................................... 53
Annex F (informative) Thermal model parameters ................................................................ 55
F.1 General ................................................................................................................. 55
F.2 Thermal constant estimation: experimental approach ............................................ 55
F.3 Dynamic thermal modelling: further development .................................................. 57
Annex G (informative) Oil and winding exponents ................................................................ 58
G.1 General ................................................................................................................. 58
G.2 Historical background ........................................................................................... 58
G.3 Theoretical approach ............................................................................................ 60
G.4 Extended temperature rise test approach .............................................................. 62
Annex H (informative) Practical example of the exponential equations method .................... 64
H.1 General ................................................................................................................. 64
H.2 Time period 0 min to 190 min ................................................................................ 65
H.3 Time period 190 min to 365 min ............................................................................ 65
H.4 Time period 365 min to 500 min ............................................................................ 66
H.5 Time period 500 min to 705 min ............................................................................ 66
H.6 Time period 705 min to 730 min ............................................................................ 67
H.7 Time period 730 min to 745 min ............................................................................ 67
H.8 Comparison with measured values ........................................................................ 68
Annex I (informative) Application of the difference equation solution method ....................... 70
I.1 General ................................................................................................................. 70
I.2 Example................................................................................................................ 70
I.3 Use of measured top-oil temperature .................................................................... 75
Annex J (informative) Flowchart, based on the example in Annex H ..................................... 76
Annex K (informative) Example of calculating and presenting overload data ........................ 78
Annex L (informative) Geomagnetic induced currents .......................................................... 82
L.1 Background........................................................................................................... 82
–4– IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

L.2 GIC capability of power transformers [54], [55]...................................................... 82

Annex M (informative) Alternative oils .................................................................................. 84
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 85

Figure 1 – Structural formula of cellulose .............................................................................. 16

Figure 2 – Correlation between tensile strength and DP value .............................................. 17
Figure 3 – Accelerated ageing in mineral oil at 140 °C, oxygen and moisture contents
maintained at < 6 000 ppm and 0,5 %, respectively ............................................................... 18
Figure 4 – Expected life for non-thermally upgraded paper and its dependence upon
moisture, oxygen and temperature ........................................................................................ 19
Figure 5 – Expected life for thermally upgraded paper and its dependence upon
moisture, oxygen and temperature ........................................................................................ 20
Figure 6 – Thermal diagram .................................................................................................. 26
Figure 7 – Temperature rises above top-oil temperature (in tank) 65,8 °C of the zig-zag
cooled HV-winding of a 400 MVA ONAF cooled 3-phase transformer, load current 1,0
p.u., tap position (-) .............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 8 – Coil edges, where the sensors should be located in the edge with the higher
calculated temperature rise ................................................................................................... 28
Figure 9 – Temperature rises above top-oil temperature at the end of an 8 h thermal
no-load test at 110 % supply voltage..................................................................................... 29
Figure 10 – Zigzag-cooled winding where the distance between all sections is the
same and the flow-directing washer is installed in the space between sections ..................... 30
Figure 11 – Top view section of a rectangular winding with “collapsed cooling duct
arrangement” under the yokes .............................................................................................. 31
Figure 12 – Block diagram representation of the differential equations .................................. 32
Figure 13 – Temperature responses to step changes in the load current ............................... 34
Figure 14 – The function ∆θ h (t)/∆θ hr generated by the values given in Table 4 ..................... 37
Figure 15 – Principle of losses as a function of the tap position ............................................ 41
Figure A.1 – Arrhenius plot for an ageing process ................................................................. 43
Figure F.1 – Hot-spot and top-oil overall model ..................................................................... 57
Figure G.1 – Extended temperature rise test ......................................................................... 62
Figure G.2 – Transformer exponent estimation plots ............................................................. 63
Figure H.1 – Hot-spot temperature response to step changes in the load current .................. 68
Figure H.2 – Top-oil temperature response to step changes in the load current .................... 68
Figure I.1 – Plotted input data for the example ...................................................................... 72
Figure I.2 – Plotted output data for the example .................................................................... 75
Figure K.1 – OF large power transformers: permissible duties for normal loss of life ............. 81
Figure L.1 – GIC flow into a power transformer ..................................................................... 82

Table 1 – Relative ageing rates due to hot-spot temperature ................................................ 21

Table 2 – Maximum permissible temperature limits applicable to loading beyond
nameplate rating ................................................................................................................... 22
Table 3 – Recommended current limits applicable to loading beyond nameplate rating ......... 23
Table 4 – Recommended thermal characteristics for exponential equations .......................... 36
Table 5 – Correction for increase in ambient temperature due to enclosure .......................... 40
Table A.1 – Activation energy (E A ) and environment factor (A) for oxidation, hydrolysis ........ 43
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Table A.2 – Expected life of paper under various conditions ................................................. 44

Table A.3 – Relative ageing rates due to hot-spot temperature, oxygen and moisture
for non-upgraded paper insulation ........................................................................................ 45
Table A.4 – Relative ageing rates due to hot-spot temperature, oxygen and moisture
for upgraded paper insulation ............................................................................................... 46
Table H.1 – Load steps of the 250 MVA transformer ............................................................. 64
Table H.2 – Temperatures at the end of each load step ........................................................ 69
Table I.1 – Input data for example ......................................................................................... 71
Table I.2 – Output data for the example ................................................................................ 74
Table K.1 – Example characteristics related to the loadability of transformers ...................... 78
Table K.2 – An example table with the permissible duties and corresponding daily loss
of life (in “normal” days), and maximum hot-spot temperature rise during the load
cycle ..................................................................................................................................... 80
–6– IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017




Part 7: Loading guide for mineral-oil-immersed

power transformers

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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International Standard IEC 60076-7 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 14: Power

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005. It constitutes a
technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with
respect to the previous edition:

a) title has been updated from "oil-immersed power transformers" to "mineral-oil-immersed

power transformers";
b) insulation life is updated by considering latest research findings;
c) temperature limits have been reviewed and maximum core temperature is recommended;
d) number of fibre optic sensors is recommended for temperature rise test;
e) Q, S and H factors are considered;
f) thermal models are revised and rewritten in generally applicable mathematical form;
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 –7–

g) geomagnetic induced currents are briefly discussed and corresponding temperature limits
are suggested;
h) extensive literature review has been performed and a number of references added to

The text of this standard is based on the following documents:

FDIS Report on voting

14/933/FDIS 14/942/RVD

Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.

This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

A list of all parts of the IEC 60076 series, under the general title Power transformers, can be
found on the IEC website.

The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the stability date indicated on the IEC website under "" in the data
related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be

• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.

A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date.

IMPORTANT – The 'colour inside' logo on the cover page of this publication indicates
that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct
understanding of its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a
colour printer.
–8– IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017


This part of IEC 60076 provides guidance for the specification and loading of power
transformers from the point of view of operating temperatures and thermal ageing. It provides
recommendations for loading above the nameplate rating and guidance for the planner to
choose appropriate rated quantities and loading conditions for new installations.

IEC 60076-2 is the basis for contractual agreements and it contains the requirements and
tests relating to temperature-rise figures for oil-immersed transformers during continuous
rated loading.

This part of IEC 60076 gives mathematical models for judging the consequence of different
loadings, with different temperatures of the cooling medium, and with transient or cyclical
variation with time. The models provide for the calculation of operating temperatures in the
transformer, particularly the temperature of the hottest part of the winding. This hot-spot
temperature is, in turn, used for evaluation of a relative value for the rate of thermal ageing
and the percentage of life consumed in a particular time period. The modelling refers to small
transformers, here called distribution transformers, and to power transformers.

A major change from the previous edition is the extensive work on the paper degradation that
has been carried out indicating that the ageing may be described by combination of the
oxidation, hydrolysis and pyrolysis. Also, providing possibility to estimate the expected
insulation life considering different ageing factors, i.e. moisture, oxygen and temperature, and
more realistic service scenarios. The title has been updated from "oil-immersed power
transformers" to "mineral-oil-immersed power transformers". The temperature and current
limits are reviewed and the maximum core temperature is recommended. The use of fibre
optic temperature sensors has become a standard practice, however, the number of installed
sensors per transformer highly varies. This issue and the description of Q, S and H factors
are now considered as well. The thermal models are revised and rewritten in generally
applicable mathematical form. The geomagnetic induced currents are briefly discussed and
corresponding temperature limits are suggested.

This part of IEC 60076 further presents recommendations for limitations of permissible
loading according to the results of temperature calculations or measurements. These
recommendations refer to different types of loading duty – continuous loading, normal cyclic
undisturbed loading or temporary emergency loading. The recommendations refer to
distribution transformers, to medium power transformers and to large power transformers.
Clauses 1 to 7 contain definitions, common background information and specific limitations for
the operation of different categories of transformers.

Clause 8 contains the determination of temperatures, presents the mathematical models used
to estimate the hot-spot temperature in steady state and transient conditions.

Clause 9 contains a short description of the influence of the tap position.

Application examples are given in Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and K.

IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 –9–


Part 7: Loading guide for mineral-oil-immersed

power transformers

1 Scope

This part of IEC 60076 is applicable to mineral-oil-immersed transformers. It describes the

effect of operation under various ambient temperatures and load conditions on transformer

NOTE For furnace transformers, the manufacturer is consulted in view of the peculiar loading profile.

2 Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.

IEC 60076-2, Power transformers – Part 2: Temperature rise for liquid-immersed transformers

IEC 60076-14, Power transformers – Part 14: Liquid-immersed power transformers using
high-temperature insulation materials

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

small power transformer
power transformer without attached radiators, coolers or tubes including corrugated tank
irrespective of rating

medium power transformer
power transformer with a maximum rating of 100 MVA three-phase or 33,3 MVA single-phase

large power transformer
power transformer with a maximum rating of greater than 100 MVA three-phase or greater
than 33,3 MVA single-phase

cyclic loading
loading with cyclic variations (the duration of the cycle usually being 24 h) which is regarded
in terms of the accumulated amount of ageing that occurs during the cycle

Note 1 to entry: The cyclic loading may either be a normal loading or a long-time emergency loading.
– 10 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

normal cyclic loading
loading in which a higher ambient temperature or a higher-than-rated load current is applied
during part of the cycle, but which, from the point of view of relative thermal ageing rate
(according to the mathematical model), is equivalent to the rated load at normal ambient

Note 1 to entry: This is achieved by taking advantage of low ambient temperatures or low load currents during the
rest of the load cycle. For planning purposes, this principle can be extended to provide for long periods of time
whereby cycles with relative thermal ageing rates greater than unity are compensated for by cycles with thermal
ageing rates less than unity.

long-time emergency loading
loading resulting from the prolonged outage of some system elements that will not be
reconnected before the transformer reaches a new and higher steady-state temperature

short-time emergency loading
unusually heavy loading of a transient nature (less than 30 min) due to the occurrence of one
or more unlikely events which seriously disturb normal system loading

if not specially defined, hottest spot of the windings

relative thermal ageing rate
for a given hot-spot temperature, rate at which transformer insulation ageing is reduced or
accelerated compared with the ageing rate at a reference hot-spot temperature

transformer insulation life
total time between the initial state for which the insulation is considered new and the final
state for which the insulation is considered deteriorated due to thermal ageing, dielectric
stress, short-circuit stress, or mechanical movement (which could occur in normal service),
and at which a high risk of electrical failure exists

per cent loss of life
equivalent ageing in hours over a time period (usually 24 h) times 100 divided by the
expected transformer insulation life

Note 1 to entry: The equivalent ageing in hours is obtained by multiplying the relative ageing rate with the number
of hours.

non-thermally upgraded paper
kraft paper produced from unbleached softwood pulp under the sulphate process without
addition of stabilizers

thermally upgraded paper
cellulose-based paper which has been chemically modified to reduce the rate at which the
paper decomposes

Note 1 to entry: Ageing effects are reduced either by partial elimination of water forming agents (as in
cyanoethylation) or by inhibiting the formation of water through the use of stabilizing agents (as in amine addition,
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 11 –

dicyandiamide). A paper is considered as thermally upgraded if it meets the life criteria defined in
ANSI/IEEE C57.100 [1] 1; 50 % retention in tensile strength after 65 000 h in a sealed tube at 110 °C or any other
time/temperature combination given by the equation:

 15 000   15 000 15 000 

 − 28,082   − 
 ( θh + 273 )  ( θ + 273 ) ( 110 + 273 ) 
Time (h) = e ≈ 65 000 × e h

Because the thermal upgrading chemicals used today contain nitrogen, which is not present in kraft pulp, the
degree of chemical modification is determined by testing for the amount of nitrogen present in the treated paper.
Typical values for nitrogen content of thermally upgraded papers are between 1 % and 4 % when measured in
accordance with ASTM D-982 [2], but after the sealed tube test.

non-directed oil flow
flow indicating that the pumped oil from heat exchangers or radiators flows freely inside the
tank, and is not forced to flow through the windings

Note 1 to entry: The oil flow inside the windings can be either axial in vertical cooling ducts or radial in horizontal
cooling ducts with or without zigzag flow.

non-directed oil flow
flow indicating that the oil from the heat exchangers or radiators flows freely inside the tank
and is not forced to flow through the windings

Note 1 to entry: The oil flow inside the windings can be either axial in vertical cooling ducts or radial in horizontal
cooling ducts with or without zigzag flow.

directed oil flow
flow indicating that the principal part of the pumped oil from heat exchangers or radiators is
forced to flow through the windings

Note 1 to entry: The oil flow inside the windings can be either axial in vertical cooling ducts or zigzag in horizontal
cooling ducts.

design ambient temperature
temperature at which the permissible average winding and top-oil and hot-spot temperature
over ambient temperature are defined

4 Symbols and abbreviations

Symbol Meaning Units

C Thermal capacity Ws/K
c Specific heat Ws/(kg·K)
DP Degree of polymerization
D Difference operator, in difference equations
gr Average-winding-to-average-oil (in tank) temperature gradient at rated current K
H Hot-spot factor
k 11 Thermal model constant
k 21 Thermal model constant

1 Numbers in square brackets refer to the bibliography.
– 12 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Symbol Meaning Units

k 22 Thermal model constant
K Load factor (load current/rated current)
L Total ageing over the time period considered h
mA Mass of core and coil assembly kg
mT Mass of the tank and fittings kg
mO Mass of oil kg
mW Mass of winding kg
n Number of each time interval
N Total number of intervals during the time period considered
OD Either ODAN, ODAF or ODWF cooling
OF Either OFAN, OFAF or OFWF cooling
ON Either ONAN or ONAF cooling
P Supplied losses W
Pe Relative winding eddy loss p.u.
PW Winding losses W
R Ratio of load losses at rated current to no-load losses at rated voltage
Rr Ratio of load losses to no-load loss at principal tapping
R r+1 Ratio of load losses to no-load loss at tapping r + 1
R min Ratio of load losses to no-load loss at minimum tapping
R max Ratio of load losses to no-load loss at maximum tapping
RTD Resistance Temperature Detector
RH Oil relative humidity %
s Laplace operator
t Time variable min
tap r Principal tapping position
tap r+1 Tapping position r + 1
tap min Minimum tapping position
tap max Maximum tapping position
V Relative ageing rate
Vn Relative ageing rate during interval n
WOP Water content of oil ppm
WCP Water content of paper insulation %
x Exponential power of total losses versus top-oil (in tank) temperature rise (oil exponent)
y Exponential power of current versus winding temperature rise (winding exponent)

θa Ambient temperature °C

θE Yearly weighted ambient temperature °C

θh Winding hot-spot temperature °C

θ ma Monthly average temperature °C

θ ma-max Monthly average temperature of the hottest month, according to IEC 60076-2 °C

θo Top-oil temperature (in the tank) at the load considered °C

θ ya Yearly average temperature, according to IEC 60076-2 °C

τo Oil time constant min

τW Winding time constant min

∆ θ br Bottom oil (in tank) temperature rise at rated load (no-load losses + load losses) K
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 13 –

Symbol Meaning Units

∆θh Hot-spot-to-top-oil (in tank) gradient at the load considered K

∆ θ hi Hot-spot-to-top-oil (in tank) gradient at start K

∆ θ hr Hot-spot-to-top-oil (in tank) gradient at rated current K

∆θo Top-oil (in tank) temperature rise at the load considered K

∆ θ oi Top-oil (in tank) temperature rise at start K

∆ θ om Average oil (in tank) temperature rise at the load considered K

∆ θ omr Average oil (in tank) temperature rise at rated load (no-load losses + load losses) K

∆ θ or Top-oil (in tank) temperature rise in steady state at rated losses (no-load losses + load K

∆θ or Corrected top-oil temperature rise (in tank) due to enclosure K

∆(∆ θ or ) Extra top-oil temperature rise (in tank) due to enclosure K

5 Effect of loading beyond nameplate rating

5.1 General

The normal life expectancy is a conventional reference basis for continuous duty under design
ambient temperature and rated operating conditions. The application of a load in excess of
nameplate rating and/or an ambient temperature higher than design ambient temperature
involves a degree of risk and accelerated ageing. It is the purpose of this part of IEC 60076 to
identify such risks and to indicate how, within limitations, transformers may be loaded in
excess of the nameplate rating. These risks can be reduced by the purchaser clearly
specifying the maximum loading conditions and the supplier taking these into account in the
transformer design.

5.2 General consequences

The consequences of loading a transformer beyond its nameplate rating are as follows.

a) The temperatures of windings, cleats, leads, insulation and oil will increase and can reach
unacceptable levels.
b) The leakage flux density outside the core increases, causing additional eddy-current
heating in metallic parts linked by the leakage flux.
c) As the temperature changes, the moisture and gas content in the insulation and in the oil
will change.
d) Bushings, tap-changers, cable-end connections and current transformers will also be
exposed to higher stresses which encroach upon their design and application margins.

The combination of the main flux and increased leakage flux imposes restrictions on possible
core overexcitation [6], [7], [8].

NOTE For loaded core-type transformers having an energy flow from the outer winding (usually HV) to the inner
winding (usually LV), the maximum magnetic flux density in the core, which is the result of the combination of the
main flux and the leakage flux, appears in the yokes.

As tests have indicated, this flux is less than or equal to the flux generated by the same applied voltage on the
terminals of the outer winding at no-load of the transformer. The magnetic flux in the core legs of the loaded
transformer is determined by the voltage on the terminals of the inner winding and almost equals the flux generated
by the same voltage at no-load.

For core-type transformers with an energy flow from the inner winding, the maximum flux density is present in the
core-legs. Its value is only slightly higher than that at the same applied voltage under no-load. The flux density in
the yokes is then determined by the voltage on the outer winding.
– 14 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Voltages on both sides of the loaded transformer, therefore, are observed during loading beyond the nameplate
rating. As long as voltages at the energized side of a loaded transformer remain below the limits stated in
IEC 60076-1:2011 [5], Clause 4, no excitation restrictions are needed during the loading beyond nameplate rating.
When higher excitations occur to keep the loaded voltage in emergency conditions in an area where the network
can still be kept upright, then the magnetic flux densities in core parts never exceed values where straying of the
core flux outside the core can occur (for cold-rolled grain-oriented steel these saturation effects start rapidly above
1,9 T). Stray fluxes may cause unpredictably high temperatures at the core surface and in nearby metallic parts
such as winding clamps or even in the windings, due to the presence of high-frequency components in the stray
flux. They may jeopardize the transformer. In general, in all cases, the short overload times dictated by windings
are sufficiently short not to overheat the core at overexcitation. This is prevented by the long thermal time constant
of the core.

As a consequence, there will be a risk of premature failure associated with the increased
currents and temperatures. This risk may be of an immediate short-term character or come
from the cumulative effect of thermal ageing of the insulation in the transformer over many

5.3 Effects and hazards of short-time emergency loading

Short-time increased loading will result in a service condition having an increased risk of
failure. Short-time emergency overloading causes the conductor hot-spot to reach a level
likely to result in a temporary reduction in the dielectric strength. However, acceptance of this
condition for a short time may be preferable to loss of supply. This type of loading is expected
to occur rarely, and it should be rapidly reduced or the transformer disconnected within a
short time in order to avoid its failure. The permissible duration of this load is shorter than the
thermal time constant of the whole transformer and depends on the operating temperature
before the increase in loading; typically, it would be less than half-an-hour.

The main risk for short-time failures is the reduction in dielectric strength due to the possible
presence of gas bubbles in a region of high electrical stress, that is the windings and leads.
These bubbles are likely to occur when the hot-spot temperature exceeds 140 °C for a
transformer with a winding insulation moisture content of about 2 %. This critical temperature
will decrease as the moisture concentration increases.

NOTE Concerning the bubble generation, see also IEC 60076-14.

a) Gas bubbles can also develop (either in oil or in solid insulation) at the surfaces of heavy
metallic parts heated by the leakage flux or be produced by super-saturation of the oil.
However, such bubbles usually develop in regions of low electric stress and have to
circulate in regions where the stress is higher before any significant reduction in the
dielectric strength occurs.
Bare metallic parts, except windings, which are not in direct thermal contact with cellulosic
insulation but are in contact with non-cellulosic insulation (for example, aramid paper,
glass fibre) and the oil in the transformer, may rapidly rise to high temperatures. A
temperature of 180 °C should not be exceeded.
b) Temporary deterioration of the mechanical properties at higher temperatures could reduce
the short-circuit strength.
c) Pressure build-up in the bushings may result in a failure due to oil leakage. Gassing in
condenser type bushings may also occur if the temperature of the insulation exceeds
about 140 °C.
d) The expansion of the oil could cause overflow of the oil in the conservator.
e) Breaking of excessively high currents in the tap-changer could be hazardous.

The limitations on the maximum hot-spot temperatures in windings, core and structural parts
are based on considerations of short-term risks (see Clause 7).

The short-term risks normally disappear after the load is reduced to normal level, but they
need to be clearly identified and accepted by all parties involved, e.g. planners, asset owners
and operators.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 15 –

5.4 Effects of long-time emergency loading

This is not a normal operating condition and its occurrence is expected to be rare but it may
persist for weeks or even months and can lead to considerable ageing.

a) Deterioration of the mechanical properties of the conductor insulation will accelerate at

higher temperatures. If this deterioration proceeds far enough, it may reduce the effective
life of the transformer, particularly if the latter is subjected to system short circuits or
transportation events.
b) Other insulation parts, especially parts sustaining the axial pressure of the winding block,
could also suffer increased ageing rates at higher temperature.
c) The contact resistance of the tap-changers could increase at elevated currents and
temperatures and, in severe cases, thermal runaway could take place.
d) The gasket materials in the transformer may become more brittle as a result of elevated

The calculation rules for the relative ageing rate and per cent loss of life are based on
considerations of long-term risks.

5.5 Transformer size

The sensitivity of transformers to loading beyond nameplate rating usually depends on their
size. As the size increases, the tendency is that:

• the leakage flux density increases;

• the short-circuit forces increase;
• the mass of insulation, which is subjected to a high electric stress, is increased;
• the hot-spot temperatures are more difficult to determine.

Thus, a large transformer could be more vulnerable to loading beyond nameplate rating than
a smaller one. In addition, the consequences of a transformer failure are more severe for
larger sizes than for smaller units.

Therefore, in order to apply a reasonable degree of risk for the expected duties, this part of
IEC 60076 considers three categories:

a) small transformers, for which only the hot-spot temperatures in the windings and thermal
deterioration should be considered;
b) medium power transformers where the variations in the cooling modes should be
c) large power transformers, where also the effects of stray leakage flux are significant and
the consequences of failure are severe.

For hermetically sealed transformers without pressure relief devices the over pressure should
be considered to avoid permanent tank deformation during loading beyond nameplate rating.

6 Relative ageing rate and transformer insulation life

6.1 General

For the manufacture of paper and pressboard for electrical insulation, mainly unbleached
softwood kraft pulp is used. The cellulose is refined from the tree by the so-called “sulphate”
or “kraft” process. After processing, the typical composition of unbleached kraft pulp is 78 %
to 80 % cellulose, 10 % to 20 % hemicellulose and 2 % to 6 % lignin.

Cellulose is a linear condensation polymer consisting of anhydroglucose joined together by

glycosidic bonds, Figure 1.
– 16 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017




Figure 1 – Structural formula of cellulose

From kraft pulp various types of paper and pressboard having varying density are made. By
adding various nitrogen containing compounds the ageing characteristics of the cellulose may
be improved. Typical values for nitrogen content of thermally upgraded papers are between
1 % and 4 %. The purpose of thermally upgrading insulation paper is to neutralize the
production of acids caused by the hydrolysis (thermal degradation) of the material over the
lifetime of the transformer.

6.2 Insulation life

In recent years, extensive work on paper degradation has been carried out and published in
references [9] to [15], indicating that cellulose ageing may be described by combination of the
three processes, i.e. oxidation, hydrolysis and pyrolysis.

The oxidation is a process possibly dominant at lower temperature. The oxidizing agent in this
environment is oxygen from air ingress, and as the ultimate end product of the process
appears water. The hydrolysis of cellulose is a catalytically governed process where the rate
of chain scissions depends on carboxylic acids dissociated in water. As both water and
carboxylic acids are produced during ageing of cellulose this process is auto accelerating.
The pyrolysis is a process that can take place without access to water and/or oxygen, or any
other agent to initiate the decomposition. At normal operating or overload temperatures,
(i.e. < 140 °C), such processes are considered to be of little relevance.

In a real transformer all these processes – hydrolysis, oxidation and pyrolysis – act
simultaneously. This hampers the application of one model describing the full complexity of
the degradation processes. Which process will dominate depends on the temperature and the
condition (i.e. oxygen, water and acid content).

Different parameters might be used to characterize cellulose degradation process during

ageing. In reality it is the mechanical strength that is important for the winding paper to resist
the shear stresses occurring during short circuits. However, due to the folded geometry of
paper in a transformer, it is not possible to analyse tensile strength of paper sampled from
used transformers. Hence, it is more convenient to characterize the degree of polymerization
(DP) in order to describe the state of an insulation paper. Figure 2 shows a typical correlation
between tensile strength and DP value (see [11]), the same correlation is valid for the
thermally upgraded and non-thermally upgraded paper.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 17 –


Tensile index (Nm/g)



1 250 1 000 750 500 250 0

Figure 2 – Correlation between tensile strength and DP value

The degree of polymerization (DP) is the average number (n) of glycosidic rings in a cellulose
macromolecule, which ranges between 1 100 and 1 400 for unbleached soft wood kraft before
processing. Depending on the transformer drying process, the DP value may be reduced
further to a lesser or higher degree. During ageing, the lengths of these polymeric cellulose
molecules are reduced due to breakage of the covalent bonds between the anhydrous-β-
glucose monomers. The change of DP over time of non-thermally and thermally upgraded
paper exposed to a temperature of 140 °C, oxygen of < 6 000 ppm and water of 0,5 % is
shown in Figure 3 (see [15]). The nitrogen content of the thermally upgraded paper used in
this experiment was 1,8 %.

When the DP is reduced to 200 % or 35 % retained tensile strength, the quality of the paper
(i.e. the mechanical strength) is normally considered so poor that this defines the “end of life”
for such insulating material (see [11]), although the insulating material dielectric strength may
be still at an acceptable level.

Annex A gives further elaboration of the paper ageing theory providing a mathematical
methodology for estimation of the expected insulation life considering different ageing factors
such as moisture, oxygen and temperature. The corresponding results for the non-thermally
and thermally upgraded paper are presented in Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively.

The illustrated difference in thermal ageing behaviour has been taken into account in
industrial standards as follows:

• The relative ageing rate V = 1,0 corresponds to a temperature of 98 °C for non-thermally

upgraded paper and 110 °C for thermally upgraded paper.

NOTE 1 Disagreement between laboratory tests could come from testing procedures. It is difficult to reproduce
the same ageing process with accelerated ageing often at quite elevated temperatures compared to service
conditions. The values given in Table A.2, Figure 4 and Figure 5 are considered as unconfirmed and can be
disputable. However, the numbers give a user the possibility to simulate different ageing scenarios.
– 18 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

1 200

1 000





0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 3 500 4 000 4 500



DP degree of polymerization t time (h)

Δ values for thermally upgraded paper ● values for non-thermally upgraded paper

Figure 3 – Accelerated ageing in mineral oil at 140 °C, oxygen and moisture contents
maintained at < 6 000 ppm and 0,5 %, respectively
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 19 –

1 000


Expected life


50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

expected life (years) θh hot-spot temperature (°C) □ 0,5 % moisture, low oxygen

∆ 1,5 % moisture, low oxygen ◊ 3,5 % moisture, low oxygen × 0,5 % moisture, high oxygen

Figure 4 – Expected life for non-thermally upgraded paper and its dependence
upon moisture, oxygen and temperature
– 20 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

1 000

Expected life


50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

expected life (years) θh hot-spot temperature (°C) □ 0,5 % moisture, low oxygen

∆ 1,5 % moisture, low oxygen ◊ 3,5 % moisture, low oxygen × 0,5 % moisture, high oxygen

Figure 5 – Expected life for thermally upgraded paper and its dependence
upon moisture, oxygen and temperature

NOTE 2 Figure 4 and Figure 5 indicate expected life values that are based on residual DP value of 200, and that
are derived under the laboratory controlled condition as given in text above, (e.g. constant moisture content,
constant and homogenous temperature, etc.). However, to evaluate the expected life of a transformer the real
service conditions are considered (e.g. loading history and prediction, ambient temperature, insulation material and
insulation moisture contamination). The moisture contamination estimate is usually based on the corresponding
equilibrium curves for moisture partition between oil and paper, (e.g. WCO vs WCP or RH vs WCP).

6.3 Relative ageing rate

Although ageing or deterioration of insulation is a time function of temperature, moisture

content, oxygen content and acid content, the model presented in this document is based only
on the insulation temperature as the controlling parameter.

An example of how all ageing parameters can be taken into account is given in Annex A.

Since the temperature distribution is not uniform, the part that is operating at the highest
temperature will normally undergo the greatest deterioration. Therefore, the rate of ageing is
referred to the winding hot-spot temperature. In this case, the relative ageing rate V is defined
according to Equation (2) for non-thermally upgraded paper and to Equation (3) for thermally
upgraded paper (see [27]).

V = 2(θh − 98 ) / 6 (2)

 15 000 15 000 
 − 
110 + 273 θh + 273
V = e  (3)
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 21 –

θh is the hot-spot temperature in °C.

Equations (2) and (3) imply that V is very sensitive to the hot-spot temperature as can be
seen in Table 1.

Table 1 – Relative ageing rates due to hot-spot temperature

θh Non-upgraded paper insulation Upgraded paper insulation

°C V V
80 0,125 0,036
86 0,25 0,073
92 0,5 0,145
98 1,0 0,282
104 2,0 0,536
110 4,0 1,0
116 8,0 1,83
122 16,0 3,29
128 32,0 5,8
134 64,0 10,1
140 128,0 17,2

The indicated relative ageing rate V = 1,0 corresponds to a temperature of 98 °C for non-thermally upgraded
paper and 110 °C for thermally upgraded paper.

6.4 Loss-of-life calculation

The loss of life L over a certain period of time is equal to

t2 N

L = V dt or L≈ ∑Vn × tn (4)
t1 n =1

V n is the relative ageing rate during interval n, according to Equation (2) or (3);
t n is the nth time interval;
n is the number of each time interval;
N is the total number of intervals during the period considered.

The maximum time interval should be less than half the smallest time constant, τ w , in
Equation (4) for an accurate solution .

7 Limitations

7.1 Temperature limitations

With loading values beyond the nameplate rating, none of the individual limits stated in
Table 2 should be exceeded and account should be taken of the specific limitations given in
7.3 to 7.5.
– 22 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

The limits given in Table 2 are applicable to transformers specified to have temperature rise
requirements according to IEC 60076-2. For transformers specified according to
IEC 60076-14, with a higher thermal class insulation materials, the limits given in
IEC 60076-14 apply.

Table 2 – Maximum permissible temperature limits applicable to loading

beyond nameplate rating

Types of loading Small Large and

transformers medium power

Normal cyclic loading

Winding hot-spot temperature and metallic parts in contact with 120 120
cellulosic insulation material (°C)

Other metallic hot-spot temperature (in contact with oil, aramid 140 140
paper, glass fibre materials) (°C)

Inner core hot-spot temperature (°C) 130 130

Top-oil temperature, in tank (°C) 105 105

Long-time emergency loading

Winding hot-spot temperature and metallic parts in contact with 140 140
cellulosic insulation material (°C)

Other metallic hot-spot temperature (in contact with oil, aramid 160 160
paper, glass-fibre materials) (°C)

Inner core hot-spot temperature (°C) 140 140

Top-oil temperature, in tank (°C) 115 115

Short-time emergency loading

Winding hot-spot temperature and metallic parts in contact with See 7.3.1 160
cellulosic insulation material (°C)

Other metallic hot-spot temperature (in contact with oil, aramid See 7.3.1 180
paper, glass fibre materials) (°C)

Inner core hot-spot temperature (°C) See 7.3.1 160

Top-oil temperature, in tank (°C) See 7.3.1 115

NOTE For more information on the core temperature, see Annex B.

7.2 Current limitations

There are limitations on current carrying capability of transformer other than temperature
limits given in Table 2, and these are described in 7.3 to 7.5. Therefore, it is recommended
that the current limits given in Table 3 are not exceeded even if the circumstances of the
overload mean that the temperatures in Table 2 are not exceeded. Specific examples would
be in cases of low ambient temperature, low levels of preload or high thermal capacity of the
winding. The purchaser can specify higher current limits if required, but it should be
recognized that this could lead to a special transformer design. The recommended current
limits given in Table 3 should not apply to very short duration overloads, i.e. less than 10 s.

NOTE 1 The breaking capacity of tap-changers is limited to twice the rated current according to IEC 60214-1 [3].
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 23 –

Table 3 – Recommended current limits applicable to loading

beyond nameplate rating

Types of loading Small Medium power Large power

transformers transformers transformers

Normal cyclic loading

Current (p.u.) 1,5 1,5 1,3

Long-time emergency loading

Current (p.u.) 1,8 1,5 1,3

Short-time emergency loading

Current (p.u.) 2,0 1,8 1,5

NOTE 2 For specification beyond rated power, see Annex C.

7.3 Specific limitations for small transformers

7.3.1 Current and temperature limitations

The limits on load current, hot-spot temperature, top-oil temperature and temperature of
metallic parts other than windings and leads stated in Table 2 and Table 3 should not be
exceeded. No limit is set for the top-oil, core and winding hot-spot temperature under
short-time emergency loading for distribution transformers because it is usually impracticable
to control the duration of emergency loading in this case. It should be noted that when the
hot-spot temperature exceeds 140 °C, gas bubbles may develop which could jeopardize the
dielectric strength of the transformer (see 5.3).

7.3.2 Accessory and other considerations

Apart from the windings, other parts of the transformer, such as bushings, cable-end
connections, tap-changing devices and leads may restrict the operation when loaded above
1,5 times the rated current. Oil expansion and oil pressure could also impose restrictions.

7.3.3 Indoor transformers

When transformers are used indoors, a correction should be made to the rated top-oil
temperature rise to take account of the enclosure. Preferably, this extra temperature rise will
be determined by a test (see 8.3.2).

7.3.4 Outdoor ambient conditions

Wind, sunshine and rain may affect the loading capacity of distribution transformers, but their
unpredictable nature makes it impracticable to take these factors into account.

7.4 Specific limitations for medium power transformers

7.4.1 Current and temperature limitations

The load current, hot-spot temperature, top-oil temperature and temperature of metallic parts
other than windings and leads should not exceed the limits stated in Table 2 and Table 3.
Moreover, it should be noted that, when the hot-spot temperature exceeds 140 °C, gas
bubbles may develop which could jeopardize the dielectric strength of the transformer
(see 5.3).

7.4.2 Accessory, associated equipment and other considerations

Apart from the windings, other parts of the transformer, such as bushings, cable-end
connections, tap-changing devices and leads, may restrict the operation when loaded above
– 24 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

1,5 times the rated current. Oil expansion and oil pressure could also impose restrictions.
Consideration may also have to be given to associated equipment such as cables, circuit
breakers, current transformers, etc.

7.4.3 Short-circuit withstand requirements

During or directly after operation at load beyond nameplate rating, transformers can not
conform to the thermal short-circuit requirements, as specified in IEC 60076-5 [67], which are
based on a short-circuit duration of 2 s. However, the duration of short-circuit currents in
service is shorter than 2 s in most cases.

7.4.4 Voltage limitations

Unless other limitations for variable flux voltage variations are known (see IEC 60076-1), the
applied voltage should not exceed 1,05 times either the rated voltage (principal tapping) or
the tapping voltage (other tappings) on any winding of the transformer.

7.5 Specific limitations for large power transformers

7.5.1 General

For large power transformers, additional limitations, mainly associated with the leakage flux,
should be taken into consideration. It is therefore advisable in this case to specify, at the time
of enquiry or order, the amount of loading capability needed in specific applications.

As far as thermal deterioration of insulation is concerned, the same calculation method

applies to all transformers.

According to present knowledge, the importance of the high reliability of large units in view of
the consequences of failure, together with the following considerations, make it advisable to
adopt a more conservative, more individual approach here than for smaller units.

• The combination of leakage flux and main flux in the limbs or yokes of the magnetic circuit
(see 5.2) makes large transformers more vulnerable to overexcitation than smaller
transformers, especially when loaded above nameplate rating. Increased leakage flux may
also cause additional eddy-current heating of other metallic parts.
• The consequences of degradation of the mechanical properties of insulation as a function
of temperature and time, including wear due to thermal expansion, may be more severe
for large transformers than for smaller ones.
• Hot-spot temperatures outside the windings cannot be obtained from a normal
temperature-rise test. Even if such a test at a rated current indicates no abnormalities, it is
not possible to draw any conclusions for higher currents since this extrapolation may not
have been taken into account at the design stage.
• Calculation of the winding hot-spot temperature rise at higher than rated currents, based
on the results of a temperature-rise test at rated current, may be less reliable for large
units than for smaller ones.

7.5.2 Current and temperature limitations

The load current, hot-spot temperature, top-oil temperature and temperature of metallic parts
other than windings and leads but nevertheless in contact with solid insulating material should
not exceed the limits stated in Table 2 and Table 3. Moreover, it should be noted that, when
the hot-spot temperature exceeds 140 °C, gas bubbles may develop which could jeopardize
the dielectric strength of the transformer (see 5.3).

7.5.3 Accessory, equipment and other considerations

Refer to 7.4.2.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 25 –

7.5.4 Short-circuit withstand requirements

Refer to 7.4.3.

7.5.5 Voltage limitations

Refer to 7.4.4.

8 Determination of temperatures

8.1 Hot-spot temperature rise in steady state

8.1.1 General

To be strictly accurate, the hot-spot temperature should be referred to the adjacent oil
temperature. This is assumed to be the top-oil temperature inside the winding. Measurements
have shown that the top-oil temperature inside a winding might be, dependent on the cooling,
up to 15 K higher than the mixed top-oil temperature inside the tank.

For most transformers in service, the top-oil temperature inside a winding is not precisely
known. On the other hand, for most of these units, the top-oil temperature at the top of the
tank is well known, either by measurement or by calculation.

The calculation rules in this document are based on the following:

• ∆ θ or , the top-oil temperature rise in the tank above ambient temperature at rated losses [K];
• ∆ θ hr , the hot-spot temperature rise above top-oil temperature in the tank at rated current [K].

The parameter ∆ θ hr can be defined either by direct measurement during a heat-run test or by
a calculation method validated by direct measurements.

NOTE The methods, principles and calculation procedures given in 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.4 and Annex D are ultimately
valid for the converter transformers for HVDC application, however, with the necessary consideration of the effect
of harmonics on the transformer thermal performance with a reference to a specific converter operating point and
specific system conditions.

8.1.2 Calculation of hot-spot temperature rise from normal heat-run test data

A thermal diagram is assumed, as shown in Figure 6, on the understanding that such a

diagram is the simplification of a more complex distribution. The assumptions made in this
simplification are as follows.

a) The oil temperature inside the tank increases linearly from bottom to top, whatever the
cooling mode.
b) As a first approximation, the temperature rise of the conductor at any position up the
winding is assumed to increase linearly, parallel to the oil temperature rise, with a
constant difference g r between the two straight lines (g r being the difference between the
winding average temperature rise by resistance and the average oil temperature rise in
the tank).
c) The hot-spot temperature rise is higher than the temperature rise of the conductor at the
top of the winding as described in 8.1.2 b), because allowance has to be made for the
increase in stray losses, for differences in local oil flows and for possible additional paper
on the conductor. To take into account these non-linearities, the difference in temperature
between the hot-spot and the top-oil in tank is made equal to H × g r , that is, ∆ θ hr = H × g r .
NOTE In many cases, it has been observed that the temperature of the tank outlet oil is higher than that of
the oil in the oil pocket. In such cases, the temperature of the tank outlet oil is used for loading.
– 26 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

H × gr






A Top-oil temperature derived as the average of the tank outlet oil temperature and the tank oil pocket
B Mixed oil temperature in the tank at the top of the winding (often assumed to be the same temperature as A)
C Temperature of the average oil in the tank
D Oil temperature at the inlet of the tank (assumed to be the same as at the bottom of the winding)
E Bottom of the tank
g r Average winding to average oil (in tank) temperature gradient at rated current
H Hot-spot factor
P Hot-spot temperature
I Average winding temperature determined by resistance measurement
x-axis Temperature
y-axis Relative positions

■ measured point; ● calculated point

Figure 6 – Thermal diagram

8.1.3 Direct measurement of hot-spot temperature rise

Fibre optic probes are installed in windings to measure the hot-spot temperature rise.
Although local loss densities and oil circulation speeds are calculated, it is very difficult to
know where the hot-spot is exactly located. Thus, a certain minimum number of sensors
should be installed in a winding. The sensors are inserted in slots in the radial spacers in
such a way that there is only the conductor insulation and an additional thin paper layer
between the sensor and the conductor metal. Calibrations have shown that a reasonable
accuracy is obtained in this way (see [16]).

This minimum number of sensors is selected in such a way that the maximum measured
temperature rise is close enough to the real hot-spot temperature rise for a safe operation of
the winding. This maximum measured temperature is at the same time considered as the
hot-spot of the winding.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 27 –

In core type transformers the hot-spot is generally located at the top of the windings. If the
winding is cooled by axial oil circulation, the most probable location is disc number 1 or 2
seen from the top. At zig-zag cooling one of the first 3 top discs is the most probable location.
If the winding has tapping discs at its upper half, the hot-spot is probably located in the first
current carrying disc above the currentless tapping discs in the (-) tap position. Therefore, it
should be noted that the hot-spot location is transformer specific and highly affected by the
transformer design. As such, this predetermined location should be discussed during design

Experience has shown that there might be gradients of more than 10 K between different
sensors in the top of a normal transformer winding. Hence, it is not self-evident that the
insertion of, for example, one or two sensors will detect a relevant temperature rise. An
example of this is shown in Figure 7 [17]. The relative local loss densities compared to the
average loss of the winding (which corresponded to the average winding gradient g) were
156 %, 133 %, etc. The figures indicated in the discs at the right (114 %, 142 %, 156 %, etc.)
are the relative local loss densities in per cent of the average loss density of the whole
winding that is the total loss of the winding divided by the number of discs. It should be noted
that the highest temperature rise of 23,2 K was measured at the relative loss density 117 %,
which was far from the highest value 156 %.



142 156 146
106 122 133 126
104 111 117 115

15,9 103 105 108 107




Figure 7 – Temperature rises above top-oil temperature (in tank) 65,8 °C of the zig-zag
cooled HV-winding of a 400 MVA ONAF cooled 3-phase transformer,
load current 1,0 p.u., tap position (-)

For the temperature rise test, the recommended number of sensors to be installed in one
phase of ON-, OF-, OD-cooled core type transformers are as follows:

a) for transformers with a leakage flux ≥ 400 mWb/phase at the rated current, the number of
sensors should be 8 per winding with full rating;
b) for transformers with a leakage flux between 150 mWb/phase and 400 mWb/phase at the
rated current, the number of sensors should be 6 per winding;
c) for transformers with a leakage flux below 150 mWb/phase at the rated current, the
number of sensors should be 4 per winding.

The sensors should be installed in the phase for which the warm resistance curve is recorded.
However, each user should decide how accurate the hot-spot measurement needs to be for a
– 28 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

particular transformer application (loaded tertiary winding, small transformers, etc.), and
based on this should decide on the total sensor number per winding and per phase.

NOTE By leakage flux is here meant the maximum unidirectional flux (crest value), which is the integral of the
absolute values of the axial flux densities between two intersections with the x-axis. A transformer might have
several such integrals and in this case the maximum of these integrals is considered. An approximate formula for
this maximum leakage flux is 1,8 × Z × S 0,5 [18], where Z is the short-circuit impedance in per cent and S is the
intrinsic rated power per wound limb in MVA. For auto-connected transformers, Z and S refer to the intrinsic MVA
value and not to the MVA transformed. S is therefore equal to the nameplate rated power, multiplied by α , i.e. the
auto factor. The auto factor, α , is equal to: (primary voltage – secondary voltage) / primary voltage. Z is equal to
the nameplate short-circuit impedance divided by the auto factor.

EXAMPLE For single-phase 550/230 kV auto-connected transformer with the throughput rating S = 334 MVA, the
corresponding impedance Z = 15 %, and the auto factor α = (550 − 230)/550 = 0,58, the leakage flux is
approximately [1,8 × (0,58 × 334) 0,5 × (15/0,58)] = 650 mWb.

In shell type transformers, the fibre optic sensors should be located in the coil edges
(Figure 8) and in the brazed connections between coils.

Coil layers
Fibre optic probe


Figure 8 – Coil edges, where the sensors should be located in the edge
with the higher calculated temperature rise

If it is not possible to install the fibre optic sensor in the expected hot-spot location, for
example due to high voltage stress, then the installation can be made at a safer location.
Consequently, the proposed alternative measuring location and the corresponding correction
procedure should be further discussed between purchaser and manufacturer.

Although Table 2 comprises temperature limits for core and structural parts, such temperature
rises are not measured in a normal temperature rise test. Those temperature rises are
normally estimated by calculation. The manufacturers should install thermal sensors in these
parts in selected transformers to calibrate their calculation methods. Manufacturers of fibre
optic probes are producing insulation kits for this purpose, but also robust thermocouples or
RTDs offer a good alternative. The thermocouples can be installed permanently in the
transformer in such a way that they do not reduce the voltage strength and that they remain
inside the transformer during its life. Thermocouples inside a transformer should be twisted to
eliminate the effect of leakage flux impinging between the two thermocouple strands and
causing an extra induced voltage between the two thermocouple metals. If specified such
special test (i.e. the temperature rise of the core and structural part during the no-load test)
should be discussed during the design review and the following parameters should be

– cooling conditions;
– test duration;
– supply voltage;
– temperature limits.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 29 –

Thermal sensors should particularly be installed in:

a) yoke clamp made of magnetic steel, e.g. winding supports, supports for exit leads, yoke
clamp extensions at the end of cores with wound outer limbs, and in yoke clamps opposite
to the centre line of a phase;
b) flitch-plates and outer core packets opposite to the top of the winding block;
c) in the top yoke, particularly at the top of the centre phase in a 3-phase transformer
(Figure 9).

25,3 31,8 23,8 21,9 24,1 14,7



10 10

Phase B Phase B 10

NOTE The three right-hand values are measured in the cooling duct.

Figure 9 – Temperature rises above top-oil temperature at the end of an 8 h thermal

no-load test at 110 % supply voltage

Installation of sensors in the top yoke makes sense only if an extra thermal no-load test is

More details about the installation of thermal sensors are given in [18].

8.1.4 Hot-spot factor

The hot-spot factor H is winding-specific and should be determined on a case-by-case basis

when required. Studies show that the factor H varies within the ranges 1,0 to 2,1 depending
on the transformer size, its short-circuit impedance and winding design [19]. The factor H
should be defined either by direct measurement (see 8.1.3 and Annex D) or by a calculation
procedure based on fundamental loss and heat transfer principles, and substantiated by direct
measurements on production or prototype transformers or windings.

A calculation procedure based on fundamental loss and heat transfer principles should
consider the following as given in Annex D, [18], and [20].

a) The fluid flow within the winding ducts, the heat transfer, flow rates and resulting fluid
temperature should be modelled for each cooling duct.
b) The distribution of losses within the winding. One of the principal causes of extra local
loss in the winding conductors is radial flux eddy loss at the winding ends, where the
leakage flux intercepts the wide dimension of the conductors. The total losses in the
subject conductors should be determined using the eddy and circulating current losses in
– 30 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

addition to the DC resistance loss. Connections that are subject to leakage flux heating,
such as coil-to-coil connections and some tap-to-winding brazes, should also be
c) Conduction heat transfer effects within the winding caused by the various insulation
thicknesses used throughout the winding.
d) Local design features or local fluid flow restrictions.
• Layer insulation may have a different thickness throughout a layer winding, and
insulation next to the cooling duct affects the heat transfer.
• Flow-directing washers reduce the heat transfer into the fluid in the case of a
zigzag-cooled winding (Figure 10).


Figure 10 – Zigzag-cooled winding where the distance between all sections is the
same and the flow-directing washer is installed in the space between sections

• Possible extra insulation on end turns and on winding conductors exiting through the
end insulation.
• Not all cooling ducts extend completely around the winding in distribution transformers
and small power transformers. Some cooling ducts are located only in the portion of
the winding outside the core (see Figure 11). Such a “collapsed duct arrangement”
causes a circumferential temperature gradient from the centre of the winding with no
ducts under the yoke to the centre of the winding outside core where cooling ducts are
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 31 –

Cooling duct

Collapsed cooling duct


Figure 11 – Top view section of a rectangular winding with “collapsed cooling

duct arrangement” under the yokes

8.2 Top-oil and hot-spot temperatures at varying ambient temperature and load

8.2.1 General

Subclause 8.2 provides two alternative ways of describing the hot-spot temperature as a
function of time, for varying load current and ambient temperature:

a) exponential equations solution [18], [21];

b) difference equations solution [22].

Both of these methods are suitable for arbitrarily time-varying load factor K and time-varying
ambient temperature θ a . The former method is particularly more suited to determination of the
heat transfer parameters by test, especially by manufacturers, while the latter method is more
suitable for on-line monitoring due to applied mathematical transformation. In principle, both
methods yield the same results as they represent solution variation to the identical heat
transfer differential equations.

The heat transfer differential equations are represented in block diagram form in Figure 12.

Observe in Figure 12 that the inputs are the load factor K, and the ambient temperature θ a on
the left. The output is the calculated hot-spot temperature θ h on the right. The Laplace
variable s is essentially the derivative operator d/dt.
– 32 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

K k 21 k 21 –1 ∆θh ∆θh
∆ θ hr K
1 + k 22 τ ws 1 + ( τ 0 /k 22 )s

1 + K2R x 1 ∆θo
∆ θ or
1+R 1 + k 11 τ 0 s

θa 1

1 + k 11 τ 0 s


Figure 12 – Block diagram representation of the differential equations

In Figure 12, the second block in the uppermost path represents the hot-spot rise dynamics.
The first term (with numerator k 21 ) represents the fundamental hot-spot temperature rise,
before the effect of changing oil flow past the hot-spot is taken into account. The second term
(with numerator k 21  − 1) represents the varying rate of oil flow past the hot-spot, a
phenomenon which changes much more slowly. The combined effect of these two terms is to
account for the fact that a sudden rise in load current may cause an otherwise unexpectedly
high peak in the hot-spot temperature rise, very soon after the sudden load change. Values
for k 11 , k 21 , k 22 and the other parameters shown are discussed in 8.2.2 and suggested values
given in Table 4.

If the top-oil temperature can be measured as an electrical signal into a computing device,
then an alternative formulation is the dashed line path, with the switch in its right position; the
top-oil calculation path (switch to the left) is not required. All of the parameters have been
defined in 8.2.2.

The mathematical interpretation of the blocks in Figure 12 is given as follows:

The differential equation for top-oil temperature (inputs K, θ a , output θ o ) is

 1+ K 2 R  dθ
  × ( ∆θ or ) = k11τ o × o + [θ o − θ a ] (5)
 1 + R  dτ

The differential equation for hot-spot temperature rise (input K, output ∆ θ h ) is most easily
solved as the sum of two differential equation solutions, where

∆θ h = ∆θ h1 − ∆θ h2 (6)
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 33 –

The two equations are

d∆θ h1
k 21 × K y × ( ∆θ hr ) = k 22 × τ w × + ∆θ h1 (7)


(k21 − 1) × K y × ( ∆θhr ) = (τ o / k22 ) × d∆θh2 + ∆θ h2 (8)

the solutions of which are combined in accordance with Equation (6).

The final equation for the hot-spot temperature is

θh = θ o + ∆θh (9)

Regarding Equations (5) to (8), the complexity is in order to account for the fact that the oil-
cooling medium has mechanical inertia in addition to thermal inertia. The effect is greatest for
natural cooling (ON), somewhat less for non-directed-flow pumped-oil cooling (OF), and
negligible for directed-flow pumped-oil cooling (OD), as regards power transformers. It is also
negligible for small transformers (see 8.2.2).

NOTE For ON and OF cooling, the oil viscosity change counteracts the effect of the ohmic resistance variation of
the conductors. In fact, the cooling effect of the oil viscosity change is stronger than the heating effect of the
resistance change. This has been taken into account implicitly by the winding exponent of 1,3 in Table 5. For OD
cooling, the influence of the oil viscosity on temperature rises is slight, and the effect of the ohmic resistance
variation is considered. An approximate correction term (with its sign) for the hot-spot temperature rise at OD is
0,15 × (∆ θ h – ∆ θ hr ).

8.2.2 Exponential equations solution

Subclause 8.2.2 describes the exponential equation solution to the heat transfer differential
Equations (5) to (8).

An example of a load variation according to a step function is shown in Figure 13 (the details
of the example are given in Annex H).
– 34 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017








735 min


θh Winding hot-spot temperature

θo Top-oil temperature in tank
K1 is 1,0 K2 is 0,6 K3 is 1,5 K4 is 0,3 K5 is 2,1

Figure 13 – Temperature responses to step changes in the load current

The hot-spot temperature is equal to the sum of the ambient temperature, the top-oil
temperature rise in the tank, and the temperature difference between the hot-spot and top-oil
in the tank.

The top-oil temperature increase to a level corresponding to a load factor of K is given by:

 x 
  1+ R × K 2    (− t )/( k11× τ 0 ) 
θ o (t ) = θ a + ∆θ oi + ∆θ or ×   − ∆θ oi  × 1 − e  (10)
  1 + R    
 

Correspondingly, the top-oil temperature decrease to a level corresponding to a load factor

of K is given by:

x  x
 1+ R × K 2    1+ R × K 2   (− t )/( k11× τ 0 )
θ o (t ) = θ a + ∆θ or ×  + ∆θ oi − ∆θ or ×   × e (11)
 1 + R    1 + R  
 

The hot-spot to top-oil temperature gradient increase to a level corresponding to a load factor
of K is given by:

∆θ h (t ) = ∆θ h1 (t ) − ∆θ h2 (t ) (12)
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 35 –

where two gradients are

{ }(
∆θ h1 (t ) = ∆θ h1i + k 21Hg r K y − ∆θ h1i × 1 − e (−t ) /( k22 × τ w ) ) (13)


∆θ h2 (t ) = ∆θ h2 i + (k 21 − 1)Hg r K y
− ∆θ h2i × 1 − e (−t ) /( τ0 / k22 ) ) (14)

Correspondingly, the hot-spot to top-oil temperature gradient decrease to a level

corresponding to a load factor of K is given by:

{ }
∆θ h1(t ) = k 21Hgr K y + ∆θ h1i − k 21Hgr K y × e (−t ) /( k 22 × τ w ) (15)


{ }
∆θh2 (t ) = (k21 − 1)Hgr K y + ∆θh2i − (k21 − 1)Hgr K y × e (−t ) /( τ 0 / k 22 ) (16)

The final equation for the hot-spot temperature is:

θ h (t ) = θ o (t ) + ∆θ h (t ) (17)


τw is the winding time constant (min);

τ0 is the oil-time constant (min).

The top-oil exponent x and the winding exponent y are given in Table 4 [23], [24].

The constants k 11 , k 21 , k 22 and the time constants τ w and τ 0 are transformer specific. They
can be determined in a prolonged heat-run test during the “no-load loss + load loss” period, if
the supplied losses and corresponding cooling conditions, for example AN or AF, are kept
unchanged from the start until the steady state has been obtained (see Annex F). In this case,
it is necessary to ensure that the heat-run test is started when the transformer is
approximately at the ambient temperature. It is obvious that k 21 , k 22 and τ w can be defined
only if the transformer is equipped with fibre optic sensors. If τ 0 and τ w are not defined in a
prolonged heat-run test they can be defined by calculation (see Annex E). In the absence of
transformer-specific values, the values in Table 4 are recommended. The corresponding
graphs are shown in Figure 14.

NOTE 1 Unless the current and cooling conditions remain unchanged during the heating process long enough to
project the tangent to the initial heating curve, the time constants cannot be determined from the heat-run test
performed according to IEC practice.

NOTE 2 The ∆θ h (t)/∆θ hr graphs observed for small transformers are similar to graph 7 in Figure 14, i.e. small
transformers do not show such a hot-spot “overshoot” at step increase in the load current as ON- and OF-cooled
power transformers do.

NOTE 3 The background of the oil, x, and winding, y, exponents and corresponding determining procedure are
given in Annex G.
– 36 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Table 4 – Recommended thermal characteristics for exponential equations

Medium and large power transformers


restricted a

restricted a

restricted a






Oil exponent x 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0
Winding exponent y 1,6 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,0
Constant k 11 1,0 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1,0 1,0 1,0
Constant k 21 1,0 3,0 2,0 3,0 2,0 1,45 1,3 1,0
Constant k 22 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 1,0 1,0

Time constant τ 0 , min 180 210 210 150 150 90 90 90

Time constant τ w, 4 10 10 7 7 7 7 7
a If a winding of an ON- or OF-cooled transformer is zigzag-cooled, a radial spacer thickness of less than
3 mm might cause a restricted oil circulation, i.e. a higher maximum value of the function ∆θ h (t)/∆θ hr than
obtained by spacers ≥ 3 mm.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 37 –



∆ θ h (t)/ ∆ θ hr



0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

t min

1 ONAN – restricted oil flow 5 OF – restricted oil flow

3 ONAF – restricted oil flow 7 OD and small power transformers

Figure 14 – The function ∆θ h (t)/∆θ hr generated by the values given in Table 4

An application example of the exponential equations solution is given in Annex H.

8.2.3 Difference equations solution

Subclause 8.2.3 describes the difference equation solution to the heat transfer differential
equations, applicable for arbitrarily time-varying load factor K and time-varying ambient
temperature θ a .

If the differential equations are converted to difference equations, then the solution is quite
straightforward, even on a simple spreadsheet.

The differential Equations (5) to (8) can be written as the following difference equations,
where D stands for a difference over a small time step.

Equation (5) becomes:

 x 
∆τ  1 + K 2 R 
∆θ o =   × (∆θor ) − [θo − θa ] (18)
k11τ o   1 + R  
 

The “D” operator implies a difference in the associated variable that corresponds to each time
step Dt. At each time step, the nth value of Dθ o is calculated from the (n – 1)th value using

θ o( n ) = θ o( n −1) + Dθ o( n ) (19)
– 38 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Equations (7) and (8) become

∆∆θh1 =
k22τ w
× k21 × ∆θhr K y − ∆θh1 ] (20)


∆∆θ h2 =
(1 / k 22 )τ o
× (k 21 − 1) × ∆θ hr K y − ∆θ h2 ] (21)

The nth values of each of ∆ θ h1 and ∆ θ h2 are calculated in a way similar to Equation (19).

The total hot-spot temperature rise at the nth time step is given by:

∆θ h( n ) = ∆θ h1( n ) − ∆θ h2( n ) (22)

Finally, the hot-spot temperature at the nth time step is given by:

θ h( n ) = θ o( n ) + ∆θ h( n ) (23)

For an accurate solution, the time step Dt should be as small as is practicable, certainly no
greater than one-half of the smallest time constant in the thermal model. For example, if the
time constant for the winding considered is 4 min, the time step should be no larger than
2 min. τ w and τ o should not be set to zero.

Also, there are theoretically more accurate numerical analysis solution methods than the
simple one used in Equations (18) to (21), for example trapezoidal or Runge-Kutta methods.
However, the increased complexity is not warranted here considering the imprecision of the
input data.

The loss of life of cellulose insulation differential equations of 6.4 can also be converted to
difference equations. The fundamental differential equation is

dL (24)


DL( n ) = V( n ) × Dt (25)


L( n ) = L( n −1) + DL( n ) (26)

An application example of the difference equations solution is given in Annex I.

IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 39 –

8.3 Ambient temperature

8.3.1 Outdoor air-cooled transformers

For dynamic considerations, such as monitoring or short-time emergency loading, the actual
temperature profile should be used directly.

For design and test considerations, the following equivalent temperatures are taken as
ambient temperature:

a) the yearly weighted ambient temperature is used for thermal ageing calculation;
b) the monthly average temperature of the hottest month is used for the maximum hot-spot
temperature calculation.
NOTE Concerning the ambient temperature, see also IEC 60076-2.

If the ambient temperature varies appreciably during the load cycle, then the weighted
ambient temperature is a constant, fictitious ambient temperature which causes the same
ageing as the variable temperature acting during that time. For a case where a temperature
increase of 6 K doubles the ageing rate and the ambient temperature can be assumed to vary
sinusoidally, the yearly weighted ambient temperature, θ E , is equal to

[ (
θ E = θ ya + 0,01 × 2 θ ma - max - θ ya ) ] 1,85 (27)

θ ma-max is the monthly average temperature of the hottest month (which is equal to the sum
of the average daily maxima and the average daily minima, measured in °C, during
that month, over 10 or more years, divided by 2);
θ ya is the yearly average temperature (which is equal to the sum of the monthly
average temperatures, measured in °C, divided by 12).

EXAMPLE Using monthly average values (more accurately using monthly weighted values) for θ a :

θ ma-max = 30 °C for 2 months 

θ ma = 20 °C for 4 months  Average θ ya = 15,0 °C

θ ma = 10 °C for 4 months  Weighted average θ E = 20,4 °C

θ ma = 0 °C for 2 months 

The ambient temperature used in the calculation examples in Annex J is 20 °C.

8.3.2 Correction of ambient temperature for transformer enclosure

A transformer operating in an enclosure experiences an extra temperature rise which is about

half the temperature rise of the air in that enclosure.

For transformers installed in a metal or concrete enclosure, ∆ θ or in Equations (10) and (11)
′ as follows:
should be replaced by ∆θ or

′ = ∆θ or + ∆ (∆θ or )
∆θ or (28)

∆(∆ θ or ) is the extra top-oil temperature rise under rated load.

It is strongly recommended that this extra temperature rise be determined by tests, but when
such test results are not available, the values given in Table 5 for different types of enclosure
– 40 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

may be used. These values should be divided by two to obtain the approximate extra top-oil
temperature rise.

NOTE When the enclosure does not affect the coolers, no correction is necessary according to Equation (28).

Table 5 – Correction for increase in ambient temperature due to enclosure

Correction to be added to weighted

ambient temperature
Number of K
Type of enclosure transformers
installed Transformer size
250 500 750 1 000
1 11 12 13 14
Underground vaults with natural ventilation 2 12 13 14 16
3 14 17 19 22
1 7 8 9 10
Basements and buildings with poor natural
2 8 9 10 12
3 10 13 15 17
1 3 4 5 6
Buildings with good natural ventilation and
underground vaults and basements with 2 4 5 6 7
forced ventilation
3 6 9 10 13

Kiosks a 1 10 15 20 –

NOTE The above temperature correction figures have been estimated for typical substation loading conditions
using representative values of transformer losses. They are based on the results of a series of natural and
forced cooling tests in underground vaults and substations and on random measurements in substations and
a This correction for kiosk enclosures is not necessary when the temperature rise test has been carried out on
the transformer in the enclosure as one complete unit.

8.3.3 Water-cooled transformers

For water-cooled transformers, the ambient temperature is the temperature of the incoming
water, which shows less variation in time than air.

9 Influence of tap-changers

9.1 General

All quantities used in Equations (10), (11), (13), (14), (15), (16) and (17) have to be
appropriate for the tap at which the transformer is operating.

For example, consider the case where the HV voltage is constant, and it is required to
maintain a constant LV voltage for a given load. If this requires the transformer to be on a
+15 % tap on the LV side, the rated oil temperature rise, losses and winding gradients have to
be measured or calculated for that tap.

Consider also the case of an auto transformer with a line-end tap-changer – the series
winding will have maximum current at one end of the tapping range whilst the common
winding will have maximum current at the other end of the tapping range.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 41 –

9.2 Load loss

The transformer’s short-circuit loss is a function of the tap position. Several different
connections of the tapped windings and the main winding can be realized. A universal
approach to calculate the transformer’s ratio of losses as a function of the tap position is
shown in Figure 15. A linear function is calculated between the rated tap position and the
minimum and maximum position. Figure 15 can be changed according to regulating winding
arrangement regarding tapping method selected.

R min

R max
R r+1

tap min tap r tap max X

tap r+1

Rr − Rmin Rmax − Rr +1
m1 = m2 =
tap r − tap min tap max − tap r +1


X Tap position
Y Ratio of losses

Figure 15 – Principle of losses as a function of the tap position

9.3 Ratio of losses

The transformer’s top-oil temperature rise is a function of the loss ratio R. The no-load losses
are assumed to be constant. Using a linear approximation, R can be determined as a function
of the tap position.

For tap positions beyond the rated tap-changer position (from tap r+1 to tap max):

R (tap ) = Rr +1 + (tap − tap r +1 ) × m2 (29)

For tap positions below the rated tap position (from tap min to tap r ):

R(tap ) = Rr + (tap − tap r ) × m1 (30)

9.4 Load factor

The winding-to-oil temperature rise mainly depends on the load factor. K is not dependent on
the tap position.
– 42 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex A

Insulation life expectancy and relative ageing rate

considering oxygen and water effect

A.1 Insulation life expectancy

Ageing or change of polymerization of paper insulation is often described as a first order

process that can be described by the following Arrhenius equation:


1 1
− = A × t × e R×(θ h + 273 ) (A.1)
DPend DPstart

DP end is the insulation DP value at the moment of the sampling or the end of life criterion;
DP start is the initial insulation DP value;
A is the pre-exponential factor in 1/h;
EA is the activation energy in kJ/mol;
t is the life time of a transformer in h;
R is the gas constant in J/(K·mol);
θh is the hot-spot temperature, °C.

Arrhenius extrapolations assume that a chemical degradation process is controlled by a

reaction rate k proportional to exp(−E A /RT), where E A is the Arrhenius activation energy, R the
gas constant (8,314 J/(K·mol), T the absolute temperature and A the pre-exponential factor.
The pre-exponent value A is a constant depending on the chemical environment. In an
Arrhenius plot, the natural logarithm of the ageing rate (ln k) is plotted against the inverse
absolute temperature (1/T) and a straight line is obtained as shown in Figure A.1 – illustrating
how the ageing rate depends on temperature. The condition for achieving a straight line is
that it is the same ageing process over the whole temperature range. The activation energy
describes how much the reaction rates depend on temperature; if the ageing process is
independent of temperature the activation energy is zero and the line becomes parallel with
the x-axis, while if it increases fast with increasing temperature the line falls quickly. One
should bear in mind that A and E A values come in pairs. In principle, E A is the slope of the line
in Figure A.1, and the A-value is the value of interception with a virtual y-axis from 0, the
higher the value the higher the location of the curve above the abscissa and the ageing is
faster. The point is that a small change in slope will influence the A-value significantly.

NOTE The temperature and moisture values used in the transformer life estimation always refer to the same
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 43 –

In k




1/T inverse absolute hot-spot temperature

ln k logarithm of the ageing rate

Figure A.1 – Arrhenius plot for an ageing process

Knowing the end-of-life (EOL) criterion we can rearrange the Equation (A.1) to express life
expectancy, t exp , as a function of hot-spot temperature θ h , and the parameters E A and A:

1 1 EA

DPend DPstart
texp = ×e R×(θ h + 273 )
(years) (A.2)
A × 24 × 365

The feasibility of this procedure depends on a valid selection of E A and A values. As main
result of extensive research work (see references [9] to [15]), the activation energy over the
range from 70 °C to 160 °C was calculated and an A value was estimated for each single case
based on the first order ageing models. The corresponding coefficients applicable to the
power transformers, where oil is separated from and in contact with air, are provided in
Table A.1.

Table A.1 – Activation energy (E A) and environment factor (A) for oxidation, hydrolysis

Free from air Free from air Free from air With air
Paper type/ageing parameters and 0,5 % and 1,5 % and 3,5 % and 0,5 %
moisture moisture moisture moisture

Non-thermally A (h -1 ) 4,1 × 10 10 1,5 × 10 11 4,5 × 10 11 4,6 × 10 5

upgraded paper E A (kJ/mol) 128 128 128 89

Thermally upgraded A (h -1 ) 1,6 × 10 4 3,0 × 10 4 6,1 × 10 4 3,2 × 10 4

paper E A (kJ/mol) 86 86 86 82

The results of the expected life based on coefficients given in Table A.1, and starting with a
DP of 1 000 and ending with a DP of 200, i.e. as “end of life criteria”, for a range of hot-spot
temperatures are shown in Table A.2. The corresponding graphical illustration considering the
influence of temperature, oxygen and moisture content is shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5.
– 44 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Table A.2 – Expected life of paper under various conditions

Expected life
Paper type/ageing temperature
Free from air Free from air Free from air With air
and 0,5 % and 1,5 % and 3,5 % and 0,5 %
moisture moisture moisture moisture
Non-thermally 80 °C 97,3 26,6 8,9 14,7
upgraded paper at
90 °C 29,3 8 2,7 6,4
98 °C 11,7 3,2 1,1 3,4
110 °C 3,2 0,9 0,3 1,4
Thermally upgraded 80 °C 151,9 81 39,9 19,4
paper at
90 °C 67,8 36,1 17,8 9
98 °C 36,7 19,6 9,6 5
110 °C 15,3 9,6 4 2,2

A.2 Relative ageing rate considering oxygen and water effect

In 6.3, the rate of ageing of the interturn insulation of transformers under the effect of time
and temperature is referred to a hot-spot temperature of 98 °C and 110 °C for the non-
thermally and thermally upgraded paper, respectively. Further, the relative ageing rate V is
defined according to Equations (2) and (3). These equations are based on the life expectancy
formula of Montsinger [25], and Dakin’s ageing rate formula [26], which are a simplification of
the more general Arrhenius relation given in Equation (A.1), and valid only in a limited
temperature range. On the other hand, the IEEE Loading Guide [27], recommends
Equation (3), which is an equivalent to the acceleration ageing factor, F AA , for a wide range of
temperatures. Further, Equations (2) and (3) imply that the ageing rate is only dependent on
the hot-spot temperature and do not consider different insulation conditions, which are
defined in references [9] to [15].

Therefore, if the ageing rate of the paper insulation is given as follows:


R ×(θ h + 273 )
k = A× e (A.3)

and if an ageing rate at a certain temperature and at an insulation condition is chosen to be

the rated one, k r , then the ageing rate, k, determined for any temperature and insulation
condition can be related to this rated rate, k r , by a new relative ageing rate, V, given as their
ratio [28]:

1  Er E 

× −
k A R  θ + 273 θ + 273 
 h,r h 
V = = e (A.4)
kr Ar

the subscript r stands for the rated condition.

The chosen rated insulation condition for both the non-thermally and thermally upgraded
paper is “free from air and 0,5 % moisture” taken from Table A.1. Also, similar to the approach
given in Clause 6, the rated relative ageing rate V = 1,0 at this condition corresponds to a
temperature of 98 °C for non-thermally upgraded paper and to 110 °C for thermally upgraded
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 45 –

The calculated relative ageing rates for different temperatures and insulation contamination
conditions are compared with values given in Table 1. The results are summarized in
Table A.3 and Table A.4.

The same could be applied to improve the IEEE equations for the ageing acceleration factor,
F AA , and the equivalent ageing factor, F EQA .

It is obvious from the tables that the dominant ageing factor at higher temperatures for the
kraft paper is the moisture. However, at lower temperatures the oxygen influence will prevail,
Table A.3. On the other hand, the main factor responsible for the thermally upgraded paper
ageing over the range of the temperatures is oxygen, Table A.4. This is in line with the
conclusions in [13].

Table A.3 – Relative ageing rates due to hot-spot temperature, oxygen

and moisture for non-upgraded paper insulation

Relative ageing rate, V

Table 1 Free from air Free from air Free from air With air
°C and 0,5 % and 1,5 % and 3,5 % and 0,5 %
moisture moisture moisture moisture

80 0,125 0,12 0,44 1,323 0,80

86 0,25 0,25 0,91 2,742 1,32
92 0,5 0,50 1,84 5,548 2,16
98 1,0 1,00 3,66 10,976 3,47
104 2 1,94 7,08 21,245 5,50
110 4 3,67 13,43 40,281 8,58
116 8 6,82 24,96 74,880 13,21
122 16 12,44 45,53 136,601 20,07
128 32 22,30 81,58 244,755 30,10
134 64 39,27 143,69 431,061 44,62
140 128 68,04 248,93 746,802 65,39

The relative ageing rates, V, for different ageing factors at temperature of 98 °C are indicated to be compared to
the rated insulation condition, i.e. where the relative ageing rate is 1.
– 46 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Table A.4 – Relative ageing rates due to hot-spot temperature, oxygen

and moisture for upgraded paper insulation

Relative ageing rate, V

Table 1 Free from air Free from air Free from air With air
°C and 0,5 % and 1,5 % and 3,5 % and 0,5 %
moisture moisture moisture moisture

80 0,036 0,10 0,19 0,38 0,79

86 0,073 0,16 0,31 0,63 1,25
92 0,145 0,26 0,5 1,00 1,97
98 0,282 0,42 0,78 1,59 3,05
104 0,536 0,65 1,22 2,48 4,66
110 1,00 1,00 1,88 3,81 7,02
116 1,83 1,52 2,84 5,78 10,45
122 3,29 2,27 4,26 8,66 15,36
128 5,8 3,36 6,30 12,82 22,32
134 10,07 4,91 9,22 18,74 32,07
140 17,2 7,11 13,33 27,12 45,60

The relative ageing rates, V, for different ageing factors at temperature of 110 °C are indicated to be compared
to the rated insulation condition, i.e. where the relative ageing rate is 1.

The loss of life, L, over certain period of time is calculated as given in 6.4.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 47 –

Annex B

Core temperature

B.1 General

In transformer cores, there are two different core hot-spots which, if not controlled, can cause
insulation material degradation and subsequent gassing.

a) Core hot-spot inside the core, should be limited to 130 °C under conditions of highest core
excitation, rated load and maximum ambient temperature. This is in order to prevent the
core heating which results in the break-up of the thin oil film between core laminations,
the consequence of which is the generation of mainly H 2 and CH 4 , in addition to small
quantities of other hydrocarbons [29], [30]. It is important to understand that any possible
oil gas saturation should be prevented.
b) Core surface hot-spot, which is in contact with oil and solid insulation materials, should be
limited according to Table 2.

B.2 Core hot-spot locations

The location of the internal core hot-spot depends largely on the core type and whether it is a
shell form or a core form transformer. In the most common core type (three-phase, three-limb
cores), this hot-spot is located in the middle of the top yoke between cooling ducts. In other
core types, the location of the core hot-spot is typically at the top of the middle core limb [30].

The total core surface temperature rise is the sum of the following three components:

a) temperature rise due to the leakage flux impinging on the surface of the laminations of the
outermost core step(s) – this value can vary from a few kelvins to several tens of kelvins
over the adjacent oil depending on the transformer winding, core, and tank shielding
b) temperature rise due to the main flux in the core – this value can again vary from a few
kelvins to several tens of kelvins over the adjacent oil depending on the transformer core
design (diameter and number of cooling ducts), core induction, and core material;
c) temperature rise of the oil around the area of the surface hot-spot.

Therefore, in almost all cores, this core surface hot-spot is not located in the yoke but is
located at the top of the middle core-limb, where the leakage flux enters the surface of the
core laminations. Also, the relative magnitudes of the temperature rise due to the leakage flux
versus the rise due to the core main flux depends wholly on the design of the transformer.

Consequently, the correct way to determine the core surface hot-spot is to determine the
temperature increase at rated load (including temperature rise of adjacent oil) and add to it
the temperature rise due to the highest core over-excitation. These temperatures are to be
determined for the appropriate location of the core surface hot-spot in the core type
– 48 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex C

Specification of loading beyond rated power

This document gives advice on the calculation of the capability of an existing transformer to
be loaded beyond rated power. All transformers will have some overload capability. However
since no specific loading requirements beyond rated power are specified in IEC 60076-1 [5] or
IEC 60076-2 [52], it is up to the purchaser to specify any particular loading requirements
(load, duration and ambient temperature).

Specification of loading beyond rated power can be done in the following ways.

a) Long time emergency loading

Since the hot-spot temperature limit in IEC 60076-2 is less than that given in Table 2, it is
possible to have an increased loading available for emergency situations provided that the
loss of life is accepted. The extent of this loading capability will depend on ambient
temperature, while preload and the duration of loading are only relevant to loss of life.
The following need to be specified at the enquiry stage:
1) the ambient temperature at which the loading is required;
2) the load as per unit (p.u.) of rated current;
3) the winding(s) to which the loading is to be applied;
4) the tap position;
5) the cooling stage(s) in service.
If loading according to this document is specified, then the transformer should not exceed
the temperatures and currents given in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively, under the
following conditions:
• a yearly average ambient temperature (20 °C unless otherwise specified);
• current flowing in the highest rated winding is considered;
• the tap position that gives the rated voltage on the lower voltage side with rated
voltage on the higher voltage side taking account of the voltage drop caused by the
load for a unity power factor load;
• all normal cooling in service but with no standby cooling capacity.
b) Short time emergency loading
If the transformer is used at a load less than rated current, then there will be an additional
short time loading capability caused by the thermal time constants of the oil and windings.
If a specific short time loading capability is required then the following need to be
1) the ambient temperature at which the loading is required;
2) the short time current that is required in p.u. of rated current;
3) the winding(s) to which the load will be applied;
4) the tap position;
5) the preload current applied before the short time emergency loading in p.u. of rated
6) the duration of the loading;
7) the cooling stage(s) in service.
If loading according to this document is specified, then the transformer should not exceed
the temperatures and currents given in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively, and under the
following conditions:
• a yearly average ambient temperature (20 °C unless otherwise specified);
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 49 –

• current flowing in the highest rated winding is considered;

• the tap position that gives the rated voltage on the lower voltage side with rated
voltage on the higher voltage side taking account of the voltage drop caused by the
preload for a unity power factor load;
• a preload of 0,75 p.u.;
• a duration of 15 min;
• all normal cooling in service appropriate to the preload condition but with no standby
cooling capacity
c) Loading according to a specific cycle
Specify in detail the load and ambient temperature cycles.
– 50 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex D

Description of Q, S and H factors

IEC 60076-2 notes also that the hot-spot factor H is obtained by the product of the Q and S

H = QS (D.1)

The Q and S factors are dimensionless factors described in IEC 60076-2 as:

• Q is “a dimensionless factor to estimate the increase of the average winding gradient due
to the local increase of additional loss.”
• S is “a dimensionless factor to estimate the local increase of the average winding gradient
due to the variation in the oil flow stream.”

According these definitions, Q should be calculated by modelling the winding with the correct
heat loss distribution, but with uniform oil velocity. The Q factor is then the ratio of the
maximal winding to local oil gradient over the average winding to average oil gradient.

On the other hand, S should be calculated by modelling the winding with uniform heat losses
and with the correct oil velocity inside the winding. The S factor is the ratio of the maximal
winding to local oil gradient over the average winding to average oil gradient.

However after calculating Q and S in line with the IEC 60076-2 definition, the hot-spot factor H
cannot be calculated directly as the product of Q and S factors, as mentioned in IEC 60076-2,

– discs with maximal Q factor and discs with maximal S factor can (and probably will) be
different discs;
– when modelling the winding with correct heat loss distribution and oil flows, Q and S
factors will not be independent from each other as explained later.

For the above reasons, CIGRE WG A2.38 [18] proposes more practical definitions of Q and S
and H factors, as given below.

The H factor can be derived out of Figure 6 and is:

H= (D.2)

Equation (D.2) is different from the current IEC 60076-2 definition, because the hot-spot
temperature is referenced to the mixed top-oil, while increase in local winding to oil gradient
refers to local winding oil.

This formula for H has the following advantages:

– the H factor can be calculated directly from the calculation results (calculated with correct
loss and oil flow distribution);
– this is the correct hot-spot factor to predict the hot-spot temperature out of the
temperature rise results, obtained in the standard temperature rise test;
– this hot-spot factor can also be checked in case fibre optic measurements are made (the
hot-spot temperature is known);
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 51 –

– the hot-spot is not always located at the top of the winding. However, this formulation is a
practical solution to overcome this issue.

The Q factor is a dimensionless factor as a ratio of two losses, and in cylindrical coordinates
can be defined as:

Q = Q (r, z,ϕ, T ) Qave (D.3)

Q(r, z, φ, T) is the local loss density at a location (W/m 3 );
r is the radial position;
φ is the angle in circumferential position;
z is the axial position;
T is the local temperature at (r, z, φ), and
Q ave is the average loss of the winding at average temperature.

For calculation purposes, one can redefine the Q factor for a disc winding in which each disc
has several conductors in radial direction and consists of numerous discs in axial direction,

Q = Q (conductor _ number _ in _ disc, disk _ number,ϕ, T ) Qave (D.4)

The Q factor is a scalar function and is based on the steady state condition of a defined
loading at a defined tap position (if applicable).

It is important to note that the Q factor in this definition is not a ratio of temperatures but a
ratio of losses.

Finally the S factor used in this document is defined as:

S= (D.5)

which can be easily calculated as soon as H and Q are known.

This S factor is an indication of the local cooling inefficiency. Higher S factor means higher
local temperature gradient thus worse cooling efficiency.

According to the current IEC 60076-2 calculation this S factor should be calculated as the
ratio of local hot-spot gradient over winding gradient with constant heat losses. With this
definition the S factor is proportional to the ratio of two thermal resistances, resulting in:

S ∝ S (r, z,ϕ, T ) Save (D.6)

S(r, z, φ, T) is the local cooling resistance (K/W), and
S ave is the average cooling resistance (K/W).

We should note that heat transfer can be in different directions. The (overall) local heat
transfer consists of series and parallel parts, such as:

– the insulation between the neighbouring conductors, that are in direct contact with each
other, in the radial direction.
– 52 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

– the insulation paper and oil boundary layer between conductor and the oil flow in axial
direction. Note that heat transfer functions for the oil boundary layer are often function
of q″.
– the copper (which almost can be neglected) in the tangential direction.

This implies that the Q and S factors are not fully independent, because they are linked by
temperature, heat flux, etc. For example, if the local losses are higher, the local temperature
will also increase and will influence the local flow stream and the local convection heat
transfer coefficient from conductor to oil.

Remark 1 We should note that the size of one (paper insulated) conductor is the smallest
element in which one calculates the losses. Inside each element there exists the same
temperature, so thermal resistances inside the element are neglected. In the case one
calculates the Q factor based on a number of conductors in one (or sometimes even 4) top
discs, one increases in essence the element size to a large extent and one neglects the
temperature distribution between conductors in the disc (and even between discs), which
results in a too low estimate of the hot-spot. The approach of using one or more discs as
smallest element results in a too low estimate of the hot-spot temperature and should be

Remark 2 In the case of a high Q factor in a transformer, one is able to limit the hot-spot
factor by creating locally more cooling surface and so design for a low S factor at that
location. This principle is easy to do by adding an axial cooling channel inside a radial spacer
disc or by adding a radial spacer inside a winding with axial cooling channels. The location of
the hot-spot does not necessarily have to correspond with the location of the maximum
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 53 –

Annex E

Calculation of winding and oil time constant

The winding time constant is as follows:

mw × c w × g
τw = (E.1)
60 × Pw

τw is the winding time constant in min at the load considered;
g is the winding-to-oil gradient in K at the load considered;
mw is the bare mass of the winding in kg;
cw is the specific heat of the conductor material in Ws/(kg·K) ( 390 for Cu and 890 for Al);
Pw is the winding loss in W at the load considered.

Another form of Equation (E.1) is

g (E.2)
τ w = 2,75 × for Cu
(1 + Pe ) × s 2

τ w = 1,15 × for Al (E.3)
(1 + Pe ) × s 2
Pe is the relative winding eddy loss in p.u.;
s is the current density in A/mm 2 at the load considered.

The top-oil time constant is calculated according to the principles in references [27] and [31].
It means that the thermal capacity C for the ONAN, ONAF, OF and OD cooling modes is:

C = cW × mW + cFE × mFE + cT × mT + kO × cO × mO (E.4)

mW is the mass of coil assembly in kg;
m FE is the mass of core in kg;
mT is the mass of the tank and fittings in kg (only those portions that are in contact with
heated oil should be used, i.e. 2/3 of tank weight should be considered);
mO is the mass of oil in kg;
cw is the specific heat capacity of the winding material (390 for Cu and 890 for Al) in
c FE is the specific heat capacity of the core (= 468) in Ws/kgK;
cT is the specific heat capacity of the tank and fittings (= 468) in Ws/kgK;
cO is the specific heat capacity of the oil (= 1800) in Ws/kgK;
kO is the correction factor for the oil in the ONAF, ONAN, OF and OD cooling modes.

The correction factor for the oil, k O , is the ratio of average to maximum top-oil temperature
– 54 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

NOTE It is apparent that all the oil in a transformer is not heated to the same temperature as the top-oil. The ratio
of average to maximum top-oil temperature rise ranges from 65 % to 95 % depending on design. If the
corresponding temperature rises are not known then an average value of these figures, i.e. 80 %, is used as the oil
correction factor for ONAN and ONAF cooling modes. For the forced-oil cooling modes, either OF or OD, and
distribution transformer without external radiators the correction factor is 100 %.

The top-oil time constant at the load considered is given by the following:

Co × ∆θo
τo = (E.5)
60 × P

τo is the top-oil time constant in min;
∆θo is the top-oil temperature rise above ambient temperature in K at the load considered;
P is the supplied losses in W at the load considered.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 55 –

Annex F

Thermal model parameters

F.1 General

As defined in 8.2.3, the first gradient ∆θ h1 (Equations (7) and (13) with thermal constants k 21
and k 22 ) represents the fundamental hot-spot temperature rise, before the effect of changing
oil flow past the hot-spot is taken into account. The second gradient ∆θ h2 (Equations (8) and
(14) with parameters k 21 − 1 and k 22 ) represents the varying rate of oil flow past the hot-spot,
a phenomenon which changes much more slowly. The combined effect of these two terms is
to account for the fact that a sudden rise in load current may cause an otherwise
unexpectedly high peak in the hot-spot temperature rise, very soon after the sudden load
change. Similarly, thermal constant k 11 in Equations (5) and (11) acts as a correction factor
for the top-oil time constant, taking into account the fact that the time constant is being
affected in a length of the time by the viscosity change.

The procedure to estimate these thermal constants from a prolonged heat-run test during the
“no-load loss + load loss” period is defined in Clause F.2. The thermal constant estimation
procedure from service data is defined in [18].

The model in this document represents the traditional way of modelling based on many years
of experience [21], [31], [33]–[39], and it has been verified under different operational
conditions [18], [21], providing satisfactory hot-spot temperature estimates. Being based on
constant parameters the model provides exponential response for predefined thermal
processes, and as such its further development in this form could be limited. However, due to
extreme simplicity in application in the daily life of an engineer, it is still considered

On the other hand, it is possible to provide complete analytical solution for these physical
processes considering all system variables (oil viscosity, loss change with temperature, etc.),
as is partly illustrated in Clause F.3. This approach would demand a certain change in
modelling practice, for example deviation from traditional x and y exponents.

F.2 Thermal constant estimation: experimental approach

The thermal constant k 11 should be estimated for the transient top-oil rise temperature curve
obtained during the test period with total losses as follows (see [32]).

1) Define function f 1 (t), which describes the relative increase of the top-oil temperature rise
according to the unit of the steady-state value:

f1(t ) = 1 − e (−t )/( k11× τ 0 ) ) (F.1)

2) Obtain measured relative increase of the top-oil temperature rise as per unit of the steady
state value, Mf 1j , for the complete test period:

Mθ oj − Mθ aj
Mf1 j = (F.2)
∆θ or

3) Perform nonlinear regression by using the guess-error approach (alternatively curve fitting
or optimization software also could be used) to find the constant to minimize the sum of
squares of differences between f 1j and Mf 1j :
– 56 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

∑ j =1[ f1 j (z ) − Mf1 j ]
minimize : (F.3)

M is a measured variable;
Z is a vector whose element is only k 11 thermal time constant;
f 1j is the relative increase of the top-oil temperature rise as per unit of the steady state
value as calculated from Equation (F.1);
Mf 1j is the measured relative increase of the top-oil temperature rise as per unit of the
steady state value;
j is the index for each time step over the test period with the total losses.

The initial value for the k 11 constant is taken from Table 4.

The oil time constant value to be set in the function f 1 (t) at the load considered is given in
Annex E.

Similar to the top-oil thermal constant, k 11 , estimation procedure, the thermal constants k 21
and k 22 for the hot-spot to top-oil thermal gradient are also obtained from the part of the
temperature rise test with supplied total losses [32]. In general, this approach is acceptable
due to fact that the shape of the thermal curve, ∆θ h (t), Figure 14, is not affected by the total
supplied loss level [22], compared to when the unit is supplied with only rated load loss.
Alternatively, a technically correct procedure would demand additional temperature tests,
which would be run from the cold start until the corresponding steady state conditions would
be observed at the rated current. The procedure specifies that the transformer winding is to
be equipped with fibre optic sensors.

1) Define function f 2 (t), which describes the relative increase of the hot-spot-to-top-oil
gradient according to the unit of the steady-state value:

( ) (
f 2 (t ) = k 21 × 1 − e (−t ) /( k22 ×τ w ) − (k 21 − 1) × 1 − e (−t ) /( τ0 / k22 ) ) (F.4)

2) obtain measured relative increase of the hot-spot to top-oil gradient, Mf 2j , as per unit of
the steady state value for the complete test period:

Mθhj − Mθ oj
Mf 2 j = (F.5)

3) perform nonlinear regression by using guess-error approach (alternatively curve fitting or

optimization software could be used) to find the constant to minimize the sum of squares
of differences between f 2j and Mf 2j

∑ j =1[ f2 j (z ) − Mf2 j ]
minimize : (F.6)

M is a measured variable;
z is a vector whose elements are k 21 and k 22 constants;
f 2j is the relative increase of the hot-spot to top-oil gradient as per unit of the steady state
value as calculated from Equation (F.4);
Mf 2j is the measured relative increase of the hot-spot to top-oil gradient as per unit of the
steady state value;
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 57 –

j is the index for each step over the test period with total losses introduce the following
constraint: maximum of f 2j is equal to maximum of Mf 2j .

The initial values for the k 21 and k 22 constants are taken from Table 4.

The winding time constant value to be set in function f 2j is calculated according to procedure
given in Annex E.

F.3 Dynamic thermal modelling: further development

Figure F.1 shows the final overall hot-spot and top-oil thermal model. It has the following

• it uses the “current source” concept as the copper loss and core loss heat source;
• it uses the “voltage source” concept as the ambient air heat source (or sink), and as the
“ambient” oil heat source (or sink);
• the nonlinearities are included in an easily understood way;
• it is not a complicated equivalent circuit;
• it has been verified physically, as discussed in several papers [22], [40]–[44].

R th-hs-oil
θ hs

q wdn C th-wdn θ oil

R th-oil-air
q tot
θ oil

q fe ql C th-oil θ amb


q wdn heat generated by winding losses C th-wdn thermal capacitance of the winding
θ hs hot-spot temperature R th-hs-oil nonlinear winding to oil thermal resistance
θ oil top-oil temperature q tot heat generated by total losses
q fe heat generated by no-load losses ql heat generated by load losses
C th-oil equivalent thermal capacitance of the R th-oil-air non-linear oil to air thermal resistance
transformer oil
θ amb ambient temperature

Figure F.1 – Hot-spot and top-oil overall model

– 58 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex G

Oil and winding exponents

G.1 General

The traditional oil exponent, x = 0,8, and winding exponent, y = 1,6, have been used since
1916 [33] in the transformer loading calculus. Consequently, the same values were adopted
subsequently by the IEC 60076-2 [52] and IEC 60354 [4]. The background is further
elaborated in Clause G.2. However, these exponents are transformer specific and any
suggested values should be used only in absence of transformer-specific values. In addition,
it has been found that the recommended winding exponent of 1,6 is quite conservative (see
[23], [24] and [45]), and this has been accounted for in this document. This change is still
included in this edition as given in Table 4.

Clauses G.2 and G.3 provide methods used to define the winding and oil exponents for
specific transformer design.

G.2 Historical background

It was reported by Dulong and Petit in 1817 that the velocity of the cooling due solely to the
contact of a gas is proportional to the excess of temperature in degrees centigrade raised to
the power 1,233 [33]. Based on this, Swift [22] concluded: “It is fascinating that the reciprocal
of 1.223 is approximately 0.8, a value of x commonly used to this day, for natural cooling

In 1881, Lorenz derived for convection of heat from vertical plane surface the following
relation [33]:

4 𝑐×𝑔×𝑘𝑡ℎ 3
𝑃 = 0,548 × � × 𝜚 0,5 × ∆𝜃1,25 (G.1)

P is the loss dissipated per cm 2 ,
c is the specific heat of gas at constant pressure,
k th is the gas thermal conductivity,
ν is the gas viscosity,
θm is the gas average temperature,
ρ is the gas average density,
g is the gravitational constant,
L is the height of plane, and
Δθ is the difference in temperature of plane surface and of the gas at a great distance from
the plane.

For the given room temperature, known plate design and for standard atmospheric pressure,
the equation is further reduced to:

𝑃 = 𝐶 𝑡𝑡 × ∆𝜃1,25 (G.2)

The result of the number of tests conducted by Montsinger [33], where most of the heat is
dissipated by convection, was almost the same:
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 59 –

𝑃 = 𝐶 𝑡𝑡 × ∆𝜃1,245 (G.3)

where the constant C te was determined empirically.

It was then concluded that the convection for vertical surface and within operational range of
the temperatures can be expressed by Equation (G.3).

A simple equation rearrangement gives temperature rise variation with loss as follows:

∆𝜃 = × 𝑃1⁄1,25 = 𝐶1𝑡𝑡 × 𝑃0,8 (G.4)
𝐶 𝑡𝑡

It was found that Equation (G.4) holds for top-oil rise and for horizontal disc coils, but for the
vertical/layer winding design the corresponding temperature rise over top-oil varies between
0,9 and the first power of the loss. Now the corresponding temperature rises at any load can
be found from the following mathematical expression:

1) Top-oil temperature rise:

Based on Equation (G.4), the temperature rise at rated load is expressed as follows:

∆𝜃𝑜𝑜 = 𝐶1,𝑟 × 𝑃𝑟0,8 (G.5)

If then Equation (G.4) is divided by Equation (G.5) the following ratio is obtained:

∆𝜃𝑜 𝐶1𝑡𝑡 𝑃0,8

= × (G.6)
∆𝜃𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡
𝐶1,𝑟 𝑃𝑟0,8

Also, if for given design and operating temperature range the following is defined:

C te 1,r = C te 1 (G.7)

then Equation (G.6) becomes:

𝑃 0,8
∆𝜃𝑜 = ∆𝜃𝑜𝑜 × � � (G.8)

It is also known that P represents the total losses when considering the top-oil
temperature rise, which are equal to the sum of the load loss, P l , and no-load loss, P fe :

𝑃 = 𝑃𝑙 + 𝑃𝑓𝑓 (G.9)

Further, if the loss ratio is defined as:

𝑅= (G.10)

and the following correlations are valid:

𝑃𝑓𝑓𝑓 = 𝑃𝑓𝑓 (G.11)

𝐾2 = (G.12)

the final equation for temperature rise is:

1+𝑅×𝐾 2
∆𝜃𝑜 = � � × ∆𝜃𝑜𝑜 (G.13)
– 60 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

This expression is equivalent to the equation suggested by loading guide where “0,8”
refers to the top-oil exponent “x” giving the final equation for the final top-oil temperature
rise at any load as follows:

1+𝑅×𝐾 2
∆𝜃𝑜 = � � × ∆𝜃𝑜𝑜 (G.14)

2) The hot-spot to top-oil temperature rise

By following the same procedure as above for the top-oil temperature rise and knowing
that in this case the loss, P, represents only the load loss, P l , the following formula is

∆𝜃ℎ𝑠−𝑜 = ∆𝜃ℎ𝑠−𝑜𝑜 × 𝐾 1,6 (G.15)

Again, this is the same as the general form suggested in the loading guide where “1,6”
refers to the winding exponent “y”, giving the final equation for the final hot-spot
temperature rise over top-oil temperature at any load as follows:

∆𝜃ℎ𝑠−𝑜 = ∆𝜃ℎ𝑠−𝑜𝑜 × 𝐾 𝑦 (G.16)

G.3 Theoretical approach

Based on heat transfer theory, the natural convection oil flow around vertical, inclined and
horizontal plates and cylinders the temperature rise and the average winding to average oil
gradient can be obtained from the following empirical correlation (see references [46] to [50]):

𝑁𝑢 = 𝐶 × [𝐺𝑟 × 𝑃𝑟 ]𝑛 (G.17)


𝑁𝑢 = (G.18)

𝑃𝑟 = (G.19)

𝐺𝑟 = (G.20)

𝑁𝑢 , 𝐺𝑟 , 𝑃𝑟 are Nusselt, Grashof and Prandtl numbers, respectively,
C and n are empirical constants affected by oil flow,
h is the heat transfer coefficient,
l is the dimension of the heated surface in the direction of flow,
𝜆 is the thermal conductivity,
𝜌 is the oil density,
𝜈 is the oil kinematic viscosity,
𝛽 is the coefficient of thermal cubic expansion,
g is the gravitational constant, and
∆𝜃 is the corresponding surface drop, i.e. temperature gradient.

By substituting Equations (G.18), (G.19) and (G.20) in Equation (G.17), the following
expression is obtained:
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 61 –

ℎ×𝑙 𝜌×𝜈×𝑐 𝛽×∆𝜃×𝑔×𝑙3
=𝐶×� × � (G.21)
𝜆 𝜆 𝜈2

If the temperature gradient is given as the heat loss to heat coefficient ratio:

∆𝜃 = (G.22)

and if Equation (G.21) is solved for heat transfer coefficient and substituted in Equation
(G.22), the following is obtained:

∆𝜃 = 𝐶×𝜆 𝜌×𝜈×𝑐 𝛽×∆𝜃×𝑔×𝑙3
𝑛 (G.23)
×� × �
𝑙 𝜆 𝜈2

Also, as for the range of the operating temperatures the physical properties of the oil in
Equation (G.23) can be considered constant the following is valid:

∆𝜃 = 𝐶1 × 𝑃1/(1+𝑛) (G.24)


𝐶1 = 𝛽×𝑔×𝑙3−𝑛
𝑛 (G.25)
�𝐶×𝜆𝑛−1 ×𝜌×𝑐× �

Equation (G.24) is identical to Equation (G.4) and by following the same procedure as given
above, it is possible to arrive at Equations (G.14) and (G.16) by defining correlation:

(=)𝑥 (G.26)

(=)𝑦 (G.27)

Apart of the oil physical parameters the accuracy of the equation depends also on accurately
determined C and n empirical constants. This can be done according to the following

1) Obtain the hot-spot/average winding and oil temperatures from the extended temperature
rise test.
2) Calculate average winding to average oil gradient.
3) Calculate mean boundary layer temperature between the heating surface and coolant:

𝜃ℎ +𝜃𝑜
𝜃𝑚 = (G.28)

4) Calculate average value of the heat transfer coefficient:

ℎ= (G.29)

5) For calculated mean boundary layer temperature obtain the physical properties of the oil
and calculate Nussel, Prandtl and Grashof numbers

Plot the following graph in log-log system:

𝑁𝑢 = 𝑓(𝐺𝑟 × 𝑃𝑟 ) (G.30)
– 62 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

The line on the log-log chart that bests fits the plot is drawn and the lines that best fit the data
points plotted using the least-square method should be used to estimate corresponding
empirical coefficients n and C. The set of the empirical constants n and C is specific for a
given design. This means that any change in design affects the estimated values.

G.4 Extended temperature rise test approach

The top-oil and winding exponents are obtained from an extended temperature rise test
whose load profile is given on Figure G.1 [51]. However, shorter and less time consuming
profiles are also available as defined in [13] and [52].

P l (1,25I r )
P l (1,25I r )+P fe
Warm resistance measurement

Warm resistance measurement

Warm resistance measurement

P lr (I r )+P fe
P lr (I r )

P l (0,7I r )
P l (0,7I r )+P fe Run

Regular heat run




x-axis losses in kW
y-axis time in h

Figure G.1 – Extended temperature rise test

The extended test consists of the three successive thermal runs:

1) Regular heat run:

This part of the test is the regular temperature rise test, i.e. the transformer is
short-circuited and supplied with total losses. Once the oil temperature is stabilized and
corresponding oil temperature rises recorded, the test immediately continues with the
rated losses supplied for 1 h. This is followed with the transformer shut down in order to
measure the warm resistance and to estimate the corresponding average winding to
average oil gradient.
2) Under-load test
After the warm resistance measurements for the rated current are recorded, the test
continues with the supplied losses produced by 70 % of the rated current plus the
additional current to simulate the rated no-load losses. When the oil temperature is
stabilized and the corresponding temperature rises are recorded, the test immediately
continues with the losses produced by 70 % of the rated current for 1 h. This is followed
with the transformer shut down in order to measure the warm resistance and to estimate
the corresponding average winding to average oil gradient.
3) Over-load test
After the warm resistance measurements for the rated current are recorded, the test
continues with the supplied losses produced by 125 % of the rated current plus the
additional current to simulate the rated no-load losses. When the oil temperature is
stabilized and the corresponding temperature rises are recorded, the test immediately
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 63 –

continues with the losses produced by 125 % of the rated current for 1 h. This is followed
with the transformer shut down in order to measure the warm resistance and to estimate
the corresponding average winding to average oil gradient.

Based on the extended run test results the exponent x is obtained as the slope of the line on
log-log chart that bests fits the plot of the top-oil temperature rise measured at the end of the
three temperature tests (70 % + P fe , 100 % + P fe and 125 % + P fe ) versus the loss equation,
Figure G.2 a. Correspondingly, exponent y is the slope of the line on log-log chart that best fits
the plot of the average winding temperature rise above average top-oil temperature measured
at the end of three temperature tests (70 %, 100 % and 125 %) versus the loading factor
Figure G.2 b. This method assumes that the hot-spot rise over top-oil temperature is
proportional to the average winding rise over average oil temperature.

a) oil exponent b) winding exponent

[ P l (1,25I r ) + P fe ] P l (1,25I r )
∆ θ o /∆ θ or

g/g r
[ P lr (I r ) + P fe ] P lr (I r )

[ P l (0,7I r ) + P fe ] P l (0,7I r )

[ (1 + RH 2 )/(1 + R) ] K

Figure G.2 – Transformer exponent estimation plots

The slopes should be determined by the slopes of the lines that best fit the data points plotted
using the least-square method.
– 64 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex H

Practical example of the exponential equations method

H.1 General

The curves in Figure 14 are taken from an example in real life, and details of the case will be
given in this annex. A 250 MVA, ONAF-cooled transformer was tested as follows. During each
time period, the load current was kept constant, that is, the losses changed due to resistance
change during each load step. The corresponding flowchart is in Annex J.

Table H.1 – Load steps of the 250 MVA transformer

Time period Load factor

0 to 190 1,0
190 to 365 0,6
365 to 500 1,5
500 to 705 0,3
705 to 730 2,1
730 to 745 0,0

The two main windings were equipped with eight fibre optic sensors each. The hottest spot
was found in the innermost main winding (118 kV). In this example the variation of the hottest
spot temperature during time period 0 min to 745 min will be defined according to the
calculation method described in 8.2.2. A comparison with the measured curve will be made.

The characteristic data of the transformer, necessary for the calculation, are:

θ a = 25,6 °C
∆ θ or = 38,3 K
R = 1 000 (because the test was made by the “short-circuit method”)
H = 1,4 (defined by measurement, see 8.1.3)
gr = 14,5 K
τw = 4,6 min to 8,7 min (depending on the loading case. The value in Table 4, that is,
7 min, will be used in the calculation)
τo = 162 min to170 min (depending on the loading case. The value in Table 4, that is,
150, will be used in the calculation)

The winding is zigzag-cooled with a spacer separation ≥ 3 mm.

IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 65 –

H.2 Time period 0 min to 190 min

The initial data for the time period 0 min to 190 min are as follows:

∆ θ oi = 12,7 K (This test was started at 08:20 in the morning. The preceding evening
an overloading test at 1,49 p.u. had been finished at 22:00)
K = 1,0
∆ θ hi = 0,0 K
Equations (10), (12), (13), (14) and (17) yield the hot-spot variation as a function of time,
hence from Equation (10):

 0,8 
  1 + 1 000 × 1,0 2
θ o (t ) = 25,6 + 12,7 + 38,3 × 
1 + 1 000

− 12,7 × 1 − e (− t )/(0,5×150 ) )

   

From Equation (13):

{ }(
∆θh1(t ) = 0,0 + 2,0 × 1,4 × 14,5 × 1,01,3 − 0,0 × 1 − e (−t ) /( 2,0×7 ) )
From Equation (14):

{ }(
∆θh2 (t ) = 0,0 + (2,0 − 1,0 ) × 1,4 × 14,5 × 1,01,3 − 0,0 × 1 − e(−t ) /(150 / 2,0 ) )
From Equation (12):

∆θ h (t ) = ∆θ h1(t ) − ∆θ h2 (t )

From Equation (17):

θ h (t ) = θ o (t ) + ∆θ h (t )

H.3 Time period 190 min to 365 min

The initial data for the time period 190 min to 365 min are as follows:

∆ θ oi = 36,2 K (calculated in H.2)

K = 0,6
∆ θ hi1 = 40,6 K (calculated in H.2)
∆ θ hi2 = 18,7 K (calculated in H.2)

Equations (11), (15), (16) and (17) yield the hot-spot variation as a function of time, hence
from Equation (11):

0,8  0,8 
 1 + 1 000 × 0,62    1 + 1 000 × 0,62   (−t ) /(0,5×150 )
θo (t ) = 25,6 + 38,3 ×   + 36,2 − 38,3 ×   ×e
 1 + 1 000    1 + 1 000  
 
– 66 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

From Equation (15):

{ }
∆θh1(t ) = 2,0 × 1,4 × 14,5 × 0,61,3 + 40,6 − 2,0 × 1,4 × 14,5 × 0,61,3 × e (−t ) /( 2,0×7 )

From Equation (16):

{ }
∆θ h2 (t ) = (2,0 − 1,0 ) × 1,4 × 14,5 × 0,61,3 + 18,6 − (2,0 − 1,0 ) × 1,4 × 14,5 × 0,61,3 × e (−t ) /(0,5×150 )

From Equation (17):

θh (t ) = θ o (t ) + ∆θh (t )

H.4 Time period 365 min to 500 min

The initial data for the time period 365 min to 500 min are as follows:

∆ θ oi = 18,8 K (calculated in H.3)

K = 1,5
∆ θ hi1 = 20,9 K (calculated in H.3)
∆ θ hi2 = 11,25 K (calculated in H.3)

The calculation is identical to the one in H.2, when the following replacements are made in
Equation (10):

12,7 replaced by 18,8

1,0 replaced by 1,5

In Equation (13):
0,0 replaced by 20,9
1,0 replaced by 1,5

In Equation (14):
0,0 replaced by 11,25
1,0 replaced by 1,5

H.5 Time period 500 min to 705 min

The initial data for the time period 500 min to 705 min are as follows:

∆ θ oi = 63,6 K (calculated in H.4)

K = 0,3
∆ θ hi1 = 68,2 K (calculated in H.4)
∆ θ hi2 = 30,3 K (calculated in H.4)
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 67 –

The calculation is identical to the one in H.3, when the following replacements are made in
Equation (11):

36,2 replaced by 63,6

0,6 replaced by 0,3

In Equation (15):
40,6 replaced by 68,2
1,0 replaced by 1,5

In Equation (16):
18,6 replaced by 30,3
1,0 replaced by 1,5

H.6 Time period 705 min to 730 min

The initial data for the time period 705 min to 730 min are as follows:

∆ θ oi = 9,4 K (calculated in H.5)

K = 2,1
∆ θ hi1 = 8,5 K (calculated in H.5)
∆ θ hi2 = 6,0 K (calculated in H.5)

The calculation is identical to the one in H.4, when the following replacements are made in
Equation (10):

18,8 replaced by 9,4

1,5 replaced by 2,1

In Equation (13):
20,9 replaced by 8,5
1,5 replaced by 2,1

In Equation (14):
11,25 replaced by 6,0
1,5 replaced by 2,1

H.7 Time period 730 min to 745 min

The initial data for the time period 730 min to 745 min are as follows:

∆ θ oi = 42,3 K (calculated in H.6)

K = 0,0
∆ θ hi1 = 90,0 K (calculated in H.6)
∆ θ hi2 = 19,4 K (calculated in H.6)

The calculation is made in the same way as in H.3 and H.5.

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H.8 Comparison with measured values

The calculated and measured hot-spot temperature curves are shown in Figure H.1. The
corresponding curves for the top-oil temperature are shown in Figure H.2. The numerical
values at the end of each load step are shown in Table H.2.










0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960


x-axis time t in minutes Measured values

y-axis temperature θ h in °C ---- Calculated values

Figure H.1 – Hot-spot temperature response to step changes in the load current










0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960

x-axis time t in minutes Measured values
y-axis temperature θ o in °C ---- Calculated values

Figure H.2 – Top-oil temperature response to step changes in the load current
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 69 –

Table H.2 – Temperatures at the end of each load step

Time (min) / load factor Top-oil temperature Hot-spot temperature

°C °C
Calculated Measured Calculated Measured
190 / 1,0 61,9 58,8 83,8 82,2
365 / 0,6 44,4 47,8 54,0 58,6
500 / 1,5 89,2 80,8 127,0 119,2
705 / 0,3 35,0 46,8 37,54 49,8
730 / 2,1 67,9 65,8 138,6 140,7
745 / 0,0 60,3 68,2 75,3 82,4

NOTE Bold values indicate load increase.

The calculation method in this document is intended to yield relevant values, especially at
load increase (noted by bold entries in Table H.2).
– 70 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex I

Application of the difference equation solution method

I.1 General

Annex I provides an example of the application of difference equation method described

in 8.2.3.

I.2 Example

Suppose the objective is that an on-line monitoring device is to generate hot-spot temperature
and loss-of-life information. The steps in the solution are as follows:

1) establish the transformer parameters;

2) establish the input data;
3) calculate the initial conditions;
4) solve the differential equations;
5) tabulate the output data;
6) plot the output data.

The details are as follows.

1 – Establish the transformer parameters

The parameters used are chosen in such a way that the rated hot-spot temperature is 110 °C
at an ambient temperature of 30 °C. Other parameters are typical.

∆θ or = 45 K τo = 150 min R=8 y = 1,3 k 21 = 2

∆θ hr = 35 K τw = 7 min x = 0,8 k 11 = 0,5 k 22 = 2

2 – Establish the input data

The input data for this example are listed in Table I.1 and plotted in Figure I.1.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 71 –

Table I.1 – Input data for example

Step Time Time of day Ambient temperature Load factor

t θa K
min h:min °C
0 0 14:00 30,3 0,81
1 3 14:03 29,9 0,87
2 6 14:06 29,8 0,88
3 9 14:09 29,5 0,86
4 12 14:12 29,6 0,90
5 15 14:15 29,5 0,92
6 18 14:18 29,5 0,95
7 21 14:21 28,9 0,96
8 24 14:24 29,0 0,97
9 27 14:27 28,6 1,00
10 30 14:30 28,0 1,70
11 33 14:33 28,7 1,70
12 36 14:36 27,8 1,73
13 39 14:39 28,1 1,72
14 42 14:42 27,9 1,69
15 45 14:45 27,1 1,68
16 48 14:48 26,9 1,71
17 51 14:51 26,7 1,69
18 54 14:54 27,2 1,67
19 57 14:57 26,7 1,68
20 60 15:00 26,9 1,63
21 63 15:03 26,5 1,59
22 66 15:06 26,2 1,53
23 69 15:09 26,3 1,49
24 72 15:12 25,4 1,41
25 75 15:15 25,6 1,38
26 78 15:18 25,3 1,32
27 81 15:21 24,8 1,28
28 84 15:24 24,5 1,21
29 87 15:27 24,3 1,19
30 90 15:30 24,1 0,87
31 93 15:33 24,3 0,88
32 96 15:36 24,1 0,87
33 99 15:39 23,4 0,86
34 102 15:42 23,6 0,85
35 105 15:45 23,8 0,87
36 108 15:48 23,1 0,83
37 111 15:51 23,3 0,86
38 114 15:54 23,1 0,85
39 117 15:57 22,3 0,82
40 120 16:00 22,2 0,86
– 72 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

2,0 50




0 20
14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00



Load factor (upper curve, left axis)

Ambient temperature in °C (lower curve, right axis)
Time of day (y-axis)

Figure I.1 – Plotted input data for the example

Ambient temperatures and load factors are available at 3 min intervals. This is a maximum
time step since it should be less than half the smallest time constant, τ w , in the equations, for
an accurate solution. Because τ w = 7 min in this case, the time step Dt = 3 min.

3 – Calculate the initial conditions

Although the system may not strictly be in the steady state at the start of a calculation period,
this is usually the best one can assume, and it has little effect on the result.

The initial conditions, then, are calculated by setting the time derivatives equal to zero in each
of Equations (5), (7) and (8), resulting in the following values.

 1+ K 2 R 
From Equation (5), the initial value of θ o is θ o(0) =   × ∆θ or + θ a = 63,9 °C.
 1 + R 

From Equation (7), the initial value of ∆θ h1 is ∆θh1(0) = k21 × K y × ∆θhr = 53,2 K.

From Equation (8), the initial value of ∆θ h2 is ∆θ h2(0) = (k 21 − 1) × K y × ∆θ hr = 26,6 K.

Also, the initial condition for the loss of life, L, should be chosen. Assume here that the
purpose of the calculation is to find out the loss of life for this particular overload occurrence.
Therefore, the initial value of L is L (0) = 0.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 73 –

4 – Solve the difference equations

At n = 0, t = 0, θ o(0) = 63,9 (units are omitted; traditionally °C for temperatures and K for
temperature differences)

∆θ h1(0) = 53,2
∆θ h2(0) = 26,6
L (0) = 0

At n = 1, t = 3 min, from Equations (18) and (19), the top-oil temperature changes as follows:

 0,8 
2 
3   1 + 0,87 × 8 
Dθ o(1) = × 45 − [63,9 − 29,9 ] = 0,121 and
0,5 × 150  1+ 8 
   

θ o(1) = θ o(0) + Dθ o(1) = 63,9 + 0,121 = 64,0

Similarly, from Equation (20), the hot-spot temperature rise first term changes as follows:

∆∆θ h1(1) =
2,0 × 7
( )
2,0 × 35 × 0,871,3 − 53,2 = 1,12 and

∆θ h1(1) = ∆θ h1(0) + ∆∆θ h1(1) = 53,2 + 1,12 = 54,3

Similarly, from Equation (21), the hot-spot temperature rise second term changes as follows:

∆∆θ h2(1) =
(1 / 2,0) × 150
( )
(2,0 − 1) × 35 × 0,871,3 − 26,6 = 0,104 and

∆θ h2(1) = ∆θ h2(0) + ∆∆θ h2(1) = 26,6 + 0,104 = 26,7

Then the total hot-spot temperature rise, from Equation (22) is

∆θ h(1) = ∆θ h1(1) − ∆θ h2(1) = 54,3 – 26,7 = 27,6

and, finally, the hot-spot temperature is, from Equation (23)

θ h(1) = θ 0(1) + ∆θ h(1) = 64,0 + 27,6 = 91,6

The loss of life L over this time step is given by Equation (25):

 15 000 − 15 000 
 110 + 273 θ h(1) + 273 
DL(1) = V(1) × Dt = e  × 3 = 0,42 min
 
 

(Loss of life under rated conditions would have been 3 min.)

The total loss of life to this point is:

L(1) = L(0) + DL(1) = 0 + 0,42 min, or 0,000 29 days.

– 74 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

At n = 2, t = 6 min, the entire calculation is repeated, with all subscripts incremented by 1, that
is, each variable X (1) becomes X (2) . At n = 3, t = 9 min, each variable X (2) becomes X (3) and
so on. Continue until n = 40, t = 120 min.

5 – Tabulate the output data

The results of the calculation are shown in Table I.2 and Figure I.2.

Table I.2 – Output data for the example

Step Time Time of day Hot-spot Loss of life Loss of life

t temperature θ h L L

min h:min °C min days

0 0 14:00 90,5 0 0
1 3 14:03 91,6 0 0,00
2 6 14:06 92,7 1 0,00
3 9 14:09 93,2 1 0,00
4 12 14:12 94,3 2 0,00
5 15 14:15 95,6 3 0,00
6 18 14:18 97,2 3 0,00
7 21 14:21 98,6 4 0,00
8 24 14:24 100,0 5 0,00
9 27 14:27 101,6 7 0,00
10 30 14:30 118,6 14 0,01
11 33 14:33 132,1 39 0,03
12 36 14:36 143,5 109 0,08
13 39 14:39 152,4 258 0,18
14 42 14:42 158,8 508 0,35
15 45 14:45 163,6 875 0,61
16 48 14:48 168,2 1 402 0,97
17 51 14:51 171,5 2 076 1,44
18 54 14:54 173,6 2 871 1,99
19 57 14:57 175,7 3 796 2,64
20 60 15:00 176,1 4 754 3,30
21 63 15:03 175,6 5 675 3,94
22 66 15:06 173,8 6 480 4,50
23 69 15:09 171,5 7 156 4,97
24 72 15:12 167,8 7 667 5,32
25 75 15:15 164,3 8 055 5,59
26 78 15:18 160,1 8 335 5,79
27 81 15:21 156,0 8 534 5,93
28 84 15:24 151,1 8 668 6,02
29 87 15:27 146,8 8 761 6,08
30 90 15:30 136,9 8 800 6,11
31 93 15:33 129,1 8 819 6,12
32 96 15:36 122,8 8 830 6,13
33 99 15:39 117,5 8 836 6,14
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 75 –

Step Time Time of day Hot-spot Loss of life Loss of life

t temperature θ h L L

min h:min °C min days

34 102 15:42 113,1 8 840 6,14
35 105 15:45 110,0 8 843 6,14
36 108 15:48 106,6 8 846 6,14
37 111 15:51 104,5 8 847 6,14
38 114 15:54 102,6 8 849 6,14
39 117 15:57 100,4 8 850 6,15
40 120 16:00 99,3 8 851 6,15

6 – Plot the output data

200 20

150 15


50 5

0 0
14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00



Hot-spot temperature in °C (upper curve, left axis)

Loss of life in days (lower curve, right axis)
Time of day (y-axis)

Figure I.2 – Plotted output data for the example

Since the elapsed time of the plot is 2 h or 0,083 3 days, and the loss of life is 6,15 days, the
relative loss of life during this overload is 6,15/0,083 3 = 74 times normal. This is not serious if
there are otherwise long periods of time (usually the case) at relatively low hot-spot

I.3 Use of measured top-oil temperature

If top-oil temperature is available as a measured quantity, for example as a 4 mA to 20 mA

signal to the monitoring device, then the calculations become more accurate. Hot-spot
temperature rise is calculated from difference Equations (20), (21) and (22) and added
directly to the measured top-oil temperature data, at each time step. See the dashed line path
in Figure 12.
– 76 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex J

Flowchart, based on the example in Annex H


Cooling method: ONAF
The ambient temperature: θ a = 25,6 °C
The top-oil temperature rise at the rated current: ∆ θ or = 38,3 K
Ratio of load losses at rated current to no-load losses: R = 1 000
The hot-spot factor: H = 1,4
The winding-to-oil temperature difference: g r = 14,5 K
The winding time constant: τ w = 7 min
The average oil time constant: τo = 150 min
The oil temperature exponent: x = 0,8
The winding temperature exponent: y = 1,3
Thermal constants: k 11 = 0,5; k 21 = 2,0; k 22 = 2,0
The number of intervals in load cycle: N = 6
Load factor for each interval:
K(1) = 1,0; I(1) = ( 0 – 190) min
K(2) = 0,6; I(2) = (190 – 365) min
K(3) = 1,5; I(3) = (365 – 500) min
K(4) = 0,3; I(4) = (500 – 705) min
K(5) = 2,1; I(5) = (705 – 730) min
K(6) = 0,0; I(6) = (730 – 745) min
Duration of each interval:
D(1) = 190 min
D(2) = 175 min
D(3) = 135 min
D(4) = 205 min
D(5) = 25 min
D(6) = 15 min
Spacer thickness ≥ 3 mm

C = 1 (interval counter settings)

K = K(1) D = D(1)
P=0 t =0
(Initial data)
∆ θ oi = 12,7 K ∆ θ hi1 = 0,0 K
∆ θ hi2 = 0,0 K
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 77 –

Is the loading
increasing No


Calculation: Calculation:
θ o (t) θ o (t)
θ h (t) θ h (t)

t=t+1 t=t+1

No No
t >D t >D

Yes Yes


(Print results)
θ o (t), θ h (t)
(Initial data)
∆ θ oi = θ o (t) – θ a
∆ θ hi1 = ∆ θ h1 (t)
∆ θ hi2 = ∆ θ h2 (t)

K= K(C)
D= D(C)
C −1
P= ∑ D( j )
j =1



– 78 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex K

Example of calculating and presenting overload data

Annex K contains an example of how to calculate and present the overload data with the
equations presented in this document.

Table K.1 gives, as an example, some characteristics that might be used.

Table K.1 – Example characteristics related to the loadability of transformers

Small Large and medium power transformers

Characteristic transformers
Oil exponent x 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0
Winding exponent y 1,6 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,0
Loss ratio R 5 6 6 6 6
Hot-spot factor H 1,1 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3
Oil time constant τo 180 210 150 90 90
Winding time constant τw 4 10 7 7 7
Ambient temperature θa 20 20 20 20 20
Hot-spot temperature θh 98 98 98 98 98
Hot-spot to top-oil (in tank) gradient
∆θ hr 23 26 26 22 29
at rated current
a ∆θ omr
Average oil temperature rise 44 43 43 46 46
Top-oil (in tank) temperature rise ∆θ or 55 52 52 56 49
a ∆θ br
Bottom oil temperature rise 33 34 34 36 43
k 11 1,0 0,5 0,5 1,0 1,0
k 21 1,0 2,0 2,0 1,3 1,0
k 22 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 1,0
a Average oil temperature rise and bottom oil temperature rise are given for information only.

With a spreadsheet programme, a 24 h period is created, with the time-scale in minutes.

Equations (10) to (17) are used to calculate for each minute the hot-spot temperature as a
function of the load. The initial conditions for ∆θ oi and ∆θ hi1 , ∆θ hi2 can be determined with
t → ∞.

When the hot-spot temperature is known, the relative ageing can be calculated with
Equation (2). With Equation (4) the loss of life, expressed in “normal” days, can be calculated
by dividing the sum of the relative ageing of each minute by 1   440.

For example, consider a case with a pre-load (K 1 ) of 0,8, then an overload K 2 = 1,4 during
30 min and return to K 1 = 0,8 for the time remaining (1 410 min). The transformer is OF
cooled; therefore, the example characteristics of Table H.1 (OF) are used.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 79 –

The initial values, after a steady state pre-load are:

K 1 = 0,8
∆θ oi = 38,7 K
∆θ hi1 = 21,4 K
∆θ hi1 = 4,95 K

The values after t = 30 min from start:

K 2 = 1,4
θ o (t = 30) = 76,7 °C
θ h (t = 30) = 114,2 °C

The values after t = 31 min from start:

K 1 = 0,8
θ o (t = 1) = 76,5 °C
θ h (t = 1) = 111 °C

The values after t = 1 440 min from start:

K 1 = 0,8
θ o (t = 1  410) = 58,7 °C
θ h (t = 1 410) = 75,2 °C

This results in a loss of life of 0,14 days and a maximum hot-spot temperature rise of 94 K.

The parameters used in the described method can be varied to obtain a table with the loss of
life as a function of K 1 and K 2 . When the overload time is changed, a complete set of tables
can be obtained.

As an example, one table with an overload time of 30 min is presented in Table K.2.
– 80 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Table K.2 – An example table with the permissible duties and corresponding
daily loss of life (in “normal” days), and maximum hot-spot
temperature rise during the load cycle

K1 0,25 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5

0,7 0,001 0,004 0,02
33 38 45
0,8 0,001 0,004 0,02 0,07
38 43 51 55
0,9 0,001 0,004 0,03 0,07 0,25
43 49 56 61 66
1,0 0,001 0,004 0,03 0,08 0,26 1,00
49 55 62 67 72 78
1,1 0,001 0,01 0,03 0,08 0,27 1,04 4,48
56 61 68 73 78 84 91
1,2 0,002 0,01 0,03 0,09 0,29 1,09 4,66 22,6
62 68 75 80 85 91 98 105
1,3 0,004 0,01 0,04 0,11 0,33 1,19 4,94 23,6 128,9
69 75 82 87 92 98 105 112 120
1,4 0,01 0,02 0,06 0,14 0,40 1,36 5,43 25,2 135,0 827,1
77 82 90 94 100 106 112 119 127 136
1,5 0,01 0,03 0,10 0,21 0,55 1,71 6,34 28,0 144,9 868,7 5 975
85 90 97 102 107 113 120 127 135 144 153
1,6 0,03 0,06 0,18 0,37 0,87 2,44 8,19 33,3 162,7 938,3 6 297
93 98 105 110 115 121 128 135 143 152 161
1,7 0,07 0,15 0,40 0,76 1,64 4,12 12,3 44,6 198,0 1 067 x
101 107 114 119 124 130 137 144 152 161 x
1,8 0,18 0,37 0,94 1,73 3,55 8,24 22,1 70,5 275,2 x x
110 115 123 127 133 139 145 153 161 x x
1,9 0,48 0,95 2,39 4,32 8,58 18,9 47,0 134,7 x x x
119 125 132 137 142 148 154 162 x x x
2,0 1,34 2,61 6,45 11,5 22,5 48,1 x x x x x
129 134 141 146 151 157 x x x x x
Type of cooling OF, θ a = 20 °C

Pre-load K 1 , load K 2 during 30 min, load K 1 during 1   410 min

NOTE The italic style values in Table K.2 show the results of the calculation, disregarding the limits from
Table 2 and Table 3.

The data can also be presented in a graph. In Figure K.1, an example is given where K 2 is
presented as a function of K 1 with a given overload time and unity loss of life.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 81 –



t = 30 min


t=4h t=2h

t = 24 h
θ a = 20 °C

0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2

NOTE The dotted lines show the results of the calculation, disregarding the limits from Table 2 and Table 3.

Figure K.1 – OF large power transformers: permissible duties for normal loss of life
– 82 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex L

Geomagnetic induced currents

L.1 Background

Transformers serve long distance lines and intermeshed power grids. In such systems
geomagnetic induced currents (GIC) are possible as a consequence of solar magnetic
disturbances like solar winds and sun spots. The varying geo-magnetic field causes a time
varying DC current that flows from the grounded transformer neutral into the high voltage
windings of the transformer, Figure L.1. The signature of this DC current depends on the
magnitude and duration of the geo-magnetic field variation, the network topology and the
earth conductivity. Moderate GIC levels in the range of several amperes which can last some
days and high GIC peaks up to a few hundred amperes for only a few minutes are
possible [53].

I GIC /3

I GIC /3


Earth Surface Potential


Figure L.1 – GIC flow into a power transformer

During the transformer operation the GIC causes a magnetic flux offset in addition to the
alternating core flux. This leads to temporary unidirectional core saturation, once every
exciting voltage cycle. The effects of this half cycle saturation are harmonics and additional
reactive power consumption as well as increased transformer heating. This means that the
transformer operates during a GIC event under an exceptional load condition.

L.2 GIC capability of power transformers [54], [55]

The capability of a power transformer to withstand GIC events depends on the transformer
design. Single-phase units and transformers with 5-limb core designs are more vulnerable to
DC currents whereas 3-limb core designs are less sensitive. The magnitude of the DC current
is also not the sole influence parameter of the GIC sensitivity of a transformer. The number of
DC-carrying transformer winding turns is very important. Therefore, the same DC magnitude
can cause significantly different DC excitations in the core. Also, the core geometry and
material have an influence. Measurements and calculations have shown that the location and
magnitude of the hot-spot differ from the nominal loading condition of the transformer.
Core-near structural parts like tie bars and clamping plates are most vulnerable to
overheating and also the winding hot-spot temperature increase due to GIC. Therefore, the
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 83 –

vendor should declare the behaviour of the transformer design under DC, if the unit is
exposed to GIC in the power grid. To evaluate the thermal risk of the transformer design, the
temperature limits of short and long time emergency loading in Table 2 can be used or if
specified by customer different temperature limits can be applicable.
– 84 – IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017

Annex M

Alternative oils

Synthetic esters and natural esters have been used for some years now in power
transformers [56] to [59]. There has been an attempt to use these oils at increasing voltages
and power ratings, and there are some examples of these oils being used in high voltage and
high power transformers. CIGRE Brochure 436 includes an overview of how these liquids are
currently used, their properties, considerations that impinge on transformer designing and
manufacturing, testing regimes, handling precautions and reliability [60]; however, this
brochure was written in 2010 just as the market for alternative liquids was developing. Since
the CIGRE Brochure 436 was published, IEC 62770:2013 [61] – a new standard for unused
natural ester liquids for transformers – has been published. IEC 60076-14 further discusses
the application of these oils in transformer design and considering among others their thermal
characteristics and permissible temperatures, including suggested thermal limits when
operated above nameplate rating. Moreover, a 50 MVA commercial transformer designed for
mineral oil was comparatively tested by filling first with natural ester and then with mineral
oil [62]. Some other ageing studies have been reported in references [63] to [65] and the
corresponding bubbling phenomenon was presented in [66]. While inconclusive, these tests
demonstrate the difference in the thermal performance that can be expected with these oils
compared to mineral oil. Consequently, introduction of these oils in this document requires
further continuous research activities to give reliable and prompt answers to their effect on the
transformer design and service life.
IEC 60076-7:2017 © IEC 2017 – 85 –


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3 Withdrawn.
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