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Management of Necrotizing Otitis Externa: Our Experience With Forty-Three Patients

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J Int Adv Otol 2017; 13(3): 394-8 • DOI: 10.5152/iao.2017.


Original Article

Management of Necrotizing Otitis Externa: Our

Experience with Forty-Three Patients
Sunil Sharma, Tumena Corrah, Arvind Singh
Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Northwick Park Hospital, London, United Kingdom (SS, AS)
Department of Infectious Diseases, Northwick Park Hospital, London, United Kingdom (TC)

Cite this article as: Sharma S, Corrah T, Singh A. Management of Necrotizing Otitis Externa: Our Experience with Forty-Three Patients. J Int Adv Otol
2017; 13: 394-8.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of the introduction of a dedicated management protocol of necrotizing otitis externa patients with joint care
between otorhinolaryngology and infectious diseases.
MATERIALS and METHODS: Retrospective review of case notes and the otorhinolaryngology department database of all adults admitted with
necrotizing otitis externa at our teaching hospital over a 5-year period. The patients were split into two groups (first group of 10 patients prior
to the introduction of the dedicated management protocol, and a second group of 33 patients managed after the introduction of this protocol).
RESULTS: Of the 43 patients included in the study, diabetes mellitus was present in 83.7%. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was grown in 67.4% of pa-
tients. All 43 patients underwent computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (with contrast) scans. Surgical intervention was under-
taken in 25.6% of patients. Mean follow-up was 10 months (SD, ±7 months). Of the 43 patients, 79.1% made a full recovery and were discharged.
Relapse occurred in 9.3% of patients. One patient died because of a myocardial infarction 4 months after treatment. The mean length of stay was
significantly lower after the protocol was introduced (25.6±5.3 vs. 14.2±3.8 days, p=0.001), and the duration of treatment was also significantly
lower after the protocol (21.2±6.8 vs. 14.3±4.3 weeks, p=0.01).
CONCLUSION: The introduction of a dedicated management protocol and joint care with otorhinolaryngology and infectious diseases resulted in
improved care and decreased length of stay in patients. Early diagnosis and involvement with the relevant teams as well as prompt intervention
are the key factors that reduce morbidity and mortality.
KEYWORDS: Necrotising otitis externa, malignant otitis externa, pseudomonas aeruginosa, osteomyelitis, otitis externa

Necrotizing otitis externa, also known as malignant otitis externa, is an aggressive and progressive infection of the external auditory
canal and skull base. The first reported case was in 1959 that described in a case report as a fatal temporal bone osteomyelitis originating
from otitis externa [1]. In 1968, Chandler created the term “malignant otitis externa” to describe this aggressive infection caused by Pseu-
domonas aeruginosa [2]. However, other organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus have been implicated in necrotizing otitis externa [3].

Recent analysis of National Hospital Episode Statistics data shows a six-fold increase in the number of cases of necrotizing otitis
externa in the UK from 1999 (n=67) to 2013 (n=421) [4]. It is most common in elderly diabetic patients and the immunocompromised,
although it can also occur in non-diabetics, young diabetics, patients on cytotoxic drugs, and infants [5].

Previous literature has looked at case series of patients with necrotizing otitis externa and suggested management protocols, but
these have been with relatively small numbers and have not looked at the impact of a dedicated management protocol with joint
care between infectious diseases and otorhinolaryngology [6].

The aim of this study was to assess the impact on the patient care pathway by the introduction of a dedicated management proto-
col for necrotizing otitis externa patients with joint care between otorhinolaryngology and infectious diseases.


This study was approved by the local Trust Audit and Clinical Governance department and conducted in accordance with the Helsinki
Declaration. Informed consent was obtained where appropriate.
This study was presented at the 21st International Federation of Otorhinolaryngological Societies World Congress, 24 June 2017, Paris, France.
Corresponding Address: Sunil Sharma E-mail: [email protected]
Submitted: 11.08.2017 • Revision Received: 15.11.2017 • Accepted: 19.11.2017
394 ©Copyright 2017 by The European Academy of Otology and Neurotology and The Politzer Society - Available online at www.advancedotology.org
Sharma et al. Management of Necrotising Otitis Externa

A retrospective review of case notes and the otolaryngology de-

partment database was performed on all adults admitted with nec-
rotizing otitis externa at our teaching hospital over a 5-year period
between July 2011 and October 2016. Diagnosis of necrotizing oti-
tis externa was based on characteristic computed tomography (CT)
findings of a skull base osteomyelitis originating from an ear canal
infectious process. Patient demographics, co-morbidities, signs and
symptoms, length of stay, microbiology, imaging (CT and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI)), inflammatory markers, treatment, surgical
intervention, and follow-up were all recorded and analyzed. Patients
in whom there was insufficient data recorded were excluded.

The patients were split into two groups: a group of 10 patients prior
to the introduction of the dedicated management protocol in 2013,
with joint infectious diseases and otorhinolaryngology care for these
patients (Figure 1), and a second group of 33 patients managed after
the introduction of this protocol.

Statistical analysis and comparisons were carried out using the Fish-
er’s exact test and a paired Student’s t test, and significance was set
at p<0.05 (GraphPad Software, USA) [7].

Of the 43 patients included in the study, 28 were male and 15 were
female. The median age of patients was 78 y (range, 23-100 y). Dia-
betes mellitus was present in 36 of 43 patients (83.7%), and 3 of 43
patients (7.0%) were on immunosuppressant treatment. No history
of diabetes or immunosuppressant treatment was present in 4 of 43
patients (9.3%), and all of these patients were diagnosed with necro-
tizing otitis externa on CT due to prolonged symptoms despite ade-
quate medical treatment.

The patients were split into Group 1 (10 patients prior to the intro-
Figure 1. Management algorithm for suspected necrotizing otitis externa
duction of the protocol) and Group 2 (33 patients after the introduc-
tion of the protocol), and both groups were compared. The mean length of stay in hospital was significantly lower after the
protocol was introduced (25.6 ±5.3 days in Group 1 vs. 14.2±3.8 days
Otalgia was the most common symptom at presentation in both in Group 2, p=0.001). The duration of treatment was also significantly
Group 1 and Group 2 (10/10 vs. 33/33 patients, p=1.00). Facial nerve lower after the protocol was introduced (21.2±6.8 weeks in Group 1
paralysis was more common in Group 1 than in Group 2, but with no vs. 14.3±4.3 weeks in Group 2, p=0.01). While there was a trend for
statistically significant difference (3/10 patients in Group 1 vs. 5/33 C-reactive Protein (CRP) to gradually decrease over time with treat-
patients in Group 2, p=0.36). ment, there was no significant difference between the two groups in
terms of the length of time to normalization of CRP.
In terms of microbiology, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most
common microorganism grown in both groups (5/10 patients in There was no significant difference between the two groups in
Group 1 vs 17/33 patients in Group 2, p=1.00). terms of those patients who made a full recovery and were dis-
charged from follow-up (7/10 patients in Group 1 vs. 27/33 pa-
In terms of imaging, all 43 patients underwent CT (10/10 patients in tients in Group 2, p=0.67). There was no significant difference in
Group 1 vs. 33/33 patients in Group 2, p=1.00), but there was a sta- the relapse rates between the two groups (2/10 patients in Group
tistically significantly higher number of patients in Group 2 who had 1 vs. 2/33 patients in Group 2, p=0.23). One patient in Group 2 died
MRI (with contrast) scans than in Group 1 (6/10 patients in Group 1 vs. because of a myocardial infarction 4 months after initiating treat-
33/33 patients in Group 2, p=0.002). ment.

Initial treatment with intravenous piperacillin/tazobactam (Tazocin®) Further results are summarized in Table 1.
was significantly more common in Group 2 than in Group 1 (3/10 pa-
tients in Group 1 vs. 24/33 patients in Group 2, p=0.02). Surgical inter- DISCUSSION
vention (including examination under anesthesia and polypectomy Necrotizing otitis externa is a potentially life-threatening disease and
and debridement) was similar in both groups (3/10 patients in Group needs early aggressive treatment to prevent long-term morbidity.
1 vs. 8/33 patients in Group 2, p=0.70). Any diabetic or immunocompromised patient with persistent otal-

J Int Adv Otol 2017; 13(3): 394-8

Table 1. Comparison of variables between Group 1 (pre-intervention) and Hospital Episode Statistics data have demonstrated that the inci-
Group 2 (post-intervention) dence of necrotizing otitis externa is increasing [4]. We have also
Variable Group 1 Group 2 p demonstrated that although P. aeruginosa remains the most com-
mon pathogen, others are contributory for the condition, and treat-
Otalgia 10/10 33/33 1.00 ment should be tailored to the individual patient. This emphasizes
Otorrhoea 8/10 28/33 0.66 the need for multidisciplinary advice from microbiology and infec-
tious diseases. We have shown that early treatment results in lower
Hearing loss 5/10 18/33 1.00
morbidity, and indeed our mortality rates are lower than previously
Facial swelling 2/10 5/33 0.66 published data [5]. Our data also suggest that CRP can be used as a
Facial nerve palsy 3/10 5/33 0.36 marker to demonstrate response to treatment, but this should be
combined with clinical and radiological findings.
Multiple cranial nerve palsies 1/10 1/33 0.42

Pseudomonas 5/10 17/33 1.00 Crucially, our data have also shown that the introduction of a dedicat-
Staphylococcus Aureus 1/10 3/33 1.00
ed protocol for the management of this condition, along with joint
infectious diseases and otorhinolaryngology care for these patients,
Aspergillus flavum 1/10 2/33 0.56 results in decreased length of stay in hospital and decreased length of
No growth 4/10 12/33 1.00 treatment. This is because the introduction of the protocol meant that
patients with necrotizing otitis externa were managed by a multidisci-
CT 10/10 33/33 1.00
plinary team, and therefore discharge planning and follow-up arrange-
MRI 6/10 33/33 0.002 ments were more coordinated; for example, the availability of long-
Tazocin 3/10 24/33 0.02 term peripheral lines for intravenous antibiotics in the community was
available more rapidly following the introduction of the protocol.
Ceftazidime 2/10 5/33 0.66

Ciprofloxacin (intravenous) 1/10 4/33 1.00 The protocol was instituted in the first place, as it was recognized
that patients with necrotizing otitis externa were being managed in
Ceftriaxone 1/10 1/33 0.42
heterogeneous ways, particularly with very limited input from the in-
Colistin 1/10 1/33 0.42 fectious diseases team. After the introduction of the protocol, each
Ciprofoxacin (oral) 9/10 32/33 0.34 patient with necrotizing otitis externa was managed jointly by the
otorhinolaryngology team and infectious diseases team, with ap-
Cefuroxime (oral) 1/10 1/33 0.42
propriate imaging and treatment as per the protocol, tailored to the
Surgery 3/10 8/33 0.70 individual patient. It is possible that following the introduction of the
Length of stay 25.6±5.3 days 14.2±3.8 days 0.001
protocol, as there was a greater awareness of necrotizing otitis exter-
na, patients were identified at an earlier stage of their disease pro-
Treatment length 21.2±6.8 weeks 14.3±4.3 weeks 0.01 cess, hence treatment was instigated earlier, resulting in a more rapid
Length of follow up 10.4±2.2 months 10.6±2.5 months 1.00 resolution of the condition, and decreased length of stay in hospital.
CRP at 4 months post treatment 4.6±1.9 5.1±2.2 0.80
There were two cases of the total 43 patients who grew multi-drug-re-
Resolution and discharged 7/10 27/33 0.67 sistant Pseudomonas and required treatment with intravenous anti-
Relapse 2/10 2/33 0.23 biotics for 12 weeks. This highlights the importance of the joint care
CT: computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; CRP: C-reactive protein
with infectious diseases, as these patients required long-term close
follow-up with monitoring of hepatic and renal function. Unfortu-
gia and otorrhea should be considered high risk for necrotizing oti- nately, despite this, one of the cases went on to have a relapse and
required readmission, likely due to the poor prognosis associated
tis externa and should have a CT scan to aid diagnosis. Given that
with multi-drug-resistant disease.
4 of 43 patients (9.3%) were not diabetic or immunocompromised
but developed necrotizing otitis externa, we would also suggest that
There were four cases where the patients had relapses (two during
non-diabetic patients with otitis externa who fail to improve despite
treatment and two after treatment) that required readmission to hos-
adequate medical treatment should be investigated further for pos-
pital. One of these cases was in a patient with multi-drug-resistant P.
sible necrotizing otitis externa.
aeruginosa, and two of these cases were patients who did not attend
follow-up appointments regularly.
Improved imaging technology means that MRI can be used to as-
sess for disease resolution, and recent literature has highlighted the There is no previous literature that looks at the synergistic benefi-
benefits of diffusion-weighted MRI in assessing for disease resolution cial effects of a dedicated management protocol utilizing multidis-
when compared to standard MRI sequences [8]. Indeed all of our nec- ciplinary input. We have reported novel findings regarding the ben-
rotizing otitis externa patients post-protocol now receive an MRI with efits of this approach. Our article also involved a larger number of
contrast as well as diffusion weighted imaging, and this is demon- patients than most of the case series published previously, and we
strated by our data which show that prior to the protocol this was compared patient groups pre-and post-introduction of a dedicated
not always the case. protocol, which has not been published previously [4-6, 9, 10].

Sharma et al. Management of Necrotising Otitis Externa

This study is limited in that we cannot be sure that the introduction tious diseases team, as surgical intervention is generally reserved
of the management protocol and joint care is the only factor for a for those patients who did not improve with medical treatment [10].
reduction in length of stay and length of treatment. It is possible There is literature to suggest that hyperbaric oxygen has a role in
that in this type of retrospective study other factors may have led normalizing oxygen tension in the inflamed tissues (necessary for
to the improved results, such as sooner treatment with Tazocin®, bacterial destruction caused by polymorphonuclear leucocytes) [6].
more information on the course of the disease by the use of diffusion However, we do not have hyperbaric oxygen facilities available at
weighted MRI imaging, sooner discharge because of quicker appli- our institution.
cation of long-term intravenous lines to allow home treatment, or
other factors. There is potential for selection bias, as those patients This study showed that the introduction of a dedicated management
who did not have adequate follow-up were excluded. Although, to protocol and joint care with otorhinolaryngology and infectious dis-
our knowledge, this is the first and largest study to look at the ef- eases resulted in improved care and decreased length of stay in 43
fect of the introduction of a joint management pathway for patients patients. Imaging should include both high-resolution CT temporal
with necrotizing otitis externa, the number of cases is relatively small bones as well as MRI with contrast. Management of these patients
due to the low incidence of this condition, which means it is difficult includes broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics and topical therapy
to make meaningful statistical conclusions. However, our results are tailored to the individual patient in conjunction with infectious dis-
similar to other studies from elsewhere in the world [4-6, 9, 10]. eases doctors, and then long-term oral antipseudomonal antibiotics
upon discharge with close follow-up by both otorhinolaryngology
The most common presenting features found in our study of otalgia and infectious diseases teams. Early diagnosis and involvement with
and otorrhea are in common with other larger case series and high- the relevant teams as well as prompt intervention are the key factors
light the need for high clinical suspicion in immunocompromised or that reduce morbidity and mortality in these patients.
diabetic patients with these symptoms [9]. Facial nerve palsy was a
less common presentation in the group post-intervention, although CONCLUSION
this was not statistically significant, and may have been due to the Necrotizing otitis externa is typically caused by P. aeruginosa and
fact that post-intervention, there was greater awareness of necro- commonly affects diabetics and immunocompromised individuals.
tizing otitis externa, so these patients were managed earlier, before Our imaging protocol recommends both a high-resolution CT tem-
developing complications such as facial nerve palsy. poral bones to define bony erosion and serial MRI with contrast to
monitor treatment response. Management of these patients includes
In common with other studies, the most common causative organ- broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics and topical therapy tailored
ism was P. aeruginosa, but other organisms, such as S. aureus, are in- to the individual patient and then long-term oral antipseudomonal
creasingly prevalent in these patients [5, 10]. A French study of 32 cases antibiotics upon discharge with close follow-up. Early diagnosis and
of necrotizing otitis externa found that mean length of stay (18.2±8.7 involvement with the relevant teams as well as prompt intervention
vs. 11.6±6.9 days, p=0.03) and duration of antibiotic therapy (9.4±3.2 are the key factors that reduce morbidity and mortality in these pa-
vs. 5.8±0.7 weeks, p<0.001) were significantly lower after 2009 when tients. Future research should look at the influence of the protocol
a management protocol for necrotizing otitis externa was intro- on larger numbers of patients and, perhaps, the influence of other
duced. This supports our data and our conclusions [9]. Our mortality treatment modalities such as hyperbaric oxygen. Crucially, our data
rate is significantly lower (2.4%) than that of other studies (14.8%), have also shown that the introduction of a dedicated protocol for the
possibly due to the fact that these patients are managed jointly with management of this condition, along with joint infectious diseases
infectious diseases [5]. and otorhinolaryngology care for these patients, results in decreased
length of stay in hospital and decreased length of treatment.
As the osteomyelitis progresses to the foramina of the skull base,
the most common cranial nerve involved is the facial nerve, which Ethics Committee Approval: Authors declared that the research was con-
ducted according to the principles of the World Medical Association Decla-
is what was noted in our study. Involvement of those cranial nerves
ration of Helsinki “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human
in the jugular foramen is less common, and this is also noted in the
Subjects”, (amended in October 2013).
literature [5]. In terms of imaging, there is some literature to suggest
that CT scans can only detect disease when at least 30%-50% of bone Informed Consent: Informed consent is not necessary due to the retrospec-
erosion has already occurred [5]. However, our use of both CT and MRI tive nature of this study.
allows imaging to be more sensitive, and the use of diffusion-weight-
ed MRI aids to assess disease progression [8]. MRI is useful at the initial Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.
presentation to give a baseline level of inflammation, which can then
be compared with subsequent scans to demonstrate progression of Author contributions: Concept - S.D., T.C., A.S.; Design - S.D., T.C., A.S.; Super-
the disease. Radionuclide scans, such as technetium-99 m methylene vision - S.D., T.C., A.S.; Resource - S.D., T.C., A.S.; Materials - S.D., T.C., A.S.; Data
Collection and/or Processing - S.D., T.C., A.S.; Analysis and/or Interpretation -
disphosphonate or gallium-67 citrate, are sensitive in detecting dis-
S.D., T.C., A.S.; Literature Search - S.D., T.C., A.S.; Writing - S.D., T.C., A.S.; Critical
ease activity but lack specificity. These imaging techniques were not
Reviews - S.D., T.C., A.S.
available at our institution [6].
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank the administrative staff
Our rate of surgical intervention (tympanomastoid surgery) is lower in the ENT Department in Northwick Park Hospital. They also would like to
than other centers, but this may be due to better directed medical thank Dr. Su-Lee Xiao for helping to construct the algorithm. In addition, they
therapy in our patients due to the joint involvement of the infec- gratefully acknowledge Dr. Revi Lingam’s support.

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