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Corrosion Inhibition of C38 Steel in 1 M HCL: A Comparative Study of Black Pepper Extract and Its Isolated Piperine

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Int. J. Electrochem. Sci.

, 5 (2010) 1060 - 1069

International Journal of

Corrosion Inhibition of C38 Steel in 1 M HCl: A Comparative

Study of Black Pepper Extract and Its Isolated Piperine
M. Dahmani1,2, A. Et-Touhami1, S.S. Al-Deyab 3 , B. Hammouti2,*, A. Bouyanzer2
LCOMPN-URAC25, Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohammed Premier B.P. 717, 60 000 Oujda,
LCAE-URAC18, Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohammed Premier B.P. 717, 60 000 Oujda,
Department of Chemistry - College of Science, King Saud University, B.O. 2455, Riaydh 11451
Saudi Arabia
E-Mail: [email protected]

Received: 7 June 2010 / Accepted: 15 July 2010 / Published: 10 August 2010

Corrosion inhibition effect of black pepper (BP) extract and its piperine isolated from BP on corrosion
of C38 steel in 1 M HCl solution was investigated by weight loss method. Piperine was isolated by
ethanol in yield 6 from ground BP. Results obtained from weight loss measurements indicate that the
natural compounds tested exhibit higher efficiency exceeding 95% at 2g/L. The presence of piperine
decreases hugely the corrosion rate and its inhibition efficiency (E%) increases with concentration to
attain 99 % at 10-3M. Piperine adsorbs on the steel surface according Langmuir isotherm. Adsorption
enthalpy were determined and discussed. Effect of temperature was also investigated and activation
parameters were evaluated

Keywords: Corrosion, acid solutions, green inhibitor, piperine, adsorption


The studies of carbon steel corrosion in acidic media receive more and more attention both of
academics and industrials because of the wide applications such as acid pickling, industrial cleaning,
acid descaling, oil-well acid in oil recovery and the petrochemical processes. The electrochemical
corrosion is generally caused by dissymmetry potentials between metal and strong acid. The
aggressively of hydrogen ion is inevitable in uninhibited acid. H+ and Dissolved O2 are named natural
motors of corrosion [1-2]. Facing this problem, the corrosion inhibitors are required. Works on the
inhibition are so many so much so that we can not quote them. But scientists are unanimous on the fact
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 5, 2010 1061

that this protection is provided by the adsorption of inhibitors on the metal surface. Then, compounds
can adsorb on metal surface and block the active surface sites to reduce the corrosion rate.
Many synthetic compounds offer good anticorrosive action; but most of them risk being highly
toxic to both human beings and environment. In these later years, researchers reorient their studies to
the use of naturally occurring substances. Plant extracts and oils have became important as an
environmentally acceptable, readily available and renewable source of materials for wide range of
corrosion prevention; therefore, finding naturally occurring substances as corrosion inhibitors is a
subject of great practical significance [3]. The review of Raja and Sethuraman in 2008 [4] may give a
vivid account of natural products which are used as corrosion inhibitors for various metal and alloys in
aggressive media. They stated that natural plant have become important as an environmentally
acceptable, readily available and renewable source for wide range of inhibitors. They are the rich
sources of ingredients which have very high inhibition efficiency. The studies in these two later years
prove that this kind of inhibitor find more and more attention of researchers [5-10].
In our laboratories, many studies have been investigated on the corrosion inhibition by natural
plant extract and their oils on steel in acidic solutions [11-20]; however, the constituents that provide
inhibitive action, the mechanisms and the best condition for inhibition are still unclear. But, data on the
composition of both oil and extract may give information on the molecules which can adsorb on the
metallic surface and hence secure from corrosion. In the present work, inhibitive action of BP extract
as a cheap, eco friendly and naturally occurring substance on corrosion behaviour of C38 steel in 1 M
HCl has been investigated through weigh loss measurements. The study is completed by the
comparative action of piperine freshly extracted from BP on the corrosion of C38 steel in HCl media.


2.1. Preparation of BP extract

Dried Black pepper seeds (grounds) were crushed and extracted in boiled water for 2 h. The
extracted solution was then filtered and concentrated until the water from the extract evaporates. This
solid extract was used to study the corrosion inhibition properties and to prepare the required
concentrations of BP.

2.2. Isolation of Piperine from Black Pepper

Piperine can be isolated in good yield from ground black pepper as described elsewhere
[21,22]. Two methods of extractions of the piperine were used: extraction involving refluxing with
C2H5OH (95%) or CH2Cl2 and by means of a device of soxhlet (C2H5OH 95%). With the extraction
involving refluxing, we obtain a mixture of two products (piperine and piperanine). During the
recrystallizing in the ethanol, the piperine is soluble in the cold ethanol (PF: 128 °C), and the other
compound is piperanine soluble at hot temperature (PF: 135 °C). We notice during these various
manipulations of extractions, that the piperine is soluble in the dichloromethane and in the cold ethanol
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 5, 2010 1062

and the piperanine is soluble in the dichloromethane and in the hot ethanol. The piperine was purified
and characterised by NMR and IR spectroscopies as found in ref. [22].

Figure 1. Black peppercorns


Figure 2. Molecular structure of piperine isolated from black peppercorns

2.3. Specimen preparation

C38 steel specimens having nominal composition of 0.179% C, 0.165% Si, 0.439% Mn,
0.203% Cu, 0.034% S and Fe balance were used. Coupons were cut into 2 × 2 × 0.5 cm dimensions
used for weight loss measurements. The exposed area was mechanically abraded with 220, 400, 800
and 1000 grades of emery papers, degreased with acetone and rinsed by distilled water before each
experiment. About 1 M HCl solutions were prepared by dilution of 37% HCl (Merck) using distilled
water. The concentration range of BP extract employed was varied from 0.008 to 2 g/l and from 7x10-8
to 10 -3 M piperine and the electrolyte used was 100 ml for each experiment.

2.4. Weight loss measurements

Experiments were performed with different concentrations of the inhibitor. The immersion time
for the weight loss is 6 h at 35°C and 1h at other temperatures. The results of the weight loss
experiments are the mean of three runs, each with a fresh specimen and 100 ml of fresh acid solution.
The inhibition efficiency IE% was calculated using the following equation:
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 5, 2010 1063

Wcorr − Wcorr / inh

EW % = × 100 (1)

where, Wcorr and Wcorr/inh are the corrosion rate of steel without and with inhibitors, respectively.


The corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency for C38 steel in 1 M HCl solution at 35°C in the
absence and presence of BP extract are given in Table 1. As the BP extract increases, the corrosion rate
decreases. In other words, the inhibition efficiency of natural extract increases with the increase of its
concentration to attain 95.8%.

Table 1. Effect of black pepper extract on the steel corrosion in molar HCl solution

Concentration (g / l) Blanc 0.008 0.04 0.08 0.4 2

W (mg cm- 2 h-1) 1.13 0.83 0.245 0.181 0.0864 0.0479

E% - 26.5 78.3 84.0 92.4 95.8

The gravimetric data obtained in the absence and presence of piperine at different
concentrations are gathered in Table 2. The respective corrosion rate illustrated that the addition of
piperine molecule decreases hugely corrosion rate. This finding elucidated by Fig. 3, confirms that
piperine adsorbs on steel surface and then inhibits the corrosion process. The inhibition efficiency of P
increases with inhibitor concentration to reach higher value (98.9%) at 10-3 M (Fig. 3). This behaviour
indicates that natural molecule acts as an efficient inhibitor for the corrosion of C38 steel in HCl

Table 2. Effect of piperine on the steel corrosion in molar HCl solution

piperine (M) 10-3 5.10-4 2,8.10-4 1,4.10 -5 7.10-7 7 .10-8 blanc

-2 -1
W (mg.cm .h ) 0.012 0.027 0.038 0.379 0.784 0.953 1.13
E% 98.9 97.6 96.6 66.4 45.6 15.7 -
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 5, 2010 1064

1 .2 100

Wcorr ( mg / cm h )
0 .9

C o r r o s io n r a te
0 .6 E ffic ie n c y

0 .3 20

0 .0 0

0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 3 0 .0 0 0 6 0 .0 0 0 9
C ( m o l /L )

Figure 3. Variation of the corrosion rate and inhibitive efficiency against the piperine concentration

Weight loss measurements for C38 steel in molar HCl without and with 2g/L BP extract or 10-3
mol L-1 of piperine, in the temperature range 40–70 °C at 1 h of immersion, are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Corrosion data of steel in 1M HCl without and with 2g/L BP extract or 10-3 mol L-1 of piperine, in the
temperature range 40–70 °C at 1 h.

Temperature °(C) Wcorr (mg.cm2.h-1) Ew (%)

40 2.604 -
1M HCl 50 4.834 -
60 9.781 -
70 13.235 -
40 0.143 94.5
Black Pepper 50 0.277 94.2
extract 60 0.536 93.1
70 3.257 75.3
40 0.150 94.2
Piperine 50 0.280 94.1
60 0.480 93.7
70 3.890 70.6

The activation energies (Ea) for the corrosion of C38 steel in the absence and presence of
different concentrations of BP extract and piperine were calculated using Arrhenius-type equation:


Wcorr = A e (2)
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 5, 2010 1065

where Ea is the activation corrosion energy; R is the universal gas constant; A is the Arrhenius pre-
exponential factor, T is the absolute temperature and Wcorr is corrosion rate. Arrhenius plots for the
corrosion rate of C38 steel in 1 M HCl are shown in Fig. 4. Values of Ea for C38 steel in were
evaluated from the slope of log W versus 1/T plots and given in Table 4. The enthalpy of activation
(∆H*) and the entropy of activation (∆S*) for the corrosion of C38 steel in HCl may be estimated
using the transition-state equation:

k BT ∆S * ∆H *
Wcorr = exp( ) exp(− ) (3)
h R RT

where kB is the Boltzmann's constant and h is the Planck’s constant. Fig. 5 shows a plot of log(W/T)
versus 1/T. Straight lines are obtained with a slope of −∆H* and from the intercepts of log(W/T)-axis,
∆S* values were calculated and are given in Table 4.

Ln ( Wcorr )

+ BP
+ Piperine


2.90 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20

1000 / T (K )

Figure 4. Arrhenius plots of log(W) versus 1/T at different concentrations of BP extract and piperine.

The collected data in Tables 3 and 4 indicate that the addition of both BP extract and piperine
leads to an increase in the activation Ea and ∆H* to values greater than that of the free solution.
Moreover, the average difference value of the Ea − ∆H* is 2.6 kJ/mol which is approximately equal to
the value of RT (2.63 kJ/mol) at the average temperature (238 K) of the domain studied. This result
agrees that the corrosion process is a unimolecular reaction as described by the known equation of
perfect gas [23]:

Ea - ∆H* = RT (4)

It is pointed out in the literature that positive sign of the enthalpies reflects the endothermic
nature of the steel dissolution process. The presence of inhibitors tested reveals that the corrosion
process becomes more and more endothermic when compared to blank.
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 5, 2010 1066



Ln (Wcorr / T)

+ BP
+ Piperine

2.90 2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20
1000 / T (K )

Figure 5. Transition-state plots of log(W/T) versus 1/T in 1 M HCl in absence and presence of various
concentrations of BP extract and piperine.

Table 4. Activation data of corrosion reaction of steel in HCl in the absence and presence of piperine.

Ea (kJ/mol) ∆H°ads (kJ/mol) ∆S°ads (J/mol.K)

Blank 51.00 48.26 -90.57
BP extract 58.74 56.32 -1,29
Piperine 59.82 57.21 -22.52

Large and negative values of entropies show that the activated complex in the rate determining
step represents an association rather than a dissociation step, meaning that a decrease in disordering
takes place on going from reactants to the activated complex.

3.1. Adsorption isotherm behaviour

The inhibition process is generally related to adsorption of inhibitor’s species onto the metallic
surface. Then, as illustrated Do, in his book [24], Adsorption equilibrium information is the most
important piece of information in understanding an adsorption process. No matter how many
components are present in the system, the adsorption equilibrium of pure components is the essential
ingredient for the understanding of how many those components can be accommodated by a solid
adsorbent… Various fundamental equations are shown, and to start with the proceeding we will
present the most basic theory in adsorption: the Langmuir theory (1918). This theory allows us to
understand the monolayer surface adsorption on an ideal surface. By an ideal surface here, we mean
that the energy fluctuation on this surface is periodic and the magnitude of this fluctuation is larger
than the thermal energy of a molecule (kT), and hence the troughs of the energy fluctuation are acting
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 5, 2010 1067

as the adsorption sites. If the distance between the two neighbouring troughs is much larger than the
diameter of the adsorbate molecule, the adsorption process is called localised and each adsorbate
molecule will occupy one site. Also, the depth of all troughs of the ideal surface are the same, that is
the adsorption heat released upon adsorption on each site is the same no matter what the loading is
[25]. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm may be written in the following form:

∆G °
C = 1 +C 1 ads )
with K = exp( − (5)
θ K 55.5 RT

where C is the concentration of inhibitor, K is the adsorptive equilibrium constant, θ is the surface
coverage and the standard adsorption free energy (∆Gads).
The relationship between C/θ and C presents linear behaviour at all temperatures studied (Fig.
6) with slopes equal to unity (1.008). The correlation factor is 0.99997. This suggests that the
adsorption of henna extract on metal surface followed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. From the
intercepts of the straight lines Cinh/θ-axis, K value calculated is 266738 L/mol. The standard free
energy of adsorption (∆Gads) value deduced is -42.31 kJ/mol. The negative values of ∆Gads indicate the
stability of the adsorbed layer on the steel surface and spontaneity of the adsorption process.







0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010

C (M)

Figure 6. Langmuir adsorption plots for C38 steel in 1 M HCl at 35 °C.

Generally, an adsorption process suggests either physisorption or chemisorption. ∆Gads value

lower than -40 kJ/mol are related to the chemisorption between charged molecule and charged metal
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 5, 2010 1068


The study of effect of black pepper and piperine on the corrosion of steel in molar HCl
conducted by weight loss method may draw the following conclusions:
1. The BP extract acts as an efficient inhibitor for corrosion of C38 steel in HCl medium; the
inhibition efficiency increases with increase of inhibitor concentration to attain a maximum value of
95.8% at 2 g/L.
2. Addition of isolated molecule of piperine also gives an opportunity to use these natural
compounds as efficient inhibitor for C38 steel. Its inhibition attains 99% at 10-3M.
3. Temperature effect shows that piperine exhibits constant efficiency until 60°C which is
recommended for industrial descaling.
4. Piperine adsorbs on the metal surface according to the Langmuir isotherm with more
probable chemisorption phenomenon.


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