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Effects of Transformational Leadership, Organisational Learning and Technological Innovation On Strategic Management Accounting in Thailand's Financial Institutions

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Transformational Leadership, Organisational Learning and Technological Innovation

Effects of Transformational Leadership,

Organisational Learning and
Technological Innovation on Strategic
Management Accounting in Thailand’s
Financial Institutions

Kornchai Phornlaphatrachakorn*

Manuscript type: Research paper.
Research aims: This study aims to investigate the effects of transfor-
mational leadership, organisational learning and technological inno-
vation on strategic management accounting in Thailand’s financial
Design/Methodology/Approach: Data were collected from 141 finan-
cial institutions in Thailand through a questionnaire survey. Hier-
archical multiple regression analysis is conducted to examine the
Research findings: The findings indicate that transformational
leadership, organisational learning and technological innovation
positively influence strategic management accounting. The results
also indicate a positive relationship between strategic management
accounting and firm performance.
Theoretical contributions/Originality: This study expands on exist-
ing literature by investigating the role of transformational leadership,
organisational learning and technological innovations as antecedents
to the implementation of strategic management accounting. It thus
extends on the applicability of strategic management accounting
in helping financial institutions in Thailand to gain superior per-

* Kornchai Phornlaphatrachakorn is an Associate Professor of accounting at the Mahasara-

kham Business School, Mahasarakham University, Thailand. Email: phapruke.u@acc.msu.
ac.th, markarlington@hotmail.com

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Kornchai Phornlaphatrachakorn

Practitioner/Policy contributions: The results of this study suggest

that executives of financial firms need to pay attention towards
building and developing transformational leadership, organisational
learning and technological innovation for strategic management
accounting implementation. This can be achieved by leveraging on
the firm’s competencies, capabilities, resources and assets. In other
words, strategic management accounting can serve as a tool for
organisations to gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business
environment, thereby fulfilling firm performance.
Research limitations/Implications: To increase the generalisability of
this study, future research needs to collect data from a different set of
population or country. This will help to expand on the database of the
financial businesses throughout the world.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Organisational Learning,

Technological Innovation, Strategic Management Accounting, Firm
JEL Classification: M41

1. Introduction
The prevalence of globalisation and the rapidly evolving technology
which contribute to today’s dynamic business environment is forcing
financial institutions to undergo changes and to respond to these
changes almost on a consistent basis in order to sustain themselves.
While the financial industry used to be described as a highly regulated
sector in the past, armed with limited products and restricted by
geographical expansion, today’s situation of the financial industry has
changed (Rasid & Rahman, 2009; Laela, Rossieta, Wijanto, & Ismal,
2018). Currently, financial institutions trade in various range of complex
financial assets. They also have to respond to the mergers and the
acquisition exercise’s call between insurers, banks and asset managers,
resulting in a complex business world. The deregulation practices
caused by the effect of globalisation have additionally terminated the
complacent approach financial institutions used to practice. In order
to address this dynamic and uncertain environment in which today’s
business is involved in, financial institutions have had to undergo
rapid transformation in order to gain a competitive advantage. These
institutions need to search for a valuable strategic tool to help them to
succeed, survive and be sustainable in these turbulent situations.
Literature (e.g. Simmonds, 1981; Nixon & Burns, 2012; Turner, Way,
Hodari & Witteman, 2017) has emphasised on the application of strategic

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management accounting (SMA) as an important tool, that could be

used to enhance decision-making. Within the financial service industry,
the need for SMA lies in its ability to provide quality management in-
formation which help to signal problems posed by globalisation, thereby
enabling the management to react swiftly in response to the challenges
(Rezaee, 2005; Kafafian, 2001).
A review of the SMA literature (Turner et al., 2017; Bhimani &
Langfield-Smith, 2007, Cravens & Guilding, 2001) highlighted that this
field of study has grown tremendously within the last few decades
with a wide ranging scope (Langfield-Smith, 2008) and entailing
different subjects (e.g. marketing, operations, strategic management).
Researchers (Carlsson-Wall, Kraus, & Lind, 2015; Juras, 2014; Roslender
& Hart, 2010) have also attempted to look into individual techniques
such as target costing, life-cycle costing, attribute costing, and others to
see their effect on SMA. Nonetheless, there has been a relative neglect
on research investigating the linkage involving business strategies,
SMA usage and firm performance (Carlsson-Wall et al., 2015). Since its
introduction into academia, scholars and practitioners have expressed
doubts on the practicality of SMA (Juras, 2014; Roslender & Hart, 2010).
This is compounded by the lack of research to explain its practices in
organisations. Within the limited empirical evidences of SMA as noted
in literature, only a few have highlighted its adoption in the financial
Motivated by this lack in research contributions, the current study
aims to contribute to the knowledge by examining how transformational
leadership, organisational learning and technological innovation can
affect SMA and how in turn, it influences firm performance. In this
study, strategic management accounting is defined as the provision
and analysis of management accounting data involving a business and
its competition. The outcome generated from using SMA can be used
for developing and monitoring business strategies, particularly those
related to the levels and trends of real costs and prices, volume, market
share, cash flow, and proportions demanded of a firm’s total resources
(Simmonds, 1981). SMA also refers to the provision of information that
can be used to support organisational decisions in the long run, which
would eventually lead to organisational performance (Jones, 1988). SMA
provides firms with external non-financial information as well as in-
ternally generated information. Both are relevant for assessing the firms’
competitive position within an industry; it particularly emphasises on
customers and competitors, as externally located objects of management

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accounting analyses. Firms with successful implementation of SMA are

expected to have a superior performance in doing business.
This study aims to contribute to the management accounting
literature in two ways. First, the study fills the research void by
focussing on financial institutions which play a relevant role in a
country’s economic growth. Financial institutions channel surplus funds
to deficit units to help the country to ease its economy. The economic
health of a country’s financial system is of great concern since the sector
is prone to instability phases. Such instability phases can generate
a sizeable negative spillover effect on the country. The shortage of
management accounting research, therefore warrants focus. Second,
this study aims to provide empirical evidence which can illustrate the
extent to which some SMA tools are used to support organisational
performance, the role of transformational leadership, organisational
learning and technological innovations. Many studies (Baines &
Langfield-Smith, 2003; Chenhall, 2003; Ahmad & Mohamed Zabri, 2015)
that have attempted to examine the effectiveness of accounting and
management control systems in organisations, have mainly adopted the
contingency theory. These studies also include factors which are related
to the environment, technology, size, organisational structure and
culture, as their contingent factors. In comparison, there are few studies
which have highlighted that a firm’s ability to adapt, especially in a fast-
changing environment, relies, to a great extent, on its people’s thoughts,
behaviours, ‘good organisational culture’ and ‘excellent management
teams’ (Yang, 2015). This highlights the need to include other factors
such as transformational leadership, organisational learning and tech-
nological innovations as antecedents to SMA implementation.
The remainder of this study is organised as follows. Section 2
highlights the literature review, the underpinning theory and the
hypotheses development. Section 3 discusses the research methods.
Section 4 reports on the results and offers some discussions and Section
5 concludes the paper by discussing the practical and theoretical
contributions followed by future recommendations.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Strategic Management Accounting (SMA)

The ideology of strategic management accounting (SMA), was
introduced by Simmonds (1981). It was developed based on the failure

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of traditional management accounting techniques in providing sufficient

information to managers (Guilding, Cravens, & Tayles, 2000). Simmonds
(1981) then positioned SMA as a distinctive concept which offers a
more external, long-term, forward-looking and strategic focus since
it is associated with companies and customers as well as competitors
and markets. Similarly, Tillman (2003) mentioned that SMA differs
from traditional management accounting practice in a number of ways.
For instance, SMA combines management, accounting and marketing
within its strategic management framework. It focusses not only on
competitors, but also on the competitive environment, moving towards
strategic innovation which is outside the norm of traditional accounting.
Some scholars such as Cravens and Guilding (2001) and Roslender
and Hart (2010) looked at SMA as a combination of the traditional
accounting practices with a more contemporary approach such as life-
cycle costing, attribute costing, benchmarking, strategic cost analysis
and value chain costing. Whilst these techniques may have been applied
by management accountants independently, it is believed that the
techniques, when used collectively, can serve as an SMA concept.
Researchers (Cinquini & Tenucci, 2007; Roslender & Hart, 2010;
Juras, 2014) have attempted to explain the concept of SMA as an
alternative to management accounting. Cinquini and Tenucci (2007), for
example, found that SMA techniques such as attribute costing, customer
accounting, strategic pricing and competitive positions were extensively
used in the Italian context. They further highlighted four standout
features: competitors, long-run, processes and customer orientation.
Other studies (Šoljakova, 2012; Fowzia, 2011) attempted to review the
SMA technique usage. For instance, Fowzia (2011) noted that some
SMA techniques can influence the financial performance of a firm but
the intensity of usage may vary among different countries. Šoljakova
(2012), on the other hand, argued that SMA concepts are applicable
in strategic management, with many of the techniques traced to the
extended application of the traditional methods. Within the financial
industry, Oboh and Ajibolade (2017) examined the practicality of SMA
adoption in Nigeria. They found that SMA contributes significantly to
strategic decision-making; it helps firms to gain a competitive advantage
by increasing their market shares. However, Oboh and Ajibolade (2017)
only offered some insights into the usage of SMA from the perspective
of a developing country. Their study is limited in scope, as it did not
attempt to look into the antecedents of SMA use and their impact on
firm’s financial performance as a whole. Apart from the study of Oboh

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and Ajibolade (2017), there are very few SMA studies looking at the
financial and banking sector. Past studies (Pavlatos, 2015; McManus,
2013) have only offered a view into using business strategies and
property size as precursors to SMA use. These studies are also diverse
in background as they are from different industrial sectors, hence the
different characteristics of the financial industry.

2.2 Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses Development

This study draws its interpretations from the contingency theory
(Chenhall, 2003) and resource-based views. Contingency theory which is
frequently used in research focussing on management accounting serves
as an approach to examine organisational behaviours, where reasons are
given to explain how contingent factors or contextual variables, such as
technology, culture, organisational structure and external environment
shape the design and functions of a firm. The underlying assumption of
the contingency theory is that there is no single type of organisational
structure to fit all organisations. Instead the effectiveness of the
organisation depends on the compatible match between the contextual
variables or contingent factors. Based on the underlying assumption
that organisational activity is the product of the organisational context,
this study then takes the stance that the contingency theory asserts that
when there is an appropriate match between accounting activities and
the contextual factors, the firm’s organisational performance is likely to
accelerate. Building upon the contingency theory, this study postulates
that the contextual variables encompassing transformational leadership,
organisational learning and technological innovations will lead to SMA
usage, which in turn, enhances firm performance.
According to the resource-based views of the firms, the key to
enhance a firm’s performance is based on the firm’s internal resources,
which are valuable, rare and not easily imitated and substitutable
(Barney, 2001). Firms seek to secure and practice permanent or semi-
permanent control over resources that can offer them competitive
advantage over their competitors. As firms practice various levels of
control over different resources, they would be unique from each other.
Based on the resource-based views, SMA is regarded as a valuable
source of the firm’s competitive advantage and performance. More
successful SMA implementations can explicitly drive firms to have
greater performance. Figure 1 shows the conceptual model of the

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Transformational H1

Strategic Firm
H2 Management H4 Performance
Learning Accounting (SMA)


Figure 1: Conceptual Model of the Research Relationships

2.2.1 Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is the first antecedent of SMA. It refers to
a particular leadership style that is likely to heighten consciousness of
the collective interest among the organisation’s members, helping them
to achieve their collective goals (García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo,
& Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, 2012). Transformational leadership is explicitly
committed to the organisation’s goals. It provides inspiration by
motivating its followers to seek the best possible organisational per-
formance. Firms with transformational leadership tend to focus on
inspiring the values and ideals of employees, and ultimately, motivating
them towards performance that is beyond expectations (Cho, Park, &
Michel, 2011). Transformational leadership consists of four behavioural
components: idealised influence – holding high standard of morality,
ethical and personal conduct, inspirational motivation – providing
a strong vision for the future, intellectual stimulation – challenging
organisation’s norms and encouraging creative thinking, and in-
dividualised considerations – identifying and meeting employees’
developmental needs (Jin, Seo, & Shapiro, 2016). It is essential to provide
employees with useful feedback, encourage them to make additional
efforts to achieve novel solutions and to boost their intrinsic motivation
to think creatively. Similarly, transformational leadership is defined
as a set of behaviours that motivate employees to achieve performance
that is beyond expectations by changing their attitudes, beliefs and
values (Yucel, McMillan, & Richard, 2014). Transformational leadership
attempts to bring about higher levels of performance among individ-
uals by influencing their goals and beliefs. Hence, transformational
leadership has the potential to become a key driver for the successful

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implementation of SMA in an organisation. It could serve to enhance the

firm’s sustainable competitive edge and superior performance. Based on
this, transformational leadership is likely to have a positive influence on
strategic management accounting. The hypothesis thus formulated is:
H1: Transformational leadership has a positive relationship with
strategic management accounting.

2.2.2 Organisational Learning

Organisational learning is the second antecedent of SMA. It is defined
as a continuous, dynamic and interactive learning process among
individuals, groups, and organisations (Jiang & Li, 2008). It is a vigorous
process of creating, acquiring, generating, exploiting and transferring
valuable knowledge through interaction, communication, interpretation
and comprehension across partners. It is achieved by encouraging
the firm’s capacity to act and modify their behaviours which reflect
new knowledge and insights. Firms which focus on organisational
learning have the potential to transform the individuals who work in
the organisation and transmit common knowledge into the system,
structure and procedures used. By doing so, the firm and its members
are equipped with a competitive advantage, thereby promoting su-
perior performance, profitability and success. The main characteristic
that reflects an organisation which is experiencing organisational
learning is the people’s acquisition of knowledge to solve the common
problems faced. This is because organisational learning develops new
knowledge which has the potential to influence behaviours involving
the commitment to learn, be open minded and a desire to gain
knowledge (Hu, 2014). Organisational learning is an important and basic
organisational process through which information and knowledge can
be processed. However, this can only be achieved through a change in
the organisation’s attributes, behaviours, capabilities and performance.
Because of its benefits, organisational learning has been utilised by
firms via knowledge acquisition, knowledge distribution, shared inter-
pretations and organisational memory (Yu, Dong, Shen, Khalifa, &
Hao, 2013). This explains why it is critical to firms in helping them to
maintain their survival and sustainability. Accordingly, organisational
learning also supports creativity; it inspires new knowledge and ideas;
it increases the ability to understand and to apply these ideas, there-
by favouring organisational intelligence. Organisational learning also

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serves as the background for firms to implement their valuable strategies

(Bolívar-Ramos, García-Morales, & García-Sánchez, 2012). These strate-
gies can be used to anticipate and understand customer needs and their
competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. As a result of that ability and
knowledge, firms are able to generate greater organisational capabilities
and results. In other words, organisational learning is likely to have a
positive influence on SMA. Based on this, the hypothesis developed is:
H2: Organisational learning has a positive relationship with strate-
gic management accounting.

2.2.3 Technological Innovation

The last antecedent of SMA is technological innovation. It is a strategic
potentiality to apply firm’s usable and valuable actions, activities,
operations and strategies to generate high firm performance (Camisón
& Villar-López, 2014). Technological innovation has a significant role
in driving the firm’s ability to compete and succeed in the rigorous
markets. Technological innovation refers to firms’ capacity to innovate
and introduce new tools, instruments and processes of firms for the
competitive market (Verdu, Tamayo, & Ruiz-Moreno, 2012). Firms use
this approach as a support for them to provide strategic flexibility and
to enhance their profitability and success. Technological innovation is
explicitly applied by firms through their existing technology in order to
fill new market needs and to respond to environmental changes (Ratten,
2008). Consequently, technological innovation is an important driver of
economic progress, productivity, growth and long-term performance
within a complex market and environment. It enables firms to match
technologies with market opportunities so as to generate a sustainable
and competitive advantage as well as to promote their engagement and
growth. To obtain prosperity in a dynamic environment, technological
innovation has to be of two categories: exploitative innovation which
concerns using current technological resource base and exploratory
innovation which concerns searching and implementing new techno-
logical resource base (Wei, Yang, Sun, & Gu, 2014). Both can be used
by firms as a means to increase productivity and flexibility, thereby
reducing cycle times and improving firm performance. Both these
benefits can help the firm to apply strategic options, operations and
practices which bring about competitiveness and greater firm out-
comes, currently demanded by the uncertain markets and environment.

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Technological innovation is the key propelling successful strategic

management accounting implementation. Due to this, technological
innovation is likely to have a positive influence on SMA. Therefore, the
hypothesis developed is:
H3: Technological innovation has a positive relationship with
strategic management accounting.

2.2.4 Strategic Management Accounting

As discussed earlier, transformational leadership, organisational learn-
ing and technological innovation are three main antecedents used for
determining successful SMA implementation. In this study, SMA is
taken to refer to the provision and analysis of management accounting
data concerning a business and its competitors. SMA implementation
can be used for the development and monitoring of business strategies
(Simmonds, 1981). The three determinants proposed as antecedents
of SMA can be a collective tool for firms to use their own business
information to assess their competitive positions. SMA specifically
emphasises on customers and competitors as the externally located
objects of management accounting analyses. Therefore, more successful
strategic management accounting implementation can be derived from
the assessment. SMA also contributes to good decision making. In the
provision of information that supports the firm’s decisions in the long
term, SMA also has a significant effect on firm performance (Jones, 1988;
Turner et al., 2017). It is a technique that focusses on external and non-
financial information as well as internally generated information. Firms
have used SMA as the common-sense approach to deal with problems
emanating from the ever changing, competitive and technological
environment. Accordingly, SMA comprises three components: envi-
ronmental scanning, competitor orientation and forward-looking
information (Lachmann, Knauer, & Trapp, 2013). These components
reflect the firm’s strategies in gaining a competitive advantage and
performance. Firms with effective SMA implementation tend to have a
sustainable and competitive advantage over others, thereby achieving
a superior performance. As a result, SMA is likely to have a positive
relationship with firm performance. Hence, the hypothesis developed is:

H4: Strategic management accounting has a positive relationship

with firm performance.

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3. Research Methods
3.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection Procedure
The samples retrieved for this study comprise 210 financial institutions
that are listed on the Thailand Stock Exchange. They include banks,
insurance companies, investment companies and security companies. As
large organisations, these financial institutions also have many complex
transactions, operations, activities, practices and actions. In this regard,
strategic management accounting (SMA) would be most adequate to be
used by these organisations to enable them to operate effectively and to
succeed in highly complex situations and environment. In this study,
data are collected by using a mail survey questionnaire. Prior to actual
data collection, the questionnaire is first pilot tested with 30 respon-
dents from the financial industry. The purpose of the pilot study is to
examine the inconsistency of wording and the vagueness or ambiguity
of items. Following feedback, the questionnaire is refined for the
larger study.
The key informants for this study are accounting executives of
financial institutions in Thailand. They also hold positions with the
highest responsibilities involving accounting functions and other
related activities in their organisations. Their positions thus include
Chief Financial Officers, Accounting Directors or Accounting Managers.
Of the 210 questionnaires mailed out, 147 were received, indicating
a response rate of 70 per cent. Aaker, Kumar and Day (2001) indicated
that a response rate that is greater than 20 per cent for a mail survey,
with an appropriate follow-up procedure, is considered acceptable.
The assessment of the non-response bias is centred on two different
procedures: (1) a comparison of sample statistics and known values of
the population such as firm age and firm capital, and (2) a comparison of
the first and the second wave data, as recommended by Armstrong and
Overton (1977). It is found that neither procedure show any significant
differences, indicating that the non-response bias is not an issue. Table 1
outlines the demographic characteristics of these institutions.
According to the data shown, more than half or 59.18 per cent of the
financial institutions have operated their businesses for 15 years or more.
In addition, three quarters or 76.19 per cent of these financial institutions
have 500 employees or more in their organisations, and more than half
or 64.63 per cent of these institutions engaged in a firm capital of less
than 10,000 million baht.

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Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of Financial Institutions in Thailand

Descriptions Categories Frequencies Percentage

No. of operation <15 years 60 40.82

periods => 15 years 87 59.18
No. of full-time > 500 employees 35 23.81
employees => 500 employees 112 76.19
Firm capital < 10,000 million baht 95 64.63
>= 10,000 million baht 52 35.37

3.2 Measures
All the constructs are measured using a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly
disagree to 5 = strongly agree), except for firm age, firm size, and firm
capital. Measurements of these constructs are adapted from existing
literatures. Table 2 presents the measurements of all the variables in
this study.
The first of these is transformational leadership, which refers to the
leadership style of leaders which helps to increase the consciousness of
collective interest among members of the organisation, helping them
to achieve their collective goals (García-Morales et al., 2012). The next
variable is organisational learning which refers to the dynamic process
of creating, acquiring, generating, exploiting and transferring valuable
knowledge, through the interaction, communication, interpretation,
and comprehension among partners. Organisational learning also refers
to the firm’s capacity to act and modify behaviours which can reflect
new knowledge and insights (Jiang & Li, 2008). The third variable is
technological innovation, which refers to the firm’s capacity to innovate
and introduce new tools and instruments as well as the firm’s processes
so as to be competitive in the current market (Verdu et al., 2012). The
fourth variable is SMA which refers to the provision and analysis of
management accounting data regarding a business and its competitors.
SMA can be used for developing and monitoring business strategies
(Simmonds, 1981). The last variable is firm performance which refers
to an outcome displaying the firm’s competence and capability in
practicing its business competitively (Cacciolatti & Lee, 2016; Wang &
Sengupta, 2016).
Of the control variables, it is assumed that firm age (FA) may
influence the firm’s technological learning capacity, its implemented

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Table 2: Measurement of All Variables

Variables and Items Sources

Transformational Leadership (TL)
1. Our executives provide good business visions and policies for García-
for gaining operational success. Morales et
2. Our executives continuously develop capabilities and al. (2012)
competencies of employees in order to improve our efficiencies.
3. Our executives explicitly invest an objectivity of information
technology for attaining a goal achievement.
4. Our executives outstandingly support employees to learn and
develop themselves continuously for promoting our
Organisational Learning (OL)
1. We believe that our employees have knowledge, competencies, Jiang and
skills, and responsibilities in helping achieve organisational Li (2008)
2. We support exchange, coordination and working collaboration
between teams that help make a decision quality.
3. We enhance employees to bring their best experiences for
adjusting their practices and responsibilities in an organisation.
4. We concentrate systematic knowledge exchanges among
employees for providing operational success.
Technological Innovation (TI)
1. Technology that has been continuously developed and Verdu et
improved affects best adjustment and learning development. al. (2012)
2. Growths of communication networks have supported
businesses to operational efficiency.
3. Tools, operational processes and supporting systems that
continuously occur can promote businesses to succeed.
4. Technology innovation that continuously occurs can enhance
businesses to have a goal achievement.
Strategic Management Accounting (SMA)
1. We utilise the systematic and objective analysis of operational Simmonds
environments for effectively implementing management (1981)
accounting in operations by gaining maximised benefits.
2. We emphasise the best understanding of competitor situations
for presenting management accounting efficiently and
effectively to the enterprises.
3. We apply current and future information in modernise,
beneficial and capable aspects in promoting management
accounting to become important tools in supporting the highest
administrative goals.

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Table 2: continued

Variables and Items Sources

Firm Performance (FP)
1. We have critically achieved the goal and objective settings. Cacciolatti
2. We have gained more profitability and market share than and Lee
competitors. (2016);
3. We have been recognised from stakeholders which we have Wang and
outstandingly developed our administrations. Sengupta
4. Our executives have satisfied our previous business outcomes (2016)

business activities, actions and strategies as well as the profitability of

its operations (Zahra, Ireland, & Hitt, 2000). Firm age is measured by
the number of years a firm has been in existence, by using a dummy
variable as less than 15 years = 0 and equal to or greater than 15 years =
1. The next control variable is firm size (FS). It is also assumed that this
may affect the firm’s ability to learn and diversify its operations, and so
compete and survive in the market (Arora & Fosfuri, 2000). Firm size
is measured by the number of employees in a firm by using a dummy
variable where less than 500 employees = 0 and equal to or greater
than 500 employees = 1. Finally, firm capital (FC) is expected to impact
the capacity of the firm to implement business methods and strategies
in order to achieve a competitive advantage leading to superior
performance (Ussahawanitchakit, 2007). Firm capital is measured by
the amount of money a firm has invested in doing business by using a
dummy variable, where less than 10,000 million baht = 0 and equal to or
greater than 10,000 million baht = 1.

4. Analysis and Discussion of Findings

4.1 Measurement Validation
Factor analysis, using principal component analysis with varimax
rotation, is performed to evaluate the construct validity of the variables
used in this study. Prior to performing this, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
(KMO) statistics are assessed to ensure that factor analysis is suitable
for use. A value of 0.76 with p<0.001 indicated that factor analysis is
appropriate to be conducted (Kaiser, 1974). Table 3 presents the results
for the factor loadings, item-total correlation and Cronbach’s alpha for

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Table 3: Results of Measure Validation

Items Factor Item-total Cronbach

Loadings Correlation Alpha
Transformational Leadership (TL) 0.69-0.87 0.71-0.81 0.74
Organisational Learning (OL) 0.65-0.80 0.69-0.79 0.75
Technological Innovation (TI) 0.83-0.87 0.84-0.87 0.87
Strategic Management Accounting 0.67-0.79 0.61-0.82 0.76
Firm Performance (FP) 0.78-0.95 0.78-0.95 0.86

the multiple-item scales used. In this study, factor analysis is conducted

separately for each set of items representing a particular scale due to
limited observations. As indicated by Table 3, the items loaded for each
factor are greater than 0.4 and so, statistically significant (Nunnally &
Bernstein, 1994).
In this study, we also inspect the item-total correlation. It is found
that all the items achieve the values of 0.61-0.95, which are greater than
0.30 (Churchill, 1979). The resulting scales are also evaluated using
Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. All the scales are found to have acceptable
alpha values of greater than 0.70 (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). One-
tailed Pearson correlation is then employed to evaluate the predictive
validity and to assure that the scales do not violate the multicollinearity
issue. As shown in Table 4, all the independent variables are found to be
significantly correlated with the dependent variable. All the independent
variables are not highly correlated with each other. This result indicated
that the multicollinearity effect is not an issue.

Table 4: Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrix

Variables TL OL TI SMA FP
Mean 4.10 4.21 4.15 4.01 3.98
Standard Deviation 0.48 0.43 0.42 0.50 0.72
Transformational Leadership (TL)
Organizational Learning (OL) 0.26
Technological Innovation (TI) 0.28 0.49***
Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) 0.27 0.34** 0.63***
Firm Performance (FP) 0.26 0.28 0.57*** 0.54***

Note: **p<.05, ***p<.01.

Asian Journal of Business and Accounting 12(1), 2019 179

Kornchai Phornlaphatrachakorn

A hierarchical multiple regression analysis is then conducted to

examine the effects of transformational leadership, organisational learn-
ing and technological innovation on strategic management accounting;
it also examines the relationships between strategic management
accounting and firm performance. Because all variables in this study
are neither nominal data nor categorical data, the hierarchical multiple
regression analysis is an appropriate method for examining the
hypothesised relationships. Table 5 presents the results of the hier-
archical regression analysis showing the relationships among transfor-
mational leadership, organisational learning, technological innovation
and strategic management accounting and also the relationships
between strategic management accounting and firm performance.

Table 5: Results of Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis

Independent Dependent Variables
TL 0.32**
OL 0.24*
TI 0.30*
SMA 0.53***
FA 0.02 -0.13 -0.10 -0.11
(0.14) (0.12) (0.14) (0.12)
FS -0.01 -0.11 -0.06 -0.05
(0.13) (0.12) (0.13) (0.11)
FC 0.15 0.06 0.14 0.06
(0.13) (0.11) (0.13) (0.11)
Adjusted R2 0.04 0.27 0.03 0.24

Note: *p<.01, **p<.05, ***p<.001, a beta coefficient with standard errors in


4.2 Regression Result

In this study, the results show that transformational leadership is
significant and positively linked to SMA (β = 0.32, p < 0.05), hence
H1 is supported. This is expected since transformational leadership

180 Asian Journal of Business and Accounting 12(1), 2019

Transformational Leadership, Organisational Learning and Technological Innovation

provides employees with useful feedback, encouraging them to make

additional efforts to achieve novel solutions, in addition to boosting
their intrinsic motivation to think creatively for achieving performance
that is beyond expectations. Under the transformational leadership,
employees are encouraged to change their attitudes, beliefs and
values, in order to achieve this high performance (Yucel et al., 2014).
Therefore, transformational leadership can help firms with the successful
implementation of SMA. Transformational leadership would stimulate
and inspire the employees to accept the SMA as a way to solve problems
and to challenge the status quo.
The findings generated from the analysis also show that organi-
sational learning is positively associated with SMA (β = 0.24, p < 0.01),
thus H2 is supported. This implies that the successful implementation
of SMA is dependent on the financial institution’s ability to learn,
absorb, adapt and apply the conceptual changes and also to integrate
them within the organisation. Firms have utilised organisational
learning through knowledge acquisition, knowledge distribution,
shared interpretation and through the development of organisational
memory (Yu et al., 2013). Employees’ ability to learn new sets of skills
that are related to the new and innovative accounting techniques, on a
continuous basis, represents a sustainable source for the organisation to
have a competitive advantage. Financial institutions with the learning
focus will encourage their employees to provide feedback which enables
the continuous improvement activities to be incorporated into the
knowledge base of the employees.
The analysis of this study also noted that technological innovation
has a significant effect on SMA (β= 0.30, p < 0.01), hence H3 is supported.
Considering that technological innovation is an important driver of
economic progress, productivity growth and long-term performance in
emerging economies such as Thailand, this result is not surprising (Wei
et al., 2014). An earlier study conducted by Boonyanet and Komaratat
(2008) and Nimtrakoon (2015) had shown that the use of contemporary
management accounting practices which comprises the SMA is
relatively low. In this regard, more technological innovation initiatives
are needed to push for the usage of SMA in the financial industry of
Thailand. Nonetheless, technological innovation may affect the design
of the SMA used. For instance, technological innovations like enterprise
resource planning (ERP) support the integration of both internal and
external business processes, which have opened up a broader basis for
management control.

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Similar with Turner et al. (2017), SMA is found to significantly affect

firm performance positively (β = 0.53, p < 0.01). In existing literature
(Simmonds, 1981), SMA is shown to provide information that is relevant
for firms to assess their competitive position within an industry. Clearly,
SMA is a technique which stresses on external non-financial information
and internally generated information for helping firms to make better
decisions within an ever changing, competitive and technological
environment. Firms that have successfully implemented the SMA are
more likely to enjoy superior performance. Thus, it is not surprising that
SMA is a key determinant of firm’s performance.

5. Contributions and Implications

This study has attempted to investigate the antecedents that may
influence the successful implementation of SMA and their effects on
firm performance within Thailand’s financial service industry. Using
the contingency theory, this study has provided evidence to show that
no single organisational design can be effectively applied universally.
Three variables are incorporated to examine if they influence SMA and
our findings indicate that transformational leadership, organisational
learning and technological innovation contribute to the successful
implementation of SMA among the financial institutions and that they
also affect firm performance positively. Thus, this adds to the literature
on SMA research.
The outcomes generated from this study also suggest that financial
institutions in Thailand need to be more innovative and forward think-
ing in order to sustain themselves in today’s competitive and turbulent
environment. Specifically, they need to adopt innovative accounting
management practices, which incorporate a broader scope of procedures
involving informal, external and non-financial information, which are
based on a long-term perspective and which are strategically oriented.
As a part of the Asian region, Thailand has the potential to compete at
the global level, especially with the integration of the ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC) in 2015. Thus, Thailand needs to be aware of the new
development of management accounting so that it can tap into its greater
financial investments.
This study has explicitly identified transformational leadership,
organisational learning and technological innovation as the valuable
factors that affect successful SMA. The findings also show that to apply

182 Asian Journal of Business and Accounting 12(1), 2019

Transformational Leadership, Organisational Learning and Technological Innovation

SMA, financial firms need to fine-tune their organisational culture, by

cultivating transformational leadership. This is important as the current
changing business environment requires a leader who is not only able
to function as a manager who administers and controls but could also
act as a catalyst for change. Such leadership styles clearly facilitate firm
development by enabling it to maintain an innovative control system.
This will further help the firms to promote divergent thinking, thereby
creating new ideas. Financial institutions in Thailand, in their effort
to implement SMA, should also leverage on organisational learning
capabilities. Being equipped with this allows the financial institutions in
Thailand to focus on providing new skills to their employees and to shift
towards organisational learning, whereby knowledge can be captured
and distributed. This will also enable the firms to apply the knowledge
for enhancing organisational practices, including SMA.
The findings of this study highlighting the relevance of techno-
logical innovation reinforce the suggestion for supplementing SMA
use with technology capabilities. The fact that technology has emerged
to be one of the contributors accelerating changes in the business
environment may allow us to extrapolate the importance of technology;
it is an important aspect for the successful implementation of SMA. In
fact, technological innovations when applied in the financial industry
which uses modern technology and processes would propel SMA
practices. In summary, to maximise the benefits and advantages of SMA
implementation, it is evident that financial executives need to furnish
their firms with the information on how transformational leadership,
organisational learning and technological innovation can add value to
their institutions.
While this study has important implications on the financial
industry in a developing country like Thailand, it is not without
limitations. First, the list of financial institutions identified for use in
this study was self-collected from the Stock Exchange of Thailand
and the Bank of Thailand. They include banks, insurance companies,
investment companies and security companies. In this regard, there
are possibilities that some of them may be listed officially but not
detected by this study. Therefore, our findings could have been affected.
Likewise, the background of the financial institutions may differ among
themselves, but these too are not identified in the current study, hence
it is possible that some variations may exist; these could also affect the
implementation of the SMA.

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6. Conclusion
Existing literature shows that SMA is important for supporting firms in
gaining a competitive advantage, superior performance, survival and
sustainability, within the rigorous competitive market and environment.
Accordingly, this study has examined the effects of transformational
leadership, organisational learning and technological innovation on
SMA implementation by the financial institutions of Thailand. This study
also examines the relationships between SMA and firm performance.
A total of 147 financial institutions are contacted via the mail survey
questionnaire. Using a statistical analysis to project the findings, the
results show that transformational leadership, organisational learning
and technological innovation positively affected SMA. Similarly, SMA
also has a positive relationship with firm performance. This implies that
transformational leadership, organisational learning and technological
innovation are the key determinants for successful SMA. It seems
evident that SMA effectively drives positive changes in the firm’s
performance. To expand on the contributions of the current study,
future research may need to collect data from different populations and
countries so as to test the generalisability of the current study. Future
research may also consider using a comparative study to test the research
relationships and to search for a reliable database of financial businesses
in Thailand in order to obtain a higher credibility of the findings.

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