Ilc I: of Villupuram 605
Ilc I: of Villupuram 605
Ilc I: of Villupuram 605
The Annual daywill be celebrated on 22.03.2019 at 4.00 prn. In this connection, various
committees are forrned as per the list enclosed. The Convener/Committee members are
requested to make necessarv arrangements for the successful completion of the function.
l. Circulated to all Stafl'mernbers
Copy to:
2) Master of Ceremonies
2 Dr.V.Gnanamoorlhi
J Mr.C.Nedunchezhian
4 Dr.T.Velmurugan
8 N{r.K.Balaii
9 Mr.K.Elumalai
10 Mr.K.Aiun
5) Certificate & Prize Distribution Committee
1 Mr.D.Palani-Convener
) lvtrs.M.Phenr ina selvi
J Mr.R.Regan
4 Mrs.E.Kavitha
5 Dr.P.Prakash
6 Dr.N.Ravichandran
7 N4r.S.Jegan
8 Mr.P.Tamilarasu
9 Mr.P.E.Anbunathan
10 Mr.S.Boopalan
11 Mr.E.Venkatraman
i) Seating Arrangements for Staffs & Students
t2 Mr.D.lllakiaselvan
ii)Arrangement of Sign Boards
13 N'1s.S.Sandhi1'a
iii)Maintaining Discipline at Venue
14 N,lr.D.Mohan kurnar
15 Mr.R.Muralikrishnan
16 Mrs.R.Geetha
17 N4r.D.VerLkatesan
18 Mr.G.Yr-rvaraj
19 N,ts.G.Vaishnavve
20 Dr.K.Paramasivau-t
2t Mr.S.Prabakaran
22 Mrs.G.Sandhiya
23 Mr.S.Kalaimani
8) College /Discipline Committee
2 Dr.V.Seivalai
J Dr..].Jayachandran
4 Dr.R.Sankar' i) To Maintain overall discipline at the college
5 Mr.J.Devanathan
6 NIr.l(.Pazhanisaur-
- Nlr.N.Sathcesh l(umar
9) Press/Photogranlrv ('onrmittee