Antenna Selection and Power Allocation Design For 5G Massive MIMO Uplink Networks
Antenna Selection and Power Allocation Design For 5G Massive MIMO Uplink Networks
Antenna Selection and Power Allocation Design For 5G Massive MIMO Uplink Networks
Abstract: Massive MIMO is one of the key wireless networks, the carbon emissions and
technologies in future 5G communications operating costs caused by wireless commu-
which can satisfy the requirement of high nication are increasing day by day [1]. Now-
speed and large capacity. This paper considers adays, promoting energy conservation then
antenna selection and power allocation design building intensive community has become a
to promote energy conservation then provide heated research topic [2-4]. Therefore, careful
good quality of service (QoS) for the whole planning and deployment of the base station
massive MIMO uplink network. Unlike pre- (BS) infrastructure is necessary to decrease
vious related works, hardware impairment, the energy consumption in line with green
transmission efficiency, and energy consump- objectives [5-7]. As a key technology of 5G
tion at the circuit and antennas are involved in communication system, massive MIMO has
massive MIMO networks. In order to ensure received substantial attention in both academic
the QoS, we consider the minimum rate con- and industry domain since 2010 [8-12]. Com-
straint for each user and the system, which pared to traditional communication networks,
increases the complexity of power allocation massive MIMO has great advantages of higher
problem for maximizing energy and spectral data rate, larger capacity, lower latency and
efficiency in massive MIMO system. To this greater throughput [13].
end, a quantum-inspired social emotional op- Large number of antennas at the base sta-
timization (QSEO) algorithm is proposed to tion is the major characteristic of massive
obtain the optimal power control strategy in MIMO compared with conventional MIMO
massive MIMO uplink networks. Simulation technology [14]. The promising technology
results assess the great advantages of QSEO has been studied in many aspects [15-22].
which previous strategies do not have. Distributed MIMO has been illustrated to be
Keywords: 5G; massive MIMO; antenna se- capable of significantly increasing the sys-
lection; power allocation; quantum-inspired tem capacity [15]. In [16], the author studied
social emotional optimization the sum rate in different signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) conditions and illustrated how dense
I. INTRODUCTION multiple antenna arrays can be designed in
massive MIMO system. In [17], a coordination
Received: Apr. 19,2018
With the increasing demands of high-speed approach was proposed to reduce the negative
Revised: Aug. 23, 2018
communication and rapid development of influence of pilot contamination on channel es- Editor: Da Chen
The quantum individual who gets the highest where ϑnt ,+1l denotes the l th quantum rotation
social evaluation is denoted as the global optimal angle of the n th quantum individual. The ele-
solution ugt = [u gt ,1 , u gt ,2 ,..., u gt , L ] among t itera- ments of the quantum individuals are updated
tions. We define ϖ t as the set of the worst quan- by (27), and the corresponding measurement
tum individuals which consists of N ′ (N ′ ≤ N) states of the quantum individuals are up-
quantum individuals with the lowest social dated by (25). Then, we calculate the social
evaluations, where ϖ nt ′ = [ϖ nt ′,1 ,ϖ nt ′,2 ,...,ϖ nt ′, L ] evaluations of all quantum individuals under
represents the measurement state of the n′th the same function of the problem mentioned
(n′ = 1, 2,..., N ′) quantum individual. ahead. To make it easy, the emotional index
Each quantum individual has different emo- and the historical optimal solution of each
tions which greatly affect the process of evo- quantum individual are updated by the follow-
lution. The emotional index of quantum indi- ing
vidual n is a variable between 0 and 1, which 1 f ( xnt +1 ) > f ( µ nt )
is denoted by ent. e1 and e2 are two emotional +1
ent= t t +1 t
en − ∆e f ( xn ) ≤ f ( xn ) (29)
thresholds of three different emotions, that is, t
en else,
upset, calm and enthusiastic. Assuming that
x t +1 f ( xnt +1 ) > f ( µ nt )
e1 < e2, the process of updating the quantum µnt+1 = nt (30)
µ n f ( xn ) ≤ f ( µ n ),
t +1 t
individual n according to different emotions
can be expressed as follows where f (.) denotes the social evaluation
c1 ⋅ (u gt ,l − xnt ,l ) ent < e1 function, ∆e denotes the reducing index of
emotion. Especially, when ent+1 < 0, we define
c1 ⋅ (u g ,l − xn ,l ) + c2 ⋅ ( µn ,l − xn ,l )
t t t t
different emotions and the emotional index Number of the worst quantum individuals N ′ 3
of each quantum individual is distributed be- Number of binary bits encoded for each estimated variable L 15
tween 0 and 1. At the stage of initialization, Emotional thresholds e1, e2 0.14, 0.58
each element of the quantum individual is set Emotional reducing index ∆e 0.05
to 1/ 2 and the emotional indexes are set to Impact factor of the optimal solution of the quantum population c1 0.3
1. The other parameters of QSEO are shown Impact factor of the historical optimal solution of each quantum
individual c2
in Table II.
Impact factor of the worst solution set c3 −0.1
For the problem of EE maximization in
Mutation probability κ1 0.1/L
Fig. 3. shows the variation curves of ener-
gy efficiency with hardware impairment coef-
50 ficient at the BS. ε BS is a variable distributed
between 0 and 1, where ε BS = 0 represents no
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 hardware impairment at the BS and ε BS = 1 de-
Antenna selection coef
notes the BS is completely damaged. In order
to study the effect of the hardware impairment
Fig. 2. Energy efficiency as a function of ξ, with pmax = −20dBW, ε BS = 0.
Energy efficiency(Mbit/J)
300 160 Power allocation based on QSEO
Power allocation based on SEO
200 140 Power allocation based on fractional programming
Maximum power allocation
100 120
100 15
Spectral ef
20 80
0 60
-20 0 40
p max (dBW) -10
-20 20
-40 0 0
-60 -50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Hardware impairment coefficient(dB) Iteration number
Fig. 5. Energy efficiency as a function of pmax and ε BS, with ξ = 0.7. Fig. 6. Spectral efficiency versus iteration number with ξ = 0.7,
pmax = −20dBW, ε BS = 0.
30 40
Power allocation based on QSEO Power allocation based on QSEO
Power allocation based on SEO Power allocation based on SEO
Power allocation based on fractional programming 35 Power allocation based on fractional programming
25 Maximum power allocation Maximum power allocation
15 20
Spectral ef
Spectral ef
0 0
-50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10
Hardware impairment coef
coefficient(dB) p max (dBW)
Fig. 7. Spectral efficiency as a function of ε BS, with pmax = −20dBW, Fig. 8. Spectral efficiency as a function of pmax, with ε BS = 0, ξ = 0.7.
ξ = 0.7.
Spectral efficiency(Mbit/J)
increase of the maximum transmission power
30 25
of each user, while other strategies almost no
change with the variation of pmax. Power allo-
cation strategy based on SEO mechanism and 10