Walter C. Lanyon

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The three planes of existence - matter, mind, Spirit - referred to as three

measures of meal which eventually all become leaven...

There is no set formula, no way of approaching the world of thought. One system
tells him to enter from one end, another tells him diametrically the opposite.

...all evil is ignorance (ignoring God).

[DGG --- typical, mystical theism denying the existence of real evil. Why is this
so hard to believe? Mankind has not always chosen proper thoughts.]

I give nothing to cowards, because cowardice has narrowed down the aperture to such
diminutive proportions, and only the tiniest ray can penetrate.

Lazarus had been in the tomb four days, typifying a time equal to the four thousand
years since Adam...
[DGG --- IMMEDIATELY before reading "typifying a time equal to the four thousand
years since Adam" I had the very thought of 4,000 years ... as a day is as
a 1,000 years and a year in prophecy equals a day; therefore 4 x 1,000. Mankind
had been dying since the fall to the time when Jesus appeared.]

You are going back to the Garden of Eden as you were before the fall. If you will
live in accordance with My Will, this automatic machine within - the Christ -
will begin to work in you, if you abide in this consciousness.
[The Power of God ALWAYS WORKS on every one of our thoughts/words; whether or not
we know it, and/or use it only to good advantage, is another issue entirely.]

The voice and echo are one. Like prayer and answer. [DGG --- THINK "CAVE"!]

The action of Spirit is natural to Spirit; it is only unnatural to the three-

dimensional mind...

The sense of "touch" when freed from its surface limitations extends right into the
idea of Agreement, one of the great words which every man must take and
return with to Jehovah.

"Two shall agree as touching on any point, and it shall be established on the
earth," shows the importance of the sense of touch.

The Agreement which is made with words may be broken, distorted by the inability of
the human mind to carry out; but when it is "touched" in the Atmosphere of
Spirit, then it is as impossible to change, set aside, or misdirect as is the arrow
which has sped from the bow. Once this "touch" or "feel" is made, the whole
process moves on into the place of "establishing" itself on the earth. It begins to
draw from the unseen the "substance of the thing hoped for and the evidence
of the thing not (yet) seen" by the human limited senses.

A miser grows, to all intents and purposes, poorer and poorer, as he hoards more
and more of the symbols.

When agreement is made the touching takes place and conception is. From that moment
the idea gathers its body for manifestation.

"IN ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall bring it to pass." When you begin to
acknowledge Him in "all thy ways," no matter what the appearances are, you
will see the instant and perfect action of Him and the embodiment of such an
When you come to the point of "acknowledging Him" in all your ways you will see how
utterly impossible it is for you to assist in bringing "it to pass."

After you have acknowledged the Presence you will receive full and definite
instructions as to your part in bringing "it to pass."

Read --- Romans 8:38-39. Nothing can or will separate you from this Presence but
your own Conscious-Thinking, your failure to acknowledge Him.

I have met many sanctified ones, but I prefer to stay by Jesus the Master. If he
could not be called "good," no one who has come since is entitled to the name.

And also you will so completely shift the "how, why, when, and where" of the
embodiment of that which you have accepted as to forget about it all.

Whatsoever you tell the Father in secret, with that will He reward you openly. Do
you believe it? Do you believe that you are able to tell the Father of the
acceptance of that which your soul urges upon you to bring into manifestation? Can
you "ask, believing ye have already received"? Do not fool yourself --- this
cannot possibly be done by the human mind. It is an insult to the intellect to ask
for something you have already received. Do you see why Jesus was so successful
with the manifestation? He could "Thank the Father" and rest in the glorious
possibilities of "I have a way ye know not of." If, then, the ways of Spirit are
finding out, why waste any more time trying to burrow into the secrets of the
"birthing" process of Spirit? Isn't it sufficient to rest in the consciousness that

you have given thanks and have accepted the gift? Are you ready to accept it?

Having sensed the Nature of the Presence, you begin to see why "whatsoever things
you ask for in My Name [nature], that give I unto you" is possible; in other
words, whatsoever you can find in the Presence, that can you bring into

"Believest thou that I Am able to do this for thee?" Certainly, if it is to be

done, it will have to be done in a "way ye know not of"; for you have exhausted all

known ways and failed.

There is nothing to defeat but the conscious-thinking which comes under the law,
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." It is too strange and terrible to
imagine that this human destiny rests in the Conscious-Thinking, and that from that
level nothing can be done for or against it. The pictures of limitation are
completely obliterated by turning to the Father within and allowing His Power to do
the work.

all? A hundred different stories were told; some saw the Christ, some the
Virgin Mary, some a fog bank.According to their symbol of protection did their
mortal eyes see that which stood for the abstract quality of Protection.

You may be denying that there is any matter. Then you are denying your own
manifestation out of the picture, and by what authority will you deny God the
presence of flesh, in which to clothe His own Word? "The Word became flesh and
dwelt among us." And by what manner of means can the Spirit search the joints
and marrow if you have no joints and marrow?

When the command goes out, "Stretch forth your hand," if you "try" to do this, you
fail; but if you do not try to do it, and perform it in consciousness, the
hand follows the consciousness without interference.

At first it is almost sacrilegious to say "I Am that I Am." When Jesus uttered it
and made himself as God, the human thought wanted to destroy him. Why?
Because it misunderstood the Power and thought he would personalize it, and make
himself into a little individual god, with terrific dominion. Somewhere in
your make-up is all that is required to fill all the empty measures of your being.
Even though it be so small as a grain of mustard, it is able to evolve into
a tree.

The gift that you have been seeking from without is already within.

You are mocking God when you try to be a "creator," for there is only One, and the
record states that the "Creation" was completed in six days-found to be
"good and very good."

Recognizing the gift which is within you will be your starting point to the heights
where this Revelation is visible. The veils are falling from your eyes
and you are seeing the Power face to face instead of through a glass darkly.

It does not make any difference what it takes to bring the Word into manifestation.
That is not your concern. The Power has a way ye know not of, never
working twice in the same manner, so you may rest the matter of manifestation with
that Power.

A habit that is merely held out of mind by will-power may at any moment catch up
with you. If you have to avoid in order not to indulge an evil, you are not

..."Behold I stand at the door and knock, and if any man" (I do not care who he may
be-if "any man"-you are any man) will open unto Me, I will come in to him
and sup with him and he with Me."

No matter how you resist the idea, it still remains a fact that your universe is
the out-picturing of your consciousness. What you recognize as true takes body
and shape.

It is both true and untrue that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." It is
untrue from the standpoint of "who by taking thought." It is true from the
standpoint of what you accept will embody itself in one way or another in the

With the coming of this light you find the "accusers" (embodiments of disease,
unhappiness, sin, and poverty) are no more. They were parasites feeding upon your
belief in them, and have perished because you have deprived them of your thought,
upon which they lived.

He tries to destroy in another the sin that is so dear to him and in which he is
afraid to indulge. He leads the vanguard against his secret vice. His reason back
of this is, "If I cannot enjoy it, no one else shall."

As he judges he is prophesying his own future.

The matter consciousness must work by the "sweat of its brow" for a crust of bread,
and its "days are few and full of trouble."

They are afraid to speak in the First Person and Present Tense, because they know
that the little personality is a liar, and is not worthy of anything.
No personality is capable of healing anything, because all personality is under the
law of "When I would do good, I do evil,"...

TRUE prayer is not demanding things of the universe, nor yet is it imagining that
things can be had by begging or beseeching, or yet knowing they are yours.
Prayer is merely recognition of that which is about to appear-provided, of course,
you are willing to accept your good. "Thank you, Father," was one of the
most efficacious prayers ever said, and it was followed up by a magnificent
explanation of the nature of prayer-"I knew it was already so." This checks
perfectly with the statement, "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are
yet speaking, I will hear."

When we get over the idea of praying to a man god, we shall see that prayer is
merely aligning ourselves with the Power of that which is due to appear in our
lives. In like manner, affirmations in their truest sense do not and cannot change
the eternal nature of the universe; they are the words which are uttered
because of the urge of the thing pressing upon the individual for expression.
[DGG --- "due to appear" because of the Law of CAUSE (our thoughts/words) and

"Your Father's business" is the business of self-expression.

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