DOH AO 5-A Series of 1996

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l...lepaJU'11ent Ol Heann, u~ ~tag.

Republic of the Philippines l:!l
San Lazaro Compoun:l, Sta. Cruz. 1003 Manila
· Department of Health tr (632) 743-83.0 I loc. 1126

17 February 1996

NO. S-A s. 1996

SUBJECT Revised policies, procedures and guidelines governing

affiliation and training of students in the Department of
Health (DOH) hospitals and other government health

Section l. Title

These Policies, Procedures and Guidelines shall be known as "Revised

Policies, Procedures and Guidelines Governing Affiliation and Training of Students in
the Department of Health (DOH) hospitals and other government health facilities".

Section 2. Rationale

The production and development of Health Human Resource is necessary for

the promotion, maintenance and delivery of health services. The Department of
Health is making available its hospitals and accredited government community health
resources for the learning and training of students from health professional schools.
To maintain the quaFty of this relationship, guidelines were originally promulgated
under Administrative Order Nos. 26-C. series of 1982 and 13 series 1986 governing
affiliation and training of students.

Due to the changing needs of society, advances in science and technology,

changes in the Department of Health policies and procedures, and the current
implementation of the Local Government Code (LGC), · regulations governing
affiliation and training of students in the Department of Health as embodied m
Administrative Order Nos. 70-A s.1989 and 21-A s. 1993 are hereby revised.

Th~serevised guidelines shall be applicable to accredited DOH hospitals and

government health facilities.
Section 3. National Committee on Affiliation and Training of Students (NCATS)

3.1 The National Committee on Affiliation and Training of Students

(NCATS) shall be created at the national level which shall be chaired
by the Director of Health Manpower Development and Training
Service (HMDTS) and composed of professional representatives from
other services concerned in affiliation and training and other
government agencies.

3 .2 Functions:

The National Committee shall:

3.2.1 Be responsible for the administration and supervision of all

affiliation and training activities.

3.2.2 Formulate policies, standards, rules and regulations on

affiliation and training of students.

3.2.3 Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate programs and activities

of affiliation and training of students.

3.2.4 Supervise regional and hospital committees

(NCATS/RCATS/HCATS) on the implementation of policies
and standards on ·affiliation and training.

3.2.5 Accredit government health facilities such as hospitals,

laboratories, health centers that are capable of providing the
necessary resources for the student learnings. The list of
accredited health facilities shall be sent to all universities,
colleges and schools through the President of the Association of
Deans and other concerned government agencies such as the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC).

3.2.6 Recommend for approval to the Secretary of Health the

Contracts of Affiliation from special/specialty hospitals and
other agencies/institutions directly under the Office of the
Secretary of Health.
3.2.7 Maintain a list of schools that are qualified to affiliate with
DOH facilities

3.2.8 Keep records and reports.

3 .2.9 Maintain linkages and coordination and conduct regular

dialogue with other services/offices/units concerned within and
outside the Department of Health.

Section 4. Regional Committee on Affiliation and Training of Students (RCATS)

4.1 A Regional Committee on Affiliation and Training of Students

(RCATS) shall be created to be chaired by HMDTD Chief with the
Regional Training Nurse (RTN) as the executive secretary and
members coming from the technical and training staff of the regional
field office, the retained hospitals, laboratories, provincial health
offices and financial services to be appointed by the Regional Health
Director. The composition are as follows:

Chairman Chief, HMDTD

Vice -Chairman Medical Training Officer
Medical Center/Regional Hospital
Secretary Regional Training Nurse, HMDTD
Members Chief, Technical Division
Chief, Finance or Accounting or
Representative from PHO
(training and affiliation coordinator)
LHB Representative
Chief Nurse (Medical Center I
Regional Hospital)
Chief, Regional Laboratory

4.2 Functions

The Regional Committee (RCATS) shall:

4.2.1 Supervise activities of affiliation and training of students at the

regional level

4.2.2 Formulate guidelines/policies on affiliation and trammg of

paramedical and medical students appropriate to their area of
jurisdiction consistent with the guidelines developed by
4.2.3 Monitor all affiliation programs and activities in compliance to
the guidelines and policies on training and affiliation.

4.2.4 Recommend for approval to the Regional Health Director

Contracts of Affiliation from accredited DOH hospitals and
field health units.

4.2.5 Accredit health facilities that are capable of providing the

necessary resources for students learning. The list of accredited
health facilities shall be sent to all universities, colleges and
schools who are/shall be affiliating with DOH facilities.

4.2.6 Maintain a list of schools that are qualified to affiliate with

DOH health facilities.

4.2.7 Keep records and reports.

4.2.8 Submit quarterly reports to the National Committee on the

following: Name of college, number and category of students Name of hospital, area/department utilized for


4.2.9 Maintain linkage with other sectors concerned in affiliation and

training like CHED, universities, colleges, schools and
professional organizations.

Section 5. Hospital Committee on Affiliation and Training of Students (HCATS)

5.1 A Hospital Committee on Affiliation and Training of Students

(HCATS) shall be created. This shall be chaired by the Chief of
Hospital and to be composed of designated training officers (or
persons-in-charge of training) from each service/department where
student-affiliates rotate and representatives from each position group
existing in the institution.

5.2 Functions:

5.2.1 Screen and approve affiliation applicant (school/universities/

colleges) as per AO. issued.
5.2.2 Supervise activities of students' affiliation and trammg
activities at the hospitals at all levels in accordance with the set
standards by NCATS/RCATS.

5.2.3 Formulate guidelines appropriate to their situation based on the

set affiliation policies and procedures.

5.2.4 Monitor and evaluate all affiliation program and activities at the

5.2.5 Determine proration of affiliation fees both for the groups

directly and indirectly involved in affiliation and training.

5.2.6 Facilitate purchase of equipment, supplies, materials, journals

and other needed paraphernalia for affiliation and training to
prevent interruption of affiliation activities.

5.2.7 Update and maintain a list of schools/universities/colleges

affiliating in the hospital.

5.2.8 Submit quarterly report to NCATSIRCATS of all ffiliation

activities taking place in the hospital and statistics reflecting the
number of students admitted per school and per course, school
remittances and affiliation disbusements.

5.2.9 Conduct regular dialogue with the school/colleges/universities

affiliating to facilitate discussion of problems, issues and other
concerns organic to affiliation and training.

Section 6. If affiliation is at the RHU level, a Committee shall be organized to be

composed of at least 5 RHU staff that are directly involved in
affiliation and training. This Committee shall have the same functions
as the Hospital Committee on Affiliation and Training of Students.

Section 7. The Regional Health Director is authorized to approve Contracts of

Affiliation within the region except those of Special/Specialty
Hospitals which fall under the jurisdiction ofNCATS.
Section 8. Procedures in Applying for Affiliation with the Department of Health
hospitals and other health facilities

8.1 Hospitals shall make available copies of affiliation contracts to

schools, colleges and universities.

8.2 All contracts of affiliation shall be duly accomplished and signed by

both parties (Chief of Hospital and President of the
College/University). (Contract form attached as Annex 0)

8.3 For newly established schools, colleges and universities with Medical,
Nursing and Midwidery courses, their course curriculum should pass
through the Partnership on Alternative Health Science Education
(PAHSE) prior to recommendation for approval by NCATS/RCATS to
the Secretary of Health or his duly representative.

8.4 All duly accomplished affiliation contracts for hospitals under the
Department of Health shall be forwarded to the National Committee
for evaluation, prior to recommendation for approval to the Secretary
of Health or his duly representative.

8.5 For hospitals in the region, all duly accomplished contracts shall be
submitted to the Regional Committee (RCATS) for evaluation, prior to
the recommendation by· the Chairman for approval by the Regional
Health Director or his duly representative.

8.6 Application for affiliation shall be filed two (2) months before the start
of the actual affiliation. Flowchart of processing attached as Annex Q.

8.7 Affiliation Contracts shall be renewed yearly for the first two (2) years
and every two (2) years subsequently.

8.8 For inter-regional affiliation, affiliating institution should submit a

Certificate of Approval for Cross Regional Affiliation from the
RCATS of the home region to the RCATS where they intend to
affiliate. Sample form attached as Annex P.

Section 9. Standard Rates of Affiliation Fees

9.1 The following shall be the standard rate of fees to be collected by all
agencies of the Department of Health from affiliating students from
various disciplines:

9 .1. 1 Dentistry 11400.00 I student per semester

9.1.2 Hospital Dietetics P250.00 for 192 hours per student

9.1.3 Public Health Nutrition P250.00 for 240 hours per student

9.1.4 Medical Technology :P100.00 I student I month

9.1.5 Medicine P5.00 I hour I student (3rd year)

P60.00/ month I student (4th year)

9.1.6 Midwifery P40.00 I student for 30-40 hours

9.1.7 Nursing Il60.00 I student for 50-80 hours

P40.00 I student for 30-49 hours

P30.00 I student for 10-29 hours

Il20.00 I student for 1-9 hours

9.1.8 Occupational/ P 100.00 I student I month

PhysicaV .
Respiratory Therapy

9.1.9 Pharmacy P300.00 for 480 hours

P100.00 for 160 hours

9 .1.1 0 Psychology P4.00 I student I hour

Baccalaureate level

PS. 00 I student I hour

Masteral level

P6.00 I student I hour


9.1.11 Radiologic Technology P70.00 I student I month

9.1.12 Social Work P100.00 I student I month

9 .1.13 Nurse I Health Aide P30.00 I student I month

The affiliation fees shall be collected by the affiliating agencies.

9.2 These fees shall be treated as trust receipts in the books of collecting
agencies, deposited in an authorized government depository bank.

Section 10. Distribution of Affiliation Fees:

10.1 General Principles

10.1.1 All staff members in the hospital shall have a share of honoraria
from the total collection of affiliation fees per batch provided
that all leaves and absences shall proportionately deducted from
the amount due him;

10.1.2 Honoraria from resource person shall be taken from the

Training Service/Department concerned and shall be based on
the number of hours he/she has lectured consistent with the
Civil Service Commission Issuance and Department
Memorandum No. 25 s.1995; and

10.1.3 In the event of conflicts regarding affiliation and training of

students, the Chief of Hospital has the authority to resolve the
issues within his level in accordance with the Administrative

10.2 The collected affiliation fees shall be divided on the following manner:

10.2.1 Five percent (5%) of the total collection shall be remitted by

Metro Manila hospitals and agencies to the National
Committee on Affiliation and Training of Students (NCATS)
and by the Regional Hospitals, Medical Centers and other
government health facilities to the Regional Committee on
Affiliation and Training of Students (RCATS), respectively,
and shall be used in the following manner:
1% - · meetings, conferences and other activities

2% equipments, supplies, materials, journals and


2% honorarium I incentive for Committee Members

10.2.2 Forty percent (40%) shall be used to fund attendance of

affiliation trainers to Human Resource Development activities
and to procure supplies and equipment based on training
needs as well as for research related to training, as determined
by the Committee. The Accounting Office shall furnish a
copy of the updated report of affiliation fees collection and
disbursement to the Director and Chief Training Officer copy
furnished NCATS I RCATS.

10.2.3 Fifty five percent (55%) shall be intended for honoraria or

incentives for personnel: Sixty percent {60%) for the Training Service I

Department concerned (pro-rated); Forty percent
(40%) for the other hospital staff (pro-rated). Guidelines for Pro-rate Allocation For Service I Department providing


A HCATS shall be formed in the

agency which is composed of one
representative from each position
group to formulate percentage
distribution for each category of staff
based on the degree . of their
participation in the training of
students. For Hospital Staff Members who
are not involved:

For the other hospital staff

members who are not directly
involved in affiliation, HCATS
shall work on the distribution of

Section 11. Guidelines for each discipline

The guidelines for affiliation of students for each discipline are

attached in the following annexes:

A. Dentistry
B. Health Aide
C. Hospital Dietetics
D. Medical Social Work
E. Medical Technology
F. Medicine
G. Midwifery
H. Nursing
I. OccupationalJPhysical Therapy
J. Pharmacy
K. Psychology
L. Public Health Nutrition
M. Radiologic Technology
N. Respiratory Therapy
0. Contract of Affiliation
P. Certificate of Approval for Cross-Regional Affiliation
Q. Application Flowchart

Section 12. Special Provision

Other government-owned or controlled schools or colleges shall be

required to pay the affiliation fees to the Department of Health
hospitals and rural health units I health centers except the University of
the Philippines. However, the University of the .Philippines shall be
required to accomplish the necessary contract of affiliation.
Seot1on 13: Repealina Clause

Administrative Order No. 21~A e. 1993 ae amended,

Admini·e.t rative. Order · -Noes. 70-A e. 1989, 13 e. 1986 ~ 26-C s. ·
1982 and other ordere inconsistent with the provisions of
this Administr·a tive Ordez;': are h~reby r .epealed.

Section 14 Effectivity
Thi e: Administrative Ordel.' shall. take· effect imlllediately·.

1'1 secretat{./ ~h




I. General Requirements

A Training Program

There should be an Affiliation Dental Health Training Program

prepared by the Dental Department of the affiliated hospital in
coordination with the Health Manpower Development and
Training Service (HMDTS), Department of Health (DOH) and in
mutual agreement with the school/ college I university affiliating.
It should contain the following:

1. Orientation on the DOH :

1.1 . Vision, Mission and Structure

1.2 Program I Projects and Current Thrust
1.3 Hospital organizational set-up
1.4. Hospital rules and regulations
1.5 Dental Health Service
• organizational set-up
• roles and functions
1.6 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliation

2.1 General Objectives

2.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2.3 Courses Content
2.4 Methodology
2.5 Training Schedule
2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation Scheme
• Performance Evaluation Instrument
• Grading Scheme
2.7 Training Rules. and Regulations I Merit and
Demerit Guidelines
2.8 Contract of Affiliation

II. Profile of Hospital that can accept affiliation of dental students:

1. The hospital must have an accredited Dental Service

Department, dental training officer and a preceptor recognized
by the Department of Health as ·listed by the Dental Health
Service and NCATS in the accredited facilities for affiliation and
2. The dental service of the teaching I training hospitals must be
organized with at least a Chief of Dental Clinics, Dental Training
Officer and an adequate staff of dentists covering no less than
eight hours (8) service calls. A preceptor for which schedule of
rotation shall be identified by the Dental Service of the hospital
to supervise students exposure.

3. The admission of affiliate for dental students will depend upon

the number of available dental staff in the hospital. However, all
efforts must be made to establish a linkage mutually acceptable
between the school and the Department of Health.

4. The Dental Service of the teaching I training hospitals must be

involved in the evaluation and planning of suitable education
and training program in coordination with the Dental Heath
Service, Department of Health and Training Coordinator I
Officer of the hospital for professional staff development.

5. Dental Health Service (DHS) - DOH shall be responsible in

acquiring modern equipment for the dental service of all
teaching I training hospitals utilizable by student-affiliates. The
DHS in coordination with the Chief of Hospital must make
available modern and adequate facilities which includes:

5.1 multiple function dental units

5.2 hydraulic chairs
5.3 motorized pump chair
5.4 high speed turbine drill ultrasonic scaling I polishing set
among others in addition to at least a complete set of
dental instrument for every dental operatory
5.5 hospital should provide necessary supplies and materials
for the use of undergraduate dental students

6. Hospital administration must provide operatory with good

ventilation, water system and electrical supply following
standard ratio for teaching dental clinics.

7. Library and Record I Filing System

An adequate compilation of dental literature, journals and books

updated on time should be made available for students' use
preferably at the Hospital Library. A record keeping filing and
recall system is supportive of the program or for purposes of
orientation and reference.
8. Records of training for each participant mustbe prepared by the
Chief of Dental Clinics concerned, approved by the Chief of
Hospital following the termination of each training group. An
evaluation of the dental students affiliation must be a part of the
training report to the affiliating College I Univerity and Chief of
Hospital which shall be submitted through the training officer to
the Chief of Hospital and Chairman of NCATS I RCATS.

9. Training hospitals should submit a quarterly report to the

National I Regional Committee on Affiliation and Training of
Students of the Department of Health.

Ill. Affiliation Rules and Regulations for Schools I College I Universities

and Students

Only colleges and universities duly recognized by the CHED should be

allowed to affiliate with the accredited teaching I training hospitals of
the DOH.

1. Dental-affiliates should attend an orientation seminar at the

hospital for at least three (3) days. Orientation Program should
be prepared and implemented by the Dental Clinic of the
hospital concerned should cover the following:

1.1 DOH Policies and Programs

1.2 Affiliation Program Content
1.3 Levelling of Expectations (Role Clarification)
1.4 Hospital Rules and Regulations
1.5 Hospital Merit a_nd Demerit Guidelines

2. The undergraduate dental students should comply strictly with

the rules and regulations of the hospital. They should have
finished prerequisite subjects such as: Oral Medicine, Oral
Diagnosis, Oral Surgery and should have undergone Clinic 1
and Clinic 2 practicum at their own school clinic.

3. Payment of fees must be made after the participant's

completion of the program. Affiliation fee is P400,00 per student
per semester.

4. Punctuality shall be observed and "Daily Time Record'' should

be accomplished upon arrival and departure from the hospital.

5. Participants may apply for a leave of absence but not to exceed

ten percent (10%) of the total number of hours of the program.
In case of five unexcused absences or twenty (20) absences
within the entire program, participants will be automatically
dropped from the program. Excused absences not to exceed
more than ten (10) working days may be made up. Beyond the
twenty (20) days maybe decided on a case to case basis
depending on the merits of the case.
6. Code of ethics for dentists must be observed at all times.

7. Participants should wear clinical gowns with nameplates at all

times for the purpose of identification.

8. The participants must be aware of his responsibilities to take

care of the supplies I materials and equipments in the hospital.
Every end of the month, the dentist shall assist in the ·
preparation of reports on these items. Undegraduate dental
students of affiliating dental college who cause damage and I or
losses of hospital property or equipment I supplies, etc. are
required to replace or to pay for the same.

9. Dental Colleges affiliating with the hospitals under the

Department of Health shall be required to send a preceptor to
teach and guide dental students in hospital dentistry practice.
These preceptors shall also be required to attend an Orientation
Seminar at the hospital where they shall affiliate.· The ratio of
dental students to a preceptor shall depend upon mutual
agreement to be established by the college and hospital
authorities concerned.




I. General Requirements

1. There should be an organized training program of affiliation

prepared by the hospital of Rural Health Units in consultation
with the affiliating College of Health Aide.

2. The hospital and Rural Health Units shall be responsible for the
implementation of the training program.

3. The training shall include the following:

3.1 General Objective

3.2 Specific Learning Objectives
3.3 Course Contents
3.4 Syllabi
3.5 Methodology
3.6 Schedule
3. 7 Monitoring and Evaluation
3. 7.1 Performance Evaluation Instrument
3. 7.2 Grading Scheme
3.8 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and Demerit

II. Requirements for Hospital/ RHU


1.1 Must be a NCATS I RCATS- accredited hospital, District

Hospital capable of providing adequate learning
experience as per requirements

1.2 The accredited hospital shall have an occupancy rate of

not less than 80%

1.3 Qualified staff responsible for clinical instruction and

learning experience of students

1.4 Necessary facilities for teaching and training

1.4.1 Conference Room

1.4.2 Equipment and Supplies

1.5 Orientation program for clinical instructors assigned to

follow-up students in the clinical area.

2. RHUs

2.1 Be included in the list of qualified RHUs

2.2 Organized community health services to provide learning

on the Basic Health Services

2.3 Available qualified staff to implement the training program

2.4 Orientation program for Clinical instructors


1. Must be duly recognized college I school by DECS

2. Must have its own base hospital of not less than 25 beds for the
clinical exposure of students

3. Must have a Clinical Instructor to follow-up students in the

clinical area at a ration of 1:12

4. Students have undergone the related training theories before

exposure to the clinical area or to the community

5. Qualified clinical instructors to follow-up students:

- 1 year experience = hospital
- 1 year experience = as Clinical Instructor
- 1 year experience = in Community Health Nursing

6. Pay or replace damages, breakages or losses by faculty and



Thirty (30) pesos per student per month






I. General Requirements

There should be an organized training program of affiliation prepared

by the training hospital in coordination I consultation with the schools
of Hospital Dietetics. These should include:

1. Orientation of the following:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, programs I projects and

current thrusts;

1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and


1.3 Medical Social Services

1.4 Expectation Check

2. Training Program for Affiliation

2.1 Hospital Dietetics General Affiliation Training Program

should contain the. following:

2.1.1 General Objectives

2.1.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2.1.3 Course Content
2.2.4 Methodology
2.2.5 Training Schedule
2.2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation Scheme Performance Evaluation Instrument Grading Scheme
2.1. 7 Training Rules and Regulations of the hospital
training, merit and demerit guidelines
2.1.8 Contract ·of Affiliation

2.2 The minimum requir~ment for the length of affiliation

period shall be 192 hours, 128 hours of which shall cover
the clinical phase and 64 hours for administrative phase.

2.3 Require affiliating schools and colleges to assign one (1)

Nutritionist-Dietician preceptor per twenty five (25)
students. These preceptors shall help in the evaluation
and supervision of students as well as the training
2.4 Coordinator of the training program must have at least
three (3) years of experience in the field of Nutrition and
Dietetics and only a Nutritionist-Dietician who had at least
a year of experience may participate in the training of

2.5 Whenever practicable, the hospital/ department I service

where affiliation is taking place is encouraged to
constitute I organize a panel of reactors I evaluators for
the training program's case study presentation by the
student-affiliates. The panel may be composed of a
medical specialist I officer, a hospital dietician and a
college clinical instructor.

II. Qualification Standards I Requirements of Hospital for Hospital

Dietetics Affiliation

1. It should be included under the list of NCATS I RCATS

accredited facilities for affiliation and training.

2. A registered Nutritionist-Dietician must be in-charge in the

dietary service of the hospital to guide the students during the
training program. The minimum requirements for the length of
affiliation period shall be 192 hours, 128 hours of which shall
cover the clinical phase and 64 hours of which shall cover the
administrative phase.

3. The dietary service of the hospital must be accredited for

training in accordance with the provision of R.A. 4226 and by
the Nurtition Service of the DOH.

4. The Nutritionist I Dietician in-charge should submit a quarterly

report through the hospital training office to NCATS I RCATS.

Ill. Responsibilities of Affiliating Agencies:

1. Affiliating Universities I Colleges /Schools shall:

1.1 Accomplish an affiliation contract forms from the

Department of Health Hospital Agencies recognized as
Teaching and Training for Hospital Dietetics to be
forwarded to NCATS I RCATS for approval.

1.2 Remit to the hospital an affiliation fee of P250.00 per

undergraduate nutrition student for the whole period of
1.3 Ensure that only student who have satisfactorily
completed all the major courses in Nutrition-Dietetics
shall be allowed for affiliation.

1.4 Guarantee that the student affiliates shall be responsible

for any damages, breakages and losses of hospital
property, equipment and supplies during their training

1.5 Enforce that hospital dietary service training be set at 24

days duration.

1.6 See to it that instructors and students observe and abide

with policies, rules and regulations set by the Department
of Health Training Agencies and that professional
discipline be maintained at all times.




I. General Requirements

A. Training Program

There should be an organized training program of affiliation

prepared by the training hospital in coordination I consultation
with the schools of Social Work.

1. To include orientation on the following:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, programs I projects

and current thrusts;
1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and
1.3 Medical Social Services
1.4 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliaton

2.1 General Objectives

2.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2.3 Course Contents
2.4 Methodologies
2.5 Training Schedule
2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation
2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Instrument
2.6.2 Grading Scheme
2.6.3 Pre-lims I mid-term I final evaluation
2.6.4 ·Other requirements
2. 7 · Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and
Demerit Guidelines

II. Qualification Standards of Hospital for Social Work Affiliation

1. Medical Social Services qualified to take in student affiliate

should have the following characteristics:

1.1 Must be in a hosptial which is accredited by NCATS I


1.2 Must be headed by a registered social worker preferably

with units in graduate studies, or should have staff
members with the same qualification.
The incumbent head who lacks the above qualification
shall upgrade herself either thru formal or non-formal
education programs ..

1.3 Must have an adequate office space and facilities which

assure privacy and confidentiality for the following

1.3.1 interviews
1.3.2 case recording and filing, and
1.3.3 individual and group case conference

1.4 Shall accept such number of students for a specified

period in proper proportion to the number of qualified
medical social worker with the following ratio which shall

1.4.1 three students to every one medical social worker

1.4.2 one social work student to every five in-patient
cases (1 :5); and I or

1.4.3 one social work student to every ten out-patient

cases (1:10) ·

1.5 The Hospital Medical Social Services should have

qualified Medical Social Workers, staff and cases during
agency-based supervision who shall provide inputs in
the application of theories, skills, techniques on clinical
social work, as practiced in hospital requirements.

Ill. Requirements for Affiliating Schools for Social Work

1. Must be duly recognized by the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED), Department of Education, Culture and
Sports (DECS) and the Board of Social Work.

2. Shall provide field work instructors to supervise and evaluate

student performance at the ration of one instructor per three
students (1 :3).

3. Shall send students who are in their senior and junior years who
have an inclination to practice medical social work and those
who are in their graduate studies.

4. Before the actual field work, Junior Field Work students shall
undergo a one day seminar on social work method as a
generalist practitioner.

5. Shall arrange the class schedule of student affiliates to be able

to comply with a minimum weekly schedule of sixteen hours.
6. Faculty Field Instructor shall meet with the Medical Social
Service staff at least twice during each semester period to
jointly plan and thresh out problems with regard to the affiliation

7. Remit to the hospital an affiliation fee of P100.00 per student

per month of affiliation.




I. General Requirements

A Training Program

There should be an ·organized training program of affiliation

prepared by the training hospital in coordination I consultation
with the university I college I school consistent with the
provisions under the Contract of Affiliation. It should contain the

1. Orientation on the DOH and hospital items:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, programs I projects

and current thrusts;

1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and

regulations shall also be emphasized especially
the compliance to universal precaution against
transmission of blood pathogens, the current
regulation of instruments utilizatioon as related to
breakage I damages (i.e. Indorsement, policiy,
placing of redeemable fees for damages /losses I
breakage or incidence report system).

1.3 Medical Technology I Laboratory Services

1.4 A role clarification that covers discussion of role

conception I expectation from the students and
hospital staff and shall also be included to avoid
assumption of roles by the students that are highly
critical but not essential to their training.

2. Training Program for Affiliation

2.1 General Objective

2.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2.3 Course Content I Methods I Procedure and its
Principles to be taught and other essential content
such as:

2.3.1 right work attitude and ethical values

2.3.2 precision
2.3.3 issuances pertinent to Medical Technology
2.4 Methodology .
2.5 Training Schedule
2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation

2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Instruments

2.6.2 Grading Scheme
2.6.3 Pre-lims I mid-term I final evaluation

2. 7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and

Demerit Guidelines I Repeat Internship
2 .8 Affiliation Contract

II. General Qualification Standard of Laboratories for Affiliation and


1. The laboratory should be duly licensed by the Bureau of

Research and Laboratories (BRL) as specified by R.A. 4688
and should be included in the accredited list of NCATS I

2. The number of student-affiliates to be accepted shall be based

on the following:

2.1 volume and number of laboratory procedures being


2.2 working space that would accommodate both the

laboratory staff and the Medical Technology interns;

2.3 number of Med.ical Technologist staff of the hospital to

· train;

2.4 availability of supplies, equipments and other facilities for


3. Each of the following section should be staffed with a Medical

Technologist and shall accommodate at least two (2) and not to
exceed five (5) interns at any one time. The minimum number of
examination of samples of each section to accommodate one
(1) intern are as follows:

3.1 Clinical Chemistry - 3,000 exams I annum

3.2 Clinical Microscopy

3.2.1 Urinalysis (complete analysis - 3,000 samples I

3.2.2 Parasitology (direct fecal smear and concentraion
test of Kate Thick Smear - 3 ,000 samples I
3.3 Microbiology

3.3.1 Gram-staining, acid fast staining - 1,000

samples I annum

3.3.2 Isolation and identification of organism - 1,000

samples I annum

3.4 Hematology

3.4.1 Peripheral blood study to include hemoglobin,

white cell count, schilling hematocrit and red cell
morphology, or CPC - 3,000 samples I annum

3.4.2 Sedimentation rate, platelet count, bleeding and

clotting time, malarial smears and other tests -
1,200 samples I annum

3.4.3 Blood Banking and Serology Typing - 1,200 tests I annum Complete cross-matching - 600 tests I
annum Serology
VORL - 300 tests I annum
Others - 600 tests I annum

3.4.4 Histopathology - 600 specimens I annum

Cytology - 600 specimens I annum

3.4.5 Other related laboratory procedure

For each additonal intern, the above number of

examination shall be reguired.

4. Minimal exposures in the following services shall also be


4.1 Nuclear Medicine

4.2 Pulmonary Services
4.3 ECG
4.4 EEG
4.5 Other related laboratory procedure

5. The Director of the hospital is responsible for the admission of

the number of interns approved by the HCATS. The hospital
should not enter into any Contract of Affiliation with any school/
college I university for Medical Technology if any of the
conditions set forth in the Administrative Order are not complied
6. Priority should be given to interns residing within the area or
regions where the hospital is located.

Ill. Joint responsibilities of affiliating universities I colleges I schools of

Medical Technology and Laboratories

1. Any change of the training schedule shall be by mutual

agreement in writing of the authorized representative of the
school and the training laboratory to be submitted to the

2. A quarterly conference to be attended by the Pathologist,

Laboratory Instructor and staff should be held to evaluate the i
mplementation of the program and thresh out problems that
might arise during the implementation and institution of changes
that maybe necessary. ·

3. Maintena·nce of cooperation and harmonious working relations

at all times among students and the staff of the hospital.

IV. All schools I colleges I universities of Medical Technology must have

met the following requirements before applying for affiliation to any
clinical laboratory of the Department of Health:

1. Approval from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

2. Compliance with the provisions of R.A. 498 and Presidential

Decree No. 534.

These universities, colleges and schools shall:

3. Provide laboratory instructor ·experienced in actual laboratory

work to monitor individual attendance, behavior and
performance of the students and to act as liason officer between
the school and the hospital in case of technical problems.

4. See to it that all medical technology interns before beginning the

internship in any section must have completed the theoretical
aspect of that particular section.

5. See to it that before actual affiliation starts, all students indorsed

to the hospital has undergone Hepatitis screening examination,
photocopied certification of which should be submitted together
with the Contract of Affiliation.
6. Pay to the hospital one hundred pesos (P100.00) for each intern
each month. Payment is done within the first fifteen days of the
month or period stipulated.

7. See to it that the laboratory instructor and students observe and

abide with the policies, rules and regulations of the hospital and
that discipline is maintained at all times.

8. See to it that the students and instructor are in their proper

uniforms and provided with a laboratory gown, as stressed
under the Universal Precaution and should be worn with proper
school identification.

9. See to it that no more than 20% of the Medical Technology

interns shall be allowed t undergo night shift training depending
on the discretion of the Department's Training Officer, workload
and working area. Such interns should be under the
responsibility of a staff-Medical Technologist of the hospital
during the night shift.




I. General Requirements

There should be an organized training program of affiliation

prepared by the training hospital in coordination I consultation with the
schools of Medicine. These should include:

1. Orientation on the following:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, programs I projects and

current thrusts
1.2 Hospital Organizational Set-up, policies, rules and
1. 3 Medical Services
1.4 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliation

2.1 General Objectives .

2.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2. 3 Course Content
2.4 Methodology
2.5 Training Schedule
2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation

2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Instrument

2.6.2 Grading Scheme
2.6.3 Pre-lims I mid-term I final evaluation instrument

2. 7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and Demerit

2.8 Contract of Affiliation

II. A. Qualification Standard of Hospitals for Medical Clerkship


1. Tertiary General Hospital with organized departments of

Pediatrics, Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics-Gynecology,
Laboratory, Radiology or as special hospital for a specific
specialty. ·

2. There should be a Medical Training Officer (designated)

in the hospital who shall guide students during the
training course.
3. There should be an adequate space to accommodate the
affiliates and library facilities with an updated journals
and other pertinent books for the use of the affiliates.

4. Average department occupancy rate should at least be


5. Autopsy rate should at least be 50%

6. Student-Clinical cases ratio - 5:1

7. Preferably accessible to the affiliating college

8. Must be a recognized teaching - training hospital by the


B. Qualification Standards for DOH Field Health Units for

Community Medicine Affiliation

1. Must be a district hospital or a rural health unit with a

complete human resource complement.

2. Must have adequate space to accommodate affiliates.

Ill. Qualification Standards of Schools-for Medical Clerkship Affiliation

1. Must be a recognized College of Medicine by the Commission

on Higher Education (CHED) and Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC).

2. Must have its own base hospital or consortium with any private
mother hospital for the initial exposure of the students.

3. Must have a medical preceptor to follow-up students in the

affiliated hospital at a ratio of 20 students which maybe
distributed to different specialty department.

4. Preferably accessible to the affiliated hospital to implement the

reciprocity policy.

5. Must pay to the hospital an affiliating fee of P5.00 per student

per day for third year and P60.00 per student per 30-40 hours i
nternship for fourth year.





I. General Requirements

There should be an organized training program prepared by the

training hospital in coordination I consultation with the universities I
colleges I schools of Midwifery. This should include:

1. Orientation of the following:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, program I projects and

current thrusts
1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and
1.3 Midwifery Services
1.4 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliation

2.1 General Objective

2.2 Specific Objectives
2.3 Contents
2.4 Methodologies
2.5 Schedule
2.6 Evaluation Scheme
2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Scheme
2.6.2 Grading System
2. 7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and Demerit
2.8 Contract of Affiliation ·

II. Requirements for health facilities accredited for affiliation (hospital and

It should fall under the NCATS I RCATS accredited. list of

facilities for affiliation and training.

A Services

• must be a mother and baby friendly hospital

• with OB-Gyne and Pediatrics services
• should have an average number of the ff:
* 5 post partum cases I day
* 3 pre-natal cases I day
* minimum of 50 bed capacity with at least 80%
B. Facilities

The following facilities should be available:

• delivery room with complete facilities

• labor room
• library
• conference room

C. Personnel

There should be a specialty board certified obstetrician and

licensed midwives.

Ill. Requirements for affiliating schools

A. It should have a base hospital with the following services:

1. minimum of 50 bed capacity

2. average number of 5 postpartum cases every day
3. average number of 3 prenatal cases per day
4. with OB-Gyne and Pediatric Services

B. Clinical Instructors

There should be a Clinical Instructor with the following


• with 2 years experience in the practice of Midwifery

• with 18 units in teaching-learning principles and


• with skills stipulated in· the Midwifery Law

• with Certification of Appointment from the Dean

• have undergone at least one week orientation in the

institution where students will affiliate

Clinical instructor (CI) student ratio:

• 1 Clinical Instructor : 12 students

C. It should remit to the health facility an affiliation fee of P40.00

per student for 30 -40 hours of training.



I. General Requirements for Affiliating Universities I Colleges I Schools

There should be an organized training program prepared by the

training hospital in coordination I consultation with the universities I
colleges I schools of Nursing. This should include:

1. Orientation of the following :

1.1 DOH vision, mission, programs I projects and current thrust;

1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and regulations

1.3 Nursing services

1.4 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliation

2.1 General Objective

2.2 Specific Objectives
2.3 Contents ·
2.4 ·Methodologies
2.5 Schedule
2.6 Evaluation Scheme
· 2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Scheme
2.6.2 Grading System
2.7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and Demerit
2.8 Contract of Affiliation

II. Requirements for health facilities accredited for affiliation:


It should fall under the list of NCATS I RCATS accredited facilities

for affiliation and training.

A Services

1. The hospital should be a Secondary I Tertiary hospital

duly licensed with capabilities in certain areas.
B. Facilities

1. The health facility should have an occupancy rate of not less

than 80%.

2. It should be a duly licensed hospital with organized

department in the 4 major specialties (Pedia, 08-Gyne,
Medicine, Surgery) or a secondary hospital offering the 4
major services.

3. It should be included in the list of accredited health

institutions by NCATS/RCATS.

4. It should have the necessary facilities for teaching and

training such as:

4.1 Library
4.2 Conference Room
4.3 EquipmenUsupplies for affiliation
4.4 Lockers for students/faculty and storage for supply
4.5 Preferat;>ly with a training ward

C. Personnel

1. The hospital should have qualified training staff to coordinate

with the school's coordinator in planning and evaluating
learning experiences for students.

Rural Health Units:

A Services

1. It should have an organized community health services that

include all the program thrusts of the DOH.

2. Preferably belonging to the top 20% high performing RHU.

3. The RHU should have a complete personnel complement.

B. Facilities

1. It should be included in the Jist of qualified RHU approved I

provided by the RCATS I NCATS.

2. It should have necessary training facilities such as:

2.1 Conference room

2.2 Updated community profile
2.3 Equipment and supplies
2.4 Service manual, training modules

3. With standard physical set-up (i.e. cresol corner, IEC corner)

Ill. Requirements for Affiliating Universities I Colleges I Schools

A Program for Learning Experiences

1. The school is responsible in preparing the appropriate

related learning experiences according to the philosophy,
mission, goals and objectives of the curriculum.

2. There should be a joint' planning of the activities of the

program with the affiliated agency.

3. The school should abide with the policies of the affiliating


4. It should call for regular meetings I conferences when


5. It should have a school coordinator to attend conferences

when the need arises.

6. They must identify the learning experiences that their unit

can offer (strengths).

7. The school should request ... the clinical areas to meet the
objectives I requirements of the course.

8. The school must have a base hospital or a consortium with

any private hospital prior to the affiliation period.

B. Clinical Instructors

1. Qualifications

1.1 There should be a certification of academic

appointment from the Dean.

1.2 They should have at least two (2) years experience in

the practice of Nursing.

1.3 They should have at least 18 units of teaching

learning principles and methodologies.

1.4 They must undergo at least one week orientation in

the institution where they will affiliate.

1.5 Ratio should be:

• 1 : not more than 10 - for level II

• 1 : ·not more than 12 - for level Ill
• 1 : not more than 15 - for level IV




I. General Requirements

There should be an organized training program prepared by the

training hospital in coordination I consultation with the schools of
Occupational/ Physical Therapy. This should include: ·

1. Orientation of the following:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, program I projects and

current thrusts
1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and
1.3 Occupational/ Physical Therapy Services
1.4 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliation

There should be a written training affiliation program

prepared by the OT I PT Chief I Training Staff, recommended
by the Chief of Rehabilitation Department I Center and
approved by the Chief of Hospital. This shall be in agreement
with the school's objectives for affiliation and should contain the
following :

2.1 General Objective

2.2 Specific Objectives
2.3 Contents
2.4 Methodologies
2.5 Schedule
2.6 Evaluation Scheme
2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Scheme
2.6.2 Grading System
2.7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and Demerit
2.8 Contract of Affiliation

II. Requirements for health facilities (hospital and RHUs)

1. The hospital should be duly accredited teaching I training (Tfr)

hospital by. the Department of Health and should fall under the
list of NCATS I RCATS accredited facilities for affiliation.

2. The TIT hospital should have an organized and properly

equipped OTIPT department or unit operating full time (8 hours)
per policy of the units I hospitals. The clinical teaching staff
supervising the affiliating interns should be duly licensed
professional occupationa I physical therapist by the PRC as
provided for in R.A. 5680 known as the OTIPT Law;

3. There should be a proper and adequate space and venues to

accommodate facilities and implement the OTIPT treatment
program and other related activities to aid in the effective,
meaningful and efficient health care delivery system of the

4. Resources for field works and information system should be

available; library with up-to-date journals, books and other
related facilities for the benefit of the affiliates and the
department itself should be a continuing project of the unit and
made available to the interns. Funds collected under Section
8.2.1 of the general guideline (A.O. 21-A s.1993) shall be
utilized for this purpose.

5. There should be an assessment team organized by the hospital,

composed of selected and authorized representatives from both
parties, the college an9 the training hospital.

6. The ideal ratio should be no more than eight (8) students per

7. A record of training hours and performance rating of the interns

shall be made available to the school not less tnan a month
after the affiliation.

Ill. Requirements for the affiliating schools

1. The school/ college I university should be from a duly

recognized institution by the Commission on Higher Education.

2. The OT/PT affiliate shall report to the OT/PT in-charge in a neat

and tidy school uniform complete with school identification. They
can bring a gown or a smock as needed.
3. They shall comply with all that is required of the intern according
to OT/PT policy and pay or replace an amount incurred due to
damage or loss of hospital property.

4. Comply strictly with the hospital's rules and regulations.

5. The specific internship fee for affiliating interns is one hundre

(P1 00.00) pesos per month. An additional fee of fifty (PSO.OO)
pesos or a one to fifteen (1-15) days make-up and P100.00 for
more than sixteen (16) days shall be charged. Or, in case the
intern chooses the hospital as his major field for further training,
affiliation fee of P1 00.00 shall also be charged.

IV. Joint agreement of affiliating college and the Tff hospital·

A written agreement must be executed between affiliating

college of OT/PT and the TIT hospital represented by the authorized
officials and as specified in the· agreement form. Four (4) copies
should be sent to the Executive Secretary of NCATS I RCATS for the
approval of the Secretary of Health.




I. General Requirements for Affiliating Schools I Colleges I Universities

A Training Program

There should be an organized training program of affiliation

prepared by the training hospital in coordination I consultation
with the universities colleges I schools of Pharmacy. This should

1. Orientation on the following:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, programs I projects

and current thrusts;
1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and
1.3 Pharmacy Services
1.4 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliaton

2.1 General Objectives

2.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2.3 Course Contents
2.4 Methodologies
2.5 Training Schedule
2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation
2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Instrument
2.6.2 Grading Scheme
2. 7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and
Demerit Guidelines
2.8 Contract of Affiliation

II. Requirements for health facilities accredited for affiliation

1. It should fall under the list of NCATS I RCATS accredited

facilities for affiliation and training.

2. It should have a duly licensed hospital pharmacy in compliance

with the requirements prescribed in R.A 3720, known as the
Act Regulating the Practice of Pharmacy and Setting Standard
of Pharmaceutical Education in the Philippines and for other
purposes; and R.A 6425 as amended, known as the
Dangerous Drug Act.

3. There should be an organized pharmacy service with registered

staff pharmacists rendering 24 hours service.

4. There should be an adequate space to accommodate the

pharmacy interns and library facilities with an up to date Drug
Information System, pharmaceutical journals and other pertinent
books for the use of the pharmacy affiliates.

5. The pharmacist responsible for the training program must have

undertaken an on the job training on Master Trainers Course
offered by the Health Manpower Development Training
Services, DOH or any management course or trained in
specialized functions of hospital pharmacy. For tertiary level
hospital, there must be at least 2 trainers and one for primary
and secondary level hospital.

6. The pharmacist responsible for the training program must plan

and prepare a suitable training program for the 160 hour and
480 hour internship activities in coordination with the training
officer of the hospital to be submitted to the National Committee
on Affiliation and Training of Students (NCATS) with the
contract of affiliation.

7. The trainer must accomplish the student evaluation form for

internship to be attached to the certificate of internship to be
submitted to the College of Pharmacy.

8. The hospital shall provide the contract of affiliation form to the

schools I colleges I universities with the corresponding number
of affiliates that can be accommodated at one give·n time.

9. The record of training of each pharmacy intern must be

prepared by the trainer pharmacist and signed by the chief
pharmacist at the end of the internship period.

10. Certificate of said hours of internship training should be

provided to the intern at the end of its training period as a
prerequisite requirement for submission to the Board of
Pharmacy prior to the board examination.

11. Hospital should submit a report on the number of hours of

internship credit for each pharmacy students and activities
pertaining to affiliation and training to the Executive Secretary of
the NCATS or RCATS and the Colleges of Pharmacy
Ill. Requirements for Affiliating Schools I Colleges I Universities

1. The Colleges of Pharmacy must be duly recognized by the

Commission on Higher Education (CHED.

2. The College of Pharmacy shall provide the hospitals with the

name of the affiliates assigned at a given time together with the
evaluatio form and payment of one hundred pesos (P1 00.00)
for 160 hours internship and three hundred pesos (P300.00) for
the additional 480 hours I student in case ttle student selects
this as his or her major field.

3. The college of pharmacy must submit the accomplished

contract of affiliation to the hospital before any training will take
place. It must be renewed every year.

4. The school shall send pharmacy interns at the 3rtt and 4th levels
only and shall follow a ratio of a maximum of 3 to 4 students for
every staff pharmacist per shifting.

. IV. Requirements for the Students

1. Affiliate should report. to their training hospital in their school

uniform or in white dress /laboratory gown, with proper school
identification card following the designated schedule and areas
of assignment.

2. The affiliates must submit accomplished waiver for practicum.

3. Affiliates must pay I replace an amount commensurate to the

damage of loss of hospital supplies, equipment and other

4. Affiliates must comply strictly with the rules and regulations of

the hospital.

5. Affiliates must submit a proof of insurance coverage.

6. Affiliates must sign in and out in the logbook of attendance as

they report to the hospital for training.




I. General Requirements for Affiliating Universities I Colleges I Schools

A Training Program

There should be an organized training program prepared by the

training hospital in coordination I consultation with the
universities colleges I schools of Psychology. This should
include: ·

1. Orientation on the following:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, programs I projects

and current thrusts;
1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and
1.3 Psychological Services
1.4 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliaton

2.1 General Objectives

2.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2.3 Course Contents
2.4 Methodologies
2.5 Schedule
2.6 Evaluation Scheme
2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Scheme
2.6.2 Grading System
2.7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and
Demerit Guidelines
2.8 Contract of Affiliation

3. It should also include an orientation program for the

Clinical Instructors I Preceptors in at least three (3) day
duration covering the DOH, hospital and its training office

· II. Requirements for health facilities accredited for affiliation

1. Hospitals authorized by the Department of Health and

accredited by NCATS I RCATS to accept students majoring in
Clinical Psychology as student affiliates I interns and graduates
in Clinical Psychology seeking training must have the following
requirements: ·
1.1 A hospital with an organized Psychological Service
Department with qualified Psychologists (with at least
three years experience in clinical psychology) to teach
and supervise students majoring in Psychology and
Clinical Psychology.

1.2 The number of students and trainees for specified period

will be in proper proportion to the number of qualified
staff which will be one is to four to six (1 :4-6) students to
one Clinical Psychologist in Acute and Diagnostic Areas,
Rehabilitation and Long Term Treatment Areas.

1.3 Shall provide qualified psychologies to guide, teach,

supervise and evaluate students performance.

1.4 Shall provide necessary supplies and materials for the

learning experiences of the student affiliates.

1.5 During the stay of the student affiliates in the designated

hospitals, the hospital will not be held responsible for
whatever happens to them in case of accidents, etc.

Ill. Requirements for affiliating schools

1. Affiliating schools offering majors in Psychology must be

recognized by the authorities of the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) before applying for affiliation I internship of
its students majoring in Psychology in a teaching and training
hospital of the Department of Health.

2. Affiliating students shall pay or replace any damage or losses of

test materials by the faculty and /or students of the school,
unless proven otherwise and shall enforce that the practicum I
internship of each student be set at a maximum of twenty eight
(28) hours per week for all levels (Baccalaureate, Masteral or

It shall see to it that all students for practicum I internship

in Clinical Psychology must have finished the theoretical aspect
for this exposure. They must be in their senior year (for
Baccalaureate Level) and must have taken specifically
Phsycology of Pesonality, Abnormal Psychology,
Developmental Psychology, Statistics, Psychometrics and
Projective Techniques (additional for Masteral and Doctoral
3. The school affiliating with the Department of Health Hospital
shall preferably provide a preceptor during the orientation phase
to teach and guide affiliating students and interns in the clinical
field prior to the students actual training.

4. Affiliation fee shall be:

P4.00 per student per hour- Baccalaureate Level

P5.00 per student per hour- Masteral Level
P6.00 per student per hour- Doctoral Level

Payment of fees shall be done within the affiliation and

training period.




I. General Requirements

A. Training Program

There should be an organized training program prepared by the

training field health unit conerned in consultation I coordination/
with the schools I colleges I universities. It should contain the

1. Orientation:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, programs I projects

and current thrusts;
1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and
1.3 Nutrition Dietary Services
• organizational set-up
• roles and functions
1.4 Expectations .

2. Training Program for Affiliaton

2.1 General Objectives

2.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2.3 Course Contents
2.4 Methodologies
2.5 Training Schedule
2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation Scheme
2.6.1 ·Performance Evaluation Scheme
2.6.2 Grading System
2. 7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and
Demerit Guidelines
2.8 Contract of Affiliation

II. Qualification Standards of Field Health Units for Public Health

Affiliation ·

1. The Field Health Units where undergraduate nutrition student

affiliates must meet the following requirements:

It should fall under the list of NCATS I RCATS accredited

facilities for affiliation and training.
1.1 The Senior Dietary Nutritionist at the Regional Health
Office as Dietary Nutritionist II must be present in the
region or provinces, respectively, in order to orient and
supervise the nutrition affiliate in their field practice.

1.2 The provinces concerned must have an on-going

Nutrition Programs such as center-based feeding, other
organized health and nutrition education classess where
at least 10 students can participate in other nutrition
activities in the community.

1.3 Senior Dietary Nutritionists, Dietary Nutritionists;

Provincial or Municipal Nutritionists or a licensed nutrition
graduate may act as preceptor provided they have
undergone an orientation on the DOH affiliation program.

1.4 Hold conference I meetings with the Heads of Affiliating

schools I colleges I universities during and after affiliating
as often as necessary to ensure effective implementation
of the affiliation rules and regulations.

1.5 Require affiliating schools and colleges to assign one (1)

Nutritionist-Dietician as preceptor per twenty five (25)
students. These preceptors shall help in the evaluation
and supervision of students as well as the training
program. They shall be required to undergo a one week
orientation at the hospital.

1.6 Must have a registered Nutritionist-Dietician training staff

responsible for the orientation - training program of
affiliating students and preceptors.

1. 7 Provincial/ City Dietary Nutritionist shall act as the

coordinator for the training in public health nutrition.

1.8 Must require affiliating students to comply during the

affiliation period with the following:

1.8.1 Case study

1.8.2 Practicum report
1.8.3 Pre and Post Test in the Theoretical Phase
1.8.4 Complete attendance
1.8.5 One nutrition education material

The place of affiliation will be based on the choice of

affiliating school. However, it will be subject to the approval of
the Regional Health Office or Integrated Provincial Health Office
The Department of Health through NCATS I RCATS
reserved the right to suspend or cancel affiliation· priveleges of
any school for repeated non-compliance of affiliation
requirements or if the affiliating students have repeatedly
committed errors detriment~! to the health and welfare of their

Ill. General Affiliation Training Program in Public Health Nutrition


1. The minimum requirements for the length of affiliation shall be

240 hours or 6 weeks for undergraduate nutrition students.

2. A didactic training at the regional/ provincial level shall be given

for five (5) days (40 hours) before the affiliates are fielded.

3. Field practice shall be twenty three (23) days (184 hours).

4. Feedback and post-evaluation shall be two (2) days (16 hours).

IV. Responsibilities of Affiliating Schools I Colleges I Universities

Only schools, colleges and universities recognized by the

Commission on Higher Education (CHED) will be allowed to affiliate
with the Department of Health.

Affiliating schools I colleges I univerisities shall:

1. Accomplish affiliation contract forms from RHO I IPHO before

submission to the NCATS I RCATS.

2. Provide a field preceptor at a ration of 1:25 students who shall

supervise and evaluate students learning experiences. The field
precepto must have at least one (1) year experience in public
health nutrition and must have undergone a one (1) week
orientation at the IPHO.

3. Guarantee that the affiliate shall be responsible for any

damages, breakages and loses of the DOH property, equipment
and supplies.

4. Enforce that public health nutrition affiliation be set for 30 days

duration for 6 weeks or a total of 240 hours at 8 hours/day at 5
days a week. ·

5. Ensure that all students shall have satisfactorily completed the

requirements for affiliation.
6. Remit an affiliation fee of P250.00 per student for 240 hours.

7. See to it that instructors and students observe and abide with

the policies, rules and regulations set by the NCATS I RCATS
and that professional discipline be maintained at all times.

V. Joint Responsibilities of Affiliating Schools I Colleges I Universities and

Field Health Units

1. The training program shall be a joint responsibility of the

Deparment of Health and schools I colleges I universities.
Assignment of students shall be in accordance with the
affiliation guidelines.

2. Joint conference of schools I colleges I universities with the

Field Health Units shall be in accordance with the need to
ensure the proper implementation of the training program.

3. Promotion of cooperation or harmonious working relationship

between the schools teaching I training staff and field health
personnel. ·




I. General Requirements

A. Training Program

There should be an organized training program of affiliation

prepared by the training hospital in coordination I consultation
with the schools of Radiology Technology. This should include:

1. Orientation of the following:

1.1 DOH vision, mission, structure, programs I projects

and current thrusts;
.1.2 Hospital organizational set-up, policies, rules and
1.3 Radiology Technology Services
1.4 Expectations

2. Training Program for Affiliaton

2.1 General Objectives

2.2 Specific Learning Objectives
2.3 Course Contents
2.4 Methodologies
2.5 Schedule
2.6 Evaluation Scheme
2.6.1 Performance Evaluation Scheme
2.6.2 Grading System
2.7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and
Demerit Guide Iines
2.8 Contract of Affiliation

II. Profile of Health Agency that can accept affiliation

The hospital should fall under the list of NCATS I RCATS accredited
facilities for affiliation and training.

1. Be a general I special hospital with not less than 100 bed

capacity and an average bed occupancy of not less than 80%
and have a radiologic x-ray unit for general examinations of not
less than 1OOmA capacity.
2. The hospital must have a license to operate the x-ray unit/s
issued by the Department of Health.

3. The hospital must employ a qualified radiologic I x-ray

technologist, i.e. , persons who passed in accordance to R.A.

4. The hospital must employ qualified physician who is a diplomate

or fellow of the Philippine Board of Radiology or Philippine
College of Radiology or physicians who has been certified as a
Medical Specialist in Radiology by the DOH Medical Manpower
Committees; or physician who has completed Module Ill of the
DOH Philippine College of Radiology Stepladder Training
Program in Radiology.

5. Have a well organized and administered radiological service.

6. Have a radiology staff responsible for the training and

educational program on the radiological personnel of the
hospital including the orientation of students and new clinical
instructor I intern coordinator of the affiliating radiologic
technology school. ·

7. For special hospitals, only those rad. tech. With a minimum

experience of at least 2 years practice of Radiology Technology
and a minimum teaching experience of at least 1 year shall be
allowed to supervise the radiologic technology affiliates.

8. Follow a ratio of one for four (4) radiologic technology student

affiliates for each diagnostic x-ray machine per shift.

9. The institution for affiliation ·of Radiologic Technology student

affiliates undergoing internship must fulfill the following

9.1 General Radiotherapy- x-ray unit of not less than

'300mA and a minimum workload of 20 patients l day.

9.2 Orthopedic Radiography - x-ray unit of less than 300mA

and a minimum workload of 20 patients I day.

9.3 OB-Gyne Radiology- x-ray of not less than 300mA and a

minimum workload of 10 patients I day.

9.4 Urological Radiography - x-ray of not less than 300mA

and a minimum work load of 20 patients I day.

10. The hospital must be recognized by the Department of Health

and Philippine College of Radiology.

Ill. Requirements for the affiliating schools

A. Profile of school that can affiliate

The student must satisfy the following requirements for

affiliation in the Department of Health hospitals:

1. It must be recognized by the Commission on Higher

Education (CHED) to operate a school/ college I
univerisity of Radiologic Technology.

2. It must have a license to operate an x-ray facility from the

Department of Health.

Radiologic Technology affiliating students will undergo a

minimum of three months of internship, in a daily 8-hour duty
shift if possible, from Monday to Friday.

B. Each radiologic technology students shall be required to

perform or assist on a total of 165 radiographic examinations
for three months as a requirement for the issuance of a
certficate of his affiliation training. The minimum number of
examination I procedures of each student are as follows:


1.1 General Radiography

1.1 .1 upper limb 25

1.1.2 shoulder girdle - 10
1.1.3 pelvic girdle/hip joint 10
upper third of femur
1.1.4 lower limb . 25
1.1.5 vertebral column 10
1.1.6 thoracic cage 5
1.17 thoracic contents 25
1.1.8 skull 20
1.1.9 abdomen 10

1.2 Special Radiographic Procedures

1.2.1 Biliary system 3

1.2.2 Urinary system 10
1.2.3 Barium cases 10
1.2.4 Pregnancy and Pelvimetry (optional)
1.2.5 Special Examination
(e.g. Bronchograph, Sialography,
Hysterosalpingography, etc.)
2. For BSRT, the students shall be required to assist in any of the
following for three months:

2.1 Radiotherapy
2.2 Nuclear Medicine
2.3 Ultrasound
2.4 Computed Tomography
2.5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2.6 Digital Subtraction Angiography

These examination shall be recorded in the student's record of

practice training provided by the school, to be countersigned by the
hospital's Chief Technologist.

C. Affiliation Rules and Regulations for Students

1. The student must abide by the rules and regulations of

the hospitals.

2. The students must maintain professional discipline at all

times. Any misconduct of students must be reported in
writing by the hospital to the school I college I university
concerned for disciplinary action.

D. Standard Operating Procedure to Implement the Methodology of

the Training Program

1. Radiologic Technology affiliates must have completed the

academic requirements for internship before the
beginning of their clinfcal practice in a particular area.

2. All students of affiliating universities, colleges and

schools of radiology who wish to undergo their internship
in the Department of Health hospital must pass the
internship screening examination given by the Radiologist
and I or the Chief Radiologic Technologist in the hospital.

3. All radiologic technology affiliating students will be given ·

2 hours lecture, once a week during the duration of their

4. The trainer of the hospital shall demonstrate the

procedure before the students are allowed to perform

5. The student must take and passed the written

examination given every month by the x-ray I radiology
staff covering the radiographic examination performed.
·II,. .

IV. Mutual agreement between the hospital and the affiliating school I
college I univerity and the health facility

1. The hospital agree to allow Radiologic Technology students

undergoing this affiliation program, the use of hospital
appropriate facilities.

2. The affiliating school/ college I university agrees to observe and

abide with the policies, rules and regulations of the hospital.

3. The training staff of the hospital and the clinical instructor I

intern coordinator of the respective hospital shall have the joint
responsibility and authority over the accomplishment of the
clinical programs and performance I behavior of the affiliating

4. The assignment and rotation in different section I department

shall be prepared by both the staff of the hospital and the
clinical instructor I intern coordinator of the school I college I

5. The implementation, evaluation and improvement of the

program shall be the joint responsibility of the authorities of the
hospital and the school.

6. Hospital authorities reserve the right to assign the radiologic

technology student affiliates to specific areas of the hospital
where they could be trained effectively.

7. Damage or losses of the hospital property, equipment and

supplies is a joint responsibility of the school/ college I
university and training hospital.

8. Affiliation fee is P70.00 per student per month payable at the

start of the clinical exposure.



I. General Requirements

There should be an Affiliation Training Program prepared by the

affiliated hospital in coordination with the college I school/ univeristy
affiliating. It should contain the following:

1. Orientation on the DOH:

1.1 vision, mission and structure

1.2 programs I projects and current thrust
1.3 hospital organizational set-up
1.4 Respiratory Service
• set-up
• roles and functions
• policies and standards

2. Training Program for Affiliaton

2.1 General Objectives

2.2 Specific Objectives
2.3 Course Content
2.4 Methodology
2.5 Training Schedule
2.6 Monitoring and Evaluation
• Performance Evaluation Instrument
• Grading Scheme
2.7 Training Rules and Regulations I Merit and
Demerit Guidelines
2.8 Contract of Affiliation

II. Profile of hospitals that can accept affiliation of respiratory students

1. It should fall under the list of NCATS I RCATS accredited list of

facilities for affiliation and training.

2. The hospital should have an organized and properly equipped

Respiratory Therapy Service or Unit operating full time per
policy of the hospital. .

3. it should have a set of qualified training staff to train the

affiliates who have undergone a Basic Course for Trainers in
the Health Manpower Development and Training Service or in
any accredited institution.
4. It should be a facility which can offer the following basic
procedures in Respiratory Therapy:

Each intern will be rotated within their three (3) months stay in
the hospital to the three sections with the following number of

Pulmonary Therapy Section 240 hours ( 1 % months)

Physical Therapy Section 80 hours (1 % months)
Respiratory Therapy Section - 160 hours (1 month)

Total no. of hours . 480 hours (3 months)

1. Their clinical training In the Section will be under the

supervision of the Chief of the Sections.

2. Seven students will be accommodated per batch with the

following Section assignments:

Pulmonary Therapy Section 4 students

Physical Therapy Section 1 student
Respiratory Therapy Section 2 students

7 students

Ill. Requirements for the affiliating schools

1. The school should be a recognized institution by the

Commission on Higher Education

2. The interns shall report from 7:00A.M. To 4:00P.M. depending

upon their schedule of classess.

3. Interns should wear the offiCial school uniform.

4. Interns shall be evaluated by means of written and practical


5. Interns are required to attend lectures in the Sections where

they are assigned.

6. All interns are required to have adequate knowledge of

the following:

a. Arterial Blood Gas Analysis

- sample collection
- sample handling
- trouble-shooting of Blood Gas Analyzers
- indications and precautions
- basic interpretations
b. Pulmonary Function Test

- actual operations of Spirometers

- procedures of Pulmonary Functions Testing
- trouble-shooting Spirometers
- indications and precautions

c. Electrocadiography

- operation of EKG machines

- mounting of EKG strips
- trouble-shooting of EKG machines
- basic understanding on EKG

d. Inhalation Therapy

- set-up and administration of IPPB Therapy

- set-up and adminisration of Ultrasonic Nebulization
- set-up and administration of Steam Inhalation
- monitoring of patients response to treatment
- indicatioins and precautions

e. Rehabilitation

postural drainage
- chest percussion
- breathing exercises
- indications and precautions

f. Mechanical ventilation

- monitoring of patients spontaneous breathing

set-up of mechanical ventilators
- indications and precautions
- weaning patients from mechanical ventilators
- suctioning patients (indications and precautions)
- cardio-pulmonary resuscitation indications and
oxygen therapy (indications and precautions)

7. Remit to the hospital P100.00 per student per month for

affiliation fee.

Affiliation Form No. 1



This CONTRACT OF AFFILIATION, made and entered into in

-~---------' Philippines, this day of 19 by
and between , with office address at
(Name of Agency)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' a duly
authorized teaching and training agency of the Department of Health, represented by

(Chief of Agency)
hereinafter referred to as the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART and
----------~--------' School/ College I University
(Name of Institution)
with business and postal address at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a duly recognized institution by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports
represented by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(President of College I University)
hereinafter referred to as the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART:


1. That the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART agrees and allow the
affiliation and training of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(#and Discipline-Ex, Med, Nsg., etc)
students of the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART subject to the Policies, Procedures
and Guidelines governing Affiliation and Training of students in the Department of
Health Hospital/ Rural Health Units and other Heatlh Agencies and that the Chief of
the Agency representing the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART shall be responsible and
liable to the fullest extent any violation .of the Provision in Administrative Order No.
~---' series of . Likewise, the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART
shall strictly comply with the provision of the above Administrative Order and any
violation thereof, shall be legitimate ground for cancellation of the contract.

2. The term of this contract is from ,

19 to • 19 _ . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the
parties hereto have signed this contract in , the
parties hereto have signed this contract in
Philippines, this day of 19 _ __


Party of the First Part Party of the Second Part
...· · ~.. .- !/


Party of the First Part Party of the Second Part


Secretary of Health

Chairman Undersecretary
National (Regional) Committee on Office for Hospital Facilities and
Affiliation and Training of Students Standards Regulation
(National Level)
Regional Health Director
(Regional Level)




BEFORE ME, this _ _ dayof _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 19 , Notary

Public and for the , Philippines,
personally appeared with Residence
Certificate No. - - - - - - - - - -' issued a t - - - - - --
- - ------on both known to me to
be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and they
acknowledged to me that the same is their free act and voluntary deed.

This instrument consisting of two (2) pages, including this page on

which acknowledgement is written, has been signed and every page thereof
of the parties hereof and their witnesses and sealed with my notarial seal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, the day, year

and place above written.


Page No. _ _ __
Doc. No. _ _ __
Book No. _ __
Series of _ __




This is to certify that the---~~---=-~---:-~~-~---­

(College I School I University)

College of ---------::---~-----------­
(College Concerned)

with postal address of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

is hereby allowed to affiliate with any NCATS . RCATS accredited health facility

located nearest this region with available learning resources required of the

students internship.

In the exigency of quality education and training, this certification is made

of record and legal.




Flowchart for Processing
Application for Affiliation

Applicant 1) screening process

• Hospital or
Submits Other
Requirement A Health
Prepares 2) approval Facilities
Contract of
~------ ---------------------------

1 ...

3) 6) release


. SOH or his duly

I Representative

Secretariat of
4) recommendation
- ..
National- Undersecretary
for Hospital
Standard and
(evaluate requirement
B (<) & contract 5) approval Regional - Regional
of affiliation Health Director
~--------------------------- DOH Integ.
Regional Field

Requirements: A
> Letter of Intent to affiliate from the College Dean
> CHED Certificate of Authority to offer the course
> LTO of base hospitai/MOA (if in consortium with any non-DOH hospital)
> List and names of students to affiliate and areas of rotation

Requirements: B
> Photocopy of NCATS/RCATS Certificate of Accreditation of the hospital
> Indorsement from the hospital
> Training program syllabus/worksheet
> Number of students affiliating
> Area of rotation

Legend: -----lliJJ'~ forwarded to

__________ ..,. returned I release to

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